Exeter Times, 1907-02-28, Page 8i -+ k dress cut ef- rting, the for 54-ihch and While check e the new double oth effect. A very Line. plete Are you leased to hite and inly the new- wiy :)e shown in fie and Reds are u want to be down the new White and 850 the yard for a lovely V white and black check Drees goods, soft clean stock new medium check. 35 The yard for 54 -inch • black and white check dress goods, pure clean stock with a perfect square clear check. It's Lovely. New Linoleumns are all in. We believe we have the largest showing of 3 and 4 yards wide Linoleumns that has ever been put on sale in Exeter. New Floral effects. new Carpet patterns, new block and tile effects. Our Linoleumns come to us direct froin the makers in the Old Land. The values are the best we have ever offered. Come and See. Wool DM WAIL PIPERS ? Our new stock is all in and ready for yourapproval. The tintings are very. fine. We would like to show YOU through. Our 5c and llic pa- pees are winners, borders for these lines are same price per roll as Papers. Yes, we can save you stoney on your wall 11 papers. 108 Pied to Ine Set ! Some very swell new Din- ner Bets -each set 108 pieces- setni-porcelain china, gold - traced and striped, swell new shapes. Ask to see the new Woodland Sete, Cantilly Ros- es and Greece Hamilton, these are the prettiest sets we have ever shown. We Sell Groceries it Cheap, all the Time It J". A. STEWAR'T E++:.. 4 -4 -444 -4.+4 -444 -e++++ -1- ++4-r++++++++++++++++++++++ £l.++++++++t+++++++ 01'. QUALITY is an essential with us. Every thing in the construction of our Time Pieces is shaped with this end in view. They are made to keep good time and give good sat- isfaction For Present Time Fur Future Time For All Time Our line of (lecke is complete and up-to-date. Get one of Marchand's Alarm Clocks. They are the best -at the usual low price. Call and inspect our general stock. H. Mdr6hdDUI DO YOU WEAR CLOTHES ? TfiMflN MAKES THEM You can get both SUITED and OV- ERCOATED, in the Latest Style of cut an(1 Material at TAMAN'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM Mr. J. A. Stewart left yesterday for Toronto on a purchasing trip. Miss Lillie White left Tuesday f or Toronto to:attend the millinery open- ings. Several from Exeter attended the concert at Farquhar on Tuesdaynight given by I.U. F., of that place. The annual excursion by the steam- er Greyhound to Detroit will he on June 18th of this year Miss Gertie Harvey entertained a number of her friends to a "Peanut Wrinkle" on Thursday evening. The assembly given by St. Anthony social club on Friday night in the op- era house was well attended and an enjoyable time spent. Rev. McTavish, of Granton, occu- pied the pulpit of the James street church last Sunday. Rev. Going took the services at Granton during the day. Mies May Snell entertained a num- ber of friends on Monday evening in honor of her guest, Miss Florence Smith, of Ingersoll. Miss Smith left el, Tuesday for her home. Mr. Wallace Fiaher, of the Sover- eign hank at London, who was at his home here for a couple of weeks sut- ferin}i from rhuetuatism, left Monday morning for London to resume his position. Mise May Armstrong and Mrs. T. Bowerman and son Walter left Mon- day for Willow City, N. U. Miss Armstrong has charge of a tnillinery department and will stop oft at St. l'aul enroute to attend the openings. The ladies of Caven Presbyterian church will treatthe Sunday school scholars to a supper at the church on Friday evening Outside childreu are invited, and a small fee will be charg- ed for then'. After the tea a program will t►e given. Mrs. Garfield Sheere and children, after a %brit with friends in town for some weeks, left. on Monday for these home in Brantford. Miss Blanche Sheere accompanied them and will re- main for a month's visit.. Mr. Shirley Bobier last week was successful at London in passing an ex- amination as telegraph operator, and is now eligible to take charge of a station. He has not yet been assign- ed t'i any place and it is quite poss- ible he will be placed on the relieving rasa for a time. Landlord Wm. Barrows, of the Co.nnicrcial is making extensire im- provements in the samnte room. The her has been moved to the front room and the room that was formerly oc- cupied by the bar is being fitted up as a private room, and iu case of a rush can tw opened up and used as an ex- tension for the dining roots. DON'T MONKEY WiTII THAT COUGH Take hooey's CHERRY CORDIAL Large Bottles 25cents. R '1. 