Exeter Times, 1906-03-01, Page 8CARLING BIRO " .`:: DRESS GOODS Just arrived "Our New Spring Dress Goods". They surpass anything we have previously shown. We have something that will please everyone and will be only too pleased to show you our fun range. Crepe De Chenc, all shades, good quality, 5e.' Ealernires, all shades, Silk and Wool 5oc anti Light Grey Tweeds, very new 5oc Venetian Cloth, all colors, very latest, 5o Broad Cloth, all colors, very swell 75c • Mohairs in plain and mixed goods 5oc d. ' Sheppard's Check, new and natty, 50c yd. Summer Suitings SHIRT WAISTS A BIC BUNCH OF ALL KINDS PLAIN GINGILAMS FANCY GINGIIAMS PLAIN LINENS FANCY LINENS PLAIN VESTINGS FANCY VESTINGS PLAIN CHECKS FANCY CIIECKS PLAIN SATEENS FANCY SATEENS DUCKS, DRILLS AND PRINTS ALI, IN. ASTOR1A sHoEs CARLSNC-i- EROS. i 'hilt EXETER '1'1M.iS. MARCH 1st, 1906. SPRING GOODS ARRIVING DAILY AT STEWART'S A Choice Lot of English Prints in light and dark pat- terns, guaranteed first colors. A Nice Range of Delanes just arrived, very pretty for Children's Dresses and Ladies' Shirt Waists, regular 25c for 18e. If you are in need of Factory Cotton, remember the mill end, at Stewart's, they are money stvers. Now is the time to buy your Spring Shirtings at Stew- art's (indigo Blue Galatea) and lit:glish Oxford. Stewart is showing the Best Black English Satin finish- ed Underskirts in the trade for $1.00, $1,25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25. A Range of Wrapper(t to to clear at 14 yds. for $1.00. A11 lines of Furs to clear at 207o discount they must go to make room for Spring Goods. Bring your Produce to us we want it. J-TEw R r SUITABLE JEWLLERY f1T DIHMOND MILL We have at present a foe as- sortment of Chains for ladies and gentlemen which we guarantee to wear. Bracelets. Lockets, Necklets, Brooches, icings, Pins, Links, Cuff Burtons, Collar Buttons and naaray other articles of jewelery in endless variety. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Eyeglasses may not always be becoming, neither are headaches, bloodshot eyes, wrinkled eye- brows and half closed lids. For any or all of them this may be alternatine„ We adapt the style of glasses hestsuited to the face of each patron. Eyes tested free and satisfaction guaranteed, Wedding Rings a Specialty. MflR6tIfiND THE JEWELLER & OPTICIAN, Eyes Tested Free. STOCK TAKING We are offering special values in Suitings, Over Coatings and Pantings this month in order to make room for Spring Goods. Suitings rnadc to order $i0.00 and $12.00 Over Coatings made to order q.00 and upwards. Pantings made to order $2.5o and 13.00. TU ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisernonte accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. TIiUR$DAY, MARCH 1st, 1900. •••••••••••••••••••••••••: