Exeter Times, 1906-03-29, Page 6OSTILE TO RUSSIAN DOUMA
The Workmen Refuse to Vote for
A despatch from SI. Petersburg says:
The prumury voting for delegates to re-
eresent the workmen in the final elec-
tion fur members of the Ikiuma demon-
st•atdl that the Stale -controlled factories
throughout the country are the must ac-
tive centres of the revolutionary propa-
ganda. The employes are against us -
leg their voles, and are openly hostile
le the Dounin. The Wren in the Oubou-
chuft ordnance foundry, near St. Peters•
burg, where 1:,001) hands are employed
outer the direction of the Ministry of
War. refused to choose elect irs. The
workmen in the Government's principal
cartridge factory at Tula recused to
choose any of the five delegates allowed
under the electoral law. The workmen
in the imperial railway workshops t
Wunovo end Vosnessensk also refused
k participate in the eletion. The em•
ployes in several of the leading hahpen-
frent industrial enterprises adopted the
some attitude. The men in Siemer aryl
ilalske's electrical works hero explained
their refusal by saying that as soon ne
they canvassed tine claims of any can-
didate he disappeared from the works
and eventually was obliged to quit the
There are nurnberless reports of such
Interference by the political police
ihroughout the country. The elector
chosen by the peasants of Simferopol i.=
a school teacher. He wns trnurisonel
on a political charge irninedintely ne
was elected. The peasants refused to
elect another delegate. An insignilieant
minority of the stearinnts participated .n
the elections in the provinces. In the
bstujna district of Nijni Novgorod only
one thousand received election notice.;,
although 8,010 were entitled to vole. A
petition for an election hes beet prepar-
ed in this district. \\ here the urban
workmen vote. as in factories In St.
Petersburg and Moscow, the Constitu-
tional Democrats almost invariably elec-
ted their candidates. The preliminary
eiectinn passed off without incident, and
attracted no attention.
A despatch from St. Petersburg says:
The growing unrest and agitation uniting
Ihr Rtrviai workmen is largely due to
the Government's repressive measures io
the Provinces, and especially to the
threatening situation in the Don and
other regions. At Ekaterinoslav 1G,090
omen of the Hughes Iron Works are el -
ready reported to have streck, tend nt
Moscow great ngItation prevails in the
industrial sections. Undoubtedly the
'.runic movement is connected with the
demand of the social democrats and re-
volutionists for another general political
A despatteh from Riga, Muslin, says:
9 hree revolutionists were sentenced to
death here on Thursday for breaking In-
to a store and stealing ammunition.
Mr. Crockett was informed by Sir
Wilfrid Laurier that the following por-
tions of the route of the-Transconlinen-rl
1a1 Rahway had been surveyed : From
Quebec to Moncton, approximate dis-
tance 1,366 miles, all surveyed, of which
385 miles have been located and adver-
tised for tenders, and 149 miles have been
submitted to the commissioners as first
location, and the revision of the said
location is proceeding. The location of
these surveys is as follows: From Que-
bec Bridge westerly, 150 miles; In the
vicinity of Hurr•icinaw River, 44.5 miles;
eastwurd from boundary between Que-
bec and Ontario, 8 miles; westward from
sarne point, 50.8 miles; the vicinity of
Fled Paint River, north-west of Lake
Nepigon, 37.7 milts; Pelican Lake to a
point about 10 miles from Winnipeg,
244 miles. Total, 544 miles. Moncton
to Quebec, centre route, approximate
total distance, 514 miles, all surveyed,
of which 428.7 rnilcs have been submit-
ted to the commissioners as first loca-
tion, and the revision of the said loca-
tion is proceeding. These locations are
as follows: Quebec Bridge to boundary,
220 miles; Quebec boundary eastward to
Grand Falls, 62 miles; Plaster Rock
eastward, 68 miles; west to Chipman,
20 miles; Chipman to Moncton, 58 miles.
Total, 428.7 miles.
Via St. John or river route, npproxi-
male total distance 531 miles, all sur-
veyed, of which 407 miles have been sub-
mitted to the commissioners as first
location, and the revision of the said
location is proceeding. 'These locations
are as follows: Quebec to boundary be-
lweon New nrtmswick and Quebec. 220
miles; along St. John River between
Grand Falls and Fredericton, 66.3 miles;
Quebec boundary eastward to Grand
Falls, 62 miles; Chipman to Moncton, 5X
mites. Total, 407 miles.
Mr. Martin learned from Sir Wilfrid
Laurier that the Government had no in-
formation except what appeared In the
press regarding the stnternents that the
officials of the Mutual Reserve I.ife In-
surance Company, of New York, had
been charged with grand larceny In the
finest degree and forgery in the third de-
gree. lie assumed that the charges
would be promptly investigated and
dealt with to the New York court%. Ile
was not aware of any action tont could
be taken In Cnnadu in such n matter fur
the benefit of Canadian policy•holdcrs.
