Exeter Times, 1906-11-08, Page 12r ToIIct firtIGIos AT—t- was DRIJG STORE Ladles and Gentlemen: Call in and see our New Stock of Combe CLOTH HMRBRUSNES TOOTH ANI) SHAVING G NAIL SCRUBS and WHISKS CHAMOIS and SPONGES The very best PERFUMES. TAL, CUM POWDERS. TOOTH PASTES - TOOTH WASHES & POWDERS, also COLD bream ALMOND and GLYCERINE JELLY You cannot help being pleased, --AT-- Browning' -AT-- Browning' Drug Store. The Exeter Times THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8t h, 1006 WHY IS THIS THUS ? We often hear quite a bit about the different ways in which the farmer is considered a much abused member of the community. Solve of these of course are imaginary. as in our day at least he has many advantages over bis fellow country men of other cal- lings and is a pretty independent citi• zen. But there do appear to be some anomalies hard to explain. Ha far- mer goes into one of our stores to buy a cap or a pound of nails he has to pay the price fixed by the merchant or go without the purchase, but when he carries in hie fowl or his produce bis price is not asked. He is given the price fixed by someone else for his goods. The sante with his hogs, bis cattle and grain. The cost of the cap or the nails to the farmer has been largely increased by a tariff made to bevefit the manufacturers and the high prices are maintained by means of kings and combines and mergers and snch like abominations, which flourish under high tariffs. At the approaching session of Parliament the tariff is to be revised and with that in view the Government had a Com- mission out hearing what the differ- ent sections of the country bad to say on the subject. The farmers' views were ably presented, hu, if they are ever to change the anomalous position referred to above they must stand more firstly together and refuse to vote for either the man or the party who facers the manufacturer at the expense of the agriculturist. NOTE ANI) COMMENT Now that the canning factory is as- sured who will be the one to make the next move? Don't all epeak at once. 'Many happy returns of the day!" is the greeting of six million Canadi- ans to their beloved Sovereign on his natal day. Reeve Bobier deserves the greatest credit far his untiring efforts to push the canning factory in the face of al'use and persecution. • • • • • The Dominion Parliament opens on November 72nd this year. If all the hot air that will be manufactured could be piped there would be no need for coal in Ontario this winter. • • • • • The Duke of Marlborough has agreed to a legal separation from his wife up- on her paving him $100,000 a year. There might he other sten willing to separate on those terms. The Duchess was a Miss Vanderbilt before she bar- tered that name for a titled one. • • • • • The customs receipts of the Domini- on show another large increase this month. The revenue from this source was $4.650,531, compared with *3,980,- 158, an increase of $t)7(1,473 over the same time last year. Receipts for the first four months of the fiscal year show an increase of $2,170,415 over 1005. p1 Hel ! p J ,71 Fcillina Thus cried the hair. And s kind neighbor came to the res- cue v: iib r. bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Thc hair was saved! This was because Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular hair medicine. Falling hair is caused by a germ, and this medicine completely destroys these germs. Then the healthy scalp gives rich, healthy hair. The best kind of a testimonial - "Sold for over slaty retire." . T 4. o. arse Cb., e.00•n. i:•s•. ♦ .e r snua.