Exeter Times, 1906-03-29, Page 4TONICS
After the Ion= winter season
and at the approach of spring
nearly every one requires a Blood
Purifier and Tonic.
You cannot do better than buy
a bottle of Perry's Compound
Extract of Sarsaparilla or Perry's
Blood Purifier for all diseases of
the Skin and Blood.
They tone and renovate the
whole system and restore vigor
and healthy action to every
Organ. Buy the best at
Drug Store
The Exeter Times
Fin LAY 2 9
"AV.-RDAS( 3 10
18 25
19 213
20 27
21 28
22 29
23 30
24 31
Elise Minnie Doan returned home
from Minneapolis, Minn., on Thurs-
tdas. t.thert• she had spent about four
0..11. &hues of Dashwood, Sun-
' Weed at his tome here.
' Mr. Ed. Seim visited his parents
at near Hamburg the past kw
d$1r. M. A. Buchn'nnan, of the staff
at too university of Chicago, i3
Rjssting :his parents, Dr. and Mrs.
"Kellerman, at present.
I1lis; Mabel Cantelon. of Clinton,
'is avi'iting this week wit% tier friend
IDL'as Susan Johnson.
miss •hell Koehler spent last week
'vita friends at Ifensall.
•]lir. Henry Albroaht returned to
gengdon, N. 'D., on Wednesday after
!fen months pleasant visit with rel-
tativez iu this vicinity.
'Mr. Fd. AO, wiho has been con-
fined to the Louse for a couple of
imcinths with a sore ankle the result
bts fall, we are pleased to say has
Inecovered and is able to be out again.
?Dir. McGarvit, of She 14th oonc•cs-
eession. spent Sunday,w•iUh friends in
lith' v _ i logo.
t1 :Miss Bennett, of Blyth, hos taken
.r''r;;c' of the millinery department
S. Faust's.
.Otis Mina Doan, of Hensel!, spent
Saturday ,anal Sunday under the par-
ental roof.
• piss Mary Thiel left for London,
en Wednesday. where she has se-
lour.ed a etituation.
Mir. Adolph liulbfleiscle of De-
troit, is renewing. ,acettaintanceq here
at hresont.
•hlr.•t. lioweld and daughter. of Hen-
:M,ra. Uowtald and ;Laughter, of
Il usall, spent Friday and Saturday
guests of tiles. P. Bender.
Ries McDougall, of Exeter, lkns
' 'cu oletrgo of J. J. Merner's .m11-
'Riflery Devi rtment.
'Mr. J. W. Ortwein and family were
yisjtors at Mr. \Vagncrs on Sunday.
r:.. Casper \Veber left for Cros-
av'oll, Miele, on Wednesday last to
attend her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Laid-
llaw. who is ill.
Miss Thompson of Hensall, spent
ee tew days with Mrs. T. Kelly last
Mr. S. E, Faust has sold .his ell iver
to Mfr. lt. Cunninghetrrn of lehlee.
Sleep tor only east':, but builds
Up_ tlhe hotly. Cur down the hours
e te sleep url you cut down health
IA the lime proportion. iteboilding
�titcn cc a.ses, nerves go to smash, you
area teed, neck and wretched.
To restore sleep you (trust get
More get more bodily strength, more
nutritious blood, 'healthier nerves.
F'rrozone solves the whole problem,
Makes you sleep soundly, gives en-
grence, vim and ambition. No
Odor(' morning we dint -as -instead the
tiv of youtrh will run in your veins.
/tt iply-ing .tburxlance of energy nail
rigor. \\'itohery expres'es the in-
stant effect of i'crrozone; try it.
_ 11;:k . .1.[..‘».ri _w&
he old cold r, tics ; a new one
Iy enntcs. It's the story
.2 weJk throat, weak lungs,
tendency to consumption.
,y;..r's Cherry Pectoral
v •t , tip the taking -cold habit.
-cngthens, soothes, heals.
t)u:• doctor about it.
-res' kind el atestimonial --
• ever sixty years."
• • rwaaa rae+><a1111s.rwaig...ru__.
'.._ f, r'. A,'.,rcwe11.1'a•...
.ice t: ❑ •cc:urcr. or
Jr sapsoAr111.A.
, f 44 i'sii s.
A - ?.'.ore tc.-rr•.s! %Co rrblr.5
+><! O'. ,au o! an it r.rdielre,.
