Exeter Times, 1906-11-15, Page 3111000000000000000000000
All the shop windows in town arand
Of silk, and cotton, and gingham,
But none of them shows s gown so gay
Mrs. Uuwieinj laird wears to -day.
very' bailie loshion her grandmother
wore, arc;'
t a scam, or a pucker, or g
will not lode it, the rain will
the thing, chilly weather or
1, and it will not wear out,
t as long as site lives, no
Keeps your body
warm, yet lets
your sktn breathe
-knit, not
woven,- Guaranteed
-it fits, Against
doesPEN- Against
ANGLE Shrinkage
a . .m.."1
b Dr. N
V Time
1 Place for Saved lust in
Annie S.
In the London Chronicle, Annie S. "Before toy daughtergnu tegan talc
Swan, writing of the Canadian North- n g li s J\ tag corps.it'kh titans a shelooked
\Vest, sand: one of the rich• says airs. fico. A. Myles, of South Wood -
"The land here, being
as though
est grain-pr')ducing sections of Maui- Stec, Ont. otter Lluud sent
Iota, is no longer cheap, as understood it had en turned to water,
4 . Ten' ells
it. the old days, when land could 1'o bcot►n to have bad spells
had for the asking. 'rherei►oImore
lan 1 p -
he ttisoleast
to unit st smother
homesteading-viz., tree any
grants ,rico Iron► her. She grew very thin, -it hos to be Ldullar pt f n 1
fifteen to forty dollars per acre. to ►td6, t{ and
l eshe hc was did
lb -,h stoney from three to eight ) ono( of the best doctors
includes house and farm- lreuteti l yet the fcthe b, Yet she was
which price
buate. F wX?,u ror 1 constitute0 h daily growing worse and her heart gat
! very For rims, it ;u,0(t0 ono of fig Bcil ' > b tittle,
very best
"u'snsca with t suitable
irb dwelling .:c
wouhid d`c . She slept attend
veryiit site
and hu► h g jump right
wvitper cent- of the nv�estment.twith tlhe start wand t,stnuetiues(twould'jc� wit i n
on n bad spell and leave her weak added snli:+laclimn that the place is in- up in bed. 'Chess starts would n way
crettie int; in value every day. This 'or itndb0xhauslctL \Ve 1181 almost g• '
Ithe moderate capitalist, or ioat till imps of her ever heirlg taw\Villtauts'
"But for there i of small means, we
no means, there is another cnrrifl�i 1 Pinkt Pills. After toeinghalterut Ie t
Ile may rent fl farm by the y
one who possesses several, paying him boxes she began to sleep
l.nl! lot (hettstotk tiand eroln lie hos
Frrnn color
th t orbshetkcptreturn
brnghtto onher
,iTs •and health. Shc
ling wocrkgof the a pioneer, strugglinglo she VMS again k111 g t dt'`ea t picture � is
hog work of P acre, often now fifteen years of age, ,lis
hang C his farm acre by beginning the P
handicapped through sack of money to health, and since t.nds in weight
buy proper horses and implements to has abed about tvho sow her when illw can
work the land. This system prevails Only
very much here, and has excellent re- appreciate the marvcllatls change Dr.
sults, most twit
buying it it through courrseti• 1 i s i heriicondtion. 1 Wive
that had 11
elttt{, inpleasanter in a well- not been for the pills she
tsou thbecin
time. Chen lift. is i ioneer struggles her grave to -day,
and feel -
The p nt g. treat gratitude that 1 write you
hes only far iho ysearc anndd
buoyant at ingthet in s hope ti'
heart. Labor onlyla st pressing for a tette other sufferer." tial it may benefit some
in lin need I weak. an do
months in the year there should Lc dib- And Dr. \dl:ams' Pink Pills can do
crimination shown in urging laboring just as much for evcrYr weak,
is cng.
