Exeter Times, 1906-05-31, Page 3�►v�oeec�aa<
!\t:tt1'Ul S 1:IIII.1►IILN.
SI. Vitus Dance, and Head-
aches Common Among :School
Si. Vitus dance is a disease that :s
le -coming more al►d 111411Clreepiertt
uniting se:lloo1 ct10(lr0u. Young people
lire the nerves s ith shady MA the
lits' cry out. Sometimes the trouble
takes the forth of neuralgia, headache,
nervous exhaustion,
m, ;thridee of the
limbs and muscle', end what we call
"i►eing run down." In other cases St.
\ itus dance is the result, and the suf-
ferer frequently loses till control of the
nubs, which keep up a constant jerk-
ing; and twitching;. There is tally one
t'ay to cure this trouble- through the
1•tood which feeds and strengthens the
nerves. And Dr. ee'illiams' Pink Pills
lire the only medicine that can snake
Ilut new rich. red blood that feeds the
nerves and strengthens every part of
the body. The case of Flossie Doan,
of Crowlnnd, On(., proves the value
of 1)1.. Williams' Pink Pills. ?ir•s. loan
says: "A couple of years ago my daugh-
tei Flossie was dangerously She l�caf1li t
lth St. Vitus dunce.
nervous that after a time we could
not lel her see even her frieinds.
could not pick up a dish, lace her
shoes. or ntuke any movement to help
herself. She had grown ttitn and very
I tile, and ns she had been treated by
several doctors without LeieAt 1 feared
she would( not recover. A friend ad -
t ised me to give her Dr. \Vitliinls' Tint(
tills and utter she had u50d a couple
THE ANNUAL. l It rl.li)AY.
li►at eves a wise man who said ttutt tee
could! do a year's work m eleven
*.:olrths, !,til he could not do i1 in
twe•Ive; 811(1 although few persons could
Out it So l,ifil:ly, it Ls pretty generally
,�•c�olenized Belt the poorest economy is
fiat which woulti (until or forego the
s►a �oIi jay,
thus„ duty fellers who leave the
city each n:y;ht for a suburban or a
country (tome need their annual outing•
If they do not wish to travel for it, let
t Pln stay nt home and take their est
Wein they belong. In this way the g
value of the vacation is obtained --they
get out of the rut, the monotonous t•eg ii -
levity 01 ,oil (hut cries for relief.
'Thr; holidays may mean many things
-change of air and scene, abstention
from every form of work, or ardent oc-
cupation with sports. Any and alt rnnY
b(• good, but the great thing is to change
the point of wear and tear, to have the
wheels go round some other way. The
"pace that kills" is the same thing. nt
the sante hour, in the same way, until
one could echo the poor Irishwoman
who thought it would be such a rest to
ir(,n Monday and wash Tuesday.
This Is wily each individual should ► e
(hut is not always) the best judge of the
kin,! of rest needed. Each knows best
where the grind conies, where the shoe
pinches, and the choice of change
should be guided by that knowledge.
The wornout. tencher, who has all the
year been overdratving her reserve
force, 511081(1 spend her time of rest 1
willh those tvho have something to Dive
her, some store of vitality mil nervous
energy on which she can drew in her
turn. "The woman who has spent a long
winter so troubled with domestic prof
leans that ihnt life has become one long-
drawn-out irritation should shut up her
house, and let some other woman lodge
end teed her.
Some measure of outdoor sport should l,v writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine
be within reach of nil. although the good Co., Brockville, Ont.
of a vacation is often destroyed by too
natch ambition in this respect on the
part of those unaccustomed to long or ANI\I \I S \NIT!1
hard exercise. Those who wish to climb
mountains or take long tramps or in-
dulge in vigorous exercise of any kind
should begin very gradually, and keep
well within their strength. 1t is safe to
say that people exercise too much rattier
than 1101 enough in their holidays. It
is so customary to join fresh air with
exercise in the sante phrase that it Is
easy to forget that one can have ail the
fresh air one needs with only just as
much exercise as one chooses. --Youth's
11'EI.L KNOWN (:I1 tit t►(:'tl:it 1!N-
7't:1(1(EU 1A1111 POMP.
1 ndesirable Class oI Aliens SNarm Into
Lttid el tetkesi,
Midlothian, Scotland, is suffering)
11.0111 0 plague of German gypsies, and
omits to cure itself as 50011 AA poseible.
