Exeter Times, 1906-05-31, Page 5r eiry To Cure a Cold in One Day m Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. . f� box. se. �.vtes Mon penes soil In pest 12 motrtks. This signature, /fir THE E8E'J. ('R TIMES, MAY :31st 1:►O11. ROSS -TAYLOR CO'S. Piainlno MIII, Door Fa6torij, lumber Yard and saw NI are open and hubtling daily and a full btock of Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts and all kinds of Building Materials always on hand. BARN SASH in abundance. BEE HIVES finished or in knock down. always on band. WATER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Saw Logs. %atom Sawing Promptly Attended to. Estimates Cheerfully Given. LtO., Tao Ross-Taulor Go. Exeter. rN+++++++++N+i•+i•+ 4+++N GOOD NEWS FOR Tne Usborne and filbert ' Farmer's Mutual Fire lnsur- THE FARMERS. :+ No more hole digging t to put in fence posts just drive them in with a sledge hammer. Far • ahead of any ever yet seen around this part of the country. Colne in and see thein for yourself. We have had a great + many iron posts brought in latelyl •) and an prepar- ed ed to sell them cheap. $ Scrap iron taken in ex- change. 'JACKSON &SON Main -St. Exeter. One door south of the Metropolitan lIotel. 4.4-444-4,444-1-++++++++++++ +++ MEDICAL T W. BROWNING, M. D.. M. C. ea • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Uni- ottT. office and restdeneuce. Dominion. tasoratory, Exeter. DR. A. F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- ages and Surgeon... Successor to Dr. J. A. ins. Office Main street. Residence. east M fln:t street north of Post Office. I•:xeter, Ontario. DRS. Y. AND II. M. COWAN, 391 Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. {erliono 151. Long distance connection. •� a-tention given diseases of women and dory. Oxford or l'. P, it, Street Can to Qplbortie street tnko you almost to the door. d jtherher arra,gementy tor patieoffice. Special nts Hospital fttance. DKNTAL Dtt A. R. KINSMAN. L. D. 9. D. D. S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Dentist. I'r•eth extracted without nsln01 pain or bad after effects. Office fa Fan- "on's block. West side of Main Ireett.`Szeur• DR. G. F. ROUI,STON, L. I). S., D. I). S., Dentist.. Member of E. C. D. f., of Ontario and Ilonor Graduate f Toronto University. OFFICR:-O• er Dickson & Carling's Lw Offices et Dr. Anderson's former dental parlor. HONEY TO LOAN. We have a large antonnt of private funds to oar on farm and village properties at lowrate. «latAra74 GLAD/MAN k STANBURY Barristers Solicitors. Main SA Kiefer. DICKSON & CARLING, tisedate/rs So'tcttorsNotarles onveyaacers Uornmisedrrnen. Solicitors for the Motions 44111- Bok. Eta Mosey to Lora at lowest ratan of interest. OFFICE: -S, AIN STREET. )ZXATEN. a. oammea R A. G. I3. Dtt>:a01. TTHOMAS CAMERON, ('ONVEY- ancer, wills drown, stoney to loan on real tioneer for Abe cocountlettofe. atluro 11 nod.e Pertd h(hargos :moderate. Orders lett nt the 11sra8iratmy residence, Farquhar will receive prompt atten Moo. •ONEY TO LOAN a We uponave 115)111 or nlimitedvillatte f tol�y ab rivate funds tor 1 was Mas of Interest. CARLING DICKSON & Exeter EXCELLENT BREEDING STOCK 1.1111) SHARP 1s a Clyd • 't'Ilion. four years old soft n, three white feet. rear on fine. llinttdty, Sidu''y Andrews, lot 4, con. 6: Muff ttt'a liotel, Oontrnlia. Cil Tucrdo noon: Join ilepburn,'e. lot 3, con. 4. Elleitirry.v. Weil ntx+rlry, Win. Kelly's tot 13. saon 1, iliddnlph ; ('1 ende'hoye 'hotel. Tliurvetry, (:ext. 1iaskettee 4th eon. Diddulph ; Win. Toohcy's lot 22, con. !f, Ili(1dult,h. Friday, 1). I:utt^+: Thomas Morley, Whalen ('onnars. Siturdiy to his own settee. G. COW \ItI', Prop. ante Gompanh Head Office. Farquhar, Ont. Pres.: -J. A. NORRIS, CROMARTY P.O Vice -Pres.: -J. L. nessELI.. Irl ShLL •s - DALs P. 0. DIRECTORS. W. H. PASSMORE, FARQUHAR P.O. WM. ROY, BORNIHOLM P. O. I. L. RUSSELL, RUSSELDALR P. O. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. O. AGENTS. JOHN ESSERY, Exeter, agent for Usborne and Jlitldulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro event for Hibbert, Fullerton and Login. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANBURY. Solioitors What is Home without a Piano or Organ. Cerainly not all that it might be Call and see us and let us show you some of the highest grade PIANOS AND ORGANS that Canada produces. They are certainly works of art. SEWING MACHINES Then in Sewing Machines we carry the best that the market affords. Do not listen to what others tell you about our prices and terms, but call and satisfy yourself. We will make them to suit you unless you are very hard to please. S. MARTIN & SON NOTICE TO CREDI'T'ORS in the matte- of the estate of Iktvid McNicol, late of tete Town- ship of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Farmer deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to 1t. S. 0., 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said David McNicol, who died on or ;about the 14th kLiy of 1kty, 1906, aro requir- 1 c+d on or tteforo the 12th day of June 1906. to pend by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Gladman & Stan - bury, of the Vilingo of Exeter. So- licitors for tete Executors of the said deceased, their christian and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any held by them. And Nether take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the ossets of the de• ceased agmen; the parties entitled thcrcto havin; regard only to hte claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or ;thy pert thereof to any person or per+ons of whose claim ttotice shell not have been received by them cit the time of such distribution. (MADMAN & STANBUItY Solicitors for slid Executors. tatted nt Exeter the 21st dray of M iy, 1906. 1:1Iti:TON Quilt a number from the village attended the sports at F.xeter, and many others the laying of the corner stones of the neer Methodist church at \Vood}i.am of Victori a day. Mr. Ilarry Robinson, of J.ondes• boro spent the 24th with his pirents in t he village as also did Master Mel- ville. Mr. Thos. Walker ,of the public reboot, Tory ably took last Sunday evening service in t he , iMethodist ohureh, giving a very good sermon. Mr• itiah. lioxs' (tong trade a break for liberty on S.aturd ry esenin t last but being Itendic•tplted by the tope halter it did not make very toted 'Weide-1y and wan caught about three quarters of a mile north of the vii. lags. Mrs. E. Robinson, of Stratford, i, visiting at Mr. Robt. Robinsons. A good number from the village attendees the 8. 8. contention at Lu- oan on Tuesday. Rev. \re_ele is slightly improving he again. loon l co'trti of the 1e for 110. r.lpur pose having their annual garden flirty on the 12th on .lune. \V itch for bills liter, something very at- tractive. i y\ \wv��,�:���� NNNN" :v \ TORI The Klud loft Ilavo Always Bought, and which has been fu treefor over 30 years, has borne the signatiiro of and has been outdo under his per.. t" ��- conal supervision since its infancy. �� ,Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are bub Experiments tit:►t trifle with and endanger tho health or Il:fonts and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. gorle, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other NareotIo Til . • Ih lane•' s agoi:• i t (,. It is guarantee. 