Exeter Times, 1906-06-14, Page 1• t_ 4 • • Wedding Stationery Moung Ladies who are iutercated Iiia what is proper in the matter of Stationery for Weddings. should see OIiR. Isamplee, latest type faces. We Gan Lave therm ready in a few hours. niter HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETT Ei Call Up Phone No. 31 If you Lave any orders for priut• ins ,of any kind just call us up Crud we will bo pleased to look after your' wants, THIRTY-TILIRD YEAR -NO 1709 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 14th 1906, JOHN WHITS & SONS JONES & CLARKS' Rhone No. 32. Bargains White Lawn Blouses We bought a Job Lot of White Lawn Blouses at a very low price. They are assorted styles in Size 32. Regular $1 to $1.75. Sale Price 50 cents. Fancy White Muslins White Fancy Stripe and Barred Muslin, very nice for Children's Dresses and Pinafores. Reg- ular 10c and 12fc. Sale Price 8 cents a yard Insertion and Plain Stripe Muslin suitable for Ladies' and Children's wear. Regular 15 cent. Sale Price 10c a yard. Shirting Six pieces of Shirting, Light and Dark Blue stripes, extra heavy, good value at 12/ cents. Sale Price 10 cents a yard. Men's Linen Hats As a neat, comfortable, hot weather head -gear the Linen Hat is a Leader. We have just sorted up and can offer a full range of styles and sizes. Price 75 cents and 85 cents. Still on Sale regular $1 Shirts for Boys, to clear at 50c. Store closes at 6.3o every evening except Wed- nesday and Saturday. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing BUGGIES BUGGIES "Larry" Goes Out to a I Almost a Tornado. Barn Raising. IA HOWLING GALE, ACCOIIPAN- t IED 13Y TERRIFIC DOWNPOUR OF RAIN VISITS TIIIS SECTION Oi Wuz comin Erma th .Coort -- house won day L•isht wake, wed Inc Tons of water deluged Exeter and fried Jood„e Farmer, afhter vicinity •Frid.ay evening last, when to listenin' to t:h' discussion acv th' the accompaniemcnt of vivid flashes perpendicular disase av th' 'funny of lightning, and deep reverberations bone in the kickin' end av a horse's of thunder, the first violent storm 'hoind leg. whin he sez to me, "Larry, of the year burst in all its fury. It begone', Oiv bano thinkin' av thim seemed as though the elements aver° wonderful 'tresintat►ons Chet Rocky- at aver with each other. The rain feller and Andy Carnegie hes bane come in almost a solid mass. distort - givin' to thins ez .hoz edification all ed by the wind that howled as it over [11 country, fer th' erectile av swept around corners, and ran in monumints to their memory, an' to streams over the sidewalks. Crash kayo Ile •soide swells av' tis' banks followed craw t as the rain clouds met frum bustin' .holdin' their monney, above. by givin' it away. It's wonderful To the north of the town the wind bow fast monney will 'accumulate gathered almost cyclonic force, up - whin yez hcv lots av it. Now Larry, rooting trees and tearing the roofs to tell yea •th' honest truth, wud- off barns. dent it bo be a foinc thing if some On the farm of David Yellow t bo wan, who hez a phita;ntrophio tur-rn roof of the barn was blown into an +av moind, wud buy th' lot down fer- adjoining field, one of rho timbers retest the reliever track where the flying es far as the house, crashing byes play baseball, an sum av thim through the roof. The roof of John ithor enames, can' :presint it to •the Frayne's barn was ripped off.. A town, ez a monumint to their nrim- shed on the farm of Ed. Christie was ory. also unroofed. Across the road ton There's 110 use in Catkin'. a man the farm of Mr. Witten the