Exeter Times, 1906-06-14, Page 81 BIER TIME S. JUNE14th 19041 STEWART'S HOUSE - -orFURNIStIINGS Vcs, 'Louse Furnishings is one of our Strongest Lines and the present s:aeon has been the best iu the history of the Big Store. We have repeated many of our best Tines. Our stock at the present time is very complete—our sock of Carpets and Rugs is the most complete we have ever shown. r % heir English t fish `f•l;. g t tt Reim ill it •i••F ' 1 n tie' autifx n • i:. I new Green . t ndBr Brown. o t rt .d •" .; t::, en and the New Pastel Wood t 11 ,.?ire;;:, 3x3, only $20. $10. English h Is K Tapestry Hohn► Hugs, elegant designs, new colorings. Best B.:inly.—Great Value. 3x316 only$10.50 1': s• the choicest English $11.5a i'• l w+ t lienor hugs that wt•$23 sive ever shown New re —very close terns, r a h (•nlorings—the richest xa.ti like leather. most die: a1,:.• rugs we know or. Yes, we have :bit only F_and see there. Very rich English Tap- estry Room Rng, swell new pattet ns, Best body and full pile—will wear See them. 3x4 $11.50 all Sizes. Come in Wal Roam RI ings ti: it will please the n, Money 1; rig. 3 x 3 fo for $S.75; 3i x 4 f $14; 3 X 4 $11; 4 x 41 for $15.50. STAal1' THIS ON YOUR ' i' MORY. These are the best, Wool Rugs that your r., is ey eau tiny. We nave not one Low or Medium Quality Rug in the Shop. 8 • B"eOst.nl"y Eonry(Iuity atainsd fae tnhd • a range of New Patterns and Colon- . exacting taste and Tickle the String of any :37.75; 2} x 3 for $6.50; 3 x 3•'1 C U R Linoleumns come to us direct from the makers in Britain, the spot where they know just I.•.w to snake the kind that wears. We 11.1 VP a big Range of New Lines in Blo •L .c 'I , l r t,il Scroll, erol!, Tile, Carpet and Inlaid Effects. 2, 3. and 4 yards wide, Our fpecial dinality 4 yards wide for $1.05 is a winner. You can buy cheaper tltcilities but would it, pay ? \Ve are showing some very pretty lines in New Dinner Sets. Our Stock is large and complete in every line. TWO LEADERS. 108 Piece Serni Porcelean Dinner Set, pure while body. decorated with Rose Bouquets and Gold Traced. It's lovely and only 812.50. 108 piece Mock Linage China Set. small neat C.tntilly Rose decoration, pure white body, gold tracing. The sweetest set we have ever shown $13.50 Bri:i., Along Your BUTTER and EGGS—They are just as Good as CASH. S A. STEWART I•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • SIIY�IVVEC VIS welery. •• ••••r •I • • DIAMOND HALL 1Ve have without a doubt the largest and hest up-to•date stock of any town this size in Ontario. WHY? Because we pay cash for all our goods and therefore sf II better stock for less money than Fatal! dealers du for cheap trunk. Take notice to the stsnip on your goods before buying, It will pay you in the long run. P. S.—It's not necessary to have a iu.k when buying heirs. JEWELER & OPTICIAN. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Spring Suitings Say we got in some swell spring Suitings last week. They are right up to the moment. Coats are two inches longer than last year and the Lapels are so rnuclr broader and deeper that you can't help but notice them. The Vests are cut with five buttons and the Pants are just a little peg toppy. They aro beauts all right for $15, $18 and $20 and no nastier where you go, goo can't find anything that will fit as nice as they do, W. W. Tainan Mor•:becnnt Tallon. 