Exeter Times, 1907-02-28, Page 3-;QLUjE OBJECT OF LIFE'S SCHOOL
SECURITY. The heal Product Consists in All That
We Include Under Character.
Little Liver Pills.
(Must Soar sl,;nature of
Ses Paan Shads Wr-sper Beim.
Was .mall sees sassily
tO take as eggs►
MOR RE 11-1111111$11.
roll R1uowaus..
troll se+tuow:lute.
07.7etrlOr>o YVfraM'. ,1)."e
'AU ww G
Cela- ura^ACHE.
LUNG TROUBLES. Miss Florence E. able and vi.sible assets. The rich min
Mailman, New Germany, N.!3., writes:- _
I bad a cold which left me with a very
bad oougla. 1 was afraid I was =oink
on. I was advised to
late eonanm THE a LESSON
p ling S S.
1 had little faith in it, but before I had
taken one bottle I began to feel better, INTERN tTIO\.U. LESSON,
and atter the second I felt as well u
over. My cough has completely dinar• MMAIWII 3.
have lenrued. 1'hil..it., II.
t, tis' one who gains. by living. the
"1 have I'8rmcd.' \\ hal filling wants greatest smuttier of 1h,n1 to rel him -
for the close Of my life! r:;at a lx,ty;t of self of when he dies. But, in truth,
knowing all things, but a self -account- du we not alt knees that this is not the
rug in which he sees that the lessons nteosure of life's success' In our hon -
se! have been mastered. Is sot this del, saner estimate of any life, it is ,.f
that fur which life hits Leen given 113, Il'/ mall mot trot of the utunry we Ihink.
tt.at it might all be but a larger school• In the long test of time the real pro -
u1 which the years are the grades an.i duct and abiding svee1111 of a life is all tseen
Ihc• end is a glad eonimenceutenl? to consist iathat w0 include se,
foie education i,' the tr•ainipg ebnracler. i'thisOl tc 111'' ostlLject e- umer
and development of the powers of life school. Do IIaltars Ot iwg n turn
!•• meet is problem, and realize its pos- y-ou from this simple, axions:)lie pl'ie•
:•ibilities. In Iles larger school experi- position; our bus''m.,, is lo learn 10 Iivc
else daily is diew•ilig out and (level. coed serve, and 11:6 we 11111) do by the
aping the latent good, enlargIng the aid of every experience that conies to
t•. eelth of character and mind. adapting us. Ile lakes the sting from even sor-
HI.' !elf to the surrounding, of men and Crow whotnnkes it servo Ihis end•
111/11g5. 1.11h01% pain, ease, pleasure, all But let none think ihnl life's teisnns
have their le -sons and play their parts are to be learned by philosophizing on
in making a loon. its exp:Ilences. Wisdom conies nut out
Itut hang• .spend long years In Ibis o' books; it consist, not in caIalol*nes
. - secede it is )
u tut ,
scof � tri c
hoot to whom 1 Kin
t It ten it means no more thanthings
the recitations and dist'ipline mean to IT IS Tim 1'O\\'I•at '1'11 DO AND nl;•
the desks in the schi,olrootn. Seeing
and blearing, they still etre blind and Character is more 111811the ability to
deaf. Life has labors but no lessons repeal the len contiuuldmetts; it is the
for then). taste uud appetite for things pure and
No matter what you make of your life matte, the will that chooses the better
or may retake in your lifetime. it is w-orlli rather Than the bast, goodness above
Mlle unless it makes something of you. gain, the approval of conscience above
To see all the changes 'of fortune. the the applause of men.
varieties of cxj erienee, the whole ga- Nor does tithing life as it rschnol mean
mut of our nature upon %videh expert- that we are to be bigger philosopher.=.
once plays, as classes, drills. tacits, and I', is a sin to die a rich tool; but the
studies, as part of a process of learn- point is that it a greater sin to die.
ing is to give to all a new significance a uoor fool. The vital question is as
and to find a principle which is n to what a neat shall set hetero him as
.SOLUTION OF MANY !'ROBLI:\1.5. the supremae end of his being. You
• might as well attempt to hall the stars
The value of as school depends not on ss to take from flan his desire for gain;
the. test books one cu11 carry from it, nor but Shull it be gain in toys and tools
ott the opportunities its course nifty af- and dust, or gain in eternal manhood,
ford for fame or wealth. 1t is to tee ni character?
ntenurred by the kind of people it turns The voice of religion cries. "Gain
taut. and this depends on the compel- life." What shall all profit yell if Sou
encs of the course of study to develop lose this? Use every turn and change
and discipline in the things that make of time and circumstance as port of the
worthy and strong - fil'iarneter. The great course of training in the art of
student's gain is in ss haat he may carry lit ing. Colne to the end so that you
away within himself. may look the great Master in Ilio face
Our tendency is to measure life as a without shame or fear, lhnl yell may
manufactory rather than as a school say, "1 have learned. Whatever else
find to estimate its returns by negoti• 1 may have lost, 1 have gained- life."
ties of Iielp Aro Many and Vari-
The youth wit() imagines he would
ke to become a steward in n cargo
steamer would do well to note what
Sot duties would be.
