Exeter Times, 1905-12-07, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, DECEMBER 7th 1905. EAT DISCOUNT SALIN, at Zwicker s, Crediton of Choice Furs composed of Canadian CoonCoats, Wallabys, China Dog, Bulgarian Lamb, Russian Calf, &c. In Ladies' Furs we have a fine line of lilts, some with Sable Collars and Reveers, nice bright glossy curl, also Electric Seal, Astrachan, Persian Lamb and Grey Lamb Caps and Ruffs. Good ats from $20 to $35. $3,000 Stock of Readymade Clothing all cut in price. 10 per cent discount allowed on purchases through December month. 11 Solicited. C. ZWICIIER. Creditor', Ontario. OODS IERV nes at very' CES. OODS Ilitary Sets, es Brushes, et Combs aps, Brushes, c. s, Cigar Cases 'urses and ?tc., Etc. stock before las Presents. gs tore Times BER, 1905. 17 24 31 18 25 19 20 20 27 21 28 22 2') 23 30 r th IJO5 last week 1 n sick Ester ;Nor thcott. of ids here this uyinz pout- Inchelsea. couple of to Berlin ton, Aasa., ads dmore, home/ 'with ber goods. been his fall. in a 'holiday ho4 hail hreshin z Cl very several disease f1 •prov- oronto, latives Ont arse for (lo- be Cue - aft ford. quipped, school 'advance ily its public he press ,Lar lest t. All bus. Cherry events dren. is. A y for all Bron- . Sold lei TAW ♦yw.J 1,u CILEDITON To each of our subscribers paid up to Jan. 07 we are ,riving a beautiful calendar. Renew at once. Do not let anybody inveigle you into taking another paper by claiming "It is just ns good." Tho Times has all tbo news. Xmas Groceries at Zwicker's. Mr. Osmond \Volker is this week visiting with Ids brother, Mr. A. Walker. The many friends of Mr. Walker will be pleased to'Isar 'that he is improving. A titre lin. of Mink "stoles and Jluffs at Zwicker'3. Tho regular meeting of the liter - society wilt b' held on Fniday last at the home of Mr. Walter 'Clark. hollowing is the program: Piano a9ol.o Mks Cla I[ 3 Vivien !leaver ; .vocal solo, Mins na 3ist : paper on "Oliver Mkt. by Mr. Rollinson; vocal duct, Mess over pink and justice. They .received a large nut ber of costly and useful presen Mr. and Mrs. Strickler spent n f days in town before leaving Mond for their future borne in Brantford, with the best swishes of thein many friends for a long, happy and useful life. Eilber-Morlock-Ono of the pret- tiest weddings ever celebrated in Crediton was solemnized yesterday, Dec. 6th, 1905. at 5.30 p. m. when Louise, eldest daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Gottloib 151orlock„ was married to Mr. Henry Eilber, by ltev. G. 0. Damm, in 'the presence of only the immediate relatives of gilts contract- sparties. T nc c supported gh brit 1by her brother Albert. looked exquisite in a gown of white Japan, taffeta. trimmed with chiffon and net dace, with n tulle veil and earring a boa. quet of roses.. Mise Marie Morlock, daintily :gowned in white organdie n• that we might furnish our readers( and Miss A;;ie I:acicher spent Mon - 1;s. with some reliable details conoern • day in Exeter. etw• ing the agar and his modal operandi. Mr. Chas. Lindcr(ield spent Sun- :IY As is customary .with newspaper cor- day last in 'the village with friends. Miss Annie Fisher, of Port Arthur, Ont., is visiting at the home of her brother. Mr. Oswald Fisher. Mrs. Stoneman and daughter spent Wednesday evening in town v.i3itia; her daughter, Mrs, T. Kelley. Mrs. Charlesworth visited her mother in Ilensall a few day; this week. Couto one! Como all! to Lean the Black Knight in 1.he Town Hall, Dec. 15th. :Hiss Ella It:aunio is assisting Mr. E. P. Paulin at Dashwood with his books al present. ----�-- A CERTAIN CURE FOIL CROUP -- When a child shows symptoms of croup there is no time for experi- ment with new rremedies, no matter how highly they may be recommend- ed. There is one preparation that can always be depended upon. It has been in vs() for many years and has never been known to fail, viz; W.n 1r' riser ut s Cough C Remedy. 