Certainly for four pale -fared young,
men to come here. Y in from anaemia into n deadly de•
ore months in the year a twskelve
lingarm pingn that way they
laborer many earn ten or twelve shillings � cline. tnnke D new Williams'hlood. ' Pink Frills actually
a "But Ini1( board.
in the winter he is not rcqufred. strike straight nt 11►o root of all coin-
nems he had thought and buckaches, heart pnlpitattnn. indi-
Then he drifts back to the cities, to mon diseases like anaemia. header es
per arenas the veli estinn, neuralgia, rheumatism rad the
dorhaps hove lett bingind forever. 1 K Cold a till ties et
do not see that anything can he done secret ailments and irregularities
to better such conditions meanwhile. A girls and women. at b50y cents a bas
thermometer registering from 20 to 40 til medicine or by mail
' Medicine ne .50Co.romkT Brockville,Ont.
degrees below zero forbids the idea rt n • six boxes for gY.50 from 9'1►o r•
mush outdoor lnhor. Thus the present Williams
system feshri bringing
Year incest A p PIANO.
cheap IS 11011 5
through the press of the harvest
would scent to he 1 Napoleon Bird £
t. t to by rcnsnn of many
burdens, cannot wrest n living from
his meager acres at home, it offers not
only ample remuneration Independence
but that (Inc feeling
h true zest of life. Dere, he -
,aJ.. /peg
Trade -marked in rad. In a
•arietyof styles, fabrics and
prices, for
women, aranteed.
earns fruln the morning
ei}!h the shutter of the
tiny slept, and hovered
Mary snying to lits
le next room, "Conic,
o get upt Nobody
ow's tail' this moni-
es a rush and a scramble
could get dressed first, and
once in a while some one would
"Cow's tail! always behindF" to a
rale brother or sister who could not
"button up" quite so quickly.
1 cunnot tell you how much Tommy
heard of their merry chatter, for he e
been very tired from his long journey
to his uncle's country home the night
before, and felt as though he could sleep
So after the first call he muttered a
drowsy "Ye -es," and -then turned oTer.
But the words Ile had heard kept
ning through its head in the oddest
way -- "Cows tail-cow-cow-thabjump-
And behold 1
ed-OwCC•111C-II,00 n---"
There she lay in front of hien in the
middle of a large green meadow.
"Why, how big she 1st" he said, as he
walked nearer. you ex
"Of coursel What else did o over ex-
pect of a cow that can jump
11e looked for the owner of the little
tinkling voice that said this; and there, i
In the middle of a garland mend poppy
cow s
was part of a f,
neck, sat the daintiest little flower fairy
lmnginable. yet?" asked
!Does -does she do it
Torn, astonished.
"Yes, indeed 1 It' her favorite pas-
time. I wouldn't be here if it weren't.
You see, it's this way," he went cn-
"you've often heard of the little moon
fairies that cornu sliding down on the
moonbeams every night to payus
visit. Of course we're always g
see them, and do our Lost to give them
dust as good a lime as we can in our
earth world. 1
hardly you
fair will
forcthe nitogvisitthat
us, and
thenfor us not to be able to return their
visits. But suit was, until Mistress Cow
here offered her services, providing we
kept herr decorated with (lowers.
lust to this way" and he adult'; . lit
'•, s shoulder and whispered inalpo•
.r -"she's very proud
ncc-elistr'eas Cow 1s.
The only trouble is," he said, eas Ito
nimbly hopped back again,
stay any time, for she won't stop, but
just sails right over; so it's at snce w But
come and and) sector yourself. Just
come along here near her neck. As
Sump right 'up r
long as you're not afraid you cant tall.
That's the rule in,Fai Fairyland."
at him,
While Tom
with wide-open eyes of wonderment, the
cow suddenly gave a spring. and he
only hnd Ulna to grasp her tail before
etre rose up, and up, into the blue sky.
"Cow's tail! always behind!" a taunt.