In n vessel carrying a chief steward
and two assistants he would have to
login a, engineers' steward. The Oalg-
hng ate weed must be up at 4.30 8.m. and
scurry away to the galley, where he
makes coffee- 81141 toast for the en-
gineer on duly. Ditto for himself, which
Is grateful anti contorting on a cold,
• W, '(o iitV morning.
Then there is the messroom deck to
scrub, the cutin of the engineer .n
d uty to clean, his bell to make, and
his Tamp to trim. 'This done, the
breakfast table must he Inid for the
three -or Inore--engineers, upon whom
the new steward waits while they are
at meals.
After their breakfast Is over. the don-
key -man u1141 stewatd have breakfast to-
gether, and rifler that there is n wash-
ing -u1) and knife -cleaning Ili►t woad
Creak the heart of nn average scullery
(Maid; for three ship's engineers use
more plates, etc.. at every meal Ih8n u
dozen ordinary men.
"freakiest user. the other two engin-
cers' cabins must be cleanest.
There is dinner to serve at 1 p.m..
afternoon ten at 4, high tea at fi and
supper at 14. And after each meal there
is such an array of dirty crockery and
knives -often all the more difficult lo
Clean la•nuce of the rolling of the ship
-thnt the budding eletvnrd generally
tiies nt the sea on the second dny ct
his voyage.
Teddy, is there no school to -day
"Sure! Ver don't suppose jest 'cause
I'm piggin' 11.tol(e) .dal dey'd close up do
school, do yer
Suffered Terrible Agony
lt.s•l lbs words d praise. Mr. M. A. Ile Teals.
Marion Brides, N.A., has for ihnan'e KM,tney
Pills. (ire writers ua): '• For the pu) three yew Verse 16. The melt -The three men
1 have suffers! terrible many from pain across nm111tu11eel in sere 2. Its reality, as bolls
ay Lido.)'. 1 was so Dai 1 could not stoop the preceding anal t.uL,egltrnl portions
law hued. 1 eoniultid hat; ha.i "'Id doetore of the l•1•av,stow. i.ir li.mill (w
�Ireat me but could get DO relief. On Ows.lvie* angels nahl huwlinen furnl.J.vwlh,nn .brnhntnit
of a friebd. 1 precured a bo. of your valuable. Ita,l enlrr,nim,rl 1)1 his lent noor IL greet.
hfe-givtes remedy (I>nan'. Kidney P1110, and to f:1•urn then' -The tent of .\hrattant i.y
my marlin*. and delight. 1 immediately cot the 1 Mks 111 \l llllll'e, near Hebron. The
tetter. In my opinion Doan•. KiJney Pelle have
immediate errand of lbs N•b•sllal \'s-il"rs
no equal for any forth d antras trouble." 1111,4 14,491 10 (1010,11110e to .\LI'alllnitl 01111
noon'. Kidney Pill. ars 30 cents per box or Sarah Ili,' neer fullilllu ill (1f the orolnise
three hose. for 51 23. Can be procured at al „(n s,,,, nnel brit•. 'I'Itic . rratnd ulnllel.
dealers oe will be mailed direct on receipt of Pill'tndiettle their intention of pnor•eed•
pia by The t)oan Knlnv Pill Co.. Toronto. Ing on their wa), which chances to he
Oat. - low'nnl Soxkiit.
Ds sot aeee 4 a tgnrioP suhdltute w be 17. L•hon8h said- In his heart. as it
were, 1lteaking in suhleyu).ikk
Shall 1 hide front Abraham that which
1 do- 'lite apparent hesitation on the
part' of Jehovah indicates that the visit
of the nage to Abraham and their visit
to Sodom were two separate and distinct
errands, and that fit first it was not the
intention of Jehovah to reveal the pur-
pose of his secon(i errand to the cities
01 the p18111 to Abruhton.
itesnn IX. AbrahamPleadlnrf for Sodom. 18. Seeing that Abraham shall surely
(:olden Text : Luke 18. 1. Leconte it great and mighty nation --
hese 111141 1110 subs/ luemt words of Chia
explain the singular nark of
Based on the text of the Revised, Yen. Jehot•ales regard fur Abraham mnni-
sion, fesled in this di,rlosure to hint of his
Intervening Events. -Severn) events of secret counsel. Je..utah's regard for
importance intervene between the nares- Abraham is based upon the unique post.