,•1rI/1exotsreg.:detrwith Ayers
jeer or.o pill cach night.
ur toe is Going Fast
So it is tip to you to cowe in and avail yourself of the
Greatly Reduced Prices at which we are disposing of our
present stock of
Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Hats and
Caps, Glassware, Wall Papers, Groceries,
and a number of suit ends -Big Bargains.
Articles are going at cost and below. The stock will
surely be closed out. There are still a nun1L''r of choice
articles in stock. Come and get first choice.
W. W. KERR, Crediton.
That Watch
Perhaps your time piece has
not been giving complete satis-
faction of late, if so firing it to
I have had considerable experi-
ence in repairing and if your
Watch or Clock is out of order
it can he repaired right here at
HOUSE FOR SALE. - Brick resi-
dence for sale. A bargain, Apply
to DIC. E. A. HAIST.
Crediton, good brick cottage, new,
9 rooms, hard and soft water. A
number of young fruit trees on
lot. For further particulars apply
to A. BEDFORD, Orediton, P. O.
FOR SALE. -As I desire to take a
trip to the \\'est I will offer for
sale my butcher business, shop,
sIaugbter house and eeuipments,
all in first class shape. Doing a
good business. Apply to R. E.
WALKER, Crediton.
DLr. Wesley A. Finkbeiner took a
business trip .;o London on Saturday.
Miss Lucy Mangnus, who has been
working' in Detroit for some time,
returned home on Saturday.
Misses Minnie Finkbeiner Dad Lil-
lis Motz, of London, spent Sunday
at their 'respective homes here.
An accident which might have pro -
von very serious occurred on Thurs-
day night of last week. While Mri.
Sophie Feltner, Mrs. Chas. Brown
and Mr. Ewald Feltner were return-
ing from a quilting ben which was
held at the home of Mrs. Matthew
Finkbeiner, when descendiag the hill
at Mr. John Weal's, the axle of the
buggy broke thus throwing them out
of the rig, but fortunately the horse
broke loose .and all got off with a
few little bruises and scratches.
Mr. George Eilber sold his driver
to Mr. Bob Ross, of the London road
for tike -handsome suua of $150.
Mr. John Wein and Miss Kraft,
of Dashwood, were in town on Sun-
day Jho guests of Miss Pearl Holtz -
T c. many friends of MIr. Garfield
Lawson will be plmsed to 'hear that
he is on the mend.
Misses Stella Penitale and Netta
Frayne, of Exeter, were the guests
of Miss Ella Link on Saturday last.
3. A. Schmidt, of Berlin, agent for
the Mutual Life insurance Co., of
Waterloo, was in town for n few
days of last week.
Mr. Ed. Wurni, of Zurich elan(
Sunday visiting friends in town.
Quite a number drove over from
Datshtvoad on Sundiy to attend the
reccptio neerviccs which were being
held in the Evangelical church son
Sunday morning. Atnong asahom
w'e-ra Mr. and Mrs. Wambold. the
Misses Lizzie, Minnie (and Oatherine
Finkbeiner, Petri and Susie Croft
and lir. and Mirs. 1lauoh.
Dr. 1'..1 .MoCuc, who rectally pur-
chesed Dr. E. A. Heist's practise here
arrived in our will ago on Friday East
Dr. McCue comes from Nairn Centre
Algonr.t, and he t:o doubt will build
n Jarge practise for himtxlf herr.
\\'e winti 'him success.
The annual Kesler entcrtainmcat
of the llethcxlist church leis been
postponed for a short time owin to
Llre teethed services which are be-
ing continued this week. The r.er-
vices of auntie), were very largely
of tended and the interest is still
Mr. and Mirs. Cobb!cedick and two
dlughters, of Ailsa Craig, were the
guests of Mr. and Mirs. 013as. Carter
on Sunday.
Mrs. E. Crompton, Who lass been
seer...Floc the uittter ahh her two
zona, Edward of ilathwell rind \\•il•
ti em of 8.rrnil, returned home on
Fridiy last and Is visiting tvitla ler
d'tighter, Mrs. It. E. Walker.
Mr. John Dyer is visiting ,Mr.
Adolphite limper of the Leke road
i- a f"w (1175.
Mies Abbott. of Oen',rlli s, celled on
friends in our tillage one d,ay last
Miss Crissy ►frown, who hes been
i .t (rends in Che,!ey for the
..-)uple of a le:di:),. .tctnre ed
!.,;r. ;F.. fore Ir•rt of this week.
