Exeter Times, 1906-11-08, Page 5Maple Leaf Rubber "1 want you to sae that thye' maple Leat' Is on tfrom ' thpair eca woman who lived is s shoo. - Buy Buy a pair and you'll bo so pleas- antly surprised you'll toll tho good news to your friends. n Made of finest grade of Para gum, , which mukos the toughest, most waterproof rubbers in existence. Truly astonishing wear - resisters. And yot so light and neat. Crediton Miss Laura Sims, of Centralia, spent Sunday 'the ,guest of Miss Eva Itirtzel. DR E. J. JfcCUE, MEMBER ON- Mr. and Mrs. V. Itatz. of Prurkhill, spent Sunday the :guest of ttheir d:,ut;hter, Mra-. Chas. Zwvicker. Dr. McCue spent a few clays last week visiting in Toronto. Messrs. Young Bros. ere this week putting in water troughs in the stables of Mr. John Schroeder of tthe 9t h concession of Stephen. Found.—A puree containing a sum of money was found in Crediton ors Saturday, November ern. The 143.1110 %%ill be 'handed to It he owner by the postnl:r»ter on receiving sufficient proof of owner hip and paying for this r.dverti.Crnent.—R. !frown. Post- master, Crcdtton. TARIO COLLEGE pHYSICI- einte wed Burgeons, Successor to Dr. Ii. A. Ifeist. Crediton. Ont. The trustees of •the Methodist ehttreh hove let the contract for -e-lighting of tthe church 'with gas- oline light. There twill be tt'wenty lamps put in and tvilth these it is expected •that 'the church will be well lighted. It is now a very com- fortable church end when this im- provement is made, the trusters and Members may well [eel !proud of their church. Mr. Pumroy, o[ Ful- lerton has khe contract. Did you t:ee the fine tailor-made. over coats .1. II. Iloltznsann ia offer- ing for $12, with itho best od lin- ings. They' arc dandies. Deep sorrow was felt in our vil- lage on Monday when the death of 'll'fiss Melinda \Vin kenweder became known. The deceased was a former dressmaker here. and had ,many friends who sympathize with the family in this their hour of sad trial. Mr. George Brown. Sr., is on the sick list. Miss E. Williams who dell recent- ly, hurting her back, tis still quite 111. Miss Rose icinkbeiner. of Berlin. ting and groaning, in n char elite who has been in It he ho:epital in that drew their attention. Soots after she city suffering from typhoid fever fainted. Dr. Macgregor w•na quickly for the mill six .weeks is now im- summoned but before ho arrived she proving ,and has left 'the hospital. had rc,gained conecniousness and was Thu news of her sickness w,n4 a sur- able to explain the nircumstances. *rise to 'he•r friends here, who did At first it was feared site might _gt. know Of her illness until this have sustained interutl injuries, be - week when word was received that sides the broken rib. but no sYml?- J she was leaving 'tho hospital after toms appeared and at this writing a severe at tuck of typhoid fever. she is gaining rapidity from the Mrs. harry Either is visiting her shock and accident." sister, Mrs. S. Finger, of tllby, Mich. Mr. William Finkbeiner loft on Miss Margaret Sherlock and Miss I Thursday last for Pittsburg where Josephine Macintosh. who have been he has :secured a good position. visiting at the hotel left Tuesday I All well dressed men wear tailor - for their home in Liston. made garments. Order sour fall and winter suit Itt J. II. Holtzman',. over 100 patterns' to chooses from. Mr. Wesley 1' inkbeine.r, Sr., who tris been in the employ of Eli Kin; •f on �n years left is past t w a a t• 1 ,e ) [e t t Thursday last for London, whore be has secured a job in to furniture store. Ills many friends, ,thou3h sorry to have him leave Oredibon. join in wishin- hint every succes.' in London. Rev. L. K. Eidt, of Daslhwood, preached in 'the Evaneelioal church on Sunday inter/line to :t large con• grcg:at ion. Mr. T). Kilpatrick spent Sunday at ip1 . e in ht n his horn t [ made 'for Preparations :ore being ma It se11001 concert which will be held The following item was 'taken from the Ulby Courier of laid week and refers to :lira. S. Eilber who is well known in our vilLag,e 'Laving lived here for a numbe( of years. She moved with her husband about two Years ago t� Ulby Mioh. "Last