Exeter Times, 1906-11-15, Page 4THE EXE 1 r1 R ¶' 1 M E S, NOVEMBER lith 1906. there may be ioteruationel cool. 5 plications by reason of Premier Mond of New fouodlaod ordering (he arrest of American fishermen for breaobes of the colonial ordivaaeet. Work is being actively advanced C In clearing up the wilderness to rLbuild the new city of Prince Rupert, which is to be the western terminus the Grand Trunk Pacific. New Yorkers will soon form a community of cloud dwellers. The proposed now flinger building on Broadway is to be forty storeys high, the stop floor being 550 feet from the sidewalk. The Liberals of Gloichoo Jove. nominated E. II. Riley na their can- didate Ior the approacbine bye-efen- tion for .Lhe Alberta Legislature. Tho Conservative candidate is W. L. Walsh. K. 0. The Hayfield Council has upplied for 150 horse power of electric cur- rent from Niagara Falls, Well-done Bayfield 1 They may Laugh when they fill your order by parcel post but small beginnings often Intake large ondingd. Mayor Coitsw•orth, of Toronto, !-.Ys that he believes that every man should stick :to his party .whether right or wlrong. Bir John A. Mc- Donald once Raid that it was when he was wrong -that he tneeded the support of hie friends, not when he 'was right. I• Inspector J. E. Tom is going ,to some trouble Ito explain the opera- tion of Whet new School Act to rural trustee boards. No one is mono capable then 'the genial Inspector, but we venture the guess that he will ,have difficulty in explaining to the hard-headed practical farmer the reason why country school sections should be deprived of the right to bargain for 'their •teasher'a salary when town and village trustees are still allowed to do 'o. Judze Colter says !that a deliberate conspiracy was hatchhed to 'ruin the reputation of tho Liberal candidate in Elgin in the recent bye -election by having disorderly nwomen at a hotel 'where he stopped over night, and then charging :him falsely •witth bringing them there for fmtmoral purposes. If this be true we believe everyone, regardless of •politics, will say 'that tt more detestable brisk and a more abominable crime could hard• IY be thought of. Respectable Con. servat ives want a Lair !fight. Canada's revenue from all sources for the four months of the present fiscal year ended Oct. 31 mos $28,- 882,860, being $13,265,179 more than the ordinary expenditures. Com, - pared web elle same period of the previous year, t.hore is a reduction In the ordinary expenditure of $223,- 047, and in the capital expenditure of $260,432. On the other hand, the receipts swore $,084,381 larger. The revenue for Octobe.r -amounted $7,789,381, and tho expenditure to $4,716 385,. an increase of $1,183,379 in the former and a decrease of $348,328 in the latter. id Gentlemen: d see our New Stock of IUSKE8 CLOTH TOOTH AND NAIL 3 and WHISKS 3 and SPONGES pmt PERFUMES. TAL. . TOOTH PASTES - HES a POWDERS, .� 6r6dm .YCEKINE JELLY of help being pistolled, --AT-- wning's eter Times VEMI3ER Itith, 1908 !OR THE INCREASE. ▪ sting 'forth !efforts does not expect to !ac- tor fume ,time. Nts(1, tr will +bv so materially IL in n short time we ad So be called a town ,lase- decade the poputa- Ires:ed Ito an nlarm.in; ar residents going to st, Doane (prospecting, low trades. and others mercantile business or ;at epoch of preoperity ur midst, and the es - o' DAing faotory has tive. The 'promoters trn had difficulties Ito ich were not to be 'any 'times ,the project to be a mere toOnjoc. rating of tho stock was matters fivaily adjust- , so that a cunning lac- surcd 'thing and build - a aro zeev being 'push• the plant 'will be fon as the first fruits are soady stn tlhe 1 a e cnnni•no another tng. 