Exeter Times, 1906-04-12, Page 8STEWART'S The Stewart Wall Papers for Spring. Now that the House Cleaning Season is here it is time to introduce our immense stock of new Wall Papers. First let us remind you of the fact that our stock is by far the largest and most up-to-date in Exeter, in fact many city stores show no larger range than we do. Now for our Spring Stock of Papers -suppose we confine ourselves in this space to an earnest invitation for you to come and see them. So many new designs and effects have been intro- duced into our stock that it would be impossible to detail them fairly in anything short of a booklet. Suffice it to say that w have the most beautiful lot of papers that you'll likely see this season. Here are Three Specials for Careful Buyers. A swell range of new papers in com bination of blue, green fawn and wood shades in floral and set pat- terns with glimmer decorations, our spec- ial price per roll iprace per roll 5 cents 10 cents A lovely lot of neat A beautiful lot of paper in greens, blues, Parlor, Hall and Din - reds, fawns and light- ing Room Paper in er shades in swell effective designs and cci:ibinations - setni• rich colorings of all stripe, floral and set the latest shadings d:t signs with pretty and gilt decorations i. fleets, our special with two tone effects Our bargain price 15 cents CURTAINS ! CURTAINS ! In Lace and Tapestry and Bagdad Curtains, you'll find us on top. Style, Quality and Values are what we offer in our Curtain Department. Lace Curtains, special values at 85c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Tapestry and Bagdad Cur- tains $2.85, $5.50 and $6.50. Carpets, Rugs and L,inoleums. We show a big stock of Carpets, Room Rugs and Eng- lish Linoleums. Bring Us Your Butter and Eggs, they are just as good as CASH. J. H. TLiR1T. DIAMO.ND HALL Reliable wat�nes We again draw attention to on high grade of WATCHES Good material, fine finish and ac urate adjustment areall combined in each %Vetch, Our aim in tit past, as now, has not been a quos ion of price, but of quality. A Good Time=Piece like anything else, is always the cheapest in the end. If you want a gocx! Watch, buy from us. MflRGHflND TIIE JEWELLER & OPTICIAN, Eyes Tested Free. Spring Suitingse Say we Rot in some swell s r i Suitings last week. Theyrar I right up to the moment. I' oats are two inches longerl O. In last year and the Lapels I a• so muchbroader and deeper ti, tt yon can't help but notice , theta, The Vests are cut with five buttons and the Pants are just a little leg teppy. They are beasts all right for Mlt. CHRIS I1ASKERVILLE HAS given up housekeeping and %till Iivc v TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advertisement, accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. TIIURSDAY, APRIL 12th. 1906 ••••••••••••••411• •••••••••• •• LOCALS •••••••• •••••••• SPITING PLOWING IIAS START= ed. MISS CORA PRIOR \VAS iN LON_ don last week. A SURE SIGN OF SPRING IS the h skipping . . kt , f rope. SCHOOLS CLOSE TO -DAY FOR the Easter 'holidays. THE CIIiLDREN 01' MR. JOHN Mellott oro ill with la grippe. THE I'AY ENVELOPE THIS week moans an Easter bonnet. INSTEAD O1' BLUE MONDAY 1 is now Hog ,Moneiay in Exeter. REVS. GODWiN AND GOING EX ohanged pulpit; Sunday tnornin last. Ml: D, SLI.811, SNOW. 1tAIN, WAS the cotnbitretion the forepart of the week. THE IiiGII SCHOOL DEPART. wont clo-aed yesterday for the gas1 tor holidays. MR. A. MOORE, Ole 8T. MAItYS, spent Sunday in town renewing ec- queint.rnces. MR. TIIOS. 11AND1'nl1” 3HIPPEI) a number of horses to the Northwest last Srturday. TM; MILLINERS ARE WORKING n7(1tinr.