wind Chez trubbles, aven though lie tl,,1s overturned a small barn in twhich monney to bu.r-rn, an' carries eight u'p's stoned n binder, mower and bug - day matches for fear he'll sbtartcw gy• The binder was rendered use - bonfire afore lie changes hz moind. less. Take me for instance. Oim trubbled Out on the Thames road lightning, kapin' the sissors sharp enuf fer played its part. A barn belonging to Butlin' out th' coupons, whet means David Cottle was struck acid burnel monney uthin they become due an' to Lho ground. Fortunately there yez fur -rte totem into th' bank." seas but very little in the barn at Just as me frind wuz teller' me the time. how the recreation park wud look In the town a number of branches when changed •to ath' John Farmer of trees were blown off, and the or. park. Who trhould come along but ohard of Mr. Wm. Bawdon was al- p couple av gintlemin dressed up in most wrecked, fully twenty frees ehtyle, woarin' whoite ehtippers, an' being • blown over. Along, the river droivin' Dyer Burden's automobilly. banks a number .o[ trees are down Upon close ,inspection Oi discivered as a reminder of the severe storm. they wuz De:e Itoulston, who took The top of an evergreen tree pn Doc Andenron's job as a tooth car- front of T. B. Darling's residence was pcnter and \Vallis Clark, who spinel. broken down :and tell across ribs .hez toimo whin uor-rki+t' bountin' silo Glk' station Mr. Colwell, of Cen- tralia in the Molson's rank. "Begarra. Larry" sez they "We ez 'had n team of horses in the makin' fer •tri' raisin' bee out to hotel .sled. Afier the storm had Tom Oameron'.s on .bh' Thanes Road. somewhat abated, he was backing his Wo reaaved an vnvitasion by It'h' team out. uihen an electric wire fell Clarke Wireless •tellcfone •loins,to on one of his horses, killing it in - go out there .an' look offerer a tug scantly. av tear m'aroli thet Paul Madge hez A barn belonging to Mr. E. Chap- arna tget1 betwixt the young wimmen tan, in Stephen, had the roof blown av Plugton'n an' Rabhole, an' we wud oft. John Schroeder, near Crediton, Lake yes to cum •along. an' drape bad has barn cribbed up, intending to ycr eyes on Dilly Monteith and see put u new foundation underneath it. tint he dossent rubber too tmuch, Tho building was blown over and fell atthin tae pulllo' comes oft" ►n pieces. Jacob Swartz, near Sharon "Gintlemin" sex Oi, 0i'11 laccaom- bad his driving shed blown to pieces, pany ye. if yez'll giro me toime enuf and a number of trees in his orchard sed bush uprooted. to berry a pair av shlipperi so ez me feet avon't get gum boils on em A portion of the roof of John Mor - from puntpen' th' automobilly. lock's barn in Stephen, eses blown "Shure ,Mike" fez \Vc►Ilie. en oft. At the time, he, his trite, little yez'll drop in .a n' eco Johnnie Merl- boy and hired man were in the barn lett an' get none av thim cieara that but were uninjured. I a %won [runehim on th '1Zavc's auto- Matbheav Finkbei,ter had a number mobilly not comin' in toeme, an' bor- of apple trees destroyed and Josiah ry .hez oke creme suit that he aycars Kestle, near Dashwood, had the roof on spiced occasions." of his barn scattered over the ad- Wihin Oi returned tar' itttlemin joining fields w•uz tsetse' fer late in front nv Joc A young lad named Arthur Eisen. Senior's fotygratt •gallery, an' Oi baoh, on rho 14th con. of Hay, was tended in wid em, wid the cigars in on bhc 14 concession of Hay t±vas struck by lightning and (instantly under rue ar-rm an'Joh nnecs creme killed Ile and his de mint suit on etc b:ck. (brother avcre