•t-ars of SAlSseaCILLI. versmar reCTIMAL We have been reading so much about bribery and graft and breach of trust lately that we were longing foil South Africa or some other civilised place. And now comes the report that the Liberals are going to demand an investigation into the political methods of their opponents in South Ontario. London, West Elgin and Huron. Mercy, save us! DANGER IN CORN SALVES They usually contain acids and burn the flesh. The one safe cure in liquid Iform is Putman's Painless Corn Ex- tractor which is purely vegetable, causes no pain and cures in one day. Don't forget the name-"Putman's.' CEN TIRAI.IA Rev. G. W. Andreave preached two bright and inspiring sermons to lar,:e congrezation.t on Sunday Etat. Miss Pearl Short, of Maguire, is the guest of her sister. Mixs Cora Short. . Mr. and Mrs. Georreo Essery and children visited friends in Lucan on Sunday. Mr. and Mr . wilt. Kay. ot Far- quhar, visited It Mr. J;tmee Ilaed- ford's on Sunday. The Ladies' Aid g:tvct a social ken the church on 'Tuesday. evening which proved a , rest success. Bert \Varrcn and Bruce Mitchell, who have been in the Northwest for the peat two months returned home last week. OVERTAKEN BY NAUSEA You don't know whether it's going to stay down or come up. You feel like thirty cents and look even worse. If one thing is quicker than another it's Nerviline. Ten drops in sweetened water gives relief instantly. Almost like magic is the change you experience The cause of the nausea is removed, every symptom of vomiting and indi. gestion is cured within ten minutes. When Poison's Nerviline is so trusty and economical, a bottle at home wouldn't be amiss. Large ones for a quarter at all dealers. FAItQ(11HAlt Wanted. -Stuart. honest bay about fourteen year& old to learn the mer. canlile business. Apply to I3. W. 1'. Beavers. Mr. Writ. gray's new house Is ready fur occupation. The farmers are busy finishing up the turnip harvest. Mr, W. ISrock, tax collector, has been going the rounds. A number of the young people at. tended the oyster supper at Wood- ham on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Turnbull Spent Sunday visiting fr,:ends in Bay. 11r. McDonald, of Manitoba, was visiting Mr. \Vm. Pollen last week. The Directors of the Usborne and Ilibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co. met in the hall here on Monday. WIIEN TIIE TIP G;;• A DOG'S nose is oold and moist, ;that dog is not sick. A feverish dry nose means sickness with a dog. And so with tho human lips. Dry, cracked and CO1OtIoss lips mean fewerishnea , and are as well ill appearing. To have beautiful oink velvet-like lips, apply at bedtime a coating of Dr. Shoop's Gncon Salve it will soften and heal any skin ailment. Get a free trial box, at our atoro. and bo convinced. Largo niokel Dapped glees jars, 25c. Sold by W. S. Howey. CItOMA (tTY Mr. and Mrs. James If. Brown spent Sunday with friendd in Bruce• field. Miss Eliza Norris spent Sunday at home. lies. Lean McKellar and her cousins. Mr. ndd Mrs. Iludgert, spent Sunday- in Cromarty. Several froin around hero took in the Gin Bro. Concert in Mitchell Friday night. Miss Davis of Mitchell, .s the guest of the Misses Wright. lir. Wright who had the mi4for- tune .to full from an nppletrce two week a ago :x141 hurt his shoulder, is slowly recovering. Quite a number from around here attended the anniversary at Chisel - burst Sund:ty evening. Mrs. Johnston who has been ill for the past two weeks is recot•oriug nicely, sas THE NE\V PURE FOO[) AND Drug Law en! mark it on the label of every Dough cure eoontaining Opi- um Chloroform. or any other ntup• Hying or poisonous drug. Ilut it ptsees I)r. 8hoop's Cough Cure as mado for twenty years, entirely free. Dr. Shoop .7l1 along has bitterly o, - pose4t the use of all opiates or nar- cotics. Dr, *;hoop's Cough Cure is absolutely safe even for the youngest babe -and it cures, it does not simp- ly suppI'ess. (let a safe and reliable Cough Cure by simply insisting on Dr. Shoop's. Let the law bo your protection. We cheerfully recom- mend and sell it. Sold by W. S. Rowley. 