Exeter Times, 1906-03-29, Page 5ROSS -TAYLOR CO'S. IPlalnlno MITI, Door FaGtorv, Lumber Yard and saw Mill are open and bustling daily and a full stock of Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Cedar Posts and all kinds of Building Materials always on hand. BARN SASH in abundance. BEE HIVES finished or in knock down. always on band. WATER TANKS TO ORDER. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Saw Logs. Custom Sawing Promptly Attended to. Estimates Cheerfully Given. The Ros-Tavtor Go. Lt.. xctcr. IOne door south of the 1 4 4 GOOD NEWS FOR THE FARMERS. •No more hole digging to put in fence posts just drive them in with a sledge hammer. Far ahead of any ever yet seen !)round this part of the country. Coule in and see them for yourself. WP have had a great many iron posts brought in lately and art prepar- ed to sell them cheap. Scrap iron taken in ES - change. M.JACKSON &SON Main -St. Exeter. I + Metropolitan Hotel. ' $IILDiO8L BROWNING, M. D., M. Q. J• W. . P. 8.. Graduate Victoria Uni• ♦sndty. Aloe and residenenco. Dominion, Laboratory. texeter. DR. A. F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- �aae and surgeons. enoceseor to Dr. J. A. :oil inn. office, hialn street. Residence, east Ctrs first street north of Poet Otflco, Exeter, Ostario. DRS. Y. AND H. M. COWAN, 31)1 Prcctadtlly Street, London, Ont. evytepht.au 15ot. Long distanctt connection. Opectal attention given diseases of women and aorrgery. Oxford or 1'. 1✓. It. street cars to Cslburt,e Street tako you a1naoe to the door. � other artaem othercity office. ts forpatien sfrom Special Hospital nd sd stance. DENTAL DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8. D. D. 8., Honor (iradaste of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or old after effects. Oliloe in Fan- .nn'N block. West side of Math * Motu Itxers'r• fON EY TO LOAN. We have a •►rite amount of private funds to e on farm .: nd village properties at lowrate.. oI latere..l. ti:. .{!)MAN & STANHURY 1-barrt,.. trey Solicitors. Main SA Ezeter DICKSON & CARLING, Sarrts•ers. tso'icltora Notaries Conveyancers maa pot.e.t..nerr. Solicitors for the Maisano Bank. etc. Matey to Loan at lowest rates of interest. o111Ck t --MAIN STUNK T, ZRZTgR. . ogn1.IMn ix A. t n, DICKSON TIIOIIAS CAMERON, CONVEY- ancer, wills drawn, money to loan Om real estate, also licensed Auctioneer for the torso les. .of I(tiron and Perth. Charges aaoie►aie. t'rdeis left at the Tants-Jr at my ssiderce, 1 is (Inbar will receive prompt (teen ykt)N EY TO LOAN a We have nnnmted private Mode tor Invest) • -.et upon farm or village property at lowes Mss of Interest. DICKSON L CARLINU Kiefer 'REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Farm in Stephens 100 acme, good 'pasture land. good Intik b.u•n. corn- iest ]goons, emelt frame .house. ILouse and tarn nearly new. 80 arrest good farming land in Exe- ter. good barn. land well under - drained and tell fenced. Two storey brick house, 3-5 acre est lend, good gttrd(•n, plenty of fruit trees. New brick cottage, 1-4 acre land, well F.itsin teal. On M:'in street brick storm, brick mtore .Muse and small frame deviling Good bitt`Iltese stand all in good re- pair. Opera Ilou a block, Main street. Sector. htolson 11:itk property. con. Main ttlttd Huron street. Dr. Itollini residence, good brick l�Oltse, lige stable, two lots {sell Sil- l/Ailed, tls<► cottage at Grand (lend, aatCil. -tee a good hearer- with sleighs. Prices low, tern's rosy. Apply to JOiiN SPACK alAN, . Roil Estn tie Agent, Exeter. - Qit)t'(('itlltt3 FOR Titg•: TTM1::T. e llitselt1I31•: FOR •rIIF: TIMI'. Tne Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Pres.: -J. A. Noaaii, CoommerY P.O. Vice•Pres.:-F. MORLSY. WHALEN P. O. DIRECTORS W. II. PASSMORE, WM. RoY, I. L. RUSSELL, T. RYAN, AGE I. CARMICHAEL, A. DUNCAN J. WILsoN, J. 8. GILFILLAN, FARQUHAR P.O. BORNHOLM P. O. RUSSELDAI.E P. O. DUBLIN P. O. NTS. STA FFA. ONT FARQUHAR, ONT. FULLARTON, ONT. LIICAN, ONT