live portions covered by this and the pre- Lon which the Tatter holds both as the
ceding lessons. Chapter 16 describes the depository of a blessing for all nations,
circumstances ntlending the birth of and as the founder of a peculiar and
I icily as ex- chosen nation. the chief and distinguish- st-ice. (1114' drachm of cloves. two blades
Ishmael and is important l c tof powdered mace. Iwo tablespoonfuls
peening to Jews of a later day the int; trait of which was to he righteous.
ucss nod obedience to Jehovah. -s of fresh )east, which has been watered
national e rely i-eletsdc, o[ a group of p per one night
crossly rrlatetl to the Hebrews 19. bur 1 have kens•: n hint -Taken s e• and which should he solid.
plough living in separntiOn from them clot a>gnlrance of him. Add eis nruch warm milk ns will convert
sin >, Gen. 2:,. 12.18). Abram was four To the Mrd athatof he may command 1114 the whole into n rather Orna dough; 14'1
(c 1 children l0 keep the ryas of .Irho- otos stand (runt one to Loo hours swat•
score and six ycnes old when Ishmael
netts born. Theisen )•caro later, al the enh--Abrahams thus commanding his the Ore, then linea I it well and make in -
age of ninety-nine. Abram once fere children and household to render ube- to halls about the size of an apple, hot -
receives 8 special r welalion from Jeho. di0nee M Jehovah. 14. on the other hand, low• them with the thumb and inclose a
tee 1 1 C the condition of Jehownh's fulfilling that few currants in the middle., gather the
huh and n renewal of the pru'%V(. to page well over the fruit sod throw into
him of a numerous posterity. Two else• whi.l' he has promised to Abraham and -oleo-pan half ie 'E with boiling lard;
tial sign: are given the patriarch 'soli- tai' de,c.•ud:)111s, 1
;s promise to him 20, Jt•leisalt said -Addressing himself 55-11.1) 111.:y are equally colored to a Ilse
snail that Jeovah { brown, lift out and dry before the lire.
shall surely be [ulfillyd. The first sign once more 111 Abrohnm.
6 the cluing') of nolle from Abram, The eery of Sudor• and Gomorrah -The The lard should boil only just Lefore the
meaning exalted father. 10 Abruhanh evil reputation, the scandal. dough nuts nre dropped into it or the
weaning father of a multitude. Semi's 21. 1 will go down now and see -finite outside will be scorched before the in -
name is also changed to 5nruh. 1110811- .\nthropotum•phic language, representing sides are properly done.
ing the princess. In dddition to this God a, subject to 11111111111 Itmilations• \p1,lu Milli Jdl).- 5elecl n half dozen
significant change of names the cove- and under 11►e necessity of making a apples of 4,.,d, tart Selec good cut thorn
tient of circumcision 6 established as a nmore careful personal inquiry 10 nicer- In j)I4 4 l ,loess without Curing or poring.
perpetual witness of 1114, specini relation- lain the actual condition of affairs at liismal Ia mint water by ng packing mint
ship which the descendants of :\Lt•ahunt Sodom' leaves in a cup unlit it i. auk. Wash
are to bear to Jehovah as his chosen 23. Wilt Ihu° consume the righteous leas clean, cusp Ilse. and coverull'with a
cotenant nation. lahntoel also is to be- w•illt the wicked T -This. question hug• pill). of •ant enter, allowing 1est to
come a great nation. but the special and gesls 1110 elhicr,F problem in the, narcal sleep for ten minutes, Strain and pour
oil -repealed promise of Jehooahi to tors 11111111 and on welch he evidently she liquid over the apples S a n end pour
Abraham is to be fulfilled not in Ishmael intended 11181 this story should throw tand lel them siuun.•r in the utinl w ntrr
but in a seen lo be burn to Sarah. sync) some light. Allying the ancients thn in- 1411111 they are tend4'r, ntl11 which strain
is to be the heir of these special pro- ,Iivfdnnl was often loss sight of w'h'it II•rnugll a One si0ve and add halt a Lux
miser (comp. chapter 171. In the account tine interest; nt a na11011 or people were of ,0181111 which hits be•0n hu11k4d fur
o! the visit of the angels to Abruhnnt and at stake. The question answered in this ,alt nn hour In a cupful of cold venter,
the eitbst uenl stir of the destruction I
'q Y chapter '.s, whether God also in his and ndd it to the bol appht pulp bcU•c
of Sodom and Gomorrah (chapters Iii dealing with a tnmil a grnernliun' n 'Omitting the whole through chreseck►th.