Ing voice came faintly back
him.-not to
1; afraid -he
a tight a,Ta.sp;
110 afraid -he just keptgh
and, with the f.nd of the tail nder KIM.
felt as coinfortable as though
silting 1n theeasy
utas Cha Milne.air a hough he
The only oaths of the
found hear the merry and chatteringahe
(lower fairies laughlny{
somewhere in front ojlhhn, he could not
see them for the Jttiv's hack.
were could
he ate what 1t ;Was they to
merry about. /Everything seemed
pave just fared away by the time Po
:amestlq to fit' tun ae of 1 sNeator
w and then he caught a g ' p strststK tR�"
bcaultpos bright suer w„rid It they l
post, and he kn, w' when they f SNOW grew* 11��
lded D
ane to the ninon fo`111w'as)Cn;1 01001 j
TdiIet Ware
TOILET WARE In artiste
abundance is pictured in the
pages of our Catalogue. Whether
your taste tuns to Silver. Ebony or
Ivory. it will find ample variety from
which to choose.
From our own factory comes the
richly chard Pompadour Paaern in
heavy Sterling Silva. A six -pieta
t-emsisting of Clock. Velvet and
Hair Booties. with Mirror and Comb
--is unprecedented value at 130.
Piectst are sold tingly if desired.
so that a set may be added is yes:
by Yrs".
Drof rt a lost.! card and we trill
sena fyou fres iv" charge oar large Mos.
!rated ul.lorre of Jewelry, Seivrnreno,
/ratite floods, sic.
Sean Says 11 s tits Itiuk Pills.
Man 01 Small Means. f.
Sohn Camden Neild, whose magnifi-
cent bellies( to Queen Victoria supplied
the funds out of which the Prince Con-
sort built the present Ilahnoral CastIC,
deserves a place among the great mis-
ers and taus as remarkable a titan as
any at Them. Ile was educated al Eton
and 'I'r.nity 1:olle;;e, Cambridge, and
was a bars inter at Lincoln's Inn. At
the ago of 31 his father's death placed
him in pos'essimn of a fortune of £250,-
100, and from aunt moment he l•CCat►le
a confirmed miser.
sraNeilti ltislived
at 5
Cheyne walk,
was so meanly furnished that it did not
even honst of a bed. Two old woolen,
were didhis
ttrrpanioiifnsii black
\'It n cat
visited his large estate, in the Mid-
lands, which hunlesse did f Ito lcould . he get aklift
erally anikc•l,
tar nothing,
gtatuitous yeas
seat not eon to above g.
lar(. a 1
cart. Sometimes he was compelled by
the weather in lake a seat net the stage
cnec:h. And there he would r i1fe outside,
shivering anet dripping -
wore a greatcoat -nn object of commis-
erution to his fellow passenger''.
Sigitals of Dungen-Dave -you lost
your appetite? Have you a coaled
lrngue? Have you an unpleasant
u !triadad ease
in the mouth? Does y ad, your
and have you dizziness? if you your r
stomach is out of order and y
medicine. But you do not like medicine.
He that prefers sickness to medicine
must suffer, but under the circumstances
the wise ratan would procure a box of
Parrnelee's Vegetable and saills ndspeedily
e to keep
get himself in health,
Often on the greenle ;hick do trees
there are little black spotsdisease, as the
seem to arise from any
plant looks otherwise healthy enough.
hAsu a rnallthroughfact,
of caused
getting focussed by the drops of morn-
ing dew.
1�• help aro the hest. It is a Ilse, Establishes a New Re -
frti'e, open lite this, full of neighborly 1
kindness and simplicity. To the small cord Thumping "Donilaoes"
o 'riculturis, w' Napoleon Bird, of Stockport, Eng-
lund, hos established a repiano.
for 44
non -slop run on the P' . the keys
for tili toil, hours he hammered away
- without n stop.