1u' INCiiI:i.SF..A Mr. and Mrs, Fenton Brown return- ed fresh Duston on Mender wheae Brown spent the simmer manag- ing a large butter factory. Mrs. Jnn. Fletcher and 800. Rey, left Inst wee k for a month's visit. wish friends in ('t- eswell, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler spent Sunday with friends in Seafor•th Mr. Uuncen McPo•tgsll who for the past live years has h(en principal of nu► public school has rceignrd, his resignation to take effect at the end o f this feint. Mr. McDnngell has ne- rrpled a ;u s.it ho ns teacher c.f the Comber mitotic Feb( rel. and hip soirees. r.or lute will le Miae Malld Fair. 1 (taught( r of Rt v. Fair, of Elimville, at present teaching in Pelrolia. During Mr. MrDnu all's to rm as feather here he has filled the peaition satisfartotils haw,• made Feteral in)!4(,vfi merits to the nar.nncr of ent.'r•' rc; th e F 0100 besl(Iee being instruntentnl in raising eullirient money to purchase a library for the he vitt of the Echo!- ' ars. Ile has matte n.anv friends who will regret seeing hint Iea%e. 1 of will hr',leaved In know that hie r• eve po*i- tion twill be a promotion wh'th he richly deserves. THE EXK1ER T 1 M E 8, NOVEMBER sig 1806. :.;,.:::.,to. Aegctable PrcparationforAs- similating theFoodandRegukt- tiltg the Slow HIS end Hotels of !NIA\ Is; ( H1LD1tl:N • Promotes Digestiomare rful- ncss and Rest.Contalns neither Opium,Morphille nor Mineral. NOT NAIitCOTIC. 140;reWad DrS•WCELA7CadR ligirsisis Sari - 41r.Jnns • efoits�l,�,, .�• OICartAmail.for.• JI'.. deed - r,s.sv,..... /bra: } Aperfcct Remedy forConsilpa- tion. Sour Ston tch,Diarrt' ea, Worms ,Convulsions,revcrisit- ties s and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of �•�s. . NEW YORK. L} 1�E EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CA$TOR1 For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of U For Ov Thirty Yea CA$TORI The CENTAL• eogiva- . NEW voila err 5EXSMITII The annual tea meeting in connec- tion with the church was held on Monday evening last and as the wea- ther was all that could be desired there was a very large number of people present to enjoy the good things which the good people of Sexsntith had provided and also the excellent Hprogramme which was rendered. The ensel! Methodist Male Quartette was ',resent and furnished an abund- ance of excellent music. Readings were furnished by Misses Murray and Howey of Exeter and Miss Musgrove of London, also a duett by Misses Fol - lick and Howard of Exeter. On Tues• day evening a ten -cent social wag held at which all enjoyed a good time. the proceeds amounted to about $48. ALMOST DEAD OF BRONCRIITiS Few people have suffered more than John P. Taylor, of Dyment, I'.O.,Ont. Today he is well and writes, -"I must tell you how much Catarrhozone has been to me. 1 was so bad with bron- chitis sometimes I thought it would soon be over with me. A spell ot chok- ing would come on that left me pros- trated and weak. Since using Catarrh - ozone 1 have had no trouble at all. It strengthened my throat stopped the cough. gave nue free breathing and en- tirely cured." Just the usual exper- ience. Catarrhozone invariably cures whether bronchitis asthma or catarrh Two sizes, Vic and $1.00 at all dealers. ELIMVI[.LE A number from ',Ore attended the annual supper of tbq Forrester Lodge :it Woodli:im os. Monday even- ing. 11 rs. Itobt. Birch and daughter, Florence.. spent a