B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & 8TAN13l'RY. Solicitors What is Home without a Piano or Organ. Cerainly not all that it might be. Call and sec us and let us show you some of the highest grade PIANOS AND ORGANS that Canada produces. They are certainly works of art. SEWING MACHINES Then in Sewing Machines we cagy the best that the market affords. Do not listen to what others tell you about our prices and terms, but call and satisfy yourself. We will make then) to suit you unless you are very hard to please. S. MARTIN & SON 111•; NSA 1.h The return dtockey 'matoh between the !edits of G'oderich and the ladies of Iicrtit.tll was played at Iiansall Last Monday evening and resulted in fcivor of Tensa]] by the score of 7 to 0. Tho llonsall ladies Ahowed wonderful ,improvement over their last 'same, tate combinations being nay ahead of thoso shown by the boys in their recent games. The following teas bho line-up: Godlerioh Hensa Il Gertie Fox got] F. Cudmore Rosy Fox point E. NecLands Jessie .11cDoneld Hover Mint Doan !{ate Babb centre Maud Petty Molly Neville L. wing M. Bongougth T. Chisholm R. wing J. Ilnbkirk Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, of Drus- sels, were the guests of Messrs. Wm. a.nd J. C. Storrornan on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan .\Varrener have lately moved to town. Mr. \V.a.rrcnor will conduct a first-class bakery in the store Intely occupied by Mr. Beverly. Mr. Geo. 8utherlund has sold his splendid driver "Fred" for ct good round sum. It goes without C'rue't th:i1 "Fred" wets one of the lost trein<d lornes in town. Boyle and \Nilson the successors to W. Baw•den rind sons aro busy stock- taking '.his week. Rev. It. 8. Biker, M . A., ,will pr(+tch in the Methodist church next Sunday nt Cho usual time of nervicc. Miss Bessie Kemp has taken a good position in London. Mrs. Wren, wife of Mr. John Wren B. A., of the Guibird street Insti- tute staff. Toronto, left tihis week for her now home in the city. Tho W. M. S. cc!ebrttcd the 25th annivoreary of their society last Sun- day and Monday. Rev. Dr. Medd prttuhal suitable serrnons on Sunday end on Monday night the society gave •i good prognam in the church. The flot'tl dmonitions wore through kindness of Mr. 1I'.urburn, florist. bliss McAllister is in Scttfort11 this week vieiting her sister, Mrs. Forbes. The trustees of the Methodist church intend 'erecting, in the not dist.tnt future, a goad cement horse 'loris ns their present one is too small for the growing congregation. Miss J(,tn Dick is in Blake visiting hot Aster. Mr. 11, Cudmore recently sold a yeller' lot tO Mr. George McEwen. Our milliners are preparing for the spring openings, and they intent] making fire displays. We regret this week to 1,it•o to ohrt►nicle the (lent of Mrs. John McGregor, w-iro wta so very bight: respected for her moiny R'xcellent qutldiee, and who was only a short time ill. William llawden rind Sons wh'. is MM. ar !r - r cis t31J1+ Pr pa:r.-2.icnforAs- silnilating Itez �end aItdlieg u«I- tiitg the Slur" iarb andllo cls of • Promote si.i estion,CI erful- r.cssandRes t.Contains!wither op;ilul.i\lorpltine nor 1!luusal. NOT NAI1COTIC. and* neOld bS1l112ZP.7C-`127/ Ilateef a Jdl Rfo4.14 .M•f - lruu S,rJ • I tpt+•m its Ps G.re:rr t4.1.r • 'him -reed - ((f.re..i.ratier . Ittiedwr•)rrcer nearer } Aperfect Remedy forConstipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoca. Worms,Convulsions.teverish- tte3s andLOss OF SLEEP. Tar. Sintilc Signature of ,L . Gt,rc NEW YORIC. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 11.111= ,MMIF CASTORI For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of U For Ov Thirty Yea INC Or NT�e„ Cor1►wCASTOR! TORS On have been carrying on a Targe gen- eral store business here for the past year or so, phis week sold out to Mr. Thomas Boyle and Mr. Win. \Vilson, of Exeter, who will shortly take ohairgo. Miss Ross leas re-ongaged as mil- liner wibh Mr. E. Ramie, and Miss ILerris witlh Mr. J. \Velsmiller, while Miss Ortwein will take c verge for her (lather. Miss Alcock, of Exeter, wen in the village Last week visiting friends. Dr. Seliery was in Kincardine last week attending the funeral of his ground fathor. Mt•. Duncan MoEwen returned from Toronto last week, whore he Irad been visiting .tris son, John, who is attending the University Clore. Mr. Gordon Minns, who Inas been in the employ of J. and C. 51oDonell, hardware merchants, for a number of yc.tr:+, left this week for Frobi- sher, where he has secured n good situation. Mr. Nelson Reidhert al- so lett bore by the tame train for the aimte place. where he intends carrying on a barber elicit). We wish them all success in the :far-famed West. Mr. John Johnston ing a neat dwelling in our village this summer. thinks of erect - SELL YOUR COLD FOR $1.00. You surely won't stop at a dol- lar bill to cum that horrid, sniffling teo'idV Go to any druggist .and get "Oatarrhozone" and your cold will bo a thing of the past. There is almost witchery in .the swift way Oatarrhogeoe kills colds. !tut when you consider the penetrating. heal- ing .a.nd antiseptic qualities of Ca- taerhoaone perhaps it's not fo won- derful. Certainly there is r.o rem- edy half s.o erompt for colds end catarrh as Catarrhozone. Retust+ n substitute and insist on having n try "W terrthozane". USBORNE At t•he Auction solo of the chattels o: the halms bier estste held on Fr.adiy last, everything told brought good prices. Over $3000 tits real- ized, ono man alone buying over $1000 worth. Tho elle was conduet• cd by etessrs. Thomas Oatnenon and 11. Brown. Messrs. J .1). Stewart and John Traquair, the executors of the ostate deserve groat credit for the manner in which they ,are hand- ling its tiffairs. The farts property Consisting of 50 acres, in Stephen, was fold to Marcus Wilds for a fair price. My friend, look here 1 you know how weak and nervous your wife is :Ind you know that Carter's Iron Pills will relieve her. now why not be fair at:out it any buy her a bort RRINSLE\' On Saturday I tat while John Gil- bert, of the 8th conceasiomt, McGil- livray, ons hauling lumber from Ailsa Craig, tine of trim horses tell, and in some manner the "Iced upset. Er. Gilbert was thrown to the ground, the lumber falling on him n.nd 1tic horse. \Vhen willing hands arrived on the scene and the lumber ref -not -NI ii w rN found 1'h rt life find boon eruehed out of both Mr. Gil- bert crnd the horns. The remtins of John Darling, who wort killed in a mind explosion in the Yukon lost Docemts r, arrived h:'•'^ I tai f iturd ay anti wore buried' in Ebenezer cemetery on Mondry-. 'I `h ". • r merle ,,r c• Ihtee month+ coin- T ing from the Slane of the fatal ac• (1IIAND IH':NI) The lake is cpvered with Ice as far as the eye can see, which will no doubt be the cause of some cold winds yet for some time. Mrs. Fred Page also Mrs. C. Zap- fe have :returned from Sarnia where they heave been attending some time visiting their daughters. Grand 'lend can now boast of more race 'horses than many larger places, and see notices no less than seven on blue track on Friday, and then one teas missing that should have been there. We have a good track now and any ,person wanting to train their horses should call and see it. Mr. Bosscnberry still .has his E•h►illcnge out --to race his 8 month old colt ,Igr•,inst any two-year- old or under in the county. We aro gind to sero Maurice Bren- ner also Rich. Hamilton around again .after their prolonged sickness. They are both doting .nicely. A great many .hero aro preparing for building operations this coming summer. As people fnom the sur- rounding eowns.a.nd cities are becom- ing more acquainted witch this resort. they lively express their opill Ion that it is the most lovely rwnd nat- ural summer resort in America to- day and it is bound to succeed. The eight deer which Mr. tllca- man has so for stocked his park with hero We looking 'firm, and pre- sent a very natural sight, as they may .be seen any day foraging around Cho woods looking :for their .daily needs. Ile expects to put more in soon. As • Footl as the ice perinits opera- tions will be cominsesced on the break -water to repair the damage done to it by the fierce storms last fall. An erroneous statement has been circulated to the effect that it. was all washed away, which is false as it never moved, but 'settled a littlo on one fide, and can be easily remedied. Mr .Wen. B.trfett, of Parkhill, in- tends atoning building operations 'hero on hie residcnoc, :shout the. dirst of April or MAty. We believe be in- tends to !reside permanently at Grana fond. -"Another wise man." Mr. H, Boseonberry, our popular hotel morn, intends to ;commence soon to Pini:+h lho work on his new ►hotel, which when finished will oont- pare .favorably with any of our beet city ,hotels, both for beauty and nc- commodation, and will fill a long felt want by our ever increasing flow of travellers. Mr. Wen. Patterson is steely re- covering from :1 very revere attack of rheumatism, but is not yet able to be around. Our htiyor. Mr. Joa. Gill. is Iso glow liven in town, It is been all :ate l.' this List •fete days with rheum it ism, but still attends to the office., unly shortened hours. Mr. end Mrs. Win. Ftiiz vii-it,•,1 i ! ttivcs in Zurich ort Seturd ty. Mr. G. 11. Smith hes ►:old bis liv- ery business to Fn:mk Gornto:to 01 this littee. Mr. Smith. wo believe, intt'tuis going west, however in the meantime .ht' went cast to Exetor on Prieto. and ex: hanged horses with Wm. 'ted, of Fe'Ntcistown. - Kind- ly inuuirc. bow Billy likes his Lure. W. 13. Otiser lied the buzz Few• Ott Stturday and got a lot of wooe rut. John, the implement ntnn from iki.•sbw•orxl, visited here o:ta day last {seek, and front 'his conversa- tion we think Deeliw'ood would like to come down and join us here for their own benefit. I'ity knots .1 good thine; when they f':•o it. Well they c•:n carlte if they want to, but there will be no Let calf killed. Mr. Tom, P. 8. i., 'visited our school on Thursd••y and found ev- ery thing .lovely. Mr. John Bird lost a- valuable horse on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mollerd are sway visiting friends and relatives for a few days, also our travellers with this dog are away looking for new p.isture. Mr. 8y. Green is our latest aspi- rnint for racing •honors. Stay with it Sy., you Imre a good itonne. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Levitt spent Sunday with friend., at Exeter. YOUR WORN-OLIT STOMACH. \Vihet it needs is the strengthen- ing influence of Dr. Itaanilt.on's !'ills -they work marvels where the atom:nc►h and digestion are poor. In One drty the appetite inciroases and the whole system is rapidly strentb- cn,,d. No struw:oh specialist could •write a better prescription than Dr. 11 i t'lton's ('ills of .elandrakc and Butternut. At all do•tlers in a yellow box, piece 25c., or five boxes for one dollar. SODOM Mr. Nelson St:atlake who spent the winter months (It C.oilingwood, has returned. Mr. Wm. C.vrrick, jr., has been on- ipped to work with Mr. Charles Als- worthy for the summer. Mr. James Stacey lett on Monday evening for Maple Creek, Sask. Mr. Robert Sanders of Exeter.very pleosontly entertained a number of .his friends at the home of Mr. Silas Seanlako on Monday evening with his graphophoae. FAiRQUHAIR Miss Clare Duncan is training as nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. Mr. Wtn. Brown leas hired with Mr. Amos Doupe for titre summer. There loos been n gloat deal of distemper among :horses 'here 'this winter, but no fatal results. Mr. John Westlake has purchased a new driver. Miss Bozic Eaerctt, of Brantford tlrzs been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. A. Turnbull. See 13. W. F. Beavers' odd of wall papers in this issue. Your oorresponaont has noticed the 'toady improvement in the Times