Exeter Times, 1906-06-14, Page 4r
'l•HE EXETER TIMES, JUNE14th 1906.
Call tit Ili awning's Drug Store and
see the ae'w stock of
Ladies' Side C'ombs,
Mack Combs,
Ifair Pills,
Coarse Co1nbs,
Fine (.'oinks,
Pocket Combs,
flair Brushes,
and all Toilet Articles. The t:t=r t and
Cheapest up-to-date goods.
Drug Store
The Exeter Tines
Phwreday. June 1411i, 190G
Barn raisings ,ate riot the frequent
occurnncen that they were years RIO
at•!1►cn farmers replaced the old log
buildings by modern structures, end
to attend 1 raaiei ng bee in looked for-
ward .to with considerable pleasure.
During :tiro sprig Mr. Thomas Com -
tenon, of the Thames Road, had the
)foundation of n new barn construct -
led and the raising. came off Wcdnes-
ipiaas, nfterlrtoon of last week.. Over.
1250 ylcsrsons were in nttendance, and
the lalensantries were t.luitc equal, if
Mot greater, than that of the old
Junto affairs. Luncheon was served
tin the spacious lawn in front of Mr.
jOameron'a beautiful Jtotnc .inti people
Were there from all parts of •the
townships of Logan, hianshard, IIib-
trert and Usborne. The captains of
the raising bee were Tom Bell and
Llounoillor Fred Ellerington and the
leide captained by ,the farmer Recceed-
led in crlcctitig their side first. A
dame of baseball was played later in
the evening end n tug ,of war match
between teams composed of about 30
Iroung ladies WOR one of the principal
bards on tate program. This event
Paused oonsiderable excitement, ns
!tm l os nmusement. It fives not
thought the ladies would exert any
% Tait ntnount of strength, and la
rope used for lofting hay Was press-
ed into service, with the result that
teach E.ide .won or 'thought they had
Mon. Iluickor thin they had antici-
pated. The rope ;suddanly broke pre-
tlpitating the ladies on the Igrcen
?sward, Lsomo right Bide up end others
upside down. As luck would ,letrc it
tho men were interested in the [rise -
ball match and did Eliot witness tee.
Cntastrotrlte. A second pull was •tr-
. ranged but with the time. results,
taomo miscreant evidently havin,
tercd the rope where the knot was
tical. ' 'Everybody (present expressed
(their appreciation of the hospitality
pf Mr. and Mrs. Cameron. Bag pip-
ing!' were present to enliven the pro-
ic.ecdings. The mason work was done
by tilt hark Bros., of Cromarty, and
the frame work by ,DuncanAictean,
sof Itus.Reldale. The opinion swats ex-
pressed by many present t hat the
work done is first class in every re -
*pent. Not n saw or chisel was us -
ad on 1.ho framework the clay of the
teasing and every joint fitted exactly
and nithough n large barn. nll the
work ss is completed before Leven
Al.r. A. Winter, of 8e.tfortae was
elected alderman by ncclatuation t0
fill the' vacancy in the elMunicipal
Council caused by the (resignation of
Mr. M. Broderick.
Old Oonductors.—Mr, John Quirk.
of 11 'inOrant, was the first railway
atsonductor to run a t►tsscnger train
from ilamilton, floret, to 'Guelph.
Mr. 1). Holmes wan the first conduce
tot to run a passenger 4 rain into
the town of Goderioh. lluth •contluc.
tore have retired from active ger vice
and .ire taking the balance of lift:
e su' •
At the election last `w(-ek in Sea-
ton h for Mayor to till the vac inry
otuxc•d by the resignation of W. ii.
Willis, Mr. 11rolcrick wait elected by
n majority of 97 over Mr. hest.
raa>t1r; _.._ .
L"u air
iwievri rnIp -,ache •c .
1 At :lily rate, you seem to be
fi 1!Lttia , rid cf it o:1 auction-
s' sale
principles: "going, going,
g -o -n ! ►' Stop the auction
with Ayer's hair Vigor. It
cel fa;111y checks falling hair;
ino mistake about this. It acts
•ys i regular medicine; makes
file scalp healthy. Then you
iI must have healthy hair, for
it it'd nature's way.
1' The best kind of ra tRstlmontal -
"14014 for ovor slate years."
L.. *sae..-..
.ton• t+ .t. d•. Ayer Co., r.owell, Wa►I.
*1.0 tnaniat furies •r
D11 E. .1 McCI.I•:, MEMBER ON-
awt ctnd Surgeon•i. Successor to lir.