short tiny' at the home cd airs. W. Ooultis last week. The annual unnivc+ra.1ry se rvi-Cs of thi.t church will be h^Id, on Nov. 1st. Mrs. Daniel Hodgson and bars. .1. Wesley Hodgson. of Whalen. were the guests of Jars. Itobert Skinner on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Milken. of Fullarton. visited their neicet Mr+. .1, Wright, on Saturday. The weather man is wearing a plcasatat face this week. All those who have a turnip are rifler A ,e• i 11 evening i4 to b(' held at the rest meeting of the Chosen Friends which will be ;t w-eck from Fr id ay, t he ]rpt',. headings. speech. e singing and other thinrs of nn entertaining character are to he enjoyed. All the friends are ex - tier! ed to be present. \Vcddinr bells ure reported to ring her in the or or (attire. 'Ir. 111(1 Mrs. Samuel Skinner. of Eden, viaieed ;t ! i+ father's herr on Sun•l,v. The di, r ire for dr.,win.T dirt in- to the rh,1rrli "hr(' W:as po+tl.nned I are r fir All r 51 t d n 'n t until h r mi t the a . renuestel to attend. The Kidneys When they are wear, tor- pid. or stagnant, the whole system suffers. Don't. neg- lect them at this time, but heed t heewwarning of the bloated face t -be cargo o0 the urinary , anti treatment at once with Hood'sSarsapari la which contains the best and safest. curative substances. for to emenkds of remarkable rune seed for look on Kidneys, No. 8. C. 1. Hood Co.. L•owsa. Mee. IN TIIE SURROGATE COURT OF TIIE COUNTY OF ILURON In tho estate of Samuel Parkinson of the Township of : borne; in the county of Iluron, farmer deceased. Notice is hereby given I(hat pur- suant to an Order of His Ilonor II. L. Doyle, Judge of the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron ride the 29111 day of October instant. Tho London and \Vester11 Trusts Corn - patty Limited may, on Mon(i <y rtbe 12th day of November nlext, make application for a grant to ,them of letters of Administration of the es- tate of the said Samuel Parkinson, formerly of the township of Usborne aforesaid, who disippearcd from tho said township on or about the 17th day of November, 1896 and w.hoao whereabouts since 'the said date are unknown and who is !believed to be dead leaving feroperty to ,be admin- istered in 'taw raid county •o[ Iluron. And the said Judge will on the said 12th day of November at 11 a. ma. in the. Court House at the town of Goderich hear evidence concornin,e• small application. GLADMAN & STANBUI(Y Solicitors for 'the London & Western Trusts Company. Limited. Dated at Exeter, Ontario, 'the 30th day of October, 1906. Auction Sale • -of -- HORSES ANI) COLTS Messrs. White and Cameron have been instructed 10 sell by public auction at the METitOI'OLTTAN HOTEL, EXETER -on- TIII'RSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1906 commencing at one o'clock Sharp the following property : Brood marc 6 years old with foal, agricultural; draught a el ding four years old sired by gin,; of I he Cas- tle; draught filly .3 years old; four draught geldings 2 years old sired by Craigie V:ir; 3 draught gelding.; 2 year., old sired by Itakerfield; draught filly 2 5ea1.i old sired by. Craigie Var with foil ,to Bright. MOW' ; draught filly 2 years old sired by Moulton Rufus with fall to Natc•by Prince; J pair draught dil- lies 2 years old, matched, aired by Derry Down; draug'hl geldin; 1 year old tared by Lachlan Granby ; draught gcldiri z 1 year old aired by Gulden 't hist le ; Jr ought gelding 1 year old sired by Black Rod; 2 good drivers. The ramie day and at the sante pilot t Pero will be 25 dairy cows etold. the property of W. J, 1Vllliams. TERMS OF SALE Cash, or 12 ntnntle4' credit on furnishinl goad aperovcd joint )notes with novice -1 at 5 per cent por nr,nnrn. C. l:. 