Exeter Times, 1907-02-28, Page 13--wasee•-
We invite your inspection to our New Stock of
Prints Shirtings Ginghams Cottonades
Lace Curtains Dress Goods Silks Dress Muslins
Drapries Wall Papers Carpets Linoleums, Etc.
You will find the latest and most fashionable goods in our stock. We have made
special efforts to have our stock complete and up-to-date. Do not fail to see our
CARPETS and L,INOI.EUMNS. We have up-to-date pat-
terns. Quality the Best.
We have marked our Goods at Prices to Compete with any centre and Solicit your
We have a large stock of Red Clover, Aslike and Timothy Seed at right prices. Our
Grocery Stock is complete. Special Value OHerod on Dinner Sets
Highest Price paid for
Butter and Eggs, Dried .
Apples, Etc.
9 Crediton
Brantford commencing Mar. -5th. Clark.
The local (live is to be. congratulat- The continuation class w hch was
with our
'C'C a e
o[fu �started d in
cc on having
their midst. Mr. Kerr is also to be school the first of the year is meet/ -
congratulated for attaining this of- ing with success, there being now
rice. about 20 pupils in this class. Our
Rev. Jlr. Andrews attended the principal Mr. Bluett, with his staff.
funeral of his nephew at Detroit. are working hard for the success of
his of looking for sunshinepulpit being occupied
who preached o tvery ac- the school.r. this Any ent �connection
and fragrance. You'll ceptable sermons. At the evening ed, will be cheerfully given by the
find it! The bee and the service Miss White. of 8t. Marys. principal or trustees.
buzzard hover together; sang a solo which was very notch At a meeting on Friday last, the
one goes straight to the appreciated. committede, appointed at the last
Mrs. Barry Rapley and Miss Rap- annual meeting of the ,Evangelical
ley. of Finley, Ohio are spending a church, decided to erect a new shed
few weeks at tho former's parents, to replace the old one now standing.
Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Lewis. The new shed will be "L" shaped
Don't forget the Literary concert and is to be a (rouble shed with
cement Avails and iron roof. The
work will be commenced as soon as
Anyone wishing choice clover. al-
sike and timothy seed will find it
to their advantage to call on S.
Brown, general merchant, Crediton.
Mr. Jas. Lawson spent Saturday
in Exeter ori business.
Revival meetings are beng contin-
i rose garden. the other
6 to a decaying carcase.
Come draw the honey
Our Clothes Garden
on Friday night.
Mr. Wm. \Ventzel has eieen on
the sick list for the past week.
and taste the sweetness of cloth sada•• Mr. and Mrs. August Heist and
Our Spring Importations are ready
for your inspection. New Designs,
Beautiful Weaves and Colorings.
NO HIGHER right in Style. Close
personal attention.
Crediton, Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ,IIaist attended
the funeral of the late Mr. Kariger,
Sebringville, the 'past week.
The many friends of Miss Lydia
Oestricher aro pleased to hear that
She is recovering.
Mr. 'Thomas Trevethiok is laid up ucd in the Evangelical church this
with a severe cold. week. On Monday night last .Rev.
Mr. 1ra Brown is still confined to Eidt of Dashwood, preached, and
his rootu.
Mr. Fred llarris spent Saturday
and Sunday at his home in Parkhill.
Miss Beatrice Beaver. who • has
Rev. L. K. Wagner, 1'. E.. is assist-
ing the remainder of the week. The
meetings are largely attended. On
Sunday next Quarterly meeting ;eer-
• been spending n few weeks under vices will be conducted by Mr. \Vag-
; the parental roof ieturned to her ner, and in connection the annual
duties on Friday last. anniversary of the dedication of the
• Mr. and Mrs. I'ack, of London, are church will be held. Alorning sex --
a fety days in the village vice will be in the German language
Milli visiting the tatter's mother, !Airs. and the evening service ill the Eng -
John Finkbeiner. lisp.
Mr. an(1 Mrs. Chas. Finkbeiner, of We are very sad to chronicle the
—T S(•aforth, spent Sunda)' at the }tome death of Mr. Wesley tlledden, which
We have installed a NEW of the foriner's parents, 'elr. John 'sad event occurred at his litmus,
Mill for the rolling of Oats, and
can now fill promptly any Or-
der to roll Oats for Horses.
We still have nur Chopper
and can also f111 orders in this
line promptly.