. C. Zwick^r will hold his ,nil-
' • e our, Ding * .0 T•Isursdttr, Friday
end Siturdey, ,Groh 3J. 30 and 31,
of this %trek.
flcdqodr6r for
Wall Paper
The best end most up-to-date pap-
ere in Canada from 3c. a roll up to
$1.00. Border by the roll, same price
ad sidewull and ceiling, Over 500
samples to select from. Samples far
inspection at
Painter and l'aper hanger
Crediton, - Ont.
Tho Literary. Society intend hold-
ing 1 grand concert on the evenfng
of Friday, Mara!' 30t1t. Fax, the fun
ny man, of Toronto, has been en-
gaged for the occasion. Tho Liter-
ary Society is deserving of our united
support. Besides Fax the Crediton
Band has been engaged, as well as
:local talent. Thorc will be songs,
instrumental music, recitations, etc.
• Mrs. Dan Oestreicther, Miss Mel-
inda Trick and Miss Hannah Fiak-
beiner are visiting _friends and rel-
atives in Tavistock and Burlin this
WC* k.
Mr. 8. Brown unnouncee 'his mil-
linery openings for Monday aad
Tuesday, April 2nd .and 3rd, of next
Rev. G. Denim was pleasantly sur_
prised on Friday evening of last
week, when the members of his Sun-
day :shool class, together with a
number of now converts met at Itis
home ctnd presented him with a
nicely worded address and a purse
of money, the ocoaasion being the
anniversary of his birthday.
Mrs. John Keys bad ra very suc-
cessful quilting :bee on Thursday,
March 22nd. There were sixteen
helpers present, and succeeded in
finishing throe large and handsome
nrs_s A. Yearley, of the Goshen
Lino, spent sevonal days the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. JIs. Lawson.
Arthur Zwicker spent Sunday with
his parents of Landon.
The many Intends of Mrs. C. Bea-
ver wore greatly sthocked Monday
morning when the anaounoement
wigs made Ghat she had succornbed to
her illness. A short time ago the
deceased was operated on 'for the re-
moval of a tumor. The operation
was sucoessful, ,but was ghortly fol-
lowsd by Mns. Beaver contracting
pneumonia. The best of medical
skill W39 summoned and everything
done to protong life, but to no avail.
She passed away about eight o'clock ,
in the moaning. Mrs. Bctacer was
born in Elmira about 42 years ago,
'her maiden name being Hortense
Simon. W;;hen she was twelve years
of 'age icor pvronts moved frorn El -
mina to Dashwood where the de-
ceased grow to womanhood, and was
mtinnied to the late Wm. Norsw-or-
(ay, who predoc iIsed her in April
1900. Two years :and a half ago
alto was married to Mr. C. Beaver.
The deoeasod is survived by, besides '
her sorrowing husInrd, ,a young
daughter and a six tnontbs ofd son,
•Ileo her 'mother and father, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Simon, of Dashwood, and
three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Snell, Exe-
ter, and Mrs. Asia and Mrs. Urian,
of Elmira. Mrs. Beater was a con-
sistent member of Live Dashwoo+l
Evangelical church, which sits joined
in childhooct. She was of a j ovial
dispwriti(3n and fasts a toy of sun-
shine in tx'r home :and in rocir-ty. Dad
will be grctitly missed by 'her many
friends es well as.hor bereaved raut-
ily. Tho remains were interred in
the Crediton cemetery Wcdneet
Tire revival meetings in the aeon
Evangelical ohurah after continuing
for eight weeks end enact' n cara oo'n-
elude.l about two weeks •Igo, were
pro:Waive of rnuoh good, being near-
ly 140 converts, 107 of whom were
taken into the church on Sunday
last, w6cn special coalition services
w re re . Owing iQ the large
number of converts being ;adwltted
to utewberehip it was necessary to
divide them into four climes. Rev.
(1. 1). !Junin, the lustor of the
church. officiated and subset ut.un
the children, Al ho h:d igitileset their
inteutiun u[ joini.tg, to surround
the ,'lter. Aft sr their reception,
the intermediates were called fol -
lots ed by the young wee .and t, 0111:11
and heals of :entitles. The Lege
edifice wets filled .o the doors, by
those anxious to beer tin• t:•ty iiii-
eressive (service•*. during n high the
rules of the church were read to the
•'ongr'eg-.. ion. Specie! ttiu4`ic was
arranged :or the ix, aas;on.
