Exeter Times, 1906-01-18, Page 2HE S
Ceylon Natural GREEN P a Is ngCostian able.
Sold In Lead Packets and GOc per rum'. Dy all Grocers.
- AWARD, ST. LOUIS, lett.
thickly as rape. as it makes a sorrtewttat
stronger growth.
Turnips.—Where other roots\ have
not been fed, turnips will prove quote
palatable and give very sattsirtclpry
m s.
e-urns. 'they (to not seem at ell \to the
liking of pigs thnt have i,r.•nling
sugar beets or mangles. They Y be
fed conked, when they scent to rive
somewhat bettor returns and are n ch
more welcometthepigntis.
mixed 1tor se
they may be pulped proportion of ale
dry meal In rho
10 of meal + to � e Y f valuable toddin (h
way they
When oats are ted unthrahed U.
make a pure-bred r
alani meals ration. makes (rano
scrub condition no more than the semen
does.Clover is richer
mrays in the
for young grass
muscle formers;
is the better teed.
Cream should have uniform ripeness
when it goes to the churn.
No animal of any breed or spectee of
domestic oc g that arel
all lot a !superior
pro -
dace young
The pure-bred animals Ls the more
valuable simply of its greater capacity
to appropriate favorable circumstances.
At no other time In the
of the cant
mal is the influence
feeding so great as when tete animal Is
14+1+P14441444444.1444 -it
Agriculturist eeriest t in in
sng of bulletibacon
on the breeding
Pitts' says: crops aro
Ju.,t as pasture or soiling P
vautable to summer, so are roots or
some toren of succulent feed almost in-
dispensable in winter weer successful
bacon production operations are to be
carried on. These keds aro valuable
not only on account of economy,
also because of the good e(tcct they
have upon the health and digestion of
the animal fed. Many experiments
have; been conducted here to men Weds
information as to the best g
for winter, as to their value compared
with grain or meal, as to Ihe best way
to feed !hent, and as to the quantity er-
fe d to get the best results. In a gener-
al way it may be stated that our ex-
periments rank succulent feed available
for winter in the following order ac-
cording to palatability and value of
producers: Artichokes, potatoes,small
beets, rnangels, carrots, turnips, ,e cern 0 and costs more to
apples, pumpkins, f rabic,hecbmeth• young. ft takes longer
of loss than it doesto
and a prep e. Accordingnthrain under (aver-
od of prod, ellen and too kind d[ Baal add upe a poundnds ot g
culent foal. 100 pounds of mixed meal add Ove fie
t; worth from 500 to 700 or 1100 pounds able conditions.
even more of succulent feed. The age of the animal has much to
or green feeds may he do with the grain, and, other thin
s to -
Some of these n greater gain from a bushel of corn
fat best one way. and some in other ing
ways. ns Indicated below, and general- than one near maturity.
1 s .aping from 3 to 4 pounds of suc- Young
g ani mater have
e more
culent teed to 1 pound of meal gives the hearty appetites we
economical gains of the best qua- this is because the Impulse of their heun•
most ec tures is to h
lily n[ meat, speaking cab- natural for the young.
Cabage.—(leneraily 1fe
bago are too expensive to feed to swine, P0011 COWS•
but occasionally be nlq they are available, and Some lima ago 1 came across a few
seem to be quite palatable. Sottte
feeders report them to be effect. con -lines, of which 1 made a note, writes a
Owning than laxative to reader. They were to the effect that: A
been fed in r tutus is a sight,
Carrots.—These rants have pork poor man keeping poo
here to a !trolled extent for pro- to make one sigh at the shortsightedness
tableduclinn. They are not quite so pain -of man. There is a oar monld of cannol ret ore
h in
They as are keep so and sugar beets. this remark --a P
They most not keep so well in to not to le waste his money In the cfeed cg t
be other roots, hence aro not to poor cows and it Is quite
be very highly .—Coo er lea An experience to say that he cannot at-
Clmc stems Leaves.—Clover fro lhees and ford ,to owns gcood
cows. ad far man
small rincrying time, from the unload- going to of
Ing floor of haying stored In sacks tis stoney in then purchase of halt a
and steamed In excellentWelleor at any lime, dozen really good antntats than in n chu-
(') sr, n most yae.drink and drink
en inferior ones. Ihe f
do sohe il' to o-
h swine of any age. SuOith a decress' his animals and with a far
seems RS valuable and quite as peke
{ns• from gra worthystem
table case skim milk. Especially is this better chance of obtaining
the e Ube ted warm. hers of r the
or' thannary a would by
Ensilage.—l'nd clover. alfalfa, corn 1irPaltt(,
and clover, and alfalfa and corn east! OF THE. EARN( WAGON.
