Exeter Times, 1907-04-25, Page 5PitI�dii��IiniET° rocerles
the Resi of the Season a^°
Favored Worsteds
These worsteds are in blues and
Sauey tnixturea,excel in qualitybeauty I
sod finish anything of tlseit kind %el
`ave ever show n. We are offering I
some beautiful ' one
TROUSERS AND wASIL (Confectionery
Summer Suits for $10
and upwards.
A beautiful assortment to choose from If there is a taste we can
not suit, we have yet to know of it
We have jubat put in a
If{ stook of Fresh Groceries.
pant bunter
Is panting for
lie panteth
of lhube
he implants
Fruits, Candies and Canned
into; Goods.
We have left one Ginner Set, gLIted brown pattern. 04 pieces
reg. price was $11.00, now $7.50; one White Tea Set, 44 piece reg.
$2.75, now $1.8.5; one (preen Tea Set., 44 pieces. reg. price $3.75,
now $2.50. We have a very large stock of Pitchers and Bowls in
plain white and clover leaf gilt. Bowls at 5c up to 15c. Pitchers
from Sc up to 35c.
Large stock of men's and boy's Overtel'e and Smocks, Duck
Shirts and boy's Tweed Knickers at tl5c each for the Knickers.
Call and see our Dress Cinods before buying, we have some ele-
gant patterns in Grey Tweeds
ft. MILLS,
On common tenors the eosUn%ooa
wire stays are sure to band aad thol e:hi
talent their grip under continual prole
rare of your basses or fetus Aad ones
they do, the top wire, soon lsl{owrd by
those below. will see and destiny the
efficiency of your tenon
Nothing like that calsbappen to our
Dillon Etnge-Stay Tenon The s'hee't
stiff hard steel wire to oar hinge -Um
cannot bend when the lateral wires are
weighted down, owingte their beteg so
short and j otnted ab oath strand wire.
Preemie of a horse on the top wire brings the "bingesin the stays Into action
and prsvenat�eachne,m trom beading, and when pressure L relloved the fence sprlap bslok
into place la
The teras wires are gg g�h-Carbon Hard Steel and to the
ezyaa.don and contraction by heatZnd cold. and are also trim a the t qa
of rho eters and strands to prevent the stays from supping sideways- nog=
are eBuythe Dillon tree.
8Uy Fence. It's "twice u strong." Twice as good an
The Owen Sound Win Fines Co:, LimNsd, Owen Sound, Ont.
W. NEIL, Agent._
0 tAR10
This brand -on a bag or barrel -is the mark
of a BLENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall
Wheat and Manitoba Spring Wheat, milled
by the best millers in Ontario.
A k y sur grocer for a Blended Flour -and
look for the above brand wherever you buy.
"Made in Ontario"
1f you will write
rp for our handsomely
i s catalogue
for 1907,
we will show
you how you can get
superior SHEFFIELD
CUTLERY a,t:' cellu-
loid handles and Star-
ling Silver Mounts.
We could get plenty of agents
to take hold of a proposition lib
this. but we prefer to give seed
buyers a chance first.
Our Catalogue and Oulde (loci
gives full information of this and
other Special Offers, as well As full
details regarding new and standard
varieties of Srcds. Plants and Bulbs.
W. rte at once.
We also make first class bread.
Give us a call.
Levi S. Hamacher
Baker and Confectioner.
I wish to announce to the public
that I have purchased Mr. Eidt's in-
terest in the Roller Mills and solicit
your patronage.
We make a specialty of Farnily
Try Our Graham Flour.
All kinds of feed always cn hand
Chopping Promptly attended to
Highest Price Paid for Wheat.