��c•i�a�✓, which is the But this forty-eight hours' flow of
The gond a doubt, ft Is possible
behe)dnonly s not achieved without pity -
A.: Stick
n,e.l.:dy wa
realize what he hash si.•cil dbcontorl. Mr. Napoleon Bird
In his decants:' i fifty-one years old, and his muscles
----^--•••�-"'-""" act, not so timber ns they used his side
but Nies. Napolo limber Bird syr by
The \test Popular frill. -Tic pill is
Rost ftRLEGTBD SBCO?►D• the most popular of all formss iof la edt- for all the forty-eight bows, and her
I of puts the most 1 1 presence revived raim In monotonous. when
lits task appeared
In the latter stages of this struggle
between melody and time Mr. Napoleon
tion showed rdol able :how. s of .oesg- aus-
lien and 1
was fe au from tboth hicgelato
�11ere spray-
pr y-
erg of eau de cologne,
da on him.
is barberIn e shavedoof him the
music. approached
As the hands of the clock apt)
tate hour of len the senthusiasmds of the
Abid. -'•For eight years 1
Twe Yssn
Usmf r two years vI lay iner did libed: could
not so much as teed myself. A friend
recommended South American Rheuma-
tic Cure, Atter three doses I could sit
Op. To -day I am as Ptro1R es ever I
was.' -Mrs. John Cook, 287 Clinton street,
Toronto. --I
1S 11AUts r
GROW.111. w'lit1APN 5i%( , GRAIN 01
HOOD BU NNING wens CURV)1 01)1
1st Stiffness and llaht ess.
Does not tray at bottom. 11
3rd.eat shape.
3rd. KIOPS its correct n aorrect.t
ith WOW and dos ti l
1th. itSY stlok carefully In-`
Wonted before leaving factory.
T1W STI1J �'P'o co
DilaTIMISTiL - B' •'
Branch, 126 Wellington
Bt. W•, Toronto.
GOY Latest Pattern
NOTE—'M teagitudisal eereatieeo
saw t sag are lipping from
*votes hand.
A 11.40
roeved ►tees, tM
The +emu sue Wag aerated.
The *weld's tke peek w le ac•
e Nt3 allot goal and
The Maatertal weed 01
shining, pole greeo ..
them. He n,uiogedlet,t�seel {nte�nvthiry
t mo -
opals in his t
that shone like the of
jher's ring. always behind!" kept
heal, rind he
ilt:COnf) iN BREAD-\tAKi`tl.
An Fr*lington :England) s ngu distinguished him -
Prosser, h
self by racing against hone In the eon-
vcrttng of a field of wheat into loaves.
-urchnsed by Mr.
cine, nn
Parrnelee's Vegetable fills, because they
dc. what it is asserted they can do,
are not put forward our any
claint; to excellence. They aro compact
and portable, they are easily taken,
they do not nauseate nor gripe. and
they give relief in the most stubborn
it's a fortunate thing for some office-
II at killing time Int punish-
; able by hanging.
The sign that drives away Colds. Coughs. Wk
Cough. Asthma. Throat troubles. Croup. etc., etc.
produced by the highest medical lisowledd
A pure vegetable cough syrup.
Your druggist not only keeps it, but recommeads It.,
Price, 25 cents.
Perambulating barbers, shaving cus-
tomers in the street, are no unusual
sight in the side streets of Manila.
Dear Mother
audience knew Napoleon Binl
SCALD I111AD is a disgusting
greand o sue►ta• 1 the clock Mewl( and Mr.
disease, frequent In chi euerons application of
lest cleaOUisma and 5 t s.l to loam
wesusr' (orate. bothers will be g
A judge and a barrister being upon
Indifferent terns, a client of the coun-
sel's making his appearance at the bar
with his jaw terribly swelled, s tri m judgehe
remarked: -"Air. ---,
yours would make an excellent barris-
ter; he's all jaw," which set the court in
a roar of laughter against the barrister.