during Uho past year. There is near- ly double Olio number of subscribers here now that there was a year ago. This specks well foe the !present management. Give us some more Irish yarns. Word has been received Brom Dodge Centre, Minn., of the death of Mr. David Duncan, a former rest - dent of Farquhar, aged 65 years. W 1IALEN Mr. Daniel Hodgson gave a party in honor of his son Lloyd on Monday night un,d all say they tboroughly enjoyed themselves. Mr. John Tornince visited friends over 'at titre 10th on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Avery visited at Zion on Sunday. Mr. J. Wright. of Elimville, was visiting (niends there Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johns Hutchinson visited Mr. tad Mrs. Jdhn Brock, hero on Sunday. Word was received here on Mon- day of Ito sad and sudden death ot Mr. J:+tmns Gilbert, (ether of Mrs. Jabez ,limen, who was succidontal- ly killed by hiving a load of lumber [,CII on him an Saturday. Mins. J. Wnight is visiting with her parents here this week. Miss Ethel Millson is visiting with friends at Zion, \Vinchclsei and El- imville and other places this week. Mr. Christopher McCarthy 1►asen- gsa•god with Mr. James Hodgson for the summer. SALE REGISTI.It Monday, April 2nd, 1906. F.Irtn for Salo on the premises part Lot 32, Con. 4, Usborne, contniniag 20 acres T.honiatt Cameron, Auct., Mrs. Wm. West lake, Prop. THE ONLY TOOLS YOU'LL NEED To Cure a Cold in one DayP, Tao Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. 40,on every Seven M®on boxmonths. es sold In past 12 mons. This signature, / / a r�ioiit - - e Easiest to Put On! The Surest to Stay On The Best to Wear Well ! kenroir stamped with the trade mark-" The Two }lands issimatom for a year and made to stand much longer service. THE DUNLOP TIRE CO., LIMITED ft owl IAIfOOVvsi roam* wlit>rirsO llloLrrltraw CKX'rlt:\I.IA ti' . Itkd:(rtl (licks i+ visiting her son, Mr. Fronk lucks, at Newlon-? brook. Mr. Colbert. of Lucian, was the guest of his cousin, Miss Clara Fair - hill. on Sundry. etre. Thera is Neil { isited friends in I•nrelon 1 1st week. sir. James \Wilon, ens of our aged residents, is very ill with pneumonia. et.tster Cl•atcttc< Dut.lan is con- fined io the house with ..n attack of ec:arlet fever. We hope for his speedy re.overy•. Tho Ladies Missionary So -:sty met it the parsonage on Wednesday af- ternoon. • Mr. \Viili:nt Sando's s::to proved a greet su.-cess on Wednesday. eine. \Willi'tnr Elliott, who has beeti undergoing treatment in Toronto, .arrived home last week tnut•h iru- provcd. SPECIAL ONE WAY RATES Aro in effect dilly to 'solute in Montana. 1'tct.h, ('o orado. California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. Call on agents G. '1'. 1'.. for Mull information. KIItli'lO \Vim. Wm. Jamieson. who has spent Oho winter lit Niagara, ra- tur•ned home on Thursday evening last, :end will pile up the wood dur- ing lite summer. M Alfred Carr o[ BI tit • POOR PACK AOti DYES Womei\Miserable and CI Diamond Dyes tlave Made Millions of Wives,Mothers and Daughters tfappy and Con- tented. Womenwho buy and u.' any of the adulterated. weak and worthies' '.ackage dyes put up in imitation of Cho reliable and never -tailing DIA. MOND DYES, must expect to meet with stdtrials and disappointments in tho home. Crude package dyes e Oh only fan- cy mance to recomend them, and sold by some dealers for the sake of large profits, are the direct cause of much of tho feminine bad temper and irritableness manifested in litany, hcanes. If our women and pi Is woul•1 utad tr).ubLe, los .of goods and hard cash, they must insist upon getting tho DIAMOND DYES whenever Lento dyeing ora:• kis .o 1x3 three Ono ten cent package .,f the time -tried Dia- mond Dyes will always color moro goods thatwill two packages of ot- her dyes, and give brighter fuller, more: brilliaatt total more lasting shades. Once used,DiAMOND DYEb'. become the cho-nn dyes for all welt- rcguttomes. ie.. y 'his brother Mr. \V, It. Catrr,�isitedthe bet - for port of lost eek. j LOCALS The members of the Jun;or Lengue; Ito\'. W. M. h1ARTIN IS IN TOR - of the Methodist church, to about onto attending ing .m the meeting of the the number of 60 ',atrticipeted in a Dominion Temiterlso e i Aging sleigh ride on Saturday afternoon' lest, going ns 'filo as Anderson and PEOPLE WHO WANT on .return lot wee furnished them in:best use Cola's Pur Cr.r:•tu '1'irtar tho church. It is needless to Baking Powder, 25c. a resin is at they enjoyed the ride, but more : Cole' Drug Store. u, Cho tea. :WHEN IN SEARCHI'lllt .