'that dentes 'to house ribose come :residents. It fact ;that a suitable to find in Exeter, and of industries will and greater. The to .rent is a pressing that affects our town prospects for develops ter should claim the ho .Board of Trade. and ;business +men. sire ,being solicited nsd we need them. expect people to we hare theproper hero 1s 80 is the property assess - us a men the Id ex- it u►on abet sitting up nights •as for another in- . -Lot her buss 1 ter took a shale tt in ronneotien .used to have n that. ys oL:wms on •a pay• nee i it .90 believe it nu- b ourss:'vcs. ;:.y to 'toil ant in Ly etop- c :ondemn it in tit 1 wink ,t it to that a pre'che+r can- tor the M :oldest). of 2t•rr. aro •. It he counts' who preacher candid:1tee 011 ugh. !ways keep ell him to At. Doc - al 0f It for a ► les. Dotal - Tome." PROMINENT MANUFACTURER SPEAKS In Vanleek Hill, Ont., no one ft better known than Geo. 8. :Watson. When be nays "Catarrhozone is a real cure," depend on it :being so. "My wife" he writes "was subject to bad attacks of throat irritation and bronchitis. ManY remedies were tried but few proved at all useful. Catarrhoz,me was different. It seemed to got right at the sore spots and brought relief quickly, Wo have found Catarrhozoue an absol- ute cure for bronchitis and catarrh." Nothing cures more quickly so get it today. two sizes, 25c. and $1.00 at all dealers. U13I1ORN CE O iC NCIL Council met .at 'Township ball on Nov. 3rd. All the 'members were present. The minutes of 4ha last meeting were .road and approved, By-law No.. 9. .1900. a by-law to prohibit the solo of intoxicating li- quors by retail, 'within the munios- pality was read a first time and laid over until inext meetin; for furthor consideration. Accounts as follows 'wore passed and orders issued in payment : Got - coil. $157.60; Elimv'ille drain ,($663.50 Washburn drain, *28.00. Council then adjourned rto moot Saturday. Dec. let tat 10 ',lock in the fore -Toon. F. MORLEY. Clerk. A QURSTION OFTEN ASKED \Vhy •o many people feel worse atter taking pills. than before! Trou- ble is that drastic pills cud (used. No remedial action is obtained, the bowel,' are irritated and dreadful constipation follows. in using Dr, Hamilton's fills you are soaroely Conscious of havinr taken medicine. Although eery mild, Dr. hams'ter's 111l, do r,•,rula:e the bowels, stim- ulate normal action of the glands. and create neither n woo. xriping or violent „ction. Po.,itively guaran- teed for biliousness, indi;cstion, stomach, liver and kidney illy. For as safe family pill rely oa Dr. 11am- Ilton's, 25e. per box at all deniers. Messrs. Jas. And 'Arthur Itannie left for the lumber camlis roar South River Inst week. Mr. Louis Weber, of Rochester, N. Y. is seeking a t the homy of Mr. Simon Miller, 14th :on. Dr. \Vildoet. I3. A.. who 'rc; ant ly purchased the practise of Dr. G. Buchanan. arrived on Monday from Chicago, where he than been takin3 speclal courses in diseases of 1hr (ye, ear, nose and th.rant. Dr. Wildon is a graduate in Arts of Queen's Uni- versity. Kingston, and of (Toronto University and also a member of the rollege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. He has had considerable experience in the practise of mete'- ' cine and comes arcll recommended. Dr. Buchanan will continue the tear. tine of medicine with Dr. Wilson un- til hes removal to the city wenetimn in December, .Mies Catherine Cook, of the Il,aby• Ion Lint'. hn.* purehaard the dw•ellini occupied by II. 12 ;y-(141 ;and own ,+1 by 1I. Baster. The vice paid for it 1.a $700. Miss Cook takes perieso•.tor1 next spring. Two oassee under she liquor Iieenr act were tried her.- L -,-fore Grcb, J. P., ❑t►i inipc.'or Torrance 4.1 CASTOR IA The Kind You Rave Always Bought, and which has beet in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his pep. conal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-a&.good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infante and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. gorse, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worm* and allays Feverishness. It cures Dtarrhaea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It asslnillates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea -Tho Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 1/4t CCNY*U.. C.NPANV. 