and 19) we have "one of the most gra- oily, nr nn entire people, lithos m) Inc- The jelly may be strained into a shallow
phicltlly and finely' written narratives in eonnl of irtdividusto or srnnll groups of dish elo be about an inch and a half thick
Ute Old Testament" characterized by ease individuals; and one of ITte greet les- dad then cut in even tubas tO {(ornick
and piclurt'squr,n,; Id style, as well ns sons, if not the great loosen of the nnr- 0)141 meats, or it 'en Ix pnurel into
grace mid delicacy of expression, and 1)111ve. is that God nc111(111y' does take onion individual cups or welds and
especially tuscinnting beenuce of its 1100„lilt! ••I. and mercifully cares for and turned out ill these litems around the
charming aithropou 0111tH,' language. prowls the individual {►ersn11 whit in meat, rlprfgs of parsley Lrou used
'1'114' portratyn1 of Abolition's ,'hnracler in 1•1gltiotntsness nod iIt'.lienee seeks to do "II it.
this passage is e•,pccially line. Ills dig- tits will. The same truth IA more clearly
slily. courtesy, generosity. higlnnindtvl- sc1 forth in the Inter wettings o1 the \\'bite' frozen plum pudding is made of
noes and unfailing trust in the justice prophets from )h1' 111110 of Amus laid aur rupial of sugar and one cupful fit
and righteousness of Jchuwnh are allrec' 1lose+t onss+Ir:1• scaler, •cuuked until it thread_ s, then
lively depicted, 11 is because of these 21. fifty righleouc t Ileally a sntn11 poured • slowly' over the whiles of thole
chnrocler traits that God deems him number in a city of any size. ,egg; and heale'n unld .141(; \1\11111e111.141
s•hen ‘111t1
hio is
worthy' of Id` coutldence, revealing Lim- _g. Shall not the judge of ell the earth L• a1'n 1huruughly aI111., roll ad41 one
self especially to 111111 nett disclosing 10 .1 , right 1-110 judgment. \\'r note the pint of whipped cream, fine 1, asjes .nfnl
hits his purposes. The 0horacter of '''/ply implanted human instinct in Haan of vanilla, and one-half cupful %seri of
\brnlaena tis thus porlruyed is in strung which requires justice 01 God. 11 14 54'0114'.1 raisins, currants. English wal-
cenlna,l to that of his week and timid .thral,anas keen sense of justice wirer nuts and almonds. and(1m11ot cherries.
nephew. 1.o1. (mil s1111 more 11111tktvlly recoils at the thought of the intuicenl Thr currents rand raisins should be
in contrast to the pndliKnlr inhnbilanls perishing with the guilty. Ile thinks of phnt(pc,l in Loili11g anter. four 111i.,
u; the cilias of the plain. For the c8kr I.ot and "1 others ss It , po„ebb)• like lune, u•ixlure art ;once inti a mold. cover w'itl►
of e.,mplrlene,s chapters IS and 19 (hough se'lli,h end thoughtless. etre not pnrnllill paper. put on the Cover. real
should he sludi,-(1 as n wleile in ronne•r- .I,s al in guilt n. the idher inhal.itunts 111111 i(1rd around the edge to prevent
lion with the stealer ih•.se'n portion of o' `stun►. 111111 pruenpled Ly 11f' e)ntpase sell anter from creeping in. peel. in ire
chapter Is which icon- Ilse lest to oursin❑ Inc them. he Irnlure, with grant not rick salt. find lease i1 1111'1•' or four
prose„I frisson.nn, diffidence, and humility 10 intercede with hour, to ripen; then remove from
lrhueah In spare Ihr city. 1111+1. pine'' 11 nn a cul glna romnl dish
2S. Wilt thou destroy all the city for and garnisii soi111 1inlly. If II nigral Lomb
lack of Aloe's -Note the subtlely of the mold is 11+01 11 ss 111 look quite like a
argu11sent in Ihis appeal. snowh1111. ,:Sp(111111) if the fruit is kept
32. 1 is ill not destroy It for teat's sake well tuss:,r.1 the oen(re. Serge will a
-- Jeho%ah brie yielded at every cnucr made of Lauianns ns follow.- Roo
pt int In the 18lfllon n! his servant, otic cupful of granulite! sugar sstll, twill
Ateralu•ne. hitt Abolition on his part of eater until it thretd'e. pour this into
either dors not think it necessary - fir 111e well -beaten y:tlk, Al Iwo eggs, add
Aloes not venture be ask further that Lot the stashed pulp •t rix ripe banana, and
and his immediate family abate Ie enough lemon juice too gess flavor. This
Sp11rrd. Yrt J.'hutnh here, oc 1115113',, souse Inas doe 11.--i el 1101 and ,a•,e1 after
414,43 esee,lmg abundantly abuse all that the 1/1)1111 pudding Ire., been out and
mann 0111 ask ,.r !leek. erso1. or it may ls• served cold. bill is
33. 1.11 on .o,nntunma-(:rn%er,tng. !teller hoot, Tiny halls of defi'ale cattle
Abraham 1eturmst unto 111- place Itis cake cm -ere! %Oh gross. then rolled in
lent nt Ilehn,i. by the 1erebinl►t, of e.,eoannl. is an addition to the esthetic
aide of ILK festa, .