They are brown-sklrthredl, ragged, fierce -
looking and dirty• 111 tact, thorough gyp-
Ikllkey Carts hushed the 'Ifat! of Pro- sies-bilo not uapprect the iate thists of with -
cession -- Grape on Gat- lion to life.
• ton Jar.
There are now considei'ably over 1(43
••,f these gypsies in the country, nn/1
Jock Hewell, rho Coster King, is dead, l apt. Thomas, of the steamer Weimar,
which !drought across the batch, huts
says the London Loud( r.
h1 life lie was a man of parts, with it from an authentic source that within
uh a- u very short time 1,000 of the noruacls
a: beget for [ague(, 0 heart of )' p
thy, and a free and open htu►d. ale will be landed in Scotland. Tile state -
made a fortune of many thous.111ds in it►elt is s ds i also
nuitle!,t tiat l! oil((twin re 5,0intend
selling cheap !111(1 goof! food to i11e lore- g.'yl
er classes, and ile retired to a Will at Cuing giver tllpossess six large cava
Streatham. 0111,
The 011101' day his kind heart ceased vans, drown by 1 aneitstenises. They
t., beat, 110(1 he reached 1)1e crowning arCysturdy beggars, a in the n anything
of his career in this unbapl )
v: ale (as Mrs. Gamp 1150(1 to say). Ile hood have suffered severely, and hay
was buried with full caster honors in toi
le the
it broad dejected
del horses
is Itaken
k some front rb
Bow (;ememor perpetuated an stances the gypsies have boldly ell:er-
Ilis memory was perp and
c.lalg; the dusty route from Streatham c,f non yr and used
consequence, cs\
to Bow by ill@, sale of thousands
mourning cards printed in silver and .1 hens have already been sent to pri-
bauck, and bearing the picture of
milk -white star shining upon an emble-
matic cluster of ivy leaves.
On the obverse side were two little
pcerhls, one in rhyme and one 111 elate:
verse, thus:
CI jloveS I could see that they were
l►elping her. We gave her nine box:�s
in »11, and by that time she was per-
fectly well, and every symptom of trou-
ble had poised array and she is 110W
a strong, well developed girl."
If your growing children are weak or
nervous, if they are pale and thin, lack
t•rpetile or complain of headaches 11'
hrcknches give them Dr. Williams' Pint:
Pills end see how • speedily the rich,
,red blond these pills nuke will trans-
form them into bright. active, rnimet
boys and girls. You can get these pills
from any medicine dealer or by mail
50 cents a box or six loxes for tee.5(1
when the hot summer days are upon
us and it is impossible to change our
rlvironlnent the best help toward keep -
Tho' many tears for him are shed,
Tho' hearts are rent with passing
Maier, dead,
'Yet who'd recall the happy
Or bring the blest soul back again?
These interesting and very undesir-
able aliens say that through t h y iEngland 11to
d to
make their way
A Well -Known I. P. is Cured oI Kidney
'!'rouble of Lori(, Staiidir►tJ by Uodd's
Day by day we all shall miss him,
\\'nrci would fail our loss to tell; Kidney {'ills.
But ill 111 av'n we laopu to meet him, 2l-- (special.) --
Never more to pari again! '1't}.red is OuhtoneMay
more widely kthott11
it was a £300 funeral, curried out said highly respected in this secliun of
with alt the very finest trappings of woe. the country then win. Bell, Esq., J. P.,
!dy that famous g;enliemarl' I �e „odd ctuninfr'd and le * hi.�rlct,rent byre Uodr Ikes below con-
s Kidney 1'i is
Smith, of SouthwarkBridge
lmur ler coves bears weight and carries conviction with
whose pageants in great
and the like are matters of history. it ; it.
eels more than a year 1 was a suffer-
, j er from kidney trouble,," Mr. Bell
Fireman Sprague, and ninny another ilii says. "Always In pain at limes the ng -
Ile rose to the occasion this tinge with cny would become unendurable and 1
vfth the heave w•as practically unable to attend to any
Free Gifts of Toilet Soaps
U Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps
The (. l
for which you have to pay out money every week.
for nothing.
Read circular in every package, or write us for Premium List.
A gift is of little vale if it consists of something you have no use for.
In exchange for Sunlight So.ap Coupons you call get sulaething you need and use
every day.
Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto, Canada
"Was his death sudden?" inquired
the tenderfoot.
"Sudden?" said the resident. "No,
stranger; he'd been under suspicion a
long lithe."
There can be a difference rence of opinion
cn most subjects, telt there is only ane
opinion las 10 the reliability of Ntother
(,laves' \Vorui Exterminator. 1t is sate,
sure and effectual.