- I' p'iri„•• Indic- headgear for next .1j , %. MRS. W. \\ E.TA \V A Y. ,\ N D child, of Toronto. are crating Mr. end Mrs. A. Ford. HARRY JACKSON, OF TORONTO TO is visiting his I►trents her.' during the Easter vacation. MR. DONALD McINNMS LEFT Thursday dor the Northwest where 11r '1. Itle landed d into co r v. t. TiiERE'S LOTS OF THE: "UNA- (lultcrated" on the market whether 1 he sep is running well or not. MR. PERCY WESTAWAY, OF Lond,:n, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Al Ford n few days last week. $15, $18 and $20 ith hie son in Centralia. MIT. J. G. STANHURY ATTEND - .1 tie funeral of hie nuns etre. ,1o. septi Townsend, in Tuckerantith, on 4%turday, \ill. T1108. SELDOM, Oi' iNGEIt- ;oll was in town last neck on busi- ne:' in connection with the estate of the ]rte George Samuel]. TWENTY YEARS AGO LAST FRI. ay. April 6th. we were visited by he bltevieet snow storm ever known this vicinity during the month of arra 1. d and no Matter where you go, in volt can't find anything that A will fit as nice as they do. W. W. Taman t4, O.A.1111TOAtd. &art fife Mars Merchant Tailor. •t Tis Kia 'IN Ntt Pia n 1ognt ' ' .ki E EXETER 11' S. APRIL 12th,1906 AIR. A. MARCIiAND, SPENT A fee days this wtxk in Berlin. MISS HAT'TIE St''rHEI(LA`:D, OI' lbetetall. visited f,i' tots in town over Sund,y. THE McNAC'G11T ANTI -TREAT - inti !Lill r'cctived its quietus in the Ontario Ls•gislatutc last week. MISS LAURA JECKI<LL SPENT r few days last ueek %isi.ing friends (.oderiolt. O\1: TRIAL WILL CONVINCE you 11:tt Ce'v's Pure Creent Tartar li Ikintr Powder is n lea.h•r, only 25c. a touud. NOTICE. - BEGINNING ON MAY let we will clove our shot► every evening cit 6.30 :-.1►.•►rp. excepting \Vvdneedeys and 8:,1urday.. -- J. A. Stewart. .Ili. W. E. EATON TIIIS WEEK Fold his hou. a ,Ind lot on Main street to i ebias Staley. Mr. Eaton in- tends moving to Myth in the neer future. 1)11. IIUTLER, OF LONhON, be at fire Oontral Ilotel, Excte Mondey, April 23rd, I,.urs 1 tn., to 5 p. t►t., for Eye. Ear. WILL r, ou 0 a. Nose and Throei consultation- Eyes test- ed end „tames supplied. '1'111: MEETING OF TILE BASE• bill enthusiasts scheduled for last levelly night at the 'Town Hall did not materialize. A few appeared and waited for others to come but ati the number %vies small, the meet- ing was celled off. DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR Stilt= goon, will be at the Commercial Hotel the first Friday of each month. !fours, 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 v. in. Glass- es properly fitted and diseeses of eye, ear and ,,sac treated. Next visit Friday, Maty 4t.th. DR. ANDERSON, W1I0 RECENT- ly Fold out his dental practise, will remain in charge of his office until eels 1, when his sucecssor 'takes over the business. Dr. Anderson and his brother of Mitchell, e:bo recently disl,osed of his business there, will take a trip to the Northwest, with a view of locating at some dcsirelble place. elft. JACK TIIOMI'SON, WHO for sevenal years past had oharge of the stables of 13awden elcllonnell, resigned his position Friday jest. Mr. Thompson left 8.ltui4iy for Seoforth where he will visit friends prior to going to British Columbet. Before leaving .the firm presented him with a beautiful gold stop watch and ohain es an appreciation of . the faithful performance of his duties. AS WAS STATED LAST WEER the merchants held a meeting in the town hall, Thunsday evening to discuss the matter of closing the stores at 6.30 p. m. every day ex- cept Wednesdays and Saturday's. There teas n fair representation pre- sent and after eotne discussion sev- eral of those present decided to close their places of business, provided those in the same line would do the same, while othors stated they iu= tended closing at 6.30 whether t he other merchants did or not. TIIE CRAYON SKETCHING EN- tcrtainment by J. %V. llengougl,, in the Gidley Opera House last Monday evening undor the auspices