Exeter Times, 1906-06-14, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, JUNE 14th 190. ROSS -TAYLOR CO'S. Moo MITI, Door Factor%, Lumber Yard and saw Mill are open and hustling daily and a full stock of Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts and all kinds of Building Materials always on hand. BARN SASH in abundance. BEL HIVES fanays oed hor in and knock down. WATER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Saw Logs. Custom Sawing Promptly Attended to. Estimates Cheerfully Given. The RossTdUlOr6� LtU.. Exeter. kt ..1.44.++++++++++ 4.4.++++ GOOD NEWS FOR - THE FARMERS. t+ No more hole (digging $ to put in fence posts just drive them in with a Far sledge hammer. ahead of any ever yet seen around this part of the country. Come in and see them for yourself. + We have had a great + many iron posts brought I. in lately and ar( prepar- ed to sell them cheap. * Scrap iron taken in es- I change. ',.JACKSON &SON Main -St. Exeter. + One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. 4 iH-14444-1-+'t'i'+31I•+'i•'t'd'+4-I'•1 i"1•d' MEDICAL JW. BROWNING, M. D.. M. C. . P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Uni- versity. office and residenence. Dominion, laboratory, Exeter. DR. A, F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PIIYSI- clans RRO1IIns.itd Office Main street. Rer �lence.Jeast On first street north of Post Office. Exeter. Ontario. D118. Y. AND II. M. COWAN, 391 Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. Telephone 15?li, Long distance connection. Special attention given diseases of women and surgery. Oxford or C. P. R. Street Cars to (ohorne street take you almost to the door. ero ootherharra ,gc eer city ft is foce. rccandcial Hospital patiente froma distance. DENTAL DR. A. It. KINSMAN. L. D. H. D. D. 8., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted withoutyy atn orbad sate effort 4. Office in Fan. r son's block, West side of Main tlseet,` Exeter' DR. G. F'. ROULSTON, L. D. 8., D. D. S., Dentist. Member of B. C. 1). S., of Ontario and honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. riONEY TO LOAN. We hate • Wee amount of private funds to oo farm and village properties at lowrate. interest GLADMAN & STANIIUIHY Barrilters Soticitont. Main St. Exeter, DICKSON & CARLING, or'ttst.Ta Sollcltor5 Notaries ('onvoyancers o% Oomisst'ner', Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, Eta UMW tenet's at lowest rates of tntere,t. STREET. EXETER. L. 11. DICKSON OTPICE t -MAIN M. (AMINO e. a.. THOMAS CAMERON. CONVEY - Racer, Willi drawn, money to loan too resp estate, also Licensed Auctioneer for ale counties br Huron and Perth. 1. halves .,..,dente. Farquhar Rtat the 1 lll receive ldes ar at pronmpt atten seldsnce, 1140NEY TO LOAN aeon ham private funds for three/vee/ - emit a W. have m Ot village tracery at tows. swot Interest. DICKSON & CARLI Fzeter $1.00 ROUND TRIP GODERICH TO DETH0IT TUESDAY, JUNE 19 FtTURNINO JUN. 91 • St'r GREYHOUND 2 Days In Petra Inc Usborne and Hilbert Farmer's Mutual fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office. Farquhar, Ont. Pres.: -J. A. NORRIS, CnommerY P.O Vice -Pres.: -J. L. nesse:ere It t 'SSFLLllA Lh P.O. DIRECTORS. W. H. VASSMORE, FARQUIHAR P.O. WM. Roe, BORNUOLM P. O. J. L. RUSSELL, RUS81 LDALE P.O. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. O. AGENTS. JOHN ESSEItY, Exeter, agent for Usbarne and 13ilidulph. OLIVER HARRIS, .Munro, agent for Hibbert, 1'ultrrton and Login. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.-Treas, Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANBt'RY. Solicitors What is Home without a Piano or Organ. Cerainly not all that it might be Call and see us and let us show you some of the highest grade PIANOS AND ORGANS that Canada produces. They arc certainly works of art. SEWING MACHINES Then in Sewing Machines we carry the best that the market affords. Do not listen to what others tell you about our prices and terms, but call and satisfy yourself. \Ve will make them to suit you unless you are very hard to please. S. MARTIN & SON NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of George Rook, lite of Uic town- ship of l sborno, in the County .of Huron, farmer. deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to It. S. 0.. 