11 ('li NI:Y, Proprietor. .10S, \1 tu'f'f: ANI) THOMAS CAM- ERON. Auclione,rs. S111rl%A Mr. Ezra Brenner is sporting a new ruhls'r-tired liturgy. which he pur(•has- eil from J 1. Hawkey. of Parkhill. Mr. H. Wing w -a. in London on bus iness lest Monday, Mica Mary Sreenan, of 1)i<yeda!e, is visiting l)rr sister. 1). Stele:mt. A number from herr attended the sheotiig matt h held ret. 1 11i% I Wed- ncsdn ) of Is, • . w •ee. k. A eon of alt• Th, . Krogh had the misfortune to (.,ll from a ecnafold and freak his love e n.' (1„y- sae week. alt•. John Mc Phi i•'tnrned from the wren last Si 41 r.1 ti • Miss Nell Mcintvre whn itas been vi iting her si.tet. Mr,. M. ('-trntthete returned to her home in Detroit last Saturday. Arm. jla.c•n and Jelin .\lel.aar left • n Frio •y last for Seueh River whet e ih,•y. %till si,.-rot the c.i- ter. C2AJ9TQeItXAIL. Bean the ��1'•- K V;1 1124 Meat Pettz1f bignatois of BALE ADS Advertise your Farm and your Sale of Stock and lmplernents, or Town Praperty. Shoo Readers w ill see your advt. each week. FOR SALE FOR SALE -20 white Wyandotte Cookrels. thoroughbred, for breed - purposes. -8. Powell. CANARY 111111)5 FOlt BALE.- A few choice Rt. Andreaabury ltollors Singers, at W. 11. Mills, Centralia. FOUND FOUND. -Good blanket. owner may have same on proving property and paying for Oda ;advt. Apply at this office. F Olt SALE 011 TO RENT -Lot No. 13,abut ting on the South \Veit boundary concession inu trio 'rownship of (sborne, Jn )tae County- of Huron, containing about 80 ecru more or less. For further particulars apply on the premises. - Patrick Kehoe. Whalen 1'. U. FARM 1,011 SALE. -100 acres. be- ing lot 11, conceasjon 2. Stephen. central position, being about 2 1-2 miles 'from Crediton, Centralia and Exeter. For further particulars ,ap- ply on the premises, or Jas. \Valkor, Crediton East 1'. 0. t[ FOR SALE. -House on Huron St, with three lots. There is also a smaller house 011 the prop oty. For further particulars apply Ito Ed. Maguire. Exeter North or C. Ilor- wood, 115, 16 Front Street, Pullman IIIA. LOST. -A t wo-year-old steer, red \With horns on, strayed from Lot 4, concession 5, IIay. A suitable re- ward given for information leading to its recovery. - Any information regarding the steer may be left with John (Rowe or at the Times office. 11-29-6. ASTiIAY.-A floc.k of tame duaks came to San'''. McCoy's, Oentnalia, about six iw eks ago. Ownor con have same by paying extsansns. FARM Foll SALE. - That excel- lent farm, Lot. 16. concession 10, Usborne, consisting of 100 acres in goal state of cultivation. This pro- perty is well fended, bas two large barns, with stabling underneath. cement floors end water in front of stock in stables. Lard windmill on barn, also one on pump. Good ironic house ; .:sod orchard, hog pens, drive shed. All the land is seeded, except 18 .acres, of which 11 acres is in fall wheat. There is about 10 acres of good bush. This [arm is well un- dordraincd with tile. For further particulars apply to A. E. Ilo Bert, Exeter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the mallet of the estate of Jane Smillie, lute of the township of Tuokorsmith, in ,the County of IIuron. widow, deceased. Notice in hereby given pursuant to It. S. 0.. 1897, ohap. 129, that all creditors and others having* claims against titre estate of the acrd Jane Smillie, who died on or about the' 4th day of October, 1906, aro requir- ed on or before the 12th day of November. 