7r MURRAY SCW ♦O.II CRT. list Friday. Dan. Bennett was shaex- cd with giving liquor to Wm. Dabu9 who ss on the Indian list, and was found •3uilty. A fine •of $25 and costs, payable in 15 days was impos- ed, and on non-payment of ,the Iino, 30 days in jail. Wm. Dabus. who is on the Indian list, was found .guilty of demanding liquor from a hotel- man and vvtia dined $10.00 and costs. RESIGN FItOM TIIE WORRY CLI311 Life is a rush, but wo can't .all get there together. In consequence we worry -Can't help it because nerves are weak, vitality is ,burnt up and there's no staying {rower left. Cut up the worry part, and build up, Let Ferrozone hells rou. It's n most strengthening( nutritive tonic. Fills the blood and iron, supplies building material for sworn out organs, generates the sort sof vital- ity that -makes you want to do things. No medicine more helpful for men women and children who need strength and staying ['ower. Try F'errorone. 50c per box nt all dealers. GItAN1) IIEN1r \Ve are having dine wo.athtu for November. Most ot :the farmers' are getting pretty well done with their plough- ing and their trout crops, which was more than they expected a chart time ago. Wm. )'nt•tcrtton has got his eta - blest about completed, and tins now as fine stables us anybody in the township. A great ninny 'hunters have been down the river after duck and re- port some fine begs of fowl. Mr. Jas. Wilson and wile Baer' re- turned from %heir honey-rtscon vvhi•.b they stent in Detroit, fort Huron and other places. and will ,now set- tle down on 'Mr. \Vildon's fine farm at Greenway. Mr. Allan. of the Standard flank Parkhill, paid our town a visit over Sunday. The c lrpente'r's are stow finishing Mr. Abner Motlard'a 'house and etre looking for fine wreath/se. The 1're,byte•reins of 4his planin- tend daoiding their Christmas tree entertainment on the 20th of 1)':,ma- ber and the Methodists about the 18th. Be sure and come to both. Bosh of our merchants are improv- ing a heir places of business by en- larging and other !alterations which is n good sign. Mr. Thomas Mollard has got moved into dais new residence, which looks fine and to ism no* happy. A great many of tahe young men who visited the west for the 1u'ar- ve:.1 h;rvc now' returned and report 111ving a good time. Hasler \V:erc Oliver enters vaned a leve of lair t•clrorl males Ito a party on Monday night being the recce:ion of dei+ birt hday. \Tr. 't:eve, Webb ,;ot a firer fro:k well i 1,1 w•'ek. it ,e ,•v put down by W. 11. Barlett, of f'nikhill. Ile went (1o,, n 1st) feet :and got fir4t On V w..,,'r. Dssia YPeP Is t® Indication th i the stomach sod other WO week or come no sod of mass end pelne andb most. cosmos where Mks their - end dad try it they doInWscouMry. HooesSarsaparilla smit bam.. Far t1d e'er are ae� alk Q L raer is li11a. 1 i 1ItICTON Messrs. W. Moore and Geo. Long - burst. who spent a week shooting ,nt Owen Sound, returned home ora Sat- urday. Miss Lillie Taylor left Tuesday for Wanren. Penn•, where she will take up a course in, burnt !wood work and china pointing Miss Tay- lor is an excellent artist and her paintings and other works of • art have received the hig,lrast recogni- tion at Feveral exhibitions. She ex- pects to bo ,away six 'weeks. The contractor ha,! .h!td the Irridee approaches filled in end the new atructure is in a fairly tiessable con- dition, FATAL BLOOD POISONING Frequently follows the use of cheap corn salves and plasters. (Fbe safest is .the best anis 'that's Put-' nam's which baa a 'record of fifty years success. Refuse substitutin for "Putman'e' which cont 25c in eve- ry drug store. WOOD11AM SALE ADS A dvertise your Farm and your Sale of Stock and Implements, or Town Praperty. 