Exeter Times, 1906-05-10, Page 3IPPP
4C--- - -
ti-i-Heitatei-i-ii-iiiiietrii-Viek.PALE, IJS L SS GIRLS.
A Hunter's k:xperient es in the %1 tali, of
Africa has to depend 1iy, she,utilrg in Mal dtag;ruceful {aslttutt'
ilEALTII can Only Obtain Health Throuelt New,
East Atrtr:t, Loot: hove quiet Willie is!'
Blood Made by Ur. lien: in East Ethel -"Of course, hes quiet; that's 1.
Rich Pure E The sportsman hunting t,ur pante. Ile's pa}a coming; genie late, !
.. \\ illi;tu►s' I`iuk fills. mein \wing fa or- and l nr you."
t girls -girls irls in their teens-' ed 1, • circutuslances. Ile may find !iiln• Miserable Folks could trace both i
Growing g, rls-g;y
...i.,.{..i»{_:..I»t..f.-t•.i-•!-.t»1-- - -'�•:'•:-'i' . urs; blood. Healthy self un„rnied just �� h� n his chance has stag of mind and to tools one
tt',ust Wive rich, 1J c,),ttt t.iuns often gout in conlrina-body
womanhood depends upon the chat
111E D:\Il.l' ).:\'111. girlhood to ultiturlty.
Ititin, says the author of "1.lashiighls in cr other fetor of stomach disorder. Ur.
cleang,e from E y the Jungle." th ivc their prey to-
es-, 1 p t
should most careful!). r* e. They \ on Stun 1 toga ► le "Parte is a "vest
A witty woman, the president of a eet•y w•oruurt en -Locket remedy that nature provides college
for le gin said once that the \;etch her daughter's heatlh att this bus ward eachthe iother iind Stem to C0111111U11i and that medical science has prow :r
v'orkf girl at \itis 1 c Y
Horld lorry le divided into two classes-- tread period. !fab pale, titin alts! Ian- In 1900, writes Mr. Schillings, I had th in preventing and curing; ski-
who bathe daily and those who do headaches, it she is mach ailments. If y'ou'rs a syi►t}►tt,ttl ,
nal. 'This div'isiolt can be made, of quid, it short's that her slender blood an encounter with three lions wt►irh ,
She will of distress in your stuniach res/ the
course, just as any other separation of supply is being overtaxed. alight easily hate proved fatal to me Pineapple cure. turnach t
class from another, but it should always be ailing and play slip into a huih►tving the course of n stream 1
trent out ter a short walk round the SIZE FOOLED ill�l.
not be made in disparagement of those hopeless decline or consumption it her camp,
armed, contrary to my u"ual
who do not lake the morning tub. 1If is
Itinkbuilt iupsat once with
ricl , red custom, with only ay fowling -piece. _
Suddenly 1 gaols mein the tracks c'[ most positiveathat,lieohissed y'outt be -
several lions. , hold the door lull night."
Almost intoltnit;erily I followed ill, `he - "Yes, but that wasn't the worst
tracks for two hunt, �d Wards or so, mei o! it. It was ul�o behind the ear.,.
was about to make my way down int,_,
the dried-up bed of a stream when i of Ateallcr Graves'
became conscious of a shadow to ray' The superiority
left. Turning round, 1 beheld a lioness Worm Exterminator is stioa n ny its
twenty -Cave paces off, eyeing me quietly'. good offsets on the childreie Purchase
t► bottle and give it a Mut.
hitimrna-"Ethel, what do got' Mean
The daily cool or cold bath is an ex- ' ea 'i tau ,Els make bring
trent - ttution, promotive of denten-I,iuod which these p
ess, her,711, vigor, and a feeling ul:in health and
dutren1 tthes to \ever tloggrn,
to dislike for those who do not take it; and
mukebut it is not an absolute necessity, even Leight, rosy-cheekctt, active hay lest Ont .