The trip out to Toro's wuz full av putting the horses in the barn, and excoiterr_int, specially %whin Doc wuz the young lad was standing at the busy runner' ahead taken out fer door when the bolt struck him. ,horses that wuz not used to welt' A find could be seen west of Hee- things an' sects desks an' whin we sail, showing that the lightning had curroived nt our destination iverybody done damage up .there. wuz out wid blow horns to racaveSouth of Exeter end east toward] us, Navin' hoard (l' suit Oi wuz htrkton the storm awes not so se- vere, a few overturned trees being e•enr•in comin two mites aas•ay. T11' first thing .on th' bill av fare v about the only damage clone. wuz tar' pnogram, wid Paul cz mase A portion of the wooden sidewalk north of bridge i tLe t•e 1 a blown 10 11 l0 • ,.aft thea av h t ceremonies. Gintlll a the middle of the ;road. sez alae, •'Oi'll appint Tom Bell nn' IFreddie Ellerington ez captains av 13EATTIE WINS 1118 CASE thraisin', ran' Doe an' Wallie ez •�ttodges av bh' pullin' tet itch, meiotic Benc an' Larry run over to my place far tnc ops • ,:lasses so i%e w U IE 3 on GG S The case of the King vs. Lancelot Beattie, on complaint of Henry Ru• mrss anything." mohr come up before Judge }dolt in Doc, \Kalli° can' me acus c,it much the Judge's Criminal Court at God- intherested in the raisin' ez Fred oriel'on Monday, and was decided in Ellerinrtou bed taken' .i trip ninon", favor of Beattie, when Lc %w:.. com- them Highlanders av Il,bhert nn' Sc- Merely exoncrtitcd of the charge and cereal the rgrvices nv Aecti elaron g honorably nnuilted. The platter I ez 11`atrymplc, ,Tock , JMcbesn au first came up before 8ires Lewis +inxi'cial av them Scott=twhoile and \Veurth at Creditors in December Tom Dell bed to be satisfied wid Jim last, and they •diemisgcd the charge Ballanty,te, (lilt -lie hackney, (nen Mr. ltumohr was disatisfied at•ith the neawers, are a few av them sinus- decision and laid a new information min, typo cz repnl•acions fcur. r baits before 1'. M. Daimler of Goclaricb. yhtrong ar-rmed, %while we ayuz Ic[t 'Rhe avec r.1110 up at Exeter early in ‘tion, auk afhler lh 'lad, %yd aul the spring when only the evidence an' hilly cz inW►eresteiiesApectators,iPof the complainant was taken, and T'w.at•en1 long afore aye got the upon it the magistrate sent the Copp gime we wuz intherested in shtart- (o Goderioh fort rial with the above rd. l'nul triest to inveigle us into result. The charge twin the outcome us en •atobgara chai, but hcgorr,a deal between,een Iu ard Beattie Oi insisted on the line what 'Tom uses in which it was claimed that Beattie for dryin' elm hep, cz tic' ladies Assent traded a buggy and set of harness cz ihtnong pullerA rz Paul's chain- to. Ituntohr for a horse. The horse pion tug av nsa some, :111' th' rope rt'e's Heyer delivered to Beattie but wuz used. Rumahr lead obtained poasession of At the valor -rd "full' ivory u•ate the buggy and harness. \Vhen the iv thin dug .tear F'rinch heels in- liorsc ' asn't forthcoming Bea ttic to tilt" thud, and jerked fer dear Ioife• claimed the 'right to take bask his cabin kcr plunk, an 'Ih' rope busted, buggy and did Fo 'This constituted ntihacre Belly wuz 1ryin' wed hc'z knife the basis of the charge. to txo if it twuz in good condition, Mr. Pattie 1: as been a resident an' thin thane wuz. doings. Oi hid of Exeter for sever. 