Mr. Taylor was informed by Fir Wil-
frid Laurier that the Government had
no Information regarding the statement
In n recent report of Mr. Vandusscn,
specie' examiner of the United Stole:
Department of Justice, that H was con-
servatively cslininteel thnl 50,000 native
and naturalized citizens of the United
Stales had taken up wheat lauds In
Manitoba in the last five years, many
of lhern entering upon Government
homestead lands as British subjects.
while shill retaining their certificates of
United States citizenship and cxcreisieg
such rights when In the States.
Mr. Boyce was Informed by Mr. Ayles-
worlh tint In cases where po.tlnnsterlt
and their calfs were paid fixed salaries,
She (department rxeiveit all the revenue
collected frau box rents. In post -oiled
where the cutlery WAS not 0\erl the pool-
n. ► o ,rdt
m b reel 50 jwr cent. of the tenet,
end In cat -ea when: the j.istrnosher hl -
stalled the boxes at his oven expert..` be
received the whole rent. Since 1896 the
box fillings In all post-ofllee buikllnes
bud been furnished Ly the Government.
Col !lollies vela lefnrmed by Mr.
Ayleswr rib that the ince postnmster• at
('ennington bed l : n ('llgaited as a rar.t-
eer prior to his (emotion'. Diem nl tete.
Anis of the village bout c.-nipinined
sweetie! the postmaster hyingi-
Alzeeal by the Government ngainst Ilene
n Investlgutien hail !wen made by the
lite/teethe per son:01y, need Li- bad report-
ed the towel' to the dt'artneent,
Col. fleshes was Informed by " it 1
Frederick Borden that the Canadian
Nile voyageurs, under Sir Garnet
Wolseley, had been given the Soudan
medal by her Majesty's Goverment, and
the Khedive bronze star. They had not
been given any scrip. They had not
been recognized by the Cnnadinn Gov-
overnment in any official way except as
stated above.
Mr. Monk was informed by Sir Wilfrid
Laurier that the subsidies granted by
the Quebec Government and the City of
Quebec for the Quebec bridge, amount-
ing to 8250,000 and $300,000 resepectively
had been paid in cash, with the excep-
tion of the provincial subsidy at the
rate of $30,000 a year, of which 5180,000
had already been paid and $70,000 re-
tains to be paid. The bonds of the Que-
bec Bridge Company, amounting to
$472,000, had been redeemed at !heir
par value. Mr. Monk was also told by
Sir Wilfrid Laurier that no Inspection
had yet been made by the Government
111 the books of the Quebec Bridge and
Railway Company.
Mr. Bennett was told by Sir Wilfrid
Laurier that $14.813 had been expend-
ed to date on dredging at Port Colborne,
and $438,750 upon rock excavation. Tho
total under -water excavation had cost
to date $581,595. The Government ele.
valor at Port Colborne had cost to dale
Col. Hughes ens informed by Sir
Wilfrid Laurier that the Voyageurs un-
der Sir Garnet Wolseley In 1870 fund not
been recognized in any ofiicial way by
tither the British or Canadian Govern-
ments. it hnd been decided by the Gov-
ernment of the day that these men were
employed as civilians, and were not eli-
gible for medals or scrip. They, had,
in fact, been treated precisely the same
as the teamsters employed nt the same
time. It was not intended to depart
from the decision then reachcxl.
Mr. Ward (Durham) learned from Sir
Wilfrid Laurier that surveys for Hie
outlet of the Trent Valley Canal had
leen made from nice (oke to Port Hope,
filce Lake to Colborne, and Rice flake to
Trenton. The Government had not come
ta nay decision as to the proper route
to be adopted. The reports of the sur-
veys had not been submitted to the De-
portment of llativnys and Cnuals try thu
engineers in charge. The probable
amount of damage caused by the brealc
in the Trent Valley Canna at Peterbor-
ough and Kirkfb ld eves 82,000.
Mr. Lancaster's bill to amend the
Railway Act was considered in eonenlit-
tee atel read a second tine. 1t pro-
poses to enable the owners of lands ex -
preprinted by rlhlwnys to move Dant tfie
ellortnition proceedings be expedited.
t'lulee the lave nt present the railway
company may pay drunnges Into court,
but the former owner of the land is un-
able to obtain the money until the court
proceedings hnve been concluded, which
sometime -a involves greet dnley.
Alr. Filepnatrick Meted that he Mail
noticed the defect In the law. and had
Intended in introduce n bill to remedy
11 himself, therefore he had no objections
to Mr. Lanca-ster's 1.111.
Hungarian (bunt Arrested for elarekr
of a Wealthy Woman.
