Exeter Times, 1906-05-10, Page 7ABSOLUTE
thtle Liver Pills.
+ Mu.getar Signature of
ase Fiseegeoie Wrapper Below.
Vary massa sag as easy
la tales ea wager.
+a2rL Mv�r,.A.t r�ruett.
Many Women Suffer
Very often they think it is from so-called
"Female Disease." There la less female trouble
than they think. .Women :suffer from backache.
sleeplessness. nervousness. irritability, and a
dragging -down feeling in the loins. So do men.
and they do not have "female trouble." Why.
then. blame all your trouble to hemale Disease
With healthy kidneys. few women will ever
have "female disorders." The kidneys are so
closely connected with all the internal organs.
that when the kidneys go wrong. everything
goes wrong. Nitirh distress would be saved it
women would only take
at stated intervals.
Price :0 trenta per box or three beetea for et .25,
•11 dealers or sent direct on receipt of prim.
The Ik,au Kidney Pill Co.. Toronto. Ont.
No Man Ever Became a Martyr fora 'Truth
He Received at Second Hand.
CANADA AND THE STATES1tt the pat there wss a ugh deal
of smuugglinggof Chinese through (:an -
ada into the United States, and some
Cr 111is goes on to -day. There are num-
r ons trails through the mountains :1
1 UaTei BEING SET Ulf 'fU I ' f.111 British (:ulunihi:l, and 1f the Chinese can
1.1�1I IN\ Iti1UN 13I:•'►•i1 trA THIN escape paying the duty which is now
charged by Canada on each celestial
immigrant they are liable to find their
7 hey (Ire Made of Brass or Copper
way into our country.
Plates and 1Se1 in a Iteddiee
of Cement.
--- 1i The boundary between United dates
"Phis is the victor that oyercuuletl►ntines life. Your faith forms J'ou• and Canadabn is being cal dully marked.
t1.c world, even our full!►." -I. John v�.,you du aril believe men, how can you ., band 01 s is bei rs cal,reseutiub 1)0111
4. L:, a rnuu'.' if you do not helit\t lit countries, is gnu, over it, running new
r1) .
You cannot believe little thins anal
ll:itgs bt'tler, nuhlct•, purer. l)a' um ;roes from tilt; Allutllic to the at. t..
tents officer, are on the watch against
s u
►,c art
It o
• 1.posts t iu d the+l rCass o
tu\up b
t \
.,l l 1 [�
r� ll 111 , 11111Gov-
and alldr' t
do great ones; you cannot believe r1 J
suchtall O
Last successes and ucconlpliall ttho!e Jttur fulfil ie i+1 thinly mean, 'sines
thein 1 have been upuu the line Wit'' c'nit>rntrldoes ls�+Ilnit can tohelpthem.
ones, A man's taint SOS tilt' buundae. sensual, base, then thither turns your teal butt's during my travels in Canada' There are custom houses at all houn-
i.,�, of his hark. Ile twill do twhut he he. life, iuld no extraneous efforts, no had.,- writes Frank G. Carpenter trout Ulla -
is es and accomplish what he believes e , buticu's, or creeds can change its wu to Ilse Chicago Record -Herald. isary stationled at'lalmost everyn c townet
can be accomplished. Mountains are CCUISe. *. r AI lilt totyn ut Laurier, to l3rilish �;o-
n: �t subdued by men who stand dies- You can measure a mans ,weight in size.
euuragr'd ut a molehill. A man must this world by the strength and clearness lumbia. 1 fuuud (Ile depot built an Loth Net•ertheless, there is a great drat ..t
cr uqur'r (he fatigues of the way in Its 1 f Itis cuu\'ictions, Poor you may be, sides of the boundary. There was a i smuggling from Canada into the United
own 1 cart ur he still never eel out r rl frincdless, stout, weak. unlearned; Lot
murk drawn diagonally across the plat- Slates. 1 have bought goads in Ottawa ,
the all this can be overcome if brig!!t in the form, ort one side of which was painted:pad have had the merchant tell me that 1 this loud.
!lack of all free ne;liwt Liles some creed, heart there burns the unquenchable it, red an enormous Americuu eagle ; U1ry could send anything over to mo i1 soup that will not stand delay in en
r • ► Item!' of solve great passion, some high tt itti the words United states below it. free of duty at any lime 1 chose to OF. int;. If desired it may be cooked with -
:coon. Alt It gi tat bullies na. e.
t'rt'u fought and eilht r lust or won in tails►. Given this fire twi!tlin them, 011 etnd on the other side Cantata and a ►►ic- de[ it. A {adv friend of mine examined out barley in it, but even this will de-
heart. The siulpit) or stubborn the tools shall be found, but without lore of the 1naple leaf. 1 planted one of a (Inc fur cloak in Qt c►tx'c the other tract from the vividness of filo red
confidence that leads to all -conquering it the finest endowment of brain and my fent on the eagle and the other c111 day. The price was several hundred effect.
effort, this is faith; the vision lhai tical. Cody is vttLt1eles�. the leaf and stand for a lime astride;(tollars. and she told the merchant she Beefsteak Pie. -Cut two pounds of
i:.es. The eye of faith sees the prize et Given by some great principle, some the division which separates John Bulls creed not afford to take it and pay the beefsteak into pieces not larger than an
fee end long before it is reached; lilt purpose that berrsmes u holy passion, American possessions front chose 't duty.