E. A. Hoist. Croditon, Ont.
Mr. Dann •Ewald :has .purchased a
fine young driver iron* Mr. J. llod-
g in►s.
!lint. R. E. \Vtt1ker :Ind ret Eby ore
vieitiatg in Sarnia and Rot.heell.
Mrs. Joilu etlon and r.on Albert, of
Detroit. who 'hove been visiting her
patients, 3Lr. nn'.1 Aire. John Drown,
returned hntue elon3iy morning.
The Sunday tsolsool of the Metho-
dist Church held their ennui! picnic
to Grusin Bond \Vedncyd ay and an
enjoyable time seas ,+jnent.
On \Vednesdr+y evening it friendly
game of ball was played between u
tkntrelsa tcatn and the "Duffers" of
our town, resulting in aft victory for
tiro home tcum by. n Score of 17-11.
During the storm. on Friday even-
ing tihl3 'baric of Mr. John Schrader
wits blown down lanai , completely
,wrecked. Tule barn 'had been raised
up Land Ulu foundation lead just been
completed a day or two before.
Mr. Schrudacr':t lass will be heavy
.as most of the timber was broken
to pieces.
Cull and seethe new lines of white
and printed organdies, mu51i.ris, lin-
encs, lawns, white rind colored para.
Rolm, glover, belle etc., cit • special
prices for June and J uly; at Zwic•ker's
Just received at !wicker's n spec-
ial line of Dinner netts and 'Toilet
etre. Our own emportationu. The
decorations are new mid dainty. ile
bure and see thorn before mikiet
your ttelec t io n.
Rev. Mr. Andrews returned from
coi:fcrence on Friday last and took
Lias usual work 011 Sunday. '1110 ser
viae:+ were well attended and very
instructive: sermons were proaoared.
Mr. and Ars. C. !wicker spent
Sunday in Parkhill.
Miss Kate Ztvicker, who has been
clerking with her brother, Mr. C.
Ztwicker for tthe past few months,
returned this week to her hoino in
Mir. and Mrs. .1, O'Brien and Miss
Sarah Northcott. of Seximith, were
the guests of Dir. and Mrs. John
Young Last week.
During !tare storm of last Friday
night tho troof of Mr. John: Morlock; s
barn ansa blown off, and trees, fen-
eets, etc., were blowtl down.
Rev .Mr. Bean preached an al►t►r'o-
priate sermon to the Dlacc:lbees and
Ladies Maccabees on Sunday evening
last. Tito order marched in a body
to the church.
The Sunday school of the Etan-
geIioal Oliurch intend 'holding tt (de-
ltic soo11.
The cement walk it which elle beitia
taut down its our village greatly im-
prove the appearance of our streets.
Death has again claimed ,one sof
the old pioneers in the person of
.iohn i1IcL►eod. Deceased was in the
7511► year of his age and was high-
ly reepoctoel. IIe bad n stroke on
Wednesday, from rtthioh he . tnever
again rallied. passing away Sunday
morning. The remains aero interred
in Mt. Carmel cemetery. ( ,
eery, Malvan Callfas, Maxwell I3 ►yn-
h'.aw, John Ilogarth. Sr. III.— Ell ►
11tlicr. Bestaie Anderson. Elmer Wil -
dun, 1'loysio 1).. w, Earle (•':t l l f ,,
finery \Vindi r. 1ey•:dnn havcy, ltuy,
(:allfas. Ilubcrt White, Ettio \Velsb,
Norman Ilenni.ln.
MISS JlOT'1'ERILL, Teacher
Junior 'Depart n►t nt. — Jr. III. —
Anebony White, 1.'32, Elva Brook:
997, Fred E est ry 925, Loyd Engem.'
757, Fred Valetta!! 673, Willie Alex-
ander 491. Sr, 1i.—Estella Neil 1188,
Rhos McCurdy 1133, Matron England
1126, Victor Ilognrth 1078. •Everett
Omllfat 931, Ot.hella Motz 921, Made-
line Ilaist 919; Vera Mot? 887, Wil-
lie Baker 86J, Dlurvan Callf:ast 826.
Wilson Culbert. Jr, 11. — Dlabelle
IIo:lman 1289, Ethel Iloswden .1031,
Itubresrt Neil 1009, Mabel tF,lliott
1003, Rallilt Wallis 996, Eddie Alex-
ander 145, Ethel Culbert. Sr, Pt. 1
Irene McCurdy, Alljert Hackney, G.
