Exeter Times, 1907-02-28, Page 1;►
THIwrv- Fouwra YEAR -No 1745
••NN •••••••••••••44.44•
Phone No. 32.
Laces and
Fashion decrees Laces and Embroideries to be cor-
rect for this season. In fact such a height of popularity
have trimmings of this style reached, that no costume
or dress is complete without the addition of handsome
dainty laces.
Valenciennes and Torchon effects, insertions and
edging to match, so necessary with fine muslins, lawn and
organdies, that are so much in vogue.
Oriental Laces in Ivory, also white all -overs, inser-
tion and edging to match, very suitable with light dress
goods and silks.
Wash Silk Torchon, one of the prettiest, most servic-
able creations in laces. Ivory shade in all-over insertion
and edging black in lace and insertion to match.
Embroideries, Swiss Muslin or Cambric Edging, in-
sertion all-over and wide insertion specially for blouse
fronts. A beautiful range of eighteen -inch embroidery
for corset covers.
LIhow LCflOtll SIIK Olovos
Not light weight as in most silk gloves but made in
an extra heavy weave of pure silk, a glove that will stand
wear, colors black and grey. Short and three-quarter
sleeves being the rage long gloves arc necessary. Buy
while they are to be had.
New Collars & Belts
We have gained for ourselves the reputation of carry-
ing the best assorted and most up-to-date range of these
goods shown in town. Our latest arrivals are new de-
signs in chiffon and silk collars, dainty colors and black,
also a full stock of turnovers and wash collars. If you
require a new belt we can suit In Kid. Leather or Silk,
black and colors,
Jones ex Clark ij
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford it
Clothing also high grade furs and dress goods.
N•••♦••••4444••....••♦N• •♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦.♦♦♦ *MN
T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. (1
1410 • P. 8., Graduate Victoria Uni
ty once and residenence. Dominion
JJ laboratory. Exeter.
I Associate Coroner of Huron.
8aooeseor to Dr. J. A.
wad Surgeons.
t idence east
tains. Main street. Res
Rollins OMc�
oa first street north of Post Office, /Exeter.
We laovoe unlimited private tends for invest
sonssoobb upon
lfano abored*. e r village moony 0lower
Sec Mcel
C)ANit EN() AY
r L n.
Organist of Trivitt memorial Church, Exeter.
Piano, Organ. Harmony and Theory of Music,
Terms on Application. Exeter, Ontario.
DRS, Y. ANI) H. M. COWAN, 394
Piccadilly Street, London, Ont.
Telephone I62. long distance connection. JLEWIS THOMAS
Special attention given diseases of women and s Civil Engineer & Architect
mry. Oxford or C. P. K. Street Oars to (iate Department oPublic Works, Canaria.)
e street Mk. yon almost to the door. )
:Ether city office. Special Hasp ltal and Controlling Engineer for Municipal and Count)
er arraIgemonte for patients ftom a Work, Electric railroads, sewerage and Waterworks
nee. System %%Ilan es, Bridges and Re -enforced Concrete,
Phone "2E0 London Ontario
DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D.
D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office :n Fenson's Block west of
Main street-EstcTER.
DR. G. F. ROUL$TON, L. D. 8.
I). D. 8., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
011rICE:-Over Dickson & Carling s
Law Omces in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors.
We have a large sm0nat of prtyabs hods 10
eau on farm and vUlwpproperties .I10wrobs
Barristers Solicitors. Main 81. ICxeter
•arrt•to s eollettoreNotaries (:oaveyfnaeer,
Oommleslonerv, Sollcftors for the Molaon.
Bonk. Etta
Meeey Whom a1 lowest rota at lotaeew►
ti caatisto a A. t. N. OtCOow
s Phillips, Licensed Auctioneer for the Comity
Huron. Charzes mrnlerate. .%11 communinitions
reuse,' to R. S. Phillips, Ilensall, or orders left a
e, orrice *Ill receive prompt attention.