The ;teeter, Rev. G. 1). Dentin, is
to be highly -.;,:,uplimenest on tla^
SUCCes3 .att•aite:1 by tit- r •rival meet-
ings, as also a e..11,1 thus: who with
their curve •1 alp, took en active in-
tetest in Ow stork. '1hi Lying 1he
last year of Rev. Destines 'listonite
here, it cert linty will b • a pleasure
for him to reeill Ilia four years of
labor :among aur people, .and what
will he his fondest eemembneace, is
the *Gast drat he worked hard in the
vineyard and the results stere abun-
dantly fruitful. The church in which
our bt•l.nted ;,;e.ar fete p;iveu us
HEV. G. 1). 1101'.1
spiritual ma:di' .:ons, is without
doubt, one of must imposing
church edifice: of ny of the smell -
or phloes in (' in id a and there are
scores •of Lrrger towns tbnt cannot
lay claim to 30 beautiful a church
as that which is the property of the
Evangelical congregation :it Cr.^di-
ton. The c.otgre.t.itiou is exceeding-
ly proud of its place of ,worship:
Last year being the fiftiety anniver-
siry of tits foundation of the Zion
clnrrch, jubilee •r- is •.4 were held
from June 23rd to June 26th, and
several of those who took an cuctira
interest in the building the •,first
church, a log structure, tv^re pre-
sent a,td took an aetive interest it
these services. The log church was
erected in 18.11. Phis p1,:c:' of wor-
ship coon bP.:1,114e :a 11 tic to ac -
commodes tl.'e, increasing member-
ship, and in September 1860 a new
brick church nes dedicated, Rev. J.
Limbach, presiding elder of the disc
trict, preaoiting the d0(11-.tt'on ser-
mon. Revival tert•ices such as
those recently concluded, were held
at various intervals and t•he spirit•
nal results and visible manifestations
of viae power ot God, wore .qo great
th it the building of a new ,and
larger church w•aq contemplated, and
about ten years ago tee protesni
church ens ereeLed. The building
is of gothic) design. It is 4xindsome
and graceful in appeirn ise, occupies
the most prominent end elevated
pl,co in td,a village, and is easily dis-
tiuguislhed 't a distance of several
.nil•e.s in .•l1m3t every direction. In
the roll of members ee are remindect
of file nuance of goodly Dien and wo-
men, echo are Ito . more. Thoir
names are not inscribed on the roll
of Esme, but aro written in the
Lamb's book of life and eho acorea
of tho a who recently became united
with the church, out look to the
'history of those gone before, who
u -r -re of stern views, of 'heroic amouId
and s^If-aror.ificing labor, and to seek
religious .emoluments, in my of bliem
walked 50 mace to attend meetings.
May the spirit of the fath^rs be
multiplied in us.
b an Indication that, the
stomach and other dixest;ve
�are weak, tired or
. It causes no
end of aches and pains and
is most common where
people bolt their meals and
burry and worry as they
do in this country.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
cares dyspepsia -it has • • a
magictouch" in this disease.
For tesdntoulab off rreemiarrkabl cures
Mai for C. L Hood Gam. Lowell. Mass.
1:V\4;r:1I4• to logit
1 111.:111 "1
Vigorous Health Is the Great Source
of Power to Impart and Encourage
-A!r Women Should Seek It.
One of the most toted, eucct•s.ful and
richest men of thie c•enturv, in a recent
article, has said, "Whatever I ant and
aahater'er success I have attained in this
world I owe all to my wife. Front the
day I first knew her she has been an,
inspiration, and the greatest helpmate of
my lite."
To be such a successful wife, to retain
the love and admiration of her husband,
to inspire him to make the most of hint -
self, should be a woman's constant study.
If a woman lines that her energies aro
flagging, that she gets easily tired, dark
shadows appear under her eyes, she has
backache, headaches, bearing -down pains,
nervousness, irregularities or the blues, she
should start at once to build up her system
by a tonic with specific powers, such as Ly-
dia E. 1'inkliant's Vegetable Compound. ,
Following we publish by request a I
letter from a young wife:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham: •
"Ever since my child was born I have snt.
fere], as I hope few women ever have, with
inflammation,female weakness, bearing-
earin -down pains, iackache and wretched head-
aches. It affected my stomach so I could
not enjoy my meals, and half toy time was
spent in bed.
"Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetableCorpound
made me a well woman, and I feel so grateful
that lam glad to write and telt you of my
marvelous recovery. It brought aro health,
new fife and vitality." -Mrs. Ihessie Ainsley,
611 South 10th Street, Tacoma, Wash.
What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound did for Mia Ainsley it will do
for every sick and ,[ting woman. FLOUR
LOU R, FEED If you have symptoms you don't un• `_ 1, rGG
derstand write to Mrs. Pinkham,
daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Macs. Her advice is free and
always helpful.