IHackney. Jr. Pt. 77 1)ell-a Brooks,
Arthur Itobin'on, Elsner (Wilson,( Dora hackney. Jr. t't. I. A.— Neva
Davis, harry Elston, Lloyd Bay nth anon,
Viola Neil, Gordon Culbert, Ida Tay-
lor, Violet Welsh.
All disorders causedby a bilious
state of the system can be cured by
using Carter's Little Liver fills. No
pain, griping or discomfort attend-
ing their use. Try them.
The Annual Meeting •of the South
Huron Farmer's Institute was held
in Miller's :hall, Ilettsall, on Monday
June 1th. 'There ens 1 fair at-
tcnei.LLce. The president, Mr. 11.
Horton. presided. 'I'Jte report 4 of
the directors and cauditorrt were very
satisfactory and showed the Insti-
tute to he in 'good fitttancial standing
rind that the Institute meetings
'held during the y-enr were well at-
tended and botch interesting and in.
etructivc• Jt .was recommended tillat
the ire guht1' lnstitutc inettinge for
the touting year be th.ehl at Drupe.
field and Exeter as usual and that
supplementary meetings be Jtcld at
Elimvitic, Crediton Grn.nit fiend.
Zurich, 11cnsall. hayfield, and at
81rong's hall, Tuckersmith. This is
one more supplementary meeting
than was held last year. The fol-
lowing !directors were elected for
the current year: Tucker—Smith— 1'.
Kelly, James I'atcrrson, R. II. Mc-
Lean, IIe,nry Horton. Usborne—A.
Mitchell, i'. Madire, It. Hunter. J.
Allison. Exeter—I• Christie. Steph-
en—U. D. Sandein, J. Kellerman, W.
Lewis, Stephen Webb. Hay—E, Gies.
I3, S. Phillips, R. Turnbull, Jahn
Elder. Hensail—Sarni! Smillie, Stan-
ley— It. Snowdon. Thos. h'rnser. W.
Murdock john leetcllcn, Bayfield—
O. McNaughton. tioafortii—M. Y.
McLest John 'Moir and Win. Mon-
teith, Usborne, were roappoiintcd
auditors. The new ,board of direc-
tors met immediately on the close
of the annual meeting and the re-
oommcndations of ;ttll►1l. meeting in
respect to the places for tho hold,
ing of bite winter meetings were
adopted. Mr. II. Morton, Raving els:-
pressed a desire to be relieved from
the presidency on account of pres-
suno of private .business renderin,
t intpeessible for Ihim to give the
ecesea ry 'attention to titre •of [ice,
Mr. W. ,D. Sanders„ of Step;lte.n, was
1nanitnously elected President. Mr.
11. 8. Phillips, of Hay, was elected
t•iae-president .and Mr. Robert Gar -
icor. of Usbornc, wns reappointed
seoretrtry .trtasurur. Mr. Sanders
make ake an excellent t,rcssident. He
5 o young, active titan, a progres-
to former and •11.15 for :several
years been u member of else board
f diroctore and is 'thoroughly- con-
araint with the duties rpertainingbo •hes new office. Prof. Arkell, of
to Ontario A,rriculturui College
avo revenal interestingdetnonstra-
ions on the judging of horses and
LIFE ; t
The poet's exclamation: "0 Life!
1 feel thee -e bounding its ruy veins,"
is •a joyous eine. Persons that can : d
rarely or never notice it, in rhone.sty
to 'themselves, are among the most
unfortutaltc. They elo not live, but + 1
exist ; for "to dive" implies more a 'sL
than to be. To live is t obe well
and strong—to arise feeling' cited o
to 'tato ordinary duties of the day,
and to retire mot ,overcome by thein
—to feel life bounding in the veins.
A medicine thnt rime made thousands(
of people, men and women, well and
strong, Jam nccomplishcd a great
work bestowing the richest (bless-
ings, and that medicine is (Hood's
Sarsaparilla. The !weak . run -dogs n,
or debilitated, from nny cause, should t
not fail to take it. It builds up t Ito
tvhole system, chintzes existence. in- t
to life and snakes life more abound-
ing. We are glad to .Say these words
in its favor to the readers of our
col u ter n s.
The disgusting discharges from the
note and throat, and the foul ca -
:Mho' breath, nre quickly dispen-
sed with by using :Dr. Shoop's Oa.
arrh Cure. Such soothing nntisep-
ic agents ns Oil Eucalyptus, Thymol,
Wild Indigo, etc., have been incor-
porated into it snow svhite cream
making it catarrhal balm unexcelled.
Sold by W .8. Ilowey.