Prop. of Dashwood Roller Millse
Many and amusing are the report
at present being circulated in our
surrounding towns. \Ve night
judge from the 'purport of theseo
reports that they could be entitled
"Smallpox in Dashwood." As a
matter of fact, instead of fifty or
sixty cases as reported, by the time
of the publishing of this paper there
will be in (Dashwood, three placards
enclosing five cases. We are very
much surprised at influential and
business men, circulating and help-
ing to circulate such outrageous
misdemeanors on a sister town.
Their methods of prevention, namely
requesting Dashwood inhabitants to
remain in the vicinity, by trying to
stop the mails, etc. etc., are very
good, but quite unnecessary. No
doubt if Parkhill, 'Exeter Crediton
and Zurich always take such pre-
cautions nothing but sheer old age
and calamities will 'bring death Oho
inevitable to their inhabitants. An
item of intereat it may (o well to
state that those who are unfortun-
(ate enough to have contracted the
I disease are quite well physically and
Iif it wore not for 'the law. would be
quite capable of looking after their
daily dutiee.-Com.
DIt.1'. J. MoCUr:, MESLBER ON-
in and Surgeons. Successor to Dr.
B. A. ]last. Oredlton. Ont.
Rev. G. Finkbeiner, of Chicago, a
former Crediton boy was here nt•
tending the Evangelical Association
Mr. and Mrs. .C. Eilbor, of Zurich,
spent Sunday in the village the
guests of Mr. turd Mrs. Wm. \Vent•
Mr. Sarre Croft, of Dashwood, paid
our village a flyng visit on Sunday
last. .
Mr. J. l'recter, of 'Zurich, was
the guest of 151r. 8. 13rown on Sun-
day last.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Truemner, of
Hay, were the 'guests lot ,Widow
Finkbeiner on Sunday last.
The 'Miss Finkbeiner's, of Dealt -
wood visited at ithe home of Mr.
Charles Wolfe on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Mallett, of (Exeter,
visited the latter's parents 'Mr. and
Matt. Finkbeiner on Sunday last.
Mrs. Otto Umbnch, of Ottawa was
visiting at the -home of Mrs. Stahl
a few days last week.
{rev. Going and ltcv. Fear, of Ere.
ter, were nt the Conference of the,
Evangelical Association on Friday
The Conference of the Evangelical
Asotooiation held at It his village last
week mese to n close Sunday eve
last, artd proved o great blessing to
the congregation here. the weather
being all that mold be deeircd, rind
the business ses.4ions were well 'at-
tended. Sun.tny ,proved n day of
great blessing. In morning nt 6.15
an inspiring Sunday School ae391011
was held led by the Suitt. J. JI.
Iloltzmonn short addresses being
given by Rev. .Besse, of Morriston i
and (rev. Measerschmit (Supt. of the ,
Orphan home at -Flat (tock Ohio. At
the close of this very ,interesting
Sunday school eesslon n missionary ,
offering was lifted amounting to
$150. At 10 o'clock the .Bishop
preached the Ordination sermon
which proved a great blessing to
all who attended. At (2 o'clock the
!limbo's ordained R young ministers,
after which Rev. Spreng. editor of
the Evangelical Messenger, led the
missionary meeting. At the close of
this meeting $2700 nvas secured for
the missionary issuer nvhich was a
grand auccese. in the evening the
Bishop again ere:tele d in the .English
language and was followed by ,l{('v.
Spreng composting n consecration
meeting. many taking pa rt. The
"Glory Song" and the "Kin,t's Bien -
'less" were sang repeatedly. The min-
interiel Octette and dire Church choir
rendered r'xcellent service. Thus
closed one of the greatest events in
the history of thio church nntl prov-
ed a great Messing to the entire
comununity and made n lasting im-
'tession. The report of dhe station-
ing olrnmittee ons rend at the epos'
of the Sunday might meeting Sty the
This Canada tCoufereuoo of tbo
Evangelical Association held its 43rd
atutual session here ,April 18-21.
Bisbop S. C. Breyfogel U. D. 'Read-
ing 1'a. presided.
