Exeter Times, 1906-04-05, Page 5TSE EXE'( kilt TIMES, APRIL 5th 1900
Plainina M111, Door FaGtoru, Lumbar Yard
and Saw Mill
are open and hustling daily and a full (.tock of Lumber, Shingles, Lath,
Cedar Posts and all kinds of Building Alaterials always on hand.
BARN SASH in abundance. BEE HIVES finished or in knock down.
always on hand.
WATER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Saw Logs.
Custom Sawing Promptly Attended to. Estimates Cheerfully (liven.
1I1C R0s-TduI0r G0. Ltd., xctcr.
"•'""' Tag Usborne and Hulbert
GAD NEWS FOR Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur
THE FARMERS. moo Gompanu
No more hole digging
to put in fence posts just
drive them in with a
sledge hammer. Fal'
ahead of any ever yet
seen around this part of
the country. Colne in
and see thein for yourself.
We have had a great
many iron posts brought
in lately and an prepar-
ed to sell them cheap.
Scrap iron taken in ex-
Main -St. Exeter.
One door south of the
Metropolitan Hotel. 1
• P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni-
va[.ity. office and reaideuence. Dominion,
laboratory, Exeter.
aaa and Surgeons. Successor to Dr. J. A.
Rollins. Office, Main street. Residence, cast
.iea first street north of Post Office, Exeter,
Spec g
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Vice -Pres.: --F. MORL1EY,
W31. ROC, 130RNn0L:It P. 0.
1. L. Husst:Lr., Russel. -ALE P. 0.
T. Reese, Deet.IN P. O.I
Secy.-Treas. Farquhar..
GLADMAN & STANBt!RY. Solicitors 1
What is Home without
a Piano or Organ.
Cerainly not all that it might be.
Cali and see us and let us show
you some of the highest grade
The Kind You IIav'o Always Bought, and whlelt has been
in «so for over CO years, has borne tho signature of
and has been made under his per-
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
Alt .Counterfeit::, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Iuf'ants and Children -Experience against Experiments
Castoria i' a Itarntless substitute for Castor 011, Pare.
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, 11lorphhte nor other Narcotic,
substance. Its ng' i•?, its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishites . It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural steep.
The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
that Canada produces. They are
certainly works of art.
Then in Sewing Machines we
carry the best that the market
affords. Do not listen to what
others tell you about our prices
and terms, but call and satisfy
yourself. We \vill make them to
suit you unless you are very hard
Piccadilly Street, London, Ont. to please.
Telephone 151.3`. Long distance connection.
fol attention given diseases of women and
Oxford or G. P. It. Street Care to
Merl; �lrcet sago you almoa' In the door.
!lo other city office. Special Hospital and S. MARTIN & SON
other aria tgemente fur patients tram a
D. d. D. D. S., Honor Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Teeth extrsc ed without pain or
bad after efente. Office in 1! an -
son's block. West side of Main
street.' Exeter'
We have a targe amount of private funds to
Oats on farm • nd village properties at lowratee
sM Interest.
Barrie;. rs Solicitors. Main St. Exeter
Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries CoeveIsncers
Commissioners. Solicitors for the Molsons
Bank, Etc.
Measly to Loan at lowest rate 3 of interest.
R. cumin's a. A. L n. DICYBOP
ancer, will3 drawn, money to loan
so real estate. al'o I.1cenecd Auctioneer for
tithe counties Iof Huron and Perth. Charges
anoderate. Ordens kit at the 1 nae .rat my
residence, smut at will receive prompt atter
nONEY' '1,0 LOAN
We have unlimited private funds for invest
eat upon farm or village t:roperts ab lowes
wf interest,
'iREAL !'STAT!: foss SALE
Farm in Stephen, 100 acres, good
gesture hand, good bank barn, cem-
ent floors, small trnme house. House
sad barn ateturly new.
80 acres good fawning land in Exe-
ter. good barn. land well under-
tdtrained and well fenced.
Two storey brick house, 3-3 acre
d lend. goal garden. plenty of fruit
New brick cottage, 1-1 nerd land,
well situated.
On Main street brick store, brick
alore house and smell Prune dwelling;
Good business stand all in good re- t
,7'Oper.1 Clouse block. M cin street,
Wilson Bank property, cos, Main
and Iluron street.
Dr. hotline' residence. good brick
d ouse, large stable, two lots well sit-
uated, also cottage at Grand Bend,
niooly situated.