On silence being restored, the counsel
then remarked: -"My lord, 1 think he
would make a better judge, for his jaw
is all on one side." 'the ret rt turned
the laugh against the judge,
that day they were good friends.
ITCN, Manse. Tretrte Beratetsss sea
avers fossa of . taSiews Itch on human
or animals eared is >M sainolRs by
ford's ae.nitarl Latton. It sever fails.
tic s
1►is hands from the keyboard he titled•
was seized and carried In triu
through the streets to tits home.
During the forty-eight hours ho per-
formed 1,500 separne compositions, ac-
companied thre concerts, tnd siing played
twice for dnneing. In the legs were
the fingers and cramp
the only ill-effects of his strenuous ex-
ertions. r Inns became necessary
A change of P
owing to the stiffness of the keys, but
n sktlltul manrruvre enubled Mr. Bird
ao noteoftheSsongents he wasilhout playing sing
.. , ` , 'K.,r+� `* �'�:'ar -- i a
`g� `', :liar'.' �'A✓ r �•,',V�- „:,:';',1".7..l�,
:..i.. , ,io.. o._'"—.... , 1� :r+,s,•• et K!r-rear_ obi)
..e,.,...:........•..v._._....;.:•...r irk
eliP"111114111',1111.1400 OBI
Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from SLID la
per hundred square feet covering measure. ThisHot tis he moist Barns, alb*
Bring on the market, and is an ideal coverinit
vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the'OSHAWA"
hammer and snips are the only tools required.
We are the largest and oldest ceonlpany of the kind under Sha
flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings tbroug tS
making them
FIRE, WATER errtteddANDIconf inlong sheets, Cond11 aI PWS
We also manufacture Corrugated
METAL SIDING. in imitation of brick or stone.
METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 &signs. MIMI
Write for Catalogue No. ail and tree samples of •OSHAWA"
ioatr�t, Otte. Ottawa, Om. iaroato, 0i1. I anao�. uai. ex►)ll i �, • KUI,. YOf TJ
1•a yr Craig St' its Sussex at. 11 Dolton.* de s nand*,` t.
.. vnatdx�SNAWAt � .
Writs your Nearest 011114.-g1iAD --
Eternal vigilance is the price of sue lertfa,eefeetateadgM,rasAU
OS 00
cess, and it is in this way that the as )<A{T1.N A►ItlLRttO r
succescs of the Starr !dig. lase Nr aNat ,tar WM. se seed ablifi
hockey skates and slicks has been R Toroo,teo.Otta%rb QS
1 e nlakcrs are ever t..Jratrfah
78 bombard .t.
Your jiitte ones area tolerant e
Fall aid Winter weather•
They will
catch cold. Do you know about S iloh's
Consumption Cure, the Lung Coni. and
what it has done lot so many ? It its soli
to be the only reliable mmeddyc or all
diseases of the air passages pleasant to
Itis absolutely harmless and p
take. It is guaranteed to cure or your money
The pace is 25c. per bottle,
u returned. 3,4
and all dealers in medKtue +
tweedy Horrid be to household.
eyeing 1 Creamer
Newlywed: "\Vhy, I never thought of
saving until 1 got married:' -Bachelor:
"And do you nowT" Newlywed: "Oh,
yes, indeed! 1 ant continually chinking
hoe much 1 might save if 1 wasn't
bought. T ►
on the alert to know what the hockey -
ills' requirements me and in this way
incorporate these features
wi which
n the mak
their line the most popular
ket. They arc also alert to see that
their goods cannot he excelled in qua-
lity of materials and workmanship. This
policy, which will always 1.0 maintained,
has trade the firm and its goods ruin-
Nova thousands
miles away
n where rom the fac-
tory is situated.
out �.�... ......
running "Oh.