1897, chapter 1.29, that all creditors and others havin; claims against the estate of the said George Rook, who died on or about the 24th day- of April. 1906, aro re- quired on or before the 25th day of June. 1900, to :end by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Gladman & Stan - bur)", of the ViILi;o of Exeter,. So- licitors for the Executors of the said dec(1•ised, their chris(ian an11 sur- names, addresses and description., the full particulars of their claims, the statement ot their accounts and the nature of tho securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice th't after such last mentioned date rho said executors will proceed to distribute the nsscta of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto having ree,ard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, :and that the said Executors will not be liable for the wtid assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of who.90 olaim ndlico steal 'tot here been received by thorn at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & BTANBUIt1' Solicitors for Ellen Jeno Rook find James G. Jones, Executors. Dated at Exeter thin 28th day of May, 1906. CItO\IAIt'fY Mr. Ilollend of Auror.t, delivered a lecture in the interest of rho temperencc cause on Btturday e'.Cn• ing last. Mir. Holland's visit to Cromarty was tor the intention of organizing a society in the village i but did not meet with any success. Quito o number left tneer [tarts for the west lest Tuesday. Among those who le -ft were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen. Mrs. Gillenpie, and Bliss Atrnee Miller. ' • Ttte Miesen Gallaway, of \Vingharn. isleetMee. Alfred Miller, of Toronto, .err at prevent visiting at the 'hone of Mr. Alexander Miner. Mire. J. A. Norris is at •present sill ( tering with infiammot'on in her knee. Rev. \V.allice, of Linark, occupied the pulpit of the Preebyterinn church here on Sweaty last. Mr. \Vall.ace is at •present visiting with Mr. anti Mrs. Perk, ot the village. Mr. and Mrs. ira Andrew spent Sunday at Freewill visiting friends, aloe attending ,j•he anniversary ecr- woces 'held there. If you had t Iken (two of Carter's TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAN Little Liver Pills before retiring you Take Laxative ]tromo Quinine Tab- would not have had that coated ton - lets. All dreggists refund the mon- g -UO or ball taate in the mouth this e if it fills to cure. E. 'W. moss morning. Keep a Will with you for .,!goner., is on each box. 25e(. occasional use. eS \\ \ \\\\ /r `\V e'V % :`. `.t �,i. V r.�`-Y :'►A TORI \ The I{in(i Ton Have Always nought, and which leas been in into for over :ID years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per. �. somal supervision since its infancy. caJ6 • *-44.72-;4(!?l Allow ito one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but 11xperiulcnts that trifle with and endanger the health of lutaltts and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORiA Cestoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine Icor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys iiYoreas and allays feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the food, regulates the Stotunett and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -Toto Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW VONA CITY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the matter of the estate of Robert Creery. late of the Town- ship of Usborno, in the County of Huron, Farmer doceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to It. S. O.. 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors and others having claims agtlinst the estate of the said Robert (k•eery who died on or about the 11th day of May, 1906, aro required on or before the 10th day of July 1906, to pend by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Gladman & Stan - bury, of the Village of Exeter, So- licitors for the Executors of the said deceased, their christian and sur- names, addresses and dcsoriptions, the full particulars of their claims the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, is any beld by them. And further take notice that actor such last mentioned dato tho said