Also a goal hearse with alnighs.
Prices low, tertn• o ay. Apply to
JOHN SPACEMAN, . heel Estate,
Agent. Exeter.
BUIt&(('11111E FOR '1'111: TIMES.
In the matter o[ t he estate of Rob-
ert Blackwell, late of the town-
ship of I3iddulph, in the Qounty
of Middlesex. Farmer deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
IL 8. 0., 1897, chap. 129, that all
credit ora and others having olaims
•against the estate of the said Robert
I,tackwcll, who died on or about Otho
23rd day of February. 11)06, are ;re•
quired on or before the 30th thy of
April. 1906, to send by post llarepaid
or deliver to Richard Blackwell,
Mooresville P. 0., Administrator
of the said deceased, their
christiai and surnames, addresses
and dcscriptiont, the full particul-
ars of their. claims, the statement
of their accounts and tho nature of
the seen! itles, it any, held by them.
And further lake notice that after
such last mentioned date the said
administrator will- proceed to dis-
tribute Ilio motels of the deceased
among 1 he parties entit led thereto.
having regard only to tho claims of
which they shall then have notice
and that the said Administrator
will not he liable for tho said assets
or any tart. thereof to any person
or persona of whose claims notice
shall not have been received by thein
at the time of Stroh distribution.
Solicitors for slid Administrator.
Dated at Exeter rho 28t1[
dar of Mirah, 1906.
In the Surrogate Court of the
County of Iluron in the mtttcr of
the Gu:trdiattship of James W.
Baw'den, the infant child of William
and Emily Burden of the Village of
Exeter, County of Iluron, Emily
newton married woman. deceased.
Notice is .horebyn given that utter
the expiration of twenty days from
the first publication of this notice
applie3lion will be trade in the Sur-
rogate Court of the County of Ilu-
ron for a grant of fetters 01 Gond.
ianship of the above named infant to
William fawden of Exeter aforesaid
gentleman Lai father.
exeier, April 4th. 1906.
Solicitors for the Appy"ant.
1f you once try Carter's Little
Liver fills for sick headaetie, bil-
iousness. or constipation, you will
never be n it bout them. They are
purely •%;'geeabl'', .in all end cosy to
istke. Don't target this.
Are in err( -.t daily to Iwin:;. i:1
Montana, 1rtt:.h, ('o'orado. California,
Oregon. Washington and British
('ohlnahi 1. Call on agents G. T. It.
for full information.
The hatching .season is at hand and
those 10ho contemplate raising over
two 'hundred chicks will find incu-
bators sand brooders more .c•onveni-
ent than the natural method and at
the some time they can hatch their
chickens eerly wbich means a bet-
ter dbanco of getting eggs next win-
There .are a few points that •need
consideration in aetificktt incub•,tiae
and 'brooding.
Tee incubator should be operated
where the air is pure. If the ,air
in the room where the machine is
run has nn offensive odor due Co
ttte smell of kerosene , of decaying
wood for vegetables, the room is not
.1 good •place to run a machine.
The 'machine may hatch fairly well
but to release the chicks is another
question. T.housa•nds of chicks tare
ruined by being 'hatched in ill venti-
lated rooms. especially if very moist.
The nri;chine. especially a hot air
make, must not Lo run in a direct
draught as tit may heat iunevenly.
It is well to have four .or More
thermometers and place them in dif-
fe.rent 'parts of the egg tray before
nutting the eggs in, to make sure
your tench to has not "hot spots".
Raise or lower the ends of the ma -
Chine until it heat) at least with in
<1 degree and one-half at all parts.
If n hot spot is found in in the
centre, this oan be screened by at-
taching a cloth or a piece of tnetal
under the top of the egg chamber.
This will usually cause the heat to
distribute 'better.
It is wiso to follow the manufac-
turers directions as to operating the
machine. Different makca requite
different treatment and the maker
usually knows w -hat his machine re-
auure.A to do goer! work. Care should
always be taken to keep the lamp
and burner clean. At times the % ire
at the base of the burne.e gets dirty
or covered with dust : this should be
well cleaned, otherwise, tho lamp
'se liable to flicker or smoke.