Disgusted Uncle : "I shall leave my
money to the poor and needy." No-
good Nephew : "'leaven bless you,
uncle; 1 always said you wouldn't leave
me out."
visite for the Rancher. -- On
A Rcq
the cattle ranges of the \\'est, where
„,hen and stock are far from doctors
and apothecaries, 1)r. Thomas' Ecleclrlc
Oil is kept on hand by the intelligent
as a ready made medicine, not only for
many human ills. but as a horse and
cattle medicine of surpassing merit. A
horse and cattle rancher' will Lind mat-
ters greatly simplified by using 'ties
" 11 four -horse car, tat
o; my (1531105. 1 doctored with several
Have [leen Treated by Dentists to Their est and blackest
ias5niglit plumes. Inch local physiciains and tried every means
horses were to get cured. but without success. Al
Great He'+►slit• wore a heavy blue pall which swept the
ground. Their necks were arched hY lest 1 was induced to give Todd's Kid -
plias!) the tightest of bearing -reins, and ney rills rt trial. 1 have the greatest
grim pleasure in slating that they drove
ever their cars nodded more
plumes: away the pains entirely and restored
me to my ofd time health and strength.
1 am sure 1 owe this entirely to Dodd's
In front of this car was a smaller one, i Kidney Pills."
Some few years ago Judge Woodfall,
of England, was called upon to uecidie
•1 case brought by a lady, who sued a
naturalist for failing to provide .n.r
fox with a set of false teeth. As it is
cuslonhary for ladies to make pets et
foxes. or for foxes to stiffer' from talo:
o, molars, the case promised to provide
some features uncommon in the gener-
, ut County Court litigation, but
which carried the Lid of Feathers, guard-
ed extremely mute
ni bytwo adipose S. • ex -I TRADE OF THE EMPIRE
mutes, "with fittings." It may be
lit of melinary ex
those present who expected the court owned rot•
to coruscate with the witty remarks of plc who are put oft, when their thine 1
judge and counsel, who should have re- conies, with ordinary obsequies,
yelled in the possession of such a peg!the the Lid of are is a mmasses undt of tray
r ch ' NO
upon which to bang theirwittiCislllS, on which piled
•e doomed to disappointment, for 10 plumes trained to arboreal„ shape.el Its
e P (vet
Ing cool Is to learn to adapt ourselves to s,ec�clily transpired that the fox in goes- history and its meant I,
;uta with all of us habit is so strong tion had long since given up the ghosti in obscurity, but the use of the Lid in
41/1//few of tis think of adaptation, nncl }and that the teeth were to be supt►lie,t 11.050 clays is confined to costernlong ers
of i ing wi consequence we sutler from a way n sciely in order to give a more realistic i rind Ash -curers.
of living wl►ich is suited only to the cold' appearance to the skin that was to be The rest of the cortege was made up
winter months. turned into a boa. i by four showy carriages, absolutely
The cultivation of peace of mind is the Although the race of reynard has yet, crammed with
mourners, c0 one hansomide, and n
st requisite. Next, the essential of a ld; ay a visit to the dentist for proles- 1111111 three passengers , cnrts and hnrrnvv, +.
far 1 P I and equinaNail"of coders
daily bath. A cool bath taken on rising1
Is the best tonic to prepare one for the
day's labor and exposure. A tepid,
cool bath or a short hot bath may be
taken in the evening, and if greatly
tutigued it is one of the most effective
means of bringing refreshing sleep.
Another necessity to keeping cool is not
only in the exercise of body, but in the
platter of diet as well. All bodily heat
Irises from the oxidation or burning of
1 food t So when the tempera-
ture breakfast
i is usedit
I1nl.l.ARS LAS•1' YEAH.
Said the night watchman, when,
about dusk, he was invited to drink 0
cup of coffee : "No, thank you; coffee
keeps Inc awake all night." And then
he saw his blunder, looked very em-
barrassed, and tried to explain, but it
was no use.