Tuesday morning Mrs. e3atmuel Ial- ber, while going from the house, slipped and fell en the back steps With II such force ser to break one of the ribs on her fright side. Mr. Eilber and the children were in rho House at the time and did not know of the 'accident until she had crawl- ed 'back into giro house and was sit- THE EXETER TIMES, NOVEMBERSth 1906 TN E BUSYADY 15. BROWN bought will go toward:, .rettinj new %v es t resident o1 till iah One ctiiontxfcor hooka for the library. many years. ed. iter husband. the late John re - 11r, G. K. Boost,I,:eachcd in the Schmit died about 6 years ::go. The :v engclical church. Dost ed, n• funeral was held from her tate regi Sunday' morning and in thle Evan. 1 deuce on lite Go hen Lin• >ra Sunday gelicel church here in the evening. Mr Alonzo liodgius and daughter Queenie were in London en Saturday attending the funeral of the lata Mr. Flannery. Dcceaa:ad dif.;3 in Dot were ibroughtt on u to Londoe radaY and the for remains inter- ment. - inter nse nt . TENDERS WANTED. -- Tender will be received for tete casotakin; of the Methodist church, Crediton, up to Thursday. November 1511, Tenders nut)' Is' handed to Messrs. Thos. Trevethick, W. W. Kerr, or \\'m. Lewis. if any person having :t farm for sale or cattle :Istray and w•i''.l► to adverlihe the fact. evil( give particu- lars to the '1'iut'-'s representative v110 ette Is in Cteditou every' Monday, matters will be attended to prompt- ly. Frank Finkbeiner, who has been engaged on a f<trrn with Mr. Croft, D:iehwoorl. for the past seven month's returned home SaturdIY last. ro- Wes. Finkbeiner. our genial h past oeryruali. has been busy the l week breaking in bis colt which be purchased [torn Eli Lawson a week ago. Our young ladies are patient'. ly waiting for Wes to get his ,rub- ber -tire. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Murlock, of Dashwood. spent Thursday last in the village visiting the fortllcr''s parents. Albert Wolf is nursing his sure foot an accident received while shoe- ing a ]corse. John Bedford moved into d he house lately occupied by his brother George, on Tuesday last and on 'tire same day .Tohn 11•ist moved on the farm he recently tturchas-ed from Mr. Medford. l'r:alk Finkbeiner has -accepted a Position es apprentice with Mr. J. ll. Boltzmann. August Hill and daughter:, attend. ed the funeral of .Miss \Vink:nivacter on Tuesday last. The foundation for the Cement sidewalk of the new school is being laid this week. Mr. J. Lawson has greatly im- proved the :Ippearencc r.f his shop by adding a new show window. CREDITON flour Mills We have installed a NEW ROLLER PROCESS in our Mill for the rolling of Oats, and can now fill promptly any Or- der to roll Oath for Horses. We still have our Chopper and can also fill orders in this line promptly. • in a few weeks. 1t iv four years since the school•tavo a concert and it h 1.4 been 1hought well to have n concert this year to raise money to buy :, flee hole told flag to be in keeping with 14 he new oleos', and the money' left after those are H. Sweitzer Crediton. Dashwood afternoon and was lar,tcly attended interment being in the hroessai Line cemetery. The eke. visee Wase held in the Lutheran church. ot which ile was a lifelong member. and Were conducted by the Rev. Than. Mrs. Schtuit Ieev'es to mourn Meir tors :two sols and two dau,:lt- tees. Henry, Lewis and Mary on tlx: homestead and Mrs. W. Nevis, od London. Mrs. W. Davis, of London, was here last week attending the funeral of her mother, elle late Ides. John Schmit. Mr. 11)' Resty,ucycr has purchased the farm of Mr. Aug. \Valpeir for the sunt of $5400. Tho farm is one- querter 01 a mile west and about half a toile north of Dtasl►woott. Some odd Mens' mite to clear at J. liellcrm:tnns. Coate worth $7.50 scions. for $5.00. Call and see them. On Sunday last Missionary ttcrvi- cee were held in :he Letheran church. Rev. Mr. Ilinebach, of Sob- eringville, presoiled in the morning and Rev. 