Chicks, 1s n rule, are more easily
elicited than reared, mortally in
young chicks is frequently dun to
bad incllhatlrg ; j• e., tneohines ,tun
in reran in which the ,air is foul
or uneven in temperature; tho par-
ent stock being sickly or lacking in
vigor, one can not be too particular
about this point (when selecting
breeding stork : or it may be due to
bad brooding and feeding, such ns too
low :and too :high temperatures,;
feeding sloppy feeds, ir.di;realible
feeds or too tnuch at :t time follow-
ed Iby short 'feeds.
Our method of feeding is usually
to •remove the chicks from that intro.!
toter to rho brooder, which ha•y been
bedded with cut strew or hay .and' for about five ye ire ile then •moved
%%termed to 95 degrees at the age, back to the form nhere he remain -
of :16 to IS hours, %%11 plied on a e,f until teas demise. Mr. I)un.,.•n was
hoard some grit also some bread' married in M:trah, 1F62 to .foam
orumhs or cracked wheat and oat-
disc. The aLove feeds are used al-
ternately. Before there is any grass
wo feed usually two feeds a day
after the chicks are a week old, of
grated or chopped root or onions,
sometimes ,boiled potatoes; enough
shorts and bran is added to this to
absorb it.lto juices of the root. We
try to helve the chicks drink some
m lk or if this is not at at .and
we keep 'beef s,ornp in easy :access.
The ifeedi.ng of anueh cooked or raw
meat its dangerous -a little is good.
Where there is plenty of intik or
insects, the animal food is not so
essential. After three weeks of age
feed. three times deity, plenty of
vegetables and grass, (and exercise).
grit. water and broken charcoal in
easy Access. Reduce heat of brooder
4 degrees per week until 75 degreas
is u••^tteihed. Chicks 5 or 6 %reeks
old :require no artificial heat.
( ENT IIA 1,1 A
Mr. John Chambers, who loft
come time ago fur the Northwest,
was .among those injured in the
wreck on tile. Manitoba and North-
western ,railroad at Neepawa, Man.,
lax! Friday.
The Epworth League of the Ccn-
tralia Methodist church purpose
bolding their anniversary .on Easter
Sunday and Monday. On Sunday
Mrs. (Itev.) Sutcliffe, of Grand Bend
will preach moaning and evenin_. On
Monday }t New England Tea eel be
served, a(ter n-hic11 a choses pro-
gram will be given. Miss Allan, of
I'irklhill, and Mr. Fred fort, of
Luton, take part on Monday slight.
Mrs. Mallard Ricks, returned home
Monday after a pleasant visit with
friends in Newberry and London.
Mr. Leo. Coughlin, of Landon,
spent a few days :It his Thorne here
last week.
Miss Lillian Elliott is visiting
friends in London.
Mr. Thee. Ryan, of resew, Ass:+.,
returned home on Monday evening.
Mr. Earl Mitchell left for the
West on 'Monday.
Miss Nettie ilara•13, Mho has been
visiting her ,sunt in llihbcrt for a
couple of months. his returned home
Last \Vcdnesd'ay ,morning death
carried one of the pioneer settlers
in She icr'on of the Lite Alexander
Duncan. Mr. Duncan was n native
of Ki•r•:•:Irdi,''hire, ficr.t19nd, and
Ives born in (he year 1829. Ile left
11,e 01(1 and about 1111y -tight years
ago and (ire,. settled in Crania In
Pickering township, where h^ re-
miined for six years. lie then some
to Usborne town ship end Settle.i on
lot 17, con. 12. !.Hiving I.Ite f:a.rtn
Ito came io Faigull] r and kept s1 ore
moil. We keep Oda well supplied)
for p: • h ti s 11-0 (Lays until all the
chicks 1,r ow nhcre to look for food..
We a1 -o keep a constant supply of
tame water in easy access. After the
second 411y in the broo.ler tee begin'
feeding five or six Bines n 4-tv, just
w l,'t the chickens coat 'quickly. It
:,t still som^w•,hat of a debatable i
po'•nt. whether it is wise to feed a
young ehick all it wants to eat be-
fore it is two weeks of age. We try
to feed a little Itis thin they would
Cit. Stink feeds ns brend and milk
are given nearly in the morning,
wih.idi I+ fed on •olein board: or
trouelet. At mint o'clock some
cracked wheat or pin held oatmeal
is ted, or if these are not to be Unit
small w+leat 'screening. This is bur-
ied Tightly in the lilt re on the floor
so 1s to 'native the chi; ks to ; z'•r-
To Cure a Cold in One Day 1
Tike Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. �� on every
`Seven !Killion boles sold In post 12 months. This signature, �/ box. 25e.