The numerical and financial sta-
tistics gave clear indication of a
substantial progress during the past
"1'rogro..sion consistent wilti thor-
ough development" wus the key -note
of the various discussions. especially
thoee relative to the missionary ef-
forts being wade 1e. ll►e Canadian
North West. At the ,missionary
meeting Sunday afternoon $2700.00
was contributed towards the exten-
sion of this great work. The result
of the various ballots are as follows
Rev. E. Bean Secretary, appointed,
{Rev. G. D. faunal treasurer. Dele-
gate to the Board of LMission@ Rev.
L. 11. Wagner, alternate, Rev. M.
L. Wing, Trustee of N. W. Col1e,Te.
Napierville 111. G. D. Datum. dele-
gates to the general Conference.
Milwaukee Wis. Oct. 1907 Itev's. L.
II. Wagner. 8. It. Knechtel, M. L.
Wing, A. Y. llaist and 6. F. Brown
alternates J. G. Litt and E. Burn.
Lay delegates; Mr. L. J. 1(reithat.pt,
Berlin, and Mr. W. 11. Krug, Chea -
ley Ont. alternates Mr. W. 11. Otto
Elmira. and Mr. J. 11. Boltzmann
Crediton Ont.
C. A. Knuth. L. Groom W. Wil-
helm and Karl Kretzinger were vot-
ed license as Ipnobationera. J. O.
Datum, E. Il. tforsel E. M. Graff and
J. 'M.Zurboigg more ordained as
Drra co 11n.
L. Amacher, A. Cieger, E. F. Heist
and A. 11. PlyIey received elder's
orders. The atatiouing committee
reported as follows -East District
M. L. Wing 1'a., Berlin G. D. Dainrn
Waterloo A. Y. Heist. Hamilton E.
Eby, Toronto D. 4i. Wing, (Campden
C. S. Finkbeiner. Rainham W. 0.
Hoehn, Morriston W.. E. Beese, Blen-
heim L. Amacher. 1lesppeler A. .I1.
Plyley, Niagara A. Clemens, Gt}ins-
bore G. F. (Brown. Arnprior end 1Ci1-
laloe O. G. 'Hallman, Penbr•oke A.
Geiger, Golden Lake E. M. Gischler
Rockingham E. F. Haist. West Dis-
trict L. 11. Wagner 1'. E., New Ham-
burg W. J. Yaeger. North iEastbopc
11, Dierlamm, Tavistook E. Burn,
Stratford S. 'M. Mauch, Sebringville
J. G. Litt, Fullerton E. M. Graff,
Milverton F. Meyer, Maitland J. 8,
Burn. Zurich A. D. Gischler, ,Dash-
wood L. K. iE.idt, Crediton E. 11'.
I3ean. Aldboro W. LM. Sippell, Mid-
dleton to be supplied, Winnipeg A.
W. Sauer, itoathern 6. F. Brown,
,Medicine plat J. 6. Damm, Didsburg
C. G. Kaatz, $ilbertville D. Rieder,
Nendorf J. If. Newfc:d, Regina J.
W. Bot, \Vetaskiwin to be sup-
plied, Davidson to be supplied, Field-
ing to be 'supplied. North District S.
It. Knechtel 1'. A., 8t Jacobs J. 11.
Grengebach, Elmira J. 11. Bunt Lis-
owel G. I1. Wagner, Wallace If. IL
Liebold, Normanby E. D. ,Becker,
Walkerton J. C. ',Morlock, Mildmay
F. li. ,Meyer. 'Hanover W. J. Zim-
mermann, ('ort Elgin L. \Vittich,
Clesley 11. L. 'Verner, Elmwood J.
M.Zurboiga, Parry Sound E. If.
GOIttrETT-1n I;sbot•ne. 11 th oon-
ces.,ion, on (l'hursday, April 18th,
11x)7, James Gorvett aged 54 yrs.
