Exeter Times, 1906-06-07, Page 8'i ti i' EX ''TER '1. 1 M E` 5, JUNE 7th 19)043
,- aa,F risers
Yes, !louse Furnishings is one of our Strongest Lines and the
present sca.On has been the best in the history of the Big Store.
We have repeated many of our best lines. Our stock at the present
time is very- cornplcte-uur sock of Carpets and Rugs is the most
complete we have ever shown.
�(� i. w. -Iv here Egglish Velvet
� 3 It,• Ili Huge, in beanttfal ►.est•
LJ h ..! teas of (iti•r•n told lit own.
I re .a• d 1.. t en aril the New Pastel
Wood rh'.'• na.. axe, only $:'�).
English Tapestry Boom
!tugs, elegant design)+,
new colorings. Best
!lately. -Great Value.
3x31] only$10.50
Very rich English Tap-
F.tt• the choicest English estry Room Rug, stye!!
V-•Iwet. itoent Hugs that wee e�0 new patterns, Best body
:a..va• ever shown. New p,t.- --very close and full pile -will wear
h ride, iegs--the richest, sod like leather. See them. 3x4 $11 50
mutat dill.tlee tugs we know ot. Yes, we have all Sizes. Conte in
3xt only $23, and see thein.
W 0 o l R oomm est." ' ono (,sizlith and that the
�1t 13!:;us.Best." Every size that, is !undo and
• a range of New Patterns and Coloa-
ing th it %wail please the tit st, exacting taste and Tickle the String of any
Money Hes. 3 x 3 fo: $7.75; 2i X 3 for $6.5o; 3 X 3i
for $:x.75; 3} x 4 f 'r $14; 3 x 4 $11; 4 x 4i- for $15.50.
STA Ni I' i'I11; ON YOUR I EMORY. These are the hest \Vonl Rugs that
your teat .y tan buy. \\ a have not one Low or Medium Quality Rug in the
English Linoleumns
copse it, us direct from the makers in
I3ritai,.. the spot where they know
just 1I'' % 1u make the kind that wears.
Ve h ,. •• it I,ig Range of New Lines in
Block Fati .I, Scroll, Tile, Carpet and
Inlaid !•:iT.-rts. 2, a. and 4 yards wide,
Our special quality 1 yards wide for
741.05 1. a %yin tier. You can buy
cheat et q't.Iltlies but would it pay
\Ve are showing some very pretty
lines in New Dinner Sets. Our Stock
is large and complete in every line. 1
108 Piece Semi Poicelean Dinner
Set, pure white body, decorated with
Hose Bouquets and Gold Traced. It's
lovely and only $1'2.5').
108 piece Mock Limoge China Set.
small neat Centilly Rose decoration,
pure white body, gold tracing. The
sweetest set we have ever shown
Bri 1; Along Your BUTTER and EGGS -They are
just as Good as_ CAS11.
AND- -
That is what we (lo
with any repairing ,lobs
you may leave with us
in(' our charges are al-
ways as moderate as good
workmanship will allow.
Bring Us Your RepairinU
Eyes Eested Free. EX ETEIc.
Say we got in some swell spring
Suitings last week. They are
right up to the moment.
1.. are two inches longer
th•t•, 1 t.t year and the Lapels
ee *s,. 'Hach broader and deeper
that y )u can't help but notice
The Vests are cut with five
ler tone and the Pante are just
a little p, g toppy.
They are hearts all right for
$15, $18 and $20
.sod nn natter where you go,
vita can't find anything that I
will fit es nice as they dn.
W. W. 'Taman
Merchant Tailor.
Mr. Mervin Huston, of Milverton,
is visiting bus parents.
Mrs. John White is visiting Mrs.
'1'. M. White at Windsor.
Mrs. Joseph Cobblcdick is visiting
her mother in Clark.
Mrs. Chas. Wilson, of Listowel,
visited friends in town Inst week.