Finkbeiner. Crediton Feast, on Monday night last
The marry friends of Mr. Wes. Deceased was in his 135th year and
• Hedden are sorry to learn that he is had only been sick a week. ile
laid up with a severe attack of leaves to mourn his loss a wife and
pneumonia. I six small children who have the
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Beaver spent ! sympathy of the entire community.
' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. :Daniel 1 The funeral will take place to -day,
Truemner of Bay township. interment being in Exeter cemetery.
Mr. Wesley A. Finkbeiner .was on Mr. and Mrs. Harry heaver spent
the sick list the fore part of the
H. SVC it ZCE week.
Mr. W. A. Finkbeiner and Martha
Wenzel attended the carnival given
at Exeter on Tuesday of last week
Crediton• curling club.
under the auspices of the Exeter
The many friends of Mr. Francis
Clark are pleased to nee hint around
again after his recent illness.
Mrs .Win. Young and fatnily, who
DR F. J. McCUE, MEMBER ON• visited for n couple of •weeks nt
TARIO COLLEGE t'IIYSIOI. the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
one and Surgeons, Successor to Dr. Young left on Thursday of last Dashwood
$. A. hoist. Orediton. Ont. week for their home in London.
Mr. Bert Clark and trios Kuhn Mr. Fred Young spent last Thur -
•pent Monday in London on business. dee in London having his eye treat- The many (floods of Air. and Mrs
Mr. :And firs. Watson and cost, ed. ,Yonas Ilnrtleib deeply sympathize. who have Irecu smutting the past At present there is a lot of sick- with then) in the loss of their sou
few months visiting the latter's ; Hess in our village.
motherreturned to their home on A splendid programme u %as g
Waldo L. who died on Sunday Feby.
�i011(1ly last, near Brandon, Man. by the Literary society at their reg-
- Airs. link is this week attending ular ue•etint on Friday evening last,
.• the millinery ope gs at 'Toronto. j consisting of a paper on "Ceylon" by
31r. W. W. Kerr last week attend- + Miss Ella Beaver and one on "Singe -
ed the No. 3 District Provinoial I npore end Strait Settlements." An
tamp K. O. T. \t. :it St. Thom.tst instrumental by Misses 111101t 1, and
We notice that Awhile there Ito •Arae a piano (Weft by the Misses Vivian
made"Master.' •
n provincial officer j and !':Ila Heaver.
•t -Arius" and delegate to the pro- t Miss Gertrude White, of St. Marys
•incisal convention to be held in (is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Es -suck
Sunday in flay visiting with Mr. 1).
'1'r ue tulle r.
The old school buildings will soon
be a thing of the past.
The many friends of Mrs. August
Heist will be sorry to learn that
while in Sebringville attending the
funeral of Ni r. liercher, she had tho
misfortune to slip, fracturing her
hip, while out calling on friends.
Mr. \Vichert, of Crediton East, is
at this time, very ill.
apse 6 ea
"1 want you M see that the' Maple Loaf' is on
the nest pair of robbers you hey. --Wireless
from " the old woman who tired in a shoe."
Buy a pair and you'll ho so pleas-
antly Surprised you'll toll the good
news to your friends.
Made of finest grade of Para gun),
which makes the toughest, most
waterproof rubbers in existence.
Truly astonishing wear -
resisters. LI11 )'et 80
light and neat.
Orr 40.4,01.
14 • • •ars
age of t,
24th. at the veno{, . h .S
11 months and 15 days. '1 he deceas-
ed has been suffering since last
Christmas, and week ago brain fever
set in. Everything that medical aid
could do for the lad was done but
to no avail. 'the funeral took place
from the residence of his parents
yesterday afternoon, interment be-
ing in the Exeter cemetery.
Miss Myrtle Eidt, little daughter
of Rev. L. K. 1':iett, is at present on
the sick list.
Mr. Win. Sltrtenni spent last Mon-
day in London 011 bosun is.
Word was !revived from London
on Thursday of last week, of the
de.ith of Phillip 13estard a former
resident of this place. Deceased had
contracted that (dread disease con-
sumption and A%:(8 in the 1.011(1011
hospital for treat(IWllt. it was
thought he was improved in h•wlth
but he gradually glen' ;worse, pas-
; meta took /lac • on Saturday in Lon -
Costs a little more at the
start 1)tlt saves 111 the long
run, because vastly stl-
rerior i11 construction
exterior and interior—a
piano that lasts. That's
what pcc)1dc sad- of the
(Mad.' h) We Olde rime of
Helot 1111:111 & lu.• 1,11nit.d1
And the people speak
knowingly and Wisely.
