Exeter Times, 1906-11-15, Page 2rcNDENSED NEWS ITEMS -- HAPPENINGS FI%ON ALL 01E11 1111. GLOBE. TtkprapI1t Breda from Our Owe use Oilier Countries of Iteceol Occurrence. CANADA. Winnipegis free ot smallpox. Arran(;,• erals ate in progress for true Nut• ember i.e.. ate i opening of Parliament on /Ate, 1 The Ontario Government has extended 'teal for live months ll►e silo loun b .lies of ;i,(lult►,(NXl. competed 'ase I Arrangements have been completed the a for the erection of a seven -story hotel hs- at London, Ont. Company is The Toronto Railway tut p mercy, hos building street cars igtts Mexico. ','1,.11 An increase of pay front ten to thirty oi cents a day has been granted junior lie. employees of rho intercolunial Railway. ,\'ed-' Sir Henry 1'ellult stales that Niagara and electric power would not be delivered time ; e: Toronto for a couple eof weeksted in yet. ttte high' Several defects are first issue of the Ross rill.) to the North- west Mounted ('slice. of the sta- tutes work of the revision toles wiU bocompleted islaturetaleitsunext tte sanction by tl► session. flee i...'.. of the Court Ttu•ee of the • the betting JAPAN AND UNITED STATES Trouble is Likely to Ensue From Delay in School Question. A despatch from Tokio says: The Jiji Shimpo, commenting on the trouble with the United States, says that while the educated Japanese fully appreciate the altitude of the Washington Govern- ment„ uud realize that its intentions art fair, they regret that the obduracy of the Californians in regard to the treatment of the: Japanese in That State necessitates a settlement of the question by the courts. The paper adds that it fears the efftee of slow legal pt ace:es upon a urajerity f the people l6 whom Salt Frauei-co hurs- day tete tak- of Appeal decided gambling It flue U t the Woodbine were b ANO'1't1F:lt commix been h Jil, Shimpo prays the Californians ' consider low serious cottsequcn4eet< their exclusivcneae. HATES Title JAI'S. A despatch from San Fran Se•relary Metcalf will rclut• inglnn on Monlay, and Were lamed of the Boatel of Edo vetoing their decision t e e children horn the claimed by eminent juris the treaty with Japan du t, "(mitred nation.' clause one of the federated Slat - hound to extend to J all the privileges that i sons of other national The whole Pacific st in its support ot Sn tude. In fact a t:ulifo t,e Congress will ire a bill to exclude; Jape Chinese. There is a dee like of the Milcado's subjects. BOYS TAILGUT TO SHOOT. Compulsory Drill in Schools of Australian Capital. u e I)H)at1S the United States. Propinquity opinquity strengthened the appeal for contribu- tions for the relict of the ca•thquuke' sufferers, and likewise accentuates popu- lar resentment, which, despite the per- suasions of the educated minority, scents likely to attain the dimension :•i national bitterness towards all the Unit- Ied States, which will seriously affect fu - lure social and trade relations. The Iwo is a houses. The Privy Council has decided that the members of the Christian nBrothers t wo teach to the , s: Fur - properly qualified teachers. accountant A despatch from Toronto rsey Mr.hS. Leonard roam Sf Railwon, and Ca in the 03 be appointed and titer tl a emageruio Forest Reserve, discoveries of silver been e pounced a few days ago, confirm the nit - Treasurer of the Government Railways, statements regarding the richness of the s he increase resent tlscal district. In addition to the thtd made ycareini LPC Slt.tearnings or the up to Oct. T'2 by White Brothers, of Muskoka, suns ver n•erthe same period of last year i h poen located on n cl tl t t• F. N McConnell, 600,316 been n The Ottawa nut nwernnta FOUND. lees Tho Discoveries in Temagami Forest Resrrt The I I schools of O so Churacterieed. from only 1l of 'gilt. cited. oppo- could De- nsly the d al- ouple still toric' ilei they oflice up laim knft lend lose and - his at- ved. out claim slit ‘e as I of Halley- . recorded �. authorities have ~• bury. This gentleman is credited with vied that the New Zealand, G for direct I t he statement tut fnlcrviewii lil is a new ili 11n' Te ire In an nnnurtl y .o � . Bolts ns soy has h • •o at Vancouver cored iskanning llerald, he is qhs tlne`tts Cu• steamship sexton with Government .,\\' hove some thing The Dominion Governtnent is suin',! I indicat!ons. 