Ile' replied that she need not inch square. Put the meat into a skillet
e 2
would de -n 1 rat
1t e isquart a
thatn u
t andIthere
south t ! • ' about ThatIn which �h1
eye of fear looks so closet ' at the chili- ['aIle Sam. Looking; to the scu h .o !}1 1q
J J SOMETHING THAT LEADS YOU cold water. Put skillet on range and
collies and dangers of the course that"steadfastly could, in my imagination. sec the. Rock -Jiver liver it to her at her home in New fork
111E prize is not Seeii at all. like one of long ago who ie. rolling onward for thousands cf rally free on any day s! A. Cl10SC t0 simmer the neat an hour. Add boiling
There is n goal Ileal of fatalism seek- set his face to go up to Jerusalem," then utiles to our Mexican boundary and et: name. wafer it the water in the skillet boils
:n1) to pass as faith. People ,:ay we must all power is yours. The man who has the will) the Mountains of remade It is said that Europe is like an armed down. Remove from range and put the
have [With in God; let things take tiller faith to remove mountains ahvayssomes and the snow and ice of lite British camp. Its every country has fnrtifica•
meat into n de'e'p earthen finking dish.
course and the wit come out 9111 right. the hicks and the steams shovels America extending almost to the pole.' hone at the places where it could most Strew bits of butter among the pieces of
1'he church long commended the shah. where. Ile takes the loots ilein company watt C. E. Sion'e, the gen- c �sily be r.'tecl:c'tl by its neighbors and Bleak, log;elher with a generous sprint:-
tvtto let things drift, and called their tl:uut;h they may seem hut toys beside.,call passenger agent of the Great North -
in military establishments are ling of salt and pepper. Chop a me -
tut I:i: task, and lo± some nlorningt calif it ' ern Railroad, who was twitlt ale. 1 tv1t11:_ 1 c pl up with a view to possible wars• dium sized onion, and put into the steak
laziness resignation. But faith feels the , This line of 3,(100 miles or norer he-
• , lite dreamers awake the rnountain is. c,,, eastward a few steps to look al one water in the skillet. Put two !able-
CEBTITDE OF A HARVEST no longer thele. Faith has •had her per- 1'' tween Canada and the United Slates
of the brass po.;is which find just been i� ralicnll free trrnn military defenc• spoonfuls of 1)r caned flour into an
tccitusc it has first diligently plowed feel work-
put tip la mark the boundary. The posts p J' earthen dish, and Twat it into a smooth
Vn tool tiller \word ,ons ever said c t 1es There is a great at tort at Quebec, paste with sufficient cold 'water. Stir
and sown and brought
the the lifatgoodness ere only a few miles apart and they air.!g
divine lean limn that which spoke being put up along the whole line, with ; \\ ilh old t*ons onch a fete soldiers. this into the Bleak water, and pour filo
that has ever brout;t,t seedti>nte and
the Superstitious
of hint as the leader and completer of the exeptin of the great lakes, from s There is n enaiint' station at Esa1u+nlaul water over the meal in the baking dial].