of the Epworth League of the Mein street churoh, %q.13 highly successful. Mr. Bengough's %versatile talent enabled him to entertain t he audience for two hours and a half. alis cartoon sketches of well known loon! per- sons veno well received. Before the entertainment given by Mr. Ben- gough, Prof. Brown, of Eden, pleas- ingly entertained the audience to several picino selections. "A LANDSEEKEII, A. BAGSIIAW, who recently arrived in 1Vinnipeg from Exeter, Ont., with a carload of !sprees, hes disappeared and no traces of hitn can be found. He is thirty-five years of age, clean shaven and stout in build. Any information concerning hint will be _recei,ved by C. W. Welsh and Wm. Pcnhalc, of Regina, Sack., end W. C. Cann. of Divideou, Sask." The above is front tire Winnipeg Tribune of April 3rd. We might state for the benefit of the young men wlro made u fruitless search for Mr. Il;tgsbsw, that the gentleman took nick at Winnipeg and retuned to his Donne here, %vteere he is of present. A MEETING OF TILE iIOUSE: OF Refuge Committee of the County Council %%as held at Clinton last meek, when a number, of matters in connection with the 111 inegement of the house wore disposed of. The bill respecting houses of refuge which iv it present before. the Leg- islature sees discussed and that tor. Gott of it doling with the control of the money and other property of inmates was considered eetis(actory. Tho committee did not approve, however, of the clauses dealing with Government inspection. There are at preeent ninety-two inmates in the institution at 'Clinton. inspector Torrance :has sold ills old team of 'horses and has purchased at:other team, IJ,c exobange costing $180. Braid is now costing $3.05 ter owt. end meat $6..5, the committee will meet again tit O a g o the hr. t Tuesday In June. THE Di1'FEItENT COMMITTEES in (Marge of the twenty-fourth of M ry celebration met last Saturday afternoon ft stye ort a nd reported d wa t led been done on up .to � e d t to the direc- tors of the Agricultural society. Each eo►nmittee reported very fav- orably and that present indication+ Show a successful celebration on the tvi1'nty-fourth. The (ceche-e of the different schools in otephen ted ('sborne will be communicated with and asked to state about how many children welt school will send. on.1 should any of the teechers fail to receive a contmunicction, 'he or ahc will oblige the sports committee by writing N. 1). Hurdon, edvie:n„ as every child is invited to tonne aril, . e the big 'show and take part in the morning parade_ Every, com- mittee is working hard. nn,l the sue- cese of the undertaking rests con- sideroble with the efforts taut forth. AS i HAVE DECIDED TO GIVE up fru'anew 1 %%i,11 d,snoae of my steak in the store', Exeter ,North, sit her in a bait or in part. at greatly reduced prier!. This stock is in good condition, and the party buying will get a goal berg,in. The ]ley pent office i+ in tonne. tion %%ith the store. Also n quantity of bre,lkin,r stone for rile cheap._L, McTaggart. • Fine Easter Showing 'CABLING BRos OF KID GLOVES, SILK COLLARS, LACE SCARFS, SILK BELTS, LEATHER BELTS, & SILK WAISTS. Ladies Kid (.loves In Blacks Greys, Greens, Browns and Fawns, 2 douse fastener every pair guaranteed to be as good es they look, Best $1.00 Glove in the trade. Ladies Fancy Collars and Collar' Tops collars and cuffs, silk And linen Em- broidered in all the latest novelties. Prices 10c. 15c. 20c. 25e. Ladies silk Belts in all the newest shades very pretty, Special 50c. Ladies in Black, Green, Blown & Blue with fancy buckles worth 50e. Special :etc. A special lot of Ladies Silk Belts in Blues, Browns, (;ream and Black. Our Special price 25c. Men s Ties Our Special Easter Offering of all best soc ties for 39c our Ladies Silk