Exeter Times, 1907-03-07, Page 1.41
THtary-Foutt'ra YaAa—No 1740
.4/••••••••••••• 4••••••••••••••••••••••••
Phone No. 32.
Now Is The Time
Spring is about here. It is time to spruce up and be ready
for it. We are all prepared for the spring "Rush." Our stock is
complete. All the new Drees Goode, Silks. Whitewear, White
Waists, Ladies Coats and Skirts, Prints and Muslins. It will be
a pleasure tothow you our large selection.
Our new Coats have arrived and are now open for inspec-
'tion. They are the latest creation of fashion, made from the
newest clothe. Light Grey Tweed, plain and theck. Box coats
6 ;lichee long, trimmed with Green cloth and blue Velvet collars il
and cute. Also black, same style with silk braid trimmings.
The box coats are very catchy and will be popular. Fawn
and Grey Covert Cloth 22 inches long, tight fitting with strapped
seams. These are very neat fitters and will look very natty.
Every coat is tailor made.
11Are better than ever and will just
• • suit YOU to perfection. We have ne i♦
to please every lady. The styles are
most becoming and the materiale used
in making them are the newest dress
fabrics of Black and Blue Panama
Cloth, Venetian Cloth and Serges, also
nice Greys of different patterns and •
checks. Do not forget to see them and
h f
have us keep one or you,
Our Beautiful White
We haye the nicest lot of White
Waists ever shown in Exeter. Made
of Lawn, Organdie, Book, Swiss and
Mull Musline and trimmed with Em-
broidery and Lace Insertions in the
latest designs .
Also a full assortment of Silk
Waists in different colors.
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade furs and dress goods. j
•••••••••• •4I••••41••••••••••••
ai•+++++ 8+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++•F+++++++++++++
+++3•+•1•++++++•1••1•++ F+++ !••1•+-; +i+ ++++++++++++
T. HAWKINS & SON t ..}}
Arrived on Monday one carload of CLEVELAND
Wire. Now is the time for you to get it home be-
fore the sleighing is gone.
Call and examine our TIMOTHY and CLOVER Seeds.
Having eecured the services of a first-class man we
are still able to do all kinds of Plumbing and Tin-
smith Work on the shortest notice.
hardware and Seed JI lr
*School Reports.
FEBRUARY SCHOOL REPORT. I Miss Norma Bobier visited in Lon-
don last week.
FO1t11t III Alex. Stewart visited in London a
Jr. Teachers. -F. Clegg 74, t3, few days last week,
Stoneigie 73, 11. Workman 73. W.
Triebn 69, M. Coward 88, E. Tay- Mrs. John I)mi of Goavoie. is vis-
itinglor 67, D. Dining 85, Mrs. Alef/Dow.
Jr. 1% atriculation.-M. Bobier 57, Mr. W. W. Taman was in Brucc-
E. Gg1e 49. ' field last Friday on business.
No. roll 18; daily average 15. 111r. J. G. Jones spent the former
part of the week in Toronto.
i.. C. 1.1.1•:M ING, 'leacher.
Jr. -honors, Bertha Mack 77,
Pass, John Ocstreicher 14, Ivan Fer-
gemon 69. No. on roll 34: daily aver -
ago 30.1. ,
8. L. GREGORY, Teacher.
Commercial Class Sr. -Pass, A. M.
Howard 95 (,Shorthand and Type-
writing). M. McTaggart 68. Vera
Rowe 64. Edith MacKay 164, Sans
McCoy 62. Commercial Jr. -Ezra
Oeistreicher 64.
RRegular Claes.-Honore, Alva Mao -
Mahon 82, John Taylor 78, Ida Mar-
chand 77, Willie Amos 75, Flossie
Hunter 75, Bessie 'Munn 75. Pass
Edmund Wark 70, Muth -Hooper 70,
Anna Dow 70, Douglas Stewart 88,
Lillian Snell 68, Clarence Pickard 67.
Willie Burney 67, Earl Copeland 67,
Allan Pickard 65, Loney Heywood 64,
Roswell Dougall 62, Jennie Monteith
No. on roll 45: /Commercial Class
10: Form I 35. Average daily at-
tendance 43.
A.M. JOHNSTON, Teacher.
Mrs. Wol. Robinson, ot Centralia.
is visiting her mother. Mrs. S. Hiake.
Mrs. J. N. 'toward, visited friends
in London for it few days this week.
Mies McTaggart was the guest of
Mre. F, Case, at Seaforth last week.
Mrs. L. Braund and two children,
of Brantford, are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Eesery.
Mrs. Chas. Cann returned last Fri-
day from Parkhill, where she was
visiting friends. •
Owing to the illness o! Miss Win-
ona Howard, her room in the public
school was closed yeaterday.
Miss Lizzie Cruikshank, of Orange-
ville, is the the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. R. N. Cruikshank.