MUIR - In Exeter, on Wednesday,
April 17th., Mr. John Muir aged
69 years and 8 mouths.
BILLINGS -In Hensel( on April 20
the wife of 'Mr. 11. J. Billings of
a son.
CCOOM1tES-Exeter North, on Friday
Ed 'Coomlxts, a son.
Chron icConstipation
"1 had chronic constipation for five
years." says Mrs. M. O'Byrne, •of
Agnes Street, Toronto. It brought
on Headaches and dizzy hours, and
robbed me of health and vitality. I
spent a lot of money in trying var-
ious useless tremedies. At last I
tried the right one-Bileane-and
they cured •010."
One of the finest eciontific geapers
in the nt•.urld (Science Siftings), rsnys
of Means in this oonnection : "They
cure constipation) /without •causing
griping. :end (lo not cause nfter.-con-
ttipation, as other purgatives do."
Pilus, debility, itnaemia, indigestion
biliousness. heartburn, headache and
female ailments all disappear before
a short course of !lileans. All drug-
gists a11(1 Stores at 50 cents or in
lean, Co., 'l'ororlto, for prig'.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You H Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
I bas found skied and tested care for Rhea
Wan= I Not a remedy that will straighten the
distorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor tum boo,
'towths back to flesh again. That is Impossible.
But I can now sntely kill tho pains and pang d
this deplorable disease.
In Oermene-with a Chemist to the qty o1
Darmstadt -I found the last ingredient with
whch Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made
a perfected, dependable prescription. Without
IMO last ingredient. I successfully Mated many,
platy oasts of Rheumatism •.
t i but now. at last plant.
pettily cares all curable capes of this heretofore
much dreaded disease. Those sand -like grantee
wastes, found In Rheumatic Blood. seem toMaio] ve
and pass away ander the action of this remedy as
freely M does sugar when added to pure water.
And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes
Dwelt pass fmm the system, and tiro Masa of
B,hsamatlsm 1s gone forever. There U now no
real need --no actual excuse to suffer longer with.
°Nbsip. Ws sen, and in conldeoco t'eomansod
Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Remedy
In House Furnishings during April rnontI
We have some extra values in CARPETS in Unions, Wools, Tapestry, etc. We have
just received a shipment of Tapestry Carpets in Fawn, Green and Cardinal shads. Exquis-
ite patterns, new and up-to-date and have marktd them close to manufacturers prices.
See Our Stock of Linoleums, Oil Cloths, &C, All widtbs in Floral and Tile patterns.We handle Nairtn's Scotch Linoleutnt!
in the best quality.
Lace Curtains
In this department we have great bargains
New patterns at from 25c to $6.00 per pair
See our $1.00 and $1.25 line. They are specials.
WINDOW SHADES- All Colors, plain, also trimmed with lace and insertion
WALL PAPERS ---A large stock to choose from l.t right prktes We are clearing out
some lines _Regular 25e for 5c per double roll.
a Call
C. ZWICKER, Crediton
Mr. W. E. IdeClocklin and family
left on Tuesday for the \Vest.
Mr. Thos. Ballantytte. !who has
been suffering from an attack of
inflammatory rheumatism, is on the
Labelle Kay. infant daughter of
W. 11. Kay, is improving niter n
very severe illness.
Miss Lettic Kirkby, who has been
visiting ler aunt, Mrs. Beavers, re-
turned on Sunday ,to tier ,home at
Mr. Alex Herron thus engaged for
the mummer with Mr. Jas. Itallan-
'Miss Ada Westlake visited her
sister, Mrs. D. A. McNicol last Sat-
urday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Ford, of Woodham
repent Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
Beavers hero.
Mr. \V. Itodgert, 'who w.is on the
sick list last week, is improving.
Master John Miley speint Sunday
and Monday at home here.
B. W. F. Beavers is showing a
splendid range of wall papers.