1'is w didn't 1 lump 'the entire flet w�•., .
thought, Oh. dear! why l Phe en . and cut, thrashed, winnowed,
hen and baked by ntnchlnery. From the
1 when the err,
flint told nm surelthat
1 could see been
thtiling.lace of the man in time that the lnst of the wheat tans
must have tc, n the place
l;a,sed; it 1 gatherei to the moment of its withdraw -
1 v,e 1 t al from the oven in It►esshape uof elap,sed.
the mann tits
could only see it plainer. 1 wonder 1
he isn't the king of the 'noun fairies 7
"Listen! \\'int wits .\\'u Iltattht theIcfflower
fairy was saying?
just lovely!' Picnicl Did 'fairieso toaha'e
"'tics? Why -he was to g
. el w woe it . Where wens he?
cow was guing! Dowd
there he •.v:,s in bed with all
cousins dancing around him
}} "Cow's lain Tommy's the
1 o filet
down ,I
the 1'
en,t c
e'1 a
wren t
their w
they al
taw nn
may three and a
This. '.1r. Prosser clniihs n is a world's
almilar feat
record. Five years ag
was performed, but subsequent seasons
have not been dry enough to allow of
Its repetition.
111E 'LULU \\'All
The lulu war cry, unrd whenever they
take the held by the South Afcan foot-
now in London, has puzzled
newsl�arers• not ono of which seems
able to spell It corre' tly. The Daily
Fwl'resx gives 1t as "lean -ditto," and the
Baily Matt as " Gammilln."5 The e d i yl real-
ly consists of two wnrd-
p, written "Ionia dwnlnyo"Iganut" is
7.11(1 for "name: either "hes a s'
sessiv0 pronoun, mri,ning ,(fail, al-
the Doily
"their." ,
" he ography
n n i v
r n r
thnup'h gutta wrong to its nil � P
of the cry, is ,right Chat InIs sayihis ng
m hat'I' 11
emerelyxplan mean that Zulu etiquette dors
notof anon Is
not allow warriors, when they rush in -
1 • battle, but the ption the names leaders shout nut,t"That
his , pointingto the victims
Ls his nnutei
with Their spears.
\Ir. sprngllins: "And if 1 decline to
be the cows tail!" rrtt'd
end wit he lumped, and wash-
rc«cd so quickle he was ready
first of thein. were on
cakfasl, when they
to the woods for their picnic.
h -id n good laugh over his
dream. And Tommy, re -
tntb r tort of enegrything by being
the it, ilealst 11 and care never
Nile rays Wind," Wel: F
1gain to be the "cow's tall."
\•• lot Mother: "Ito yeti think\ ease:
1ro Incnest like me or hie 1 P
rir"I the you. mum. Mr. lentilns ersa a
nig( y handsome man."
men:: "'Wonted --A coral stent and
Wel mannered nurse.
Yml eon
of pen)who doubtless
too muc► me -including
Catarrh 1N twenty years and stared In
a ft1i, days.—Pion. George James. en of
ScrantonPa.. says: ••1 have
martyr t ears, con•
martyr to Catarrh dropping
twenty the throat
aunt pain
in, the very offensive
andbreathpain In the he's nrw'a Catarrhal
I he firs application gave in•
Powder. The few bottles
slant relief. After using a
I arcs cured. 60 cents. -1
"Wiry on earth are they encoring this
The license of the Castle Hotel, Pres-
ton, which has been in existence since
1623. utas now > elapsed. a he propal erty
has been purch
paper firm for business purposes.
A Modern wsapen In the battle far
of health, If tbeestomach, andyour
I, tortur-
ingof h dyspepsia and
roe with ratigr. SoutAmerican
nervous prostration,
Nervine is the Weapon to deice the enemy
his etrench Eby trench, butint of the
swift and
sure, it always wins.