1 s• ti .1 n Y M. F. Compton of Market Texas, says of it, '•i have used Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy in severe oases of croup with h mychildren, 1 t dr n, an:} cern truthfully say, it .always gives prompt relief." For sale in Exeter by \V S. Howey. pin uolrrytn5Si bouquet It. ileaver and Dr. ifaist ; reading. of pink carnations, assisted the bride, while Mr. Geo. Either, brother of the •groom. acted as 'best man. The cere- mony was performed in the parlor in an improvised valley. with ever- ,oreens and ferns 'beautifully arrang- ed. Mr. Herb Either. cousin of ithe Miss Lulu F.eaery . vocal solo by Mr. J. 1I. Boltzmann: piano duet by .the Misses Kuhn. The next mcetin.;• of the society will be held at1 the home of Mr. J. II. Boltzmann. on Friday evening'this iswee- L. Towill There wi 1 t►r. a paper on "Thr Old Curiosity Shop" ;`room, played Lohenzrin's wedding by Miss Myrtle Clark and a paper on march as tlto (bridal party entered "Hon. J. 1'. Whitney" by Mr. Geo. Law. son. Itev. J. W. Andrews preached an interesting and instructive sermon on Sunday evenier. • His telt swan "Gideon's Army." The services of the day were particulararly interest- ing and stere well attended. Mrs. Harry • It t a a icy. returned to her home in Findlay, Ohio. on Friday last after a pleasant visit with *her the room and while the ceremony was beinz performed the "Shepherd's Evening SO11$'' was played very _:Oft. ly, and tvlule congratulations were being offered the young couple, Men- delssohn's \Veddinz march by ,Mr. Eilber lent enjoyment to tho coca+ sion. After the ceremony and con- gratulations were over 'the bridal party Fat down Ito a sumptuous Alin. ner. The (linin; room was boauti. parents here. fully decorated, above the table be - There will be quarterly 'Twain; in; a ring suspended, on which were services in the Evangelical otiurch festooned artificial bells, alternatinx with candles. The presents received are testimonials of ,the high esteem in which the young couple ,is theld. Mr. and Mrs.Either Ft r w•'ll a reside in Crediton and will be at home 4o their friends after Jan. 1. The Times joins the h many friends cndt ' t c a nataI att n 3 the young couple in their new de- parture in life and wish them con- tinued joy and prosperity. Iloyce-Andrews. - A very happy and pretty wedding was solemnized at the Methodist par;ono re on \Ve1- nesday. December 6th, 1905, when Victoria May, third aauritter of Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Andrews, was unshed for considerable discussion was the in ntarriaxe to Mr. J. Wesley Iloyce, mud creek drain. There were a of Russcl;lale. The ceremony took Treat many rate payers present and place at high noon and was per- t he advisability of cleaning out the formed by t he Rev. .1. W. Andrews, above drain :and how it should be father of the bride, •,s;;ted by Rev. clone was thorouzhly looked into. G. W. Andrewvs, 11. A., of Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Brown, and uncle of the bride, and Rev. 8. J. Al - lin, of Parkhill. Promptly at the appointed hour to the strains of the wedding march. the bride entered the drawinz roots anti was given away by her father. the nuptial knot being tied under an :arch of utyrtic and evergreens with red white and blue '1rirnminzs. The bride was handsomely gowned in n beautiful robe of white 'silk. tenth •.chiffon irimrninzs and carried a shower bou- quet ,of white carnations, Miss Stel- la Andrewvs, sister of the bride, sim- ilarly attired carrying a bootie( of pink carnations, actin; as bridesmaid Mr. Roy Boyce, of Mitchell, brother of the groom was groomsman. Af- ter tine ceremony a very dainty re- past was served, .gues(s to '1 he murn- ker of one hundred being ,present, -Tome of whom were front Kingston, Belleville, 1',,rkhill. London ant