- - �- ---
h('1Itaoi. It1•:I'(slt'I -
The following is the 'report of S. a
S. No. 2, Stet,llei, for the month of
May. V.—Itoy Hill, 81 per cent. Sr. 1
JV,_Lnunt Sines, 79 ; Herbert Alit -
chill, 77; ;Clayton Sints. 68; Beryl i
Hill, 67 1-2; Everett 8ints, 57. Sr. e
111._1?li Sims, 82: Lillis Stathlq. 65;
Gertrude King ,65: .Andrew Plana- 1
esti, 57. 3r, 11,-_Eliz,theth Sirns, Br.
';. 1I.—Myrtle Binns, Mussell, ;liar.
*shall. J't, 1.—flora Stahl!".
0. M. TURNER, Teacher
\1'INCHELSEA SCIIOOI, 1t1:l•oi;'r
The foltouing is the report of 8.
S. No. 6, tashor'ne, for the month of
May. Nanie.r are in order of metit.
V.—Vert 11'avltburn, Alrnen + c 11:ry-
wocxl, Willie Elford. 5t-, 1V.—L lura
(i'odbolt, t)t hell:► 1leywr.oil, Lilla
Heywood. Intermediate IV. — Nellat
Heywood, Virsl;t iterryhill, Lulu God-
bolt. Jr
t r 1•'.a.'
a 11;a ry Cor.
11Lr. Baker, of lite Nulla rton c:r
nil preraoahed a:Mtirc'retry .e rvire s
t Freewill tae' Sunday. Mr. Baker
vas on this circuit as a young min,
ltd many of the people wait to
rcctvil l t•o !WIC shim tagairt.
Many people from here r1s'nt t.,
he entertainment nt Freewill Tues -
lay nftertioon. All report n ,rood
Some of the foot I, ill hove If rom
thele tet to 'the picnic sa^n r EX(.(1-r
least week and took part in the
g srlc played tuners• in the nftemoon.
Mr. freed .luhn:i from tho Toronto
ttniver:sity took charge of the ser-
viroo here eland ly morning.
aLns. 8, Kits! oat, of ( 8t-bringt•;1le.
and alias Leila. spent ra few thys :at
the personage.
Mr. Will John t st( I r •t ( broad
smile: tJiese dig.,. The stork recent-
ly t-i'itcd iiia home mitt left hint a
b•iby boy.
The young girls here ere busy
very nt
!t now 1
g it dr
or the 2nd of July e.n:crtnintnent.
nigh, 1•:111 \Vashbur.n. Jr, Itoorn. Sr,
111.—Evoly n llloomfield awl `.1innie I
Talbot equal, Jo! n Creery. Lillis
Galled t. Jr. .1I1—iirnma iltywood,
Arnold Clarke Jennie Campbell.
Jr. 01—Mildred Itloornfield, Alice
(tracery. Pt. 11-10ez Creery 1(07
Goulding Burgc s illoorufirld.
Sr. rl't. 1—Ula (Sornish Hardwick
(3orni'rh. ,Tr, i't. 1-_ini ► (1ieywoad
Louis Cot nisi'. Lloyd Johns.
). .11 c l)uLJGA l,l,,
1'..1NUNA 1i1/WAR1), 'rearltr:s.
8. 8. NO. 1, STEPHEN
'1 lie following is the report of he f
Senior and Junior departments of M.
8. No. I, Stephen. for the month of
'i y. \'.—\\'ills 1 Hodgins, ll.arol.)
lastpl an. Enc- \1•ilt•l .or, Sttuucl Mc -
coy. \\'illi m Situs. IV, — llladyq E,-(
eery. Margery ilepburn. Arch's.. Rob-
inson, .10501311 White, Frank Mitchell
Nene McCurdy, Czar \\'1140,0, Gordon
at -aeon. Lily Itob'n•on, Gifford 110-
tritt.h, Atttrrny Elliott. Sr. iV.
Hazel Dicks. Austin i)upl tie Eddie
Sing Dle�tvan 1Eimi n, .10511g)cmp-1
Dry. Jr, IV,-_Rm oW illi•, Iva Es -
The Kidneys
When they are weak, tor-
pid, or stagnant, the whole
system suffers. Don't neg•
lect, them at this time, but
heed the warning of the
achingback, the bloated
ass, h
sow oom ion
the unary a r, and
begin treatment at once with
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which contains the best, and
safest curative substances.
Tor testknon 1 Js of remoarkail+ls cut's
Send for �k�rcun.y,��. a�
How to dress well a_td do it economi-
cally is the important question our
lady friends are now consrdet ink;. We
have just received some pretty Waists
in some thirty different styles, all the
latest patterns, in silks, lustres, linens
and prints.