The Home
Invalid's Cup Pudding. -Take a tea-
cupful of breailcruilles• pour over sulll-
(sold imlk to rover, and after souhiig
1.e411 up w,lli a fork. Grease" 8 breakbest- The first sot these is when tate young gfei
cup with hotter, add :t ligh'ly-bouton is entering the portals of wotnaoittit>d. at
egg to the bread.•ruuh,, sweetest and this time she is very often pale, weak and
Ilavur very slightly. Tour the °114118'" nervous, and unless her health is built up
11110 Ile greased cup and steam 1.r and her system strongthenod she may tall
ISI e11 minutes. lino out to serve,a prey 1.) m
oonsumptioa or boa weak woan
1 for ida
" 1"."1111"1 J:meas.--Ikxl 111111 8 1/MM1 •d' The second period is motherhood. The
11455 Walk with. a 1)1)1011 "f ;till, anti 4h - a drain on the system is great and the es-
snh•e ie it a piece of butler the size of :1 hausted uervo furca and depleted blood
"hint I'ul the butter fond milk ou Si ' require reppleuishing, Milburns Heart and
S IRhe,eil wheatmeal to stake a light, Nerve Pills supply the elements needed to
sof( dough. Roll out it quarter of :in do this.
111011 thick, ai►tl cut lulu small count - The third period is''chant{o of life" and
cases. Sea t e' tot is ill huller gnu (,wl(l1'n this is the period when she is moot liable
sy cup, to heart and nerve trouble/.
Sweet Sago 'udelin •.--Snak two A tremendous obaugo is taking place in
%t 1 ug 1 1.
ounces of sage) in water for several the system, and it is at this time many
hours, drain and mix it with two olmc,t, - chrome diseases manifesd themselves.
of ..:tiger, and a tablespoonful of ,naruui-; Irorl.ify the heart and nerve system by the
lade. Butter it mould. ot•iantent i1 with use of Milbaru's Heart and Nerve Fills and
raisins or emptied peel: Poor111 the thus tide over this
dangerous fie
at, Mrs.
James King, Cornwall, Out., writes: „1
114• !\iiire find st.:ani tut' two hours.
Torn have boon troubled very meth with heart
• out and serve tcilh wine suttee. trouble -the cause being to a great extent
Te (:oak Preserved Wegetabl•'s.- IZet.,re due to "obaugo of life." 1 have been taking
using preserved vegetables, drain away Milburn'/ Heart and Nerve fills for some
all the liquor, plug the vegetables un a time, and noun to continuo doing so, for I
sieve Or culurt(ler, uud pour boiling water can truthfully say they are the best remedy
over. This process ri,6 the vegetables I fray° over used for building up the system.
of the water 111 which they were pre- You aro at liberty to use this statement
served. and which often cause., a billertaste; :l for the benefit of other sufferers."
Frico 50 cents per box, three boxes for
soften the rte •eiling o tablesateandoften
Imakesl lltteml $1.25, all doalors, or Tho T. Milburn Co,,
b UnuLod. Toronto, Ont.
more easy t0 cook. Preserved vegetables,
as n rule, do not require to boil so long
as fresh. Ie .
There are tiara
when she is in • • o( the
smug, uervo tout g,
ac lieu of
Old Indian Pudding. --Pour it pint of
scaldiig Milk on 11 cup of coarser' yellow
Indian meal. add Iwo beaten eggs. Iwo -
thirds cup of- dnrk molasses. salt and
cinnamon to taste, add one pint of cold,
ri.•It mill), and bake two hours, stirring
several hnacs to make it whey. sloe, u
suttee of one cup of powdered sugar and
enc -ha 11 cup of batter Witten to a cream,
flavor with nutmeg. wine, or brandy. A
woman holelkeeper in a small western
town has built her trade 011 Ilia( pud-
011 Style Pumpkin1d - Itnrw li he
"lady" did her oton co klPg
better than her help. they were baked in
the old stylo clay deep•in-Ile-CCItre
plates,- brown, with yellow wiggles in
there. The.puntpkin was cut in piece,,
peeled and stewed soft enough to be
scooped. Then mashed and sweetened
with sufficient dark molasses:into .which
ginger and cinnamon, Iwo part, of the
first. one of the latter to each pie. is
mixed. To this was added about one-
thiurl rich errant to two-Ihir(l, drained
pumpkin. First bake the pie crust lining,
u.:(1 the pumpkin 1111 level with the edge
and bake in a brisk oven CO was brick
then) a rich brown, even darker al the
edge. with a brown filet above. 1t cuts
coherently, not like custard nor corrt-
slarch, but like a tient pumpkin pie.
Dough Nuts. --\Work smoothly with the
fingers four ounces of lard and four
ounces of (lour; add half a pound of line
whit,• sugar, two 1ablespounfuls of nll-
12011 '1'11E ROME.