\Lr. D. Wood and the \lis-ses Wood
visited friend?' in Luca ti on Saturday
lir. Fred \Villin, of Marlette, Miele
Is visiting ihis nuns, Mrs. Geo. Eac-
Mar. \Wilson. of Listowel, b•i+iled
Nits. ,lames Stewart, iluron street.
Sunday last.
Mr. and Mr.. Talbot, of Scafortle
visited Mr. and Mrs. 8. Martin.
Mrs. Evans, of Ailsa Craig. who
teas visiting tier sister, Mrs. Quince,
returned .home Monday night.
Mr. A, inlrie, of Toronto .!unction,
Spell' as few day:. the past week,
tlae guest ,of Valentin.• Mitchell.
Mrs. Ilivid (:obblediek and dnigh-
ter, Mrs. C. E. Carter, of Ails Craig,
visited friends in town ti few days
last week.
Dr. and Airs. Ho/lowly, of Wing -
ha few. .� :e.
11 111 ,P.
spent :l1
Ile. 1I. ar
week tate guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.
.1. Bissett,
of Exeter North left Mondgy for
London, wdime they will resifts in
future. Mr. Davis will continue tit
his occupation, that of ncasou.
The \tomtit of
15 11LRE.
We lis\•e solve very useful
as well as ornamental wed-
ding piescnts,
('all and see thele.
Tee copy for changes must be left
not later tbau Tuesday noon. Casual
ativestisemeute accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
' THURSDAY. JUNE i'f1I, 19110
REV. A. 11. GOING' \VAS SEL1',C'1'-
cd !tlini:eerie' delegate to t he gen.
shat conference.
'41t. A. ,DEAItiNG LAST sA'r1;11-
d •v pure:h•ir,ed the Louse and lot 011
Huron street from the executors of
the Iate 'fhomns Welsh.
\V1 --t Iluron Te.tahcr's Association
mill be held et Guelph, Friday and
SIturd'ty, .tune 15th and 16th.
te.we to -d -ay (Thursday) for 1't.
Ede, ard, where Mr. Johns %vitt en-
gage in I.he 11ruwf:•ctore of cement
:alt. C. E. MONCt:It \VI1O RE -
rent 1Y parsed his examinations at the
Toronto Scllaool tlf Pharmacy has
scored :I 1 os•tion 0 all t 1:rtlg firm
at Newark N. J.
O\V!NO '.0) AN • ERROR Tile:
.e-.1 teeming of the South literati
lea niers' Instil nie ecus allnD11i1Ced to
be held :it Crediton, .tune 2nd. The
date uhould be .lune 2211d.
Chapman, Attwood, will be at the
Central hotel, Exeter, on Hiturdlly
Jou' Ire la at 12 o'clock with a I,n1
of good. o-cll-bred velvet for sale.
Thornd-ile, waw Iasi wvicek elected
',resident of the L041(10n conference.'
Itev. Going, of Exeter, .and Rev. W.
.1. Ford, of Glencoe, Isere el::o est n-
diditce. .
1'11E EXETER J,ODGE 1. 0. F.
will t11 tend divine scrviee in -t he
James street churoli Sunday morn-
ing. June 17t h. The -members; are
requested to he .11 1 he lodge room
;It 10 ,o'clock. -Geo Anderson, Secy.
ing to Thonxis Carling, jr., had one
of its front legs broken last Friday
night. The animal n-ag taken to
1)r. Sweet's office, where the in-
jured leg w•.is put in splints.
don, took rluarge of the services in
the James at.reet ohurclt last Sunday
owing to Rev. Going tsceng in atten-
da nee at the conference at \Vindror.
Mrs. Liddicott aocoln(:.an;c•1 him find
spent t Ire day t he attests of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Wood.