Battenberg Work
\\'e have just put in
these goods in a great
patterns. \Ve have
board ('overs, Dresser
Shams, Center 'fable
all price's,
a swell line of
many different
thein in Side -
Covers, Pillow
Covers, etc., at
Cheap .....
Mr. Jonas Hartleib wishes
to announce to the public that he
has purchased the Hardware
Stock of Mr. li, P. Paulin at a
reduced rate and is now in a
position to sell cheap as long as
the stock lasts.
Mr. A. Kellermann, who is (Mend-
ing tend-
ing the college La t Napierville,
is expected home this week to
spond the summer months.
The town trustees are busy work
ing at the r:idewnIks. We Hope they
will make it fine job of it while they
aro nt it.
Mr. Jacob leellerutann was in IIen •
snail Dfonday attending a storm In
surnnoe meeting.
See Jacob Kellerman( for nice
fancy collars and belts at low prices.
Mr. E. I'. Paulin was Home from
Godoricl, over Sunday.
The Dashwood public school and
the business men of the town dare
going to 1101d1 school picnic and Civ
is holiday on June 20. All kinds of
sports anticipated. Everybody wcl-
M.r. L. II, Wagner conducted the
quarterly services in the Evangeli •
all church here on Sunday last. Mr.
Wegner is n very powerful ttpe'akcr
and •his Kerr/tons were very much en •
joyod by all the people.
,1 etsrs. Jacob and George Keller
01:L11i1. God it•eid Oest reicher. lira.
George Kellermann. •Mrs. George
Edighoffer and Miss Lizzie Finkbci •
ter attended the Sunday School con •
sention at hamburg Jast week.
Mr. William Iileinstiver orient Sun
day East with friends in the 14th
concce etion, r
Mr. Silas Adani, anal 1' .1, Ehlers c
were in Zurich on Thursday evening 1
of Inst week
Mr. Welton t (put up alto tracks.
Mr. J. Voelker 1 est %%seek put uta
tsso ssindtuills. 0110 for Joe Broder
ick and olio for Joe 11'ilfoag.
Mr. J. Voelker left 'Tuesday for
Pigeon. Mich.. to attend the fune.rut
of the Into Joseph Schluchter. which
took place on \Vedrtesday. Deceasedformerly lived neer 11ashttoad.
Dlr. Herman1-:idt returned ,on
Monday from Stratford,
Mr. J. \Vilkacrt, nest of 1)aihwood,
tuts sold hitt well matched black teamfor a handsome figure and has pur
cirud another team' of bays.
Miss GraaJtan, 510111 teiturday ;,nil
Sunday with Mies: Jcckle, c,f the
London Road.
1fi a+s ltcynolds, of Sarcpla, in at
present tory ill.
Mrs. Lindenfielak and Mrs Chas,
canna of Exeter, spent a few days
ss•it'll Airs. Chas, Stciiihtgen last
Our villogo people tire pleased to
lean Dashwood the planing
mill has been taken over by a stock
company for lino purpose pf e.n •
larging the output of the ,plant.
Heretofore only the customary work
done at a plaiting mill ,was turnedout, but tho new company intend
manufacturing in addition, buggies,
oarrilget, tt agotts. cutters, tileisel's,
etc. The Company will be known as
the, Dashwood Planing 'A1 ill Company
Limited, and a few days aero a•eec•ived
Choir charter. The shareholders are
local men, and the :officers are as
follows: It. 8, Hamilton ,President
Geo. leoller►n�s•nn, ,Vice President ;
John Hoffmann, Manager.
The members of athte Lutheran
church presented their pastor. Rev.Mr. Eifert witJi: an upholstered chair
and Mrs Eifert with dinner set
and mantle clock. Iter. Air. Eifert
preached his farewell .sermon on
Sunday last to very Large congrega.•
t ions. Tthoi r many f riends ;regret
their departure but swish them RIC
fess in their new field of labor.
Mr. henry Willert 'had n success•
fur barn
raising on Friday last.
The bowling,grecn and lawn tennis
grounds one bow in splendid mitoticand interesting games are t being
played every night.
REDUCED HARD SWELLING.Mr. Gus E. Geroux, writing from
Pembroke, tells how the swim in-
jured in a lumber camp. "A heavy
log rolled against my leg and 1 was
laid up with stiffness and a hard
swelling. When I applied Poleon's
Nerviline I got relief. A few rub -
Tugs with this good liniment cured
rine." In the bush, Nerviline im in-
dispensable; it cures neuralgia, colds
•lteum•atism and internal 'disorders
top. No Merron e- n afford to ho
without Nerviline. Useful for ell
eternal and external pain. Largo
bottles 25e. ►at nIl dealers.