't'r's Mui•'i,dlutl, of Toronto, is vis - hirer Aire. 11. Making. Bev. Mr. Fowlie of Erin, visited Itelttivee its town. over Sunday. Mrs. Mock and children. of Win- eaime. car %isitin,t air. and Mrs. 1). (black. Mre. .tad Miss Snaith, of Lindsey, air, t he guests of Mr. and M re. T. II'r is r, 1 DON'T LET GO of the fact that upon your sight depends your happiness. A liol• iday or any other trip will he a disappointment if your eyes are not right. STOP iN HhRE and 1st lel examine your eyes with every modern appliance for with purposes. When we dcicde what glafses you require, you can depend upon them be. ing right in every particular, in- cluding the price, IChemist and Optician. Phone at). EX E1'ER ONT, .c y a Th K1 T t nl•:k'iv it 2 j••••• : ...ETE. W. 8. HOWDY, Phm. B. Miss Lei;rhton, willow, for Misr Many tack .tdvantlee of the plea• Mo inIkst ,left Tuefdty for her home rlint 4t'athet on Sunday to visit the Cemetery.I Mrs. C. E. l.orke, of ttoslon, is the The South and West fiuren Far -r guest of her mother ,anti sinters .at (Mors' lnetitntes will hold hoar sn-! the Central. ��aatl excurvdm to Guelph on Fridny.' Miss Addie Morlock %ieited , Ler IJlltbe Wee( Huron Teachers' Associa- a.ster Sire. 1i. Iluckingh.tm in Lon- will see°mntiny them. don list Sundiy. TO ADVERTISERS. The copyfor changes must be left not lar than Tuesday noon. Casual adveatisemeutp accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. lyturtsdny, Junr' ' (tit. 1!416 ••••o4•••••••••••••••••••• • •• •••••••• te•••••• ONCE USED ALWAYS IN FA- vor, Cole's cream. tartar baking pow- der. 1111. 11. T. JOHNS AND FAMILY left 1 ;st Ft irhty for t heir new house t l't. tale rd. all:. ALF. BOW EY LEFT :LAST S turd ay for Wittitipcg. inhere 144' 4:11 continue ::t hi, imide. MILS. I1. WINDSOR OF [BROWN City, Molt. 1s visiting her (parents Mr. and rs l t I Thos. Rowe. MRS. DA\'i1) MACK OF \VINNI- IK'S acoompanicd by her two children is the guest of iter sister-in-law Mrs. Dovid Mack. alit. ANDREW i'ORTEi1, A FOIt- mer typo, of the Times, has been ap- point -al petersof the Sovereign hank at Godeniah. IIEV, W. GOD IN 1RETUiRNED )tome Monday night after visiting a few klays in Sarnia at the rices of 1 he (1onfcreuse. 11I1. Iii'GII SPACEMAN HE• turned Saturdiy from attending; the regular June meeting 1.1 fits County Council at Goilerioh. R':1N1'GD. —. SMART iBOY '1'O learn t he hardware busicess. One wvith tome knotvlcd;re of the buff'. ss preferred.—\V. .1. Reitman. l'OSITION WANTED—AS HOUSE keeper by middle ago lady, ., good home, more than big w•a;es desired. Apply ll., Box 209, Mitchell LOCALS FRANIe KNIGHT, ,iii., WAS LAST week mita:anted a clerk in t.h' flen- sall br inoh of the Sovereign bank. Ile assumed his new duties last Thursday. A MEETING OF TIIOSE INTER- estedin quoits ss railed for d ties (Thursday) evening of 8 o'clock in the Town IFill for the purpose of organizing for this season. AMONG THOSE WItO ATTENDED the funeral of the tate Chas. Perkins 011 Sa1urtt,y last were, Mr. and Mrs. Win. II avw ..rd • r . i fi Win. Perkins a d et \Vm. 1)tvidr,on, of London. R. E. 13L'S\VELL, OF EDEN, succeeded in passing his exams at the Toronto Ms-dioa1 school, also R. J. Hamilton, who to well known around Eden, as a past teacla(r, succeeded also with honors. A TEAM OI' HORSES ATTACIIED to .a manure spreader took fright the other d iy en the fa rill of henry Smith, and ran away. A young boy was sitting in the wagon at the time and 4444 thrown out, but be- yond o4 g'h1 shaking up 4'ns