Inter -Imperial Commerce Shows Steady
Development -- Foreign Trade
The second nutnber of the Statistical
Monet trealmcn . canuhe, i and dismal. Smoking Abstract for the British Empire, issued
patients have both been treated by lite cicnlcey.drawn from the Iloard of Trade, brings many of
ptotession, and have greatly benefitted, was allowed in that part of the proses- the figures concerning population, trade,
be their visits. 'Thus, in 1901, Mrs..' cion not ohcially stip plied by
r. Smith.
rj ittn�etc., down to 1111}4. On of the most in-
Jef(tferson Seligman, of New York, had Finch donkey (dteresltng sections, which appears in the
her $4,000 saddle -mare, Anna, titled out Crape cravat, each whip was similarly 1 abstract for the first time, represents the
with eleven teeth, which, enabled the trotted at its throng, and every lady tat amulet consumption of certain articles
animal, that could not eat before the; t oarti had discovered something in her r head of the population in the princl-
eralion, to masticate its oats with a w•nr(h•olpe suitably sang(( for the oc- l parts of the Empire. '['tie following
figures, taken from the tables, offer
some curious comparisons; the words
"wheat," "dials," etc., ills° represent the
products of the grain in question •
relish that it had long been a stranger rasion.
to. it is interesting to note that the
Tilt: GALLON JAR WAS Tttt'.Rr,
Hie oo we eat. •
equine patent was 110810(1 with the t n • Sunlight Seep it better tl►Isn otter soaps,
rises the body needs less fuel. A The cosier mourns imtperially; nal but is best schen used in tho Sunlight way.
lore Y same nerves
cc n human being,
►tnl m we should be a the nerves of the teeth operated upon i there is just a brculli of Afnrk 'I'upley Wt;ea( Only. Beer. Ten. Buy gunfight Bosp and follow directions.
very light. meal. As foureasily
of cur ` being lied nod with cocaine prior to al out ahppearance !tin one of this was e tstll} S Bush. Busts. Gals. Lbs.
fuel a Is easily seen i ;n ► likely
e(1 with show, where the Alli er el the ton a bow of crape tied i *(tom .. 5.11`•1 5.10 28.8 G•00 Mr. Sprigg (n s): "My dear,Sunlight
a ay.
{one• for being and silver where, 1.:f a gallon jar, with U. Kang,
That in summer we need only a small were likely to jeuntily round 'le neck. It is a long India . • . • , , • 0.67 0.0t was shot at by a 1 urg.►n1.• and his lite
uanlily to supply vitnllty for aodily i they raid not.
from Streaham to
tA New was saved by n button a1., th` is of
ntl mental work. The ideal breakfastSouth Wales shepherd lg Bowd dusty journey
.13.25 t 1.54 .... 6.81
G .tb struck." Mrs. Spriggs : '
1► Nothing; only the
Keilld be whole wheat bread or zwie• at Hargreaves, near Mu gee, having34 1.0 1.• 117"
t ? Mr. Sprit•K
with some wholesome ripe fruit, n valuable pedigree ram which found : The funeral hurried. It hurried so Newfoundland . 71):! L65 0.3 4.81
back, tripe. .. 3.07 3 button must ltav0 Leen a1:'
Duch as strawberries, plums, melons or' great difhlculty in ntnsticnting its food much that when the great rumhhng; `Natal .. .. 1.G? 0.37 0.2 2:38
apples. owing tel the loss artilcinil' set vthat ini- enstern territoryided the , hearse crossed tttheree i+were only a1.rack many pers- ons die nnnttally from
the b man of our animal with anand kindred sunnier crnm
By of us 0dly served as useful n purpose as � survivors lett. In this way the pro- In regard to beer -drinking, the con- \'crY y � • saved it
Dto• l of common sense, many doubt hainra who might have been
tfour gold teeth set with dfnmongis, cession coiil(1 be tolloved.eC}'th there wits' Commonwealth 111811)O:td rwal5e11.t',ig,arltons, Pao 0111 medics had 1,0011 used. It at-
ltie h go forth to the trials of a day n the g,i o c.. 1.c y gelling a bottle of
It )eft behind!, and wherever the heal prepared for it by a that con- that glydon the mouth of n 5hlhi(d at ; for has 29.7 in
a continued decreaseingd;n eopeldoremedies
id) used.
(`11 at,
flow many +h Than pre- tis ladies setter that was exhibited v 4 a Good Pull Up
found Carmen
rc.rClW(I lonkey- There h in the United tr,cDrJ. U. not del Kellogg's
nindto health
VIP- pares for such a day with a breakfast'' the Ladies' Kennel Chili show in N►.w sure. con , . wore was at the rate of 32.6 gallons per 'the medicine that. never tails to effect a
___.�_.,.. cakes, soda biscuit, f Noll( in 1902. Cnrt�-resting. And at all the wayside Great Britain since 180:), when the win-
ug/ .,� griddle , This dog. by the war. is by no m4',i,1= inns where the funernl ctonhcys lits cerci 'Those who have uccd it shy tt
and bacon, sausages, \\ orc0.,-. , s va, throttled down for a spell one heard the pend. 1 acts prnmplly, nuc] lhorot ctl subdues
fere eggs canine patient that dentists is a , thro
l0rsttirc sauce and strong coffee 1 lty i the only i ari . i,. products in the United the: pain and disease.
i deal with, as can he gather 1 i se ine remnr•k"[acre's to poor old Jock! Besides the above, 1e consumption
IHO\V Ill•: 1ll::1'I' I'll!: STREET CABS.