Chlmbo.s who preceded him in death!
by about ten yotrs. Ile had one
sister. Jew, deceased, and too broth-
ers. David, who 1199 killed in an ee-
1 cadent about two weeks ago, and
• John. who survives hint. Mr. Ilun-
ese's (unity coatsistcd of five
I girl; vital islsac•a Loy.;, let r-
b'tra ltobh, of Stratford : Susan Mc-
Kenzie, of Ft. William: Jennie Mon-
teith, of Thames road ; Annie Mc-
Kenzie. deccered ; Join Musser, of
Stratford; John anal David on the
. f trot and Phomas itt Winnipeg.. ale
Duncan was a man above reproach.
Ile had been an elder in the Presby-
terian church since he came to Us -
borne. ilo was 'always a leader in
whatever , . II
was right and pond c
was one of the moving st,irits in or-
genizing tate Osborne and llibbert
Mutual fire lnsurunce company, of
w•hio11 he wits at one time sceretery
tr' (surer. On giving up this offic.o
he was appointed agent for the cotn-
pany for the 'township of Usborne, right away and tell their 1*1011ts
which Position ha held until 1109111. :i II about the good times they expect
ear. Duncan eats called the lather to love on that day, and insist that
the Cubes watt mother., take a dray
off ,:r:nd come along with them to
enjoy fibs fun.
The roldiars are expected to lake
t,lrt in the parade. A piper 11a8 Leen
engaged ntel Eo iliac the 1)'111(1. Srty-
ernl merchants are already making,
v eparalions to have floats and settle!
of those who intend being avith the
oeliehumpians are (;;stint; up some
funny things. Messrs. John 1)e'-
bridgc Junes Ilallantyne and Seuir.e
Leathern will !lead the parade as.:
snide of white horses, but %eh:Alter
the genial president of the so;ie(y 1
will :rids the one ha in vsiueraded
with at Elimville some time ago, oci
not, we axe pot prepared to any, hut
tie intones riding a w•1►i,te horse
that day. Messrs. James Weekes, It.
Davis and .lott.tt Fas'aner will be dire;.
tong of flan i
\•11'ioltI:t Div CELEIIIIA'I'ION
The 1101k of getting up .a program
for the '24th of :Hey .-ports is being
energetically pushed tort' Irat and
everybody interested is working ,.Ire Cs;u• Itellilis, et ('Istel,(91, 1ir•iled
to make the celebration a decided in lona Monday.
success. A meeting of the Commit-, FREI). 1111wKSI1.\\e \\'As 1N '1'O.
lee 041 stwri 3 11.1.3 •ht•dd in We're leu- rola o t Ills w'cek.
bier's office. I ass 'Thursday evening,•
Mit. W. 11. h1:\'i:'tT ON MONDAY
to arrange e program to be nQb-+
witted to the Ditectois of the Agri -1 uuroh.lyed .t 11xnt•y draught horse for
cultural society for Ihcir 1pprovaJ.• hi.s oil "1gon front W.
11. (;riser, of
'like progr:uit thus f:,rt
altot%a 1lt:►t a ! (lrlcdi(en,
A ..MEETING 01."111E Ito\1'I,1NG
club will be hell ill 111e Tu11'1111.111
I'rd,tay night to uremia: fur thO
collllllg }l Y1 soil.
monster e,:lithurnpiaa and trades'
pro:cssion will be given in tie! .morn-.
ing. &Loot children from Exeter
I'sbonte avid Step•ben trill be asked
to !:eke part and cacJ1 child in the
line will be the recipient of .t pre-
sent of some kind from the society
and Mr. llurdon is going to give
enize71 to tee best drilled .utll 'tearing squad of 12 school children
The youngsters tt+ant to get. busy
of thet
Insua.Utce ('.o. The family
' 1PI%e tilt rLvmpatby of the entire
1 ne.igltorh,eod in their beroaventent.
Mr. E. A. Cope1•and received tau ac.
cidc.nt the other dey, while not ser-
ious Will 1.1y barn up 'for some time.
Ile Accts diluting lora, and this broth-
er, who was driving behind him.
noticed one of the togs slipping off
I Mr.
a e
and called d to E. A.
endeavored to get of the load, but
fell beeind the horses, %%elicit took
fright and started to run nway. The
wagon wheel went over Mr. Cope -
land's foot crushing it very badly.