Take Laxative Promo QainIn' Tab-
Nts. Ali druggists refund tbo mos.
oy it It falls to care. S. W. (P.,.'.
Amster' is oa each bsze SU.
Licensed auctioneer for Counties
of Huron and Porth.
Special attention given to farm
stock sales. Town and village pro•
perty sold by auction on moderate
Orders may be left at the Time's
office or at •residence, Elimville,
Chargee moderate.
Tha' doesn't cure the corn. Just
apply the old standby, l'utnam's
Corn Extractor. It acts like magic.
Kills the pain, cures the corn, dori it
without burn or Pcar. Get the best -
it's " 1'u t n a m's."
(let a jar of Enjoyme Medici-
nal Jelly, i! will cure rough skin
in one ap,)lication, not kreasy or
sticky. Nicely scented, 2i cents
a jar, The Purity Store is the
Only place you can get it, ('on.e
in and get one jar and prove
these f,ects While in tisk to
here the i'honograph. Bring
alone your friend,•
Cana ii.t-n Express f3uildia;
Mr. McLean, who has held the pposwt• l The regular meeting of the Exeter
tion as classical master of the Seaforth
Collegiate Institute has tendered his 1 council was held Monday evening. An
resignation to take effect at Easter, membera were present.
ft is Mr. McLean's intention is take up A communication was read from
a post graduate course. the representative of the underwriters'
Mian Campbell, who for some years Association, who was here a short
lived with her sister, Mrs, Jantea Mc- time ago making a teat of the tire sp-
Dermitt, at Brucefield, died on Tues-paratus and making several Eugges-
day evening of last week. The de- tions for improvement.
ceasedhad suffered from A paralyticI A letter was received from B. B.
stroke from which she only partially Gunn, stating that he would Fem. Mr. John Downey, of Winnipeg. is
recovered. The remains were taken sent the corporation at the meeting to visiting his father, Mr. H. Downey,
to 0 taws for Interment. be held in Ottawa for the prevention Exeter North.
of tuberculosis. Mr. Ed. Hooper left on Monday for
You hardly realize that it Is med- Lous Hern addressed the council Winnipeg where he expecte to re-
ioino when taking Carter's Little Li- that he was assessed a poll tax, and main for some time. We ,wish Ed
ver Pills ; they are very small ; no that the law does not compel a man success in the far West.
bad effects ; all troubles from tor- who is over (ill years old to pay it. Mr. Special services will be comwene.
pid liver are relieved by their use, Hern stated he is 65. Mr. Hern will <d on Sunday next, in the Main i3t.
f,Vm. Carnie, an old settler of Stan- he asked to produce a certificate of 3fethod'tst church and commencing
ley township passed away on Sunday hie stge. on Tuesday they will be continued
Feby. 17th at the age of 72 years. Two Mr. W. Harding said that he had throughout the week.
months ago the deceased was taken paid $4s last year for the use of the
Mrs. Crocker and Miss \Vt,imstler,
ill with paralysis, which with heart weigh scales and that his contract who have been visiting their sister
weakness gradually exhausted his vi- called for $47.50. He thought the Mrs. 1). Johns for the past month
tality. He was for many years an amount wad $45 and asked who he returned to their home in St. Marys
elder in the Blake church and super- should pay the balance to He was on Tuesday.
