Exeter Times, 1907-04-25, Page 8i lei X E L 6 K '1. 1 M Ire APRIL 25th 1907 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++4+++++++++++++++++4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STEWART'S NOW THAT YOU SPRING READY? IS HERE, ARE + + Before Deciding On that new hat ask to see the "King" lino some- thing which we call Style. Do it now. We are showing a range of men's and revs' Ready-to-wear (1. thing; that is certainly a credit to any town. Come in till we i„tl melee you to our new clothing department. We will show mu values and styles that you roust admit are very very hard to heat. Our motto is not how cheap, but how good. Remem- ber after all, quality is what counts. 14.00 Neils Worsted Sit is in Grey and Brown mixtures. Very swell and right down to date in cut. These are as good as any than needs to wear. 12.50 Men's Worsted Suits in fancy stripe and ever check effects. Lovely new designs and very dressy. For men's short 0.00 spring Overcoat in fancy overstripe wor- sted. A useful gar- ment for spring and fall. 8.50 Men's grey covert combination spring Overcoat and Rain coat combined -two in one - This is a great Coat bar- gain. See then.. 1000 Men's tweed worsted • suits in new check and shadow stripe ef- fects. Every suit a bargain. For a big range of 1.50 men's tweed Suite, in fancy over checks and small neat mixtures. well trimmed and per- fect fitting. 15.00 For the finest spring Overcoat we have ever sold, in black and grey cheviot, faced with silk and tailored the very latest. Boys' Suits rAange in tweeds and worsteds. A11 sizes at prices that we know will save you good mon- ey. SUGAR: " OW ABOUT SUGAR? We have just got in a full car of Redpaths extra standard -don't take chances on any other. We have tried them all, and we have concluded to pin our faith on Redpaths-We can save you money on your sugar. but you better get your orders in soon as prices are on the jump. We are Headquarters for Linoleums J. A.. ST E3W ART ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++-1•++. 1+•t•++++++++++++++++++++++•1• •++•1•..-•i-++4++•1•++++++ DIAMOND HALL DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELERY CUT GLASS CHINA SILVERWARE Repairing a Specialty. Call and Inspect Our Stock. fl. Mdr6bdH. JEWELER Market Report. -The following to the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to April 25th., 1907. Wheat. 70 cents a burse!. Oats 35 to 06 cents per bushel. PeasShorts, $22 per ton. play of Suits. Raincoats, date, Neckwear. Dress Shirts, Gloves, Plain Yeas 72 to 75c. a bushel. Barley, 44 to 48 vests per bushel.Buy your spring outfit at this store. We have never shown a better die - and Fancy Hosiery. We can dress you from bead to foot in up-to-date styles at little coot. We cordially invite you to Inspect our new spring stuck. ....12.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 8.50 .45 .25 1.00 .38 2.00 3.50 4.00 3.50 GENTLEMEN ---------------- Flour, $2.10 per cwt. Bran. $20 a ion. Hay $10 to $11. Feed Flour. $1.25 per cwt. Hams. $1.30 per bushel. Clover seed, $8 to $10 per bushel. Butter, 22:. per pound. Potatoes. 75c. to 90c. per bag. Dried App1"s, Gc. per pound. Eggs 15c. per dozen. Hogs. dressed $8.25 $8.50. Bogs. live.wcight, $6.15. Coll. $i a ton. Onions Large, 120 cents a bushel. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Special Special •••••••• Special Special Special Special Special Special LOCALS • S. Fitton. issuer of marriage 11- Special (senses. also complete line of need• ding rings always on hand. JERSF.Y COW FOIL SALE. -Apply R. E. Pickard. Exeter. Mitis Jennie Qnance is quite ill. Mr. J. .N. Howard last a valuable colt, last Friday. The total neseesment of the town of Clinton is ee758,98G. The sprinkling cart was out Mon- day for the first time this year. Mr. J. A. Stewart was confined to •tvta •setas w,t,, Tar te•ot,t..oWitt •r Aura et pateuT.!twO tb 1.,.,.0T- r/eono.seauna 81ST S HAIR GROWER The boat Nair Tonle is a Positive and Thorough Antiseptic �1 ai; ere•• et fat be ttieeaa l 1 t ie tire 5t°�'gliftitj) rat 1•' °' "inherit'e>l:Li:, Av De..