'Mr. Illadol, of Mitohell, in the evening. The church Was well filled. Mr. Alex Zinnuer this aweck put in another window in ha+ shop Ito give more light. Mr. Louis Treater i't enlarging Iris kitchen and making other nitera- ations to his residence. Mr. C. Hildebrand thin week com- menced working Inc Mr. \Vm. Zim- mer at silo Commercial hotel. On Thursday last about 3; men with six !teams hada bee and took in the root crop jos Mr. John \Vin- kenweder, who has been stick •for so long. The Ehlers. Eidt & Co. shipped two car load of flour this week. Mr. G. I3rown, of Crediton, preach- ed in the Evangelical church on Sunday' morning. Rev. Mr. •Eidt taking elle work for Rev. Mr. Bean, of Ctcditor., in Iles morning. Death la. l friday removed from our midst one of our oldest residents MiaJohn Schulit. at the advanced azo of 76 years. The decensed was ill only a few days and her death came es a shock to her fausily and many acquaintances. Mrs. Schmit INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION TELLS Miss Olive Quante was salted to her house at Exeter, on Saturday, through .the illness of her sister. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mirk died on Sunday last after a short illness. Tho funertl took place on Wednesday. The ber- eaved toreros 'have She sympathy of the corumullitY in the loos of their child. Master Leonard Kellermenn ac- cidentally had his left elbow put out of joint ono day last week while playing ;it school. Myrta. elm little daughter of Mr. aro} Mrs. harry Boffin -in is quite ill at !lime of writing. Mr. \Vin. Shrumm wart its London Monday on business. Messrs. Herman Eidt and George Goodttt•lu drove to Zurich one even- ing, last wrack and report ci goon time. On 'Thursday of last week Mr. Ed Bossenls rry visited our •town loarking up witnesses in regard to :a case where liquor W33 ,applied' 10 a fellow who is or► the Indian li:et. The else was tried and the boys had to cough up ,heavily. May it be a warning to forms of our own town people. Miss Lydi:t Ort has returned to her home in Zurich aftor visiiting friends in our town. 'flee home of John \\'inkenwadeer was again visited ,by the hand of death on Sunday last when his daughter Melinda died, ,alter suffer- ing for several weeks from type fever. This makes the third mem- ber of the family to succonth to this disease inside of two months, ac- counts of tete previous deaths having been given at 'the time. At present there are •two other mom bers of the family ncriously ill with ktl►e same malady, Mr. Winkenwnder heirrtj sick at 'tome and a son at the Lon - dots hospit al, ~where he was taken when the symptoms of the disease first appeared. The funeral of Mel- inda wart held on Tuesday nfternoon. The Weeny friends of Mr. Wipkenwa- der extend their deepest sympathies towards him and hie family in this their flour of trial and hope that the surviving ones will be able ,to withstand the ravages of tate dis- ca >fe, which has ocoasioned so much Borrow in the home. The eorreepondents of the other papery have put it wrong impression upon the readers 'regarding the •ac- cident of October 25. The •aorre;r- pendenl of elle Times wishes to Cor- rect the Marne. he having interviewed and inquired of one, an eYe witneee of the ,;cone. The -articles lead one to believe that Moen who were hurt and shaken up wore dos,,,; the fast drivin • 'i,;. %.s not druc. Rueben STORE CkI is I TON her IV�:ed With Cold Weat Ready now for every kind of Business you see fit to bring us, and sud)lt•ul,'!y ready to satisfy you every way you expect satisfaction. Fur Quality and Value for Best Satisfaction A big range of Ladies' Black Astrachan Coats (superior to any ). Every ('oat Ruarstt*- teed by our manufacturer. '!'his is an iutpnrt:ult point. Big lint of S" 1 ..•n t Ruffs, at all prices. Also Ladles' Fur -lined Coats. shell of best totality' goods, NI,,ski at lined and trimmed with Sable Collar, Coon. Wombat, Wallaby. Russian 1)eg, Cell, Yak, Etc , t, • t, in stock and In all sizes. Our Fur -lined Coats dud ('oats lined with A. -Oat -Leh .l. (h and trim- med with Fur Collar at a cheap figure. 