Miss 1.. lla1 tleib ea.; in Loncrun
for a few days last Ai eek.
M r. Fred l;ostuall and cousin 3.1r.
Fred 1)ille'r who have been visiting
in town left Monday for fort Huron
where they have swcured n position
Mr. 1). Tiernan our new hardware
man has this week received a ship-
ment of his spring block of china,
hardware, etc. A special reduction
or► stoves is now offered to clear
store: before spring.
`.lr. Fred Baker visited his dao:eh-
ter Mrs. Gedkiug of tieaforth.
The ltev. Mr. Wagner preached
special quarterly services iu the
1':vangelicel church hero 011 Neter-
day and Sunday. 'The services were
,yell attended and the addresses
given by Mt'. Wagner were very in-
Fell Down Flight of
One of the most valuable points
about Zatu-link, the herhal balm. is
the variety of uses to which it can
be applied.
Mrs. A. Livernois, of 131 Ryden -
ham St., Toronto, says: "I have used
Z:un-liuk for colds on the chest and
found when rubbed well in it gave
almost instant relief to the "tight-
ness" and "stiffness." One day 1
Slipped when descending the stairs
and fell to the bottoul. Mr right
arra was terribly discolored and
swollen and became quite stiff. As
1 still had a :limply
of Zara-Buk I
rubbed some on the bruised linlh and
it was really surprising how quickly
it removed the discoloration, cured
the stiffness, and restored t he
arm to its proper form. Since
t hat tints I have had occasion
to use 'lam -link for rheumatism,
and i have found it equally good."
Zaul-link is so uniformly good lee
cause it is composed of the finest
herbal balms, essences, and juices,
known to medical science, (0(11p011f1d-
ed and refined in a special and pee
cellar tray. It has such high germ -
killing power that it is unequaled as
an antiseptic. Its healing virtue it
very great and as a household baht
''/.am-Buk is absolutely unique. It is
it sure cure for eczema, itch, Itood
poison, ulcers, chronic sores. r7(tg-
w•orm. children's rashes, spots,
etc. It also cures cots, burns,
bruises, chapped hands, enlarged
veins. piles, and all diseased or in-
jured conditions of the skin and sub-
jacent tissues. All druggists and
stores sell at 50c. a box. or post
free from the Zain-fluk Co., Toronto
price. G boxes sent for $2.50. Send
one cent for dainty trial box.
!'rout Walton 1', 0., Que., comes
the following frorn Mr. Nazaire Ile -
gin -"If anyone had told me' ;Any
remedy could build up my nervous
system so well, 1 would not have be-
lieved them. -Before using Ferro -
zone I was run down in nerve and
vital energy and in very weak state
of health. I didn't get enough sleep
et night, felt poorly in the day time.
Ferrozone has filled ole with ener-
gy and vim, inerease(1 rely weight
and made a new than of me."
Hundreds tell the same story -
weak and dispirited, everything go-
ing wrong, unable to catch up.
They took Ferrozone and all %•as
changed to health and serenity.
Incis 50e. per box at all dealers.
Mr. Thos. Cameron alas been its -
!eructed to sell by publio auction on
commencing at one o'clock sharp,
the following articles.
1101t3E1.-1 geldin; rising 11 years
old, heavy draught ; 1 ;ceding rising
3 years old [heavy draught ; d sell-
Ings rutin; 2 tye:iri old, ,heavy
draught ; 1 ;ceding rising d years
old, agricultural; 1 filly linins 2
years old, general !purpose ; 1 good
farmer's driver, 7 years old ; 1 good
colt 1 year old eiircd by Lord 11+owat-
COWS. -1 cow 8 years old, due eo
calf March 281h ; 1 cow 6 yearn old
due to solve April 15th; 1 cow 6
yearn old, resit •.need ; 1 cow 5 years
old, duo to calf April 5th; 1 cow
3 years old, due to calf Sept. 3rd ; 1
cow IU years old due to calve Oct.
int ; 6 steers rising 3 yv3rs old, Good
seas -eft ; 6 steers ricin; 2 years old ;
5 heifers Titling 2 year+ old ; 1.5
calves from 2 months :t.o 10 numths
old; 5 fat steers if nut sold before
sale; 2 heifers, good d,t'ef rintt•rs, if
not sold before Bale: 1 bull 'ilf 9
months old, registered.