1 years and rhos the ory erases frum I'aul a,y borne a good repu. ;on and is to Dce wuz tryin' to oce if th'man Beattie eongrat'slated on t:.:4 completely tit' ,noon la 04 lookin' nn' \Vinic' had vindicating his good rl.:ar•tctcr. her: eyes on Jupiter are the big U dip - Mr. cattie %van defended by J. G. ^r, hoj(e Oe twshtop'rin' h• Stanbury of the law firm of t;lad- otam(.vette. e from th1,1.14,113,e! hosed>nll tf`eee man end Stenbury on ell three oc- casions and is to be complimented on the success which has followed his efforts in this else as well as a number of other recent c.a es, .of a crinin 11 nature, in which he has act- ed as counsel for the accused. Just received a shipment of "MARTIN" buggies with rubber and iron tires. Call and see them they will stand inspection. Also have a number of good second hand buggies for sale at a bargain. A. Q. BOBIER, Exeter. BE LOYAL Haying will Soon be Here Look to your haying tools, and see if you are ready for that very busy season of the year. We are prepared to sell you any tools you may need sueh as handforks, etc. and we spec- ially emphasize hay -fork rope. We aro showing th© best quality of British Manilla Rope, the price 1.k. per lb. :1% off for cash. Order early Don'tneglect to leave your orders early for Binder Twine. We have three tons of the Celebrated Plymouth Twine for sale.. None other is quite so good. Prices guaranteed. a The sa.rveces av Ili' veterinary wuz. called to kape Paul and Billy fruit' Iketchiu' th' hiccoughs front splittin' their %cedes, an' (h' ladies, what wuz doin' the pullin', %wuz tryin' to get untangled aftatcr .pinnin on their heads a couple av toimes. Metter Oi bed decoided th' snatch a drow, wo wuz shorn on our honors ez ler-rn raiser& to spoke to nobody nv what bed took place, an' treated oursilvcs to a glass out iv (ion's dandy lion wine jug, afhter which arts shtarted fer horn'. %t•ishin' ft h' same thing would happen jersey day, an' that recreation ',ark would noon bo presinted to th' town in honor on Rome urn who wants n lasting mon- 1)11. OVENS EYE AND EAR 8CR- geon, will bo tet tho Commeroitl Hotel the first Friday of etch month.I Hours, 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Maes- tri properly fit ted . nd disere^s ot eye, I car and twee treated. Next viral ('ridgy, July 0th. OAelTCI, I%IA.• Bears the Na„ t>s. / 11* Kiad'In Ilam Alin Br>Qtd Signature of CEMETERY MEETING A meeting of the cemetery com- mitee was held in Gladman and Stan- buryab toffietes on (Monday evening last, present, -A. E. Fuke, Chairman Messrs. Dottier, Weekes and Glad, mein. The tfollowing resolutions ue re Massed. Moved by Mr. Bobier, :seconded by Weekes, that the charge for cutting for 'cutting the grass on the lots with a lawn -Mower be one dollar per year. Moved by Mr. Dobler, seconded by Mr. Weekes that au iteinized report of the receipts and disbursements of the cemetery be printed and -distri- buted with the financial Statement of the village each year. Moved by Mr. t'1 Idle • 1 se -ended by Mr. Weekes, the. .. it . e- taker be notified to keep the. young trees Kier well watered and mulched and that the ox -eye daisies be cut at once Moved by Mr. Dottier. seconded by Mr. Weekes, that no person be al- lowed to place any ox -eye daisies on the graves, as they have a tenden- cy to spread. Moved by Mr. Gladmcan seconded by Mr. Dottier, that it be left in the hands of Mr. Weekes (lo procure suitable inonmarkers with the words "Perpetual Clare" on them to placed on the Iota of those Contribu- ting •to the Perpetual a3fainteitanoa Fund. Moved by Mr. Weekes seconded by Mr. Bobier. that the action of the Secretory in procuring plants for the cemetery be. oonfirmed. Moved by Mr. Bobier seconded by Mr. Weekes, that