Superstilit)us credulit • is not [pith. It faith. Set great a work was possible the mouth of the S1. Luwrencc to I'u1:et 1 year was garrisoned by British in, which lttroops. Cover the dish with rich pastry. and
i; more than ttie foresight that feeds only with
sublime confidence
ind onithy
Sound. As 1 sloeR[ beside' the post it 1'ut which is now held entirely by Can• bake fifteen minute, in a quick oven to
ei. visions of a future heaven; it is the glorious nossibi{hies of mann Y reached to illy shoulder. {t is. ! judge, t ndinns. The British, in tact, have with- set the pastry, after which "slaty" the
clear eye looks keenly rat the U1i11gy \\ilh u+tshal,ithle assurance thatw rye al.out five feet high. eight inches thick
i drawn their forces from Canada. and heat, and bake slowly an hour. Boiling
r'i to -Ilia . No truth is the better roe that was good and true in the ut[ a rat the bottom. tapering to four inches:
now on the Canadians will handle the meal may he omitted. the steak be-
I:c1ng; taken on trust; it cannot he pas- alt. working with hint for the good
(hat ll,iek at the top, where it ends in a in put into the (akin dish raw. The
au- all. welting
hint faith was an e'y t aid as sharp ns that tvhi�h! Ihrir own military establishments g ! g
(L'ot'h unlit it is I:nuto not on wt exa hand that little pyran1 throughout. indeed, Cnnnda has elle. dish should be filled ,vitt water info
lhorit of anulhec but onyour own ex- sort" miln'G hidden good.cape the Washington monument. The ; licall ' no defences along the land boon- which the browned flour has been
J;crience. grasped the infinite might moving for post is made of brass or copper plates 1 y
the best. I nary In speak of, and it is the same beaten. The pie should be baked two
Only n lust hand faith isa force in soldered ir►geihcr, and so set in n Berl- ; s, ith the United Slates. According to hours -and the result isn't likely to be
the world. It is born' of life; it deter- HENRY F. COPP. ding of content that it looks like solid our treaty, neither nation can keep more as satisfactory as produced by the 1►oit-
ittelul. indeed, 1 did not know it \yns than one naval vessel on the great and -bake process.
hollow until I tapped it with my knife. lakes. and this i.3 more for police duties Stuffed Leg of Mutton. -Take the hone
than for national protection. Neither out of a small leg of mutton. Fill the
LiNE MARKED BY COSTS. r,.iiiltry is nfraid of the other, neither vacant place with a stuffing made of
One side of this post iwre lilt word hr.'tts a large tnilitnry force. and the two cups- of browned bread crumbs, a
"Canada" in raised tellers, and the op- relations rf \ atlt ileclnnw helt\ren\ail and the two head spr'ave Ptkles of powdered onion, ed savorycd and salt
J osite side "'1'11c United States." Un p J pepper, enough butler' to make the
Io Ihr hrlial pea we will always have and R
international pence. mixture moist, and a half glass of cur-
rant jelly. Sew the end .of the leg se-
curely. I'ut slices of salt pork over one
AID FOR EMIGRANTS. side of the leg -and put into a baking
pan in which there is a cup of water.
Rake slowly about two and a half hours.
When done put on platter and serve
n made
with lila gravy in l p
with a little browned flour paste and
butter, and the other halt of the glass
of currant jelly.
To [Wake Irish hash, put into the pan
a good-sized lump of butter, and, when
the pan is hot, add, according to the
members of Ibe family, the desired
quantity of finely chopped corned beef,
and let it heat. The potatoes should be
freshly baked, scooped out from the
skins while hot, and added to the beef,
and the mixture seasoned with salt,
pepper, and a dnsh of nutmeg, and a
dash of onion juice, moistened with
chicken broth or beef stock, and served
piping hot.
For a pepper omelet. melt an ounce
of butter in a saucepan, and in it stir
two spoonfuls of flour. Use one pint of
beet stock, halt a dozen good-sized
mushrooms. halt a dozen whole pep-
pers.. Season with salt. pepper, a dash
of nutmeg, and c ok for twenty min-
utes. \Vhen done. adds a half-pint of
shrimps. three fresh peppers, chopped
fine, and let simmer for five minutes.
Prepare a plain omelet and pour inet•lhe
mixture before it is turned over.
on hot plates.
Boiled Icing for Cakes. --in the making
of boiled icing for cakes great patience
must be exercised in the boiling of tht'
sugar and water. Mix thoroughly be-
fore placing on the stove, one cupful of
srignr to one-fourth of n cupful of cold
water. While this Is boiling heat rapid-
ly the white of one egg. to which a pinch
of cream of tartar has been ndded. Be
careful that none of the Folk is allowed
in the while, as this prevents the egg
from being beaten dry and stiff. Test
the syrup irerluently by dipping the tip
end of -the spatula into the syrup rind
letting it fall into a cup of colt! water.
The secret is, just the moment the syrup
in so ieieg the field writer congeals and
Opium smuggling Is another crime
frequently perpetrated. The opium is
said to be prepared at Victoria and car -
let! uct'oss in small packages. Tate duty
6 very high and it does not lake, many
I•r.unds 10 bring a profit to the smug-
gler of a thousand dollars. Our cus•
"".'"""*""" 1 HIS WIFE'S LLJNGS
Thq Home
To make red Roumanian sot•p, take
three to live beets. according to size, cut
theta into small pieces, and cook them
for at least one hour in four cupfuls of
water in which two bay leaves had pre-
viously been broken. Strain the liquid
the mean-
t ll.