intendant of the Sunday school. referred to the town treasurer, Mr. T. H. McCallum spent a few
Will positively curd sick headache The following bills were ordered days last week in Toronto, and while
and prevent its return. Carter's paid: Exeter Salt Works. salt, $4.00; there attended the temperance con -
Little Livor Pills. This is not talk •tames Murray, repairs, $1 25; Mrs, vection which was held in thet city,
but truth. One pill a dose. See ad- White. scrubbing. $1.00. s when the Hon. Mr. Whitney;was
vertisement. Small pill. Small Chief Bissett complained that boys asked to give a majority vote in-
- and girls were in the habit of going stead of the 3-5 vote which we have
to the library reading room nearly now,
every noon to eat lunch, and that Air. Richard Delbridge on Tuesday
they littered crumbs over the floor, received word from Hamiota Man.,
and violated the rules by constant of the death of Mr. George Andrew,
talking. The Chief was instructed to of that place and a former resident
order them out if they do not behave of Elimville, who died on the 25th,
themselves. as the result of an injury receive
Councillor A. E. Fuke thanked the ed a few days before. The deoeas-
council for the kind expressions of e(1 was a eon of Mrs. Eliza Andrew
his mpathy tendered him whenhand injured a coupleehe bad weeks of Elimville, and a brother of Mfrs.
Joshua johns.
Miss Eva I3alkwill is visitia
Barnes, of Toronto.
Mr. Fred Itoss, of \Vindsor, visit
relatives here over Sunday.
Mr. Chas. Tebbutt spent Saturday
and Sunday visiting in Clinton.
14iss Mary Nelson, of London, is
the guest of '.Hiss Rose Herten.
Many will regret to learn of the
death of Mr. Wm. Whire, license in-
spector for South Perth, which occur -
ed at his residence in Hibbert, on
Tuesday, Feby. 19th, after a few days'
illness of pneumonia. Mr. White was
a man in the prime of life, and was
prominent in many walks of life. Soon
after the accesion of the Whitney
Government to power, he was ap-
pointed license inspector of South
Perth and made a most capable official
He was one of the leading farmers of
the township and took an active part
in every movement calculated to ad-
vance the interests of his brother far-
mers. He was a prominent Mason
and Orangeman and held high offices
to both orders. Mr. White was a na-
tive of Brussels in this counts• His
success in lite was due to his own
energy and ability. He was genial
and companionable and wets very pop-
ular among all classes and his death
will be deeply regretted by a large cir-
cle of friends.
That tired languid feeling and
dull headache is very disagreeable
Take two of Carter's Little. Liver
Pills before retiring, and you will
find rotief. They never fail to do
The home of Mr. Thos. Mellis, of
Kippen, was the scene of a pretty
wedding on Thursday, February 14tb,
when his third daughter, Celia Alice,
was united in marriage to Mr, Arthur
W. Dignan of the Moose Jaw district,
Sask., and son of Mr. Warren Dignan
of Hay township. The marriage cere-
mony was performed by Rev. D. ilr-
quhart, pastor of St. Andrews church,
and was witnessed by some 40 guest&
The pride who was given away by her
father, looked very pretty in a gown
of ivory silk, trimmed with chiffon
and satin bowknots and carrying a
bouquet of carnations. The bride was
waited on by little Florence Harring-
ton, Toronto, who acted as ringbearer
and flower girl, and was daintly dress-
ed in white point d'esprit, trimmed
with pink ribbons. The wedding
march was played by Miss Myrtle Mc-
Lean. After the ceremony the young
coli; le were warmly congratulated,
then ell sat down to a dainty and
elaborate wedding supper. The bride
who is one of the niost highly esteetn-
ed young ladies of our village, was
the recipient of a large number of use-
ful and beautiful gifts. The groom le
one of the well doing young farmers
of the west. Mr. and Mrs. Dignan
leave for their western home on
and nd take with them the
beet wishes of a very large circle of
friends for their future happicese and
Teo rinks of Exeter curlers went
down to Lucan on Thursday to play
a !taunt match with the curlers of
that town. The afternoon game re-
sulted in favor of our players, but
in the evening Lucan more than
overcame their defeat of the after-
noon by winning out by four points
or n lead of two points 011 the whsle
day's playing.
Rodents, skill a Anderson, skip .14
Coursey, skip 16 Ruston, skip 9
•21 13
Sprung, skip 6 Anderson, skip 10
ilawkshaw,ship 1.1 Huston, skip 5
19 15
At the third quarterly official
meeting of \\'ellburn which was
largely attended, nearly every Ineur-
ber being present, n very compli-
mentary resolution expressing ap•
preciation of the pastor and his wife
was passed rind by a unanimous
standing vote the Rev. W. II. Cooper
was invited to return a third year
The invitation was nceepteri subject
to the action of the conference.