for cleanliness. It is not possible to lay \liss Mag ire e Donahue
the use of Dr.
clown any rule.; of hygiene which are of fir. y s: Williams'Pink{'ills 1 was badly run
unitcfsal application without ntodiflcait -
tic,n. The best �Ihat can be du � tlloso l:ood, had et turned tiro watertouglt[ \vas
treat of the art bis person, suffered from hendnCfCS and
.lhnosl simultaneously I saw, six or
-rigors or below this average must make very pale,
feepilation of the heart, and often 1 eight'
ight pact's ft•ttr+t her, two other lions
nuetur , forward. half -covered bi tht•
For several secont1' neither I nor the
lions made :► move. But the lioness pre-
sently turned away trent me quite calm-
ly, took several steps along the border
of the gorge, and then disappeared sud-
denly among the rushes. The others
disappeared simultaneously. 1 waited
motionless for a minute where 1 Was,
the hastened t.nck to this (an11).
In I�►00 1 witnessed a very interesting
spectacle. I had been for several hours
following up the' tracks of some lions
when 1 chore suddenly upon an ostrich--;
nest, with some young ostriches in it
only just out of their shells, and with
some eggs wi'thin a few hours of hatch-
ing. To ray astonishment, the lion:
seemed to have disdained the yuinlg;
But on examining the tracks more
carefully, 1 leareied better. The old
ostriches had evidently espied the lions
in good lime in the clear moonlight,
and, as the tracks indica'led unmistak-
ably, had enticed them away from the
nest by effecting n speedy retreat. The
lions had followed the ostriches for
(diced a hundred yards with long
springs. but had then, seeing the pur-
suit was hopeless, fallen back into their
ordinary stride. In Otis way the os-
triches succeeded in saving their
threatened brood.
modifications in one or the oilier dlrt'c• would pass sleepless nights. I fount
tions to suit Lite individual needs. This mailing ing; to help me until 1 began the
is the case with the morning tub. rp a ,' e,f Dr. Williams'PinkPills,andFor the average person in averflg, tr,e�e have sully restored me and 1 canhealth, a daily hash in cool water is ui t, Wilfully say 1 never enjoyed better
egreatest value for both health and
cleanliness. For the latter a health then 1 am now doing."
warm ! When Dr. Williams' Fink fills re.-
LS often said to be necessar; . but ill's lace bail blond with good blood they
is not so ordinarily. One who bathes ' strike straightat the root of all coim-
every morning, soaping the body well 111011n r like anaemia, decline,
before stepping; into lite tub say on ltvo }nd} �estion, kidney and Eiger ireut,lrs,
mornings of the week, has no need for skin eruptions, erysipelas, neuralgia,
the Saturday night scrub in hot water.
51. Vitus dance, paralysis, rl►elmlati=nt,
The daily bather, especially if the uncle►•• , and the special ailments of growing
clothes are changed two or three times a
girls iris and women. Be sure you get
week, on soap days, is clean enough tor, the genuine pills n ith the lull name,
this wicked world without further alien- thDr.e \\'illinrnc' Pink Pills for Pale Pen-
Lon.ie," printed nn the wrapper around
The temperature of the bath should inch boar Sold by medicine dealers r r
he as low as one can endure ttilh com•I cent by nail at 50 cents n box or six
Loxes for 82.50 by writing The Dr. \Vii-
tialns' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
One Regiment ilad Emu and Kangaroo,
Another a Snake.
fort; it should never be so low that the
bather feels cold after drying the body.