executors will proceed to distribute the assets ot the de- ceased anion; the parties entitled thereto Lavin; regard only to lite claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the slid executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by theta at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for said Executors. Dated at Exeter the ilth day of June, 1906. D1SsoLt.TION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the co-p1rtnerehip heretofore subsisting between the undcratgned as general merchants, under the firm name of Coward & Itloomfield at Winchelsea, bas this day .been (dissolved by met - nal consent. All debts duo to the said partnership are to are paid to Thos. Cowo:rd nt Winollolsea, nrd all pnartnertliip debts to bo paid by hitn. \\'inolaelsoa. June 1, 1906. J. BLOOMFIELD ZURICH Mr. J. J. Merner and Mr. I1. Youngbtut were in Exeter on Wed nesday. Mr. S. Rennie who spent the past six weeks touring LIirou;h the Norta1west, ;acoomptnied ' by his daughter, 'Mrs. A. Stcick and two children, of !Playbill. .,len., arrived home Saturday evening. Messrs. Robt. Williams find Edgar Angel spent Sunday n ft enonen with h friend.; at Crediton. Rev. and Mrs. Schuekc are spend Witt this %trek' ,attending the synod. Mr. and lira. Paulin end family of Di%hwoal, visited nt the home of Mr. and Mr%. Rennie on Sund sy. Mr. A. McLeod spent Sunday un- der the parental roof in hayfield. Mr. Lc'%lie T. \Villinms left feitur- (11y for Buffalo, N. Y., to visit his brother, Mr. Calvon Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortof Ilennall. visited the latter's parents. Mr• and `ira. Wagner, on Sunday. Miss itclma Koehler, of Centralis, visited ander the ranre e:II root over Sunday. Rev. Mr. Gisclhler and Miss Lydie Faust. dclevees to the Sunday Rehm' convention ot New Hamburg, re. turned gime Friday evening A very yid death occurred on the 14th con. when Arthur Wolter, scc- on.1 son of Mr. Fanenbaoh was stru:k by lightning during the severe thunder storm which prevailed hero Friday evening. Ile and hit brother were trying to 'get the colt out of the storm into the tstnble, find Ars thur opened the door, when the lightnings (Innen by jho' fork %•lith r To Cure a Cold in One Day bCir;ws =Fs. .Telae Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. fiA boxevery �..er• s� Mks boresttol� 1ra'a�t f 2 mouths. Ms signature, he had in his hand, or • by the draught, struck first into the barn then the boy. killing him stlmost in- stantly. Ilis brother and sister car -- mead him into ;the hou a and tried to resuscitate Wain, but their ef- forts store useless. The funeral took place Sunday afteratoon .nnd was 131gely attended. Itev. Giecihler of- fieiatod. IIe was a faithful Sunday school viclwlar and beloved by all who knew him. Ile ICavee to mourn his sad (heath, his father, two sister(, and two brohhere, 'to whom we ex- tend our sincere sympathy. Harsh. purgative remedies are fast giving way to the gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Livor Pills. If you try them they will certainly please you . CENTRALIA Our choir took part at the nnnt• versary at the Freewill Methodist church, Whalen. Sunday and Tues- day. The annual strawberry festival will be held on the parsonage ground on July 2. The Ladies' Aid intend holding their concert in the even- ing. They have engaged the Imper• ►al Malo Quartette. of London. Master Clifford Salton, of Charin; Cross. is t'isitine .his sister. Mrs. E. Cohwrll. Miss Ida Abbott left last week for Crystal City. Man., where else will visit her sister, Mrs. Harry Essery. Mr. Luther Ricke left on Monday for Moosejaw•. Mr. Leo. Coughlin left last week for Calgary, where he will visit his brother Din Coughlin. Mrs. Junes Handford is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Will Foster, of Toronto. MTrs. Evans was 'the guest of Miss Bette Esser'', of Edon, on Sunday. Mr. Cedric Hicks, of Toronto, la spending •his holidays with his par- ents Lore. Mr. Pat Nanton is having improv- metrts made in his store, which will add greatly to the appearance when completed. Mr. and Mrs. •Viol Elliot icing jn London. are "is. The fut bo ti from the Edmonton Daily Bute en, refers to the sale of properly oa ucd by Mr. John Roes. a