Exeter Times, 1906-11-08, Page 13THE EXETER TIMES, NOVEMBER Sth 1906
Maple Leaf
-I want you to see that the ' Maple Leat' 1s on
the slit pair of rubbersou buy."—Wireless
from ' the old woman who bred to a shoe-"
Buy a pair and you'll be so pleas-
antly surprised you'll tell the good
news to your friends.
Made of finest grade of Para guts,
which makes the toughest, most
waterproof rubbers in ex:.terie&
Truly astonishing wear
resisters. And yet LO
light and neat.
:.:t: •
emsand Surgeons, Successor to Dr.
S. A. Hoist. Croditon. Ont.
The 'trustees of the Methodist
church have let the contract for
se -fighting of Ithc church with gas-
olinee light. There,
will be
lamps put in and with these it is
expected That 'the church sill be
well lighted. It ss rwww a very com-
fortable church tind when this im-
provement i; made. t ito t rustwes and
members may 'well fot•I proud of
their church. Mr. rummy, of I'ul-
larton has !the contract.
1)id you test Lite fine tailor-made
over coats J. 11. Boltzmann id offer-
ing for 112. with ttho best of lin-
he• e d•ti '
Ings. They ,dr dues.
Deep sorrow wits felt in our vil-
lage on 'Monday when t 1.e death of
Miss Malind:t Wiitkenw•edcr become
known. The deceased w•as a former
dressmaker here, and had many
friends who sympathize with the
fancily' in this their hour of sad trial.
Mr. George Brown. Sr., is on lite
sick list.
Miss E. Williams who fell recent-
ly, hurting her back, ,is still quito
Miss hose Vinkhciner, of Berlin,
who has been in'the hospital in that
city suffering from typhoid fever
for t he 'paid six .woks is slows im-
proving and 'has left ttho hospital.
The news of her taickness was :t sur-
' prise to her friends here, who slid
mat know 'of her illness until this
week when word watt received that
e o
Ole was leaving rho hospital .after
`severe attack of typhoid fever.
Mrs. lfarry Eilber it visiting her
sister, Mrs. 8. Eilber, of Ulby, Mich.
Miss Margaret Sherlock and Miss
Jocsonhine MacIntosh, who have been
visiting at the hotel left Tuesday
tor their home in Lodon.
Flour Mills
We have installed a NEW
Mill for the rolling of Oats, and
can now fill promptly any Or-
der to roll Oats for Horses.
We atoll have our Chopper
and can also fill orders in this
line promptly.
H. Sweitzer
Alias Laura Sims. of Centralia,
spent Sunday 'the }guest of Miss Eva
Ali. and Mrs. V. Rat z, of Puurkhil1,
epcnt Sunday 'the guest of ,their
daughter. Mrs. Chas. Zwickor,
Dr. McCue spent a few days last
week visiting in Toronto.
Messrs. Young Tiros, taro this week
put tint,* in water troughs in the
stables of Mr. John Schroeder of it he
Jilton esion of Stephen.
Hound,—A purse containing a sum
of money was found in Crediton on
Saturday. November 3rd. The same
w ill be 'handed to tthe owner by t he
postmaster on receiving sufficient
proof of ownership and {laying for
this adv'erlisernett,—B• Brown, Post-
master, Crediton,
'1'1t following item was taken
froth the (7Iby Courier of last week
and refers to Airs. 8. F.ilber who .is
well known in our villu,^e having
lived here for a number of years.
She moved with her husband about
two years ago to (Jiby Mioh. "Last
'!rued'ty morning Mrs. Samuel Eil.
her, while going from the house,
slipped and fall on the back steps
with such force act to broak one of
the ribs on her :right side. Mr.
Either and the children wore in the
house at 'the time and did not know
of the accident until she had crawl-
ed back into 1 he house and was sit-
ting awl groaning in n chair which
drew th it :attention. Soon after eho
fainted. I)r. Macgregor was quickly
summoned but before ho arrived she
had regained consciousness and was
able to explain Otho oircumstanccs,
At first it was feared she might
have su staa
d internal ►njur.as, be-
sides the 'broken rib, but no 'm-
c S 1.
touts aOle,r:d and at this writing
she is gaining rapidly from the
shock .and accident."
Mr. Willi tin Finkbeiner left on
Thursday last for Pittsburg where
he has Secured a good position.