Eat celery, for it Lc a sedative. it is
gaud for rheumatism and also for netir-
\\'hen ro ainig foods that are likely to
Mire. rub.lhe inside o[ the pan with un-
salted butter before placing it 011 the
To Itetn•tvc Spots of Int: or Iron Mould.
--A\'et the spots with mill( and cover
them with common salt. This should be
41(•ne before washing the material.
(:tt-hinny for Wicker (:hairs.--'Phese
look well aver -'d with a good velveteen.
Being a cotton fabric it dues not harbor
moth. and is kept in order by Lreshi11 !.
Dried dates snake a 11100 breakfast
fruit if slightly simmered in boiling water
and rued with rich cream, either hot
'o:' cold; they area wholesome fruit for
everybody to lake at this time of the
Pop turn %%Oh lee Crennt: This i• maid
1.) he very slice by (hose who have 11161
O. Of c01)130 you do not butler or snit
the uru. It se•►nc to ndd just the
15omel1111g" thud is heeded with the
Broiled Salt Fish.- Sok the fist' over-
night in 5141111 milk. \When required wipe
it dry and put it on a \yell greased grid-
iron. When browned on one side. turn
carefully s) its to out blacken. Serve
will' fried polu:ues.
If we wish to read disease we should
guard against eating Ino Int ole and re-
member that enough is as ()old as is
feast. All the strength exln•nded to the
digestion of superllntts food. going on
day idler• day, tu•IJ; upon the brain and
nervous system, and makes !hent fail.
and Ilse body becomes filled with impuri-
ties, which cause the most sea! ,s-. and
fatal diseases.
To keep a house in n xnni1.uy
tam► docs riot mean that you must he
sweeping, dusting, and scr•ubleiig all the
lime. Let the nit- and sunshi114' into
every port of the house: do not allow tiny
decaying welter to acctnnulule . in the
cellar: wash ittid dry all cleaning cloths.
Cult,, pails, etc., as conn its situ have
used them. II is not so Hutch the dust
Ihnt is in sight as the 41)151, dampness
and decay in dark places that Intakes n
dwellirig iusanihuy'.
When washing muslin miter's pal
them to soak over night 111 C01(1 water.
Next dray squeeze ;never wringl out care-
fully and place in a lather of Irpid soaps'
%valet•. Squeeze the curtains h, this till
clean, then rinse carefully and wrap in
el) Ills. I'in an old clean sheet "n the
carpet. carefully 111111 the curhains out
on this, gently pulling straight, and se-
cure in position by pins al the corners.
When dry the curtains will have been
quickly loundried and look as good as
Iron bedsteads are better than wooden
ones, ns they do not harbor insects, are
e11.ity cls:nue), and very durable. The
laths may be preserved from rust by lay-
ing 11 1111'0' of course camas )r old car-
pel u•'er thea, \Wa1erprou[ materials
should fol 111 u.el under the 11ut11(4:,.,
it. they prevent the damp ):a lqung, nttd
this cuu.cs the led,111I 111 (lees) quick-
ly, while ale bed remains cold and
ela11111. Once a year hove all purls of the
bedst1'nd., wiped over ss itI naphtha or
motor spire, and dried in an air) count,
where there Is neither Ihr aur light,
-Mint .c
Ilse King
t pictuq
h,u►gcvl torsall
It us-etl to be alt
lave been serious
. ,ys the Notional U
I I: ere ale forebod rases
slams is, given up of 1
')es on,
'1'110 royal elelstwut hunt
-ensu., affair, perhs,po. �ji11aP
ti: beast was 1110 only' m
h11td uu land old the el
and elephant batteries; were Ill
(orient branch of the army.
•radllion aid sentiment. for
.tit a splendors and parade:_;,
,hunt to -day has no part in Bangkok
.uu•t lite, and him occupation would be
nts were It nut for the survey 0.1114,
•• .ells u
,has rand builders, ofliciat holt u�
.110 fat9rwit3 piVVillC( and the horst, for-
sls and I int'ser yard: where ooerlietct
,uuchincry cannot supplant the inhllt-
gent slreng.li of the elephonl.
bur the great 11ui15 nt Ay111116, silo
•f Chu abuntkwed capital, the hunters go
mil weeks beforehand and beat the jun-
gles for a Iuidred tulles to north and
sag. and the cut'dun of tame elephants
.iewly closes mound the wild elephants
Cud drive, !bent in a herd of two or three
,uudred down to the river bunk and
:ACb1OSS '1'O THE KING'S Kl1 VtI..
The Imo -hunt of 11t6 kind Stens 1/r-
anged for the sieoial enjoyun:al of the
:rttvn Prince after tits return from Iii,
lushes at Oxford and his lour of Amcr-
eat. and before he assumed the rubes of
: Buddhist priest and spent the n•;ulu-
14111 three months in t monastery, in
icrordnncc with old Siamese custom.