Ile wits carried to 'his home and tned-
iotl n:ssist snce eurrtmoned. The in-
jured member is 'staling nicely rind
wo hope to nt'e F.d. out ore long.
8. S. NO. 5, USBORNE
The followingis the report of the
pupils of 8. 8 No. .. Usborne. The
names are itt order of tnerit based on
the result of the weekly examinations.
Sr. 4th class -Herbert Bissett, \Ven.
.Sillery, Dloyd Rivers, Gordon Hey-
wood, Norman Perkin.•, Emily F. rd.
• Jr. 4th class - Zoe Sillery, Myrtle
i Mooiie. Hazel Bissett, John Riley,
1 Herman Dayman, Mary Kidd, Victor
;Heywood. 3rd clas3-Elva Ford. El-
; rater McFall., Vera Hodg(on, Irene
Wet. Kernick, Vera Moodie,
Blanche Ford, Sr. 2nd class -Hugh
Sillery. Enema Fisher, Edward Sillery,
Rufus Kestle, Austin Ford, Gertie
Johns, Norman Johns.
P. GOWANS, Texufher.
'rho following is the report of achoo
section No. 15, Hay and Stephen, for
the mouty of March. The names are
In order of merit. Jr. 4th -Maud
Howald, Olive Roeder. Jr. Fel Major
Baker, Hilda Roeder, Earl Weide+,
Frieda Schroeder, Adeline Sharrow.
Sr. 2nd - Katie Pfaff, Arthur Beier -
ling, Mary Wade, Theodore Keller,
Jr. 2nd -Willie Schroeder, Chris Bei-
erling, Arthur Howald, Rosetta Roe-
der. 2nd part -Della Fisher, Vera
Luther, Maggie Pfaff. Sr. First Part
-Percy Weide). Roy Stanlake, Nelson
Stanlake, Jr. 1st part-Rosabella
Pfaff, Ethel Oliyer. Average attend-
ance 16.
E. SPARKS, Toac•Ier.
The following is the correct report
of S. S. S. No. 1, McGillivray. The
report is based on conduct and week-
ly examinations. V. class -Angela
Glavin. Eileen Glavin, Josephine
Glavin. IV. class -Clement Glavin,
Herbert Hanlon, Adrian Coughlin,
Charles O'Dwyer, James O'Dwyer,
Raymond O'Dwyer. Arthur O'Neil,
Hugh O'Dwyer. Iii. class -Blanche
Curtin. glary Hanlon, Mary Glavin,
Martin O'Dwyer. ,Vary Fraser. I1
class -('earl Glavin, Marguerite Han-
lon, Raphael Glavin. Lucy Doyle.
Bert Farmer, Isabella Fraser. 1. class
-Rose Hanlon. Adeline Fraser, Hilda
Curtin. I. class jr. - Leo Glavin,
Or ace Curtain.
NONA ('OUGHLIX, Toucher.
vv. buil,' lc. :i good wagon
Plowsbo of all kinds. Harrows, Ropers,
Maier. Spreaders, Scuftlera,
Wheelbarrows. Etc., Etc.
Always pleased to mail you our catalogue.
The Wilkinson Plough Co.
Rode 7,000 Miles on One Pair of Tires
champion steady bicycle rider. Ile is
a collector for one of the big telegraph com-
panies in Toronto, and he rides a wheel all the
year round making collections over a wide
district. lIis record is 12,000 miles a year.
Mr. Dewey's bicycle is fitted with Dunlop
Detachable Tires, a single pair of
which have carried %� him over 7,000
miles of good, bad`) and indifferent
road.. Dunlop bicycle tires are famous as the
kind that may be attached, detached and re-
paired when necessary by the two hands,
unaided by any Rasa of tool. Every pair is
guaranteed for a year.
ST. )011M Toronto MONTREAL
a0+ VAtrcuVvas �i1lMttlaO
pamde olio) 11 11 n+-
senlble near the Metropolitan :1t Mlt. SIMON HUNTER, OF US -
9.30 and smart at 10 o'cJoek. The borne, Hold a carload of l!ereferd
route will probably be down Main cattle the other day to W. Ilodgins
street to the street south of the of Lucian. Ileac animals ale for rho
etension (louse, around the block Eastern market end are a fine est.
rind return up Main street to the They cane one year old n11c1 average
1'M GOING '1'O Itli.11t Ill- NItOt GIL
next Mord ay night. Pour of the
girls hava asked me to tees teem,
and a't'e hailed five tacks in I ha plan
at ilowey's Drug Store.