not injured. The manure spreader was wnecked, x411. \Val. DA\VSON (WHO iIAS been the guiding star of 1 lta Park- hill Gazette evince the death 'of the late Malcolm llcleibbon, announced himself last week as the proprietor Mr. .i lD n%% _, on ham successfully looked after the paper and its interests wire .Trnut:ary last, and now that he has full unntrol of the helm, he is surd to improve the olrcady spicy paper. MIt. I'ETEiI GO\VANS, WHO 11AS taught successfully during the past 15 years in S. 8. No. 5, 1 shorne, has tendered his resignation to (h^ bair:t of trustees to taker effect at the cease of the present term. it is un- derstood lir. Gowans will go 10 ilio Son, h+• 11114'1'w beets offered ,:t school there else: rine in the. North- west, .lir, Howard, of Blake, hos been highly recommeeded es n suc- cessor t 0511. Gowen, :end it is -lui;e (•ossible the horrid of tresteem 4i11 cn,gage Lint. To -MORROW, (FRIDAY) AFTER - :items Obis been proclaimed .1 holiday and business will be suspended from one to five o'clock. Several of the lodges of the town h the made ar• rtngesncn(44 to march to thecanes tery and decorate the gra y•^s of de- parted brothers. Ilemled by ills Exeter hand the march will start at the Town o% n i , f 11 at t one o'clock 0 0 k 1d n e t r nG d I 1 0 0 e ( �e . the c m.t r�. Outsiders erre cordially invited lo participate in the decoration of the graves of de- parted relatives and friends. Mit. \VES. SNELL, AGENT FOlt the ,,llellormick Harvester's ('orn- piny 1(reive.l :tri accident Sioril,y which %%ill keep hien confined fru .t short 4 bile. Ile was driving out of Brantford, when his horse •took fright and st•trten to run awiy, Mr. Snell bring unable to control the animal ill/111),(4 out of 1144 rig. 1n alighting he struck in such n min- tier that one of his legs w•.'1:4 broken just a hove iIio ankle. Ile was taken to the hospital nt Want ford an,l the Injured member put in place. ,lir• Stroll left 'rues(l4y 11101..11I nit • for Ile 1[1(1)4(1 to be with her husband chile he is 1:41(1 up. AFTER A LONG ANi) fry:moue trill lasting from t he opening of the entnt in the Isfterno4n until ncirly midnight the ctee ,of 1. .1. Vert:cr, of Zurich against W. R. El- liot, of Centralia eels deeidcII in favor of aterncr, of tits „i vision court heed here 11'edncsdoy of last %%rick. The en• .e was 11:0 011tcome of the tele of a horse by Mr. alerner to Mr. Elliott for $200. Mr. Elliot give Al r. .'Ierncr $100 in cosh and a check for the ()dance, but as the 1 horse showed lameness atter he got it, stopped the F'tuen( on t he check on the ground th.,t the horse 4v:4' not as represenle(1. lir. Merncr sued .lir. i:11init for 1140 piymert of t he r.heek rind air. Elliott put in :a coun(er claire that the animal was afflicted with Nov:eular disease, and hid been for Force time. Five voter, ivary surgeons %%ere called arc Wit+ I1fisea, three of whom testified that the horse showed symptom, of hay- ing MK' dist' IS(' for eev^:•al months, while the remaining two testified to the contrary. The counter claim ens dietnissed atilt judgment given Mr. lice her, Summer Wash Goods All on Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices. LOW yards Fancy,Muslio fine quality regular price '25 cents. On Sale 121 cents. 