The heat of the TropI fades re y cheeks.
It takes away the energy. "Fel-soviet' u" i+ rho
bo,t tonic to brace you up. rt stimulate:, th
system. It pleas-
ant to take.(ltAll drakes uggist., se11it, td' IL i(
(:Irarlie: "Don't youremember? It wee
that (ray you borrowed Si of me." Jack
(hastily): "1 don't recollect mei-tiling of
the sort." Charlie : "But you paid it
back next week." Jack : "Oh, yes; 1
remember that perfectly."
A Small Pill, but Powerful. -They consider the best foun-
that judge of the. powers of a pill by 'Is "What do you
size, would consider Parrnelee's Vegt'� dalion,'`oasked 1 Iltesuccessful business amitious iyouth, "on 11
table fills to be lacking. It is a 1111 which promptly replied the multi -
among pills. What it lucks in 1 "Rocks,"
size it makes up in potency. 'I'lle te• millionaire.
reedier which it carries are put up in
Ilii -se small doses, because they are so
powerful that only small doses are re-
quired. The 11111 strength of the ex -
trade iS secured in this forst and do
their work thoroughly.
l ShingleS
Qshawa tee
11 _
.:„.._....: ....,..
;1+ ;n; o a.,sa�
. r.:�..: ,, „L'!�r aa:,,,,,...,-":".,\ m-
'• »'- . a
• .>.. V' s►,•ala a \� .i. "f.a: `/a 11••'33. r\
!/ ll.,, l) V (. iI u ., a..JV al V -'. ,",', !a� • e�-1i a..:I. i. �t1\
tt�� la' .•alai .`,J .�/�.� '• jt. .>., .)Y/t3 •: al ,Ij �.t'S\
y(�s, a•'va a✓�0 vale laJa,v� �� t.f t.t+•' •i✓.•• . arva .i•....s °1'
).va/.. iiV11s v 0 1J,rif�• .la►a)a,.r�(►�..v�r
ail i-., ....a.., 11.8:8 .v.
Made from Painted or Galvanized Stec], at prices varying from $2.F5 to $5.10
per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most desirable cov-
ering on the market, and is an idealcovering
canntur thd{o`OS1i�WAS, shingles.
� F A
vulors, Churches, etc. Any handy lay
hammer and snips are the only tools required.
\\'e are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British
flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canadt,
making them
\\•c r'1d ,) rnaunfacture Corrugated iron in long sheets, Conductor Pips ttisd
EAV .4 THOUGH Etc. •
M1•:1'AL SIDING, in imitation of brick or stone.
M1-.TAL CEILINGS, in 2.000 designs.
Write for Catalogue No. 1411 and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write
to -day.
or 313E3E1 3E0 X3 MD X.4.4116.3Et 1E0234, le'xam,
NOD, Da, Orli• i , MR. Y8 t,a.C.
C9 Ouu4.. dal. 711 Loaabard st. all Vender et
los Ireol, ate. O o, 41 1Q[o�io, Or!i.
767 Craig St. 423 Sussex ht. 11 Colborne St-
wuirr. YOUR NEARI:y'r' UFKICic•Osltslevtl, Ont., Canada
Head Office and Works,
In Western Canada
Two corner's.
sections, select.
ed lauds 1*
Saskatchewan, only 5 miles from two railways, C.P.A.
• oo (I.T.P.
Strong soil, 90 per cent. plough land, art
*butt 40 miles N.K of Indian bead. !'rice 110.60 per acre.
Writs for map and fnll particulars.
R- PARSONS. 91 Wellesley. tlitreel. Toreato, Canada.
_ - l.ittic Elsie : "llt•utitt•r Johnny Can't
come to school; he has diphtheria."
Teacher : "Indeed ! \\here did he get
it?" Little Elsie : "11t the neck."
\'tail' LIKELY.
Young Man (enthusiastically, to Mr.