former re -ideal( of Exeter. "Mr. John Gardiner, who tt, ociat- cd ttitli Ron,'te 11. iluse!, of Miclii- g.in bought the John hoes property oa Jasper for $40,000, (stated last eight that it was their intention to erect -t modern building an tate enc. construction on which will prob- ably be commenced some time during the Present summer. They intend to put up a seven or eight storey of- fice buildins, with stores on (11.' floor somottiatrr of a characicr com- pletely over:vhudotwing any previou% building efforts in this \'ity. The transfer of (ho John !toss property to Messrs• Gardiner and Ilusel con- clude» another of these chapters in Lltc history of Edmonton in which which the !truth teoutele at ranger t 1t sn fiction. The !loss property has been Pohl three tunes. No more Own 15 ye tiro ago -in 1891 -the property we's gazing begging at $100. The then owner was several we.ekst finding a buyer at that price. It +was offered to trite late owner, John (toss. at that prion but it might hive been a hun- dred thousand so far as Mr. !toss was concerned ;at that time. lie Could not buy it anyway. Six years later in 1897, however Mr. Boas did. buy it, but by this time it lend gone up to $24J0. Since then it bus been the .object of many offer'( but until Weeks & Co. closed Cho deal at $10,000. all offers were refused. The price paid, $800 a foot. is tate highest ever paid in Edmonton. Eight hun- dred dollars a front foot is not only bhe highest price ever raid for pro• porty in Edmonton, but it is elle highest ever paid in Alberta. or for that matter in any city 'between Winnipeg and Vancouver. Excepting in Winnipeg no .higher price +mus ever realized on city property be- tween Toroisto and Vancouver. Pink Lips. Like Velvet. Rough Chapped or Cracked Lips, can be made as soft as velvet by applying at bedtime, a light coating of Dr. Shoot's Green Salve. The effect on the lips or skin of this most excel- lent ointment to tultvays immediate and certain. Dr, Shoop's Green Salvo takes out completely the sore- ness of cuts, burns, bruises and all skin abrasions. It is surety 'n won. derful and most highly satisfactory healing ointment. In glass jars at 25c. Sold by w. S. Howey: PLUGTOWN Miss Alice Gourley left on Tues• dry of last: week for him %vest where she intends to visit quite a few of the territories beforr returning home, going pq far ns Calgary where she will visit her brother, Wrn. J. er business Gourley, who does a 1 g* ,ness an blacksmith in one of the Jergerrt shops note. \Ve wish her a pleas- ant trip• Mr. Ferguron liar rale who has been under medical aid is able to bo around again. Croquet exercise Is eery fashion- able for the mon nroutrt our little village. ,\ NEW INSURANCE A new insurance Companv 11119 been recently organized and incorporated ns the Huron Mutual Weather In- surance Oonipiny with head office• nt Zuricih. The company is formed for the/put-woe of insuring all kinds of farm buildings, stock end imple- ments igainst hinds, tornadoes ani cyclones, the reggular rate of insur- ance to he $2 per $1000 per year. The first meeting' was held nt Zurich 013 Mondry and Rodger Northcott, of lily pili elected President. Jamb Kellerminn, vice -pre !dent : E. Zeller manager •end 'ecretary-treasurer, with G. iloltzmar.• of Zurich. general agent. The folk ;Tee are the direc- tor`. Charles Perkins and Chas. Monteith. Usborne ; A. J. Smylie, Tuekeremith : \Vm. Colwell and W. itittter, Hay ; henry itau, Stanley ; J. Broken.'thire 'ansl Jacob Keller - in inn, Stephen. Mr. Sol ITardy, of Exeter was np- (tainted agent for thi% district, which includes lesborne And Tuckersmith and part of Stephen. The earn fel ny will comtnevolsIY once to do business. COMPANY 1IICKS' FORECASTS A reactionary storm period cen- ters on the 1801 and 21st and will bring changes of barometer, temper- ature, humidity inti wind -currents. causing an excesS of .lightning and thunder, if not n series of cloud- burst and solstice rainstorms.. The first stages of all theeo June per- iods promise to be excessively swarm, followed by sudden change to un- seasonable cool over moat parts of this and other continents in high latitudes. Tho new moon or moon's [conjunction with (Earth ••and sun, falls on the 21st, the eenirai day of the June solstice period. This tact will prolong and excite all the phenomena of whatever {character, for several days, both in the Earth •and in tho atmosphere. There will bo many reports of seismic and vol- canic perturbations, within a period of !five tk-1ys centering on the 21st. During these June niglitR, especi,.'