A Vienna despatch says: A semsalmr,n
has been caused 10 ilungary by the ar-
rest of (i.lrnt 011n Nnyhr'us on the
(*Merge of having poisoned his relative,
Mine. tee Benierhy. elute. dee Ifeniczl:y,
4.stale e
vhw e ' t
� al'
� he h►:e 1 w ,
ounce% , ns Ionrh'tl • • r
the rich -et woman in Ihnlgnry, rind she
died a fortnight ago under suspiiieu'
(ircu11►stunces. the had Julien •on:"
Loup, which, %,hint; to its peculiar lode.,
wits sent bask to the kitche0 and given
to ilia dogs. 'i'wo of lite doge died
effetely nflvnaante; end tine. de Kn. .
lexky 01,41 tie rine night, in greet p'tim. '
Suspicion fell on Count Nayhnus, w•1 •
haat Mho tiled !$100,000 under elute. 0 .
ileniczky's will. and an eeantinnli, r, , .
his rooms 1'l'vetled fol+ider'a)O.' qu..: e
lilies of erectile. IN declared he bouple
the poison to 1011 wolves nn the (Arlie, e
meed stoutly denied the charge of metro
ol.•r. Count Nayoun: comet. of an 0141 1
Prms-lain noble family which enjoy:; 11:•: 1
iivilege of te,t
1 mg elbowed to 'Inlerrrrr ry 10
wilt tee elle. Ile giturrell welt life 1
+unity tied t,es elislnhititcd. {)
TRAI E Cil\1'RI:S.
Pekes of Caine. (:rain, Cheese and
Other Dairy Produce at Hume
and Alnoad.
Toronto, Marsha 27. -- 'Wheel -- No. Y
Ontario) red \\•inter, 76e bid outside •.n
C.I'.It., turd tl offered Lit 76%o: shipped
lo Portland. No. tr mixed offered Lit 76c
outside, and No. 2 goose Lit 74c uutsele,
without bids. No. 1 Manilobu Northern
offered at bio on truck, port Muton, Mil -
land or Owen sound, without kids. it
also offered tet 82c Owen Sound, May
celivery, with 81%c bid. No. 2 North-
ern offered at 813 a on Wick, Port Hu-
ron, Meatfnrd or Owen Serum, end 70e:
5'as bid, Point Edward, May delivery.
Flour - Ontario wheat patents are
$3 hid In buyers' Backs outside fe.r ex-
tort. Mnnitolst first patents are quot-
..l at $4.30 to $4.40, Tomtito, and strong
bakers' al $3.90 to Si, 'Toronto. !Iron
to very fire► at $18 Io $18.50 outride, in
bulk, and shorts quoted at same price.
Peas - No. 2 offered outside Lit 73e,
with 75c bid.
Oats - No. 2 Ontario white offered at
like on track Toronto; 34ie Lid main
line, east or west, and 35c hid on G.T.lt.,
rest. No. 2 while and rejected offered
In store, Toronto, at 37c, with 34c Lid.
Corn -- No. 3 American yellow was
49c bid on track, Toronto, but none of-
Apples - Choice stock, $3.25 to $3.75
per bbl., and inferior qualities, $2.25 to
Beans -- Hand -picket, $1.75 1n 81.80;
primes, $1.65 to $1.70.
Honey -- The minket is steady of 7 to
Se for st nined, and $1.51) to e2 per doz-
er combs.
Hops - 15 to lee per 1D.
Ilay - car lots of No. 1 timothy nre
quoted at $8 on Irnck, Tomnlo, and No.
1 al $6.
Shaw -- $5.50 to SG per ton.
Potatoes - Ontario stock, 65 to 75c
ler bag, and Eastern, 75 to 80e per bag
on track.
Poultry - Turkeys, fresh kilbxl, 14 to
15e: ducky, 12 to 13e; geese, 10 to 11c;
chickens, 12 to 13e; live chickens, 7 to
Oc per ID.
flutter - Pound rolls are quoted et
203 to 21e; large rolls, 19% to 20e; good
io choice dairy tubs, 20 to 21c, and hn-
ferior at 16 to 17e. Creamery prints sell
at 26 to 270, and solids at 24 to 24%c
Eggs - New laid are selling at 1Gc per
Cozen in case lots, and cold storage eat
13e per dozen.
Cheese -The market Is unebange.1,
with demand fait i.nrge cheese, 14c
and twins at 1430 per le.
Dressed hogs in car lots are nominal.
Bacon. long clear, 11 to liXe per 111. m
case lots: tress nork, $18 to $18.50; short
tut. $22 to 822.50.
liams --- Light to medium,
13 ter133c
(do.. heavy, t93ec: mils, 113;c: shoulders
1lc: backs, 153; to 16e; brek(asl Lticonw ,
11 sec.
Lard - Themti10, 10%ces, hlI%e; 1 ;
palls, lac.
Montreal, March 27. - There ere nn
new features of ` interest in the local
Grain Market. There is no change in
the local market for coarse genius, and
prices are steatdy all round. The mmnr-
kel for oats seems to have reached the
bottom of the present (towline. Mean.
Trading coati/it: s Lit
store for No. 4, 37'ry'e for No. 3, and 31"%t
for No. 2, (lenient' being sea
-Manitoba Spring wheat p51(1)15, $4.
50; strong bakers $4 to $4.10; Whiter
wheat patents, 84.25 to Si.50, and
straight rollers. 83.%0 to 81 i1 weed; I1
Pegs $1.85 to $1.90. Rolled Oats -*2
82.05 in bags of 00 les. Feed -d --Onto stn
trait,to bulk. $20; shorts, Inbags, 670
to 820.50: MnnitoLn ten, in ins'an'e, $20:
slinrls, 821. 11113f --NO. 1. 88 1
Ion nn (rack; No. 2, $7 to S7.50; clover,
ee.50 to 86: clover, mixed. (r6 In 4.50.