ago have i. beenEnsilage
tai to a greater CAR(?
less extent. 6nsInva cbly p lag clover days when the farm wag -
comeor alfalfa has Invariably proven wet- One of these tip it may be dant
come to swine, while pure corn ensilage gen has to be rigged
also los been eaten fairly well. The
the tiro ► are °would loose that irom $k�lot to
addition of some dry meal to the ensil- 1+ liable
ago cause's it to he eaten quite readily. g10. lesi�s loon 0in tivhit'h Itoosonkl rho
Miutgi,Ls.—For the saw and general ret hot 11 raven! the smashup and
fuelling, Long Red or Gate Post mane- tellies would p
els are difficult to improve upon. They
lengthen the {rte of Ute wheels.
are exceedingly palatable. may ho feel IllalO Or F U�'l)rG'
in iar.o or li0S, do not need to I n A
pulped. and oro better currying
for the re 1•o -day Sandy Mitchell 13 a cripple
forgrents of sows currying young. end and totally blind. but he 13 lover! and
fat• {:rowing pigs than aro sugar beets cared for, as every hrnet and hdlnntl
or any other sort of green feed we have
hero should ►,e. One evening erases
tThey should not M: mouse- hertrc ag°, ns ewe men veni ai P
Other variates of mangcls aro also use Ing the town of 1)utidro on loot. Lie
fol. but apnrnlly not so welcome to y.
suddenly noticed a small cottage, ericlettii
the pigs es are the Long ids \Ve ing back from` the way' the
have fed as high as 25 pounds a day ot
on Oro. Smoke wasuorutlbut no one
these roots to dry sows or lo sows not windows and open door, for advanced In pregnancy. As the per- w ns to s'ght.
fort of pregnancy advances, however. it The hvo men hurried t`r�ollala door
will he [dual advisable is increase so (the the tttno they reached the
rant: and slightly increase the mental thje• root was alight. Rushing Through
ration. they stumbled across the pro,iratciorm
Potatoes. --These tubers fent alone. raw, or 11 numb! wilts n child to her arms.
scarcely suffice to sustain life to pit's• One man lotted lt►o child
in her mo•
but cooked and n moderate ameumt c•f f man and child and Uore them o living -
man Ing•
ands 1 his way into lh
meal, 40 pound; of coral to cnn pre other groped
of p.,Intac'S. mixed with them, they 1 room, where he was quickly joined by
make n most excellent feel for fattening hie companion. and they toad•'
pigs. and produce n very fair quality at The rrxorn was empty
bacon. Potatoes in sntnll quantities fedl`their way to oho Oo�r nt,nvn, vvhencc.'
raw. help In keep pigs in 1108111* where they' rssoned, the woman and child
other succulent leafs► IS lackinte Itnd come; and them. in the lots cottage
up -
c r
.0 a;
►an ►io
• c r• n
. a n P
r. r to 1
Ih►mpkina.-'1'n gel the aural t chamfer, s
turn, trntn this fruit It must he eo .kn1. on his shoulders a burning t>eant That
in dnghle it weight of water and glowed and flamed a., he struggled to
half we great a weight of steal ns et kcrp it front falling upon the bexiies rf
pumpkin n((led 11 will he found to ftir• ow Iwo little children lying in a col be-
nisli n most appetizing fatting feed. The. math. s leaf the man, when
quality of meat so produced here fine ' 1 he helms!" gasped
anti very good. Ilan\id gains nwv t e h -"The
perceived (heir presence.