Itoth the membership and the Co,.•
sectional funds have increased, es-
pecially the tnissinnarp fund during;
the pastorate of Mr. Cooper.
Mr. and Mrs. A. ,E. Ilodeert rind
youngest daughter, spent last
Thursday in London.
Reeve Bobier stated that he was in
communication with a party regard-
ing the establishing of a hosiery fac-
tory here, but that he could not di-
vulge the name at present.
Chief Bissett asked the council to
get him anew suit of clothes for his
official duties, and after considerable
discussion $18 was granted for the
purchase of the new garments.
The question of the new station was
brought up, and the information
elicited that the G. T. R. officials had
stated that the Exeter station would
be the first one to be built by the com-
pany in 1907.
Mr. Will Brimacombe, of Jiamiota
Man., who visited friends here for
several weeks left on Tuesday for
his home in the West. On Monday
evening before his departure a
number bf relatives met with him
at the home of Mr. Enos Routly and
presented Mr. Brimacombe, with a
gold locket and the following ad-
dress: -
To our cousin :-On the eve of
your departure for your home in
the West, we your friends and rela-
tives have rnet here to attend one
more pleasant evening together, and
also to present you with this locket
as a token of our love and respect
for you. We have nothing but the
kindest feelings towards' you and
wish you the every prosperity for
tho future as has attended your
efforts in the past and when you are
far away from us you can look upon
.this locket and think of those who
gave it too you. Not for its value
do we give it to you, but for the
deep love we, in our hearts, hold for
you. We however, have one wish
and that is the next time we see
you, you 1ti11 be mile to pre.eeenl to
us one whom you have taken to
share your life's sorrows and joys.
No, it's ns bad as ever. Nothing
seems 4e help. Why not 1)110 the tip -
to -date specific "Catarrhozone,'
d ! s out cola in one day.
Inhale Catarrhozone, and you mill be
relieved i1) two Minutes. Continue
the treatment and cure is assured.
Healing, germ destroying and pleas-
ant, nothing for colds, t throat
trouble and Catarrh compares with
Catarrhozo e. Sold everywhere, 25e.
and $1.110.
The anniversary services of the
Eder( Methodist church were held
last Sunday auld were largely at-
tended. On 'Tuesday evening the
annual oyster supper took place in
the basement of t school and 'vas
attended by fully 2(111 persons. The
Ladies of the church are to }e con-
gratulated on the excellent supper
provided. There were oysters
enough for everyone, and if you felt
you needed an extra dish it was giv-
en yo'1 with at feeling that bespoke
the wishes of the ladies that not n
hungry soul leave the feast, 'Ch.•re
We Fe ASO cakes, pile. tarts, and
tartlets and all the coffee you want -
•d• 'Co hive you extra value for
your money an interesting program
was prepared, the church building
living used for that purpose. Rey.
Andrews. the pastor, occupied the
chair anti did so in an able manner.
ltev. Going eas present and deliv-
ered a shot but intetesling ad•
dress. Mr. Nelson dicks, u lw por-
111'a11ea one of the finest ltas-o voices
in Ontario, teas present, and sang
several songs. Each of his numbers
was enthusiastically enchoed to
which he willingly responded.
Miss Simpson, of Centralia, gave a
solo, which was well received. Miss
Simpson pos.aeast•. n very I ae4't
vole.•. Miss Eaaery, of Chicago. gar-
several readings, and 1'.115 ,410h01
each time. Miss itorrk, of ,hx,+ter,
pleased the audience aith a will! s<'I.