Ilenpcckl) : "Your daughter, sir, has
taken my heart by storm !" Mr. Ilea transtCtion:' Brown n : "lint 1 dhdn t say
peckt (sadly): "1 daresay, young man, 11►is word was any good."
it runs in the family. ilex mother takes 4
are by storm every time 1 come lhorne."
Are you a sufferer with corns? 1f
you are, get a bottle of Ilollway's Corn
II has never been known to
Yes, it Is humiliating to 11.11(0 ` nkint of y n°t fait.
I .1
"What ?" called the fair young thing
10 the elan oho had fallen front his
horse for the tenth time that morning.
"Falling off again ? Where did you
study horse -riding'? In a correspon-
dence school?"
with foul erapt►ons• it p your skin to ire 1181
end( the trouble and restore
Ural fairness with VVearer•a Citrate/
Green : "I thought yon Stant that fel-
low Skincm was RS good as hie word?"
Brown : "That's what I said." Green :
he licca to me about a business
nnoll he feels the treat to such an Cx- from dthe tact that early In late y0nr be.
lent that he feels compelled to drinl:
large quantities of ice writer, beer oil fere hist 110001)• Steel. n prize Ilostnn
other cooling beverages. Contrast the bulldog,ree
while \1r. it ani heal cleansed chair tithe
discomforts of such n one in the teat-: llottra . The total trade of the British T;mgare
per•nte zone with a coolie working bare- cr,vil1PS In two of his lower front teeth, ! I hrce the in 1!101 reached the enormous total �[
headed in the direct rays of the sun in tilled! ah0rit with geld.
}`* mentioned. nfor��the steaming asllhey slowedlri p id the CC)ni against ,i:l,
a climate twenty degrees hotter. The crown. 1nt tory gales, • Here the Iwo fiend mines .g1,:105.233,0(l0. gl 274,278,0!10 ill
n ►
c ie of
anot e(11101.
collie is Welt uncomfortable diethev because he n dt t vt• n 1 h ,1 in dismounted, fixed (tree his eget to the 0nyirnnm0ng, the doctor in this inst�f cs+nm I►etcstliv /with
adti (heir silk hats coin-, the •3tables islthe rcomparison ltitforded be -
hos adapt0cl t y r
tenon who excites his heart and 11.1.1- safety w ilhnul the hid P (ween Ito percentage P
Any � 10rcPnla (, proportions ofthe
c is nerves by a diet of flesh foods stuffing a towel into the dog's mouth. 1,101e1p covered with tree 01.'•:' wnv, cl foreign 811(1 inter [ntlpet•int trades. These
talc. htheir heovil •-draped wands (called "par- ,
11111+1 expect to need all forts 01 ortiIn td�rg' poles" in i110 profession), spread hive been fairly slendy during the last
pial wane to make his lite bearable in DELICATE BABIES. cut their long;, theetted black cloaks. and three `ear`, but with a gradual develop-
thc hot vvcather,aid the way to tittle chapel. Beliin(1, nicht of the latter : 1 12, irJO�d. 1!1(14.
Every delicate baby 51011'15 lite with a 1hc'ntf"rnrne a second mute, with the glrent'
;1ti.K FOR TlllEn NERVES. Even a trivial til• Lid of Feathers bnlnncedl on his hew!. Foreign .... .. 7e1 73.7 73.3
serious h;ulicap, and the mo-
experts 11nv0 n plan far r,ess is apt to end fatally, it must have weighed half n lnhndret- Inter-lntperial . . 25.9 26.3 26.
Thi j1 1 s. The jilt- (her is ke1it in a state of constant dread. weight. and he staggered under the •l'hc U ode of the United Kingdom
resting n set of tired nerve j wilful land Two haler muf0s, will► with 1hP sous., II and possessions
warrior will lake n pint of fresh it t„ Own Tablets have
make weak c ,nrl yellow lotions, shoe! at each end
increased (imports and exports) from
Wen se
and hent it tscaldingi hal. Then ho 1111111 any other medicine g• 'y' with brass, Id £271,311,000 in 1903 to £2801,61,000 in
the este. cool it unlit it is pleasant to ng give
children mother
freat%110 eccu itY, steps. guided his taltcring! tont-, IJ44. `
em lnsta. Ile will then `iltontachllhe- es ttlroughe itheir use she sees her deli- In such n fashion Ibis amazing mass
forelb stya{Imv the in the F p y• ` of romp forced its WRY to the chapel pleases a loafer sr, much ns
rt * another. Milk token in this carte child developing healthily. N.