no person be at - lowed to plant any fiotycr•s on the graves, but that those wishing to take plants in pots to the cemetery earl have them placed under the su • pervision of the caretaker. Some correspondence was , read relative to the cast of a new tense and Agates and the matter was left over for further consideration. F. W. GLADMAN, Secy. EXETER COUNCIL The regular meeting of the coun- cii was held in the Town Hall, Mon- day evening. The first matter to be taken up was the finishing of the Court of Revision business left over from the last meeting. The follow./ Ina' names were added to the roll, Dr. Roulston, Fred Hector, Ernest Flynn Ernest Coombs, Wm. Snell, .Fred liawk:ihaiv, Ernest Holmes, J. L. Scott and Thomas Luker. The as- sessment roll was adopted as re- vised und the Court of Revision cloned. Mr. Wm. Delves asked to lave on outlet for the (Irvin on his p rotrerty The corporation will supply • the necessary •tile, the petitioner to do rho work. A deputation consisting of Joseph Snell and C. H. Sanders waited on the council regarding a loan to the proposed canning company. It was stated that the company will be capitalized at $25,000 all paid up, ani As bile factory and equipment will cast near the 'amount of capital sub- scribed, and swish to borrow $10,000 from the town for .r period of 15 years, tee amount to be returned to tto corporation $1,000 n year con• ntencing at title beginning of the sixth yoir. Mr. Snell in addressing the council said the establishment of a canning factory would be a good thing :and would completely revolu- tionize the preom t order of •affairs by snaking the town a hive of in- dustry. 'P ho council decided cd to cub. mit a by-law to the ratepayers for their emotion. Reeve Bobier stated that he had }laird from the Supt. of the 0. T. R. and that gentleman statea his company %would divert the road down near the (ow11 and build the static& where we want it, if we give them the right of tiny. 'i h rnenibei a of tile councei thought acs several erre agitating for the removal of the tracks a by-law should be submitted to the people for the purchase of the land through which it is propose} to run the line, :and Reeve-Bobicr and Councillor Fukc were appointed a committee to see the owners of the properly and secure en option from them and report at the next meet- ing of baa Council and form an esti- mate as to the cost of the change to the town. Thr followites motion was t►assed, "That We council record itself in favor of submitting the by law and that full information per tainisg to the matter be laid before rho council in writing .at the next meeting. Trac following ,tcoounts t;cre wets ed :and ordered peel; C. I1.Sne11, elec- tric lighting, $97.97; J. A. Stewart. supplies to cemetery, $I.60 ; Tele phone tent, $12.50 J. Sutton, labor, $2.25 • jt. Quante, do., $3.75; T. Creech, do.. $1.75; 1'. Webster, do., $1.50; 1►. Itussell, :2.50. Fred Gil lespic, $1.00: W. I'a.r,om, $1.50; W. J. Hie:Attt, $32.00; J. Ford, $27.00; 11. Parsons, e21.U0: Queen City Oil Co.. $4.70. HASE11AL1. 13ectamc old J. Pluvial.; hutted into the ball game between the basitteFY men and the regular team hat Fri- day night, the match was declared postponed until some future Mite. The regulars had been at bat three Cinema and had sewed five runs, twLile the business men %wer,' el tying their third inneng when the rain st sated, With one mon out they tied the score with everybody banging th-t bell. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tie Kind You Han Always Bought ROBERT E. PICKARD, FROBISHER, SASK. = EXETER, ONT, General Selling Agent. for Canadian Pacific Railway Lands and Canadian Northern Railway Lands. If you intend purchasing land in the West, we can give you the best land and the lowest prices and easiest terms CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. Address ROBT E PI6KfiRD, Froblsllcr, Sask BIG Reductions in Furniture Having purchased the stock of W. C. Huston and in order to reduce the same we will offer for the next two weeks, the entire stock of furniture, comprising -Kitchen, Diningroom, Bedroom, Drawingroom and Hall Furniture. Also many odd pieces and rockers at a great reduction. Call and see the many bargains we are offering ROWE & ATKINSON Furniture Dealers and Funeral directors, Exeter, Ontario 1 SMITfi BROW Having just bought out the Stook of Mr, L. McTaggart, Hay P. 0., we are opened up with a fresh supply of Fruits, New Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc. Give us a call and see our prices. BACON, 16 Cents BREAD, 41 Cents a Loaf PINEAPPLES, 15 Cents Each LEMONS, 20 Cents a Dozen Highest Prices Paid for BUTTER and EGOS. You will find our STORE always Open, SMITH BROW. 411 8. S. S. NO. 1. McGILLIVfiAY The following is the report of S. 8. 8. No. 1, McGillivray, for the month ot May: V.- Eileen Glavin, 1662; Angela Glavin, ,1592; Josie Glavin. 909.IV.-Herbert (Hanlon, . 1331: Adrian Coughlin, 1140: James O'Dwyer. 739 ; Arthur O'Neill, 704; Clement Glavin, 726; 0harlee O'DtSy- er, 422: Raymond O'Dwucr, 384. 1I1 -Blanche Curtin, 1586; Mary Han- lon, 1375; Mary Glavin, 1.338; Mar• lin O'Dwyer, 9255: Mary Fraser, 900: Willie 'Pltornpson, 776. II. - Pearl (Davin. 1533; 33 . Mun acnt a Hanlon. , 1.455; Rap(ie Glavin, 1369; Lucy Hoyle 1044; Vincent Thompson, 923; Bert Farmer. 788 ; jsabclla Praser, e448. Sr. 1. -Rose Hanlon, 726 ; pilaf Cur- tin, 561. Jr, I. -Leo Glavin, 321; Grace Curtin, 278; Adeline ,j'raser, 255. NONA CO!Gi1LIN, Teacher. 8. 8. NO. 5 McGILLIVIIAY The following is tee •report of S. S. No. 5, McGillivroy : V.-Itaymond Coughlin, 1090; .Tata. O'Leary. 938; Timothy O'Leary. 1V -Fred Lewis, reser -y-=- - Just 2605; -Tlhtr.-. Kilmer, 2224; iernold Coughlin, 2141; Violet Short, 2003; Aaron Scott, 1797. I1I.-Phitonteno Coughlin. 1607; Allio lJ.ghtfoot, 1558: Lorne Sholdicc, 1489; Minnie Hardy. 1478 Ella clod�son, l 1 5 ; Johnnie Coughlin, 1Q22: Willie MA,. guise. 1I. -henry Hodgins, 1730: Alex Hedging. 1711 ; Melvin Lightfoot 1500; Lizzie Cook, 1150; Alton Shol- dice, 965; Winnie O'Leary, 307; Wm. Tilbury, 148. i't. IL -Gordon bowie. 3035; Merton Morley, 3122; tJecil Jones, 318.1; Florence Kilmer, 2025: Cornelius Coughlin,hlsn 1818;;Vera Ham- ilton, a -ilton, 1497 ; Ilerold O'Leary, 498. Sr. 1't. I. -Elsie Lewis, 2135: Mary Daun. coy, 1500: Clarissa Soot t, 1386; Nor- man Short, 1282: Sylvee Jones, 1105; Matilda Datuacey, 356. Jr. Pt. f. - Vertta Hodgson, 898 ; Roy llod,lins, 661: Wm. ilodgins, 219; Cecil Light- foot, 122. A Class. -Willie Cook, Roy Hamilton, Milds O'Lc:ayr., :Robert liclgins, Earl Morley, Verne Daun- cey, Melia D.auncey, Earl Morgan. No. on moll, 48; average attendance 40. ALVINA WILSON. Teacher. Received Another car of Samson Portland Cement Parties wanting Cement will do well to make inquiries regarding this celebrated Brand of Portland Cement. Prices Guaranteed. Screen Doors From 90 cents tip, complete. Screen Windows from 15 cents to 40 cents. Hammocks from $2.50 to $4.50 Good, Strong and Lasting Coal Oil Stoves 75c to $6.75. Freezers from $2.25 to $2.'i a. HEAMAN'SIIARDARE and Stove Store.