The wedding on Tuesday last of Miss
Rose Y ounghlut, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Geo. %oungblut•, to Mr. Joseph
hall of Pittsburg, was a very pretty
affair. The young couple were unat-
tended and the ceremony was per-
formed by Rey. Medd, While Miss
Smith of Goderich played the wed-
ding march. The house was beauti-
fully decorated with Marguerites and
roses and many guests were present
from a distance. Mr. and Mrs. Hall
left on the evening train for Pittsburg
where Mr. Hall is engaged in the real
estate business.
The setni-.•annual meeting of the
South Huron L. 0. 1,. was held hereyesterday 'afternoon.
Ort Tuesday n[tcrmoon. June 511►,
Mr. and Airs. Joseph Iludson, cele-
brated their golden wedding. Their
many Children and gra:ndc.hildren,
relatives, friends, and ncighltors as-
sembled at their home in the village
and !eft many tokens of their gootl-
swill. After a,1 bounteous repast our
t.hotoarnptter took n picture of the
party. Mr. Land Mrs. (Hudson are
dole and hearty, and will likely live
to see their diamond wedding.
Rev. Dr, Medd Jets been transfer -
ed by the conference eslcatioping
ommit tee to 1''ore•at. :During lois
><a.ttorato there Rev. Medd atlas been
•n able and faithful minister and the
ongrtegn t ion nt Forest ie to be con -
fel t ula ted
on--'itutatcd iu (securing such nn ;able
All to fill the pulpit there.
Miss \Valson, of Ayr, itt visiting
ire. Ytutgblutt.
Mr. Geo. Wren, sswlto wit seriously
I, has .almost recovered.
Mrs. Girlie+, of Forest, spent last
eek the quest of Mrs. Joseph Iiud-
,n and Mrs. J. Logan.
Mr. John \Velsh head the ruisfor-,
lite 10 get a bad fall last week. Ile
•ai working on n telephone pole
slen the top ,broke off precipitaati:ni;
im to the ground.
Rollin,, Mind, Weeding, l'rotrud-
tg Piles. Urugsists ire authorized
o refund money if Papa Ointment
lila to cure itt 6 to 11 drys. 50c.
Mr. Ad.,m Birk had his jaw Done 0
broken last week While driving posts g
on ibis farm. II o was holding the 11)
past twibh a lraandspikc when in some
w.sy it elippc-d hitting him in the A
j:aw. Dr. McLaughlin set the in
jural •nember. it
Mr. Ilermnn Fidt .h is returned
'borne from 11rantfor•d.
rs. A1, it. Hiller returned to her
home at Edmonton ,Saturday of last
week. tt
Mr. J. K. Goetz is toarin- away is
hie old hone and intends to put up t
new one in its place, Jl
Mr. end Mrs. Andrew Trucmnor
have returned to their horns in Pe A
lrole,. after viaitin( 'with their
d tu$rhter, Aire. Shrumm, of 'Dash awoc,d . t
Mr. Justice Tr•uentncr and wife f
hive returned from lite• Rend, after
leaving o week's vacation and ex
Ipoet to return to their home in
'ou nget own, Ohio.
Mr. Free' Stire, of Dt-iltss owl. has
accepted a position sslith Mr. hohract
of Zuriolt. We ss i;h Fred every
Mr. and Mrs. t4hrunt, and their
d'ughter. Beat rice. spent last Friday
at the Bend.
While hllo astslaldinti under n abed at
(ached to the barn, two sons of Geo. c
Eieenb.lach, concession 1.1, nay 1 p..
were struck by li;rltt nintr about seven
o'clock F ri.lny night, while n revere
thunder storm ss -:►s in progress.
t herr wits in1
stantly kine~ In his
brother badly- shinned, but will like
ly recover. The remains 'were in
(erred in t he Evangelical eemetr'ry
on S)ttnday,
Mr. Simpson lrol1151, sslleo'has been
working for tche past few tnentits
in :grit ford, moved ails family to
that city t 1111 week, where they .swill
make t heir home. 'Their many
friends swish them It t t►pttc'ss and
Telephone men were this yvr k
movitt•r the telephone posts out of
the suiy of the Lew csmant Rielesvl! :.
Mr. ,tofu:q 1farlleih. our tirades,
me•rc.h•ant. 'eenaq to be well plea. 1
twit 11 t lie 1m -ince; •fre is doing. 1'
is ','ant for the icelahratcd Pa c•
sire fencin;z, a tech is tonsidcrcd ►
ba t he bt►tt kind of fencing 'to d.: .