The 8t. Anthony Social Club in-
tend holding another assembly 1 in
the Town Hall on the 22nd of this
Miss Verna Sellery, of Chicago,
and Misses Vera and Winnie Essery
of Centralia, are visiting Mrs. A.
Hastings -
Sr. IV. -honors, }tarry Carling, 78, Mr. John Shaw tendered arecepe
Annie Bissett 75. Gladys Ford 75. tion to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cruik-
Pass, Catherine Makins 74, ,Ilirdie shank on their arrival in Town Mon.+
Boyle 73, Olive Wood 70, Edith day evening.
Heideman 70, Venotta Johnson 68,
Ella Wood 65, Myrtle ,Dauncey 64.
Thomas Batman 63, Russel May 61.
Jr. IV. -Pass. Hubert Jones 72, Lil-
lie Rowe 67, Latimer Grieve 66,
'Pearl Johns 65. Wallace Enke 65,
Harry Sweet 60. No. on roll 36 ;
average 31.
Sr. III. -honors, Wilfred Stewart
82, Clair Wood 80. Pearl Guhr 77.
Cecil Pickard 76, Lillian Boyle 76.
.Pass, Lilly May Frayne 68, Regie
Bissett 66, Raymond Dearing 61. Jr.
III. -Pass, Willie Ferguson 74. Irene
IIardy 72, Abe Jackson 88, Willie
Heideman 63. No. on roll 51: aver-
age attendance 44.
1I. E. WALROND, Tcaslier.
Sr. II. -Jean Selden 98, Agnes
MacKay 97, Nelly Jones 94, Muriel
Jones 94, Irno Sweet 92, Robbie
Fleming 89, Ernest Harvey 88, Lilly
Marchand 88, Blanch Quancc 85,
Russel Flynn 85, Willie Manson 84.
Linnie Ford 82, Itru a Walker 82,
Linden Harvey. 80, Reta ,Rowe 78.
Hermie Elliott 76, Erie Burdon 78.
Mid 11. -Grace. Gardiner 88. Joe
Follick 82. Ethel Day 78, Annie Day
75. No. on roll 50, average 44.
Sr. II. -Wilbur Mitchell 94, Mag-
gie Case 87. Beatrice }lodgert 85,
Edgar Homey and llarry Parsons
equal 85, Anna }cell 84, Maud flicks
69, Fanny Howey 68. .ir. if -Mar
Aerie Huston 80, Flossie Neil 77,
Joey Ferguson 74. No. on roll 41,
average attendance •30.
F. W. HOWARD, Teacher.
Mid II. -Joe Craig 89, May Smnl-
lacombc 87, :Maurice Senior 83, .lessie
Brickwood 83, Willie Kydd 80. Mild-
red Heywood 76, Gordon Richardson
75, Labelle }landlord 69. Elsie Keyes
66. Jr. 11. -Marjorie Beldon 83, ina
Delve 80, Florence Wood 79. Sr.
1't. i1. -Pearl Jackson 85, Stanley
McFalls 70. Jr. I't. 1I. -Amy John*
89, Gerald Fitton 87, Dorothy Kuntz
80, Gordon Ford 86, John ilagshaw
.70. l't. 1. -May Neil 75, Irene Eas-
terbrook 75, Alice Mitchell 65. No.
on roll 39, average attendance 27•'•nah (:corgis, Sunday morning after
M. V. MARTIN, Teacher.
—.-0,--.suffering from the affects of his
8 S No 12. (;8BOIINE heart and other troubles.
Form V. -Hilda Gunning. Wilson
Morley. Form IV. --Gordon Morley,
Clarence Millson, Margaret MacGee.
Katie O'Mara, Wolter Gunning• p
Form 111-I't. 11, Ernie Knowles,
Edgar Salllire, William lldogsoti, were trimmed, and nn Tuesday they
Vera Hodgman, Olive Gunning Geo. went to Seaforth and were downed.
Arksey, Frank Lingard, Garnet Har-
The Seaforth and Bengali rinks are
Vera Ogden. Myrtle Squire,, expected to play the return games
James McCarthy. Form 111.-1't. I., here next week, when w different tale
i Hilton Ogden, Verde Morley, Albert will be told.
Knowles, Philip MacGer, Tessa Gull- HENRALI, ISxwrgli
11111g. Mellery, skip 21 Huston, skip 11
Walter 8. Venn, Teacher. McDonnell ekip 21 Anderson skip
45 177
Mr. J. II. Pedlar, of Oil Springs,
was the guest of his brother, John
l'cdlar, the forepart of the week. Ile
also visited his sister at Kbiva.