\N glee! anliseplie talctuu I)O' 1'' for the toilet and nursery ask for "Suprema" at Cole's Drug Store. Miss Nancy Stinson left on Thurs- day last for Alexander Bay, where she w-ili spend the coming summer. Mr. Vern McNaught and Mr. Rus- sell Brown made n nhort call at the home of the totter on Sunday after- noon last. A every pie:lea,nt cvoning was spent in the court .neer of the 1. O. F. on Monday last when after the disposal of Cho regular business of the court, a union meeting of the Sub. and Compaction courts and the !Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church nets athIed to bid farewell to Mian Kato Brown .end Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Flet- cher, members of the different so- cieties, who will in •a few days leave for tlhe North-west. A small mem- ento wets given each of the partici and tea served after which games were 'brought on and an enjoyable times was spent by all, at Ube close of which farewell was tendered .the friends wishitug them a prosperous future in their new homes. Mr. W. J. C. Brown will also leave for the west in .a few days to work at his trade, masoning. Ile will lo - cite at MoT,agart. A woman who is weak nervone and sleepless. and who has cold hands and feet, cannot feel and act like a well person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation. remove ner- vousness, and give strength and rest. ELIMVILLE A number of 1r•:cnds of Mr. and hens. Normtan Phair gave then' a surprise party at their home on Tuesday evening of last week. During the severe storin of Wed- nesday vig'ht ot last wreck, the wind overturned a strawstaok belonging to Me. A. Pcnw•arden, entombing six ctttIe. SevcraI neighbors came to Mr. ''enWirden's assistance and re- leased 1110 animals. It was found that they were all right except one whish was somewhat injured about the legs. The animal i9 now alright. Mr. Guhr his just r000ived the new dipper for itis dredge and ex- pecte to proceed with the drain work soon. Rev. Fair and W. Ilern are in To- ronto this wreck as delegates to the temperance meeting that is Ibetng held there. Quito e number from here attend- ed the motion sale of Mrs. James Moir on Friday. Mr. .and Mrs. It. Skinner were in London Thursday of last week. Mrs. T. Wrjght is visiting her par- ents ''his week. Mrs. J. m'e Rowe Lit re who recently disposed of her farm to Mr. Phillip Horn moved her household effects to her son George's nn Mondry. Don't tail to attend the groat Sun- day school gathering to be held nt Elimville next Sundry, April 1. Mr. Bert Andrews 4t I9 secured the services of Mr. Leslie Ford Inc this nelson. Mr. Patrick Itider, of .Biddulplt, purehascd n bull calf from George Andrews, {which weighted 7.30 /ba. ..and was only 0 moa. and d weeks old. \Nato cin beat this for stock raising? THAMES i:OAD 'rho sleighing 'tore hart almost dis- ntppeored. Last week after the storm the sleighing front here to Exeter was excellent, but cast to- I)Ii?1) e w nds lea.riuhar it was not so geeell BEAVER. - in Crediton. Monday, The raids in some pl.iOee were piled March 26th, 1000, i[ortense Simon, high with stow, while in others it bolov(d wife of C. Beaver, in her was as bare as in (be summer. 