•o It
u! setcool. Idllasideto
time lake half a cupful of well strained
tomato juicy, and mix with it a cupful
of milk, the beaten yolks of lour eggs,
with salt, pepper, and a little mustard,
and a tablespoonful of vinegar as sea-
suning. !'lace tl►is mixture upon the
store in a double boiler, and ns soon 85
it begins to steam add the beet juice,
serving it as soon es it bolls, as us is
1\ 1 tai\ \'11(0N V. LESSON,
\t.\ 1 1:1.
N :,+.. -The text of the Revised Version
e ret
the: \
•basis for �
as a
i� �, .t
Stilling the Tempest. The group cf
parables spoken liy Jesus on that mem-
orable orable day at the seaside near Caper-
11i1t1111 is reported in part only by each
THREE Trying Times in of the synoptic evangelists. Mathew
R g
reports seven of the group, omitting
� the parable of they growth of the seed
A w o n� N s recorded only in Mark. Mai•k records,
in audition to the one just mentioned,
W 11 E N the parable of the sower and the parable
HEART of til^ iiustar.i seed. grail of which, in
MILRURN S H addition "rill' paiet_i_e the leaved,
are reetx)rded also in Luke. Mark. in
AND NERVE PILLS verse 3:3 of the fourth chapter, at the
conclusion of his re.'ord of this daay's
ars almost an absolute r:ee .'.tty towards her inching by the seasidee..i)dds ...And with
many sn'h parables spoke he the word
unto them." \\'e are left in doubt, how-
ever. ns to whether Mark refers in Riese
woi•tls simply to Idose parables recorded
in \latthe,v but not recorded by him-
self. or whether we are to assume that
Jesus a1 that time spoke still other par-
ables not recorded by any evangelist.
Nerve Pills will reeve of wonderful value to tide \\ l •'tl rat 1n�% the lats.)! day ,cans ended
over the time. Mrs. James Mag. Cornwall, ; Jt's91.; s1Iggesterl In his diseiples that they
Ont., writes: "1 %Visa troubled very much with ; r•l,nss over in the other side of the lake.
heart tn,ublc - the cause being to a Brest extent 1'lli� !bey did without even \t'1ltlllg to
due to -char:,te of life. " I have leen taking your the ell or to pause for rest and refresh -
Heart and Ne-ve fills for ionic time. and mean
Melt?. In their passage over they en -
SO continue .boleg w,. as h can truthfully say rr)tinler n t;l'eat Stol'lll, CO great that the
they Bre the tn,t remedy 1 have ever u sinkin • of their little craft seemed int -
building up the system. You are at liberty to
mitten!. 11911. worn out by 1114 day's
use this atatcxent for the benefit of other labor, Je'�i' slept eutinly in the midst
sufferers." of the storm, until finally the anxious
Price 50 cents .,er box or three boxes for $1.25.
alt dealer. or The T. Mi;burn Co.. Limited. disciples
awnk �ned a 111111 mut
the peril
onto Oat. in which They slontl. A single ward of
-` calm command to 'vind and sen and all
Water 'het has stood all night in n was still. Mark re'eords the gentle re -
bedroom is quite unfit to drink. Ct►td hake of Jesus to his disciples far their
water is a powerful nl►ssorihent of gases. fearfulness and closes his neeount of
This Is wh: it is tised in a sick -room to the wonderful event with the words
help purify the air. "Anil they feared exceedingly. and said
one to nnolher. Who then is this. that
even the wind and the sea obey hint ee
Al this point in \lark's narrative our
pr,'Ceent lesson begins.
future health.
The first when elle i. ju-t btt':,ting flour girl-
hood into the full t.l,,om of womanhood.
The eecond period that constitutes a special
drain on the system is during pregnancy.
The third and the one moat liable to leave
heart and nerye t roubles isduring"change of life!.
In all three 1•^ritxts Milburn's Ileart and
the manuscripts of our gospels were
copied and recopied during the many
centuries preceding the intention of
printing the wonder is that more copy-
ist errors of this hind than actually do
occur are i►ot found in the gospels.
2. Straightway --A common ward in another side twus the it1st_rllstton.
Mark's rapid sketch of events. "Treaty of 1816. Line established 18.57
Tombs -Caves in the limestone cliffs, and 1801. Surveyed and malted leo3-
abounding especially in the vicinity : t 1;;07."