For the young with strong hearts a
temperature of fifty degrees is a fair
average; but as age advances this tem-
perature should rise say one degree
vitt, each year over forty, so that for a
person of fifty years the bath may be at
sixty degrees, and for one of sixty
years at seventy degrees. After sixty.
years one should observe caution 1 e -
No less than thirty regiments in the
British army have pet animals at-
gtu•cting; the tub bath, and it is bet er tagged.
to get the doctor's advice, for if the wa- •i•Ite dogs of the "Fighting Fifth" and
6 I...jack,.the retriever, of the Twelfth
ter Is loo colt) or too hot, n weakened
heart may receive a dangerous shock. u Lancers, march with their companies
Sponge -bathing; is then better as a rule.) when on active service, and have taken
The temperature of the air in the room 1 part in more than one battle. 'lite drum
should in general be about that of the, herse of the Seventh Hussars-present-
bathtt r►ter. or n little above. 1'he blow ! ed by the late Queen Victoria -marches
of the reaction which comes will the! proudly at the head of the inen, with
rubbing is more readily produced in a white tail and main flowing.
warm room. For this purpose a good "Billy," the goat of the Welsh Fusil-
rough towel should be used vigorously. iers, is better known, and is a very
in order to bring the blood to the site- showy soldier indeed, as he struts along
point of view, facings,badge and crest "
Indeed, from Ills health p white and the I)f)3►i)'S K11)\1:1' PILLS ARE THE
face and stimulate circulation generally. in all the glory -of scarlet coat, with
tl►ie, rubbing is a most important part of the regiment on his forehead. fhe WRY ill: '1' X11:1)1(:1\F. 1 EVER
of the bath. -Youth's Companion. Queen's Own hussars has also a goat. L'sfa> hal; KIDNEY
A deer is the pet of the Seafortlr
Highlanders. "Antony," a little donkey,
attached himself to the Twenty-sixth
I1ousemaicl's knee may be avoided by Cnitery while in India and became an
using a cushion to kneel on instead of and b rink drshed inking with the \men arching, et beaeating
the rare floor.
In cases of measles the child must Le was the mascot of the Gloucester regi -
guarded from a strong; light. A warm ment, but becoming; ill tempered had
bath may be given if [ever is high. to be shot.
sipping The Lancers of New South Wales
colIliccough may be relieved byaroo. Gannnoque, Ont., April
also watct hi holding .he breath may, have an enbecnme the peu and o t of the'Grenn- -"I suffered off and on for over four
also effectually check it. It these me- the goose,Years from kidney trouble," writes �I►•.
thods fail, a teaspoonful of bicarbonate, diens while in Canada. The lame bird Sheppard of this place, "and though 1
o[ soda in a hal[ tumbler of water up P11 11lLrtt to
foots forr hisoninspectonand
. h Ile tried many remediesIle f agot nd was
ntsuntlbetter.r I
should be taken.
Dandruff in adult persons May len({ to r►Ilenctd to the wound, and the biro doctor a long
ore baldness, and should) he thereafter refused to leave the camp, so had
a Briighr n's loins Disease slitght , ualll)o� t,
treated with care. Brushes and combs the, soldiers adopted the least ex -
washed daily in strong soda- \\'hen the Devonshire regiment was my body. My skin was dry, hard a
shouldin months
with hair should be washed daily adoptedp'as snake
end, though poison-ertion made me perspiruld not e fearfully' and
with soap and water, and afterwards,it never attempted to hurt any my blood was so bnd 1 broke out in
with an alcoholic solution of r ied.loride member of the company. \Vhen the men boils all over the neck and back. was
of mercury,of mei thoroughly dried' returned to Englund this uncanny pct in this state when 1 started tithing
\';dile of Mille. --Good pure milk is «;)� left behind. Dodd's kidney Pills and in an incredi-
nut►•iliints and flesh-forming.telt hiTake a _ �} bly short space of time the boils (Us-
of hot rr,ilk the Inst thing; at night -- appeared, 1 recovered my health and
troubled ttittt insomnia, or if you wadi now• 1 am quite cured."