CASTOR IA ,cted trading• Mr. }Ing:erth Also
g:iv' a teidiug and t•:ti heartilc
applaud••d. Three• young 1: ds Pace
For Infants and Children. a temlu rine • dialogue, t: hich ass
Tia KIM You Havo Always Booed amusing. 'Che• ('e•ntralia chu{r t,a.
prrsrnt and tonic rut active purl in
the program. The singing of the
Hears the choir was pond. as a as the duet
Signature of given by two young Iaely Illyrian' s.
Several of those present weir. called
upon to give impromptu speeches.
The Senate Committee on rail-
ways„ in the House of Commons,
threw out for the second or third
time the hill to incorporate the St.
Joseph Transportfliion Company
which proposed to build a canal from
St. Joseph to fort Stanley. The St.
Joseph Radial Railway, which ,was
to build from Stratford to St. Jo-
seph, was also thrown out. It was
opposed by the Ontario Government
as being an infringement of provin-
cial rights. These were a couple of
schemes projected by Contine. En-
gineers declared that the canal was
a practical impossibility, but not-
withstanding this ho was able to in-
duc•'.Iteople to put their money in it.
The home of Mr. end Mrs. Wm.
Creech, was the sono of a very
pretty wedding, Monday evening,
Feby. 25th., when their daughter
Edna was married to Mr. Alex.
Stewart. The marriage ceremony
was performed by Rev. d:oing and
was witnessed only by the imntledi-
ate relatives of the contracting par-
ties. After the ceremony the young
couple were warmly congratulated,
then all sat down to a dainty Iced€
ding supper. The bride, who is one
of the incest highly esteemed young
ladies of the village, was the recip-
ient of a number of useful and
lo'autiful gifts. The groom is one
of our well known and highly res-
ide'ctcd young men, and his many
friends congratulate him on his
choice of a life partner, while the
bride has the wishes of many friends
for her future happiness. dtr. and
Mrs. Stewart have taken up their
residence on Huron atreet.
A very pleasing event took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Little, 249 Manning Ave. Toronto,
Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 27th,
schen their daughter Martha J. was
ma Tried to Mr. R. Norman Cruik-
rhanl:, of Exeter. The ceremony
%vlis performed at 3 o'clock by Rev.
Morris, of the Clinton St. Metho-
dist church, in the presence of a
numbor of invited guc'sts. The,
bride looked very becomingly
.(r.• nod in II. bite, ns�iilc,I fly her
cousin Mise Emily Little. Mr. G. N.
Cruikshank, brother of the groom,
also assisted, The 1100se was beauti-
fully decorated for the occasion.
After the ceremony tl;e bridal party
sat down to a dainty wedding din-
ner, after which Mr. and Mrs.
Cruikshank lett for Orangeville to
al cttd their honeymoon, 111)4 ocher,'
rt reception will b^ given in their
honor. After a short visit 'Mr, and
,lits. Cruikshank will coma to Exe-
ter and take up their residence of - - - William street, ichors Ji r. Craik-
shatik has a Rous.• already furnish_ Some Good Snaps in
ed. The groom', gift to the bride
was a paddler. for lined coat, and
to the bridesmaid a beautifully je-
ts, (i
itinlled locket, Lcit11 chain attached,
and to the groomsman a very 111 et-
stick loin. Mrs. (:riiikshank's
travelling gown is of blue silk. SEC. 7,
TI'. 2d, 'R. 3, W. :3, $13.00 buildings,
1VANTED-:3 Is a No. 1, sect. ►with' two water otic
young mets, t learn ,QI(:tys, !11x0 3 h:ty slet.a all Icyeel• E. 1-2 SEC. 25..Ti'. 2r5, 11. 1 t
dry goods hllallll'sa or with some ex- $5.25 eflrhr balance !11 i years at Q $17.00. ,$5,59 rt•'I, 1111. in .1 yea
perience preferred. Hest wages to per cent. 6 per cent.: 511 /teres broke, s
right men. MARAS, 134 Dind•Is lit, SEC. 13. TI'. 2G, it. .1, \\' 3. $15,U0 for 4 horses. This is 3 miles
Off Market Lane. with terms to suit, this also is one C;ervin on the C. N. R, This w
FARM IIA N1) \\'ANTED -A gor.4 of the lest, picked out by myself, be 0 good buy in :1 good part.