1 M E S, FEBRUARY 2$tb 1907 following is markets. cor- ruary 28th. to 71 cents a bushel. to 37 cents per bushel. a. 15 to 77 ceuts per bushel. flet'. 44 to 48 outs per bushel. Shorts. t=20 per ton. Flour. 2:2.10 pee cwt. Bran. ti2U a ton. Hay. $10, and 811 a ton. Potatoes, 70o to 75e per bal. Feed Flour. $1.20 to $1.25 pet cwt. Beans. S1.30 per bushel. Clover ✓,red, $8 to $9 per bushel. Butter, :2_. per pound. Eggs, 23c. a dozen. Hoes, dressed, 58.50 pee cwt. IIoes, livcwei3bt, $6.50 per cwt. Coal, ti 7 .1 ton. Large onions, 60c a bushel. Chicken, 8 cents per hound. }Lens, 5 1-2 cents per Lound. Duck;, loc. per pound. Geese, 10 cents per pound. Turkey 12 cents per pound. Dried Apples. 7o per pound. ••••••N•••••••••••••••• • LOCALS • •••••••• ••••••••• Mr. Art Woods of London, visited his parents over Sunday. Public school Inspector Totn was making his rounds last week. Mr. and M s. Wm. Dignan. of Lucan visited friends in town over Sunday. Its up to the lion or the Iamb to tell us just how .Murch will come in and go out. Mr. Clarence Smith, of Ingersoll, was the guest of friends in town the fore part of the week. The West Huron Teacher's Associa- tion will hold its next meeting in Exe- ter May 22 and 2:3. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Borne, of Strat- ford, were the guests of Mr. end Mrs, John Farmer, last Sunday. Mr. W. If, Levett is this week ,placing a hot water heater in his residence on William street. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart enter- tained a number of _friends on Friday evening of last week and Tuesday af- ter noon of this week. Mr. A. Walters has installed a gaso- line engine in his shoe store. Machin- ery for the finishing of newly made goods has also been put in. Ileegies For Sale. -The celebrated Borland buzgies, the best in tiro market. Prices to suit everybody. Call and see them at 1'yrrt's Illtt�k- smith shop. The officers of the Lebanon Fere est Lodge, A, F. and A. M. enter- tained the members of tho Lodge to an oyster supper Monday evening, at Follick's. Several of Exeter hockey enthus- iasts took in the game between Hen - sell and Clinton at Hensall last Wed- nesday night. The Clinton players were successful winning by the score of 4 to 2. DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR - aeon, will be at. the Commercial Hotel. Hours 9.30 a. nt. to 4.30 Q. m. Glasars properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose fmatted. Next visit Friday, elarch 8th. Mr. Garnet Frayne, who was injured in a runaway accident a few weeks ago, is still confined to his bed. His injuries are not of a serious nature, but his physician has advised him to remain in bed until he recovers from the hr.tises he sustained. The cemetery board at its In- augural meeting held some days ago ;appointed W. J. Ileaman, Chairman for the year, and •F. W. Gladman. Secy. The question of putting up a new fence at the cemetery was dis- cussed, also the surveying of the new part. Mr. G. E. Crawley on Monday mov- ed his furniture to Lucan, where he will reside in the future. He has dis- posed of his house on Andrew street to Mr. Thomas Nawkina, Mr. Haw- kins will move into his newly acquired property this week. and Mr. Mar- chand will move into the house ya- catrd by Mr. Hawkins. A burning chimney n 1 Mr. Thos. Bissett's house on Oidl,•y street was the cause of bringing out the fire de- partment Saturday night. The alarm was sounded about 12 o'clock, and in a few minutes willing hands were draw- ing the engine and hose cart to the scene. Everything was got in readi- ness, but the fire in the chimney had burned itself out and it was unneces- sary to turn on the water, Mr. W. H. Harvey, who for some time has been look -keeper for the firm of Harvey Bros.. millers. last week resigned his position. it is Mr. Harvey's intentiou to visit. around here for a few weeks, then go to the northwest where he will engage in farming. Since coming to Exeter over a year ago, Mr. Harvey has become one of our nitwit, respected citizens, and we will be sorry to lose him from our midst. +++++++++.t Heti -+++E++4-++++. 