overipoted, with a slight endencyq to The men snatched the little ones from
ate t dicerinpmrnl of fat. their perilous position, and together
Sugar Re'et.-tile or heels are easily (hey led the poor, great hero to the open
tot,, toilet palnlnhle of the different serfs air,
of twee (hal have been fed Isere. They --♦-
maY be fed to retest advrntng0 by THE MAGIC. l W 1'IGti11l.S
\tulpb►g them. Front 3 to ti pound's a ; nnng _army ,mento,,„ methdxls :'I
`Orly per 100 peen& live -weight. act laptop; a pt!rson's age that fMlowtng 13
fug to rale of satin desired, has bolt otic ret the hest.. I.ct us suppose that n
•loon) In give hem results. Tito local t is fifteen and that his birthday is in
ptoelu .41 on tits ilet1 Th ahv :yo pmt • August. Tell him to write dowel on pa -
cit a tee tk nr qn They
e'h0y do nal news Per the number of the month in which
g (_. .ked. They are nut suitable n e was Wm, and to proceed as follows,
sock pig:+. t•r•e.Xd saws and brenire;
een;�v 'Id" ae same of the xvithout of course, telling you the figures:
sleek t ' Vumbnr of mnnlh
other rootseenategeis and turnips, for Multiply by `v 16
htThnee. Add 5 1050 21
'rhe ,rugae mewl, a root halt way MulUpey b)' St1 1065
between the s.,gar to.'t and the mange!. MITI its ago •+al
has tee fel extensively here with eery AAdd his age
good results. It has, however, not Ad ,ictrd these
meet eu110 so gond 85 mangcls ere ten} bets Mmf
tytr' ling pig•. 11 is only one kind At out the ea5cOmplt you can
Mol eats 1M hens tl. it Is possibly Qic► m tin! a u1l, and lin a n
beet Ihne coal,! he chosen• month of tats birth, and
Tlioit:.tne1-Headed Kale. --- tTrlhill la fifteen. The two , s
Her Guardian's Secret;
CIIAN+.at 1. by the time he had finished his second
I cup ries. Peters said, '•l have sunie-
tho September railn thing to propose."
All the day fold{,e night Leaning buck in his chair he looked
had !shoe, and when f rweariness, but inquiringly at her, and she continued:
with t showed to oilOt,atter drop- .,
pelt the saute roof
or beat patter
the woman ewho had scan .hater and
ped upon the roof
windows of the pleura lighted wenn !tyre! in East Granby?'
wher a young man salt gazing at the eyes:.
crate and listening apparently "You know site has Veen sick, and you
totglowing6' gave 100 have to carry her anything 1
to oho noise of the sourer without. But chrteei
neither the winds nor yet the rain al eyes..
port of that ret past thoughts, ike "Well, she's dead, poor tiring,
for they which linked
i with the t Last is
chain oiia letter which lay tont the nor tnever worse. had she and hain't no
little connection,
WAS the open 1 ilosamonr hain't a place to lay her
table beside him. For that letter w°rt• 1 heed:' with you,
had wailed long and m►xtously, "Let her cone and sleep
erring what it would contain, and it
its overtures for reconciliation with one then,. said idle. Browning, ranting Lis
spoon in tris cup.
wou had ct•ep far more than himself "Yes, and wheel' sitedo chit runthe
would be accepted. it fisc ldnesscome aat his tinged Mes. {'eters.
heartad with h gathering
he had read the decision,—"she streets, that's so; now, 1 don't
would not d he bade creat in children, end you
him "go h
to herself.
"It Is w
trouble he
o: relief, a
coning ov
and %eantt
tried to
of Ws lit
aloud; ih
richly to
"People (
1 might
cry. W
must i
that earl
In his
Ing the 1
hurled it �]
private d c n ma a
n c iii
n !y. e
folded R
t P
n neatly
long Cres
Ingly h
laid 11 o
it up to
dark lo
upon 1
end l
110 w
ing his
cool, d
own: ft
elan, n
w•as h
Il w
IIs naw
pie m
cele ee
o! 1
Ixo reconciled," an s no b
is way alone and leave het' don't b'liovo in 'em you; but
bol R nor
o your f
„ poor uncle before y
e11,,” he said; "1 shall never aint a child: she's thirteen—most a wo-
n And will► a tcelinh ntan—and if you don't mind the expense
r ag an.' load. a dread of i shan't mind the trouble, and she can
1 if heavy live here till she finds a place. Her
vii, had belle taken from t tattle,
mother, youmillinering
threw the letter upon the tahlre, know, took up
tg back in his cushioned chair, to get a hvin let her come:' answered
tansy that the last few years Certainly,
e were blotted out. Mr. Browning, who was noted for his
it be so, Ralph Browning
bo a ditterent loan,;' he said This maker being thus stisfactorily
en as to glanced round the settled, Mrs. Peters
rsowaros wentm btlio
rntshed roots, he continued: table, while Mr.