1 destroys ty e t�Vor me stud allays I'et•erishuess. It cures DI;irrlwea and Wind Colic. ft. relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the $tont:►e'L and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -Tho Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TUC e[NTAt.N eoreaNr. 77 NUaa*T STacirT. N[M 7055 CITV. Annual fleeting • The annual meeting, of the SOUTi1 HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE will be held in Miller's liall, Hensall, Monday, Jure 4th. 1906, at one thirty o'clock. The following order of business will be transacted: Reports of President, Executive Committee and Auditors, suggestions of points at which to hold regular and supple - tar ' meetineTs election of Directors and Auditors for ensuing men } r , ; Ilorcy. year, etc. A judging class demonstration will be conducted at three Mond ry afternoon and was largely attended. She leevea to moors her loss sews) sons and a lost of sorrow - fug .friends. \Vc extend our sincere sympathy to oar pastor in tris be- reavement. Itally lit). was observed ty, the• Evangelical church ,on Sutfday. No service was held in the morning. In the evening ;t program was given, consisting of essays bearing on the Young "'simile's Alli -ince work. ex- ercises by 1.he Juniors, speoitrl music by the choir. Collections here taken up ,in beth elf of` slanders. Mr. and Mrs. T. Sctttx•Ili3 visi:ed relatives at Goderioh last week. A number from town attended the celebration at Exeter on the 24t1r. Mr. A. McLeod spent 'i'hurstley at Credit on. D1iss M. Ilc.,t visited ,,t Ler home in thaifo:•tit over the holiday. Dir. J. Hunter returned Seturtl'ry from Toronto where he was at ctt11- inq -elle general ,necteng of the Sov- ereign Bulk. Mr. Q. 11. Pewee o[ Dashwood '.v s also in attendance. ltev. Barn, of Crediton, ettendeJ the 1nrera1 of Mrs. Gishler on Mon- day. A cement tt-tlk is being built from tho corner of Mr. C. \V,rgner's lot to the Evngelicil ohureh. Mrs. . Demuth lou continues r in health. and is unablo to attend to her ordinary household duties. Her many friends hope that she may soon be able to bo out ag_tin, in her usual good Ilea ItII. Mr. Jacob Moyer returned flatur- day from ct visit with friends in New Hamburg. Ift you touaacdt is weak, If your food distresses yo11, 1f you are week and nervous Use Dr. Shoop's Restorative ono month and see what it docs for you. Sold by Wt. S. Ilowey. 811IPKA Mr. and 'Mra .I1. \Ving awl family spent Sunday in Hamburg. The catrrponters nre busy putting an ad.liii'on to J. •D. Ilannan'e store. Sandy MieEcduest leaves this week for \Voodt, i in where Ito has engaged for the summer. Ned Shaffer. who is working at the oatnpenter work on Hannan's ist ore spent Stutday in Hensel'. Manatee for eltenp clothing. 6litipk',t is to there n eerie holiday this year. The date set is June 15. Quite a -number from here spent the 24t1 in Iia'rkhill. ibex -els -a ,candy bowel 1 txallvo. If you Bravo constipation, If you 'hate 0 coated tongue, If you are dizzy, bilious, sallow, 1f yoe have headaches...sour stout - etc.. frisk 5 cents of Lax -stn. Sec for yourself. Sold by W. S. o'clock by Mr. II, S Arkell, B. S. A , O. A. C. Guetptt. A cordial invitation is extended to all; young men especially. An excursion will be held to the Model Farm at Guelph, June 15th, 1906. Seed meeting will be held at Crediton, June 2nd. See small bills for particulars Df excursion and seed meeting. II. IIOR-I'ON, President. R. GARDINER, Secretary. NOT ICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of George hook, late of the town- ship of Usborne, in the County of Huron, farmer. deceased. pureuantto c v Not foe i s hereby n ,1 e I#. 8. 0., 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors and others having cla�rms against the estate of .the said George Rook, who dial on or about the 24th day of April. 