1NAOAT DftATE 1• + Probably you havent had any trouble for several months, but you may have now. Cool nights and snappy morn- ings may bring unpleasant re- minders of a delicate throat.. if you grc.w hoarse without any apparent reason, if an ugly little hack arises, you need HOWEY'S SYRUP OF WHITE PINE & TAR At once It soothes anti 1» Best of all it p. .er.t, those severe spasms t,f coughing which are so likely to produce soreness of the lungs. Price 23 Cettts W.S.Howei, Phm.B. Chemist and Optician. 44++4-4-14++4-4•4444-1÷1-4-4-H-44 + + + uy Your Cottons Th and Linens Here where you get Quality e estTIIE New Stock of Pillow Cottons, Sheetings and Table Linens Unbleached Pillow Cotton 40 inches wide 124c. Bleached Pillow Cotton 42 and 44 inches wide. fine quality. Price 18c• Circular Pillow Cotton 42, 44, 40 inches wide, full bleached, fine quality Price 20;. Plain Bleached Sheeting 72 inches wide, fine even thread .... Price 35c. Twilled Bleached Sheeting 72 inches wide. nicest quality we have ever shown Price 35c. Bleached Table Linen 63 inches wide. The finest and beet quality we have ever shown Price 75e and $1.00 a yd. Twilled Unbleached Sheeting 72 inches wide, heavy weight, worth 30c. a yard ...... .... Price 'lbc. Plain Unbleached Sheeting 72 inches wide, beautiful make, con- sidered big value at 25c Towels Big value at 10 cts. Big value at 124 cts. Big value at 15 chs. B;g value et 2.5 cts. Bleached Towels The best that's made .... ...... 50c. Unbleached Table Linen Heavy table linen 80 in. wide for every day wear. This is the quality you should buy Price 50c SHELL & ROWE Wanted -A competent dressmaker. Apply at once by mail to V. Treble. FOR BALE -Jersey Cow, dive years old, will calve en a couple of weeks. , TIMES OFFICE. A number from here attended the oyster supper and concert given at Eden last Tuesday night. Mr. Reuben Patch, of .3cssopville, has been appointed baggageman at the depot in place of Shirley Dobler, resigned. Mrs. Collins and Miss itonthron attended the funeral of the late' Mrs: James White, at llensall, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jtollins and daughter, of Crystal City Man., aro the guests of Roht. .McFalls for a few days. Woman's Institute- The regular meeting of the Woman's Institute will be held in Senior's Hall. Friday March let. at .3 o'clock -Miss tllalls [Pres.; Mrs. Hastings, Sec. While Mr. James Beer was assist- ing in removing the large mirror at the Commercial Hotel last Saturday he fractured one of his ribs, and is confined to the house in consequence One day last week while Mr. John Rendle was delivering meat at the home of Mr. Hodgert, he slipped on the cement steps, striking his cheek on the edge of one of the steps. The cheek bone was fractured. Mr. C. I3. Snell has settled • the case with W. T. Colwell whose horse was killed by a live wire at the station during a severe electric storm last summer. The amount paid 'Mr. Colwell was $125. Mr. Wm. Dignan, of Lucan, and a former resident of Exeter. was married on Saturday, Feby. 19th, to bliss Jennie Ilodgins of Lucan. The guests were only the immediate rel- atives of the contracting parties. Here are the expressions of a minister who appreciates the editor. At a recent editorial convention he offered the following toast : "To save an editor from starvation, take his paper and pay for it promptly. To save him from bankruptcy, ad- vertise in his paper liberally. To save him from despair, send him every item of news of which you ran get hold. To save him from profan- ity. write your corresprndencelplain- ly on One side of the shot and send it in as early as possible. To save him from mistakes, bury him. Dead people are the only ones who never make mistakes. The directors of the Exeter Agricul- tural society held an enth usiastic