;all me happy; and so perhaps tri the old memories whichce had lhaul i d
he, but for this haunting stern• him sn much thnt
by was It suffered to a(orr otle the little Rosamond ed a single wastothought I a life-long atonement
y sial"' ert such an Influence nn his future lite.
o be Continued.)
excilenient ho arose, and crush n
eller for n moment in his hand,------♦�-
N� t.tkY1r�C
Is the paying hen beyond a cvorag
One down of eggs on the sucrase sells for the same as ode p
of butter,
the labor r is much such
feet, as the
on the farm give; such paying re;ult*, if properly
lay eggs.
hen, :tsitisher natal action °pOtl�\ry Food
Hercules hens lay 111 winter
contains the harmless ingredieentsr ca.t makes your
time when eggs are at the highest
itL keeps thein KILLER wit k(xtp yourfowllf ,;e from vermin,
prCLYDE D LOUSEuur hen -
house clean. ,
This addp eo the eG;, production.the dealer.
All our prenarationa are Bald undi`iupOSUyryE GUARANTEE
SATISFACTION or money cheerfully
Clydesdale Stock Food Co.. Limited. Toronto,
British Army Officers Institute a Course
fn Cookin0.
The British military officer is learning
cook in additionadually convto the incing
duties witch arc, gradually
a serious p.sfes-
him that the army
sten. a class
For the first time to its history
of of officers:assembled
at Aldershote the otheroll
for a special course of instruction in the
theory and practice of military cookery.
This course is Intended to give theta
the necessary knowledge to supervise
the cooking of the soldier's food and to
be a wholesome check on the short-
for wattcooks,
practic l
supervision, to do pretty watt as they
liked. well. front '•0trolrum, this torr._ Other classes of officers
' n gases and the oil. The coke i17 and
time to time, be assembled at the It�d poli nisi) fuel by the mixturie good ttc� .
c Cookery i eeuntil there is a qualified
battalion. Otter is also turned into
ccr chef in every at intervals as necessity de-
everySir John French asltto take as decreed
11.1103. replaced
„ coat and pair: ret gaiters
officer who ►ta tailor."01Chs
sponsibility ot the cook houses and (tele! A lite -sautes
coat is like a pilot jacket,
►s have fitted kitchens on his shoulders is henceforth have been invented by
to be mean than a figurehead.an nir
For years it has been the custom concern- tdi c inns towards! the thee! and theenahunter.
to 6in
ars eft
to himself di
U oe 1
the army to leave
e the.
a .1
ing the prenarntion of the soldiers' wearer to propel
rations in barracks and in the field os liis on wtble hiletrots mend:tin an upright along ly
!teals in the hands of the master In
ton -commissioned officer preparel for neeans of the w•tnus.
a course of instruction thedevicewill bo accurately est ashy
We position by
at the Army School oCi Cookery.
hose skirt so
at the bottoin shall
Whatever that, and chose to direct
it le. at nn uniform Iltdista rem has been
m the
should is done, and whatevernever
nledhafk'f e Item
of myon
he requisitioned was never queslione l: p�round n11 round n[IeV• the
and y Things went wrong ANC! tier was gen-' made. The t hangs on a model anal
a plausible excuse to shift the, and �Irimeret as catch lin bottom f
bint*1 P1 dace where the and
blame troth the enter o of the auto-11►e g is to be turned over for the hem -
cent of rho regimental cook house. ttta' then mark the 1
-4 ---- A new system of heat storage and
MOON IS CONSTANT. coal saving for enttlnes is nrnv being
Ivied. A Intik Is placed over
The old idea that changes are taking water and is heated by
place on the neon carefully has been steam; the feed water' is made to pass
eux a French as- ll is 1^nk on its way to the
investigated -t*o.ereby M•n'Crsall records- from therefore piton
tronomer. Going
the earliest nbscrvallons to the latest. eft
concludes that the reality of the sup-
posted hattlz0q h's ot pof proved. ant
the varying sensitiveness
tina 10 (dint objects is sufficient to
account tor differences seen,while
hi let dd..
tato the Ore: then going to 1.15 • • 1eld•
. G1
n is
out f
• r h
r f
n �r1
tin �i�
i JL
e n tsi !~
5 of jet black hair. -
e wound it around his fingers. CHAPTER 11.— ;Contlnucd).
ver 11e back of his hand, held
the light, and then with a hard, "She, was the step daughter of Con-
• upon hos [eco Carew !t, too.