1906. are re- quired on or before the 25th day of June.1906, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Madman & Stan - bury. of the VilLigc of Exeter, So- licitors for the Executors of the said deceased, their cliristiin anU sur- names, addresses and describti..:ts, the full particulars of their claims. the statement of their accounts sad the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further tale' notice that after such last mention/el dito the said executors will proceed to distribute tete assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto havin; rc,:ard only to the chime of which they shall theft hive notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim antico shill not have been received by Thom at the time of suoh distribution. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Ellen Jane Itook and Jaynes G. Jones, Executors. Dated at Exeter this 28th day of May, 1906. Meeting of the Huron County Council. The council of the County of ifur- ot1 will mart in the council chamber itt t he town of (1odcrich on Tuesday the 511, dry of lune next, at the hour of 3 o'clock. All accounts against the county te- etering element must 119 placed With the clerk tteforn this dote. W. LANE, Clork. MOM lk NOTICE '1'o tete Shareholders .of the Exe- ter Salt Works Company. Gentlemen. - Please take notice that a meeting of the shire -holders of the Exeter SlJt Works Company will b^ held .It 2 o'clock. p. m. nt the Town iH.AI1, Tue•sdiy, June the 12th. T. II, CARLING, Seo'y -Trete. THAMES ROAD ltev. C. 1?letoher has been indis- posed for a few days, but we are pleased to report he is improving. Mr. Bert Possmore, of Central Business Oollege, Stratford, . spent his holi,ttys meth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Passmore, S. Martin, B. A., ncoompa.nied by Mr. Logan, of the St. Marys Colleg- iate staff. visited his sister, -airs. Paul Madge on Saturday last. Mrs. Irving and deuzhter arc vis- iting et the Minse. A number of this vicinity attend- ed ttend- cd the celebration on 2401 and re- port a good time. Mr. A. E. Juhnn of Toronto Uni- versity, is home on his vaoltioll. Mr. and Mrs ,John Cann and Mies Rosie, are visiting Mr. Cann's sister Mrs. Millar, Ilervie, VALUABLE ADVICE TO MOTHERS ERS If your child comes in from play coughing or showing evidences of Grippe, Sore 'rhroit,or sickness of any kind, get out your bottle of Ner• vitinee stub the elicit and neck will► Nerviline, and give infernal doses of ten drops in sweetencel water every two hours. This will prevent any re- petition. No Iiniincltt or pain ver equals equals Poison's Nerviline, which bis been the great family remedy in Oenadn for 1.1te past fifty years. Try a 25c. bottle of Nerviline. !1'111('11 Mrs. A. Thiel and d son Elmore. who spent the pest neck with friends in Sebringville returned hotne S:tur- day. A number of the young men of the will"go spent the 24th visiting Grand Baud and t he t'inery, and report a very pleasint time. M:•. T. 8ohmidt, of Sebriugvillc, spent : few days visiting his sister, Mrs. C. II•trtleib and other friends. Rev. el r. I':idt• of 1►.taheood, was a visitor fit the villrtgc on Saturday. Miss Heinle Koehler. of Centralia, spent Thursday under the parental roof. Mi'.s Ida Well is visiting her friend Miss Iltettrice Steinbach at Exeter. Miss (Tara Iluohinan returned home \Valnesdiy evening from Tor- onto where she his completed her oottrsc at the University there. Miss Agnes K,toralter, of London. spent the 24th with Ler event, here. Mr. John Fried, of 1' Iris. Franco, visited his sister, Mrs. C. Fritz, on 1lon ley Last. Messrs. Turn I' .tat rend Ed. \Vurm returned