50oo Readers will see your advt. each wee FOR SALE FOR BALE -20 white Wyandotte Cooknele. thoroughbred, for breed - purposes. -8. Powell. CANARY 1311(08 FOR SALE.- A few choice St. Androasbury 'toilers Singers. at W. H. Mills, Centralia. FOUND FOUND, -Good blanket. owner have same on proving property paying ;for thin advt. Apply at office. may and t his F Utt SALE OR TO TIENT-Lot Na 13.nbutting on the South Wont boundary concession in the Township ot Usborne, in bite County of Huron, containing about 80 acres more or less. For further particulars .apply on the premises. - I'a'trick Kehoc. Whalen 1'. 0. FAItM FOR SALE. -100 acres, be- ing lot 11, concession 2. Stephen. central position. being about 2 1-2 miles 'frons Crediton, Centsralia and Exeter. For further particularts'ap- ply on the promises. or Jas. Walker, Crediton East 1'. 0, if The oy::ter supper held on Nov:an- ber 5th, wait a decided success. The lady evangelists, who -were here for some weeks and ieft for Li:+towel, have returned hone and are now holding pottage prayer meet- ings nightly. A very pleasing! event :took 'Plato on Wednesday. Nov. 7th, when Mr. W. \Nitron, ot Hensel. and formerly of Wuodlktm. was married to Mies Mary Rodd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. llenrY Rudd. The services were performed iu the church ;it 'high noon by the 'Rev. Bartlett, after which a reception was 'given at the home of the bride's pare -oto. After receiving the congratulation,' of the invited gateets Mr. and Mrs. •Wilson left for their home in Hgentstll, \eller° Mr. Wilson is n proeporous mer- chant. Another 1)1(1ty wedding took place the same clay when Miss Eva, daughter of Mr. James /levanow, was married to John Stephenson, of Adelaide. The services were per- formed in the presence of n large number of invited .. eue8td, Rev. Bartlett officiating. Friends were Preens from London, St. Marys, Clinton. etc. After the 'usual con- gratulations were extended the hap - p) couple, they' lett for their future 'tome at Adelaide. The revival meetings in ttre :Methodist church conducted by Rev. llaertlett, aro being swell attended. THY THIS FOB YO('It COUGIi To relieve a tough or b:cak up a col,' in twenty-four bourn. the 401- lowinz ingred. peel of vvh:alt can be .obtaillted of :,Ise rod prescription (inertial nt sur111 roes, is all ttsat .will be Ire - mired : Virgin MI of fine (Pure). one-half ounce: Glycerine. .t%Vo oun- ces: go;"l avhisky, a half plead. h311r1kc wCI l ,-and take in Iten'tloonful si•OMes every four hours. The desir.d re. 411118 can rat be obtained a'n'ew the in,(r•cd:c'nta are our'. It is th^re- : fore better to purrl►1,-.' 11•' ingred- ients r.(p:irately and prrt•11' the mixture your:^If. Virgin Oil of Pita! (Cure) ,.hould be purchased in the origirkrl half -ounce viil:i, whish 4ru! is:s buy 'for dispensing'. Eaols vial i.; securely sealed in n round wooden case which protects the Oil (roan 0X .cxure to 1i:the Around the wof'er 01180 14 an engraved wNestor w'oith the elms- Virgin (11 of fine (Puree.- plainly printed thereon. There are many tmi•talioni and cheap productions of Pine, but these only create nau..aa, and never effect the desired results. 2-9-07 CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Dealt Bears the Signature of FOR SALE.-1lourre on Huron St. with throe lots. There is also a smaller house on the property. For further particulars apply (to Ed. Maguire, Exeter North or C. Dor- wood, 115, 16 Front Street, Pullman Ills. LOST. -A two-year-old steer, red with horns on, strayed from Lot 4. concession 5, 'fay. A suitable re- ward given for information leading to its recovery. Any information regarding the steer may be left with John Itowe or at the Times office. 