he grate, mento aloud, cast: relatioThus nship, hence hefather, and rpresumptionto
h every memento c•t the. 1 e high degree of notice and laver, even
stn Biked
n then—f do as nidi" g
alked to the window and preen- while her extreme deformity and her
very presence in the cleanest capacity
s burning forehead against 11!o disgusting habits and vices madeher
amp pone. looked out upon the
He could not see through the insufferable; and hence cher envy, hatred
ss, but ind It been day hos eyo 011 1 demnd oniac
tnnengtl iter fellows . She openly
have r51041 on broad acres all us
e r Ralph house in was a which he !lthy she lived on the would
nightLsthereforre, ltd at niece.'
a bridal
red the bons - partywas oxepected, we locked her up
or by right of inheritance from a iher remote cabin, charging old John mid
cwfor whole bo had been with her custody. She escaped,
,Hud tufa, le* years before our r evidently
insulin the the ode -
0.d elate caving to his conccald'd herself, art d ideally with ob-
v• the h palace, callerd Vet of see 6
the grand old p• s gave rite only uneasiness, for f
ester, from its nenrnsoot; ato nd when snpposcd Regina ret least knew
ns a most hook poseseton of it lite position; Mut it tilledWolfgang,
• master took pet knew, and his brother and sLtter, who
:and matrons of Granby, who had had lately discovered, the illusion un -
recd for the elder 13Ire nfeing as empeo- der which your unhappy sister had
Hurn for a good man• fell atfee given her hand In marriage, with con -
cone yo from an the
sternatinn. While we were seeking the
hos sucel'isnr was Young
. and would doubtless prove an int- trancetothe house, nndeffected
found herher
ncgtrsieh to their fireside sir- t Alm \Vaflraven's presence! You
and fttcnl?h n theme for gossip, 5nry t
nal wltieh no villaree cnn well ex•
But In the first of their expecte-
they were mistaken. for Mr.
w•ning shunned rather than sought
ty. and spent the most of his lei -
hours In the seclusion of his lib-
, where. as Mrs. Peters, his hour•' -
r, said. he dPd nothing but motto
looks and well: the flo-.r. "!le
"there wan
ething world" slnn mid;rain , and
1 i1 wos she didn't know mors; n the
1—though she knew 85 well ns she
ted to. that he had been crossed 1•t
tie hair.; grey, andat else he mite yet by en
Ovet" eonner:lnl
lint there tuns a mystery
1► him was conceecd by most of the
ager;, and many a curious gazo they
t upon the grave. dignified young
n, who seldom joined in their ,ns•
e or intruded himself upon xtheir
imany. Much sympathy was .. p
for hien 1n bis lonand0linese more titan one
gle of Granby, Dung girl would gladly hetet imposed
hon herself lite task of cheering that
neliness; but he seemed perfectly in-
itnernhle to maiden charms; and when
rs. Peters. as she ofton did, urge
m to "lake a wife and be somebody."
answered quietly, "I stn conlent to
ikiw the example of my uncle. 1
silt probably never marry."
gull lie was lonely in tits great house
so lonely that, though it hurl his pride
n do it, he wrote the letter. the answer
It which excited him so terr(tdy, end
woke within his mind n train f
hought so ahtorbing and intense that
t did not hear the summons to supper
Mil Mrs. Vetere put her heart Into the
cont asking "it -he were deaf or what."
Mr•. Peters had been in the elder
1 iowning's houeettold for years. and
when the new owner came she. still eon-
inued at her post nn•I eser;lscd over
her young insister a kind of motherly
itch he permitted beeriest.. lie
TUI:nt ORIGIN 1`; .k St'
1.1'11'LE l?MERG_
'the Streets ot the World's
(late Some Very tree
Many of the streets of London
11 air appellation to the trade of w
' ey were t0rnierly Ilio scene.
ten Poultry marks Mu spot whe
•l.1en times the poulterc
Coleman Street indica
sort of the colemun
i llreud Street that
;::dge Bow tt' ee.e
the dealers it ; whom Friday
, ,.•.' got
tifi to
mot maths the old-time tit
o[ th0�tls,no••,.g•• day• in Trump
I was t o nto,t bu-y •
Street dwelt the (Makers oft` trumpets
that were used by the city
and at tournaments; Cannon Street is
a corruption of (:tndiewie•k Street, `o
: called front the candle -makers that lived!