home 5 turdiy evening ni- ter a pleasant Rix months' trip through the w•OAt. Fridty afternoon nt 4 p. m. the spirit of Mrs. Gi,hler took its flight to the home eternal. She had b•ett Iivine; with her morn, Rev. A. (righter, attd only removed to this place a few weeks ago. l'or acme years 5110 hid been :At invalid and t.hroughout all her pain and aufforing +..e was ever patient. The funeral took place 118ITOIINE 'file people's annual picnics will be held in \Vin. Kernick'v grove, con. 3. Usborne, un Friday June 8th. There will be the usual sports, races, foot -ball, basket -ball, tug of twar, and other athletic contests. Every- body welcome. Pink Lips, Like Velvet. Rough Chapped or Cracked Lips, ran be made as volt a5 velvet by applying at bedtime, a light coating of Dr. Shoop's Green Salve, The effect on the lips or skin of this most excel- lent ointment is nlw'nys immediate and certain. Dr. Shoop's Green Salve takes out completely the sore- ness of cuts, burns, bruises and all skin nbrnsious. 1t et surely n won- derful ei.nd most highly satisfactory healing ,ointment. In glass jars at 25c. Sold by \V. S. Ilowey. EN E'er u t:t)t • NCi1, The members of the Council met in the town hall, Monday evening for the .purpose of holding a ('ourt of Rcvisioa, but owing to the ascend of Reeve Ilob;er and Councillor Creech the matter was put over until Sat- urday evening June 4 at 7.30 p. m. Oounoillor Enke ttvs appointed otrairman and the regular order of bul:iness taken up. James Mitotic!! appeired before the Council .mud asked to have a drain placed on Sanders street corner Outing. The town will provide the file providing the tats -payers inter- ested furnish the noceasary labor. Mr. I, It. Outing rrsk••<1 t,ermiason to put cess pool on his property. Tho matter was laid over until the Clerk could consult the Secret try of the provincial from! of health. The amendment to the Ct'metery by-liw as recommended by the cem- etery botrd several weeks ago was read the required number of times and passed. The following accounts were or- dered paid: harry I'ar'tons, 14iree1 tt•ntoring, $21.00 : do, 2 d $4.00; Silas Ilandford, labor, $2.10; R. Da• vis, 1 1bor, $1.50; it, Qua nue. labor, 4: tl, Su, atot•, ,2; . V, eslcot 7.0.5tor, tton$1.211)(50, 2l.50 ; T$11hey,5W eb- \V stcr, labor, $5.25; Fred Gillespie, L►• bor, $27.75; Ed. Jones. 75c. A MEETING OF SEVEIIAf. IN - (crested its sterling i1 V.enn'ud he- 10Pry here met et peeve Bobier's resi- dence '1ue,•el,y evening. Mr. 3. H. Edtrccnmbc, of Hn/nillOn. w.an pre. - (writ end expressed himself that he 0911141 not ,s why a earning factory Mould not be n paying proposition here. From what he hid ween of the country c(ttrrowxling Exeter, he thought tonritesee could be raised sneeessfully, and flit there '.105 no doubt of Itt" other garden stuff be geed crop. it wait 'decided to start n company with a 'caret Ilii i - tion of $2:1,000 of 1(100 "shores at $25 oidh, and the following were np- poinled provisional direct ore : .lo aleph Snell, Thos. iinrvey, J. G. tones A. M►trchtinl, John Hunter. nter, '.V. 1). S-indere, and R. Seldom. The mem- ['era will commence at once to se- cure the necessary subscriptions so that the plant can be in operation text year. it is quite possible that when the proper lime comes. the t•Ixpayat.4 will be asked for a loan. el -f 1e. all A Y .'i . . Sesotho IN Khd You WO1 Aa1S BOlttf Iigaater. �' of Women in Our i-Iospitals Appalling Increase in the Number of Operations Per- formed Each year. --How women May Avoid them. Going through the hos vitals in our largo cities one is surprised to find such a large proportion of the patients lying on those snow-white beds women and girls, either awaiting