11-29-6. ASTRAY. -A flock of tame ducks Dame to tia,m`l. McCoy's. Cent nalia, about six tweeks ago. Owner «an have same by paying expenses. FARM FOR SALE. - That excel- lent fain, Lot. 16. concession 10, Osborne, consisting of 100 nares good state of cultivation. This pro- perty is well fenced, hag !two largo barns, with stabling underneath. cement floors and water in front of stock in stables. Large windmill on barn, also one on pump. Good Brame house; good orchard, hog pens, drive shed. All the land is seeded, ,except 18 acres, of which 11 acres is in fall wheat. There is about 10 acres of good bush. This farm is well un- dordrained with tile. For further particulars apply to A. E. Ilodgert. Exeter. 50 GIRLS WANTED To learn to operate hoaiere knit - tine machines. Beginners paid $3 per week and On on piece work at ,soon us they', 'can earn moire. Should be earning from e$1.00 to $1.25 per day in from 6 to 8 weeks. Expert operatorsearn as high as $2.50 High- est wages paid to experienced hands. We will procure good board at $2.25 to $2.50 per eveek for applicants if desired. The most corneae::table, lar;. eat and best equipped hosiery factory in Canada. Running ell the, year. This advertisement will be. with- drawn as soon as these posfltioni are felled. Apply early to TILE CLINTON KNITTING CO., Ltd. Clinton. Ont, 11.29-06 Teacher Wanted Teacher holding second class pro- fessional certificate wanted for 8. 8, No. 10, Osborne. Setrvices tto com- mence with 'the -new year. Sala.ry $500 per annum. Apply to Sohn Cann, Thames Road. Notice. The tax collector announces that be will be at ,the .tows ball every Saturday from 0 to 12 and 1 to 5 up to Deo. 81.1. for the receiving of tries. no will be et the town hall on the 12th, 13t. and 14th art Demme be r. w1NCnF_T.SF,A Mr. Thomas \Vhoeler, •w•bo for some time has ccsndueted the black. smith shop here, eros decided Ito close Up his business rind move to Sea - forth. It is not known w'hether the 1ihop will be opened' again or not. Mr. Wheeler, besides being an ex- pert blacksmith, ss adept• et invent- ing. 114' 1.9 .at prevent working sten a model for a half hor:es power en- gine to bo iaed in propelling a bicy- cle. At his horse tax• Isis a smaller engine, which 14 used in running a sewing machine. and the mirxature Piece of maohincry "loco i; s : work well. See Coward & Clark's chnnre of adrerttsernent in this week's issue. They are offerin. emu(' excellent bir,Tains. SHINGLES We have just received a carload of British Columbia red Cedar Shingles and one of New Brunswick Shicgles and are now in a position to supply your wants in this line. Parold 'Roofing We are agent*, for this original Ready Roofing, it is used on barns, factories, in fact any building that needs good roof. Ask us about this roofing and get a circular. ess MAitIRIED) JORY-FItAYNE - On Wednesday. Nov. 7t11, Miss Ell a Frayne to Mr. tremas! .tory, by the Rev. A. If. Going. WILSON-RODD - Ors Wolfe. -div, Nov. 711i, by •iter. Ilartictt, Mary Rodd, of \Voodham, to Mr. W. Wilson, of Ilensall. STEi'IiENSON - SWALLOW .- On \\'t dee -day, Nov. 7t 11, by Rev. Ilartlett, Jliss Eva Swallow•, -of \Vo-xlh.-m, to John, fStephcn.enn, of Adel rid^. 11t►lt N CIIIIISTIF.-111 Stephen. Novemh''r et h. t he wife of C. \V. Chri.a(bo of n daughter. Ct'i►"1ORE-in 1'.borne, November 10th. the wife of Samuel Cudmorc et a son. LAWSON-in Stephen, on Saturday, November 10th, the wife of Mr. Geo. Towson. Jr., a d sughter. I(AIST.-in !Stephen, on Saturday, November 10th, the wife of Mr. Ezra 11.ai' , n dattentur. ThO RosiTafflor6o. LUL_xctcr 200 Ton FINE FURS Jackets, Neckware, Muffs, Etc. SEE THE NEW SQUIRREL TIE BELTZ'S 143 Dundas St. London. FURS made to order: Repaired and Remodelled: Highest price Paid Ior Raw Furs Farmers' Poultry We wail all your Poultry, alive w drwsd. asi will pay r T !1'RIcES for B Your poultry may be delivered at:- Hensall, Buyer wanted Clandeboye, buyers 8. C. Chowan Jno. Treeithick. 