1906, ko send by poen pre- paid or deliver to Wm. Mair. of the village of Ilerutall, or Benjamin Smil- lie, Mensal! !post office, executors of the said decreased, their christian and surnames, addressee and desorip- 1 lions, the dull particulars of their claims, the statement of their ac- counts and rthe nature of tho tae - smites, if any, held by them. And further +take notice that after such last intentioned data the said Execu- tors will proceed 'to distribute the as3o3 co[ 'the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only 4o (ho claims of which they eha11 then have notice and thnt the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part there - o[ to any person or persons of whose claims notice 'shall not have been received by thm at the time of such dist rihution. GLADMAN & STANHI'RY, Solicitors for said Executors. Dated at Exeter. this 24th dny of October, 1906. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Char- les Snell, the fielder, late of the Village of Exeter. in tho Count's of Vumon. Insurance Agent, de- ocrt,ae41 Notice is he,eby given pursuant to R. 8. 0., 1897, chap. 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Char- les Snell. the elder, who died on ,or about the 411i day of Oetoher, 1906, are required on or before the 12th d a) of November, 1906, to send by post prepaid or deliver to bre*Mrs. Madman & Stanbury, of the village of Exeter, solicitors for the Execu- trix of the said deceased, their ch riot! 1111 :find sura Imes, addresses and demerits ions, aha full particu- lars of their iT.,irnv, the statcmcnt of tlu•ir accounts and the nature of the securities, if tiny, hctld by -them. .\r'1 further take noli:c that Ititer such last mentioned date the slid Executrix will proceed to distribute 11w asseset . of Ilia deceased Amon; the patties entitled thereto. havinz re;, ted only to tha claims of which they shall then have notice and tlual the said Executrix will not be liable for t he said assets or any part there. of to any person or persons of w9rwo chime notice shall not have been r•�. calved by ;Lett at the time, of such di trihution. GLADMAN & STANBI'I1Y, Solicitors far Executrix. D a'e.( at Exe•tcr, the 22nd dry of October, 19011. Notice to Debtors All !wrong indebted to the est:se of the Late Chas. Snell, are request ed to r:et1lo their indebtedness with 1 he undersigned at mese, (;1..1rMMAN .F STANRI'itV, Solidi sirs for Executrix 1 xe•••e'r. Oct. 22nd, 190G. • SHINGLES We have just received a carload of British Columbia red Cedar Shingles and one of Now Brunswick Shingles and are now in a position to supply your wants in this line. Paroid Roofing We are agents for this original Ready Roofing, it is - used on barns, factories, in fact any building that needs a. good roof. Ask us about this roofing and get a circular. The Ross-Taulor Go. L,tO.. xctcr, FINE FURS Jackets, Neckware, Muffs, Etc. SEE THE NEW SQUIRREL TIE BELTZ'S 143 Dundas St. London. FURS Inude to order: Repaired and Remodelled: Highest price Paid Por Raw Fuss Farmers' Poultry We weal stU your Posliry. alive or dressed, sad will pay Ibs HIGHEST PRICES far U. Your poultry Inas be delivered at: - Hensel), Buyer wanted Clandeboye, buyers S. C. Chowan Joo. Treyithick, G. Bloomfield. Granton, Buyer R. T. Raycraft. Dashwood, buyer W. Shrumm. FLAVELLES, LIMITED, London Men's Just the #i j wet Laxative leets., sure—Pleasant to Tslse,.a Tried and True. Ganda, Nature's Remedy. It you do apt have tree. easy eM tt/ehl.s movement* of the bowels you lack the IOW first essential of good health. Mess's flora hae� done than mere uncomfortableness •taa-! oi.n.Ma and bitiou gess—retention of teed wastes In the bowels pollutee.lrritietessad poitem—the blood—sYou e iscavenger instead of • fountain of (, l,urostlft•a, no-,' tainted vitality. The ills Ot eon•, sttpstton are not tH111ng bat nearly always Ili/X" j I t ` are fraught with •I t al relfet in Nattlre I Ut"ii Accept the rentle.natural (� , stied ret Iwt�t*t He sure not to\ 3 . force and crowd the deli- Q nate octans of she sotto m.ch " loofa all the den - ter tv,vcrfui' ' hand unknown med- Ieloewt Your ,itfety Aral )•o. r health a 81wars scru e -1 -if Yraa`�t., k e I.az-eta T hi formula 1.rir.