E;L1:P11:\\'FS DEI.l(.IiT 1\ DREAS. .
to gain Mali. \)ilk must always be - - J .. ♦rr__-__
taken slowly -sipped, in tact -and take Costl and Magnificent Trappings Are
quite to minutes over a glass. ,tin. Iloilo
Flared on Thera. Corns cause intolerable p•
Care of Digcstiv� Organs. -Nervous say's (:aro Cure removes il►e trouble.pain
breakdown is eftener due to overwork- Elephants are pnssionalely fond of Try 11, and see what amount
Ing the digestive organs than to mental finery, and delight to see themselves 1' sa
strain ns sucli. Abstemious habits in decked out with gorgeous trappings.
eating combined with some attention to The native princes of India are very
exercise snake it possible for one to do particulnr in choosing their state cle-
an immense amount of hard brain- t.l'ants, and %till give fabulous sutras fcr
work without Injury. an animal 111111 exactly meets the some -
A goodStimulant.-Iter milk, healed 'lint fanciful standards they have erect -
to as high a temperature as it can be cd. For these they have made cloths
Meritho is a most refreshing stimulant of silk so heavily embroidered with gold
hardly In cases of cold or over -fatigue. Ile that two men are Y
Schon is very quick and grateful. The them.
effect of hot milk is far more beneficial An amusing instance of elephnnt
told lasting than that of alcohol. It pride is narrated. The elephant which
s strength as well as acting as usually led the state processionntofra a
gives realill the mngnifi e trap
Rajah being ,
a fillip. p pings were placed on one which had
Sttarilhon Substitute. --Orrisroot pow -
(tested over the hair is a good sub, tip to that ime occupied only a subor-
dilute for frequent shampooing, d.nate place.
Sprinkle the powder into the hair and f The animal delighted with its finery,
rug It well intoonee01c the sew powderoad ite e
salp, then brush Powders! mut1 e hicks f pleasures1any thatttle general,nn(
out. (iris is
which may to used for lois cleans- hellionNotlongs after another it. It will not slop the pores.sion was formed, and the previous wear -
theand will give a (Hint, svveel•odor to
the hair. (sr 01 the gold cloths being restored to
The Study of I1
r•allh .---The clearness, health, took his accustomed place noel
r when the now deg;rnde•,1
Inn({ consequently the beauty, of the Ain� F°ist �nimng Ring'. pet'hnrQ. that he w,:<
depends so much upon the health of the!
body That no one cnn hope to have who! with great defrauded illie:ul1y11Sr�clrrtine.n' from
brilliant and heindig complexion attacking the leader of the parade, %t riling;s can lee concealed when the
suff1'rs from indigestion, neuralgia,
etc.. therefore slue reg: nr l ------♦--- 1 eller containing them is not eubjecte d
said to everything; whish nff'cis S1'URDI' f;:\T211:5. 1,, certain exlcrnnl infiucnces, }lme nn„
must re t ff
the general health it you wont your Leen known, but n d[snptx'nr ng: paper.
be in good condition. The teest in every home where Baby's Own the dernv of which nt the end of a fixed
skin to , •fat,le 1.
a to beauty are abundant ablations, ' , are used you will find rosy, 1 Time dear+)yc writing oral nil, is cerinin-
aid., wholesome and sturdy, good-natured babies because au,•h n t alt. oyes the
of the entire trody, j 11.;
y n nm•elly.
easily -eligeete d food, plenty of fresh air3 these 'rankle cleanse the strnuneb mat
, t tench Jelly. L;t Papetcrir. hnS rite
td sutlirienl 'leer. 1K,'lCl4, hid digestion, and thus gringo 1'ten f►een invented. II t prepttis 1 -
nt `\;tee (111 \VrinkleL-1t Ie high): Perfect henlih. Ask any mother who lins'1 erete,l►ingg in 11\111 the 11 Is nth of "11wheel
1 e1 st trtrtgl arii ling.