Resins --- Choke primes, $1.
peer bushel; hand -nicked, 81.
tors --Per long of $n 11w., 65 to
visions--it(ney (;,n+ulintt short rut 1
about :16 yc
' k. Flour
1 k
o $8,50 per
CO to 91.x5
til. Pole.
e21; listht short cut. $20; Atnerikat Boor l
cut. Sin; American cul clear fat Noche:.
>s220; compound bird, G„ In 73.4e: (at'1't-
ahnn purr Inn'. 11!4 to 12e; kettle ten-
dered. 11% to 13e; hnmS, 12 (0 14.•; In-
tent, 11 to 15e: fresh killed almtt•eir
(tresseed liege, $t(i nolmtry drtr.sexl, 1'8.-
7:e to $9.95: rmlire. $7.50. for seleetc. C)y,l.
-New lied. 18e per (loran; abortive mid
limed. 13e. nnmhtnl. Huller--C.hokae.tt
creamery. 22 to 22%%; undergtodere 2.0 to
21e: dairy, 19 lo 20c. Chase -- Onto • o.
13 to 13eee.
Minnnn('olis. Starch 27. ---- Wheat Mny.
76%c: July. 7'1,', to 7P3;e: Sept% mien,
77%e: Nn.1 Nnrttiern. 7G4e; No.2 North-
ern. Zee%; No. t hard 1)ec. Flo;ar--l'-
e)lanEet. Ilrnn--in bulk, $13.50 to t l d -
Milwaukee. !Mouth 27.---\Vhcal•- Nn. 1
Northern 1•► l0 Ric; No. 2 Northern. 76
In 79e+; %f,ey. 77%c n.'d:nl. itye-No 1
f.4c. Bonny -No. P. 51 to Mgt,: oomph..
3S In See. ('oro --Nn. 3. cash. 42 to 42%e:
\hay', 1'e;: to 4ie ticked.
'toroth, Mnrelt t7.. -The tone of lee
renl(eet wus tirrn. nut! even rattle vvtleh
)1.i 1
nthe ► lines wo+., 1 br,vn sold as slew/ -
beeps were tette it lip for shipment
r.I.rr.n.1. 'Floc highest prier reported ens
B:.ee. nn•t ;toed Inndc s.4.1 01 $4!10 In AN
jar (-xi. 14,1114! weighing n )44th% under
..:all )tr. brought 81.50.
1 ite
.11 : or l,e1 fur t nleher.s' tvn' let r•c •
i.: :,;hr Rubply. C,liokrn. $4.54)
1 tie ::e). illcl'rling elms end Wei•.Ml
,. In $5; er'.ilmrn. 11 r•nwe,
,YI t.l I• i .. ..
. , •-,,t i'
' Qi.PS te tll,l'Ici; ton
+m reel,, feeder,: trough) l:l,9) lo
.2U; . , t.• rs tiro eloek entree, hem
'.1 mil.
Gine, fol Inttote entitled ee.7:, I,• $7.-
e. n)r5 Ii.s' rnnrket Meowed n ten,l,ncv
o rise. 1.nile anti l't 'ks w'(►•1' t'(iIti 44
84..':.: • %)sort rewire 01.7.e to Seee5;
',i\eI 1 •".h:. s5 .',n to 85 54), ('ales Were
etre nl es s., $N per ew4.
S\IJ.tT TUE. I.Ltd'4.1't1'R): AT TO -
tt.•n. Col. Matheson, in presenting the
estimates, said the estimates receipts
include 81,339,287 subsidy, 1170 50) in-
terest on investment mid- trust fluids
from the Dominion, 8550.4*) from woods
and forests, $1,250,000 from timber eines,
*60,000 from ground rent, Crown hind;
$100,000. mining licenses $20,(0). sate of
limier front clearing Meng '1'. and N. 0.
Railway, $50,1100, public institutions
8125,000, Central i'rison industries $67,-
(00, education department $75,000, Pro-
vincial Secretary's deportment $135,6(X),
agriculture $85,100, casual revenue
8115,(00, succession duties $700,000,
supplementuiy revenue tax (6e and f3
vie.) $450,000, tavern and bre•ers'
licenses 8190,000, Inw stamps $70,000,
Algunmu luxes *5,000, fisheries $45,000.
The total eslinratal receipts were
e5,921,2e7; cash balances 31st Decem-
ber, 1904, 81,939,57'J, ruakitig u tidal of
Hon. Cul. Matheson said 0 moil e! cost
10 complete division No. l of the Timis -
knitting Hallway $270,501, and division
No. 2, 81,169,540, making rt tidal of
$8,106,090. Thus with $25(h(110 for roll-
ing stock the figures were brought up
to 59,066,000. The tonal receipts for the
past year were 86,016.176 am' the pay -
ni mints159*5,396.016, leaving it balance of
Iteferring In the recent loan lie de-
o-clared that it had been made on the best
terms possible and nr'ralgoinents Made
for the floating of a loan of $1 21X),000
Lir more in Canada.