'Phis cent is ae war ie .1- A fur -lined one and puts up as good an appearance. Also hai,tile albite ranee e l pubes and pur- chased a Ittlge quantity of Rugs et a bargain. See Them. Received another shipment last Saturday and the very nicest kind t�f Cotos Coats not to Ladles Coats be seen anywhere else and Faeces the lowest. Call before purchasil:g else wle 1a. 611S Fur 6OdtS Geode f this onth see our pile Regular 133* Rends reduced to 50c Dress Goods b . . Special price on Dat ss rno s er els m and the regular 3.;s sial .10c to go at. 25e. These are bargait.s, do not miss tt•em. Also a big range at rew Dress Goods in latest fabrics. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Bring in your Dutch Sets, Alsike, Red Clover and Timothy. rhe fact that we give indi vidua instruction and make a specialty of each pupil enables tis to qualify our pupils for situations in the shortest possible time. It will pay you to join our classes ale t ie free. Catalogue Wats siness Collcgc 110 Dundas Street, London, Ont. Wm. C. Coo. C. S. R. Principal. W, N. Terex, Principal Commercial Depart went BARGAINS CREDITON'S CHEAPEST STORE All lines of Warmer Clothing opened up for your inspection. Greatest values ever of- fered in In Fall and Winter Goods at BARGAINS C. ZWICKER Ready-made Overcoats for Men's and Boys' Wear The vert latest styles are shown in Black Beaver, Mixed Tweeds, Meltons, Etc. in SUITS we are showing Black Cbeviote, English rweeds made tip in the latest styles, both Single and Double Breasted, lined with good Italian Cloth, Prices 5(1.50 to $12.:rl) per snit. Our Furs Are Unsurpassed We have made a special effort in this line this season. Our sales are very much ahead of previous seasons which shows that our prices and quality are right. We have received another nice shipment of ''non ('oats, Itnesian Calf and Wallabys Ilea' are extra tallies. See our new Itokaren Coate with lovely Sable Collars and Reveres, Blouse and Hos Styles. 't.3 to 2S inches at $:13 to $1':, Also our Electric Seal in 21 and '?*l inch lengths with Collars anal Reveres ot Gable at $10 to lits. We have a selection of Astrachan ('gats in lengths from 21 to :p} inches nt $22 to $35. These are Special value. I►n not fail to take a look through our stock. Should yeti require a Fut-lined or Fur Coat., Ruff, Muff, Rte., it will pity you. Dress Good Flannlette and Wool Blankets At Lowest Prices, A call solicited S. BRAWN VS AVOIDED A SUGGESTION OF RARE VALUE , A diseased condition of the surfacesOPERATIOII of the air passages causes bad breath, but more commonly emanates from indigestion or an impure condition of the blood. Thousands of cases prove that Dr. Hamilton's Pills through their specific action on the secretory and el- iminative organs, not only cure bad breath, hut so thoroughly purify the system that anything suggestive of blood nr digestive troubles ie impossi- ble. Through Dr. Hamilton's Pills the skin grows rosy and clear, activi- ty of the belly and mind increases, and bounding health is established. sold everywhere in 25c boxet. ,.• Goetz tel two ladies, Miss L. \\ it- lert and Miss Len:► Stoinhagcn were driving _head. and Mr. Goetz got out to fix rometbing on the ha Ewes, and had got r 'n when he buggy swat 1 back in the accident hnppcned. The next bt.gg) Wad occupied by Wes. Miller \Vin. 1Clit'nelivcr, Miss Rose Wiltcrt and Mi.,a Effie \Villert. This rig had caught uo to Rueben Goetz'+ rig end of course loth horses w•ora walking. when without a moment'`+ notice a couple of men ovine driving up at a 'teerrilic woe and collided with 't hese rigs. resulting in throw- ing to the ground. ' n:r orfs iwrt4t . and the01her towards :rhtsd t he (Inch upsetting It n s tit One of the occupant, was thrown out I(•:rvine the ()there without line or safely. The horse then turned clrtr around and took to ;a ,running speed leaving the occupants i k ther ufo to stay ill the buggy and or to jump for life or death. the result !sing that Miss Effie \Villert broke her leg in jumping. In Deese (foody we are showing some exquisite shades in the Sdifferent textures. New fashionable goods in widths from 42 to 51 inches at 50e to $1 per yard, also a heavy line of double width cloth in Wine,k. Shades special at 25 cents art. Navy. (+toy, Mown and Black. 