Lutz .ins I,ur'Lau'd a drug store
at Lansdowne, a small place nz.lr
Kingston. Since rutting Its store to
\V. 8, Cole. the doctor felt 11.11 idle.
nem did riot ogre:, milli hint -Ina
sought a new location, witli the re•
cult that he decided to locate tit
Linstilotvnc. Nirs. Lut z lett Tuesday.
town have run un :,ga-iust :1 snag,
for want of grounds .for 11each tie.
in former years the round! ' ham
geantcd money for the rental of
mere ilion mounds but this year no
donation has been asked for, awl the
lessee of the properly refuses to Irt
111^ boys play unless the rental is
Paid fort 'twit h.
the formal of the late t1rs. Root.
Pickett. of Forest, who esus buried
hero Monday morning were: -Mr. and
Mrs. Elie% piggin+, Toronto, Mr.
and Mrs. 71I►os. Zliggins, Forest: Mr.
and :Sirs. Houuel Adair, Parkhill..
Mr. and Mrs. \Vat. Pickett, Forest,
Clreries Pickett, Detroit : John Pick-
ett, Forest';Ind Mi54 M. Gilmore, For-
t 1a' c+ongrc-g:r t for 4 of he freely.
tul,i:in aatd M•'1n eteed L\1etJwr,l.vt
e,hurc[v-s last Sunday were well a1 -
The r.1 -vices 111 the morn-
ing %ve+te Utetd in the 1'reabyteruan
Church -orad iu ilia Alain 8t. Church
:n the evening. The nn:' wader
twin prevail next Sunday, ns Hew.
Godwin will not return until n•: at
those intelesled in the formation of
a canning helot wale held in Itcew'o
liobier's office Thursd.ty evening of
1.1'1 week. .lusted' tines, manager of
l lie 11 sow's ei
t 1 11.1 k
(, n nw,av elected
elrlirman and .1. G. Jones, secretary
It was decided 1 hat as soon as 1 ho
p•ospectus is received hest sub.
trriptinl:s to 1,nak t+'' rolieitcd .Irad
t he company formed.
celebrated at the fleet toy Sift; hely,
June 211d, when Miss CI:Ir t Maude,
*second ;toughie, of John St intake,
of Stephen ,was married to \Vestry
thea ring. The a renaony (Wel% per-
formed by Itet•. Perkins. Mr. and
airs. Desiring left the AJ111e day for
Kingsville to visit n few steys, after
which they will teturu and snake
their home on Mr. Deiting's farm
in Stephen.
\VF. ARE 15 A i(F,CE,II''r 01' A
onpy of the Detroit Free press which
gives ,a II re of IJic beautiful
u ,sidetlee rcc•..nl ly erected to 429 E.
Grand Iloulewird by Dr. .1. W. 111 r.
risen. The boulevard is the ;nest
beautiful thoroughfare in Ilia city,
and 1)r. Harrison's residence is loca-
ted in the lrrellia'41 grist. it is at
the corner of Kerchev,l Avenue, an.
other very pretty rreidenee, street,
end 1 w blocks limn the cntretire
to 1 he !tulle isle ilridgsc.
DOES Cr PAY 'rt) ADVERTISEin idle 'rim%cl The following from
\Vt%%%3fl41Sl, \ian., 10 Mr. It, E. Pick -
tart', who hie received m any in.iuir-
ies for in the Northwwevt
ttl►nolgh L•- •Jtertircment fin the
Tunes, looks like it. "Mr, 11,
1'ir•knrd, Ik:tt Sir, Hiving ween pour
ad 'n the ,'.z, ter 7inmes 1 ttould likt}
to know why your Islets ere situ.
:geld 1 i you htvo for sale, bout 1 h
C. 1'. 11. i and* and 1 improve
1au.le as well. 1'Ie Ise gi% 0 prleos
and entente down for first payment.'
Yours .1. It. I'ettwick, 111'1w'anesa,
Summer Wash Goods
All on Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices.
I,lrI► yards Fancy,,Muslin fine quality regular price 25 cents.
On Salo 12, cents.