Waists made of pure Jap wash silk, in Black and White nicely tucked and made, all, sizes, Special $2,75. Ladies Silk Waists in Black and White made of best Jap Silk pretti- ly embroidered, very stylish, special price $4.50. Ladies Lace Scarfs in Cream and White special at 25c. and 35c. Also a very fine collection at 5oc. 75c. and $1,00. Ladies Rain Coats in Greys and Fawns mule in up-to-date styles, Pleated loose or fitted backs in heavy or light -weight cloth Special $5.00, $7.511 and $10.00, Fine Display of Millinery. We arc showing a lovely lot of trim- med hats at $3.5o we are told others are asking $s,00 for similar styles. Art Shoes for Women. We invite you to call and see our complete range of s they cost no more and wear longer than any other shoe offers sale. 81\TMI T..1 & les for MISS WIIEATLEY, OF CLINTON visited Mrs. Harry ]Rowe, Sunday. TIIE MESSRS. BRICKWOOD were .in Thedford on business Mon- day. MIt. GOLBIE, OF LONDON, IS visiting at Mrs. John Vale's Exeter North. MISS ELS1E McCALLUbt IS VIS - Ring jeer sister. Miss Ednu, of Tor- onto. WANTED. - SMART GIRL TQ Learn vest making. Apply to W. Johns. MR. MOSES GARDINER AND SON John leave Monday for Regina, Bask. . Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to Apnil 12th MRS. W. D. YEO IS SPENDING the Easter liolidays with friends in Toronto. MRS. JAS WOOD IS VISITING relatives in Detroit during Easter holidays. • MRS. W. BARRO\VS daughter Mabel, spent Sundry with friends in Sheddou. MIT, AND MRS. GEO. .McLEOD have returned from visiting relatives in Egmondville. REV. W. M. MARTIN WAS IN London Monday attending .tire fun- eral of his cousin. MISS LAURA JEC1 ELL 18 VIS- iting her sister, Mrs. Hoe e, of Toronto over Easter.' MIt. ALFRED WALTEItS HAS purolemed the house of Mrm. Isaac llawden, on William si r'et. THE ROSS, TAYLOR CO., 811I1'. ped .a car -load of building material to Stratford last week. MISS NINA ' . .A sing a Foto in James street tr<et eletho• l• dist church Sunday morning next. MISS MABEL FOLLICI4, ANi) Miss Mabel lloys, of 81. Marys. spent Sundry with Mr. tend M rs. E. Fol lick. MESSRS. 1t. SOUTIICOTT AND Bert Muir left Mondny for \Vinui peg. They wore joined in London by Hoy lion.:.rd. MRS. i'ETER GARDINER LEFT this tteek for lllyth, where she will join her busbend, wire ie in business in Writ place. MiSS I•:DNA FOLLICI: .\l) MAS- lqa tett. Tneee. , morning for a visit to London, St. Marys, Toronto end Listowel. ANi) Gerfield Shtere of Brantford, vis- ited in town Friday. Mrs. Bheere and Miss Illenehe returned with hire and will visit for re 11:10. '1'111: LITERARY SOCIETY OF the. high School gave an "At Moine" entertainment to the pupils and is:trents yesterday evening.. GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES.- 1)i - vine 'ervice %till he held fn the Tri - vitt .\lcnori.11 church on Good Fri- day at 11 n. ru. and 7. p. t11. Mr. James Collingwood, of Hant Ilton, who w is here attending the fume! of hi, ,inter, Annie May, re turned to his home friday night. T11E ANNUAL 'VESTiRY MEET - Mg 1 •l'•t r t � •. 1 n .l.r r,ll - no .f r• g iu _f► will I I 1 >a held in lir• e:ttool hell neat! Monday y evening ni eight A very quiet wedding was cel.•• brutes! in Toronto, \Vcdnesd•ty April 5th, when Mr. Fred U. lfawksh:au, of Exeter, was married to Mise Jen- nie Fitzgerald, the ceremony being l,cr.formcd by Rey. Neil. Mr. rind Mrs. Ilawkshaw will take up their residence with Mr. w on Main street. A G001) IiOT \VAT•EIt MOTTLE .end fountain syringe should Ire iu every house'. \V hen ?seeded they are needed bad. We have a fine lime of tient at prices that 1%iI1 surprise you. 