1 per y We are giving Special Values in Cat pets. i.inoleums and -'lour Oilcloths to clear tip our stock for the season. We have some extra values in Children's Coat. All styles in Fawn, Navy, Cardinal and (trey shades at from $2 tom Produce taken in exchange for Gout=. We are open fot any quantity of Dressed Poultry for which we will pay good prit tet in ('ash nr Trade. Dried Apo .es 5c per pound: Batter, 'Dee per lwnnd; Eggs, 20c per dozen, Scores and Furnaces Kirkton. Two Grateful Letters from Women Who Avoided Serious Operations.—Many Women Suffering from Like Conditions Will Be Interested. The anniversary services of the Kirkton Methodist church will he held Sunday Nov. 25th- Rev. Anderson of Blyth, taking charge of the services. On Tuesday the 227th, the annual fowl supper will he served, after which an entertainment will be given, consist- ing of addressee. recitations and mufti- . cal numbers. Mr. W. Moore left Monday for a weeks' visit with his brother at Owen Sound. Will usually takes a week each year, for recreation, and has se- lected the shooting season this y ear. On his return he is expected to be loaded downwith ote of game. Mrs. H. L. Rice and Mrs. Geo. Visa of St. Marys were the guests of Mrs. A. Bretheur last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brethour. enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hayes, ot St. Marys, a few days last week. . Mr. Robt. Copeland received an ac- cident one day last week while thresh- ing at James Gardiner's, which, had it not been for his presence of mind in throwing out his arms. would have resulted more seriously. He was throwing sheaves of wheat on the machine, when he lost bis footing, sus- taining a bod cut on the back of his head, Several stitches were necessary to close up the wound. Mr. Reuben Switzer is making a habit of wandering away from his own fireside Sundays, an attraction up the line being the rearm for his absence. Robs. Davis sale last week was a- succeae. Themes Harrah sustained an acci dent last week while picking apples that laid him up for several days. He was standing on a ladder when he missed his footing, and in falling struck his aide straining the ligaments of one of his ribs, and otherwise in- juring himself internally. David Duncan returned home from the west Inst wet k. Mr, Duncan pur- chaeed land in the vicinity of Retina. sr M 1 had a rag Robt. Davis lee cn Tuesday, which was attendad by most in the neighborhood. both ood. efgthe ladies The St. Marys, Kirkton and Exeter Telephone Company is rushing the building of their rural telephone sy- stem. Poles are set along the loth concession and are ready for the wire'. It is expected that the instrutnents will be placed in the residences in a couple of weeks when tlratline will bo in full running' operation. A Mr. ferry. of 1Cansas, arrived here last week and 1 hinktt SO Well of the pro pacts of Ilse company that he Ills purchased t number of shales and i.+ now out soliciting for new subscribers. II" has moved his fam- ily here and they are occupying one of Mr. Tuft's houses. Several intprovc.mentn were made to the Presbyterian churth last week. The windows %sere glazed. the shed repaired and two novo stoves placed in I he church. Are you thinking of putting in a Furnace, Cook Stove or Beater if so remember we can supply your wants at reasonable prices Heaters from $3 to $36 Cook Stoves all l'rices ••••NN••••••••••• Don't buy a stove until you sec the Worlds Favorite. If you want to sce the; wonder of the world in a washing machine call on JONAS HARTLEIB DASSH WOOD ONTARIO. Business Change THE CREDITON HARNESS SHOP When a physician tells a woman, suf- fering -ties female trouble, that an oper- ation rs necessary it, of course, frightens her. ' The very thought of the operating table and the knife strikes terror to her le art. As one woman expressed it, when told by her physician that she must undergo an operation she felt that her death knell had sounded. Our hospitals are full of women who are there for just such operations! It is quite true that these troubles may reach a stage where an operation is the only resource, but such caeca are much rarer than is generally supposed, because a great many women have been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound after the doctors had said an operation must be perfonned. In fact, up to the jroint where the knife must be need to secure instant relief, this medi- cine is certain to help. The strongest an.