Mr. Fraser, in moving the second read-
ing of his 1111 to amend the Act to pre-
vent the wade of natural gas and to pro-
vide for the plugging of the abandoned
wells, stated that tate natural gas busi-
ness of the Niagara peninsula ens now
producing an minted revenue of $370,-
370;000. The bill vvas Intended to prevent
the depletion of the wells in the Niagara
district, as had been the case with the
Essex County wells.
lion. Mr. Monteith, replying to Mr.
McCoy, sold appllcaliun had not been
made to the present Government for
compensntion for the destruction of fruit
pees infested with San Jose scale. 111
1905 the Department of Agriculture con-
ducted for the benefit of the fruit grow-
ers experiments in the use of ' praying
ntuterials, rind carried on demonstra-
tions at certain points in methods of
spraying. The continuation of this work
was now under eonsldernt(nn. in 1905
the department also supplied npplieants
with spraying nlnterials at wholesale
rates, and paid transportation charges
thereon. It was no longer deemed
necessary that this assistance should ite
given by the department.
Mr. Downey moved the second' read-
ing of his 1.111 to amend the Pharmacy
Act. Its intent, he explained, was to put
companies engaged in the drug bustners
on the sarne bards as private individuals.
It proposed that every portlier In a com-
pany should be compelled to granlify as
n druggist before the husinese %would be
allowed to go on. Mr. Downey poinled
Old that a Targe part of Ilio business of
departmental store pharmacy was the
dispensing of poisons; end he thought
the teponsihiiity for nth:takes should* he
mere clearly placed than at present.
When the present law wits dratted cone
tinny pharmacy was not in existence,
and no provision ens mode for properly
controlling 11. It land to ern nseerleml that
his Lill wtis class legislation, but the
contrary was true; it took away, ',rive
leges (rein a certain clue. This bill
was referred to n committee.
Atr. Cnrscellen's till to enrolee the ex-
nminatie.n of stationary engineers and
the granting of certificates of qualifica-
tion wns read a secnnd lime and r•((er-
red to a special committee. Opinions
differed with re pert to the measure in-
dependent of party lines. Tire 1i11 pro-
vides that certificates shall to metered
from engineers in char(;° of engines of
fitly horse -power or over.
in reply to Mr. Jessup, whn inquired
laud the Government taken any action in
order to stop or limit the expurtntio i of
nimturnl gas from Ontario into the
United States of Aul.riwa, and .if not,
was it the intention of the Government
so to do. Premier Whitney slated the
matter was now under cnnsiderntiome
Alunicipalitles which have foiled to
c.:nslder as sacro' the sinking funds
prcn•tdcd for the redemption of trim•
lures received advice. which was in feet
a warning, from Chairman Henry Cam
caller) In the Privnte Rills Committee.
The pronouncement %vas given ran In
by the bill of the Town of 'fronton,
which was reported, and which risked
for the consolidation of delentures
amounting In h53a67.24. Trenton had
used its sml:ing fund int• the mainten-
ance: of it wnler-power plant for the
benefit of the local industrial interests.
"i do net say Hint tae fund laps nal
been expended honestly." sold Mr. C.oers-
callen. "but i feel Ihnt we ought to set
our frees against toe subversion of
sinking funds, which are the safm'guerd
of debenture -holders. i nut in favor rd
giving relief to Trenton, but 1 Pei that
we ought to insert n slrinpent prnvisltn
to prevent the rccurr'nee of retch nn in-
nt. Other municipalities, 1 feel sure
have drawn upon their sinking funds,
Irian lirne to time. and what 1 eny does
not apply to Tie neon nlonn."
The f snoletiu, Hldgttown noel u1-
lucti'w g Railway vvns grant. d incnr-
poratinn. subject, of ceuier, to the re-
vi,ion of u,rne changes in fes clauses in
eonfonnity with Hae new General Rail-
way Act. A clause enopowering I1►h
(company to sell m,nrilhls power 5'155 lydt
VI' further Considerate at.
aftliamexaf.4 arm.
The Fees Are to Be Increased and
Bartenders to Be licensed.
The (3►tktre) Govtrmnst.l's promised
amendments to the Lepel. license Act,
embracing a large number 01 milieu!
and progressive temperance reforms,
were itlh•oduced in the Legislature on
Tuesday afternoon by the Ilan. W. J.
Manua. The nest bill, in its salient
leulures, provides fur a tetter enforce-
ment of the law by Imnking the regula-
tions uniform throughout the province,
by removing some of the technicalities.
in regard to the first (offences, ete., be-
hind which °%readers have hitherto ghee
tercet themselves, Lind by marking it
easier to sec►u•e convictions. It pro-
vides Mat lauiender•s in critics and tome,
must tate out min annual license, thereby
giving license bounds a cheek on the
character ul the men who sell liquor and
making them more careful about viola-
tions of the law. It increases the penal-
ties for various offences, and provides
ter more rigorous prosecutions. It gives
weeder protection to witnesses who
give evidence leading to it conviction.