♦N♦NN•• ••••••••••••••••
New Crockery Lines for Spring.
Our many new Line." are
very attractive botb in design.
shape and quality. 'We have
endeavored to buy goods that
will prove quick sellers, pleas-
ing to the buyers and above
a!1 give to the one purchasing
every satisfaction. In wear
and usage, we buy only those
makes of goods that we know
from long experience will
f, prove to be as wo represent
sesta- theta to he. You ate sure
every time to get an article
here, that will be satisfactory
everetpwr • to you in every way,
Plain Semi -Porcelain Victor Ironstone Chine
ce Border Pattern. Chani' ers (open)
('up • Las and Saucers le Ewers
Plates, any size oc
Platters, 8 inch 10c Plates, 2 for
Platters, 10 inch 15c Bowie
I Platters, 12 inch 25c Cups and Saucers.
Platters, 14 inch Soup Dishes
GravBoats... lool5c Fruit Saucers, 1 dozen
• , • ,15c
• • Sugar Roe Is iOc Platters 1(k, I5e and ' is
Z• Scollop, 6 inch 10c -jam Scollop, 6 inch
•: Scollop, 7 inch.... IOC Scollop, 7 inch
Scollop, 8 inch ISc Scollop, 8 inch
i: Scollop, 9 inch .15e Scollop, 9 inch
• •
St.9 dasndonn. •
• . Lou
:• WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of
• $10.00 cr over.
2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••N•••••N••••••N••♦•••
Hoose Cleaning Time is coming and you will need a new set.
('orae and see our new lines.
Such pain rand endure the torture
of nervous •headache when 25c buys
a surd ,cure like Nerviline. A few
drops i•n sweetened water brings un-
failing :relief. You feel better at
once, you're braced up, invigorated,
[headache goes away after one dose.
The occasional use of Nerviline pre-
vents indigestion and stomooll dis-
orders - keeps up chenith and
strength. Every woman needs Nor-
v.ilino and should use it to. In 25c
tattles everywhere.
Ogilvie's Ronal Household
\Vc are the people that handle the
flour that has the Royal \Varrant,
that has the catchy 'name, and
catches the ?appetite of a hungry man
when he eats It.
This flour is sold ,at n very rea-
sonable price at bite: feed store and
is more superior titan any other flour
\Vo have two kinds of flour called
the Manitoba Blend ;and is 50 per
cent Manitoba wheat, viz:
This flour is sold al $2.25 tier cwt.
Choice Gr•a,)karn and T'astry flour
always on lhand.
We hare one of the best stock
foods 'produced and sold :athalf the
price, $5 per cwt.
To make your lions lay try µono of,
our poultry meats. Roto Grit, Oyster
Stell and some of our chicken feed.
Leave your order at the Feed Store
where you will 'find 11,11 the prices
aro right and the goods of the beet
Goods delivered at taa.me prices.
Mr. Norman .and Misq Etta Ruby
left Monday for Hamburg ?where they
will visit friends and relatives. After
a weeks visit Norman goes to Lin-
wood where he has secured a posi-
tion in a tinshop.
Mr. and Mrs. Eckstein are spend-
ing a few days in Mitchell visiting
Mr. Henry Ehlers is pow building
a red ventilated brick stable.
Miss Quanco of Exeter, has accept-
ed n position as milliner with Mr. G.
Keller mann.
Our Tennis Club intend giving o
concert in the noir future.
Mr. If. Willert shipped a car load
of hogs from our village on Tuesday
of this week..
The many friends here sympathise
with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Simon in
their and bereavement in the death
of their daughter, Mrs. C. Bearer of
Crediton, who died on Monday of 0hi3
Mr. Henry Scrader Inas just install-'
e d a dog power on ,his (arm to pump I
water, run a root pulper and cream l
separator. e.c. Mr. Scrader is loud
in his praises of this cheap pow•er.l
and almost every day neighbors and
friends visit hien to see this power
in Operation.
btr. E. P. Paulin who reeceived n
carload of Page fencing wire last I
week Bite a growing demand for this
kind of fencing, and sells ,:t great
many rods in a season. If you want
o good fence wire call on Mr. E. P.
Paulin ;and get his terms and prices.'