►lly through all the central storm per • lode, and overlapping from one per- iod into another, expect many bri- liant displays ot atmosphere electric. ity, illuminating the heavens 'With constant. but usually very 'harmless flashes from rill points of the corn 1188. 1f your stomach is weak, If your food distresses you, If you aro weak and nervous Use 1)r. Shoop's Restorative ono month and we what it does for you. Sold by \V. S. Howey. Ei,1MTVILi.F A number from here attended the anniversary- services at Freewill on Sunday, also a largo number attend- ed the picnic held there. on Tuesday. All report the usual good time. Itev. C. \V, Baker, i3 ,t took the service's on Sunday. ltev. A. Baker, B, D.. formerly n junior pastor of 'this circuit, is ex- pected to preecth the Sunday school anniver'lry services of this church on July let. Rev. C. W. Baker, B .0. and his sister spent the past week with Mr. end Mrs. W. Coultis and renewing acquaintances on the circuit. Rev. Baker was formerly one of our jun- ior pastors. file was ordained at the recent conference and thriving been successful in this exams this spring his 'received the :degree B. 1). and for bhe ensuing year is stationed at Port Lambton. CON!'EItl•:NCE NOTES 1'ho final draft of the London con- ference held at Windsor last week t and the %reek prcviou•t made the fol- lowing ohsnees in the Exeter district Iter. W. Godwin goes to Amherst - LOCALS Mr.'. W. J. Clarke. •t1 London. ij t1siting friends in tot'n. burg and Rev. E. A. Fear. of \\'al-' , Mrs. Ed. Taylor, of London. is vias l tceburg, comes to the !t tin street tong hermother\\'m, Alvis. church. Rev, E. W. Medd. of Hen. doll, times to Forest. rii4 8. Toll takes cheese of the IIeatsell church. 11. l'. IL talc%+nod, juneer minister Westville, goes to eletahido and Jobe W. .fohnston t 'IcesItis place. b s. S. 2 Thames Ir,• ,1. t: i11 hold its nnnwl picnic in 1: 11unkeee bush ou Frid ay Jul =111. Mies Corti., Statile: .:f Acton, is vii -ting \With her broth r, W. Sloe ham. Rev. J. It. Gundy, of \Vingtham. Mr. and Mrn, A. J. McTavish and was stationed at Lite Grace street their two sons 5are visting at tow church, 8t. Thomas, ttoma of Mrs. Me'f. t', -lis paretics, chairmen of districts were elect- Mr. and Mrs. J. N. llaiv rd. c(1 as follows: London, J ivid Rers: M(Dr.) 1). A. Vett-crave' and Stratford. Dr. Langford; N1 Ingham. Lor daughter. Gen • . •we, of Men. 0111011io. Winson:'in. ..'t a visiting Mrs. Dower net t's mother ..:.d sister. Mrs. Tun and MI rs, V eo. 1t. W. Milly-trd ; G.oderich, A. K. !!irks: Exeter, A. 11. Going: Strath- roy. S. W. eluxwortity; Sunnis. J. 11. Oliver: Windsor, Jasper Wilson: Chatham, 4. W. Holmes; itidgctown, W. J. Ford; Sit. 1lhoar-ts, Jos. Philip. The following were appointed to the board of examiners: Rev. A. Lirks, Scarlet -0; J. Philip, Aylmer; Jasper Milson, Leamington : W. G. 11. 1ticAllieter, London ; ltev. G. N. Hazen, C,olericth : Rev. C. 1'. Wells. Gerrie; ltev. A. H. Going, Exeter. ,. n dL.taus-sell, Fingal n A.lie e 1 . 6 81IIPKA Mrs. I)ow'ning, of St. Ohlrlea, Mich. Is at present visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 1Linnon. 11. Wing and J. A. Breen Wore in Zurich on Sunday. John Mcleod, who was ailing for tate past six months, died at his home on the 141h oonccssion Stephen, last Sunday morning. Mr. Ohas Rausngerten disposed of a, fine 'horse last week for n hand- some figure. Mrs. Goodrich, who has been visit - trig her parents, Mr and Mrs. Chan. I3aumgar.ten, left last week for her homo in Detroit. Mr. Joseph Brenner and J. D.Ilan- nau were in Parkhill last Tuesday on business. Thos. McCann was on the sick list a few days last week. WHALEN 1'hc anniverF. ry servicer of I'ree- twill Mlet.hodiet church iter* held on Sutid sy and Tuesday. ,lune 10th and 12111. On Sunday Rev. C. 