All well dressed men wear teller.
made garments. Order your fall and
winter suit nt J. II. Holtzman's.
over 100 patterns to choose from.
11r. Wesley Finkbeiner, Sr., who
t:: been in i he employ of Eli King
WO for the p.as( t wu cram lett on
Thursday last for London, where he
has secured a job in a furniture
store. His many friends, 'thou;h
sorry to have him leave Orediton,
join in wwishin; him every success in
Rev. L. K. Eidt, of Dashwood.
preached in the Evanat'lioal church
on Sunday nrornin,: to a large con-
,grrgat i.
Mr. 1).onKilpni rick spent Sunday at
his horse in I' ippen.
Preparations ortbeing made 'for
a school concert which will be held
in a few necks. It is four years
since the school ,zavo :a concert and
it has been thought well to have n
concert this year to raise money to
buy a flag poo ural flag to be in
keeping with elle new school, and
the money left after tht a are
'bought will g:► towards setting new
books for rhe library.
Mr. G. K. Brown preached its the
Ev utgelical church, Dd:Atwood, on
Sunday ruorning and in the Evan-
• gelical church here it* 1he evening.
Mr Alonzo Hodgins and daughter
Queenie were in London on Saturday
attending rho funeral of the lata
Mr. Flannery. Deceaeea died in
Detroit ou Thuraxiay and the remains
were brought to London -for inter-
will be recitived for the caretaking
of (ho Methodist churoh. Creditors,
up to Thursday. November 15t1,,
Tenders may be handed to Afeasrs.
Thos. Trevot hick, W. W. Kerr, or
Wm. Lewis.
If any person having a farm' for
sale or cattle astray and witch to
edvertise the fact, will give particu-
lars to the Times representative who
Is itt Crediton every Monday. the
matters will be attended to prompt-
Frank 1'inkbeinor, who has been
engaged on a f trw with Mr. Croft,
Daehtw'otxl, for the past seven months
returned lorns Saturday last.
Wee. I'inkbc•iner. our genial gro-
oerywan, ham been busy the past
week breaking in his colt which he
purchased [rum Eli Lawson a week
ago. Ottr young ladies arc {watienti.
13' waiting for \\rev to get his rub-
ber -tire.
1 Mr. and Mre. Simon Morlock. of
Dashwood. spent Thursday last in
the village visiting the fornter's
Albert Wolf is nursing hie sore
foot an accident received while shoe-
ing a horse.
.:ohs Bedford moved into dhle
house lately occupied by his brother
George, on Tuesday liist and on the
same day John Hoist moved on alto
farm he recently' uurchased from ,lir.
Frank Finkbeiner has :1ccepled :t
Position as apprentice with Mr. J.
11. I lett zmaitn,
August Iiill and daughler:l attend-
ed the funeral of bliss \Vinkenwwadcr
on Tuesday last.
The foundation for the r entent
se in:.
et 'Y tri
sidewalk of th new ..shoo r „
laid this week.
Mr. J. Lawson has greatly im-
proved the appearance of his shop by
adding .a new ebow e indoww.
On Sunday last Missionary servi-
ces were held in the Lutheran
church. Itev. Mr. liinebach, of Seb-
eringville, preeolted In the :waning
and Rev. 'Mr. Bladol, .of Mitoltell, in
the evening. The church was well
AIr. Alex Zimmer 1hi:l nweck put
in another window in hit shop Ila
give more Tight.
Mr. Louis Preetor iN enlarging his
kitchen and making other nitert-
ations to his residence.
Mr. C. Hildebrand this week com-
menced working for Mr. W,tn. Zim-
mer at 'ties Commercial hotel.
On Thursday last :about 31; men
with six '(cams had a bee and took
in the root crop ,for Mr. John Win-
kenw•oder, who has been Pick for so
The Elilire. Eidt & Co. shipped two
car load of flour <hie week.
Mr. G. Brown, of Crediton, preaeh-
cd in I he Evangelical church on
Sunday morning. Rev. Mr. Eidt
taking_ 11.e ,work for Rev. .lir. Bean,
of Crediton, in the morning.
Death last Friday removed from
our midst one of our oldest residents
Mrs. John Schutit, at the advanced
a,;o of 76 years. The deceased craft
ill only a few days and her death
came :a : a shock to her family and
many ecqueintanoes. Mrs. 6ohmit
The fact that we give indi vidua
instruction and make a specialty
of each pupil enables ue to qualify
our pupils for situations in the
shortest possible time.