AIItS..10S. DAI!NCEY i(+ 1N LON•
don in attendance on ler daughter,
Al r' h1ttg, of (%,t'diton, 11'.111) 11'09
taken to tIe 1ospila1 1her'o last
I'rid.13 to undergo •u1 ot:er:Mlion.
merchants will be held in Ithe town
!tall this (Thursday) evening .to alis -
cuss and make errangements re-
garding early closing. Let .;very
nneicdtint 'respond.
solemnized in Exeter on S. ::relay.
when etre !'rank Sweet was:., ,rri•;d
to Miss Ida Ali tchell. Mr. a,,,t Mr?.
Sweet left ft' Monday
for Regina,
Mr. Sweet will work cat his trade,
tent of a mason.
Bengough wet Monday night, Aprit
914 at the Oporn tloii t, Exeter,
olid 13 waiting for you to ;I.:k .hen
to go. Two Wills together c 1n bo
had at lfowey's Drug Store. The
plan of the mall is shore.
Town hall where it will diabatel.
The directors will meet the different
committees et the Central hotel
next Saeurtley afternoon to receive
h.ette r; s.
The a (Pontoon Noon! s will cont •
manes at one o'clock in tihe niter -
noon and will consist of foot tracing,
obsl•lcl.•e Tracing, flag relay racing. a
football match between tits Exeter
school and the township schools com-
bined crud (Atter sports. There will
be to rano Tor fanners and prize.'
will be given to the b,st clowns.
Several good (horse races are on the,
program and will continence as soon
as the foot racing, etc. are over. The
committee. :for the evening consort
at tire opera house announce that the
best talent do Canada has been se-
cured :for etre °colleen. It is pro-
posed to make this a gala day and
evorybody is requested to .assist in
making the celebration a success.
t.tiued Monday evening.
the firm of Messrs Smallrein & Ing-
ham, London. thaw accepted a posi-
t\Vion,Dfor.'SCO. the coming season with Mrs.
ling !house with quarter acre of
land, and good producing .orohard.
i'ropo,'ty good order: ;`,'?41 sell
ohe'ap. Appl1ny to Gladman & Stan-
'Ilan a number of valuable prizes for
its blue rock tournament on Good
Friday ,and will place them on exhi-
bition in the %%1140ws of .kite store
recently vacated by Poplestonc &
Gardiner on Saturday. They will re-
main there alt next week.
wood lave the sympathy of their
many friends in ttte loss of their
daughter, Annie May, who died on
Tuesday of Diabetes at tbo age of
14 years 2 months and 14 days. The
funeral will take place to -day, in-
terment being in the Fairfield cem -
of the Exeter Gun Club was )Held
Thursday of last week and resulted
follows, c,aotl number being th;r
number ;shot out of ten: 8. Fitton.
6, 7; 1). Bartle:A 5, 1. 9: I1. Ford
5, 8; J. Crean!), 3; N. 1). llurdon, 5,
5; 1'. 'Triebner, 8 : W. Johns, 6. 7;
T. Carling,,5; .1. 'Triebner, 5; R.
Sanders, 3. 4; T. Creech, 1, 5. The
Tuesday- 'hoot resulted as follows:
F. Durdle, 5; G, Anderson, 6; 1).
llarilcib, 6, tl. 6; T. Carling. 8 9 B;
8. Fitton, 6, 9. W. Johns. 7 7 10.
1,1011 pounds oldie The price tstid
utas 51-2 vet Ls'tier pound.
full next Monday night, April 9th
.and of course lover's will appreciate
the fact when returning amine niter
shearing Bengongh's •chalk talk at
the Opera house. Exeter. The ens
ter(•:I,inment is under the auspices of
the Epwori h League of the Main st.
church. Ile sure and conte,
took place et the meeting of the
dligh sohool literary society last
Friday afternoon. The subject was
"Resolved that women should not
have :1 right to vote." Messrs. In
Workman and Maurice Itchier talk
cd in behalf of the nffirmative, and
the Misses Mabel Sparks and Gertio
Thompson looked after the negative
side. After a wurm discussion the
judges decided in favor of she young
lady debaters. However, it is 'hard
to say just waren the women will
*have the pleasure of exercising their
thousand years has been more wide-
ly celebrated than any other festi-
val. The ramp itself is derived from
the Saxon spring goddess, Eastre.