For the hunt week the court slays al
elle nearby palace of hung -pa -in. on thi
elver baulks, and rho diplomatic and
other foreign guests go up to Ayulhlu
u their houseboats. which luxurious!)
.-lige them during the (lite.
All Bangkok that cue lin,! 1.,o!hold goes
n,) the forty. milt:, by train, nod all the -
riverside and CM* country people paddli
their small tends and dugout canoes: to
he area of lleinnrn on which lite King's
kraal lies.
Wtterl the hunters hnve urged the sluts
moving game out trona the jungle to Ihr
river bank Ute sight is worth all ituti t•
efforts to see. Hemmed in at a safe ills
lance by hundreds of boats the than
.•leplients slowly urge their jungle cou-
sins .across the meadow and into the
notiverging approaches to the kraal.
This square enclosure ...,s solid wall
,ix feel thick, with an inner stockade of
!midi lug; twelve feet high, banded to-
gellier with iron and set so closely 10-
4ethcr that there 6 bnrcly space ietw•een
for Ilio slitionwt Siamese to squeeze
The grand stand, with ifs royal lodge.
'runt which the King aid his guests view
this slime. is built over the north wall of
the kraal; !out us lilts lxsitiou of Iaullnu
rind fixed Asiatic convention is a hurl
one for photographers, the King. who i,
au enthusiast over the cornett, has hilt(
an special pavilion constructed at on,
side, where he manoeuvre. 1114 instru
meal,, large and 51111111, with the gt''•',titn,
;Ora. Nearly everyone carries u r
sera to the elephant 1111111. but none snap
,•. royally. excepting by request, in se
uglily civil'ced a country lis Siam.
the odd elephants crawl up rind
Mei the narrow leading to the
Stoat. Ituitpe'ing aid shuttling nervous-
ly in !heir fright, the scramble and crush
is terrific. After the hugs, lugs hoot
rlo,t eI Ili,' 55 1c150 fir l ,rtrullia 1110 11111)1
e•;ephawla go round e, 1111 11111LIItnllee
0) w
11,3. ..cisting bruised and injured el'
pliant, I" 1114151! 1111(1 1•1se lu Il'4i1' feel
:and horning the dead ones over out of Ile
way. At es cry hunt several beast- has t
their alts broken and the life crusted out
then► in this crush 111 the gates, tot
when two frantic elephants try to go
through at once neither one yields 01
draws bark, and the strongest and
111' I:i
I' o
my Imo
mo 1
al mon
felt better In sty.
seed to mw / Jltaa
PSYOHINL'never dieap
PST ti: NE has no so tate
no other medicine "J
(ADE OF 'l IIE I'1.\NO.
A piano is ns sensitive to cold and
heat e, 811 invalid, 5u 11 must 11111 be pill
100 near a lire. fir the 5.14041 15 drawn by
the lieu!. Store leave it near an open
window if 11 is reining. or 11n is dump
nitro, a. this will rust the sores and
mould the Inside.
Such an instrument should not be pill
eloSP lo 11 15 01. or Ili' ...maid will be
Deadened. acid 11 Amide! be kept ()hosed
when not in use. The 6ey.. altoult lite
41)1.1e.1 tinily an idol .alk haudl.1T.
chief. bol they should never 110 1111.1tt.•(1
when they are sulk I, nr the hoot) will
1r• (i,colorel. If Mew 1.e.'ittle sellae
from t>egled, rub thorn set11 11'1111111 juices•
aid a little whiling. Aid when 11 f.3 dry
In °ml' it off. Lot d.► not let the dust fait
between the key;. Never put I.,ti mere -ntalioilent' on 8
-1111111') 101). fit the lune 10 11 be spotted
and Rte in-tweet•at 1.• pIleel ion of pro -
1, r Il:arn'eiy. I anally. remember IMO in
an neon os.•reroa,let) with furniture end
draperies :4 11:111 4111 ties er be ht•ntd to
Iles I,t:st ads nnla(;.•.
She who fishes for a husband seldom
cliches one worth while.
The t,•ere1 of success furnishes nuirh
iw'l for gossip.
not wrend$. t � �per •
Dtt. T. 1 T - LIMO, 119 Pig tri W, TORONTO
Dr. Root's Kidney Pills ars a sures
and permanent cure for Rheumatism
Bright's Disease, Pain in the Sack and
all forms of Kidney Trouble. Mc per
box, at all dealers.