through a dust -smothered crrnvd c f Nothing p a inalrlvr.
taking S• M. ',Mimic, Eastern III tl F- opportunity to pose f e
way is not fattening. and it is certainly se ys:--"Up to the age of fifteen 1110131115 sombre woolen rine son►hre, pulling - an opt y p
very restful. ; Irl:1y mut +tt hnhies-hnhies with ltltic ,pntvc of crow
..�--.. my baby was weak and pinned on vnrirnls pang of them! M
HEALTH IN SALT \\'.\TF,1l. that age could not walk. it W3IS then the doors, fiend mules stood[ sentinel
1 hi, mit using ila►hy's Own '!'nlslels, 1111(1 with their the 11tg;c ' of the salute. fht1
Sall. wa►10r Is good for the scalp, the the change they wrought rn erllcg;cul lotgt►�l under merle Swnyc�dl into the chnp0l, and
eyes, the face, the nostrils. the whole lion was surprising. Qince men deposited his Iraq of nd
body. Use Snit properly and plentifully strong! at once, 011(1 hoe ever with n g, i
fen -
and -paradoxically as it may seem --you teen a perfectly well child." Every 1110- Ilsers nn the ((Gill.
remain ever f1. h. titer who unlace the health
her ()"ii ens rrst ag,cic1Cs mourneiddenlyr crime out
hi t1.-
will rem *3114' should keep n box of 1 ► y
through the shell, and
Wallets in the house. Sold by all meii- mats breaking
cine from The lir. i eil Williams' Medicint 25 cents e remelt meltediripe11to the
meal `pphello. building.
l ,Then
bc,x from haw.
Co., Brockville, Ont.
'I'lte place was pricked in nn lime and
•.+.�•- -�- nmed 5 wail of uncomfOrtnhle hnhies,
110: `The minister preached arlscnth- nein in last ilmos here hdtre(nn could
rtni e
Ing± dic(vl11►cr on Ih4 OxIrn t~
women." she : "1'„.:; rind! them his 1. and farewell were cnida over the body
wife 0.11. with a l�20 rant cpn.'' !IP : "Than •
pf ()n the the grave sler King.
!tinn} wreathe.
• ramie of the strn n
tuns probably 1114
13inks : "Are y.nu going to gel a new fine bore the simple lin%s -
suit 11115 summer?' J�uks : "No; my; In loving memory fr.,t11 an old lricnd;
Gone, but not forgot.
tailor says he cant afford 11."
One oI tl best!" ct Willey (,
A i'ACKE1) CiIAPEL. Kingdom in 190, is returned at 2.1:
bushels per head!, nr,d of maize at 2.01
Ely Atdgnle I'unhp--ancl even by the bushels; NaInl leads the list in the taller
tins -the carriages rolled al a comestible with 4.00 bushels per bend.
They are Carefully Prepared. -- Pills 1
which dissipate themselves in the
stomach cannot be expected to have
inucli effect upon the intestines, and to
of creme costiveness the medicine ad-
ministered must influence the action of
these canals. Pnrnlelee's Vegetable
Fills are so made. under the supervis-
ion of experts, that the stlbstaitce '11
them intended to operate on the inles-
tiles is pass through the stomach to ded hi action trthe bowntil -
AMENDING TiiE heel.,\R:1T10N.
")tv friends," exclaimed the Candi-
dnte. in a fine burst of disinterested
pnlri,,lism. "I don't want this ofllce it
you think 1 nal unworthy to nil it 1''
)!ere he stopped and took in a drink
of wide!.
"Arid i might add," he proeecded.
"Ihnt my crindidacy is not the result cit
any corrupt political 1 irgain."
"Yes. y'in might," interrupted en old
termer In the audience;1 "butHin tlif you did
you'd Lc lyitt' like
.% '1'uronlel►li;au herr" a Herord of litres
Ile Neser Paid,
Hostess : "Well,, Tommy, you can tell
your mother for me that you are the
hest -behaved boy at table 1 ever met."
Tommy : thank you, ma'am. but 1'et
rather not." �il Hostess : "Mather'',) nol
And why, prey?" 'Comply
think 1 was ill, and send for the doctor."
Mrs. Eaton Recovering, Although Her
Physician. said She NigbtDsop Dead
at any time.