It will pay you to join our classes
Catalogue free.
Weslern sins College
110 Dundas Street, London, Ont.
1Vm. C. Coo, C. S. R. Principal.
W. N. Yerex, Principal Commercial
BARGAINS In Falaodnsd
at inter BARGAINS
All lines of Warmer Clothing opened up for your inspection. Greatest values ever of-
fered in
Ready made Overcoats for Men's and Boys' Wear
The verb' latest styles are shown in Black Beaver, Mixed Tweeds, Meltons, Etc. in SUITS we are showing Black
Cheviots. English tweeds 'Dade up in the latest styles, both Bingle anti Double Rreasted, lined with good Italian
Cloth. Prices $13,50 to $12.511 per suit.
Our Furs Are Unsurpassed
We have made a special effort in this line this season. Our sales are very nnu•h ahead of previous seasons which
shows that our rices and quality aro right. We received wnotherni a a: reset of
Coon (on ta,Russian la1
and Wailabys the, are extra values. tee our new Ilokaren ('oats with lovely Sable Collars and Reveres, Blouse and
Box Styles. 21 to 2' inches at $35 to $12, Also our Electric Seal in 21 and L`3 inch lengths with Collars anti Reveres of
Sable at $111 to $1a. We have a sels't tion of Astrachan ('oats in lengths from 21 to ;iii inches at $22 to $35. These are
Specie) value. iso not fail to take a look through our stock. Should ycu require a Fit -lined or Fur ('oat, huff, Muff,
Etc., it will pay you.
Dress Goods
In Dress (foods we are shooing some exquisite shades in the
IlitTeretit texture,+. New fashionable goods in widths from 42 to
51 inches at 54'e to $1 per yard, also a heavy line of double width
cloth in Urine. Navy, (trey, !crow') and Black. Shades special it: 25 cents per yard.
We are giving Special Values in ('at pets, Lineleunis and Floor Oilcloths to clear up our stock for the season.
We have etttm extra values in Children's Coats. All styles in Fawn, Navy, Cardinal and (trey shades at from $2
tat $,i.
Produce taken in exchange for Goods. We are open for any quantity of Dressed Poultry for which we will pay
good prices in Clot) or T. title. Dried Apl ,es 5c per pound; Butter, 2ne per pound: Cggs, 20c per dozen,
was a resident of this Rection for
malty years, awag •Li);ly "7.
. s -
ed, lief Lusb:undad, rho late John
Schmit died about 6 years ago. The
funeral was held from her late resi-
dence on the Goshen Line on Sunday
afternoon and was largely attended
interment being in 1110 Bronson Line
cemetery, The services trete
held ill the Lutheran church. ot
which she wax 11 lifelong un-tilber.
and were conducted by the Rev.
Than. Mrd. Si:lrtuit leave's to mourn
their loss two sons and two daugh-
ters. Henry, Lewis and Mary on the,
homestead and Airs. W. Davis. of
Mrs. W. 'Davie, of London. was
here last'week attending the funeral
of her Mother. alto late Mrs. John
Mr. fly •Ite::lyuteyet' has purcl►atted
the farts of Mr. Aug. 'tValper for
the stint o[ $5400. 'the farm is •o e -
quarter of a ruing west and about
half a mile north of Ditshwood.
- Some odd glens' catty to clear at
.1. Kellcrmanns. Coats worth 17.50
sellinr for $5.00. Call and ere them.
Miss Olive Qu:unce Wag Galled to
her home at Exeter, on Saturday,
tlu'ough the illness of her sister.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Birk died ou Sunday last
after a short illness. The funeral
took place on Wednesday. The ber-
eaved parents have 'the sympathy
of the community in the lots of their
\(aster Leonard Kcllerinenn ac-
cidentally hard his left elbow put
out of joint ono day last week while
Playing at school.
Myrta, :the little daughter of Mr.
:and Mrs. Harry 1loffut.r11 is quito
ill it Miele of writing.
Mr. \Vm. Shrutnnn wee in London
Monday on business.
-Messrs. Herrman Eidt and Geonxe
Goodman drove to Zurich one even-
ing last week told report a goodtithe,
On Thursday' of last week .lir.