'taker preach- ed able and instructive sermons morning and evening to good con- gregation', from from the first two petitions of the Lord's priyer. In the afternoon Rev. Avery, B. A. of Grenton Presbyterian church ad- drevsed a mass meeting of the Sun- day school in a very pleasing nnll pr'lcticel manner. On Tuesday the annual picnic %.i' held in Mir. 1). Htodgson's orchard Addresses were delivered by Reads. Fnir, Ihrtlott, iinker, Ilaztcwood rind others. Excellent music was fur- nished for all the services by tl.• Centrali•i choir. Fine weather, plenty of gorel things to cet and drink, gnmen, etc., altogether furnished a very enjoy- able time and nettle the occasion a grand RUCt:ea9 both socially and fin- ancially. Zion anniversary .seevioea on Sun- dry .Tune 17th. free will offering. FOttOVER SIXTY \EARS As OT.n a'in Wet.t. Trtlr.n Itemenr.- \f -s W inslow's °oothin5 Syrup heti been rt.ed for Over sixty years by mll.tons of mothers for their children while teething. with perfect.noceri., t soothes the child. softens the gime, share all pain, cures wind colla and is the hest remedy for Menhirs. it Is pleasant to the Unite. Sold by drug glstw to every part of the world. 41 OSete $ DOoottic. its vain., 1s Incalenlsbte, He were SyrUP saddoak tar no other lila ado. w'ti Soothing A.felTt=0XL . Beers the The Kind You Kaye Always Ballet Signature of 144e- IIAYI'IELD An intermediate game of football in the W. F. A. was played here fait week between Wing'ham and the Bayfield Lekesides whish resulted in as score of two to none in favor of our home team. Two more goals were scored but were not counted. being offside. Harry B.artliff, of Clinton acted as referee. A friendly game of football will be played here some evening -ibis week or next t' itlr the Zurich team, after %tilted' they will have dancing for the remainder of the evening when a i In accordance with the petition agne'i 1,,v 9. good time is expected.• Martin, W. W. Taman, t+', s, tole, and many others Mr. Hen th, of London. is improving ! of the citizens of the willsgg. of Exeter, 1 hereby pro. theher looks ofee his beautiful grounds. cottage claim the Afternoon of Frhlay June 15th, 1900, to be R a public rioliday, to be called 'Decoration Uay;' for here by benching the grounds. the purpose of giting the different Societies of our Severlal of tho summer visitors are tillage and any- others who may wish to dose, an expected this week to take possession of their cottages for the summer. Mr. Albert Woods, of Cheboygan, U. 8., who attended the funeral of his father hero last week, returned to home s hih a n .fond \ a o y of this week. th a celebration hereon the 1st of JulyArrangements arc being made for e Stomach rind will bo up jo date. Games of all kinds will bo on bhe grounds. Fire works and football matches in the evening. See bills latex. Mrs. Serimiger and (laughter, of Montreal, arc at present visiting the hoose of Mrs. Scrimiger's mother, Mors. Gardiner, in the tillage. Mr. Harvey Bet-ans, the well dig- ger, is very busy in this vicinity hav- ing taken several contracts for tate summe- of sinking %ells, and intends moving his family from Clinton here next week. Whiddon Bros. are rushing the evaparntor :ahead and will soon have it •shingled. Thin will be one of the finest buildings of its kind west of Toronto. The members of the cemetery come ntitlee Messrs 1''. \V. Gladni.tn, No 1'. Puke, W. D. Weak' -'s, W, J. ilea., man and Joaepih Senior, will be at the cemetery on Friday afternoon, and any per/on desirin:f to donate to the maintenance of lot.: can hand the donations to them. A CANNING FACTORY WILL 13E a good thing for Fester. Help it along all you 0111. Mal?SARA. R. N. !UWE AND JOHN Atkinson attended the district meet- ing of Lira I. 0. O. 1'. held nt Myth, Tuesday. it 1). I). G. M. DICICSON MADE 1118 official visit to t l.a Blyth lodge Tuesday evenings. M W. W. Tam' an accompanied pini. AT T1IE DIST1IC'1' MEETING OF the Oddfcllows held •ti Blyth, Tueas day, Mr. J. G. Stenbury of Exeter, %has elected District Deputy Grand M ilstor. REV. GODWIN \ViIO ARRIVED homo Monday evening. was called to Sl. Thome Tuesday to attend the funenal of one of tea -members of his former congregation. returning Wed., mod sy morning. `I1E EPWOI1T1I LEAGUE OF the James street church visited the league of tdto Main Area Church Tuesday eveniva. Tl:. visiting lea- gue furnished the E•trogr'am and at the close the lades of the [Main street league furnirhel light refresh- ments. The progrem was thorough- ly enjoyed, and n (pleasant evening was st,ont. Lex -Cts -et candy bowel laxative. )f you have constipation, If you 'rave a coated tongue, 11 you aro dizzy, bilious. sallow. 