4'.nt1 va.rr. THE EXETER GUN CLIA] WILL hold a blue rock tournament on their grounds on Good Friday, April 13th' The shooting will continence at ten o'clock a. in. and one o'clock p. m. There will be five events :nd ti num- 'rev of very good prizes will be given See bills for list of events and prizes. ON THURSDAY EVENING COM- rnoneing nt 8 o'clock, a feree con- gregational sweat will bo thald in Main street church. All the mem- bers kind adherents of the church aro cordially invited, both young ani old. Light rrefreshmenl3 will ba served nod n program trill be ren- dered. Only one condition is impos- ed upon those who attend, and that is that they be sociable. THE FOLLOWING 1S TAKEN from bho San Bernardino Daily Sun, of Marsh 17, and refers to a for- mer resident of Exeter and sister of Mrs. F. J. Knight: "Mrs. How- ard Surr passed away last night at 11 o'clock, at the family resident^., at 735 Seventh street, after a prolong- ed illness. This announcement will come as a sev0rt shock to the num- erous 'friends of Mrs. Surr in this oity..for though it bas been known that her condition was serious, and had been for weeks, no inkling of the gnavity of her illness hid be- come, known. As Miss Maria Jennio Drew, Mrs. Sul r occupied a high place in tato educational circles and Santa Barbara. As a member o[ the High School faculty for four years, holding the 'chair of languages, she become widely known, and tion worm friends among tea.ahers and pupils, and hhe confidenao and esteem of tho city Board of Education, !'tor suoccse Tie an inetructer being most marked. Mrs. Surr resigned two summers ego to become trio wife of Attorney 1Low- ard Surr, member of Cho firm of Otis, Gregg & Surr. The nupti.tla were performed at Ontario, the home of the bride's mother. Until a few months ago Mr. and Mrs. Surr uredo their home in a pretty cottage in Seventh street between 13. and C. There their little daughter Eliza- beth was born. Mrs. Surr's health showed signs of failing during last summer, and she sought Cho sea coast, where slight improvement was •notioeti. Returning in the fall, her condition rapidly femme txsree anti .some tioeks ago it was decided to seek the skill of Los Angeles iphy- sicians. For weeks Mrs. Surr re- mained a patient at a private tttos- pit'al, -rut a Duro was not obtained ,and a few days agree, elle was re- moved to .her home, ovhere her strength' has gradually ebbed. Mrs. Surr was a native of (kt.nvtda, and :her .erre was 30 )•roars. hers was a mind that hall been cast in the fin- est mold. She lova d her books and .her home, and was devoted to her husbind and little daughter, Eliza- beth, who still is an infant, and does not rsoLizre the great Ions which sho has susteined." BORN HANDEiIS.-In Stephen. on March 22rui, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sindcrn, a daughter. KNIGHT. --In Itderton. on Friday, Mire!' 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Knight, n on. D[GNAN. - In Exeter, on Sunday, Ma,rdh 25th. to Mr. tend Mre. Ed. Dignan, a daughter. ••••••••••••••••••••••••N •o•••••••••••••••••••••••4 THE 11O1.SONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Par liament18i5) CAPITAL PAID UP •-• RESERVE FUND • 45 Hranrhe. In Ontario, Qurbce. Alt.rrte 53.000.000 00 Irrirtsh (•olumhin and M 11 nt'n EXETER t3RA 4 II Open every Lawful nay from 10 A. M. (031. M. except i+n' urdny 10 A. M. to 1 r•. M. Fearresorw' Mnye Notes; rioted '.r collect tl. Forme. sntaplied (in appUcat ion DP:.aYTS rn ell rein?- io the Dominion, (:Iint Hritaitr «i l Un• itrd Nine bought end gold at lowc«t nava of exchange, HAVING/4 DE('Ai?TMENT 1Depoeslte. of ...on ant 'Tweets received. interest cont. pounded holt yearley, and adduct to (rnrlrnl Jure 15•th and Uu(cn bcr Mot. Do. radio IU'elpt• al.o 1+-I,er1 an•t h,ghrst current rn'e. of in'rir.t silow'd. Advtnricew nult!e to fitrtntts ►tot k (teeters and ',limitless men at lowest rile+ and on n'o t. fin arable terms. AVE.,•1nt Exeter for Isom. Onvrrnment, Dickson di Carling, Sill iritors. N. D NURDON, elarieger. ••••••••••N•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••N••••••••