0. Bloomfield. Granton, Buyer It. T. Raycraft. Dashwood, buyer W. Shrumm. FLAVELLES, LiMITED, Londoa Weak Kidue : and Diabetes , Qs Dr. Shoop's Restorative to an Ss Caere. U T FNS pi E of all kinds of old scrap iron wanted at M. Jackson's EXETER We will pay the highest cash rdi ceor exchange fence posts for same. M.JACKSON &SON Main -St. Exeter. One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. Tae Usborno and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Firer Incur-- anste Gompanu Head Office. Farquhar, Ont.. Pres.: -J. A. NORRIS, CROMARTY P,0 Vice -Pres.: -J. L. RUSSELL, RIIBSELLDALE. P. 0. - DIRECTORS. W. H. PABBMORE, FARQUHAR P.0" WM. Roo. BORNHOLM P. 0- WM. BROCK WINCHELSRA P. 0. T. RYAN, Drumm P. 0.. AGENTS. • JOHN EBSERY, Exeter. agent for Usborne and Bitidtdph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, ageist for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Socy.Treaa, Farquhar.- (MADMAN arquharOLADMAN & BTANBURY. Solicitor* OUR PIANO SALES For the past month leave bees very satisfactory both to our- selves and our customers. TSL* we attribute to our exceptfonallt good values and easy terms oV payments, Weirs6��Ia ';ouR GOODS Si es wllsetsf attsNk t, sumer mamas Nae .s.d to urinate, Dais ie lamas water. back and over the kidaeps, {eking skin. lair dry awl Joints. less feet I l s e's . woof loss of mem- . rregular otsettht. • wasy from the ether as se!i.Meet NMs�t their es WWI sae practically Yeathart cathartics siolte the k)d• they nesse over. s selves tbil it tttlsed les Te them = oe Winne kidney disease. Deft =foe kidneys themselves, for roe them Dr. Sh000pp'i l u Y c1$ltable the envie 1Aat o 8oi4 sad iMasasesded by W. S. IIOWr.Y. bean. weight. sh chest t0515lle 1 1 Oa�! Kids*, M t i mania. ani tt. t act o0 1he tte Strain. Pye ILES PILES QUICKLY AND i,'OSiTIVE• 1v cured with Dr. Shoop's Matic oint- ment, Its made for piles alone-an,l it does the work surely :and with s.it• isfaotion. Itching, painful, protrud- ing of blind piles diaapt,e:ar 1 ike mag- ic by l's use. Large, Nickel cap -- pod glass jars. 50c. Field and recom- mended by W. 8. Howey. are the finest the market affords" • - and our terms most liberal, Do "not listen to the men who es y all atanner of evil of us but call and `see and judge for yourself Sewing Machines Our Sewing Macbistee are 0. B., Also a fine Line of St�tio nery Cheap. ��- S. MARTIN & SOIL FARM FOR SALE A choice farm in the township Mr Fullarton. 75 serfs, saxes bank barn, Stables and drive 'louse. Five serer of maple bush. Good drilled well, with wind mill. Good orchard ands: all is high state of cultivation. Far. term' and particulars apply to Thos. Oameron. Fa reciter. 1 VILLAGE PROPERTY FO R SALE Hell sore in village of Farquhar• on which there is erected ,a larrgo. brick building fitted for store and' dwelling and a noat brick cotts/or and stable will be sold separately of I in one hlook. ___ THOS. CAMERON Farquhar. ••••••••••••••••••••••• THE 1710I.SONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament I856) CAPITAL PAID UP • •• •••• •••• 53,000,000.00 RESERVE FUND •••• •••• 33,000,000.00 48 Tlrenche•1 In f►ntMNo, Quebec, Alberta British Columbia and Manitoba ENETER BRANCH ')pen ernry Lawful iiia f .,n, lea A. M. to 3r. tr. except Plourde, 10 A. n. to I r, ar, Fnrtrierss' Mvs'e (Votes* cashed or collected. Fortns supplied (rn wp pllt tJrs 1'R, i•11 .n All point• fa' the Dominion, Great Britsla and Va. Iced Pomo. :, ••,t. r awl .nld nt !sweet raters of eachange, +t.*♦ t'(:>o1 coRPARTMBNT fien este (It 'att.00 ani upwards received. interest con- pnn6"1n,1 t,r ► v,•,- ., ...:,ted re principal Jens RIM end.neoemher 31.t. De- rx,.f•., tt.�•••trt• •' • ,:,_410. M>+t current rata' of interest showed, Advrsnc r•• fanner# stock dealers and business men at Inweet este• .r 1 ^ ,r„ritMe tear*. Atesta st Exeter for Dan. Oovensznee < reI(kr(1 e $ 1 t,. Fele lea, N. D. HURDON,Manaaar, ••1••a••aw•a♦ 4.,(4# • •• f•••H 1 1