1f yell have .headaches, sour stow+ tech, etc., [risk 5 cents on Lax-et9. See for yourself. Sold by W. 84 Ilowcy. PROCLAMATION DECORATION DAY, opportunity of decorating the graves of their de. parted friends in the Exeter Cemetery-. A, Q. BO BIER. Exeter, May 23, 1900. Reeve. • WHEN YOU GROW OLD. The body- nceda r,itching-wasted firemen must be rebuilt, played -out organs restored -blood needs extra nourishment. Elderly /people need Fcrrozone,-need it because it vit- elizises and rejuvenates as no other remedy can. Ferrozono builds pip the kind of strength that makes ono feel good, -keeps back tote decoy of old age and makes you look your., and handsome again. Forget ner- vous exhaustion, renew your vital energy, again re-enter the Iife of youth. lour remedy is F(•rrozonc, only fifty cent% n box, at al! deal- ers. GET .IORF. ' VIM? \ I if you aro tired, ne•rvoun sleepless; have headaches and largour, you need Dr. llamilton.% Pi119: they tone the stonxtch, assist digestion. fence you up at once. Taken at night, you're well by morning. Sickness and tired feeling disappear in'+t unt- ly. Vim. spirits, l)1ppy health, 011 the joys of life oo111e9 to everyone drat uses Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No medicine so siti,fartory. Get Dr. Iiemilton's i'ill9 to -day, 25e. per box at all dealers. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TiMES. Hurt and Kidneys; Dr. Shoop's Restorative Is a Ca}us Care -not a Symptom Care. Va est cs n mistake to take artlflote df - r 'Which troubles -or heart atlRh weak heart -or so -cause kidney rennet kidney.. 9'bcse omens do not set y or or their own accord -they bevy no 1 ofy�r themselves -and not once In 900 S eknes-1 the (cult <.f the organ. It t nerves of the w control the which onero only through these nerves qan s ey l or bears dot:. !, Orden be cu • b, of Recin.. / wl.copsin, lea, , y I bas blued 1 f, ext erten( e t t • • pfldeacrc. s , 1) were the ' Yes -that ,.f through t•tty 1 1• It v'• - ' ..Y . a albletoca i. S , 0by )1. `1 bb beart � Dura, ) t.•t. , „nta. t .lir backs weak- 1 t1 l I ' assess '•'t .11 dos• �- ease an 4i, �t diens .\ t \ of the ,Tt) For allot NI these MI .• - 1 , t separate atekbetiete l,etteated sssucb. They 'r s y ptoaisor " Inside peeve w r,. when the • ' nerves are res s. ) toms and the `;: sickness • .. y which lir. $beep pt ng npnes U known u ;, re. it relieves the pato 1� h and heart troubl.. Qu101ter , (Wince designed simply to 11' i `et. Dr. she op's Resterativ 5 au alFOr cansale rowsad bereootOmrlp4a ' had of d ,r W. S. I1O\VEY. a 11 �AIMPPIR :tr ,a II :i!!!!IIIWIL!J ti. I. JI i - NV 01,0111.111.4 ' I LL OH IN G E -STAY FENCE ,/!IT S. Nati u.H•:,, i,ar. tai. Malin 111501 rtAY ?owe .111,1511.0. 'thousand. standar ,-►t aur. du 1,4 .I1;. t..41.324 wb., top win.. , :e 4 n,e Avon 1'hntr.t•J Grtalaat•• in. - lire I,tu sant..a. /pt71 r . ILIL... `WIPE IFENCE C 1M T9:D Exeter W. t MAgent,Fxot r •••••••••••N•••.••..•••••• •••••••••••••••••e•N++W I •• • THE 1'1OLSONS BANK • (incorporated by Act of Parliament Peee) • CAPITAL PAID UP • $3'000'000.00 RESERVE FUND ' S3.000,000.00 IS Branches in Ontario, Qi:ebec. All erte Itriti-h Colombia and Manitoba EXETER BRANCH Open every Lawful I)ey from 10 A. M. to 3 r. n. except eatuvdey 10 A. Y. to t r, Y. Fenr-rrtors' Pirate Notes cashed nr collect'd. Forms supplied On Replete Inn. iDRAFTS nn ell reente In thn hnminier, (treat Britain and Un- ited State. bought and sold at lowest rates of exchange. fIAV INfOB i)EPARTMENT Doporits ot 01.00 aryl upwards received. interest com- pounded half yearlcy. end added to erinripal June "'eh and r,eeember 310.. De- posit,. ite eipts also Issued and highest eurrrn' reit.. of interest allowed, 'owe orate Ciand on moe -tao i roma leern terre Agetock tIsat Exeter erl lbusiness men f r Dom.Government` Dickson 6r Carling, Snikitora. N. D. HURDON, Manager. R j.►N•N••N•N•N.N•••••• ••••••i••i••MNI•••N••N•R •