�eae booelr•s*n tri lot t re be ileiro°• ipieporetl parte. They rebuild ill• !oat tits •w•• 4t the anti, •aa renew the eta of the 11r Is *wry ease ew applications will make tad a Writ a rtl• with new life bey mace healthy air grow tw es to three Ilene a 1{ filmill'o..b.ttes • • f�olttoo teslas �na,aFNleln sekik !pfdby all An�tyeaso4 asa IA IERTAIDI E' Rol -7t aoractorere aair Preptletore. oalar �� 11.. atuvag�, when le as sote•rephe rat peoplewhohsv• beaems Itas4lon rrr-o t. mall or Is •• TR�A Ni' QY TtlK fl,�IN.' bf he he Iaa.1 ltaele. nal[ Orv.wer, a Nee ��rr 1 0 ('lesser. Me. rr icor bampoeln• 1t Imago haatpt�eteers o! the Severy estaoa. Sutherland noels elf �tw~ s ♦ M J. M. BALLItT. longs Masa. •adermla•th• •r ..a• ttb•aoal • sad � ee tors R0ERAEToth 11, DRESSING WELL is an art and the man who has his clothing made to measure has found the key to that art. Each garment that we make for you has that air of individuality so much sought after by the fashionable man. You are sure of Comfort, Ease and Elegance goo Sultings to hand at prices away down W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER, - ONTARIO. ERNEST ELLiOT CiOnveyancer Accounts Collected MONET to loan at lowest rates. bores Wiwi Lands to 8a1•. Mika. Male sites Bolster his bed Inst week oft account of pler- ley. Main Street !las a better appear- ance since the kopjes of dirt were FOR SALE. - A few barrels of Pricesees reasonable. D. ltottolttfe. taken away. ITOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE:- choice apples apply to L. tlicTaggart !louse and 1-5 acre land Feet aide Exeter North. Elizabeth Street. 1 raneistown. Ap- WANTED-At once n good cook ply to Mira. Edwin donee, Exeter.and girl for general housework. To new subscribers we will give Ap fry Central Hotel. the Times to the first of January l 1908 and the weekly Globo for one Mr. Seawright. the mrocessor en- whole Year for rho the sum of one gaged by the ed in r Canning 1Com- pany has arrived in town. The celebrated M r. E. 11. Fish, who ,eras ill at the Metropolitan hotel, last Tuesday left for London to undergo an .operation. Special Special Special Special SNELL ROWE Men's Serge Suits (Black and Blue) at Men's Tweed Suite at Mena Tweed Suits at, Men's Short Spring Overcoats at Men's Oravenette Rain coats at. Men's Fancy embroidered Socks at Men's Fancy Socks at Men's Colored diem Shirts at.... ...... • . • . • • • • • • • Men's four-in-hand tie, 50e quality Men's Stiff Hate, black or brownlat Men's Calf Boots at. Men's Patent leather Boots (guaranteed) at Men's Kid Boots (Blucher style) at THE OLD RELIABLE EGGS FOR HATCHING - From Pen Buff Rocks, also ,White and Golden Wyandottes. Choice birds. • Messrs. Gibb. T)ow hod 8. !Elliot returned Monday from Winnipeg. where they accompanied a carload of horses. A number from Exeter 'attended a taffy pull at the home of Fred Hun - kin, Thames Road Monday evening. A sweet time is reported. The prolonged cold weather has raised havoc with the fall wheat and some of the farmers nre doubt- ful if it will be any good. A load of young people surprised Mr. and Mrs. John Snell last There - day evening, in ,honor of the first anniversary of their nwedding. LOST -On Thursday, April 18th.. 2 1-2 miles North of Exeter, n watch Kindly leave of Titnes Office. Re- ward offered for its return. A meeting of the 'quoiters was called for last friday night. but on account of the Slim representation the meeting was postponed until a later date. A meeting of the I. 0. r. will bo held next Friday night to discuss the matter of getting rap 1 picnic or eizcursion soetime during tiro com- ing sutnnter.m Messrs..Tohn Muir, of London, end Robert Muir. of Gowanda, N. Y. were called here last tceck owing to the death of •Airs. Muir ar. anti re- mained owing to the illness and sub- sequent death of their father Mr. John Muir. (inn. Thomas Greenway, of Crys- tal City, Man., was in town a couple of days during the past week. While here he gave on order to Weekes llros. for a black bounacord Scotch monument to be Hent to Crystal City for erection. Rev. Zimmermann, •uf 