5011 yards tress Gingham its all Colors, plain and fancy patterns, regular
price 121 cents. On Sale 10 cents
sett yds Zine quality Chambray, colors (Zreen, Pale Blue and Pink. Regu-
lar Pt ice 121 Cents. On Sale 10 cents.
test yards -large Suiting in Dark Grey and Linen, regular price, 20 cents.
On Sale at 15 cents.
254) yards White Vesting, small scat Patterns, regular price :0) cents.
On Sale at 15 cents.
75') yards While Muslin in Pretty Stripes and Floral designs, regular
price 21) cents. On Sale at 12; cents.
Very Interesting Prices in Hosiery Department
\Vonlat,'d Black Cottou Hose Warr -Woman's Black Lace Hose full fusdl-
anted fast dye seamless foot. 8i, 9, 91i• ion ed seamless feet warranted fast
on sate et 1.2o.
Woman's Fine Muco Hose. Warra-
nted fast color, full fashioned sizes 8�
9 91.on sale at 21}c,
Children Cotton Hose in 'I'.ul Lace
Woman's White Cotton liose very
in different shades it. all sizes. fashionable fins quality all sixes
Childtens White Cotton Hose Plaintin sale 124c.or lace front in all sizes. Price accrd- \Vontans Black Hose very fine silky
ing to size. quality embroidered with silk in dif-
Children's Hes Cashmere Hose fine
1.1 Itib beautiful quality. on rale at 25. ferent colors on sale at 4Sc.
Never have we shown such an assortment of White Lawn Blouses.
An immense range of different styles, now is the time to chose your Waist.
. r
- u)
Special lot on sale at 7.,:, $1, $1...,, $ ,
PRETTY SILK CAPES. -Two only very choice Black Silk Capes. 30 inches
long, prettily embroidered and tlniehed at bottom with Black Silk
ruching, long Silk Ties. Regular price $12. On sale at $10.00.
VAL LACES AND INSERTIONS. -3,000 yards Val Laces and Insertions in
different widths, lovely fine qualities. regular price 7cand8c, on sale at 4c,
BOY'S WASH SUITS 11.23. -Boy's Wash Suits in a number e of$d ff rent
styles. Prices $2. $2.25. On
Store Closes 0:30 except Wednesdays and Saturdays.
black sires Raj Il DI on sale at 21c.
\Vontans Tan lace Huse in different
shades Tight cool and fashionable
on sale at 21c
110Y WANTED -TO LEARN TIIE' Market Report. -The following is
general store business. Apply Carl- the report of Exeter markets. cor-
ing Bros. 'acted up to June 7t1.
been in London for Ulre past two or
there months undergoing treatment,
returned borne Monday night.
ticketed Monday for Lire Northwest
by Depot Agent J. J. IC.nigiltt, were
Nies. and harry E1swworWiy, for Ed-
monton :.1trs:to i1i11 anti William 1011,
of Orcditon; for Edmonton, and \V.
11. Harvey for Edmonton.
Mit. R. F. 1'ICICARD Li -:FT \WED-
nesd•:ly for tate northwest to look :►i-
ter t:he .selling of C. 11. It. einas for
%%;hicit he is agent. While here dur-
ing tihre past couple of weeks, Mr.
Pickard closed several Urge dells
for 1torJlrtwest lands.
Tuesday for Toronto Io be int at.
(enflame at the p1esent:atiouof Pim
B. diplotnns :1t Stetted of Pharmacy
Friday evening.- The tt.resentat-iou
will be in rho afternoon and will bo
followcd in i he evening by a banquet
I his ww-'eck of the death of Mrs. W.
8. Lang, at Virden, Man. Deceased
wwas a resident of Exeter for some
few years and had many friends here
%t:}ro s=ympathize with the berta-ivrd
'husband and wwo shall children in
their' Iosss.