Intp(►rlant that grim(' nceuunttrinh'd dor• used the 'I'a1►Irly nn,l she will tell y(eur' ► 10 the lease n life
In the day should the removed neforc, there is no outer medicine 50 gond•,l varied
to lee l,estowect tipon the pa -
K N• se, i ter. After n tenger or shorter tinge 'he
lying; (low n. "lee; of this title w it1' \irz, l;lto,'s boll, "each I till, 1
rattle snllow•nees noel i°,1 1,1.1,1!' 'ate I Says : ''\lye baby was bind► �'d won n pnpor eli�int, r rifle; and fulls
In pieces.
diger 11 ,,..,v,,,,,, it 111.11 Iiia kind 01 paper
Moe should be w nchec� ilh hot ttntrr llv`tle►cin wits
fagiol Baby st Own . `, 1 t,„n Ir► Ih.t•e w'hn do net
and wren. be rinsed in many wale rs, rapidly 1+
and he dried thoroughly. Neat n really Tablets and les th.tn a box edited 1)1111 \ !t:t',e their letters indefinitely
cod shin food, nude free from vax, and he Tins ever since enj, �,tt p, , ,1 1 ;, -„,,.1. 1111 111111 hnldere of protnis•
good shin
or salted lord, and con- llealth and is growing sI►lendela e , ,1•%• t1 1 --1n-m1+1,1 bewnre of it.
hitting little or 110 glycerine, may re Mothers should remember that Ibis ,ii.t• !
wined. 11 a liquid it should 1u+ brushe.l icine is nl►sr)lutely safe and 11111 1 ..' Trnte'ller -- "\\'ll}' do volt n1Mw %hot
river the parts. 11 more solid it should given to the wtwellt, ten. lustnIitg,►e• \`•;111 rut �tttnngimartial ern tic” so i1loe
tee gently spread. Any con sage below or to the slimly g tole) by all t'e that
r;teein a fluent." illdelrnte11 -i-
Ihe eyes, or at 1)10 ('ye corners. Is sure with equally good effect.
to make w-rinkle'. A brush hoc A mar- medicine dcnlers or by 1:i,)il at i'S sent' Ohnyl to't' ei ltheyot�eep►f heft t itigt, ,thing;
venous effect on the softer skin lines. a box from The 1)r. \\ Steams' Meedicttio so
1- _ -
Co., Brockville, Ont. "I have diecove re(I n great inl►nr-say
Ing device." "i nlwnye saki you were
ge'nius. what is or "1 am ping
I,) marry \firs Bullion, the heiress."
A BAD 11.\i/1T. _
"Could yet' give a poor )van a quar-
ter ter git a t►il to eat'you'rc the same
"See here, fellow.
marl I gave a quarter to yesterday."
"Say, boss, don't folks 111 your set
eat dinner every day?"
After Piles have existed for a long time
Ind pal,.cd through different stages, tho
tufermg is intense --pain, aching, throbbing,
;tumors forth, tilled to bursting with bla,k
Symptoms indicating other troubb-s may
splicer to a thoroughly Pile -sick person.
'{'hist is when 1)r. Leonhardt'a tient I:oid,
;he only absolute Pilo curve
brings tho
•caulta that has neuro its fame.
It will euro the most stubborn cafe to
sxit.ttnce and a bonded guarantee to that
stfcct goes with each package.
llClll-Kuid is to be had tar 51.00 at the
'rug store, or from The Wilson -Pyelo Com-
pany, Limited, Niagara Valls, Ont. 3
Mr. Robert Sheppard, FA -May or °Man-
[Unique, Ont., Testifies to the Meths
of I)udd's Kidney Pills.
(5+ 000 REWARD will
►D r be paid to any
person who proves that
Sunlight Soap .c'nta,ns any
injurious chemicals or any
form of adulteration.
is a perfect cleaner and will
not injure anything.
Best for all household pur-
poses, Sunlight Soap's super -
Magistrate - "Yetiwere begging ' 1► t iority is most conspicuous in
the washing of clothes.
Common soaps destroy
the painted or varnished
surfaces of woodwork and
take the color out of clothes.