500 yards Dress Gingham iu all Colors, plain and fancy patterns, regular price 121 cents. On Sale 10 t We carry one of the finest up-to-date stocks of Ready -to -Wear and Pink. Regu- lar clothing in the town both in Men's 130 Youth's. 500 yards Melange Suiting in Dark Grey and Linen, regular price, 2.1 cents. and styles the latest and as cheap as the cheapest, Just received a On sale et 13 cents, consignment of these goods today. Come and inspect them —ate Lit) yards White Vesting, small seat Patterns, regular price 20 renis. On Sale at 15 cents, convince yourself that what we say we do. Another thin, the THE OLD RELIABLE &k) yds fine quality Chambray, colors Green, Pale Blue cents Pt ice 121 cents, On Sale 10 cents. ys' andouth s. The quality arae 1I>la i dolt yards 1Vh:te Mir -lin in Pretty Stripes acid Floral designs, regular price 211) cents. On Sale at 121 cents. Very Interesting Prices in Hosiery Department f,Vornan's Black C • • otton Hose wart- 1Voman's Black Lace Hose full fash- anted fast dye seamless foot 811, 0, 03. ot► sale at 12c. ion ed seamless feet warranted fast Woman's Fine :deco Hose. Warra- nted fast color, full fashioned sizes 81 001. on sale at 20c, Children Cotton Hose in '1',tn Lace black sizes Si 0 01 on sale at 21c. Womans Tan lace Hose in different shades light cool and fashionable on sale at, 91c in different shades it. all sizes, Woman's ana White Cotton Hose very Childrens White Cotton Hose Plain fashionable fine quality all sizes oe lace front in all sizes. Price arced- on sale 221c. ing to size. Womans Black hose very fine silky Children's Rel Cashmere hose fine finality embroidered with silk in dif- 1.1 IRib beautiful quality. on sale at 25. lerent colors on sale at 48c, WHITE LAWN BLOUSES. Never have we shown such an assortment of White Lawn Blouses. An immense range of different styles, now is the time to chose your Waist. Special lot on sale at 75c, $1, $1.2.5, $1.50, $2 and 82.50. PRETTY SILK CAPES.—Two only very choice Black Silk Capes, 30 inches long, prettily embroidered and flniehed at bottom with Black Silk ruching, long Silk Ties. Liegular price $12. On sale at $10.00. VAL LACES AND INSERTIONS. --3,000 yards Val Laces and Insertions in different, widths, lovely fine qualities, regular price 7cand 8c, on sale at •tc. BOY'S WASH SUITS $l.25.—Boy's Wash Suits in a number of different styles. Prices $2, $2.25. On Sale at $1.80, Store Closes 6:30 except Wednesdays and Saturdays. SNELL & ROWE Mr. E. •McTaggart,who was visit- Market Report.—The following is ing in Myth, returned Lome Sun- the report of Exeter markets, eon. day. rested up to June 14(h. Mr. and Mrs ,Stephenson ,of Sea- Wheat, 78 to 82 cents per bushel. forth, visited Mr. Rulimohr, of Exc.- Oats, 36 to 37 cents per bus, ter North. Hurley 42 to 45 cents pee bus. Peas, 60 to 65 cents per bushel. Shorts, $20 a ton. Bran, $18 per ton. Flour, $2.25 por cwt. Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Clover seed, $7 to $8.50 per bus. Hay, $ 7 to $9 per ton. Butter, 17o. per pound. Eggs, 16 cents per dozen. Onions 75 cents per bushel. Dried apples, 5c. per lb. Coral, $6.75 per ton. Potatoes, 85c. per bag Hogs, dressed. $9.50 n cwt. .logs, live4•eiedd, $7.30 a cwt. The Misses Jackson and Sharpe visited with their parents in London over Sunday. Miss Lillie Welch left Monday fur London, where she will stake her future Lome. Mrs. Livingstone, of Milverton, is visiting her .parents, Mr. rind Mrs.. John 11t nkshcnv. Mr. .and Mrs. Robt. G. Luker went up to Goderiolt Tuesday. Mr ,Luker is serving on the jury. Mr. Walter 11,rding, of the Sov- ereign