"The Doctor told
me I had heart disease
and was liable to drop
on the street at any
A 81111111 accoaint 1,ddok was polo., '!p
in the street recently showing a sys•
tnnalic record of the number of lined':;
its owner got ahead of the street t rtalii-
e ay company. The Wank pages
hook are ruled off in ledger toren tine
eech account hentled with the name d,f
u street car route in Toronto. For in-
stance there was "Church street,' with
0 debit on the left hand side and a cre-
dit on the right. "Blom* and McCaul"
tilt same, and so on over the entire
s stem. Evidently when the owner of
this book paid a fare he charged it tip
against the car line he patronized, and
whenever he saved a fare lie credited
himself with Ave cents.
At lira glance it night appear 111.11
the owner of (his account book was in
the halrit of dodging the conductor's
1 ox but this was not the case. The
fact is the fares were saved by ridging
a bicycle Instead of paying the street.
car company for comings anti golnes
nncl the Garde were e(inti dolled on rainy
stays when 111P wheeling was unpleas-
ant. On August 6, 111.115, he mn(le an
••ihtr against. "Dinar and Niel:mil" as
follows: "One . fere-lest of quarters
worth of tickets bought June 2.'' The
total nt fares unpaid mounted to
nearly $30 in seven months.
Thia odd advertisement re•elttly are
f eared in the Lahore (India) Trihur!":
"\\'11111041. An nesistaut master, strong
In English rind gone nt spnrls. Pay
Its fro is'r month. Anyone with n proud
i ok and n high std,niach not teenier,.
A „lit In Principnt. Church Mission
111gh School, Singegar, Kashmir."
Wilson' c,
PA ,1 S
Sold by all Druggists and tieneral Stores
and by mail.
time,"s:,ya Mrs. itobort
Eaton, of 1)ufforin,
" My tronblo began
four years ago With a
weak hegrt. I was
often afraid to draw
nay breath, it pained
me so. 1 (ran lathered
with nervousness,
Ws. Mssav rtmn• ahr,rtneen of breath,
dizziness, loss of appetite, smothering and
sinking ,prt +, and I c•,uld not sleep.
";ie,motitnoe • great weakness would
sere oto and 1 would hsve to lie dowtt to
keep from falling. !if v hands and feet
would! seem 0) go to sleep rind a sort of
nunihneee would come all over me and per-
haps immodi,.tely after the blood wudttd
rush to my bead and a series of bot flashes
would envelop nue.
"1 cook all kinds of mrdieines, lint kept
gradually growing worie until About eight
weoka ago, whc n I began using Dr. Leon-
hardt's Anti fill. From the start I iru-
provel until now my appetite has returned,
I can steep woll, and have no nervousnras, `: (1.1 d 1. we,l; ;,rut cnnlrnis�inn. Alfreddizziness, palpitation, faintness or any of I
my other trd,ubios. They h:►.e all entirel • -f) Ler, 't bnld•.al1e Ten importer and
disappeared. I feel n,u. h swinger, to& Space Grinder, I d►nd(rn, 0111.
better, anal altcg other Anti fill lies made sO $ �� 1.•
now wd.maa of tee.
"1 am entirely cudnil ^•b eennr,t ray t‘,0 p.rtt. ,,!.dr..
ynn�h fur this wonderful rern(•l v. 1 would I 15'1. .n • Hd•r ..► 'r�"--1 i pri .,. .
est h••srtily re'omn'ettd Ant( I',ll t•) guy'• ; [Foggier Red Reek Crown
or(• vuffering sg 1 (1i.1." 'Mfrs, t ' dbaf Silver 10 Mem, Lake
Al( I)rugrgista (,r the Wile ,n•Fylo a)., i QREVI1 t E CO.,
,tenni t st:�, t !t,►. LtA.
atsm, dere !+tan 1 drol st.,k 811,1 TGWU s�rdr�T� M tater
ISSUE O. 21- 06 et TGWU O. 1ottol1TC.
awl all (lads of louse Rangiest, atlas
1101 CURTAINS °YIa otagras
L.Itta N1N
Write to tit about y.ura.
11111I$ 1111111M111111 SUING WI, tea NM Montreal
200 Iden Wanted at Once
In vnr ions parts of the Dominion, as
v.hole. or Sparc time agents, to sell a
high grade slack of hardy and well -
grown trees anti plants. Go-nhea( and
energ• lie men can make n very profit-
able Idusine•a: of selling this stock, which
wen knewn. Liberal terms mid a
complete (011(11. Corntnissinn paid week-
ly Apply et once to
E. D. y111"1I1.
ild•tde Arlt{!s 'drr.eriee,
11 in(ma, ()Mario.
f'atablished over a quarter of a cent'iry,