•cryt.. -show it toyour1em 11 y ph r+i c i n n. 1l11 -e t+( are put up Ina gat metal ease In handy tablet form -one tablet tab be- fore meals or on retiring always brings Plessing to take -the most potent yet sea a1 rem 1 ediei a genuine help of Ns bowel laxative which curbs 0o•stili•tfsa I= W. S. HONEY. I eosamended sad for sale by EDEN Mr. Thom, Ilarri biit' .r i is vt toh daughter. Mrs. .1rs. John 1asdtry, of Eden. for a [ow Jaye. Mts. Monroe. n[ Exeter. spent Sun. (Ey the :!ue-.41 of 11 r. an., Mrs. .inl,n Esraery. ti•N;}!f}4ifidi T of all kinds of old scrap iron wanted at M. Jackson's EXETER IM.JACKSON &SON Main -St. Exeter. 200 onS We will pay the highest cash i'di ceor exchange fence posts for same. One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. The Usborne and f lbbert Farmer's Mutual Firef Incur-- anse Gompanu Head Office. Farquhar, Ont.- Pree.:-J. A. NORRIS, CROMARTY P.0 Vice -Pres. :-J. L. RUSSELL, RCSSBLLDALE, 1'. O. DIRECTORS. V.H. PASSMORE, FARQiJEAR P,0' Wm. ROY, BORNHOLM P. 0 • War. BROCK WI\CHELSEA P. O. T. RYAN, DnnLlx P. 0.. AGENTS. JOHN E8SERY. Exeter. agent for Usborne and Jliddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. agent. for Hibbert. Fullarton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.Treas. Farquhar.- GLADMAN & STANBURY. Solicitors OUR PIANO SALES 1u For the past month have been, very satisfactory both to our -- selves and our customers. This - we attribute to our exceptional good values and easy terms of: payments, OUR GOODS are the finest the market affords and our terms moat liberal. Do not listen to the men who sayall manner of evil of us but cal and see and judge for yourself. Sewing Machines Our Sewing Machines are 0. K.. Also a fine Line of Statio nery Cheap. S. MARTIN & SON FARM FOR SALE A choice farm in the township of Fullarton, 75 acres, good funk barn, stables and drive house. Five acres• of maple bush. Good drilled well, with wind mill. Good orchard and' all in high state of cultivation. Far berms and pirtioulars apply to Thos. - Cameron, Farquhar. VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE 11,1( nore in village of Farquhar. on which there is erected u largo• brick building (ieng fitted for store and' dwelling. and a mot brick oottaf e and attoblo will be *old separately or in ono blook. Ti[OS. CAMERON Farquhar. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE 1'1OLSONS BANK (iricorporated by Act of Parliament 1856) CAPITAL PAID UP ••-• • • •• • S3,000.000.00 4. RESERVE FUND • • • • •• S3.000,000•Oo tP liranche. In Ontario, Qnet,cr, Alberta nrtti,+h Columbia and Manitoba EXF_TE12 BRANCH • Open every Law NI I)ny from In A. M. to 3 ie. sr. except staturdny 10.. W. 10 1 P. M. Farmers' Male Notcee cashed or collected. Forme supplied On application. i,ItAl-TQ en all point" In the r,ominkm. (Ir rat Britain and Cn• lied 81A,e#, hough, and •o!d at love -t rates of el(hangr, RAVINGS DEPARTMENT Dep oetites of .1.00 nn 1 upwards receive(l, intere*t pm] ed half )parley, nr..i Added to principal June 3oth and i e...ember walla Roeeip'• al -to I+ -11r4 And 1.fglr4t carro nt rate. of Interc.t allowed. Advancers nlaeie to farmers stock dealers and lursineee tonere rates And on mo.•1 la, nratle term*. Agent. at F'xetcr Mr Dom. (intern__ Dlckscn at CatBrk. F( 1'ritrtA N D HURDON. Manager. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Z2 • s 1 • • 1