Wise. In their generation, the early,
Church lathers turned the oIda
time observances to .higher service,
and established for all time Christ-
totom's most joyous festive!. Be-
lithus, s ritualist of ancient times,
tells Us 111,14,..i11 his day it w•as cus-
tomary for th Bishops -and even
as high a dignitary as tho Archbis-
ilop-to ploy at ball'.•it11 the infer.
for clergy, during tee week follow-
ing Easter day. from tela, prob-
ably arose the couunon oldta,wntry,
custom of playing "stoolhall" duriag
the Foster hot:days, for a prize
consisting of a tansy cake, fearfully,
and wonderfully made of eggs, sugar.
sack, cream, 'spinach leaves and but-
ter. Twentieth !century (esthetic',t(esthetic','arty differ considerably from those
of our .ancestors, .but Tetany aro the
social gator rings that follow each
you. the coming of Easter.
lar :meeting of the Heard of Trate
tats held in the !'own 11.111, Prides'
evening with a good aten:1.11w.
Reeve Bobic0 lit addressing the meet-
ing staled that the Council had sent
adverliernents In the Toronto daily
papers, setae' lisiurr the woolen mill
bore. and •11e .Iso slated that several
thousand dollars could b': secured
towards starting 11 euutin,f factory.
Severe! of the members expressed
themselves its being pleased it the
w'y matters are progressing. and
asked evcrd•one to lend n !helping
BORN hand. it was one of the beat meet-
ing's yet held by the board. A spree
ill meeting of ties hoard •v -it held
Tu^Feily nigiht in the Town Hall to
discuss letters received in :answer
to advertisements re tette Woolen
mill. 'The lette.ra were read by,
Clark Senior and after lengthy
disulssion it was decided to nppoint
a committee to draft letters for
replies and submit Idem to the
Council for the approval of that
body. There Were about fifteen
r embera presort. Mr. Muir stated
that he would offer the building.
plant, anal hotter' and lot ifor 82,500
and infest 81.000 into nnl• proposition
that would start the mill again. A'
number of ariggestions were. made aft
COLLiNGW000.-in Exeter on April( to the feneibility of getting capital
3rd, 1906, Annie May. daughter of to run t ho mill, hut silo action was
Mr. Wm. Collingwood, ager! 11 taken, other than a resolution to
r,'ars, 2 months and 11 Mays. reply to the tetters received.
iHIt0KENSIIiRE - In Shipk a, on
Murch 27th, to 81r. and Mrs. Wm.
lirokenel,ire, •, daughter, (stilt
ZiMMEll-In Dielo•ood, on Mond''y.
M•'trch 2611i, to Mr. and -Mrs. A.
Zimmer. •:. '011.
COiINISII.-in Stephen, on 'flint +.lay
M• trcdh 29th, to Mr. and MrA. John
Cornish a son.
O'ill(IEN-1n Hay, Mond 1y April 2,
1906, Ann Far:pawr, r•liei of tea
Late 1lenry O'Brien, ego' 75 Y1 '•.
6 rnonths.
•4N•••••••••••••••.••••s.•• ••••••••••••••ll►••••t►••••••
(incorporated by Act of Parliament, 14it3t
CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • - • 53,000.000.00
RESERVE FUND • • • • • • • S3.000.000 00
li Manche. In Ontario, Quebec. Alberta Itritl.h ('otenada and 31 u,i:n141
Open every Lawful Du, horn 10 A. N. to 3 P. 1t. except Saturday 19 A.14. to 1 r•, Al.
Formic) rpt' Mule Note% cashed or collect -d. Forms s•a;•plied
Un spa] casts!) peelers on all point• In 11.0 Dominion, Ureal Britain ,v.•t Un
l!'d St....-. bought sod.old at lowest rate+of exchange,
Depofsltst (tt *1.00 an 1 upwards lettered. interest coni -
rounded heir )earIey. and netted to prinr pal Jnre 34th and December 210. Dc
oleo Receipt. 51.0 1-•ued ant' hlghe-t current rates of 1nlere.! .01)1g -ed.
Advestwoes trade to feriners stock dealers and I usineps men at.
lowest 151'. and on rnewt boor -able Orn,.. Agent. at Exeter for Dom. Government. 2
Dickson & Carling, Snlieitorf. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
••••••••••••N•••••••••••• •••••••••N••••••••••••••