Mr. C. Tebbutt very ably filled the
pulpit in the Presbyterian Churph
Sunday, morning, Mr. Martin sup-'
plying for Mr. Cranston at Crom=
Mr. David Gillis, received word last
week from his son'at Granite, N. D„
that the report that he was frozen to
death was wrong. Young Mr. Gillis
is well and reports having had no such
Mr. W. S. Cole has made exten-
sive operations in his drug store.
The interior has been newly painted
and decorated. The woodwork Is of
oak finish, while the walls back of
the drug bottles is nicely tinted pre-
senting a very pretty effect. Mr.
R. Dinney (lid the decorating.
Mr. Thomas • Cameron intends
holding sales in Exeter the first
Friday of every month, and it will
bo necessary for; parties wishing to
have stock entered at these sales to
leave a list of them• at the Times
office or with Mr. Cameron at Far-
quhar during the first' two weeks
of the month, so that they can be
properly advertised.
Immediately upon the conclusion of
the present legislature there will pro-
bably be a re -organization of the On-
tario Cabinet. The changes spoken of
will affect three men -Hon. J, J, Foy
Attorney -General, Hon. W. J. Hanna
Provincial Secretary, and J. P. Down-
ey, M. P. P., of Guelph. According
to the report Mr. Foy will retire, Mr.
Hanna will succeed Lim, while Mr.
Downey will take Mr. Hanna's vacat-
rd portfolio,
— •
Henry C. Gifford, of .9caforth, has
made application for the transfer of
his shop license to James Carlin of
1)r. Oronhyatekha, the Supreme
Chief hanger of the Independent
Order of Oddfellolvs, died at Savan-
The Exeter Curlers suffered two de-
feats duringthe ast week. Last
Thursday they went to Hensall and
I S. •
B. NO.FI'l1EN.
The tonne mg is a correct report Scruton, skip. 7
of the standing of the pupils of S. Bonthron
X 8. No. 4, Stephen, for the month of Bingey,
4 T le'cbruary. Names are in order 'of
3 =r•: •:• . •}+++'ri +i + : •: •:»I 3 •4••}Sr e++++• ++++i•t i•3•i 3 ++++++i�!•1•+ I ma rit..
+4.:-...-++++++++4++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hr. I \'. —(%l a tl y s K e>I t 11•, Nellie Amy 1 AT S E A FORT H
Sybilla Morleck, Minnie Kestle Ethel Ex,rncR
Kestle, Herbert \\'sin, Merrier Lil- Anderson
+++++++++++++++++++++++e3 +d•++++++++++++++i•++++++++i- her. Jr. IV. -Lone Morlock. He"- 1 Rev. Collins
• hilt :4.ni1h, Aria 11rokenshire, Leon -
Muir. • nrd Schrordrr, Clar4nce F:ilb • r. ,1hr- Rev Collins
�� I• Iria Term BeginsAprilr v `` Schwartz. Si. III.-\1'illic Schwartz
` Mabel Coxllorth, Mildred Klumpp,
Otto Brown, Mervyn llrokenshire,
Gordon Cornish, Emerson tech' eerier
Jr. Ill. -baron Wein. Lula Kestle,
Sre 11. -Emerson Itocszlrr, Ida Eit-
her, Laving Smith, Clara Wein. Edna
Amy. .1r. 11. -Clinton Morinek, Joe
Brokenshite, E.na.•rson Wein, Mervin
Cosworth, i•:de in Cot Wish, Annie
Ankh'. Joseleh Schllarl7.. 1't. 1. -
Olive Cornish.
M. C. Jennison, Teaahrr.
During January and February, the Clinton Bniiness College had i
twenty-five times as mvny calls for Stenographers, Telegraphers, 3.
Bookkeepers, and College Teachers as we have graduates to send.
Attendance is always smallest during April, May and .lune, con- 3
sequently each student gets more Individual attention, This Is the L
beat term of the year for the student.
Learn of the success of our graduates by writing for a handsom
catalogue of the 1
Best Actual Business School In Ontario."
The •'backward" or "rusty" feel at home with us, as each st- amid--
ent le inaructed at his own desk by a painstaking, sympathetic teach-
er. Graduates guaranteed situations. Enter any time.
Geo Spotton — Principal
For Infants and Children.
Tie Kind You Hon Allays Booed
Bears the
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4•+++++4• I $iknatnrs of
11 Beatty 14
11 Dick 9
14 Brest 18
$ McDougall 18
41 59
Get a jar of Hnjoyme Medici.
nal Jelly, 1' will (lire rough skin
in one ap,)lieation, not kreaey or
sticky. Nicely meowed. 25 (•ent9
a jar. The Purity Store is the
Only place you can get it, Con e
in and get one j it and prove
these facts. While in ask to
here the Phonograph. Bring
along your fi 1411418,
C.ana(lian Express Building
1 only Jewel Heater with oven
Reg, *Si for 929
1 only Oak with double heater
with duplex grate, burus any
kind of fuel reg. $27.50 for $24
1 only Oak with feeder. slightly
used. Reg. $13.50 for $9
2 Souvenier Ranges with reser-
voirs $44 to $50
1 only Huron Steel Range with
reservoir and high shelf reg $44.