there; and Sermon Lane is an abrevin-
i Iron of Sherelnoriger Dole, the abode ,d
was that ofshearingoro clippingse the
bullion into shape tor coinage at
New and 'Useful
Inventtionset ately Plac-
A new steel for tools is being placed
on the market; it can be hardened by
simply heating to a high temperature
end allowing it to coot in the air. Toots
trade out It this steel
hot while being
soft through growing
A patent pie dish fitted with a detach-
able rim of special form rent use. AU an inven-
tion likely to be of fl
processional or amateur, know the moot
culty of ascertaining Mother
fruit i "done." and this dish enables
o,. rot' s what is the con -
them to One out easily
dation of the interior. appliance is
A new smeke-burningtaapplia smoke
constructed so as to pass rtt *0 with
through a coke tiller impregnated
smoke Into
Old Jewry and Jewln Street mark
those parts of the town set apart in
ntcditevul time; for the Jews; t.ombn+tt
Street derives lis �n !nee front
of nt havingi an
L•cen the dwelling -1
(:ores, who succee.led the Jews as 1110
moneylenders and bank res of E f la for
and Fetter lane,
Lane, is, according to Stow, so named
from having been the resort of loafers,
or fett•lots, as they were tnrmerly
Some, however, aver that it ow.'s Its
appellation to having Leen a sanctuary
ter "defaylors," I. e.. defaulting deb-
tors, while others declare that it was
the head -quarters of the fetters or telt- se-
Innumerable instances cnn 1•e cited et
streets being calleprincipal nci pal fter thleir inhnbitantWhenbuilder,
Inndlord ort ' 1•
the second Duke of Buckingham
fln1 sold
York House for building { 4
stipulated that his name should bo
handed down to posterity in llto streets
built upon his former property.
To anis
we owe Georg.,
Buckingham Streets. At one ,tine his
name and title were con:Incinerated m
full 1 Street,
which, however, has now the existence of diOptx
orates the t isil of Peter the
Savoy was so caller, out of compliment
to the Uncle of i:hennor, wire of Henry
111., who, when be came to t'.rtuland,
was created Earl of Savoy and Bich -
mond; Little Britain marks the et
It palace of the Duke of 11and
t cont
a1 capture e ouingt► 4
thenorates the Ghf Ilcr f VIII. in
Mount, or Harbor, by
ltlnckf►inrs. Whitt friars, and t Cirhouseg.
Square, !sliming Lane, reliched
Friar: reminds us of lite many b
elders that at one tittle had thee. abode
le London. So too•1 the Abbey decs the i of i5L
where formerly sl
Clare, whose inmatee:, a body of nuns
I oho Franciscan Older, calling them-
onu- I
Grant, alter whose wife it is numcei ;uoln1
were !feral 1'ou know better than my' int the receiver. 'lot 6
self what followed. It Ls neves. t c,ry•uv1M1 in the ensile journey tlelcr•
r eat however that there, for the (lest i cs the death for the rote of Fount'
t is the o becloud p
weltbeiler. awlitselves F3e►rorCs hono7•a+,
placing which mated otherwise s tak0l • known Its 1t� rk to
place. It 15 estimated that the systemI tutting! triderl1Streeele1 bears tie' to e, oiler(e w►vine of about 20 peel the days at chivalry, when knight` -ode
real. in the coal hill 1 that way nn flu.`ir road to the lour
A new device for nscer�nhateimeting ments thnt were held at Smithfield.
depth leaf tins iicen evnh•al by n [Yortvegian.
Pull e d Mtoulli Street, :\ld
1 th of water without th
terent conditions of exposure holo•17
plain all appearances in 1110 p f consists of n transmitter and rccniv
graphs. nr nssisted by a microphone. 'rhe
g transmitter sends a series of leen
l sounde into Ifo water: they touch he
wrii hellont. end are reflected or sent hark I
1^e he surface, where they can to heard'
ice rlh n 1 Ihne,
lime, 1 dlscnvered the concealment that
Ihad have noth ng mora to used toward the
tell. dated lady.
sinned against the conventional usages
o! the society in which i was born and
lived, my whole life has been oneiong
and terrible expiation." ltUllGl.Al1 LIVED IN Ll'Al'leti.