meeting at the Central Saturday afternoon. The object of the meeting was to make preliminary arrange- ments for the Victoria Day celebra- hration. The following committee were appointed -Executive, W. 1). Randers, R. Selden and Ed. Christie: Soliciting. N. D. Hurdon, AV. D. Man. dere, Ed. Christie and W. J. Carling; Sports, N. U. Hurdon. W. Russell, A. Walter. P. McTaggart J. J. White; Horse Committee. C. H. Sanders, Ed. Christie, W. Elliott and Paul Coates; Printing Committee. John Delhridge, 1'. McTaggart, James Ballantvne and John Mo'r; Treas. Jou. Davis; Secy., R. N. Creech. A joint meeting of the Directors and sports committee will be held at the Commercial house on Saturday March 30th. when matters of importance will he taken up, The society intends this yew✓ to have the hest cellebration in the history of Exeter, and the different committees will get down to work at once with that end in view. We were favored on Monday last with a pleasant call from Mts. J. E. Lamb, of New York, who thirty five 1 years ago was numbered as one of Exeter's fairest young ladies. Mrs. Ismb was a Miss E'dale and lived with her patents at the north end on the hill near the home of Ed, Mc • Gulre. Shortly before leaving Exe- ter she was married to Mr. Lamb. who resided at Regerville. Mrs. iw►tnh has ' resided in New York for the past 20 years and a few weeks ago took a trip to Chicago and Detroit to visit friends and could not resist the temptation to come on to Exeter and visit the scenes of her girlhood days. She found many changes in Exeter since she left here end noted the ruins of ' the dams and mills which were flour-; Ming when she lived here. She vi • vidly recalled the days when skating ; was enjoyed on the river near her home and how the young :nen used to clean off the Ice and build huge hon - fires. Mrs. Lamb visited the home she at one time lived and Moo called on several whom she had not seen for these many years, yQUIt JjJLTH Depends on your Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Blood If you have Constipation, Indiges- tion, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism or Im- pure Blood take NTUK'S REMEDY It will cure you no matter how bad your case may be. It will tone, strengthen. cleanse and purify your entire system. 25c, 50c, and $1.00 boxes. THE A. H. LEWIS MEDICINE CO. St. Louis, U.S. A. For Sale Only By W. S. Cole, Phm. B. Prescription Druggist. EXETER. ONT. S I WAS SAYING those Silk Waists at Carling Bros. are the best we have ever seen for the price. It's the universal verdict. Every one who canudge value can see them sticking out of our stock in all directions. We can't subdue them. They fly up and bit your hand where you least expect it. Wo know the FARM LABOURERS AND DOM- ESTICS. I have been appointed by the Dom- inion Government to pla'e Immie grants from the United Kingdom in positions as farm labourers and dam - critic servants in this vicinity. Any person rcriuirine sus!, !yelp should notify me by letter statin; fully the kind of help required, when wanted' and waxes offered. The numbers arriving may not be sufficient to supply all r. quest s but every effort will be made to provsle oath spell. cant with the help required. I)ONALI) MaINNIS Canadian Government Employment Agent, Exeter. Ont. For Sale 150 acre farm Township of Stanley. County of Huron, half mile from Kippen market : 2 cores orchard well watered, good frame house, fine outbuildings. }'rice and full partic- ulars on application (4931). 50 acres, township of Stephen, county of Iluron, 3 mile, to Dash- wood, 10 miles to Exeter. soil clay loom. 1-2 noro orchard, 1 1-2 story frame house, outbuildings in fair re- pair, price *2000. Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited. �8 Dundas St., London 1 RAND TRUNK SY's EM ONE WAY SECOND CLASS COLO- N1ST RATES TO San Francisco and Los Angeles $42.80; Mexizo C.ty $11.80: Ogden and Malt Lake, 1•talt, Helena .end Ilutte, Mont. $.39.35; Nelson, 11. C., and S rokketn, Wash., $39./15 `'ja- toria, Vancouynr and ',cw Westmin- ster, 13. C., $42.35. Rates to other points in propor- tion. Tickets on sale daily from Match 1st to April 39;11. For full infor►natsm OR to rates and routeq, cell on J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Ticket Agent J. 0. McDONALD, District Passenger Agent. 