Case, N.D. llurdon, and Ernest El-
liot were appointed bate committee
at L'hc eon„teg•Iliote11 sleeting of the
Trivitt Aleut/0611 church last '1'hurs-
day evening to confer with the Bis-
hop ,regarding the appointing of a
successor to Itev. Perkins, %rho will
leave in a few weeks for Ingersoll.
disirict surrounding I•:x:tcr, cout-
pl icing atwenty-four shipping 'hints
for Mets, contains 365 farmers who
arc growing sugar beets totalling
768 acres, being one-seventh part of
the whole crop grown for the Ber-
lin Sugar Factory. it i:+ 4o be hop-
ed the sugar beet fields of this dis-
trict will receive thorough cic+:,nin,>;
and cultivation 10 they may contt'arc
favorably when in -vested in ;June
by Dr. 19hu,tlewworth, with lxiet fields
ur other dislricta and bring highly
profitable returns to our f'irth's•s•
of Eliza Ann iliggiue, write of Itobt.
Pickett, at Forest Saturday, .lune
and at the ago of 25 years. A few
days ego Mrs. Pickett sustained n
f -ill, which r.iti-i I t he premature
birth of .:1 child, and ended in t he
dcal•h of the young woman. 'f he
deacslsed was ;a daughter of Mrs. T.
.and married
Minim, of Exeter. . n L was m
.about 1)u-ee years ago. going to
Forest, where her bomb incl is employ -
(41, to live. The remains were taken
to Luceti Sunday. nest later in 1 h:
day brought to the home of her
71101. her Lc•re, the funeral being held
Mond:y n:orr.ing, hntcrtnent being
in t:he Exeter cemetery. Ite•4idc,4her
husband, a young child, and her
1110.410r, Ow le.wt:i la 01011r her
Io+s blare bre. hers, Willi 1111. Robert,
P1 ay anti 1 -;hit.
The optimal bit -'gess u.l )+tin;: 11. 11
Beeler branch of Elie \Vein Inas In-
stituto ens held in Senior's Hall on
11111)' :t1trnoon June 111. Very
"1i.isfactory repor.s of 'work done
e c ,, n lad
and thous+ ,re
, received awl xl
.taring Ida(' yosr, were tre.ived. Till'
t lt'i tion of officers look place with
he following results: Ilon. I'res.,
Are. Jt,lrntt ; fres„ Miss II -ills: Sec-
Tretrr., Mrs ,!last logs : liire.!.lors,
Airs. Nl.i,nrOn, Mrs. Howard 1ti,1 Mrs.
'I' redo : Librarians, Mrs. Poeta! and
Mr'. Monroe ; Organist. Miss Lee is:
inaader, Mrs. Melon's; frees Cor..
rs. Awee. ArrIngenienls were 411.
somade for the demonstrators, Miss
Dun:ato, of Eatery. 110 Mrs. Wit
of Clinton, mho mei r(nt Mil t) .L.
Agrioul,oral dee trlmen. .0 •,i%.e
practical demonstrations in cooking
toil tile.,afterru•)n uld corning of
Jun" 2011,. A r -,:sled invitation is
given to tet` t.ubli't to attend.
Wheat, 78 to 8.2 cents per bushel.
Oats, 36 to 37 oenta per bus
Morley 42 to 45 conte per bus.
Peas, 60 to 6t -t roma per bushel.
Shorts, $20 +t ton.
Bran, $18 per ton.
Flour. $2.25 per cwt.
Fend Flour, $1.25 per cwt.
Clover need $8 to $9 per bus.
Huy, 7 to 8 1-2 per ton.
Rutter, 16e. por pound.
Eggs, 16 ocnts per dozen.
Onions 75 erntts per bushel.
Dried apples, 5e. per lb.
Cool, $8.75 por ton.
i'otutoes, 85c. per bag
Hogs, liveweight, $7.25 a
llogs, dressed, $8 to 9
is a tonic food of unusual
merit and just the thing for
raising Young Fowl. Sick-
ly broods of young chicks or
turkeys are never seen
is fed, Nothing but nutri-
ment. Thug it quickens
their growth, prevents and
cures all poultry diseases,
and it le highly recom-
mended by till who have
used it. Try it now while
you need it.