Even the daintiest linen
or lace, or the most delicate
colors may be safely washed
with Sunlight Soap in the
Sunlight way (follow direc-
Equally good with hard
or soft water.
Your money refunded by the dealer
from whom you buy Sunlight So..p if you
find any cause for complaint.
the public streets, and you had over 5144
in your pocket." i'risoner - "Yes, sir; '
1 may not be as industrious as sonic,
y'r honor, but I'm no spendthrift."
MARIC THIS' 1t1ST1NGI'ION ; A purely loeist
dise i'o of the skin 1i%;e bergs'• itr.1►, ii ewe!. by
Weaver's Carate alone. But where the 1,1,, ,d 19
loa,tad with impurity, such a4 Salt R113uin,
11•eaver's syrup alto ah-►uld be sue•t
In parts of Australia where the aver-
age yearly rainfall is not more than
tet. inches a square mile of land will
support only eight or nine sheep. In
Me Argentine republic, South America,
the sante area, with thirty-four inches
or rain, supports 2,560 sheep.
A Clear Healthy Skin -- Eruptions of
the skin and the blotches which blem-
ish beauty are the result of impure
t►tood caused by unhealthy action of UV`
liver and kidneys. In correcting this
unhealthy action and restoring the or -
pans to their normal condition, Par-
tuelee's Vegetable Pill.; will at the same
Vine cleanse the blood, and the blotches
nntl eruptions will disappear without
leaving any trace.
Teacher - "\\llat is the conscience.?"
Little James - - "it's something that
makes you sorry when you gits found
Man and Wile Distress. - Rev.
Dr. Bochr„r, of Buffalo, says: "NI), wile
and 1 were both trouble({ with dis-
tressing Calnrrh, blit we Have enjoyed
freedom from This aggravating malady
since the day we first used 1)r. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder. lis action was in-
stantaneous, giving lite most grateful
!chef within len minutes nfter first ap-
tdlication..' 50 cents. -153
1f a man only had nine lives like n
cat, he could insure them all and col-
lect on one occasionally when he got
hard up•
The Minister --"That was a rather long
sermon 1 preached this morning, my
dear. Do you think it met with the ap-
proval of the congregation?"
Bis Wife ---"1 suppose so, Abner.
noticed they were all noddin'g."
"Sty Woman, is it the KidneysT” --
investignlion in halt the disorders 1' -
cutter to woolen would prove laul(v
kidneys the seat of the trouble. If
you're troubled with that tired, drag -
g,ing feeling, have an almost constant
1leaviness, loathe sharp Pains in the'
le ad, put South American Kidney Cute
tr the lest. You'll find it the long
sought friend, and it never fails. -150
W 1r.1T no plarl'f.tr NE t:n who are run ,1,bw11.
nn r rni.• pale. 11-tle•a' " 1 err,witn,•• Itis !wet
otti. it
t1,a r wrr tu,tnystemeiAbut� ronly ogives
a " Frerucim."
1t!� \1'1'1•:.\l11NCs PAPER.
Sympathetic inks, by menus of which
Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto
Two thousnn,t designs cilitrtble for all clrts"es of work such as
he', Store>, !falls. Also special de'ni�nl: for MUM'S,rhNn�, I)iuin0
Churcltnunls, ehe. Nothing has ever been dee%'scd to equal 1'ed-
Iar's steel t:eililt,'s for harm Mouser:. Cheap as lath and l,la:Air and will
never crack or fall off.
Avoid Accidents by Using
r 57
Pedlar's Steel Ceilings.
Male to fit any size room anti can be nailed on Ly any mechanic.
Shipped ir,•111 our warehouses painted all read); to apply.
01'11 CATALOGUE. NO. ft C. i)iFs('NIBFs MANY i)l 11;NR.
423sselow St.
Sussex St. 11 *dba,rne St
V*%OOYnrlta, s.0.
Wane YOua IerB,ttesr Otrlle:s NS Pander St.