'Ole!, ones at COLE'S Ulti'G boat 74 to 76 cents per bus. Oats, 31 to 32 cents per bus. Barney 40c. to 42c. per bus. Peas, 65 to 70 cents per bushel. Shorts, $20 a tan. I3r.an, $18 per ton. Flour. $2.25 per cwt. Feed Flour, $1,24 per cwt, Clover seed $8 to $9 per bus. Hay, $7 per ton. Butter, 20 to 21 cents per Ib. Eggs 14o a dozen. Onions 75 cents par bushel. Dried Apples 3c. per pound. Chicken, young, 7o to So per !b. Dunks, 10 cents par Ib. Geese, 10 cents per 16. Ooal, $6.75 to $7. Potatoes ,61.10 u bag. dogs, Jiveweitrht. $7.10 a cwt, Hogs, dreaded, $9 a cwt. faster Perfume THE KIND YOU LIKE We have obtained some of the made test r ade bythe foremost newest tmanufac- turers with the result that the best and most lasting odors can be obtained here at prices from gOc to *1.00 en ounce Writ Ladu Has Her Favorite DROS ERA, MiNOL.1, VE-ISTA VIOLET, LA FItAN('E RosE, Eoyrrette Lores, LI: TrtEPLE INCARNA-r AND C,tsifsteue Bor. outer are only a few leaders to- gether with all the old favorites, Make Voaar- Choice Cole's Drug Sore ErXE+Tf R. Sundries a Specialty. • 11111111111111111111111 EASTER SERVICES.- T111•; ('OL_ lotting ererviccs will be held in the Trivitt Memorial church on Easter morning service Hole Communion. o d HolyblCommune ion, 11 n. w: children's ref vice, .l p. rel. : everting service, 7 p. m. There veil1 Ire special Easter music includ- ing .r Foto by Mrs. Perkin.' in t ho evening ;re -vice. THE WOMAN'S iNST'ITUTi•; gave a very suCCesshtl social even ing iu Senior's Will last Friday The amusements of the evening consist - cd of a fishing :pond and geesairos competition. Tiho prize for the 1011) competition was won by Fred Maddock, dock, and the 1 foo, cornlrctitio.r by Mies ,1otinette Brown. Ehe cof- fee which wen served w•ae Weed's Stuyveetrrt, donated by "Mr. J. A. Stew-•trt, and the prizesfor ill,• competitions were donned by Mr. W. Powell. Mr. )Nowell enlivened the prooee.lings by giving sea -re -II /selections pith his phoitogr,p11. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought STORE. ;Ire guaranteed for one scar Bears the item ,i,hcr %%here to go, Coles the Signature of Centre! Drug Store. The Hair of Yoath Ric:r hair ; 1:=ri.-' hair; lor4;, rrient hair. erieao it n c:nglo gray line in it 1 Tlitir thc.t T0 --a rapfdly r and docs rot fall cut. Tho kind of 1' hair that 1:1)02 with hall's Vegeta- ble Sicilian hair 11mlarr, , 1'. •'r h I5,;1l 4 N P. Brogan a r1nS hr•th a n (j NOW DO NOT DALLY WITH THIS OPPORTUN- ITY. You'll probably say thele is six days in which to buy and thus far you are right. But you can't buy Ting - day what was sold on Monday y and we shall have to sit to you, very sorry, but every one of tf.at line was sold. fhen you'll say it's a fraud wo didn't have any such lin , That is why we say cotyle early and at least convince y OUI'�t'Tf that we advertize nothing that we haven't got. What we wish to draw your attention to is those nobby silk waists iIn and black. This is the second consignment wo 11R+1•e i teed an(1 they are going fast. Our Ready-made Clothing De- partment was never in better shape. Our Double Breasted Suits for young Bien are very stylish and best quality. Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars and Ties, the very newest. As for shoes we take no back seat frorn any of them. The "ASTOR A" shoe is on the top notch. MILLI • ERY -In millinery, we have a first class milliner in le person of Miss M -' k in connection with our busine and will rhecept produce same as cash for mil- linery. . LA.R.I.J.11\TC+ BROS. Ilighest Price Paid for Produce. 