It amends, in a number of rt, poets, tlae
local option laws, giving anunicipulitics
the privilege of tan ointing their oven of-
ficers to co-cq)e'rnle with the license in-
spector in enforcing the law and 'nuk-
ing it compulsory for Municipal Council;
to submll a local option by-law on peti-
tion of 25 per cent. of the voters. The
Government takes power to cancel licen-
ses when; deemed advisable, in default
of any action by the local license hoard.
The announced policy of the Govern-
ment not to increase the number of li-
censes in New Ontario Is embodied to
the bill. "Pied houses" will not be per-
niittell henceforth.
Itegutaatious to be uniform throughout
the province.
Pudenda's in cities and towns to be
'third offence by licensee to cancel
No increase in number of licenses in
New Ontario.
Stricter provisions regarding sale of
liquor 011 medical certificate.
nadicnl increase in license' fees in all
municipalities. In cities et over 1(10,(00
to be $1,300 for tmser) and 81.(x%(► for
shop licenses.
Municipalities and province to get rev
(nut's from licenses, share and share
Special census for deter•rn:ning num•
ber of licenses permiseable, ncoreting to
population, to lee abolished.
No "tied" houses to be allowed.
Municipalities passing local option
hoes allowed to participate in their en-
Vote for loco) option by-laws to be
taken on annual municipal election
days, and to be compulsory on petition
of 25 per cent. of voters.
Three -fifth of vote polled to carry lo-
on) option by-law and Three-fifths of
vote necessary to repeal it. To be in
force for two years, at least, if carried.
Provision made ab(a)sh the adultera-
tion of liquors.
More protection given for witnesses
who give evidence to secureeconviction
against license -holders.
G. 1. (:arnpt►ell. of Frobisher, Sash..
Fatally Wounded;
A Frobisher, Sask.; despatch says: A
shouting afheny, which will result in the
death of Mr. D. J. Campbell, a resident
framer, occurred about four utiles north
of Frobisher, on Wednesday. From the
information nt hand it would appear
that one Weiv'ent Mcryyon, a Hungarian
In the employ of Mr. Campbell, had a
dispute with him over wnges, and Wed-
nesday morning about 6.30 took Mr.
Cnmphell's shotgun to the stable, and on
Mr. C.nmpbell's approach raised the gun
Ire shoot. Mr. Campbell mode nn effort
to get out of the way, but too late, the
shut striking hien in the region of the
groin. Mr. Campbell was able to rend►
the house, where, tie sent to a ncightor's
for old. The llungarinn, niter Rhooting
his victim, snorted for town, where he
le now in custody. Air. Cenipbell is a
nonrricd man. with n fancily of four.
Mcryyon. it seems, wished to leave his
employer, and the latter refused to re-
lease hire until his line expired, and his
resentment resulted in the tragedy.
Men In Lumber. Mining and Railway
Camps to be Protected.
A Toronto despatch says: Dr. Bell,
Inspector of the Provincial Weird of
Health, hos returned front nn inspection
of the luml'er camps in the northern part
of the country. He munitioned seven
parties who Mad contravened the regu-
lation by not having contracts with doc-
tors for the medical care of the men in
their lun►ber camps. and for insufficient
provision nt the camps for the care of
the sack. Convictions wire secured In
all the eases. In one case the magislrote
gave the accused only three hours in
which to make contracts. The convic-
tions were against men nt the Soo,
Mowry and Sudl,ury. The department
is determined to continue the rigid en-
forcement of the regulntions rsspecUng
lumber, mining and railway comps.
A importer a Wedding Party Lora in the
A Kobe, Japan, despatch says: A
!.ride and her suite of six people have
Leen frozen to death while on their wity
to the wedding ceremony. They sTart-
cd for n house in Impetsumura. in the
i',sniori Prefecture, and encounterrl a
terrific snowstorm at Nishlnturn. in
n short time they wt•re unnlole to pewee,'
er retr'nt, and were covered in by the
snow. As they did not arrive at their
111'-tinnlion it search pully was sent out
ori dodges. and the bride and her com-
panion.: were found in the snow frozen
It. drntlm.
Part of Scheme of International Electric
A Donato. N. 1'.. despatch s:,y's: Details
of Hee bridging of the Magnin (liver for
n direct trolley line from Toronto to
l;uredo show Ihaal n line from Toronto
10 pechcsler Ly way rd Lockport is nee,
in the scheme, and in connec)lnn with
these details 0 was announced here on
Thursday that the internntinnni ltsm,hvay
Cnnmpnny end the Tnrnnin interesIs hew.
lust c.,mpleted Arrangements whereby
tars from Buffalo and Tnrnnto may 1 e
rent In ni,ehe'.ster by Iha line Ihat runs
from Lockport to Inca hest(r throngli AI -
Lion and intervening points.
Terrible Death of Lahorer al Sleet
Works in Sydney.