'Thin running up the ince of a cliff lhfur e tiff)' (tot into lite air and showing seen - for oom en quarter ofar and gar mile away.t that It couldAnd then add to that the native silver, veins run- ning beck and forth on the properly closer together and as Two as ill are Coleman 1'o•enship. each." even now being hold at $100,000 the Ocean Steamship . •who for failure to return two Japanese, art afflicted with trachoma. Mr. Jnnres Cowan liras been awarded a contract for 1,000.0 0 ties, piling feet of logs and 3W, 00 feet of P g ter the Canadian Northern Railway. Capt. cruiser Kestrel, of 11 now protecting Bre Government itish reported .'u- [1)11(sh COtnrnbia wulcts, is the spended ns a result of an enquiry by Ministersdo of Marine.inppliescforain is ac - the ship ried o ibot rates. at excess up, the the ing, ness Vic - lion hich on'3 Bo- the than said as the int 1 hots, e his her all our ales. hnd and. 10- eflne- rtune Eng - the lame But his pine. not Bards ted if gay() liwc4 °use; to go greed. g for ed the d their n their ties Ou- •'p the ok nut. es dfs- n mon himself LIN Australians, realizing that the only al- ternative to conscription in a democracy is a citizen army, wilt► a great reserve of elementary able to shoot y drill are steadily d ia lit- tte elentcutary proceed- ing with plaits which have as 'their tti,tt compulsory drill in all schools plansftads are over a certain age. quite independent of the cadet corps at- tached to the seh°otc, elementary and secondary, and of the various flourish- ing rifle clubs wheel► now cover the civ- ilized iv- ili The first schools ee in lrto adopt these rlplans nee the great secondary grammar schools of Viel!orin, which can very castle' rival many of the big grammar sphonls nI Great Britain, From Oct. 1 this year between 1,500 and 1,t',00 lads of the middle and pro- feesinnttl classes and of he wealthy lower orders,' who are over the age iof le will be obliged, unless medically n - Ii►, to undergo courses of physical ntil iy leave and military training tor y or business cnreers. .i Blnnch,he i the headmaster c t the Church of England Gratnntnr School, in Melheurnc, is the moving spirit to the business. Under his leadership into t the secondarySecondary School Teachers' line. The , and Association has taken the matter will car• It is hoped that before tong r11 ing idea ry the compulsory military to breadtheof Australla,tandt t Tasmania. ing: e tall ever sl►owcd oleo way veinoof�cobalt GREAT BRITAIN. The British Admiralty is proposing to train colonials for naval service. e 1 ce. the An attempt is being boat winner of the Oxford -Cambridge race to visit America next -year. Mr. Whitelaw Reid, United States Ant- haesndor to Great Britain, has been giv- etrMr. freedom of the Reddeclared city to Parliament ,N...13Jadilcsday that lr►sll landlords II--..nl udt to sell their un- it Is announce(I Ii10C Trrr• ,.,,u Qrcndnnu ,ht will be 1 ship b attached to file benne fleet as a D gship for RearileeAdmiral Francis C. Bridgeman. UNITED STATES. locomotive deathSunday tinea train er was scalded al Rome, N. Y. he ntion atTHartford National a resolutiontdep depre- cating mob law and lynching. Charles N. Whitney has been a-4?i71 in Chicago on n charge of awtntlhng to the extent of $3,000,000. The employees in the °Mee of the late tiessell Sage have, ree� MI. in addition Le their regular °ember salary from lite estate, checks from Mrs. Russell Sage for an equal amount. With her infant brother in her arms, Jennie Donato, aged 13 years, was struck by a trolley car nn Friday in Philadel- phia. She was dragged fli► feet and both were dead when the car was stoPped. Patrick Hurley, a Rochester policeman, shut himself its the head on Friday. Ito walked into the morgue, and after a brief conversation with the mann ;n charge placed a revolver to his head and pulled the trigger. Death was In- stantaneous. 111 -health Is given as the cause of his dart. Officials of 111011111W Slates rnilronds tot o !tato len conferring %with their em- ployees regnr,ling the demands made by the latter far Increased pay and short - e.• hours have announced that the con- ference has been sntisfnetory. An at- tempt will be made to introduce a uni- form system of pay by the mile. A Grand Jury at Burlington. VI., on Tuesday returned eight indictments against Iwo compnntes In connection with the sale and exnnrtntion 01 diseased beef and collie in the Stale. Two mem- bers of the Cattle Commission were also indicted for selling diseased cattle to the Iwo companies, GENEiRAL. is said to be imminent plennn, Civil war in hotel, i Venezuel n. ns one French doctors have discovered a cure for the sleeping sickness, 113 he Japanese are leaving ilawaii in large do rant numbers for the United States. guests Jew: not belonging to the Unitereily ie mon of St. Petersburg hnwo been forbidden whento Attend lectures. in Itie Bandits have lorded /levered villages d grid In the neighborhood M Tangier, 1forncco The Cznr has granted full religious freedom to the sect rat Old Believers. Southern France has been swept by a terrible hurricane. General 1'icqunrt has instituted a cern• pnign against unpatriotic Socialists in Era nee. Fourteen persons were shot recently at (:ronstndt because no hangman could' tr•• pro'ur.'d. Renin Von iingen, n German sports- man. etayed rine melhIll In the Cassfer cnuntry in British Cnlumhfa on f1 hunt- ing trip. rind enmo back with two moose. three rnrihou, three mountain