1DOLLAR MAKING emormoomomonommoommomma The art of saving money is the art of making money. To start saving money requires a deposit of $1.00 only in 11111•11117 The sovereign BdnK 01 GdlldId Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received Interest paid 4 times a year. Put your money in a place where you can get it when you want it, CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. JOSEPH SNELL, Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors, ■ SEVERAL OF TiIE PRIZES TO: be given at the tournament of the! Exeter Gun Club on Good Friday are on exhibition iin the window of the store north of the post office. WITHIN THE PAST FE\V YEAIIS American fractional silver :,nd silver; dollars have circulated so -freely inI the Dominion of Caned., especially along the Amerioan border, that it almost superseded the Canadian siI-I vor. The C.enadiein governm.,nt made] ran arnangcment with the banks that if they desired to exchanges the Amcriaen coin for Canadian silver, they could do 10 free of expense, the government paying for transporta- tion of the silver. This silver is (herr exchanged for gold at the American treasury, as Amerien holds all money to be equally good. Of course as ter ee the metal goes it is known that -1 dollar in silver is in- trinsiaally worth only the market price for silver, now about 61 1-2 cents. The dominion government putting out its own salvo in ex- change for American silver for the benefit of dominion banks, tn.ekee nn exchange of like value, but when it receives gotd from the United States while it r oceires only the .face value of the coin it gets awl rly twice as much as the silver itself casts. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• A\ EASTER GREETiNG from a pretty miss is worth a bushel of lots of other things. You need a pair of our EASTER EYE GLASSES when she greets you, its won- derful how clearly defined vision becomes when using our eye- glasses. We have all kinds from those from children up to those for gland -pop. Conte in and get a pair. all MEM. W. 8. NOWAY, Phm. B. Chemist. snd Opticinie Phone50. EXETER. ONT. sirhy)tti TI•:4TEn FREE: 11 The Ne "Way take Howey's "Cure a Cold" Capsules The old way to cure Only 25 cent a box. a cold Success in Baking is, Assured by Using STflR ftOUR STAR FLOUR never fails to give entire satisfaction when used under proper conditions, CORN \Ve have just got in a car of American Corn of excellent quality which we are selling either ground or whole at cease unable prices. HARVEY BROS. Merchant Millers EXETER, ONTARIO. A .JOINT MEETING OF 11E014IS- Ise;ntatites of the: Huron and Pe rth county' drouncils 14 is 'held oft Tues, Idly of list iieek at Mitchell, for the purpose of awarding contract+ for (he construction of two bridges ,on the county boundary between McKillop In to, end t Logan n oR t na' r� - n rthof Dublin. Va rden termite Councillors Cantelon and or. Irisen, Clerk Ince and Engincar Au- Ieley represented the county end tho I'erth representatives were Messrs. 1 Ponaldre,n and Hammond. Four ten* Ider.. were received for the roncrete work, :,rid that of lfemawortlt and Eckmire, of Etlrel, Leing .the Iowest 1 was nceepted. The figure is $4.25 '•'Irfor b it, +teal sTwo firm% tender - Ithe tondor of A. Hill &rC�otuofeMit- I obeli, at $530 for the t wo hrigos, w-.rs seoepted. it was agrrv,d that preparations' should 1,o Bride to (.rcet two o:1, ..• t : el,. on t he boundary bete -e'en Grey and Elms, the, spine to bo about 40 feet and 50 Vet rind •••••••••••••••••••••••••• the .butments shout 10 feet high. Fon ()Mt SIXTY 1 Petite ; Don't Monkey s ace 11'et.t.Tttrsm kr!rrrrnr.-Mrs ��� Am Un }� (� lvlrsistyyearsby Ilona hst been toed for ~j with that Cough over afters by milIons or mnthon tor teen %„1 chlldree whIle t.c+ething with perfect .1e I'.p it root►.. tae ehlct. •.erten. i lt). to , &iisyll all II s e N OW F Y'S pwln care. wie 1 solar, owl I. rhe best rnmdMt /" tor )'1iaRbrn►n, it b pldwrwei to the teat, eels 1. �. by d ie In every part of '1.e world. 46 ) - vnrteisheds tote u' St ',Joe WIr4) w'. 3oottlro)re Bp 119 sad s.t for so oiM• tied.