1'105.-1 sow due to f.lnrow• March
3lst ; 3 pigs 2 months old; 8 stock
Weak Women
To weak and shine worn4n, them last least one
way to holy. net with that way. two treatments,
Intra be combined. One is local, ono Is constitts.
{Tonal, but both aro iln;,ortant, bunt e,seotaL
Dr. shone's Night Otre 1s the Lo(•al.
Dr. sheep's itest"rstive. the Constitutional.
The former -Dr. Sho„i,'s Night Cure -Is a topical
mincnus membrane suppository remedy. while 1)r.
Whoop's Restorative Is wholly an Internal treat.
went. 'The Restorative reticle -s throughatt the
entero system, seeking the r.•t•ent of all nerve,
all tissue. and all blood mine tits.
The "Night (]Are". as its name Implteet, dell Ise
work while you seep. it e•.tthes sore srel Inflam.
ed muenos surfaces, bet1, 1.Kn1 weaknesses and
dI.ebarg•s. while the FC• •eorttlso• .•care nervous
excitement. gives renew. -.1 wig"r and ambition,
builds tip wasted tissues. bringing about renewed
Strength. vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Sho'p's
llemonstive-Tablets or Lhtn!d-e a g• nersl OM!'
Io the masa For positive local Delo, sus se well
Dr. Shoop's
Iight� o Cure
W. Q.
8fTU RDfiY.
We have just completed our stook-ta
goods in some lines than we choose to carry o
to have a Millinery Department this season ti
speciol room for the same, we are going to hold a
for the next Seven,days. Following are the prices at which we will se 1
Slaughter Sale.
Mena fleece -lined underwear regular 50e line now 40c
" elastic unshrinkablo wool " 75c " 55c
" all wool underwear $1A0 " 75c
And all sizes in boys underwear at the same reduction.
Ladies' Underwear
Regular 33c line now 25c
" 40c :irk
" 50c 38c
Misses and children's underwear all sizes at the same
Ladies' Waists
Black and white silk waists
'White and create lustre
Stuff and print waists
46 156
Ladies hefty), hese
83 your choice $2
82 66$1.35
81.75 " 81.15
50c line now 38c
75c ,. 55c
81 " 75c
$1,50 44 $1.15
25 66 10
30 •' z3
,. 50
Heavy Shakers 1l1j
Ladies spring felt bats in red, white and blue
line now 25c.
Wall Papers
We have a small t
quantity of well paler which
clearing out. Regular 30c, 25c, 2(Ie, 15c end 10 cent,
choice at 5 cents per double toll.
Embroideries at greatly reduced prices.
Ladies Collars regular 25c now 19c
' • 35e 25e
" • -0c
All heavy goods at the same reduction.
G rocerien
Here are our prices on Groceries during the sale: -
Roasted Coffee 12ic per pound 24 pound yellow sugar 81
Green Tea11
k 'granulated sugar 81
Show Gun tea 19e Select raisins 3 lbs for 25e
Gun -powder Tea 35c " Clean currants 4 lbs for 26e
1st grade canned goods- 4 cans peas treat) 215 "
4 cans corn fresh 25c Tomatoes 10c per can
Our millinery department will be fitted out csith a new and up-to-date Stock and as
we baro engaged the services of a first class Milliner we are anxious to have you call and
be convinced of what we say• Highest price paid for produce, butter and eggs.
W. O. 811E tyM M, Dashwood
About a thousand bushels of mari-
golds ; a quantity of hay ; A quOnl
,lily of .straw and ensilage to be fed
on place; about 75 bushels of goal
spring wheat for meed, alt red life;
about 300 bushel of acts with a lit-
tle Goose wheat ,and /waif for hued.
IMPLEMENTS, -1 binder, Frost Sr
wood; 1 mower, Aiassey I1:urri3; 1
horse rake, Massey Harris, Sharp; 1
seed drill, Sylvester; 1 cultivator,
Sylvester ; 1 disk harrow ; 1 'set
diamond harrows; .1 plow No. • 21,
Massey Barrie, note ; ,1 plow No. 6
Frost & Wood ; 1 twin plow, Code--
ookyshut \laple Leaf, new ; 1 t3cuftler,
Cockshutt ; 1 fanning mill; 1 land
roller ; 1 good weep!) and box and
spring seat ; 1 pair trucks, wrou;hl
iron wheels, new ; 1 teiir bob sleighs;
1 single buggy, 1 cutter.; 2 Betts
(1001)141 11.rness; 1 set single haemes;
1 wagon rack, 1 pig rack. 1 gravel
ix)x ; 1 hayfork, c:nr, ropes mid slings
complete, new ; 1 water trough, 1
water tank; hoes, forks, shovels
chains and other articles.