bank, spent Sunday with his Parents in London. Mitis GrolibI n, of lDnsitwood, spent Sundrty 'fain guest of Miss • Lauri 11 Jeckell, London hood. ate. and .lits, (:co. Willis, of Lon- don, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Mc- Callum over Sunday. alas. I). Mcinrkix returned 5Londay evening fnom a visit wilrh relatives and friends in Scaforlh- alr. and Mrs. Piper, of Latnheth, visited Mr. Piper's uncle, Mr. D. Mills on Sunday and Monday. Mr. E W. Ilorne.o( Milverton. and Mr. Al. \[oorc, of St. Marys, called on fri•euis%- in (own Sunday. Mrs. John White. returned Friday [nowt Windsor, where she spent a couple ecieks with ,lira. T, W. White, Miss a1. Gardiner :returned Satur- day evenitia front a months i visit with 'relatives .in the West. Mr. Gardiner iS bolding a residence in It girui. Mr. Fred Willis, of Marlette. ;Stich. who was visiting relatives here for :t few weeks (returned to his home Friday. Tho Misses Gertie and Lil- lie Boyle returned with him and will visit for some time. LOST.—iIETWEEN '1'11[; CEN- Iralia elation :and the home of W. 11. Elliot, a gold medal. Finder will please - le:tve at the home of Mr. Elliot. ON WEDNESDAY. ,TUNE 61.11, IIto \V. al. S. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. George Snell. At the cloy:' of the meet in:, Mrs. 11. 'I', Johns eats eJiven a sli;ht token as an appreciation of tier work a IA 1110 „cod wishes of the , o:iety follow d her Io her n^w home. air.. Snell then invited the rocictt' fo t• he Wool Is The Resuli? ParisIf you use bore, Insect Powder and other Germicides of unknown quality. your tine and money has been fruitlesslessly wasted. If you buy your Insect Killers at COLE'S DRUG SSORE You can depend on the quality PARIS GREEN 1Ve sell only Berger's English always reliable. HELLEBORE Guaranteed pure and fresh. INSECT POWDER Ground from the unopened buds of the Persian Chamomile We pay for the best and get it and it will pay you to get the same. Costs no more than the unreliable at COLE'S Drug Store Where Quality is everything, would say, not two or three prices for the one article. Our stock of new and natty Ties, Fancy Shirts in Soft and Hard Fronts are up-to-date and at prices that will please you. We carry a full line of Dress Goods in all the leading cloths—Venetian, Broad Cloth, Tweeds, Eoliennes, Crepe de Chene, Corde de Soie, Cash- meres and Lustres in all the leading shades' Don't forget that we have in stock SILK AND LAWN WAISTS that have no equal as to price, style and _quality, you cannot help buy. Prices very reasonable. Don't forget the still carry the celebrated "ASTORIA" shoe. Highest Prices paid for Produce. CALLING BROS. $1.QQ OD6Os flU f1660U0t People who go to the Bank regularly and deposit a part of their earnings, get something more than exercise. WITH the money saved, they are Laying the foundations upon which a fortune may be built. We credit Interest Quarterly in our Savings Department. Sovereign Bank of Canada Put your money in a place where you can get it when you want ft CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors Western Real Estate Exchange, Limited, 78 Dundas St., London Have you a farm that you want to soul Write for our terms of sel- ling preporty. We have the most complete method of advortiein.3 and selling property in Canada. Do you want -to buy a farm or business property in any part of Ontario/ Send for our list. We have some bargains. ATIMMIIIIMMINIIMIOWNWAIMMED BOY O 1\'ANTEI)—'1'O LEARN THE general store business. Apply Carl- ing Bros. TO LIENT.