King rises rind goes to itis boat. The
King of Siam is One of the twist kingly
loaning men now gracing a throne --"tho
handsomest man in Asia, nanny of 1ho
diplomats cell him -and in his white
military uniform he steps off at a pnco
that pule the royal unthretlu bearer at a
dog Trot to keep up with the str.1111o11e
Al sight of the King in his European
clothes, under his Asiatic umbrella, lint
people sink un (heir heels and remain in
a-p(tsc; of t-evetvitt humility until lie lino
passed. 'Then 1Ite onside, who have en-
jeyeil the holiday to the full, Inks a fresh
betel quid, tuck up their pautungs. paddl.t
away or wade the stream. and A) Whet
tiecomes again Ind n Itusy water village
near some ruined temples in the jungle.
English Language Ilas Many Expressive
Our rescntlilonce to the lower nnimnts
mast be very close, from the fact that
wo commonly use several scores of
words drawn from the lower animals to
.xpress most forcibly our opinion of a
,nnn. for instance, we have
ASS, 111001(0), puppy, calf, bear, kitten.
mule, fox, pau•ret, jny, pigeon, goose,
duck. snake, sneak, cal, peacock, toad.
And every wort) sums un 8 tnnn'S char -
toter. .
Then there are lion-henrlert, chicken-
helrltd, horsey, hawk-eyed, pige n-
erensted, dogged. lynx -eyed monk
!aced, line k -nosed. etc.
Of verbs signifying that sse nct like
animals. (here are dozens. To snarl, to
growl, to grunt, to claw, fo plume. to
ring, to hiss, to caterwaul, to cackle, to
waddle, to swoop, to coo, to purr.
"Those are among the most expra,siva
(words of our language.
Inrge,t surot5P.. sul,sidcs.
After Ili. panic mildly
(hough Ilio kraal 1, Otle.l wilh Ih0 111111
jungle tuck who trumpet and scream un-
ceasingly. the elephant doctors move
11111011 Ot► their trained (tisker, awl note
the de.:iritle catches. The cL"ceu 01n+
ore lass,est by the foul and mode last to
,lakes. A few 141.0 0111011'11 Cur the royal
stables, bell the rest go Ile practical,
cu11uletr'i„1 way--tu the stow')' camps
and the leak forests. -
There i; a great contros1 between the
sleek, fat. well fent 111141 well gmonted
turn(' elephants, with their quiet dignity,
their beteg!' aril easy manoeuvres'. and
the sorry looking jungle folk- gaunt.
weather -worn elephants. with 5oblel '
slid piste -lies of fungous growth -lout
(r%w weeks ••f care and l( n few scruL-
bing, and ceilings transform them, and
they goon acquire the urbane planner
and composure.
111)GIN(; 1Illi i:1.1:I'IIANTr.
{:ver) Siamese is a e111111.ti'sellr reel
critic fit elcpltunl,. told judges unerring-
ly Henn the wild herd. First, the crew
la.t'e shuttle have as good skim
.um' 11r -
red. of uniform wrinkling or texture. 4111(1
a light 111 co11.1 as possible.
116 bees .should boss) black n11do rend
his tail Inca Is' nl.o,luteiy intact. he
.,gnilleru,t a5 the ,•I.gtttnul:s tail 1,e, the
want 01 0 voider., the creature impossible
111111 1(4111(114.115; 1111(1 many n 1'".11 sing
elephnul Is ieps.te t at Ilse krhl) bemuse
he ;ie, i..,1 his tail in s•.lu.• jungle field.
stends..a'oel! 114111 f. neer•-aa t fol• Ila'
r;eph1ult 1u hes• 115411 111 travelling.
Wiwi, Ike %sild etephnnts bare 1e•n
eh•,sec 1111)1 nittte fust 1 t shakes they
sometime, brook Inose mid v. reek Iheil
(nitros till the 111,1 nnil)1a11 t11 sight. And
It lller royal between lion e Ail' I's uteri
,erne. Tema the fur rung, with Ile abouts
n; the Ites•ple tied the Shnlnese Thinks he
had .1 11.y111 hr11111D) 111dcel.
\\ hen the final choice has Leen trade
And Ili, rejes91't1 ('101rhnnt. nre turned
back roto the meadow, feel nml freed, the
1tE:\D, It1.\nth, ANI) !.EARN.
No one is defended until he gives up.
That intuit has fnilel who ham not !,Pen
Mile to keep a good opinion of himself.
1411uny 8 111811 stands small chance of
finding n caste until he has been kicked
"tit of w cottage.
'there is tut disgrace in 1111preventoLlo
'overly. The disgrace is in not doing
01l. -s lest to better 011'.4 condition.
Optimism t3 a success builder; pessl-
1nietn1 an achievement killer. No twitter
if you have 14)st your property, your
health, your reputation toes], )hero al
always hope fur you Fo long nit you keep
a first faith in yourself.
Burdock -
Blood Bitters
holds a position unrivalled by any Abell
Mood medicine as a cure for
PIMPLES, RINGWORM, or any disease
arising (rota a disordered state of the
Stomach, Liver, Bowels or Bleed. Mei
you-.etluire a good blood saediei:te get