'Michigan, who tens attending the evangelical Assaviation Conference at Crediton last week. took charge el the ser- vices at the :Main Street church last Sunday evening. Rev. Yager. of New _Hamburg preached in the .lames Street church. Mr. l'crcy lteudle, waw has been in London for some time left 'Mon- day for Spokane, \Nosh., where ho has secured a position es book-keep- er. lie vjaltai••-l+ia_era ren ts hero It few Inst (week, priest Ito leav- to assume Shia mew J+es ilia brother llarry accompanied 4i eI far as London. "Made to walk on" is (what the rnauufr,ctuters say of Campbell's Varnish Stains for staining and var- nishing floors. woodwork and furni- ture. \\'ell, if they ,will stand lir - jug walked upon, they must hhe made from a varnish that is alt right. Why not try a cant For sale by W• J. Herman, Exeter Ontario. :The work of opening up of Victor- ia' reef. to 4hc station has cont; inerts The dirt which was sera oft the le during the Pa weeks has be *Away for the purpose of grading. A gen- tleman was here some days ago tak- ing levels for the proposed new ata• tion, and it is the intention of the, oout,cil to have •ihc street in n good condition before the building is erected. \ir. lien JTakins last week pur- chased from Mr. Ed Christie, the Tatter's farm half a trail' North of Exeter. Mr. Makins Mao purchased chased the implements etc., that are on the farm so that. he will tr. able to contmoice farming operations at once. This is one of the scat farms in this section, Mr. Christie. the late owner, taking considerable pride in keeping everything in the best of condition. The hose -Taylor Coyne-- ' have just recently added 1 Uanler n tour sided moulder . watch ,.0 . '!his machine is a labor and time, saving device. A hoard in the rough ern be inserted in one end of the machine and comee out et the other end, dressed, matched or moul- ded nn four melee if de -aired. This enterprising firm has oleo added one of the lotest improved door end sash clamps, whieh will clamp end per- fectly square a door or aasb in ono [notion. IMPORTANT NOTICE! Seven Sutherland Sisters beg to s11 - pounce to tt.e ladies and gentlemen cf Exeter and Vicinity that they hive marl.. art•angements with W. S. Howey, Druggist and will hold daily demonetratioua for one week. • ommencing Monday May fish regard'.. treatment of the Hair and Scalp. They respectfully invite everyone to a ell and consult with then, ('orae and .t a the Long, Beautiful (lair, grown by the use of the Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower and Hair and Scalp Cleaner. Canadian Head Office, 11 Colborne Street, Tor- onto. J. H. Bailey, Foreign Manager. Makes Old Furniture Look New. Waists WE ARE SHOWING this week a very fashionable line in Summer Waists in Sil iker and Lawn, embroidered fronts, very stylis Ladies will find the selection very desirable while the garments themselves are admitted to be extretnely comfortable. Call at once and get 'the pick. These goods will go like ice cream. We are also showing a very choice line of White Skirts with a double flounce and deep trill in lace and embroidery ranging from $1.50 to 33.00 each Our Specially Prepared "Ready For Use" Furniture Polish Will make your furniture bright and new looking. Now is the time to dollar. give your furniture something new- - Buggies for sale. Saya coat of our Varnish. Borland Buggies, the beat in the market. T'rices to suit everybody. Get the Best Call and see them at Pym'e blaoke smith shot'• ew DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR goon. will be at the Commercial Hotel. (lours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. rn. Glasaes properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated. next visit May 3rd. HO(ISE AND LOT FOR SALE :- On East side of Andrew St., good cemfortnble frame cottage, ono stor- ey high. containing 9 rooms, good well 1-3 acre of garden. For the particulars apply to C. E. Hackney, Exeter Ontario. Large Bottles 25 cents. We Also Make Silver Cream Just to Hand An up-to-date line of Embroidery and Insertions. Our Vale and Torcheon Laces and Insertions have no equal. We beg to remind our many customers That we have a first-class milliner. in the person of Miss Morlock, who does all our millinery. Are will accept produce same as cash in payment of saute. A Magic Polish for gold and silvere plated ware. As good as the best on the market at halt the price. -.Try it - W. S. COLE, Phm. B. Miss Emma halls left Tuesday for Chemist and Druggist. London. EXETER, - ONTARIO. NAMELESS drives away Colds. Checks Gripp and Pneumonia. Mrs. Tomlinson, . 