Ed 13ossenbcrry visited our town
looking up witnesses in regard to
n case where tiquor WAS supplied :o
n fellow who le an the Indian dist.
The case Was tried and the boys had
1 e• vil Ma • e
10 roof u up ,h .a t S • S ittx•
warning to some of our own It•Ow11
!WO pie.
Misa Lydia Ort has returned to
her home in Zurich after visiting
friends in our town.
The home of John \V inkenwad.'r
was a;rain visited by the hand of
death on Sunday (amt when his
(laughter 'Melinda died. after suffer-
ing for several week. from typhad
makes cs the third mem-
ber of t Ise family to succomb to this
disc:ii, inside of awo months, ac-
counts of the previous deaths having
Leen 'given at itho time. At present
t here are t wo .ot her mune bees of 1 he
fancily t.eriously ill with Moto same
malady, Mr. \Vinkenwader being
sick at home and :t son at the Lon-
don hospital, where lie was taken
when the symptoms of the disease
first appe:rtid. The funeral of Mel-
inda was held on Tuesday nIternoon.
The many friends of Mr. \Vinkenwa-
der extend their deepest sympathies
towards him •tr.d hire family in .this
their hour of to cal and hopa t hat
the surviving ones- will be able ,to
withstand the ravages of the dis-
eae, which has occasioned so much
sorrow in the home.
The correspondents of the other
Paper,: have put a wrong impression
upon the readers 'regarding the ac-
cident of October 25. The oorrea-
potulent of .the Times wishes to cor-
rect the route. he having interviewed
and inquired of ,one, an eyes• witneee
of the stem', The articles lead one
to believe that those( who were hurt
and eliakern up were doiraa the fast
driving. '1'lia %•s not true. ltueben
Goetz and two ladled, Miss L. Wil-
bert and \Itis Lena Steinhagen were
driving o head, and Mr. Goetz
,;ot out to fix something on
r a d lad got
he a .s n >t
the r
back in the' buggy again when
the accident happened. '1'h^ next
bt.gg) was occupied by Wes. Miller
Win. Elit•n,tiver, Miss hose Willcrt
:ted \ti.+s Effie 'tVillert. This rig
(tad caught un to Rueben Goetz's rig
and of course bot h horses worm
walking, when without a moment's
notice a couple *of (nen came driving
up al a terrific {nor and collided
with it hero rigs, resulting in lhrowv-
in;z one hone: to the ground,
and the other toward:. the
ditch upsetting the buggy aimed.
One of t lie occupant:' Was thrown
out !caviler the ot here wit bout line
or safety. The horse then turned
clear :,round :and took -lo :t ,running
speed leaving 1 he occupants either
to stay in the bugtry and risk life
or to jump for life or death, the
re.;glt going that Miss Effie \Villcrt
broke her len in jumping.
and Furnaces
Are you thinking of putting in
a Furnace, Cook Stove or Ileater
if so remember we can supply
your wants at reasonable prices
Beaters from $3 to $36
Cook Stoves all ('rices
Don't buy a stove until you sec
the Worlds Favorite.
If you want to see the: wonder
of the world in a washing machine
call on
Lkt:t t•1'UN
With Every Cold Weather Need
Ready now for t'veiy kind of Business you see fit. to bring us, and septi e...4y ready to
satisfy you every way you expect satisfaction.
Fur Quality and Value for Best Satisfaction
Ifflc Furs
Mens Fur Goats
A Lig range of Ladies Black Astrachan C'oats (superior to any ). livery Coat guatan.
teed by out wauufaelurer. Thio is au iunport:uu point. Big lune ot so 1 .e ail Rubin a6
all prices. Alto Ladies' Fur•liued ('oats, shell of Lest quality goods, \Iusttat lined and
trimmed with Sable Collar.
Goon. 1Voutha►, !Wallaby. hessian 1)og, Calf, Yak, Etc , (1: is it, stock and in
all sizes, Our Fur -lined Clara and (bats lined with At- tt:'dead 111 th tied trim-
med with Fur Collar at a cheap figure. This et itt is as as at ua as a fur -lined one
and pita up as good an appearance. Ale: hanr.le a lime merge t t (lobes and ptu.
' t l a l Rugs Lbargain. a'et alar t i stir t f R s a it t at gin See 'l heel.
ch e l K 1 Y !,K
• Received another shipment last Saturday and the very uictst kind t'f ('oats. Coate not to
Ladles Coats he seen anywhere else and prices the lowest. Call before purchasing elsewh' r.r.