Ile is nos) .agent for the Oshawa rte 1
tr'ck end fres placed n Iirge ►iui.i
ber through this hart of the cOu:t
try. Ile has secured the services of
it it freely admitted, that it put
theta all down, and out.
Dir;. GUI will he found its the sin
old place, 0101 nity 0110 ss+lt0 hal t atil
cd of her hospitality, %sill be jure t
return again this scar. Her r c• f res
client .1 cannot be ovorestjam ted.
Mr. Tietcrtu,tn ;has his hike :Intl
confectionery store looking fine, end
deserves Itis shcaro of the public p It •
nonage, and let int' sty in toric l u i •
ion, that if the ptubliai; at 1 -sr, -1c would
tt.+tronize those who deserve it, our
bung would gross :;till faster, end
t is se a"110 aro looking for riot hin
but their .own greedy selfibh enc
would be sent to the lbackwood
for them.
there i
a pare surely 0sait-
Tho ft I
rnlen still announce sev-
cs-eral good lifts of fish. They have
been getting ±:a giott many (Perch
hilly Fritz i; kept busy t hest S lyes
looking after the 'welfare of his
Itobt. Pollock has tconin►enced to
ssiork for Win. Shcrritt.
Mr. henry Willert injscek his (taa.''n
o11 Thursday ;everything passing off
fine and dilly. The young people
enjoyed tllcuisalves in the tevonina
by trippins the light fantastic
Uncle John Southcott is cnTaaeel
in irlt.ak1ng new goals for uao this
Sum 111{51•.
U811011N E
11100 c,eil:ool children of S. 8. No.
5, tog'et►her with their ipare.nst held
u picnio Friday afternoon of last
week. Gamete were. indulged itt an -
eluding .foot-rociug. football, ole, In
the running ewentst here were races
for children, women and :remarried
mon. The football ga nee AM s the
event of the afternoon. $ide•-s .were
altto&en by school trustees W. Rivers
and Bob Sillery, reealting n
a tie. It may be said in
this connection that- Dir. Sillery
bad t ha advantage on his side, havirig
Lor )5)nle time previous to the Vic-
toria Day celebration at ;Exeter•,
practised for the married fatrmer;It
moo and was in good shape if or
sprinting 'around Myo field nt the
football game. However, the after-
noon twits pleasantly - spent, and
everybody wont home, some tired,
(especially the football players, but
pleased swit l their afternoon of en-
You catch a little cold (to-tl.ty,
by to -morrow it ,has reached (the
throat, next day the lunge tire af-
fected Land you wish you had used
"Oatarnlrozolo" which kills colds n
five minutes. In the first place (,Lit-
arrbozone eoothes the irritated menl-
bnanes and relieves colgestion,—t•lten
!it cuts out thtt phlegm and destroys
tde° germs. It eatables the blood to
retain n natural supply of oxygen,
( lung -food, and :vitality. Its any
cough, bronchitis or lung :affection
itis guaranteed to positively cure.
Decline any substitute for "Catarrh•
Mr. Wm. Ihazlewood, having spent
the winter and spring in Texas, re-
turned home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. .lames Maize are on
an extended driving tour to Coder -
Leh, Dungannon and l't. Albert vi3-
Iting friends at the different poiants
returning next week.
Mr. I1:►zel White, of St. (Marys
spent Sund@y at W. II. Ma•ralhall's.
Teo Misses Clough, of Woodstock.
aro visiting their cousin, Miss Lillio
Mr. Robert Norbhgrcave and Mr.
Diatlneson, of St. Marys, spent Sun-
day qt Mr. J. '1' vlor's .
Mr. Frank Mills, of tho Traders'
bank, St. Marys, is spending this hol-
iday ti in the village.
Dir. 'and .Airs. Marshall were In
Toronto a few days last week.
Mr. Fred Martttall, who has been
attending :tate Toronto V'nivcrsity,
bas itucccssfully passed his iI. A. ex-
amination, and arrived home on Mon
There was n large ' attendance
Tuesday evening; at the en-
tertaintnent given un
Brown's lawn, under the ategiicee
of Kirkton lodge I. O. r. The
speakers of tete evening were R. F.
(Harrington, of Oltatham, C. H. Mer-
rifield, of London, 1)r. Lang, sof
Granton, voted as ciltrtirman.