147 Grata St-
To Lombard St.
tlead Office and Works,
Oshawa, Ont., Canada
Bridegroom (on honeymoon) -
'inv.-11'1 the slightest objection to your
giving all your time to the dog, my
own. butt 1 wish you had mode 11 quite
clear, when you suggested twinging 11,I
whether it was your and 1 who were go -1
ing on our honeymoon and were bring-
ing the dog, or whether it was you anal
tl►c (Ing who were bringing me."
ilo There a Will Wisdom Points the i
Na ay. - The sick man pines for relief, i
but he dislikes sending for the doctor,
which means bottles of drugs never
consumed. Ile has not the resolution
to load 111.1 stnnioch with compounds
which smell v}llninonsly and taste
worse. mit if he have the Will to deal
t;itrutself with his ailment. wisdom will
(lir t his nitentinn 10 ('armelee's Vegte-
Intile Pills. which, ns n specific for in-
gestion and disorders of the digest-
hve (irons, have no equal.
Pressed Brick Machine
A Falrbenk•-Morse 2 H. P.
Jack -of -sill -Trades
will saw wood as twat as two men can karats
it. 11 sae pumps water. hells corn, grind. feed.
,hake. tn,tter runt cream setaratar, In fact fur-
a'*Ilee power tor Ryeall
f farmarer hare one
Ont out this complete advertisement and send 1444 ST. JAMES STREET,
Please send me (without charge) particulars about Jack -of -all -Trades Kagino for farm use.
i may wants _._.- _„_...._H.P, Naive _....- -�-
Engine for.
In Western Canada
Two nornarine
sections. select•
ed lands iii
Saskatchewan, only 0 rnile4 from two railways, C.i'.A. & (LT. e.
Strom( soil. CO per cant. plough liked, spring, creak, no sloughs.
Abut M) miles N.Y.. of Indian Iliad. Price 110.30 pot' acres.
Write for map and fall particulars.
R. PARSONS, 91 Wellesley Street. Toronto. Gouda.
A T'NI\ I:I1" t t'1 1:DUc.A'I'ION--(:O-TING OLD VIRGINIA FARMS A 1.1 i Tile: 'I-lu 1l'Rl.l:.
If v„u .will devote only your SPARE TIME ,uILLUST TIO fl11RC TAL IN THE STAYe
sending its names of frners and feeders and nelp ; LARGEST T
CO., T11C
Oe 5•lIMA`r Or NM0110, QO'NIA.
------- - 1R -
A Common -Sense Stock Food ata Common Sense
Price of i iN E CENT A I'Ot'ND► RA•1'I _
lea) per tte,t i'rel,atci and guaranteed. Send us s
trial order and ask for booklet No. 13 giving full
particulars about 100 Free Premiums offered.
SCIIOF151.0 mese,
\\'e also manufacture Pea Harvesters
and Bundlers, Mateo,. Loaders, Hay,
Grain and Stock, (locks Washing
Machines, wagon boxes, scrapers,
wheelbarrows. Write for catalogue.
K'k:7Tl.\l'F'1:It BROS. & SONS.
S"F1tA'TF'0lti), ON 1.
"There are very few women archi-
"No wonder. Women do not relish be-
ing called 'designing creature:(.'"
Agents Ranted.
\Vc want relinrlc men to represent
us in every town in Ontario, for the
sale of
Cobalt Mining Shares
Any peyotl can sell these shares.
Hustlers can make big money. Write
about delay.
Promoters, Brokers and Fiscal Agents
Contteteratlon Lite Bull.ilng, Toronto.
sur) Clashing. This is s specialty with the
B.oet partloulars by post sod we
atS $Ur 1.0 sd 4fg
address Beg N•.
A WOi.F \V\" 111'.
i heard that you called 1110 a beast,
Miss Tobacco."
"\Vett, 1 guess 1 diel."