Standing at the post i could look for
several miles east or west through a
wide road which had been cut along
each side the boundary right ihrough Munie'ipnl aid is now tieing furnished
the forest. 1 am told that such. marking to emigrants from Leith. Scotland, and
has been done all along the lira'. the retiult is being watched ,with great
1 understand that the boundary pods interest. The unemployed workmen act
along the eastern end of the line are 9n of 1915 authorizes the appointment of
are being distress committee's by the local authori-
I'nd condition and that they
replaced by posts of copper and gran- lies of cities and towns and provides
ite. The original ones between Quebec mill"!he central body may, it they
and Maine, New Hampshire and Ver- thins: f11, in any case of an unemployed
tont were made of iron. They were person referred 10 them by the distress
put up about sixty years ago, but the committee, assist that person by aiding
frost and thaws have displaced many the emigration or removal to another
of them and thrown others out of per- arra of that person and any of his de-
pendicular. Some of these posts have pendens, or by providing or contr•i-
toward the provision of tem -
been moved. The surveyors who have
been going over the line during lite Luling
e past porary work." Any expenses incurred
year found two of the posts on the north- witch shahs not be MCI by voluntary
tern arm of Lake Champlain missing. contributions are to be paid out of the
One was sixty feel away from the line, rates or taxes.
and it had probably leen carried thererates
is the first municipality in Scot -
hs an ice shove when the water was land, if not in the United Kingdom, to
unusually high. Surae of these posts adopt an emigration scheme. There are
stood near rends and they had drop- I about four hundred unemployed work -
ped over into the gutters. Many trete
drop -
browned with rust and surrounded melt in that city, and it is proposed by
with weeds. The most of these have the distress committee to semi to Can.
leen reset or replaced with granite pit- ntla as many as are physically 111 for
sledded that they wilresist ist the farm work and are willing to emigrate.
Lars. so :\ limited number of married men, with
ave *es of little, their wives and children, will be In -
is a custom house at Laurier, Blurted in the list.
end our baggage was examined bylate To insure the Physical Illness of emi-
grants for residence in the Dominion
crossed over. There are, =onto other the applicants are medically examined.
Ia\vns situated here and there nlong!'tie
in ,some daces want Exich adult emigrant receives two new
lil►e, and there arei complete outfits of clothing, n steerage
are known ns boundary stores, halt -it ticks! and $5 or a+G pocket money. It is
one side and halt on the other. Such calculated that the cost to the tnxpa; erg
Blore; were more common in the past woi slightly exceed $40 for each adult
%tion nets•. One-half of a building, for
instance. might be in the province cif person sent abroad,- not including the
Qtiet•ee and the other halt in the State otil(lls of clothing. witch. It is 1. sieved,
;1 \'ermoltl, tIeItind one were sheh•els ‘0‘11111111,e°1
ill I,e largely provided 1)J• rontrihu-
and behind the other tions of apparel and money. The first
c.t American goodsart of emigrants have been
g:'real stores rat Canadian waves. The party
customer pant his money and took his teed workfor
o twelve mots Four Oil dairy
chive. and the lariat laws were about ns farms in
little regarded as are those of Moses men, over
t. r thirty
roneand under or two exceptiion years
tel a raining camp. single men nre between the ages of
BOUNDARY STORES LAP O\'Ia3• t\\Thevde development of the Leitch emigre -
Such stores were also desirable re- tion scheme is watched with much in-
terest and not without misgiving by the
people of Edinburgh and other com-
munities in Sentient'. The extent to
which it can he carried seems measur-
able only by the very elastic terra
But the Great Consumptive Prevent
tative brought Health and Happi-
ness to his dome
"Our doctor said there was no cure for
my wife as both her lungs were affected,"
says Mr. L. 11. Walter, of !'earl Street,
Brockville, Ont. " It was a sad disap-
pointment to us both, just starting out in
life, only married a short time. But before
she lead finished the first bottle of lschino y
the pain in her lungs quickly went away,
and after taking six bottles Mrs. Walter
was a new creature and perfectly well
That is just one of the many families
into which Psychine has brought hope,
health and happiness. It is a living proof
that Psychine cures Consumption. But
don't wait for Consumption. Cure your
Latirippe, your Cough. your Bronchitis,
your Catarrh, or your Nneuutonia with the
remedy that never tails -
A matt --Matthew mentions two but
Luke also only one. Probably there
t11 fiercer
were h,•o, of whom ane was e
and acted as spokesman.
With an unclean spirit ---For n note on
demoniac poses.sion, compare Word
Studies for Februar: 18.
G. Worshiped hint --Simply paid him
reverence. The Greek word is not limi-
ted in it: nnnlication to reverence paid
to the Divine {Icing.
7. 'What have 1 to do with thee -1t is
the demon that is speaking. Note the
strong contrast brought out by the use
of the pronouns 1 and thee.
Thou Son of the Most high God -The
demon is represented us recognizing
the divinity of Christ.
8. For he said -The word teas not
yet spoken. and a better rendering pos-
sibly would be "Ile was about to say."
Perhaps the exp'resston on the fno of
Jesus and his whole manner indicated
to the demon Mutt he was likely to say
9. What is thy name -Addressed In
the unfortunate man to bring him to
Legion -Explained In the next Plnitse
"For we are many."
10. Out of the country --In 1.uke's ri t-
narralive we read "into lite abyss."