Dress GoodsSpecial price on Die ss (foods for this month, see sur pile. Regular 115c gout e ,'educed to 50e
and the regular :i.ic and 4tic to g,l tit 25e. These are bargains, do not vies I Li 111. Also a big
range of t-ew Dress (foods in latest fabrics.
All kinds of produce taken In exchange. 13rittg in yoar Dutch Sets, Alsike, Iced Clover and Timothy. A call solicited
Flannlette and Wool Blankets
At Lowest Prices,
A diseased condition of 1 ho set faces I
of the air passages causes had breath,
hut more commonly emanates from!
indigestion or an impute condition of
the blood. Thousands of cases prove;
that Dr. Hamilton's Pills through their,
specific action on the secretory and el •
iminative organs, not only cure bad
breath, but so thoroughly purify the
systew (hat anything suggestive of
blood or digestive troubles is impoesi-
bie. Through Dr. Hamilton's fills
the skin grows rosy and clear. activi-
ty of the hedy and mind iucreases,•l
and boundinghealth is estb she
sold everywhere in 25c boxet.
The anniversary services of the
Kirkton Methodist church will he held
Sunday Nov. 25th- Rev. Anderson of
Blyth, taking charge of the servicea.
On Tuesday the 2370)the annual fowl
supper will he served, atter which an
entertainment will be given, coesist-
ing of addresses. recitations and musi-
cal numbers.
Mr. W. Moore left Monday for a
weeks' visit with his brother at Owen
Sound. Will usually ttkes a week
each year, for recreation, and has se-
lected the shooting season this ear.
On his return he is expected to be
loaded downwith ors of game.
'Mrs, H. L. Rice and Mrs. Geo. Vise
of St. Marys were the guests of Mrs.
A. Brethour last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Brethour, enter-
tained Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hayes, ot
St. Marys, a few days last week.
Mr. Rota. Copeland received an ac-
cident one day last week whsle thresh-
ing at James Gardiner's, which, had
it not been for his presence of mind in
throwing out his arms, would have
resulted more seriously. He was
throwing sheaves of wheat on the
machine, when be lost his footing, sue-
taining a hod cut on the hack cf his
head, Several stitches were necessary
to close up the wound.
Mr. Reuben Switzer is making a
habit of wandering away from his
own fireside Sundays, an attraction
up the line being the rearon for his
Robt. Davis' sale last week was a-
Thomas Harrah sustained an acci
dent last week while picking apples
that laid him up for several days.
He was standing on a ladder when he
missed his footing, and in falling
struck his side straining the ligaments
of one cf bio ribs, and rtherwiso in-
juring himself internally.
!)avid Duncan returned home from
the west last week. Mr, Duncan pur-
t•hastd land in the vicinity of Regina.
Mts. Robt. Davis had at rag gee cn
Tuesday,which was attended by most
of the ladies in the neighborhood.
The 8t. Marys, Kirkton and Exeter
Telephone Company is rushing the
building of their rural telephone sy-
stem. Poles are set along the 14th
concession and are ready for the wires
it is expected that the instruments
will he placed in the residences, in a
couple of weeks when Iger line wi11
be in full running operation. A
Mr. ferry. of Kansas, attived here
Etat week and thinks so wcel1 of the
pro=sect s of t 1 " rottrp:any t hat he
ham purchased a windier of shares
end ie now out soliciting for new
subscribers. Be his moved hit fam-
ily here and They are occupying one
of Mr. Tuft's houses.
Several improvements wore made
10 the rresbyterian cIturth lest
we•k. TI.e windows were fziazed, t!.e
shed repaired anti 1Wo new tit oV s
placed in t h^ church.
Business Change
11 la been purchased limn Mr, Jas.
CI.itk,. by the undertigne,t. who will
bo pleased to meet his father's cus-
tomers and all persons renulrin; up.
lo-dste into nes., Trunks, Suit Cases
Saddlery 11 ardware and everything
pertaining to horse equipment. lin-
pairing done promptly and carefully
Your patron tee solirilcel.
Two Grateful Letters from Women Who Avoided
Serious Operations.—Many Women Suffering
from Like Conditions Will Be Interested.