2 Pounds for 25 Cents.
Prepared by
W. S. COLE Phm B.
Manufacturing Chemist.
loll 1 he fore part of the week, snak-
ing arrangements prior to Ids mov-
ing Ahcre to take charge of the
church as hector.
M('Llt, OF THE \VOOLEN M11.1.
%%ill be at 1 1,o old market every day
to buy wool. \Vool unloaded :it the
lu.arket. Highest cosh uricc paid,
We carry one of the finest up-to-date stocks of Ready -to -Wear
clothing in the town both in Men's Boys' and Youth's. The quality
and styles the latest and as cheap as the cheapest, Just received a
consigninent of these goods today. Conte and inspect them and
convince yourself that what we say we do. Another thing we
would say, not t.vo or three prices fur the one article. Our stock
of new and natty
Ties, Fancy Shirts in Soft and Hard Fronts
are up-to-date and at prices that will please you. We carry Ieilb►•,
line of Dress Goods in all the leading cloths -Venetian, Broad
Cloth, Tweeds, L•lliennes, Crepe do Chene, Cordc de Sok, Cash-
meres and Lustre, in all the leading shades' Don't forget that we
have in stock
that have no equal as to price, style and quality, you cannot help
buy. Prices very reasonable. Don't forget we still carry the
celebrated "ASTORIA" shoe. Highest Prices paid for Produce.
$1.09 Opens 1111 f16601111t
People who go to the Bank regularly and deposit a part of their
earnings, get something more than exercise.
the stoney saved, they are laying the foundations upon which a fortune
may be built. We credit
Interest Quarterly in our Savings Department.
Sovereign Bank of Canada
Fut your nu)tiey in a place where you can get it when you want it
Western Real Estate
Exchange, Limited. i STAR
78 Dundas St., London
Have you a form that you want
to Relit Write for our terms of sel-
ling property. \\'e have the most
complete method of adverrtieine and
Ilcllint property in Canada. I)o you
want to buy a farm or business
property in any part of Ontario?
Send for our list. We have some
Mr. J. G. .1 -once spent Monday in
London on business.
Mrs. Thos. Clarke is visiting
friend.+ in Sta(fa.
Miss Alda 1)'nsd.Il.', of IC'open, is
visiting friends in town.
Mrs. F. \V, Collins is visiting
blends in London.
Mrs. 11. Windsor, of ilroen City.
Mich., tw v.isiling her sister, Mrs. .las,
Gould and other relative-•, Fere.
Miss Hattie 'rollick its writing her
brother and sister in St. Marys.
Air. :Ind Jars. Bee, of Parkhill, and
Halliard Gilley and Gordon Camer-
on. of ilayfield, %wore I,he guests of
Rialto -el Gilley over the `24111.
Mr. J. N. !Howard left \\'edncnd•ty
for London o here Its will visit for
:1 sI.ort (iltle.
Mrs. .1, Pring of lied.•riele spent
the forepart of Ilse %%r.•k with her
se,•1(t, Mrs. C. Luker.
Mr-. \V. Htgs)tiw is visiting her
d ntght(•t, Mrs. M. Sample. of Foliar -
t('side:nee. Apply to Andrew Cibton 1)i1. I1LTLER, (1F LONDON, \VIL1.
Thames Road or John Stockman, be at the Contra! hotel, Exeter, on
teal estate agent, Exeter. \1.,nd,y. .fury' 1N, 1906, hour a: 1(1 rt.
1)11. OVENS EYE ANi) EAR SUR- m., to 5 p. m., for Eye, Eat, Nose
goon, will bo at the Commercial and Throat consultation. Eyes test -
Hotel the first Friday of (tach tnonth. cd and glasses tsupptied.