—Dll, IROLLINS' LATE residence. Apply to Andrew Gibson Themes Road or John Spackman, real estate agent, Exeter. MUIIR, OF VIE WOOLEN MILL will be at t.{)o old market every day to buy ,wool. Wool unloaded nt the market. highest cash price paid. CALVES FOR SALE. — GEORGE Chapman, Atwood, will bo at the, Central hotel, Exeter, on Saturday Juno 16th, at 12 o'clock with a tol of good, well-bred calves for Pale, DR. IIUTLER, OF LONDON, WILL he at the Central Hotel, Exeter, on Word was received here Monday of Monday, Juste 18, 1906, Courts 10 n. the death at London of John C. Gould, m., to 5 p, m., (or Eye, Ear, Nose a former resident of Exeter. Mr. and Throat consultation. Eyes test - Gould had been confined to his room ed and glasses supplied. '['TIE 11XE'1'Elt LODGE I. 0. F. will attend divine scrvi,s in -the James street ''bomb Sunday morn- ing, .lune 1711,. The member' :,1•0 requested to he at 1 he lodge room it 10 o'clock.—Geo Anderson, Secy, —t DEATH OF CHARLES PERKINS, drnang room where a dainty tea 4as for two weeks but he was improving served. and expected shortly to be able to A 1'I L'L1(' MEF.TIN(' OF I'lll; leave his house, and the news of his de - Woman's 1 I .I(treei'4E 4NG Ice tam in death was quite unexpected. rhe de- Woior '1 ill tl June 111 h. ,t I,, tn. ceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs, and 7.50. Mins Duncan t loL41 2 are} 1 Richard Gould and was horn in Exet- anrs. Warta, o[ Dunton. who ore sen( er:tri years ago, Several years ago he trid- ent by that 41cp,.rtmen( t -ogive pr0c- oring g busineent to ss. He He is siirvito enae ive d n th hhis Boal dcntoustrat ions " in 1)ornest,t,c wife and two children. Besides his 5dirn<e will be in otlend:11)0 hotli mother and father he had three A Ior:g and tearful life 7(11, to an denueo1rations0in rtiheIfiol)lrowi�nll ub_ sisters, Mrs, Jas. Sheldon, Mrs. Martin end 4 claimed 1'4ntrsdim. June 7th, when 1 Salter, and Miss Olive, d15 a 7 Mr. Chides Perkinsl"kat jects: "Economy at small things," of Exeter and age of 73 earv. lir. 'e "Su uuuer deesie11:.," two ht•othere, William 01 Miami,1 had igen suffering for the past r't% e 'C.a14' o1 �h,tir, Man., and Ilartyof Exeter. The funyears, rind several times his life 4•:19 face 011(1 'Ikl.uds," "11int14 for 1 14c cral took plate at L• Sidon Wednesday d •s W0111011 who work.' All ladle c eel- 1 t come al both rncetnigs. Silver col. lection to defra(• Ttxpon's, Miss ]falls; Stet-Treas., Mrs. llast- ings. THE AUTOMOBILE ARRiVEy.- The automobile which Reeve A. Q. Bobier ordered built by Ur. ICurtze, of St. William finally reached )fere Tuesday night about ten o'clock in charge of the maker, The Reeve re- ceived word in the afternoon, that the machine would leave London about four o'clock and after Pepper time many people were out in the streets to herald its arrival. A conple of trial 1'teir a olltctated In a similar manner rides were taken aronud t"wn and the for the ganena 1t's1 Edna Geddes machine worked, made a v beautifully . very charming Ufully until th,, 3 ming flower girl, last. trip down Main street, when ono The bride's wedding gown was of of the cog wheels in the sic cuing gear create sublime and her going away broke necessitating the laying up of gown of h11►e taffeta, .titer a dainty the machine until a new part can be wedding dinner, Mr. slid