sheep, a black bear and a silver fox, Ir. Gile were alight- Ight Io twenty, vas • 0 stem - el me it snit for a PORT ARTiIUR IS GROWING: Ratepayers Carry Two By-laws to Assist Large Industries. A despatch from tort Ai four says: The ratepayers,nd chaws—one to upon and carried two by guarantee the �ulthe to Muttsel steed tut facturin(, 575,000 for the establishing here of mill works la manufacture agricultural machinery, and the otherto8 loan 5,000 torthe e �cancn, Kent Company terns of ten years to erect a factory to manufacture hardwood house fa lnild- Ing material. Werk on bo IJI. be pushed during the winter. ion •etw to their being ready for to spring. lite Meisel Company will a force of 500 men from the ,toy and the Seamen, Kent Company that the localilgof lthese nlho tries mean. a great Construction wt,r giont (1)0 Mb an iron Company'. .1 is rapidly proceeding, and it is :sled to go into opernliott making ^oft next Marcie. Counting the nen vett al the cnntpnnys mines, about 11 be engaged. �- _O--�_ N InRi(:.1T1oN. on Wednesday, Y. I tt a to 1 ern stat Mee indu tow kr, Pia pi(; 1 etnpl fine w NO FOREIGN DEANS. Denial at St. Petersburg That Site Contemplated. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: It is authoritatively denied that 1110 Gev- ermnent is considering the question oof ay issue of n supplementary per 500,00,Ae A10 rubies 0:n0,0410,000), rat 4 cent., or that 11 has been decided to give le; foreign banks as security shares of the Peasants' land Rank. 'llii're Is also 110 truth iii hplanned to gthene a eecon- rnenl that it i•- expin'ding the economic r riches sof the country. pcstUnn press etc are spread by the Op 'Meese ess iting the Ministry. M0NE1 Alberta Company Has Net That of Last Year. A despatch from London says: At the ennuel meeting of the Alberta Railway A irrigation Company Colonel •\Wotle- house said the eslunaleel net ptfiilt for the year was $313,960. After paying Interest on the five per cent. debentures, there remained a balance of 517.225 against 821.0oo last year. The rtininn11n selling price of irrigated lanl is now twenty doliars per acre. otic Double AUSTRALIANS FOR Alt\IY. Premier Deakin Favors CnIi.Immnt In Notional Resent-. A despatch from London says: Pre- mier Deakin of Australia line given a sympathetic answer to a deprtlntion which proposed a voluntary enlistment of 50,000 Australian citizens in the no- tional military reserve. Personally he did not shrink frurn compulsory service, but some etch scheme as suggested should lie:.' :.• bird. Cnoo»ii ILLLO\s" HEAD P.ISM. Ruole of (:rand Trunk Pacific Through the Rockies. A despatch from Ottawa snys: The Grand Trunk l'aeillc has decided upon tee Yellow fiend Pass as the one whicn it is to use to reach the Pacific const. This has been done after careful sur- veys. The Government will be asked to approve this pass. which will give a grade through the Micky \luuntains •.t about four -tenths of ono per Cent. TWO ILLICIT STILLS. Seized by inland Rewenue Officers in Middlesex. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Department of Inland Revenue has been advised of the seizure by Its officers in the London division of two Illicit stills. which were found In the poesessien of Iwo farmers in the Township of Eset Williams. Middlesex County. Tho farm- ers were fined $100 each and the stills were conflscaled, Probably `WAS la:, YEARS OLD. ► Woman hi the Pro - Dead. 1)v11le says In • Morrison, et , st person the was •ears s. i• A despatch fr•orn Iti the death of etre. Darh Montague, probably the o in the province pacse.l away. burn hr Sligo, Ireland, almost I(►:, ago. She lived with her daighler, (Cale Guthrie, in Montague. ni a few weeks ago was remarkabl?bmo and active. DERAILED 11111N WITH 1t(11t1t. Terrorists Then tidied the Mail and Escaped. A despatch from lVatsatt• say::: As a train was entering the llogoff elation on Thursday evening n party of lei retests threw a bonib nt the mail car, The ex- plosion enused the deruituient of the train. and killed or wounded man; per- sons. The then '1'erroriets seized the 11111113 and 0sevupt'e1. 11 13 rep°rted that they obtained a million roubles. CONN tIG111' TO VISIT Fs. Official Tour °f Canada 10 Minim Ii I Vieil to 1.03). A despatch front London says: The Dublin Express line been informed that the Duke of Connaught, Inspetstor-(hen• ersl of the 1'orees, will make nn nllieinl lour of Cnnadn niter visiting the Far East. ile will he necompanieyl l•y the Duchess and Princess Patricia, The Duke starts on les tour next month. VOTES FOR 110111:N. Dill in British House No ('e,n.ide'ral( a This Se.sk,n. A despateh from i.ondon say..: t.1 the thus() of Cort rnonc nn Wednesday Keir Labor leader, Irltrolueed a bill 1confer the sulfrago an tvumen. The Premier said there Mould be 111 oppor- tunity of dealing this session ui1.11 the measure, which was read a Lbst Utile. { 1