1'wonto FOR SALE. - House and three fifths acre of land, four rooms, two bed rooms, front room and kit- chen, wood shed and good Beller, all kind of fruit tree, Sim:oe street Exeter. .Apply on dremiaes.-John A. Hey wood. SHORTHORN 111'1.LS For 8i,rvice. "King of Westside. Following ie part of his tred- ldree,:-Sr,• i'rime! of dant(, imp. Dani. Rove of Weft taide. "Misgw• ef one r h. Sire Scot t i e.h Hero, ero, Dem, Roan Mias;e. For terms and i.artieulars apply to PHILil' IIERN WHALEN. 11t"i F'Olt .i0n••e hay placed in onr hand• for sale lea farm lot "C" Con. 7, 1'sborne Tpt. contairema }n0 tier, s. Title guaranteed. For particulars apl,ly to CLADMAN AND STANI1FRY Barristerq etc Exeter Ont Power of Pr1ces, and take advantage of it in marking our goods. Ladies Silk Waists in the latest and newest styles. Elnbroideried Linen and Lawn waist ends, lovely goods. A very choice line of Elbow Gloves in black and white Silk, Lace and Lisle thread Ladies Fancy Vesting3 in white and colored Fancy Ging- hams and Muslins. We have never shown a nicer assortment in Vals, Torehon Laces and Embroideries than we aro show- ing at the present. Gents' Scotch and Canadian Tweeds Fancy Pantings in plain and stripe. Gents' Hats, Piceadill Brand, Thoroughbred Caps the latest out. Gents' Shirts i plain stripes Fancy Fronts also the Coat Shirt. Highest Price paid for Produce. CARLING BROS. • The Sovereign A. Bang of Canada Head Office, Toronto. RANDOLPH MACDONALD, President A. ALLAN, Vice:President D. M. STEWART, General Manage Capital Subscribed $4,000,000 Capital fully paid 4,000;000 Reserve Fund 1,255,300 Assets over 25,000,000 General Banking Savings Departmen Interest credited quarterly. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER, i` JOSRP$ SNELL Manager, GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitor 1 SuItablc rurDIturC of fill 6racs Spring is Coming. Now is the time to make your sel- ection. Remember this is the place to get a nice job of upholst- ering done. Jas. Beverley Furniture Dealer. Undertaker. NO ----- like the present to make our acquaintance. We are showing an excel- lent assortment of exclusive fabrics, that are well worth your attention. Our clothes are cut "right" and tailored "right" and our prices will fit your purse, as well as our clothes fit you. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor A Few Directions for Baking Harveys' Star Flour 1.-11e sure that the flour is warm before !nixing. If t mighty warned twenty-four Iron: a 1' fore mixing it wilt make better bre ad. 2 -Set the spongt very thin with good yeast or if yeast cokes ore used be sure they are fresh. .3.- Wien ready to knead nrid rim little flour as posaiblre only a suffi- cient quantity to prevent rt icking to the board when thoroeuhly kneaded. 4. -Let it rive in a Will then knead in small loaves and let it rise again. !take in a no dere trey heated oven and do not let it starrrl in oven after it is done. 5. -We recommend n short system during t cold weather as it is dif- ficult to prefer( the votive from chaneev of temperature and draft•. The ehoireat. Ontario and bfi, itc), Wheat, in r qual proportion. is used in the manufacture of Slap flour It iq Pharper and stronger than most brand+ of Family flour and never fair to produce (nod re- sults a lien used under proper con• ditiona. Corny -AT- Exeter and Centralia Warehouses Will exchange for other grain if desired. Richard Seldon Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye Flour, Feed G!TUN storc Everything kept for the housewife in the line of Groceries We have SiX difterert kinds of Flour to choose from Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. All orders left et the Store or at the Timed Office will teceive prompt at. tention. Agent for the Huron Weather insub ance Company 8.11ardylkSon ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected (, rt to loan at low.,i rates. al North west lands for !tale. Office. Main Street, Exeter