Hours, 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Glass -
Owing to oyerflow of copy the ro-
cs properly fitted and dine -lea of eye, port of the Cemetery Committee and
ear arid rose treated. Next visit y
Frisby, June Int.
Reeve Battier is having shout as
many troubles as the fellow who goes
out looking for then!. Ile is just re-
covering from a severe attack of
lumbago, and about sheen tine's every
hour,ho is asked about his auto,
whicwas due here a month ago.
We ate reliably informed that the
machine is built and have seen a photo
of it. 11 was ready for delivet'y sever-
al weeks ago, hut the man who is
building it got nnche• ed in the sand a
short distance from 8t. \Villiam and
h.el to return and make sand tires.
With there lie got through the sand
e Imes dully, when he ran into a stump
breaking some of the machinery.
Again he returned tel his shop, made
the necessary repairs and is now
awaiting a 11 it cat• to bring itas far
xs Wnnds(nck, as he does not rate 1,.)
take any more chances with the sand
and stumps.
a=1PIN�••-fir..�r .....M.r.••rM*/I.r...... •...... ,Ar/ate .i/�w.,erwlfir
f+•itisfied atesh y-ur short, ett:hLT.
a .::c:gigglyi:at"?trwest t youlJ:s i!r ( tor,; or, richer, thicker!' 'ltlpn lana it
with 3!d<ll n . rrctaLlo t3t.Uian Hair
N Rano:vsr. Tit.c's cc,li:l crmtort in
k andsorno Lair. Oct at ! Be hr ppy 1
(% p 1nr, Ile wi.i.)rn and r,r•n+t.r1.• are rtrk•
I ti. i 4' A'ov0 rr t t(INdiliA li'h i a4 heelers . n Ir.,w>t
A ♦♦♦ r.r rs ruff l•'act1:. )' HALL*ta.ahua. H. 11
several school reports tyr're crowded
out this week.
�l.r Tor. T.wr..
1 heat the Oriole calling,
'Midstthe apple blossomed tree:
And 1 know that summer's nearly
lt'e it sure sign as sen he.
I can see the gold and orange
Of his lovely pluulsgeJ friend.
As 1 hear hien sharpy calling
To the mate he loves the hest.
In the elm !tee high above Inn
Out on a slender limb,
11e will weave his little hanging nest,
Out of reach of ,lack, manna
And f he smuttier win.i will sway it
While his matte t.xkes fondest cat's
Of the winsome little Whin),
Who are rocking high up there.
111 ! bird ! from the sunny land just
You're ;15 welr.nne ns can be,
1 love to see wnu Milting for '.Ile. All kinds of 'Pons 170, earl
Alr%nit from Ire's to true, end (.11)b0ge, (ksuli(lottt.r, Celery
Your song it slar'ake of pleasant days y1orks, Astern, Verbena, Pctuisi.
That seen will past sway Daisy, Pansy. Foliage awl Geranium
summer glide*, on 11) wittierplants al lowest cosh pi ice, for bed -
As the rl ti knees follre% day. ding out. --Al Louis 11,y'e, llrarket
N. Dyer Burdon. Gardener, Exeter.
touches the top notch in quality
and invariably yields the best
results in baking. The demand
for a good Family Flour is fnlly
met by STAR FLOUR.
Wheat Oats and Ibtrley for
which we will pay highest mar-
ket prices.
Merchant Millers
To Boston
Going Returning
\lay 31 UJntil
1'0 June 11 June I'(th.
The only through car
set's ice;, route. Thcpugh
Pullman Sleeper Toron-
to to Foston.
Home Seekers
$32.Oo To $32.5o
To points in Manitoba,
.Alberta, and Saskatchewan.
Via North !Bay Via Sarnia
June 5, 1901. N. N Co.
July' , t7th. June 4, 20,
July 4, 18.
Returning Within 6o Dayr1
For tickets and (full in-
formation call on
J..1. KNIGHT, Depot A;ent
i'LANT:S, I'LAN'I'S-:0.110► PI, ANTS