Mrs, fierce secured. It will probably be out on left for Toronto and other paints and Monday, will return to I'nion, their (01nre Name. afternoon and war attended h Q ''.'1"trot o , epileptic fits, from al of his relatives from Edebyr. .ever- CIO/ 9l the brain, C.11/ Sing illness. The dectsvael w is (KU'rl in Devon - A very pretty wedding was cele• shire, England in 18.11 Find when 0 prated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. tVilliarn Northcott, flay, NVednesdayy June 13th afternoon when their fourth daughter, viarali, was married to Mr. Chas, Pierce a prosperous young far- mer of l'niori, the ceremony tieing performed by Rev. W. Godwin, The house was healttifinlly decorated with flowers anti evergreens. Mise May Young of Crediton and MIR3 Nellie Gould as919ted the bride while Samuel Pills for crossness? Certainly. They 1 I;io il,e cause ,,cS--ethebloodcrossess vantehc�. A sirggish 11wcr paisons Ji th, Ff•tiins the :ether, iCce,, )'oar Licr active r'.d sur pct;::s regular. Haire a cktr t reit/ a brave `f y 1'; s hepe(t:l outlook. ()rec.'? Ayers I ills at bedtime. %c);c(at•le. Shear-coate,i, Soh( for CO 1; ��i t•.' years. :. rt ?ie - re l J1 rr s•Fr:-,;•.1:[t•, ,4+<1'ft Rid t.. _fT:.rvt.sr: rbJV>M.11. lir T..:�i.pal /�►� -- l.!+•`S, Y•••. sTaR FLOUR touches the top notch in quality and invariably yields the best results in baking. The demand for a good Family Flour ie fnlly met by STAR FLOUR. WANTED Wheat Oats and Barley for which we will pay highest mar- ket prices. HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO• GRAND TRUNKSY'SE'4 $15.35 To Boston Going Returning May 31 Until Z fo June 11 June 18th. = The only through car service route. Throng)) Pullman Sleeper Toron- to to Boston. yo,,rs of age, 4itJi his parctaty cam"� to Arno. ice,. Tee tat rents settled in • Home Seekers s• Excursions Burlington, and the young lad Bent to NPW York s(a,0 eith rel'ttiv'- .and put in (4'o yeers working at black- smithtnlr. ile then Bent to ilurlin,- ton, caul lived eit,h his 1., rents. At the age of 24 (, 4ux mari:ia1 to Elmira \'ilk;n', and F.00n after came to Usborn0, where lie 1ooik up farm- ing, remaining nt t bat oecupatinn about 24 years. Twenty -fire years ago h:0 Mme to F.tf't4r and lived here II, 10 the time of bis d:'nth. While, in Exeter he engaged in the implc- meet business t , for reser rl years, and 1'ter forme1 n p,rtnr'rehip %vith S. lrartin, Fellin,r t innus, organs, etc. Ale.ul three years ago he eithdrew fr0n, the existing ,arcno, rsh.p and Brest retired. The funeral woe held Dom his Fite residence. on Siturd.ty and has largely attended. 110sides a widow h0 lcavea to tnourn their Toss nevelt children : Mrs. (Rev.) 1). M. Buchanan, ,Jarvis: airs. John bond-( A sed incident in connection WI mi n, North Bittleford, S,ak.: Mts, the death of air. Perkins, is Mutt Thos. lfivrvcy, Exeter : Mrs. 8. M. Mrs. Perking only n few d i) ngo Sanders, Exeter; afrs. A. E. Jahn, sustain( a fraeture of h^r ' m by slon, St. Augustine; Mrs. Simile! falling flown the rvlinr fit. -', and Rowe, Exeter, and (lttnrbs of Us -Ii< confined to her room or •clocoun borne. of the injury. t I $32,00 To $32.5o To points in Manitoba, Alberta, and Saskatchewan, Via North Ray Via Sarnia June t t h Sr 9 N. N Co. July 3, lith. June 4, 20, July 4, r8. Returning Within do Days For tickets and full in- formation call on J. J. KNIGHT, 1)rp.ot Aaent ••••••••••••••••••••••••j 1 ri