Mr. Berman Tyler is on the 'sick
Mr. J. V. Cook of I(enaill is this
week moving into Mr. W. ''Zimmer's
house, lately occupied by Mr. Moss,'r.'
Mr. Cook will leave for the west in'
few days. Mrs. Cook and children
will remain .here for the present.
Mr. Wm. Schrum our new .and
progressive general merchant has;
sterted a wagon on the road for the'
purpose of ceiling nt the different
houses. Mr. MeKewen his charge of
the waggon, and if 110 cannot rupply
you with the stock he earries with
him. any orders received by him will
receive prompt attention at the store.
Mr. Schrum intend, hiving the wa-
gon an t lin rout all t he time ruin or
fi few Bdrudlns tor this week
11'e h'•,. jest etiei in a tear •lurk of Dry (foods. liteccrirs, iioois and
Sin e•. eta , h:ciswe: r• -Biting :it close prices. rl.•b•%V rise only a few of the
btrtr:•i+ • \.• Ar'• CIT.'.'• lc ft•t 1)114 week.
in pound • of So', bur2 ' R
)i) pnli nd- i;n.i'nt salt, f,rr. ....2i'
With stet. ,tie (;AN • s •
f rens Pen. f .r 2' inc Pewit. • •e'• give y"n . e, - r' of
:t an- 1 „ fon
l . • ( k - R s.. S, a-. f.c•
" ! r.n
here (lmeo Soup
.. 2'' any piece i (i• ,e. r•- s •' 4.11
coun•er FitEI:. E t, lc 1••. , •• .., 44141
for er,r. 'sell for 7.1c.
(•••,.. re' 1 r 141 (`h 'ice as they are gains r.ist.
7 s }FR upirrin
but a New Stock. DASI i\v OOD
Hollow Cement Building
Blocks of different
designs and sizes.
Single and Double Flue; abso-
lutely firc proof.
Stock always on hand ; Pt ices reason -
We have j'tst received a carload of
Blue Lake Brand Cement. I cities
intending to build this spring should
see us before buying elsewhere,
Thames Road P. 0., - Ontario.
- i:1 11. ZJ
,L, Ca trait��
Ciera. TO
� +•C'tM9 t.T
Pehinz, t'I nd, IltecdinA. I'rot'ud-
iez file.. Irrt; tires arc :mite:met
to refund money if Mao Ointment
tails to este in 4 to 14 days. 50c.
Now in
Bran and Shorts
and Wheat Chop
At Exeter and Centralia Elevator,
Prices satisfactory. Bring in
your grain and load borne
with feed.
You are Suitbuyers. We make is
Suits- you wear them out. We make
them as well as we can, so that they
will not wear out sooner than
ought. Because, if they do, you
likely go somewhere else for your
next Suit. And no one could blame'
you. So much money ought to ba
so much Suit wotth. And Suit wortle
is fashionableness of fabric -style 1
cut -fit -finish -looks - dressynesa -
and length of service.
As good a place as there is wlthis
miles to get all this and not pay tom
touch is W. Johns.
Elegant Black and Blue
Suitings for $is.00
and $18.00.
W. Jor811TS
Merchant Tailor
Spring Term Opens flprll Z
/D CEHTAti i
Why should you content your-
self in the ordinary walks of life
can better
y your condi-
tion by taking a course in this
• school ? We give n thorough,
practical education and assist
our grr.duates ta) get positions.
Commence your course now.
N riten t
f r particulars
W. J. Ei,i,To rr, } Principals
FOI'it YI•:A1t5 FOR IIAN\Vl'Li.
Edsin St. George Banwell ,rats
sentenced to four years in the peas
itcntiry by Judge Winchester Kat•
tinily morning for the theft of $40,+
000 :from 111^ Crown Bank. llis
counsel, Mir. Duvernet, entered to
pk-i ?for mercy on tin ground ot
il.anttclt's yout h, his small Salary
and the (Jct that he and his brother
were eupporiing an ngcll widowed
mother. Judge Winchester sni'l that
th^ fact that flanw•eIl was receivin;
n small salary was no excaso. Thcro
were hundreds of thou•• Inds of young
men in similar p'=it:ons with hon-
orable relatives. ile could not un-
dersstand why ienwrll acted as ho
did, and an exempt() wan OOcess.•ary.
ife then passed sentence. After Ilan.
well had been sentenced and the
court had adjourned Mrs. ilnnwcll
appeared 'before eh" judge private•
(y, plc.)ded guilty to tt•criving stolen
property, tied wren allowed out on
saspetrdecl "Potence.