1 London, is the guest of her father Mr. %Robert Frayne. 11 its 'Catarrh, Gammon Asthma use NAMELESS, help you. Cold, for it ,tt•1lI Rev. Going was in London Wed- nesday attending n meeting of the Examining 'Committee of tthe Con- ference. Mise \Vilverna Quance, of ,Ailsa Craig, was called 'to her 'home here on account of !the illness ,ot her sister Jennie. The J,xeter Lodge I. 0. O. F. will attend divine rtervioe in (the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday morning next April 28th. Mr. Vert Muir of Reginh, was called hire on nerount of the death of his father .Tohn Muir. Ile will remain for a month or more. Mr. A. E. 1'yrn has commenced the erection of :t dwelling 'house on 'the preperty he recently purchased nt the rear of phis blacksmith shop. Mrs. Ben. ltoltzmnun, formerly of Elkton. Mich., who vivited friends around here during; the wast two months left Tuesday for Saskatoon to join her •lutahand who has charge of a large carpenter Jiang there. Messrs• John 'Charlton, Walter 1'umpllrcy, Earl 1lnrdy and Al. Moore leave today 'for the North- west. Mr. Charlton Jtas received several flattering offers to handle large tracts of real estate and will be actively engaged itt that line% for u ooupte of months. Mrs. T1. Gidley, et•hn recently per - ascii the house on 'William Street jut south of Station Street is hay - the building •torn down rio make for two ,rotlages which she 1a having built. The hriek is Y on the (ground for the founA. - leg r no irate !Orel datio "1 . J. T. Carnet-, of St. Marys was rut ing the upright steam engine at ti quarries on ftatnrday, when the rrick broke and came ektwn ,tvith such force as 'to throw Mr. (:artier into the gully about 20 feet below, ife was picked rap unconscious end was found to have three ribs and one leg broken, ns well as n bad sc ilp wound and is scarcely likclY to recover. .Mr. Earner tilled at three o'clock Tuesday morning. The Epworth Longue of the 'Main The Cigarette evil. -That n rem). Stress chum lest League had their Intim] will be brought in rat 4 he next Smelt courts on dLe latera North it meeting of council, from the by-law the church rolled rand put of of committee, recommending rot tl that f dition for the coming season. The olir es charged hems the rale of club was organized last year and Andif eel is more Ahnn probable• the s!'ason was Ro succe.i fel that n And t1 such is the rase it would r larger metnb�'rship is 'sheeted this celihave the sanction orad support rat the year.. The game is exciting, healthy willfll. There are eery few lett I and inrigornling and the league will admit that no far ns hors are ! should find little difficulty' in Fret- ooncernrd at least, the ciRarclte is ting•, a large number of names on the nn abominable evil, end anything ! club's roll thio style. t hat will restrict 4heir use should receive cordial support. Parti dhe i Last tt•eok we sent out a number House of Commons recognizes thie of bills for back subscriptions. In Tho Stratford Council rat its last some oases the atnounts were small, meeting placed n lieenee feu: on the tett in busineen every little bit helps. sale et cigarettes. Why camel(' not It takes a lot of money tto run a Every Council do the same. -Clinton newspaper, and we are called upon New Ern. Cigarettes nre not sold each month to Reay our paper bill. in Exeter. while some subscribers nllow their .--.....