"What kind of a beast, may 1 ask?"
"A wolf. 1 fancy. You're so hard to
1 cep from the door, Mr. Buchman."
1t Retains the Old and Makes New
1't tends. --Tine was when Dr. Thomas'
t:clectric Oil had but a small field of
11i .111%ution, but now its territory is
widespread. 'Those who first recognize
is curative qualities still value it ns
Cholera and allsummer complaints
i:QU.ATOR ON A TEAR. me so quick in their action that the
Vie -
Thew were bottling mid -year exam- cold hntict of death is upon the c;,'
urns before they are aware that (tall
'l ire subject
one of
rr(r hv�lit; sOh�o(s(, is near. If attacked do not delay in get -
The . ul jc t geography. tow the prc,trr mrdirine. Try n (Ince
(tI tlttrstions asked was "What is the of 1)r. J. J. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial.
c•e}unlur'." �� Hutt yt,ti will get imnlediale r•e}ief. It
"The etltltttor. rend the answer o[ n nets w•iltl wonderful rapidity and neccr
rate -year -add l boy, le a nlcnn);cr}0 tion frr[ls to effect n cure.
t tinning ar',und the centre of the earth."
Sunlight kap Is better than other .oapt,
but is but when used in tho Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directioLs.
Rheumatism Cured. 1
why d )•utt sutler-Starr's Magic Itheutuatl+!n
cure will relieve the worst cases of acute.
ironic. or inflammatory rheumatism
b:,urs. Etory bottle has a positise
t•, cure. hundreds of marvelous cures have
been made iu all parts of Canaria. If your
druggist cannot ewer you Starr*, take no ether,
send direct 1,, us. 51.0) per 1.tile.
Osborne RSmidy Co., 176Tsngs At ,Terence, Set
A I BARBED flocks exclusively. Our
winnings at Guelph: First pul-
let, Iperial for best pullet arid special
for best fernnle. AI Detroit: First pul-
let, second cockerel, second cock. and
Special for best shaped reale. Mating,
list free on application. Ergs from $2
fcr setting tip. Jno. Pringle, Proprie'
tor, London, Ont.
tt60 acre farm, 8 utiles from Indian
I1, ad, Sask. good buildings,S'(1 acres cut-
tltated, 4301n crop, over 150 more to cul -
e• t 1
•t specific, and while it retains its old ovate, good pasture', fire' hood. $Z1, ,
tenets It is ever making; new. Il is ' tali cash. Yielded 13,000 bushels hist
certain that w•lto0ver once uses 11 will • year. Severn' unimproved pieces ad -
not be without it. !carts, M;
homy n, Bealg le Fyetate,stIndian head,
it sometimes happens Igor the conn i Sash.
who considers his wife one in (BOW.
sand imagines her mother is the Sc)\fi; WOMEN'S WAY.
other cline hundred and ninety-nine.
Agent -- I'an sure you'd he churned
with the house if you took it. \\ hy
don't you and your wife discuss the
henpecks --My dear sir. my wire nev-
er discusses things with me. She al-
ways disputes.
Th$s Is a tickli:at Job, as the fly re•
tntnkc`t1 w'htle it wit, walking 01 er the, There is no graduating from the
old rltatn s bald head.I S,;I►vt/1 of experience.
The Great South 'tektite •:ave is the
1nrgest entero in the world. It is situ -
reed in the region of the Rlnrk I1i114,
rent) exeee(1s even the Mammoth (ante
is Kentne•ky. it is fifty-two miles long
and contains 1.500 100nt4, many IA
which are over 206 feet high, rind nre
massed with stnlnrlite: and stalagmites
�I great stze. There are strentue, wnter•
(nils, and thirty-seven Mee in this vast
s;thlt'rrnne'an world, which is 6.(l%) feet
above the sea -level 0nd 400 feet deep.
Kitty --
_ "So you 1 have been to Paris?
108 mast have had n nice time there;
your untler.;