The News -No pure drug Dough
Cure laws would bo needed, if all
oough cures were like Dr. Shoop's
cough cure is -and has been for 20
years. The national law now re-
quires that if any poisons enter into
ais cough mixture, it must be print-
ed on the label or package. For this
reason, mothers and others should
insist on having Dr. Shoop's cough
cure. No poison marks on Dr.
Shoop's labels -and none in the media
Seine, else itmust by law bo on the
label. And it's not only safe but it
is said to be by those who know ib
best a truly remarkable oough reml-
edy take no chance, particularly
with your children. Insist on hav-
ing Dr. 6boop's cough cure. Com-,
pare carefully the Dr. Shoop packi.s
age with others and see. No poison
marks there! You can always be
on the safe side by demanding Dr.
Shoop's Dough cure. Simply refuse
to accept any other. Sold by W. 8.
ri ENDERS addresser! to the undersigned and en
domed "Tender for Dredging," will be received
up to and including yonday, say 6th, 11/07, for the
dredging required at the following places in the Pro.
ince of Ontwrioduring the present tear: dale River
Chenal Ecarte, Goderich, Kincardine Port Elgin,
Port Burwell, Point Edwanl, ('ort Stanley, Rondeau,
River Thames, w-iarton, Blind River, Sydenham
Beaverton, Bronte, ItracebriA e, meaforl, Owen
Sound, ?hombury, Toronto, Waubaushene, Wing.
field Itasin, Nigger and Telegraph Islands, Trenton
Harbor and Dark Charnel, Peneta,,grrishene, mid-
land, Hamilton, Cobourg.
Combined specifications and form of tender can
1.e obtained at the Department of i'ublic Works,
Ottawa. Tenders must include the towing of the
plant to and fornr the work. Only dredges can he
employers which are registered In Canada at the
time of tiling of tenders. Contractors must be really
to begin work within thirty lays after the date they
have been notified of the acceptance of their tender.
Tenders will not he considered unless mode on the
formsupplied, and signal with rho actual signatures
Ant acceprttenderers•e.t c hexpie on a chartered bank, payable to
the order of the Ifononra)Ie the minister of Public
N'or►s, for one thousand dollars (11,0001, roust ac•
company each tender as'security deposit in oonnect-
li g with the dredging to be performed. The cheque
will be returned in ease of non4ceeptanee et tender.
The Department does not hind itself to accept the
lowest or any tender.
By (-frier,
Department of Public Works,
Ottaws, April 17, ital7
Newspapers Inserting this adtertisement without
authority from the Depart neat will not be paid for
SYQopls 01 Ins C000dioo Norlh West
ANY even numbered section of Dominion Lands to
rauitot o, .acltatchewan and Alberta, excepting
8 and 16, notreached, map be homesteaded 11-
any person who is the head of a family, or any male
over 18 yefre of age, to the extent of one-quarter
section of 16') acres, more or less,
Entry must be made personally al the 10(allent
efllee for the district in which the land 1s situate.
The homesteader Is required to perform the eon-
dittons eonneted therewith under one of the follow-
ing plans: -
(1) At least six months residence upon and culti-
vation of the land in each year for three 1fan.
(2) If the lather tor mother, if the father Is dr.
ceased) of the homesteader resider upon a farm in the
vicinity of toe land enterw1 for, the regiuremen's se
to residence may be satisfied by such person residing
with the father or mother.
131 11 the pettier has his permanent residenre neon
farming lar"l owned by him In the vicinity M his
homestead. the requirements as to residence may
be satisfied by residence neon the said land, '
Six months' notice In writing should be git;r, to
the Commhsioner of Dominion feeds at Ottawa of
intention to apply for patent.
Deputy el the Minister of the Interior.
N. B._ -Unauthorised pnblkationolthis advertise.
mert will not 1e paid for
Cedar Posts
Wejhave a carload of Cedar Posts
at 23c. at Exeter
25c at Winchelsea
COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea
I have the agency for the following well known
binder twine, and as I intend sending in the orders
about the first of June it would bo well to place
your ordeI' with me at once
The prices will be guaranteed.