13. Gave them leave -\\'e note that
Jesue did not command the demons to
enter the ,wine. Matthew i:: more ex-
plicit in quohing the word of Jesus,
tvhit'h he records as having been sim-
ply "Depart." \\'e note also that there
is here no nnlicipntfon of the impending
CaiaArophe. •
About two Iliousand-The estimate of
the frightened swin9'heres.
11. In tate city --In Gersa about a
anile to the northteast.
In the country -To the farmers in the
15. Come -Tenses in ('.reek express
rather the manner than the time of
action, while in English the time of
nrtinn receives the greater emphnsis in
the verb forst; hence the difficulty in
Iran'lntinl the -u' te'nCe forms consis-
_- tently throughout.
Vero, 1.
his right mind -In possession once cuts for criminals, ,who, standing Jn
i. To the other side -To themore of Itis mental *ewers. which sn rile Aide of the room. could snap their
eastern sheen' of the Inks' o1x)ut opposite Lang 11nd been under the control of lingers at the officers on tate other side,
(npernnurn. drniona. andgltisitraioun.se' to be arrested' without a ie•
t;erascnes---Ancient manuscripts differ They tweto amid-. \s nfraiel nppnren{•
in the spelling of the proper name here ly of the sane mall ns previously of the Our boundary with Canada winds in
nse'tl. though the preferred) rending in nndn,ntt, or nrol,ably Wahl rather of and out nt all sorts of angles Jur the
this narrative of Mat l:, niol Men in that then) ower that had overcome the tor- first fnnlir•'housand 11 m at thiles e so from
thlr>nke At.
of Luke, seems to he the one adopted fl fO�i [�:\lt\t.
by the Revised Version. Mnv1 of the 16. They' that saw it --Eye tvitneeses and
ndt bums aroundnin Mein e. keeping
e)ret. 1'[G •,
attc•lrnt nlnotiserifes of Matthew's gos. of the miracle. tiowl►crc the world. in alt probit•
Jx'I.. however. read f;adat•ene:, as do Ilow it befell hits ... and concerning; all it touches thnl river at the northecest'' bili! can inet many' td. i pigeons pr n-
nlsn -some manuscripts tet Merl: rind I the swine ---Theo simply relnted both ern edge of New 1•eerk. 11 cons wi'II I %he he'cn ,in the air as on the pigeon faun
'Com :\tlble.,e/' h V,'r.k.11 and • inei.lents xis they oer•ttrrevi. leeeing the river to Lake Ontr►rio and then win.ls is be
Luke'. on cif Malt. S. :s: \i.Irk ! hearers to infer the rensnn of the rata{. il:s way through the ,middle , of •the j r ranch in ichuth to r found
o iitd enear
5. \ u�ttl Version t i t hr. 'elle cell and ln[treeet of the de- 1 real lnk,'s until it re .aches the land 1 r9. 1: and Luke, 5. ;Gl, � :rt'f: part of the world is especially tas•nrahle
again at the norlht•alslerlt end of Min.;
The sore thtvat •>t tickling cough thsl, to lb* (;elan. or Kt'Fsn. from which crones !moms was of course in\ i••ihle. ni-` LukeSuperior. F ,
'velem. seems but a trivial aetuoyaace, n,>>hawks !)ting ,. ry
earthe ►rel er noun Grr,a?r'rtra, call, al cit r 1g. Rt'sctug;ht him that , he might t'P ��` t� inel.,n little Ihrcnug;h f hr' iltnirn - here,
! t>nlucaleoenemie'sg.They Ince •'w
h 1 pe t h tl[ wayi with hint- Possibly hath fear and dexo
devet.•p into Pneumonia. Bronchitis. or some
en the roto si+tr and :9{nle)•• ► ,.r r,,,nitry In the Loki, of the \\'.�o,la s=nrce, while the perpetual cnnt,ne r is
Throat or Lung troubles
dew') from the nnrtha r,l extremity of lion entered1111 into, the mnli\r which and then lnkct an almost straight shwa! art important factor. l'1,e' farm e. v. rg
Ill,, �,.;r e,f 1:ahtc'r. a ht11_ more, (halt a pri11'�^te'.t Item 1,-1 make the request.