TERMS. -All sums of $5 and under
cash; over tl..tt :Amount 10 months'
credit %will be given 011 furnishin 1
approved joint notes ex a discount of
4 per :cot. off for cash.
A u c t . i'rop.
Alr. and Mrs. Wm. Ward spent
Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. I1. C.
Facey ltusseldale.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. F. Beavers
spent Sunday with ?Jr. and Mrs.
dos. Ross, Mount Pleasant.
Ntiss Stella !tray is t tong with
Mr. and Mrs. Alex.1llodgert Russel •
Mr. .1. S. Ballantyne had a wood
bee last Friday afternoon .ellen
great pile of wood wan cut at night.
A1r. and Mrs. 1allatityne very en-
joyably entertained the young Is'0-
ple to a trance.
Mr. Robert Go►diner, Secy of the
South Huron Farmer's Institute re-
turned home on Friday night after
attending the various meetings of
the institute.
Mr. Archie llodgert se^nt Sunday
at his home 1tus8eldale.
Mr. Harry Maize who has been
working for 'Ir. John McCullough
left last week for London.
Mr. John Tucker who bets been
laid up 'site grip is recovering slow-
Sreopls of Me CIIII0 a° NorIh west
1il)MFaTRA1) RE(11.1.ATIUNS.
A\1 et en numher(1 neet inn of iominion Lando in
vaniloba, -ankat,•hewan an,1 Allele, exo.• •tier
5 and 30. not r.sened. ma) Ie homentea.te.I 1
any ) euo.m who it the head of ae fanlitiy 01 an) mate
ower 1e )e'1* of age, to the talent of one quarter
00(11(4) of 16061e1M, more or lea.
Entry (Hast he nude personalty, at the (wallah/
ofll.e for the din(rict m which the land in situate.
The hc.mesteader is rephred O. perform the •cn
di11',.' ohnteted there. it ender Mee of the follow-
ing Plane: -
In At leant nit months' re•idrn(-e upon aryl sold
1st ton of the land In curb tear fur three )ear.
11) lf the father for mother. ii the father i• de-
tea...l) of the homesteader renid.o .'pen a fan.' in the
,felon) of the land eat«rayl for the rnlinremen'• as
to residen(e my toe satisfied l such perteon residing
with the father nr m,dher.
1I( If the settler hat his (4rmanent renidenee upon
banana land nano! by. him in the slrinity of his
h.•me•.tead, the 7..1%6mi:thin as to re•idem•e may
t,e estishrd (y rt nide we upon ler said land,
Sit monthi notice in writing should ).e rt.(r to
the Commlwioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of
mttndott to apply for t.atcnt.
'•' "s W. w. t ola,
ooity of the Rini•ter of the In'.erior.
.V 1.-1"nauthotlr.A tniLKat ora f this teethe
inert will not it mkt for.
In stock. Large range of Patterns to
choose Pram. A line of
Caps and Tams selling at 15c
You need Iron. Everybody does. The harder you
work, the more you worry, the more Iron you require.
But Crude Iron won't do. Iron Pills, Iron Tinctures,
Iron Tonics arc useless in nineteen cases out of
twenty. You must have pre-digested Iron or your
blood will not assimilate it.
furnishes the Iron you need in combination with Cod
Liver 011, and so intimately incorporated with the
oil that the most delicate digestive organs cannot
fail to assimilate it.
The value of the combination cannot be overesti-
mated. it builds up and fortifies the system against
Coughs, Colds, I3ronchial Affections and kindred
troubles. if any of these diseases have already
been contracted, or if the lungs arc affected or
threatened, FERROL curcs by enabling nature to
throw off the disease, not by " killing the germs,"
which is a physical impossibility.
FERROL is an absolute specific for Croup and
Bronchitis, and no household where there are children
can afford to be without it.
IIIRROL is nota patent mystery. The form ie tsl• Ws Physicians. It is - -
maim* Hospitals, Sanitariums, t th9