ur recovering froth serious operations. Why should. this be the case? Simply because they have neglected themselves. Female troubles are certainly on the increase among the women of this country - they creep upon them un- awares but every one of those patients ht tete hospital ixds had plenty of warn- ing in that bearing -down feeling, pain at left or tight of the abdomen, nervous ex- haustion, pain in the small of the back, dizziness, flatulency, llisldacentents of the organa or irregularities. .111 of these symptoms are imitations of an unhealthy condition of the female organs, and if not heeded the penalty has to be iaid by a dangerous operation. %Vhen these Symptoms manifest themselves, do not drag along until you are obliged to go to tho hospital and submit to an operation -but remember that Lydia I'.. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound has saved thousands of women front - surgical operations. When wotnen are troubled with irre- gular, suppressed or painful periods, weakness, displacement or ulceration of the organs, that bearing-dorn feeling, inflammation, backache, bloating (or flatulency), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms ae dizziness, lassi- tude, excitability, irritability, nervous - nese, sleeplessness, 'melancholy, "all - gone" and "want -to -be -left -alone" feel- ings, they should remember there is one trieand true remedy. Dear Mrs. I'inkliain "I was in a ve:y serious condition when I wrote to yob' for advice. I had a serious female trouble and 1 could not carry a child to maturity, and was advised that an oper- atien was my only holo of recovery. I could net hear to think ageing to the hos- pital, so wrote you for advice. I did as yott instructed nae and took Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable ('ompound: and I nm not only A well woman to -day, but have a beautifltl baby girl six months old. I advise all sick and suffering women to write you for ad- vice, as you have done so much for Inc." Miss Lilian Martin, Graduate of Training School for Nurses, Brantfo Ont., writes: Dear eiri. Pinkhane- - •'\\'Zile we are taught in the training schools through the country to look down upon patent ntolicires, end while the doe. tors in the hospitals speak slightingly of them to patients,I have found that they really know diltcrent. 1 have frequently known Physicians to give Lydia E. Pink- hanes Vegetable t'onpoutd to women sue. Tering with the niostseriuns complications of female troubles displacement of organs. and other disorders. They would, as a rule, put it in regular medicine bottles and label it "tone" or other names, but I knew it was your t'onil,n:uni and have seen theta fill it in proceptien bottles. Inflamma- tion awl ulo•ratien have burl relieved and cured its a l,•'.v weeks by its use, and I feel it but due to von to give Lydia E. I'ink- harn's Vegetable Compound proper credit." Lydia E. Pinkltain's Vegetable Com- pound at once removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the beat. Mra. Pinkltam, daughter -In-law of Lydia E. l'inkham, invitee all sick wo- men to write her for advice. Her advice Mrs. Frets. fieydel, 412 N. 54th Street, and medicine have restored thousands to West Philadelphia, Pa., writes: , health. Address, Lynn, Masa. Lydia E. !iakham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Otters Fall. SEXS$ITII While Will Gould was hitching up his horse on tha morning of the 24th Clic' animal took fright at nomethinz and ran away. Tho buggy was bad- ly broken. $1.00 ROUND TRIP GODERICH TO DETROIT TUESDAY, JUNE 19 RETURNING JUNt 21 St'r UREYHOUND 2 Days In Detroit l•1• Weak Kidneys Bright's Disease and Diabetes Use Dr. Shoop's Restorative to Curs the Cause. If You Suffer From These Symptoms. TWO ire the symptoms of Kidneycomplatnta: Vrtne laden with sediment, brick ust in urine lgbly colored urine, greasy froth or blood la It. stringy mucous In urine. unusual de- sire to urinate. pain In prising water. Pato fn the back and over the kidneys, hot. dry a II obi os skin, hair dry and brittle► a 1)1 Joint.. lcrcr feel heavy. 