I took hos hand and passes it, and some Organic trouble, the con i
withdrewcsfrom the rcxim.
in tin course of a week 1 discover.vl tion can doubtless be remedied.
nh n •
tt rough water Is known: eight second s
HIS is a common express nl0nns n (tenth of 5.000 yards, four see.
hear Ott everyend; for the journey In the bottom and
sWn We tctlr for the return journey.
side. Unless there is.: ♦ - —
that there was no one who possessed
the least moral control over tete maniac
girl except Constants. Mr. Walira•en
prayed that she should remain at Hick-
ory 11a11, when 1 talked of removing
her. In truth. the change from their af-
fectionate though sorrowful cnre to Ilial
of a lunatic: asylum would have fern
11 moil unfortunate one for he victim.
Site had the least medical ndvice Ihi,t
the country could produce. or wealth
could purchase. For more than n year
her malady wee constantly Increased.
until It has lett Iter the ruin you see.
\1•ir ) • was nearly blighted
when you met, pitied, loved
The reading of the manuscript had oe-
cupied the whole night. It was sunrise
Your doctor is the best adviser.
Do not dose yourself with all
kinds of advertised remedies—
get et his opinion. More than likely
you need a concentrated fat food
is enrich your blood and tone
up the system.
G.il:1'*41'UI! ST1tl:F.l
derives lis euphonious name from the
gill spurs which these same fair, las
worn as they went in procession
son t the
lists. Pell Neill, es nil
ginally the spot whale the gomo of
men was player!.
From not such savory origins;
lite names of some streetA sprat:
1lound;ditCh was pri:citively a (filch
outside ilio Cily MIMS, Into whirlh gar -
loge until carrion --a great part ,•haveet
ecnsiste.1 of e108dogs--were
1 ayslalt Street, lrrkenrpacea enter
mimed from the Men 1
tuystalls--tn to which refuse was throne
v:hick were situated! .in the ighl,etl•-
Perhaps. however, no street
n more curimi4, earl, Indeed,
lerr,hng, origin than bus !leer
Great -('ower *4t ret. 'Phis was f
Iv genre Lane, rind ineicnle'd It).
14 which Henry (Bert white beer --
sent from Norway—w•ns daily
riveted tr•om the 'Tower to Great
Little Bear Quays, nrev necrpiell 1'y
site of the Custom i IQswand' r:t
woule dive into lite river
fish. It was the duly of Ihe, Sbcriff`t;
duly robserved.—hat this
n to see 1 it-Bite.nY
TIit; FATHEIt'S ilMiR\'.
"rlhelimla, drilling," murmured I
enrupture.1 young man. life. { is tale he 1►�
pies! moment o1 my , I Mudd
fills evening hoping, yet fettrini feltlint
not put it oft any longer.
must knew my fie., The
swear it I y pense ill
kitting ane. But t1ov- fly on ra
lovely hentl resting so con an
sheikler, h{.
. eh6
'i—hul what was (test
heard just then?' but pato
"Nothing. \\*eller, -Ite, t, fla
lee's latt yet', you' 1. hue he itemise
!unset( 0 iii fell s.rt , of queer end!
11c.'s practising/ on us With It16 kodaf
Go on, \\•tiller, dear. What were ye
1 a1K,ul to swear;"
Sumptuous Grotto With Environments
of a Palace.
A cultured hermit, who gratified his
n tined tastes by appropriating hist
neighbors' 'oo:ls, lutes been sent to lila
t!son of \Vafdenl.erg, Switzerland on
many charges of theft.
Ile lived in the greatest Luxury in n
grotto in the inrest of Uretzw•if, neer
Basle. \Vico the police broke into the.
gtcitlo They rotund it beautifully ani er-
:Meelly (Ul'11i,tted. Shaded deckle
tamps threw a soil light on the apart-
ment, the floor of which tuns c•,vere,'
t. n rich Turkey carpet. The hermit
himself lounged to a comfortable aero-
chair smoking a frngr•nn cite .
1, al -w, •
f mo. 1 l 1 ►r 11 If
when 1 folded it up, and began to maker
my sltnple morning toilet. ilefore third
was co ipet(vt a Iew lap was heard at
the dor. and. to my
- Mary
fly just returned from
She sal down ly lir fire. the weakened ;,tine.
"You far been M ser Regina Fair -It will bund Ulf "the !neer
cr. tr tt Y
h l worth and that without i i• 'Meld. %%ill was cunducic •Ii
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil
rntr•re' 1 appnren '
her t h food in its bat arm• time of his orris( 1►a was rr.......r
Whin au r w•ns til of deeir•acies end
!l* Id. at Hickory {tall?" said I. ; n • urines, cigars and cigarettes. hr,
"Yes." she replied. and Wasted body r • Arc than seven different branch: e,f
e els
if ,
end found.