A Halifax. N.S.. despond► says: Gen.
lk i 1, a lator'r nl the sleet works ul Syd-
nt v. met with n horrible heath while et
his wort in the blooming trill on \\'ed•
nesiuy ►n.•ruiI1'. A bol steel ingot
Weighing/ several Ions. Whit h+ 1n.1 hallo►
hoot n Jeair of heavy 1'.re e. ceietheel
through 11 515c1 Peer. ]e►,s Inline al.', ee he
The llrili'h Adndr•nity loaf sle'ids'11 et was 5', rking, rind cruel -led lien 1.• 1.- 'h.
Im.ke one n rsili.ey of ,ilo.aelml.r.r► In 5..:••r ithrwnrds limning the reel}• beeetet
1 erisk of traluding met. leeet r 1 •n regtolien. mos y fags age
ac n)att us ccs.
coming naval !vales afamily.
the t ,d los
Rumor Respecting the United States
Steel Corporation.
A Windsor despatch rays: Recent ac-
tivity by representatives of the United
States Steel Corporation in this vicinity
may be explained by a private despatch
from New Perk to a prominent Detroit
broker, which says: "Reported that the
Uniled Shales Steel Corporation will op -
crate in Canudn, with heavy cxpendi-
tee." it Is known that the options on
the two thousand acres of land a short
distance below Sandwich were extended
the latter part of last week. There are
other indications that sotnelhing 1s on
foot in that section. No definite infor-
mation can be obtained from people in-
terested in the matter.
The Foreign f3ubse•riplions Prove a
Great Disappointment.
A Tokto despatch says: Tho subscrip-
tions for the new domestic loan of 200,-
(100.000 yen reached 324,000,000 yen
($162,((00,(00). The foreign subscriptions,
which were mostly from London,
amount to 5,000,000 yen. which Is n tis•
nppoinhnent. Yashiro Satkatonl, Minis-
ter of Finance, will entertain Mr. Jacob
Schiff, of New York, nt n banquet
March frith, hi recognition of his ser-
vices in the flotation of Japanese war
loans. The leading bankers will al.
Roundabout Report Says Edward Is
Going to Constantinople.
A Berlin despatch to the: New York
Herald says that a confi'lential com-
nwnientinr► just received there from
Constantinople state's that preparations
are being quietly pushed forward for
the rccsptioii of King Edward, who is
expected to vr: it the Sultan, coining
direct by sera.
Portiere h1 Prairie Men buying Sixty
Thousand Acres.
A i'ortage la Prairie despatch says .
It is teemed !lint a synalic'ate of Portage
In I'rnirie men are elaul to pull off an-
other lend deal. They nre to get 60.009
acres of I'ruvincial Government Inns)
nlong the stores of Lehr elanitoha. The
price ranges from *4 to $1.511 per acre.
Alretuty l leeks tore hring offs rel at *6
and $6.50 per twee to united States no
Protp•antme Prepared involving Ex-
penditure of 8f00,000.OM,
A I.ondm► thermich asst fs: The Pall
Moll Gowrie of \Veslntssluy :tap( it hears
that the 1Ate'sian (:ov, minute has pre-
pared n naval programme Involving the
exl'e'ndilur0 of rl)1r1-m,MLIU) daring the
neat Iwo years. of which mmtount British
shipinaietere will w:lie a good share.
Tlw 811111 of $?.'u.tieetex), the paper adds,
has twin mere -,i d tit' lour hrst-eloss
b ttle.;hip' simile)* to Rhona now tumiebng
in Japan.
Nine Trains leave MI. l'atol For This
A SI. Paul, Minn., despatch datys: 11
require.) nine trains to pull the home..
seeker-. 001 of the depot here on Wedne u -
day, when over an thousand left for the
Conadian wast.
OVER 1,000 RiLLED.
Totwt Viorims et Formosa F.artliquale
dumber 7,080.
A Tokio despatch says : Incomplete
ret'n•r,e front Furr.0osa gise the number
killed by Ihr enrlhipiake ns 1,x)07, and
that of the lnjoried as 6,163, thus Jusli-
fying the ants! fears. The Emperor Is
ditparching a chamberlain to Inquire
into the condition of lite smflerers.
l I:mI Collision 011 Brood' Trunk
A despatch from eat lea says: A tor-
t elle accident occurred on lite Grand
Trunk «bout three milt% from :iarusa at
1%30 o'clock on Thursday rooming, •cest-
Int, the lives of two Loudon b wie:re
Richard (:r•app and Samuel 1lubl►er, and
wrecking three l•x'n motives. The Mon.
heal express. which haves Sarnia, left
the tunnel )huts at u speed of 35 mike
or. 110)11'. Instead' of being awit.etied (n
to the Stratford division, it look the
London litre. 'fie crew of the train de-
teclevd n nest/Ike when about a quarter
of a mile Irene the switch, and eerie*"
the brakes, but loo late. A duubliebot,t-
r'r freight, travelling 20 miles art hour,
crushed head -un into the passenger Valli
as the latter was about at n sl;tntletill.