'leepplp�g ellne1s. toss of , ,weight. chill fle a - LW, loss of mem-/ ory. aenerd•I d 11- , irregular/ I i heart, iso rs eyesight, trouble with g, waxy/ sklo. Lever, t tut from i I () t t f one toot to Other In 2•j standing. tatprop- j) C 1 c• 1t , worse than S ▪ Is often O ae. Mose� Kidney moll. get their -diuretics. effect fro �•}}� rates called (�I prectteally \ kidney phy ascathartics act on the be venae tha l:i1 ' mere to unusual• �0• they cause over• strain. These dl r• remedies ere them selves the trequen5 50 of serious ki•lner dl.ease. rh,n•s Iry 10 I' the kidneys themseivrA. for you will QM attn. m. Their only Ptrengte la DO rii Dy. Shoop's Restorative (Tablet$ or 7a i Sold and recommended berattre the W. S. IIONVEY. BOWLING Two rinks of rho newly organized bowling plub of Hensall, creme down on the 24th to try conclusions with some of the Exeter players. The lawn was in excellent condition and good scores were made notwithst:ende ing rho little amount of practise in- dulged in this season by the players. The result of the game showed the home rinks victors by P29 points. Following :ire the scores: Exeter. C. It. Snell Win. Levet t W. W. Tamen :i rt W. J. lleenrtn Skip 19 J. Blatchford 11. E. Huston John Voir Rev. 1Vni. Martin Skip 12 J. flitchford J. Muir iter. \V. M. Martin h • V. Gladm•ut Skip 14 C. It. Sure 1. It. Carlin; \V,1. Heiman\V. \V. Ta men Henson l N. Cook F. Manns P. Stewart Dr. Sellcry Skip 5 Dr. McFadden I. McArthur It. Bonthrou C. McDonnell 6kip 1.1 Ruse F. \V. Manns far. Sellery 1'. Stewart Skip 7 Dr. 1Ic!''adden F. 11. el eine C. McDoneell R. Ilont.hron Skip 10 Skip 20 The Hensall player', although new at the game made an excellent shov- ing and it is to be hoped many (ricn.f- ly games will bo played during filo present t,(xtgon. My friend, look here! you know how weak and nervous your wife is and you know that Carter's iron Pills twill relieve her, now why not he fair about it any buy her a lox/ IRalas.'r= , Ii/�tiltnsa► 41414411111::sa.. :l•�t s I����' i,i.oN� 1 N G E -STAY FENCE. I'(ISTa �:-' 11155 lira Jt sT Yr.,�r,r t.to p,ur,Lrk r.L�t u,a,nn'1,t°pn" rs' y. 11 n,G.-1115" I'w l ,.nen A.r.1 rut of r. 4 rinsty. iuu/lrsli i0. i•tlUi U fn.-tlr..r'mt1 waut0J. (r1AittA•f iii- 1a. w Rio FENCE CO, LIMIT D W. .f. IIEAMAN, Agent. Exotor •••••••••••N••••••••••••• ••••••NN•N•••••••••••• THE I'1OLSONS BANK (incorpor4tt•tl 1•y Act of Pnrliantent 1Sa5) CAPITAL PAID UP • • • $ RESERVE FUND • •• • •••• S3.000.000 00 15 /tram hes In Ontario, Quetwe. All.erta British Columbia sod M mind" 13XETPR I312Ai4CH Open every Iwwful Day trona 1, A. M. ,p a 1•. M. exert r iaterdn) Iro A. M. tot P. Y. Farmers' tante Note's cashed or collected. Forms supplied On npplirntlon. DRAF1•s en all print. itt the Dominion, Great teem', aro Cn• Itcd Stares, bought and sold at lowestrotes of exchange, SAVING% 1)EPA12TMPNT Ueposltw of •1.(30 au 1 npwnrtla received. interest com- pouneled half )ratli y. and Add,,; ,r t.nnctpal June Seth and hrrembrt 'let. De tM.i r lee. etpt- also 1•-ued are ),valor current rare( of more.; ateese.l, Advances nettle to tamer.* sena dealers and hist then at • lowest rate• and on too -t favorable terms. Agent( at Fxrtcr for Pon,. (kvernment, Dickson & Carling, t~olieitnrr, N. D. H•NURDO•••N, %!annger. ••• N•••N•••••• ••••••••••••N•••••• 1 1 2