Happiness Is a sign of health In la•
leges. Nearly all their troubles vanish
when they digest food well and are (tee
from teething peius. Baby's Own Tate -
lets brings happiness to bahtes by cur
;tug stomach troubles. eonstipntton, frv-
crtshnesc, diarrhoea and teething trou-
bles. Titre's n smite in every i(oe
the mother has a solemn guarantee
that this medicine contains no oplate
o • harmful drug.SM s. isayss "1 have mes 'ewers,
Beaver Harbor. N
en my baby Baby's Own Tehlets as oc-
ha e allnce waysshe
helped her, and
no Thty
now nt n year and a half old she is a
line, healthy child. 1 prink every mo-
' Bbl
� T
these keep
always tier stinted al )
no hand." Yon can get Baby's Own
Tal.lets from any medicine. dealer or by
mail al 25 cent, a box by writing The
Pt. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
woman?" •'',wimps they see riot she
wants practice:'
"Thought it eat death
eet Burt.Ont"—Idea.
James $clfim, of
. says
of bcr almostbmiraculous cure
re f tor heart
digests Dr. Atthis
D'art: "Until I began taking bad heart I despaired of m1 itfe prostration. Oct
failure and extreme P
dose gave me quick relief and one bottle
cured me. The sufferings of years were
dispelled like magic." -3
Oats ext stnT
acus L►K1t s
let you have my daughter, what do you
propose In do?"
Mr. Wlbblesen: "1 .1i1 to n11 that 111
That case we are prepared
now, beloved Aurelia has I,rr best
slnlon tiff 11 ti rwntl ts me decideleer a r
against us,
we will flee together and never corns
sproggins (without n moment's
"Then l refuse."
A131.f1FP FOR 23 MONTHS.
�' Cresol et
roe our
Three hunitied Stuck, Grain,
Garden and Conning
Factory I
Farms in the Niagara District.
for free list.
I1wi1 entario Real Esta
puny, `!-
"label says she will never marry a
limn who isn't a hero." "Ilul she can
easily convert any mon into a hero."
"clow?" "By getting hien to marry
"Bridget. did you make that chicken
broth?" "Oi did, noun." "f can't hnd it
anywhere about; what did you do with
it?" "Sure an phw'ut Ilse would 1 do
wad it but fade the chickens wid it,
German that on the !lead lune 20,
l$tti, Ilas Bien Slumbering Ever Since.
Prof. Elllenhrt•g reports in the \lerli-
eat Weekly the case of n patient who
tins been asleep steadily since June 20,
The mon. who Is 45 years old and
w:s town clerk of it suburb of Berlin
Gcrntnny, fell from a street car at the
luno nc't are! \\ hen ii ho ck nwasthe
of hits head.
home it was found that he was trot
f••ring from coneu`sion of the brain, bill
le was sensihlo of his surroundings.
\\ title th•' doctors were examining hits
It tell asleep and has been in that con-
dition ever since.
lie lies in bed, frowning heavily aU
the lime. His 11n11A lire flexible hut his
•-kin tom lost its erten.. Ile shows son-
cihtlity when toed le pine.•t1 to his lips
and chews it nic:lianiiuliy.
Caller: "fln gnu believe n child. inhrr-
flr.lee"amental"q` niters of (li s(oy lnrente4?t
onto eery br01iant remarks some-
Are your corns harder to re►nnve than
those that others have had? have they
net had the same kind? Dave they not
been cured by using Iiunoway's Corn
Cute- 'Cry a bottle.
Dawkins: "1 Cot f good square meal
last night, the first in aevernl weeks,
find 1 have you to thank for 1t." Friend:
"Me to thank/ Well, that's news to
►(1e." Dawkins: "Yee, 1 know. 1 wired
la my wife yesterduy morning that you
were coming hone to dinner with me."
[tickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is 1
agreeable to the taste, and is a certain
relief for irritation of the throat that
causes hacking coughs. It used accord-
ing to directions it will break the mint
persistent cold, and restore the air reis-
sngcs to their normal condition. There
le no need lo recommend it 10 (hose to-
utilinr with it, hal to those who seek a
mire remedy and are In doubt `tat to
use, the advice is --try Bickle'm Syrup.