'rhe passel (Iger engine was forced rack
several reals. and the ares lenge fettled
Willi the front engine of the diastole -
Leader sending upright. The tora''vy�'n1
(arts of the other engines were maioneTeed
Ir pieces. A few slight bruisers wore re-
ported to passengers on the express,
tut nothing serious. A coupe° of s -
stripers curs were derailed.
heht thw11. ah.
'fheigarnidentcors (inwerelayedrotr•an(ll1e1on Areditrend
nl,nut four hours. Roth enginev'rw on the
freight and the engineer and fireman on
the passenger troth' ruiracimlnnsty w+eap-
ed without injury, being thrown oat of
their engines.
FIRE IN GUFI1'11 FO41N7it'R'S.
Three -Storey Varnish and Patna Mop
A despatch from Guelph soya : The
biggest tire this city has experienced in
years was raging from 8 until 9.38 on
'fl►ursdny night. About 7.45 the alarm
was scat in summoning the brtgndo to
Crowe's Iron Foundry, where make
was issuing from the three-storey paint
arid varnish shop ()Hitched to the foun-
dry. From then until 9.15 the (treinell
had one of the hardest lights to enable
tbo (lames to the place of origin. The
foundry and numerous surromading
frame and plastered cottages were for
a time in great danger, but a covering
of snow on the roofs put out lite flying
burning embers ns 800)1 as they alighted,
and materially aided in preventlaig any
spread. The paint shop was gulled.
There were between 30 and 40 men em-
ployed in the burned building, and one
of Ute departments wus at work when
the fire broke put. A great rnuny piano
plates in a finished and unfinished con-
dition were destroyed. 14 is undt retool
that a tnrrel of japan was being opened
and was ignited by a gas jet, ono of the
men being burned about the head. The
moulding shop wastloodel wee matter,
which will suspend work in that depart-
ment for a few drys. The boas will pro -
Nobly reach $21.000, divided ns follows:
88,(4x) 00 building, $6.000 on equipment,
and 87,000 on stock.
First Run Was Made to Liverpool Front
A despatch from London sari: On a
window of one of the first -chola attrri-
ages In a train that left London ler Liv-
erpool on Wednesday morning a darnel
was displayed which read. "randy and
Smoking." The carriage that born the;
ergo was the first woman's sn,nle g uv
ever run on all English road, etti7erecte
ably the first in the world. It errs oc-
cupied by a small lonely of wunten for
whom 11 hnd leen reserved. AppPcii-
tlort for it was made on Tuesday night
by a gentleman, who sand: -"I wool n
smoking carriage for a party of ladies
attached to your noon Liverpool gain
When the trent was mode up the
order was executed, and presently the
party that vas to occupy it nytxvrreti
and tette:era it triumphantly. There
were. Three in the party, ten elderly wo-
man and Iwo young ones. They «tart -
e•(1 smoking as 80015 as they were seat-
ed. They iegan with cigarettes, but
vvliat they ran into before they got to
Liverpool nobody knows, but the changes
are Ural they stuck to cigarettes. Rog -
WI women 00 not often get paid the
cigarette stage in their stroking.
Railway Magnate to Build 1,ON Miles
of Road.
A dispute!' from St. Paul, Alina., stays:
Nut until new has the full signVBsance
of Janes J. 1IIII's operations hr Wnrtern
Cnnndn dawned upon close ol'se'r•ve►s hi
the rntirnrd world. The president et the
Great Northern is credited with eon-
templuling bundling no less than 3,004)
miles of mail hi Mel part of the Domin-
ion. To begin with. aside from $norm'
St. John's. N.I)., to hrondoo, and from
some point in North Dnkotn to ivetlage
In Prairie, Ihll will build o line from
Howie, Mont., on the Great Northern's
main line. through Medicine ilnl and
from (here to Edmonton. This (bre will
be 141) wiles In length: One brrnat► will
go to (:nlgnry. This line w01 (e h,irr-
s,vd,d by en cast and weld road. *Well
will melee miner tions with Hilrs Ilan
to Fertile. H.C. On the east this line
will nun to kerion, flu miles, where it
will secure Winnipeg connection.
Porte Declines M Withdraw Troops
From Egyptian Territory.
A despatch from London rays: it '8
repotted flint the forte has awe n for-
mol broth to the British Andtnssndor at
Cdonstantinople, refuruing 10 withdraw
the Turkish trowels (ruin Tntanh, near
Ali:obnh. in nreordunte with Groat tri•
lien's molest. which was based h"
r 'u .ar st nn
r, en Ili et 7 1 h 1. in E ti
territory. The Porth insists that It is
Ottoman territory. R is aka) reported
that a British novel demonstration at
bnyrnn Is expected.
timer Prntrn/an a 'n. Ktlkd fly Ano.
hustrrd Rhal.
A despatch from Heading, 1'e., says.
Filmer I'rntzman, aged El yenta, ens
shot and killed on Tuesday al midnight
si he left the home of his aweettreatrt•
Motel Trent. Only the dny Wore
i1 Osman wrote In his parents M Ram-
bling. this county. tha1
his lifebed been
threatened. and ifint he was alrasi (
venture out at niallt.