-- Between � - 'accounts for subscription to rut! \V11AT 18 TI1F DIFFERENCE. several yenri. \Vc feel that in p'nd- Between a bald !lead and :the ing you the aecounts that they will Seven Sutherland Sisters. An9ttrr- be reminders. As many would pay, it is before 'end after timing lt he only the account slips their memory. s GrowerSutherland and Scalp Cleaner, i . B sentAn io t will kccgtrcatlyanppr elated 8. Howey. litp4oial Agent. by us. House D66OdtOr Plumber (Hot and Co1dR'ater Sign Writing and Graining CARI!NC BROS. With R. Dinney last year. Esti- mates furnished on application. A Trial Solicited. ARTHUR D. DAVIS Exeter, Ontario Residence. corner James and An- drew Street. CUNEON BUSINESS COLLEGE IIJ Affiliated with wrngham n. C. Cet individual Instruction, F F < i QEO. SPOTTON, Principal. The Sovereign BanK of Canada Notice is hereby given that a dividend of one and one half per cent. (t r/4%) for the current quarter, being at the rate of six pe cent (6%) per annum on the capital stock of this bank, has been de clare<i, and that the salve will be payable at the Head office and at the branches on and after Thursday, the 16th of May next. The transfer books will be closed from the 1st to the t 5th of May, both days inclusive. By order of the Board. D. M. STEWART, General Manager. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors • Write for handsome ^atelogve. rAUERS' fIORSES I wish to announce that I am now located in Exeter for the purpose of buying and selling horses, that I will have on hand at all times a good supply of farmers hor- ses and colts. Stables locat- ed at the south end of the town on the London Road. I will be at home every Sat- urday afternoon to meet in- tending purchasers. C. E. Hackney Suitable Furniture oi fill Oralcs We have bten one year in Exeter and take this opportunity of thanking our customers and friends for their liberal patronage-{ and we hope to be able to merit a continu ttion of their patronage. Artistic Furniture We have the most Artistic and up-to-date Furniture that money can buy Everything is new, no old stock, and our prices ere as low as the lowest. 20 per Cent Oft In the Undertaking Line. We cerry a full stock of everything required Ia the business, and for every job of undertaking we will give 20 per cent of regular prices. Jas. Beverley Graduate of the College of Enid) timing and a member of the Canadian Em- balmers Association. NO - 1 Corn! -TIME like the present to make our acquaintance. We are showing an cxc21- lent assortment of exclusive fabrics, that are well worth your attention. Our clothes are cut "right" and tailored "right" and our prices will fit your purse, as well as our clothes fit you. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Use BLENDED seBLENDED FLOUR Everything about baking is envier and success Is more certain when you use SThK LOIJIt -AT- Exeter and Centralia Warehouses Will exchange for other grai if desired. Richard Seldon Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye GRAND TRUNK RAILWA SYSTEM HORSE 1311OW, TORONTO. May bit to 4th. Tickets on Sale at SINGLE FARE for round trip plus 50c. for admission coupon good going May bat and at FARE AND ONE THIRD for round trip, plus 50c. for admission coupon; good going May Lend, 3rd and 4th. All tickets valid returning until May 6th. Low rate? to Norfolk, Va .Daily until Nov. Atli on account of the Jonestown I'•zl os►tion. Choice, of Routes. i'or felt particulars and tickets call on No flour in the world is milled or put up with more care than governs J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket !seat every step of the production of J. D. McDONALD, "STAR". I District T'ne,eenger Agent, 1.1r slitt The result i+ that it turns net the lightest, wi,iteet, sweetest and moat nutritious bread end rolls. Just nrrived a large shipment of (set remetican cont. HARVEY BROS. EXETER THE TIMES AND WEEKLY (1fAIIk ANi) CANADA FAR- MER, $1.35. The offer of of the Exeter Times and the Toronto \' eekly Globe and Can- ada Fnrrnet• tor $1.35 is extended to .Title 1. Over 150 of our ,uheeribers have tek.•n *dente ege of this liberal oiler and we are anziou+ to increase the number to `Weft) ttefnte the first of Jilin.. Any one who is now taking the Times can get the Globe by pay• ing rte 35 cents.