Waiter "ii'm1 So yeti
object tlo the
butler. Why didn't y
move it7"
Diner: "1 supposed It was strong
enough to get uwny without essistatiee.''
rlail;ory: "What lint do they charge
for a douse like yours?"
Finnegan: "Nellie dollars."
Flannery: \ly. that's high. Don't ye
have thrceuble grltin' it logeth,'r?•'
Finnegan: "Faith, 01 don't, but Ile
agent does.'
Flntler. "lourlo! 1 1,enr, lea dee,
student." trophy: ")(, s always at the
bottom of his class, 11 that's what you
Maas M Cs'esda aid Sold b all
Peugeot s
Ibis cow pnn ,_ good ter one ton
rial Dottie a( the
braced •
Dr. Leenlardt's MARIE
a stow care for lndt$est8ost. RIUowe
ores,, t)yspSlala• t)m+rttlttheredeerron.
sit sllwats sinew
Mailed free, Is 8 $S 606013
in your nawte ats+dpost blares*
dram. Ttll
an dotted lines and seed to
Tit >n Niagara
w isAJ W AT11tT st.Otlo eaases nub twill*
TW tired freli"S sad taw more symptoms tka
follow is its wake. Try Yarrovim. It is Ail
Wee folio to make yes strong and well.
draggles dell Is.
Rich heiress( sccrrnfullyl: "So you're
still on earth? 1 undr'rslu„c1 you to any,
when 1 rejected yu'lest
you could not possibly (c�u rfully): "1'm
mP." Jack Ard»pp In to exist
m g
r 1
not Immo At i Y
l,y nitons of the armor rigid rc, nomy,
lhnCs all."
ET 1111811:0 'r11 711C1Tta with eerie Tea
near step a eossb be the inaereatiee goes from
Lad to wows. Altos's Lang Myler, e.,tais ag
no opium, gon• te 11•e reef of the troebt• aaa
cares ddep•sea ed affections of threat sad Issas.
tart deems.
044r:4:4,Wssh:apso p..t. A.
Lots 95:12S Feat for
M colt M asst *owns
�s. '� ,,ww.TJ
•r em. or Ws. SA:
• .�+oos`w�'r
tY as
Inteneni ..
She: "1 wonder why
marries the man who
drowning7" Ile: 'That's frit
wonders later on."
A Time for Everything.,'-,
1)r. Thomas' I•:electric Oil IS
py symptoms appear In 11
when r ,eutrunIC 1-311fIrlie%'
when lumbago, asthma, co
catarrh lir earache
o • ofd; when burns, scald(
contusions or sprains come
ter of the family. in lay
runt, 11 will give relief
Sur: "Y,,e seed you were going to
marry nn nrti"t. anti now you're en-
raged to a demi-t." (-in: "\\'ell. isn't
tt sit t rlut7 Ile dtaws from real lite."
The healthy glow el -appearing from
the check and moaning and reslles_snt's:
ni ld are Ori twbo
Do not tail lo geta
t \iuUtrr Grave,:` Worm f•:x1,•ttunnat,:r;
:t is an enc.:teal medicine.
The 1 en.Sn's why one ran hear snunde
like the roaring of the sea when certain
shells picked
e placed
tr. the earis quite son imple. The t o11(w
form of the shell and its pollshc'l murfaeo
. nable it to receive and return the beat-
ings of als the airllat ar 111 tithe Ce (ot►ell
trembling in
"Your money orq rue life?" sail the
,hber. "lake me life," resprndcd the
w rearm. "I'm saving me money for me
old ager
A smell tuty'n idea of a
eludes ell the things his
hits to do.
will etre Leel
gia Tante qqek
eommsaded try
"l)n you itt
practical benefit?"
nic, "judging from 1
of erninrnt sl ,iinisrtu, 11
hair from tilling Dull"
CAiEBON'8 bas
Asthma Core
WMTt Pelt
and let es
actin): $A)IPlrt
D. A.