.a+r 1 t •a the lesa prairies and the sight ito ` an i eight acres of hefsandy. gravellyere
DR. WOODS n+i:e ti•„tt 'he vhnri`. Tits' >h,ire (his •'0• In De,nsrelia---oA g,reetia of fen 1 ul:rl So tinct. ]uRt hn,t' lung the ,yh.tis, soil. and there is nbllnelnnt supply
t.. tint i• t . �• n:9rrtlt\•, n s1e'le �le,tr,' lead- ewes coo and sntulh of lilt sett of rnJ- 1,.,91ndnry line is 1 do not knr)ty, but it' of fresh ,canter. fifteen uhou�9ind birds
;1R•rt l•t!� trot, Ili., high table. ite't' ntt[st be cott!si.ler'al,ly afore than 3.ta$) fairly cut ear the ground and lofts. so
NORWAing 911911, leiel ie 1' �t:9'1-r, /d e. \ small lt.;al1 1 tile!! rat ljines front n diatuiec it apt
Nrr.�...♦ •......�� miles*
,,• ,•, .,f tit•• st,r M 1�•e':•e a Ttv.l of the Seel!t c•tt•'ns'r'S c0►n)i�ittr',1 r pears as thertgtit some of the snow from
n( i ui.9: ati the ' ' 1
the stone Inlet -land
le an Ili.' ruins •-,f 't e•tI`' ('l;1t11.11'ti. ren ix,ll) sales rat the ih,un;luty .11 Ih,t+' the nt�i};ltlrr,ring; mountains had been
PINE S�+f `drt,l)lrrel 9ii.i.n the rant.:. The increase
on Ill; 01111. e,.'. S t,i rte on the r. People who find rlil - \\'est it, a atmtg;}tlingi and enith nlstlinr.
• /. 11m -healing .inures of the TINA, ,,„1„,. 1;10„11. \va, 0 r'ity Six 1,911, s s„iiii,- ( tt'•e1,dt r tt :iJ 1 1 1 n The pastures of fntlndn nre 1 eflrr Ih:9t1 'et :I:ts tit; :t9tiC rock is Ctaortnoti;, but
contain. all tat g11`fe.,.est the t;nitre! Ilan and lite :h.i't the tt< n9;in,d 1s better than the supply,
tree, and is a sure cure for Coughs. Colds and ! I o "'•a tel 1;,,tllr' find ortllh of r,I"0 211 piling to n'ic'e! are tctlrl to V •
all Threat or tune ,re•ubl•'�. ear., I';. 11utr!tin• "I's 1• ,rntuk, 1•r 11H're•'9i11C 1.•I9r e'. all ,.,„,„1 a•lt ,,,,die.„ 11,rtn1,cr of oleo)
> 'and gu,(X>rl J►ig;•;en;s are S•-nt o friar 'i
i t•rtrnn rnnchrnrtl fre'1Jttt rally drive 1hQit"
i r' " ref ro0I i,, K)rtln',' 921}; P1 0' "I' r1 t,+911 ?' t , ,e i and
eon. t3A Argyle Street. Toronto. writes: i i have "'e'en' lima' n i 1 1 1 I g , shieli a. ro`s the 1 ; .indalry l: a feed t n
Bern a avt!crer from (lirnnie Bronchitis for and tale rat the heir!, tical rilice; of the "I'•'rl:aln: It l: ,rill) the•idea of pulling 1 t_nnnal:l'�9 arna Such d,`pr.'e1ll,•eiis are!
ye•.r. and he'. found 1)r. Weer. Norway Pone rt. ,.,,,i. it :ntnl►. \ • r. ;'19.) `inrr Cal' !he \noi ewer (heir r'� ca. a .aisfiiiiv �t asci el by file Ir::,;lt9'i el p•i• --- +"""-�
Syrup tar better then any .,t the hun.tredt . et:)re one dr,►lhtiese !U11ch !seller known i bee They 1 ntiol the interr'itinrial tine
remedies I hnee uw-1. Our whole family ones Ih,►n (;e`rsn It Is quite t,•,•Qil•le 1lmt Il)r--'--•��"'�""� tsrr'l.ly Mill i9rrt'-:t such r,,s: have
A man sh s21t) be well iif•'ir'd 1;,'lehrt'
It in cars of Gbvghs to Cods. n, s►vuld toff ttntttr reeryrenc' WA". Ptt,'r st:l•slitub•`il . They !tying
�9f ('.\huh. 1'Ult ,\1.:\R\1. i,,e•it' t<>rk rm the ss t eel1 la stand on hitt distally'.
;bout i�." for t1' very similar til ,ti1•h 1's in►r.ili lr say {hal all stock 11:;9t t , r 392t a ('an• Gre'attnee: may doubt its own import -
Den'? Baine Gerasenes• the change Orel being hicke--"My hair enface out in hand• oda pays rattly. nal the) •r f:1`Ir r r• refer', 1;ut
egt,,tisnl never
Den'? be lemibtaje•') into taking r,nsething t
"last }e. ,t,.,,.1;' 9►•t for 1)r. tloo,t's and iaei•t ltlnue' 1 r's•t'tr ("OW
r►+t!aitle' rat 1':01'' fill:. It it kelps +n. I'll soon 1k' lend,. ranine all cattle h reeug;ht i1, ft,r tui r• Merringe is never n failure, but often
on re" "(;t_ ,•a, +TI in yellow wrapper, three i tine who kttl'w of Collura leu! teal of \\ it'ks- «N�>�: Anse. [t It kec on you (culas[,a, Texas tet'er attci olttec diseas- the contracting parties ark.