A Bargain $40
1 Royal Range with shelf and
reservoir Reg. $38 for $:35
1 only'
any kind
2 Garland Ranges anthem*
22 -inch oven reg. $43 for
1 Huron Range with reservoir:
large oven reg. $36 for $32.50
1 only wood or coal cook with
reseryoir. Special $28
+I 1 1 l 14-144-3-1-4-1-4-1.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44.1444
0661d1 kala,.......
We did not by the cheap tea We did not buy it because it is
ot good. We bought it and paid the same price as any other mer-
hant and we wish to give a bargain. It is good and we know it,
ry it and you will know it. Regular 25c tea for 19c; 30c for 24c,
e also have a carload of Cedar posts coming
in next week.
OWARD & CL ARK, Winchelsea
Paroid Roofing
I have just received a large shipment of Paroid
Roofing, and as the time is drawing near when you
will want roofing work done, I would advise you to
call and select what you will want.
Have on hand a number of mitts and gloves,
which I am selling at wholesale prices. Come in
and get a pair.
All kinds of tinware on hand.
W. Moore Kirkton.
•++r' +3•-: ++++-1-1.H4-1-144-+ +1+4-f-1444-44 e++ e F: 4 i •1•+ t
Our Reduction Sale -i•
Is on and in order to reduce our stock before
Stock Taking we are offering greater Bargains
+ in Furniture for the next 3o days than ever
were known in Exeter before. Every article
in our large stock of furniture reduced to al-
most cost during this sale.
Cail and be Convinced before making your pur-
chase elsewhere.
The Larg"st home Furnishers in the County.
'Undertaking in all its Branches.
1++++++++++++++++++8 4.+++++ :•-: -:-++ :•+i ::: •: •e++ , + ;.
Some Good Snaps in
askatchewan Valley Lands
EC. 7, TI'. 26, 1t. 3, W. 3, $13.00 buildings, a rare chance if taken at
s a No. 1, sect. atith' two water
lows, also 3 flay slelcs 7i11 level.
5.25 cash, balance in 6 years at 6
ler cent.
F.C. 13, TI'. 26, 1t. 4, W 3. $15.01
vith terms to suit, this also is One
f the best, picked out by myself,
vith four water and hay sl'' s six
niles from new' road hrlilding•
EC. 2, TI' 25, 1t. 29, W. 2, $9.n0 N. W. 1-4, SEC. .35, TI'. 31, It. 11
This is a good section and c.111 be• W. .3, $11.50. $5.75 cash, balance in
old for ten dollars; three dollars five years.
ash, bal. in five years at 6 per rent N. E. SEC, 25. Ti'. 31, II 11, \V( 3
I. 1-2 SEC. 15, TI'. 27, 11. 1 W. 3 $15,511, $5.75 cash, l,:11 in 5 years.
$14.511. 81.50 eieli bat. in b years et 'these art• got.d land Bill be within
per cent.; this is a good half- 5 miles of n /dation on the G. T. P.
ection, 4 toil..‘ (roil 1)avidsoti on This is in n good section Of country.
N. it. 'There are n few stone on is cheap et this prise. We have rare
this half section enough to build good buys.
E. 1-2 SEC. 25, .'T1'. 25, 11. 1 %V..)
$17.00. $5.511 c:(+h bal. in 4 years at
(i l.er cent.: 59 acres broke. stable
for 4 horses. This is .3 miles from
Gervin on the C. N. 11. l'11is Ivunld
be n gond buy in o stood part.
N. 1.2 SEC. 21. 2'P. 31, 11 11 \V 3
$11.50, $5.75 cash, bal. in five years.
Exeter, Ontario
MEN It1•1.E iHY FOitCE, WOMEN !pens the ap(etit4 : 1[oly quickly,
r RY CIiA1tM. 1 risk blood is avniln1)11(.1131%o.
le to rrmtore
Arid yet because they live less' color to 1110 chP0ka, buoyancy to the
--t-- strens'ausly, women neglect the I step. Better try Ferrozone. You
OA1>lSTe�ATA. early eai1rnc/s of filling ri'tor. '1I1
will feel lik0 n nr•w Ilion. eith now
%a»ths TMKioduliKwminisBI4M wise. woman wilt ort " ltQnr nrid ability in confrn•,1 Iife's
Spats»eharms to his robbed by ill -health. di(ficultiee. lion are more to bless
When ale feels appetite failing. I the day you commenced 1r'errozone.
of / t.�: 'r. Sold every'. her<• in 50e. bottles.
nerves getting' .dtte, oiler f:ulinl.
the teles Fer•'n7-ee. lire, 11 she•••,