} must grateful state- ments poesihle to make conte from women who, by taking Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, have esca- ped serious operations. Mie. Robert Glenn of 43.1 Marie St., Ottawa, Ont., writes : Dear Mrs. Plnkham :— "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ('ora- p0lleidd L so well anti widely known that it dols not need my recommendation. but 1 ta pleased to add It to the many which you befits favor. I have suffered nnt"Id lit from a serious female trouble for three years, and the doctors told me mut undergoan operation, rah'n , but as I unwilling to do this I tried your \'e - le Compound, and '1 aril only too Mrs. Pbkbas's Advke—A Wolman Best Understands a Woman's My: Iles been purchased front Mr. Jan. CI irk,, by I he undertiglied, who will be pleased to meet his father's cus- tomers and ell persons requirin; up- tredr,lo Ilarnc', Trunks, Buil ('secs Saddlery 11.trdsire and everything pertiritngrrg done prom tlyorse tiien11 r,erefully Your pit ronege solicitral. F. W. CLARK pleased that I did so, for it restored me_ to perfect health, saving me the pain of operation and the immense bills attending the same. Pray accept my hearty thanks, and best wishes." "Mies Margaret bierk ley of 275 3d Street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkhans:— "Lose of strength, extreme nervousness, severe shooting pains through the pelvic organs, cramps, hearing -down pains, and irritable disposition conlpelled me to medical advice. The doctor, after •^' an examination, said that Chad a .114 - female trouble and ulceration, and s an operation 99 my only hope. To strongly objected—and [ decided aa aim resort to try Lydia E. Pinkhaas'e Vegetable Compound. 1 i "To my surprise the ulceration healed all the bad symptoms disappeared and I am once more strong, vigorous and well.' and 1 cannot express my thanks for what: it has done for me." Serious feminine tr.ubleeare steadily tra the increase among women—and submitting to an operation every wom&' should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable; Compound, and writ, Mrs. Pinkhedi, $t Lynn, Mare., for advitr. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound has been curing the worst Corms of female complaints ali functional troubles, inflammation, niosr- ation, falling and displacement, weaknees, irregularities, indigestion and nervone: prostration. Any woman who could! read the many grateful letters on file in Mrs. Finkham's office would be con- vinced of the efficiency other advice Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable pound. 1'o'loeing is the report of the Kit kto•t public school for ,the 1i$)nth of October, ,the mince being in order of merit : V class — Ethel ito tdhorise, Ray Kirk, Allan Duf- field. iV—Nellie ilazelwool. Mee• ;lir Shi^r, Mabel Burton, Earl Road- house, AIIie Ileal ty. Sr. 111.— Ger. Itie Blown, Igor etre Ross, Frank Brown. Leslie Tufts, Chester Male. wodn. Jr, 1i1,—Arthur Beatty, Re, la Hoskin, Chas. .'tack, Euart Carr, AIm•1 Roadhouse. 11 clas4. —Ernest Nixon, Ina Hoskin, Ethel Atkinson, Lizzie Doutle, Rile, ilrown. 1'I 11.— Pearl Marsh ill, Alice Walker. N+++4++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4+:: 4 : +++++i++++ir t 1+++++++++.:.++++++++++++++:+,,:4+++++++++++++++++++M ait THE BIG HARDWARE STORE We are showing a very large assortment of Ranges and Heaters this year with prices that will surprise.fore you buy. u. So come in and let's talk it over with you be- •t- vo 4. We have just received a fine assortment of Carving Seth. Von will need a set, eo come eid i is nd 1,00thaus as we are sure we can satisfy your Best of attention given to this department, W. Moore Kirkton. To Cure a Cold.in One Day TMo ck. Tet �y w Laxative Bronlo Quinine Tom. ,. , � g siva sines gases wad Is past 13 meths. 'Tbh signature,