y the tratw nwt< tto t Price 43 ccofs. ; V`1.3. When t�'e relne,nber how often can never' he bald." M,
Pigeon Pie. -Prepare the birds and
joint there.' \Vnsh thoroughly. Boil in
just enough water to cover them, and
boil until tender. Then put birds into
an earthen haling dish. strewing the
butler and Thin t•
�:zsli'`.altand nlI11pepper stilt pork
aiming; the piece .
gravy and add the proper quantity of
browned -flour paste and a d&Ali ( [ hu1-
ter. (Artt'r dish with rich pastry, anis
hake in a ts' elerately quick oven n halt
The Bad Cold of To -Day
(Pronoun,rd Si•kern)
50c. Per Bottle
Larger shies *1 and 42 --all druggists.
OR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto.
falls tit once into a round. soft mass in
the bottom of the cup and retains ill
shape for a second it 6 then ready to
pour in n steady stream upon tate
beaten white of egg. To Ifo this pro-
perly grasp . the syrup kettle ,with the
left hand, arid, while pouring upon the
egg. heal with the Dover egg beater,
holding it by the handle. When all the
syrup is in give the icing a thorough
beating until cool enough to spread
upon the cake. The use of the Dover
beater gives a most beautifully white
and glossy appearance to the icing. not
obtained otherwise. Any iluvor can be
added just before spreading upon cake. •
it nuts are used they should be sprink-
led dry upon the cake and then covered
over with the icing. Nuts mixed in the
.zing gives a cloudy appearance not
pleasing to the eye. Chocolate dis-
solved and while hot can be added to'
the icing or spread upon the cake and
theft covered with the white icing. Any
fruits, flowers, or fancy designs. will
adhere to this icing as soon as placed
in position.
PIMPLES Many an otherwise
beautiful and attrao-
BLOTCHES tivo face is sadly
marred by 'unseemly
ERUPTIONS Bin tulios, Pimples,
FLESHWORMSr` nvaand Humors,
u Cather blood dist
Thoir pretence is a sourer' of embarrass-
ment to those afflicted, as well as pain and
regret to their friends.
Many a cheek and brow-- east in the
mould of grace and beauty--hayu been sadly
defaced, their attractiveness lost, and their
possessor rendered unhappy for years.
>,Vhy, then, consent to rest under thfe
cloud i,f embarrassment ?
'!'here is an etic.;tual retnccly for all these
defects, it is,
This remedy will drive tart all tho imp�sri-
ties from tho blood And leave thu eo+u-
healthy and clear.
Mies Annie Tobin, NIadoc, Ont., writes :
" I tako great pleasure in reta)mmetndisg
your Burdock Mood Bitters to) any one whra
may he troubled with pimples 0,1 the face.
I paid out tne)ney to doctors, but could not
get cured, and was almost discouraged, anti
despaired of ever getting rid of them. I
thought I would rive [3.13.18. a trial, so got
two bottles, arni before I had taken them
I was completely cured and have had ne
sign of pimples since."
Burdock Blood Bitters has been mat9a-
factured by Tho T. Milburn Co., Limited,
for over 30 years, anti has cured thousat»is
in that tiino. Po not accept a sttlt!etitute
which unscrupulous dealers say is " just see
good." " It can't be."
Theusanris of young an.1 middle-aged men are annually swept to a
premature grave through 1511'It(JfENT HABITS. EXCESSES ANI) I11.CN)U
DISEASES. If you base an) of the following aymptonis consult us before
It is too late. Are you nervous and weak. despondent and gloomy, !peeks
before tho ryes with d:crk circles under them, weak hark. kide.%)a irrita-
ble. [alp,it.ttion of the heart, bashful. excitable dreams, a..dlment In urine.
poor memory, llfeless.distrustftll, taclk energy anti strength, tired morn-
it':ples on the face, eyes sunken. hollow cheeks, rrsreworn expression,
• �eg:, restlees ntglttr, ehetigeabte merit'''. nerve weakness, premature de.
• ea'', bone psina. hair loose. sore throat, ete.?
We entre Vert n••ele. `:tri. taro, Blood i'ol+on. Nervous Debility. PC4507
and IllnQder 1)t•r:i' u. 1 „n•nitetton }'rec. 1f t :t' I,) to • t11. wr' • f ,r
Question Blank for Home Treatment.
Its SHELBY 9Tlli:1r-•T, MCTROIT, Mt('II,