When a physician tells a woman, suf-
fering from female trouble, that an oper-
ation is necessary it, of course, frightens
The very thought of the operating
table and the knife strikes terror to her
heart. As one woman expressed it,
when told by her physician that she
must undergo an operation site felt that
her death knell hado
e undt'd.
Our hospitals are hill of women who
are there for jttat such operations!
It is quite true that these troubles may
reach a stage where an operation is the
only rescuer's, but such CAIN'S are much
rarer than is generally supposed, because
a great many women have been cured
by Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com-
ponnd after the doctors had said an
operation must be perforated. In fact,
up to the (joint where the knife must be
used to secure instant relief, this medi-
cine is certain to help.
The strongest and most grateful state -
manta possible to make conte front
women who, by taking Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, have esca-
ped serious operations.
Mrs. Robert Glenn of 4:'1 Marie St.,
Ottawa, Ont, writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkharn :—
Lidi* E. Pinkhm
atn's Vegetable Co-
'• le so well and widely known that it
not need my recommendation, but I
am plQstlad to add it to the tn.usy whirls you
have iDsite favor. 1 have suffered tintold
from a serious female trouble for
l doctors told !area ears and the d tors t l l m
undergo an o ration bu
erg �
1 1i49
IJtyillit to do this I tried a t your \ c•
p4ble Compound, and '1 am only too
pleased that I did so, far it restored me to
perfect health, saving me the pain of
operation and the immense bills attendit
the sante. Pray accept my hearty thanks
and best wishes."
Mies Margaret Mt•rk ley of 275 3d Street,
Milwaukee, \\'is., writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham
"Loss of strength, extreme nervonsne,
severe shooting paia+
ns through the pelvjo
organs cramps, bearing-, town pains, and
irritable dispositi,,n compelled me to
medical advi e. The doctor, after
an examination, saidthat Thad a
female trouble and ulceration, and ad
an operation :1s my only ho To
strongly objected—tnd 1 derided as a
resort to try Lydia E. 1'inkham'e Vegstabli
"To my surprise the ulceration healed
all the bad symptoms disappeared,_ and I
On once more strong, vigorous and we l;
and I cannot express nay thanks for what
it has done for rue."
Serious feminine troubles are steadily On
the increase among wwomen—and before
eubmitting to an operation every W
should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetably'
Compound, and write Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mars., for advice.
For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has been curing
the worst fonds of female complaints, all
functional troubles, inflammation, nicer-,
ation, falling and displacement, weakness,
irregularities, indigestion and nervotta
proetration. Any woman who could'
read the many grateful lettere on Ma in
Mrs. I ►nkh m
a e c o}i
f o
would be
vinced of the efficiency of her advice sad
Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Oot
Mrs. llakbaa's Advice—A Woman Best Understands a Wt's ieae
1'o;inwin,t is 1110 report of the
Kit kion public school for ,the month
of 1h•1ohe1. t110 names leing in
older of merit : V class — Ethel I
Ito,dlotise, ltay Kirk, Allan Duf-
field. 1V—Nellie 11tzetw•ood, Ma Z -
.ie Shier, 51ahel Burton, Earl hood•
hoose, Alfie Beatty. Sr. 1i1.— Ger.
lie !grown, Florence Ross, Frank
Brown. i,eslie 'Tuft s, Cheater Ifazle-
wwoda, .1 r. 111,—Arthur Ilea tty. Rei
I a Ino kin, Cho. Tack, 'Eutrt Carr,
Alm, Boolhouse. 11 class. —Ernest.
Nixon. inn Hoskin. Ethel Atkinson,
Lizzie i)oupe, ithea iirow'n. 1't 1I.—
I'e1r1 Marshall, Alice Walker,
Ni• •S ++++++++ -1'++++++++++++++++++++++•i•+•:::. •'r+++++S•++++
We are showing at very large assortment of Ranges
and Heaters this year with prices that will surprise.
von. 8o come in and let's talk it over with you be-
fore you buy.
We have just received a fine assortment of Carving
Sets. You will need a set, so conte in 1111(1 see 118 itt
we are sure we can satisfy your wants in that line.
Best of attention given to this department,
W. Moore Kirkton.
+++++-:..:.++:.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'+++4'+ +IV
To Cure a Cold in One Day
_Tem Laxative 8romo Baine Tablets. At,
ilomm 11111o. bows sold Is pest *3.o.w. ��rss
CUM Glib•
Is Two nay.
boar. 25c