brat class man wanted to work oil filth lour water and hay rlvtc, six N. 1-2 SEC. 23, (C1'. 34, 1t 11
n fared, either for the summer or miles from new road building. I11,50, $5.75 cash, ba{. in (110 ye
year. Protestant preferred. Good HEC. Tl' 25, It. 29, W. 2, 89.1)6 N. W. %-4, SEC. .35, TP. tat, I1t.
wages. Apply at '('inter Office.
This is a good section aid can be W. 3, $11.50. $5.73 cash. balance
FOR SALE.-1)reat 1(argain, that sola for feu dollar,; thlec dollnrr five yearn.
brick store on Main street, North of cash, hal. i1) five years at G Peer cent N. E. SEC. 25. TP. '34, 'I{ 11,
Town Hall, Exeter, occupied by S. 1-2 NEC- 15, TI'. 27, I{. I \V. 3 $15,50, 85.73 clsh, bin. in :, ye
bfaassey' ffarris Co, A<ldres.+ I rill 1.50 cash bal. in h years :it , These are gouel lauds will be wit
Parkinson, 429 1'all 51a11 street, 61 per cent.: this is a gond half-' 5 miles of a eta lion ran the G. T.
London, Ont. I section, 4 miles from Da eidson on This is in a good section of count
=-4•-- C. N. R. There are a few stone on i, cheap at this price. W a have r
FAIIFOIL HAL, -That excellent I this half section enough to build good Luys.
[arMm, Lot 17, and teeuth half nt JOHN CHARLTON or E. A. HODGERT
lot 18, concession 5, Stephen, is or for sale. This farm is situat•e1
3 miles from Exeter, and is ;cod
rich clay loam and contains 150 acres
TPere is a frame house of 9 rooms
11.4 summer kitchen and woodshed. AN'1TO11A AND HASKATCIIEW:
I..r;c bank barn. 56 by 64, with ce• f)UN('AN (;. R(.)9'I F.LE('ThU LANDS FUR �'iALE.
ment floors. 'There are drivinif Mr. Duns•an C. Reiss, son of Senator 1 improtv•1 and unimlrroccd 0.0141 and,
11(10(18 aid other outbuil4in s. The 1� rye ju..i I. td ,'.istvd tt i in me 0 h+
farm Is well fenced and well drain. . W. Rtnr,, wn» on \VPdnPedayy of I wro1 ion arnprov d I uld in ti nkaM
ed. About 6 acres of good hard• last week elected In represent Wewt'etetn. Good building,, firm Stn
and bosh. u Price $8 ,000. The river
Middlesex in the Ontariolrese Yi�lnhtrw i
Bauble runs through the [arm. Ap• His nppnnsnt o n• !••. S .•.• a
vly on the premises le Abraham NAM t..:• • ►•..'t••,. a '' - ►.,,1. (t,.. .. l !
clearing. fir. (•r %$ ,R •' ,f, •j •, • e • ,1 117 liltNI '1 1•;I,,'. 1. . i''CI
Our Ranges are
We did not by the cheap tea We did not buy it becau
not good. We bought it and paid the same price as any, other,
chant and we wish to give a bargain. It is good and we k
Try it and you will know it. Regular 25c tea for 19c; 3a for
We also have a carload of Cedar posts comi
in next week.
COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea
aroid RoofIig
I have just received a large shipment of Paroid
Roofing, and as the time is drawing near when you
will want roofing work done, I would advise you to
call and select what you will want.
Have on hand a number of mitts and gloves,
which I am selling at wholesale prices. Come in
and get a pair.
All kinds of tinware on hand.
Moore Kirkton.
Watch this Space
Next Week for
Rowe & Atkinson's
Valley La
a rare chance if take
Exeter, Ontario