Mr. N. II. Doutxt tuts been elected
exam her for the high school exam-
inations at St. Marys,
Jars. Anderson is seriously 01 at
M:r. Itobt. Boat tie, who was er-
ioust y injured by being thrown out
of his carriage Rome seeks ago, is
able to be ut,out.
Rev. Voale hal ,reoovertset rtuffit
clently to be able to sit up� its bed.
It is 'trotred that he will be able to
occupy hit pulpit tat n few weeks.
Mr ituebcn Switzer took in the
1. 0. F. excursion to Niagara Falls
last Thursday.
Ira Marshall i. the lawn in
front of his house levelled I►nd fixed
It his turned very cool :after the u
recent electrical Atorm,.
Morris Jlronner 11 t'i opc•ns.1 up an s
0113,1 111 parlor, and is :a l -o ze i ri
to run a resturnnt in connection. Ile Tr
itis 'got his shop renovated rind has t
it looking fine. Ile is nlso prepared c
to take itt it number of roomers, f
who will find every convenient s in a
1The .anrt.iver,rlry of the Salem S.
. twill be held ,Mine 17 and 19.
The St. Atrys, Kirkton rind 1•:x(•tcr
letnc�►tic` ('omputty, hint 'pow oils' of
Ike Is tt 0110.11 r•tluip 1110:tit s its the
ount ry. A through trunk line
rom ►3t Alarye to Exeter r tOuNns
t Andoreon, k1,kton. \Vincthel« t
tel Elirus ille is in exo llcnt working
etmatection. and ni for ;a picnic -t►ot
Are Invited
To come and see the new-
est and best assorted stock
of Farmers' and Builders' IT;:rt1 %'are, Tools, P,tint::,
Oils, (lass, Screen Doors, W1'ringers, 'l'inwalt' ;1nt1
Largs' ;t :t)1't TII('nt of ST UV t:S and i h4 \ N(i I:S
60,000 Pounds of
—AT --
We call your atten-
tion to our large stock
of imported SuitiJigs.
The best offerings front
English and Scotch
mills, representing the
most fashionable weav-
es and fabrics.
'W. J4.gNS
Merchant Tailor
• Our classes are much larger
e than they were a year ago. The
• public have learned that this is
= the best place in the Province
• to obtain a Commercial or Short
hand Training. Students are
entering each week. All grade
Iaces get good positions, Write
for catalogue.
D. A. hicLACHI•AN, }Principal'
Just received another load
we will sell at $2.25 per
cwt. at the Feed Store.
call on us, we sell the best
at a reasonable price.
FLOUR always on hand
at the same prices as at the
Large quantities of po-
tatoes on hand, also seed
potatoes at $t,00 per bag.
order. Braurthes run to - Whalen,
\VOodlsam, Farquhar, Itutselttale,
Full•irtotes Corners, Motherwell and
a lino is in progress of building 10
A v ou ba.nk .
Forgy 11 irrosv itt on the nick list.
The ninny friends of E. A. Copee
land, of 11'oo4111►am, who had his leg
badly ft -wiled some time ngo, will by
pleased to learn that hr is lirogresse
ing •favorrtbly. Ed is now able to get
around with the aid of crutches, and
the doctor states, that nsiik- from a
litle• stiffness in Chet kites for 3 very.
short time. his leg ss-iil coon be ea
sell ns it ever was.
Mr. %Vatter ilazlewood iias raised
his Irl
►n acve
I feet andis
to taut :t cement block foundation
unde•rnoitIt it.
Mr. Itobt. Davis is get t in,>; t lie
greunel ready for the erection of a
nt' 's brick 'bowie, toed the old fatnil.
new I►riok house, atdl the old fantil•
will moon be a thing of the past.
The Annit•ersnry Service. of St.
Paul's Church were held on Sunday,
June .3. Sermons were vrn•teryl,(d to
Brien congrcgotions by Rev. .1. Mo
Cricket) of IT (gond de. On Thurs-
dty June 7th a 'supper ss•ns kervosi
in 'rho h ist ment of the church and
afterwards a concert was 'given in
the i'orrester's 11111. Addresses swero
delivered by Revs. Bartlett of Woad,
ham and Perkins of Exeter. lcsidcs
the locnl talent Mrs. Perkins rind
Atr. Brown of Exeter tendon,' ( °amt#
excellent musket eelect lone. Thn
progrimme was brought to an end
by to Miticandid Patriotie Ctnt It
which reflected great credit on ti,oso
taking start,
d11►• TCIO MIL It.tlL.
Bess the __ Til K '1Y:11 Hart II!*ars Pwittl
Nestor, /�• .l1�/l j