I have on hand alarge stock of "ARK BRAND" paints. All colors, Once
used, always used. The best paint on the market.
W. Moore Kirkton.
Field and
Garden eeds
We handle only the best. Our Seeds are all new this spring.
not one pound of ol(1 seed in the place. Then we buy from a re-
liable house and just the bast strains of seeds, eeTnen the price le
as low as is consistent with reliable seeds. Do not make the mis-
take of buying "cheap" seed and lose the whole crop"
All House Cleaning
Requisites on Hand
B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar.
p�BIT�R=A. tuba -not only make the beat bread
Ssant ). 1M Kind You Nile 'AC* BOugttt ' and pastry, but yield more breada
eto., to the barrel.
Signature By using blended 'flours. it ,would
et • create a demand for Ontario wleette
Why do snot the dartners of On-
tario grow more wheat/ Why do
not the eteoplo of Ontario buy blend-
ed flours, containing their own
hotnc-grown wheat/
Manitoba wheat flour makes a big
strong loaf but the bread is coarse,
and is neither as inviting in appear-
ance nor pleasing in taste, as that
made of a blended flour. When it
comes right down to quality, blend-
ed flour makes the west bleed and
pastry in the world. Yet many of
our own people aro using Manitoba
flour not award of the faots, help-
ing the Manitoba farmer to get
richer, and driving the Ontario far-
mer to raffia less pprofitahle crops.
Toronto seems to be about the
only place in thin 'province that real-
ly knows the worth of blended flour.
And it is largely due to the effort.,
of one man -George Weston, the
baker -that this is the case. When
Manitoba wheat flour first appear-
ed, it became very popular because
it made a big loaf. But the hrt'ad
was coarse. At that limn .Welton
was running only two ovens. Ile
theta/tit there ,were enough people
in 'i pronto nvIto would appreciate the
diff, react, between quantity and
qua..ty, and be determined ,to bake
a real old-time stoma -made loaf us-
ing blended flour. \V in fin-
en be fit
ished his first baking, he found that
the loaf was the regulation weight
but smaller than a hof
loaf made n i
Manitoba flour. Weston carried his
bread to various grocers, naked them
to otter it to their customer.,, and
of it was not Auld that he would take
it back. Tho 'next day every loaf
was gone, and the grocers had or-
ders for dwies as touch. In 0 week
ho had to start nett' ovens, and it
was not long before he was selling
50,000 loaves a week. This is what
blen(kd for one baker. Of course
others, seeing the success of George
Weston naturally adopted Mendel
flour. Toelay, 75 per cent. of the
bread baked in rl'oronto i9 snadee of
blended flour. There is no doubt
but svbat blended flours -milled of
-Ontario wheat with some _Mnrti-
induoo farmers to grow more nvbeat•
and keep all 'the money spent for,
wheat and flour right here in 0/14
tario, thus adding to the value 0C
Ontario farms.
The "Jolts"
and "Jars"
of Life
arc what use people up.
Most people live pretty well up to the
limit of their powers, and so long as
everything goes smoothly that is
apparently all right ; but a "jolt" of
a "lar" in the shape of business
worries, domestic anxieties, or an
attack of La Grippe, Pneumonia,
Typhoid, or other wasting disease,
suddenly reveals the fact that there is
a sad lack of reserve force to meet
these contingencies and the result is
serious, often fatal. A wise man will
see to it that his system is fully
fortified against sudden attack. To
attain this result nothing is so sure
and effective as
This fact has been fully established by
actual experience. If therefore, you
feel you are not in first-class shape
physically, do not fail to take a course
of tERROL at once. it contains Cod
Liver Oil, iron and Phosphorus -just
what you need, it is easy to take, never
fails, and you
What You Take "