"And she'--, :. unpngne were
"Died at ono this rmtrnini* -iii• 11n other foods fail to f1OUTtS e discre-
lion of the. thief was apparent front the
herr senses—reason lend returned! n1 fie tact (hal the choicest vine ttic
approach of dissoluln,n. She, diel 1-: you are run down or emaciated, !acro taken onlyy him.
giving nil who had n hand in her 1 Ile had lived! in the grotto, which is
give it a trial 7 it cannot fur
meet nal rself. and died nF foruite'• cemented in the middle of an ennem-
We nesrc for herself. She died upon Con.; you. It i4 essentially the btSt .,.1, tangle of undenvootl, for two
stnnlia's bovine:' en-�:..-rs. mahtlnintnp; himself by 1 ocular•
[tssible nourishment for delicate which had deeply puzzled Ile to
1 II'h1
It dozen etching:: atter Mteissonier anl
!tithet hunt; on the walls, and in one
corner stood n well tilled bookcase.
Most of the volumes were of n 'Aldose -
p hien! mature. ted included nearly all
the works of Kant. Nictsche and other
. , l rs.
to h
non t
e• C i
7 ►red t n
nightly t n is just such a tontine by the French poet, Paul Vet'-
f:nety her ren un d . a mo
: lice. Ile had Otte.I up an elr., (►c i.
her his home womb! 10 uneomforlable great simplicity. \\'n left Cedar Cliffs'f►naemic Iris.
occneion of which w•( atter. Lyon our return to Vit.., children and pale, ',titrnntre himself. nnttl.rdge t nenuinee�r nF, an
inched. On the sono rave",s
write Mrs. Peters was assunlly attentive
4inin are last shaft ni►nhe encs. \••. , We will send you a sample iree. 110 di.scuvery was due to a defective
sort at nil .felled In Gem o[ It knr} Ilan for many 3 sIot-0.p11 e, which during his absence
amt w a tree
tactics it was evident that slto was heard frequently by leper from Mee.,
about to ask a favor. and had made f nlrflold. and knew that Ilse health nue
prrnnraltons accordingly. nig favotil0 spirits of Ferdinand were E•radually Im-
w•affles heel been buttered exactly right peugint.•. In one of ter letters to me.
-the peaches and cream were delicious Mary mentioned that old Mr. \Vnllrnt•en
—the fragrant black ten was neither I,ad sold the properly of Iliekory lint!.
tea strong nor too steak—the fire Wale and left the State. eccompanitel by lis
eel htighlly In the grate --the light front two childr•'n. 1.1115 tuns ifs` fent nn.i I
the chandelier fell softly upon 1110 roes- 1• t lime (lint Mary ever n • ' e ' ,sr
stye tihTr scctico and damask clots; tui In any of herr lett-A.:7.
ant wh t all three c C CND.
s rnaturo comforts
nrou • 1 him, it is not strange that he
letter ands ; of hair
i one day, emitted clouds of smoke, at -
rt ear. that (his picture alerting the altenlinn of a woodmen.(
le Ila term of s Ithel Is on '1 ,e wo^drnen informed the police. who
Ner t, ra��j+'per rt tette bottle i i of welch and Raw the hermit return -
Emulsion you buy. i ing one morning laden with the pro-
& BMW'. reeds of hos burglary. They hist him
SC�j lin the unclerw•ond, but finally stumbled
r, Cie grotto, where he wr.: reposing
Clec:ni'ts ' .. - his 1 .:1.
� 1- --
when vent rr r:I p to the dogs it's
one I. Ara i :e; , a 'y *Oa:'% on ;dere deux.
Toronto. Ort.
••••••••••••••••.4 ••••••••••••••••••
CANADA'S Ghl:.\T i'1 rah!'..
1)r. P. 1. T. (!croup, the Vreneh
alturgicaI expert, ha s Leen cxan;t
lite mining anal other tesour'e' of
ada. predicts that in teen years hee
minion will have become a gfeeat r
lurgicat country, having an t!
try larger than that of hay other
try In the world. Set, (no, he
that within a decade Canada a
strip all other countries in a'
Ing. in Ontario awl Quebee
Immense deposits of mag tis
have remninexl undevelopr•i
of cheap feel. The Inert
electric smelling tweeters
obstacle, le e•al,te In ,the
of the aro dip,- ill e e