Huntsville. Many beautiful gift were 'received which were in evi- dent.," of I he popularity of 11 Ito happy couple. The zrooua's ;ifs 10 tit.. bride was a 1►:u,dsrnue told watch and chain, to the bridesmaid a told riot set %cit It relo:es and pearls, and to 1 he groomsman a pair of ,gold cuff links. Mr. :1111 Mrs. Royce left on 1111' evnnin z train foi• •I trip to London, Hamilton and ot her east- ern points. The. bride's ;cin; away gown wart navy blue ladies cloth cream satin and cream all .over lace trimming', and navy blue s!k bat. Io match. After a ioneyrnoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Boyce will .take up house-keepinz at itnssrldale and will be al home to fr.ie►.ds after Jan- uary 15111, 1900. The bride durin r on Sunday next. The Rev. S. R. Knechtel, I'. E., of Berlin; will preach at both services. In the r e rn 111 he will g tt rpreach in English. 3 There will be special music. Don't fail to see the ,fine din of Sable Ruffs and Muffs ;It '!,wicker's. Miss C. Fanner, who . recently opened a dress making shop in Mr. J. II. ltoltzmann's block, i, now ready to receive orders. Prompt attention will he given to alt. orders. The Stephen Township council met in the town hall on Monday' of 'this week and transacted considerable business. One item which came in the Misses Si Ticklers and Miss Fry of Blenheim, who were here last week attending 11e k l G K r.1C Cr- a ser nuptials. left for their homes on Monday. Mr. Albert Morlock was in London on Monday on business. Mr. it. A. Amos was its London on Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ke+Ile and family were in /the village Monday visiting relatives anti friends. Mr. Levi Stahl hid sonic of his sharp torn and killed by tomo of our town dors. Mr. Joseph Snell, ►nano er of the Sovereign bank, of Exeter. was in loan on Monday Inst. The carpenters are completinz their work at 'fr. Thomas Law -son's haute. Mr. Christian Mist is wearing a broad smile these days -it's a dauth• ter. While cutting %rood in the bush on Friday last \1r..1ohn English hal t misfortune to cut his foot which will lay bin off work for some Iitnc. Mr.. John Mclsiac is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Wesley Finkbeincr ha.1 rt. - received 3 large stock of confection- ery for Christmas. 11r. Fred Barna spent Sun lay al Parkhill the guest of his pirerrts. Mr. Berl CI irk a is out fi+Linz ane day last week an I was successful in ;elfin; eight tuckers. Miss Delphic Essery spent Thurs- day at Exeter. Mina Kest le, of Landon, is 111e Vilest of her sister, Mrs. Trew•et stick, her whort renitence here 1139 won Mr. Elmor Garvin spent Sunday many friends who join with -h host of others el sew he le in tr.isbung il►otdh she and her husband many y.narl of joy and happiness. Crediton ;raw Healer tilrartnin-Tho Correspondent of t Ise Toronto Star sant/ Crediton -An Inti;• rwant Citizen Itai.sc•d the Star Correspondent sand the Star now Itet0,c;t RETRACTION with Itis parents on the Goshen Line. Mr. Drirlium, of Milverton, a for- mer Crediton boy, spent Thursday in town. Mrs. Ritz anal Miss Ratz. of Parkhill. spent Smithy in town the .latest of Mrs. %wicker A quiet wedding w solemnized at the Methodist parsonage on \1'?d- nestb;,y- afternoon when Mr. Georrc ',izbitloot and Miss Itentla:a Dickson, of atrinsl(%. uere netted in star- in the month of October Mast much ria .re by lits Itor. .1. W. Andrews. public interest and exoatetnent was A very pretty wedding took place urouse,l throughout the Counliet of at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Got- lli,l•Ilesex and Huron ovor the won - fried Gainer on Thurnhy afternoon ti -riot Isles of mirvelouw cures int Inst nhen their laecond dnuthtet. itts1,1.t,b'c tn'.r;Icles performed :as M•Iry Ellen, was united In marriage it els ;al:ezed by "Healer" Sherman. to Mr. Dawi'I Allis Strickler, of who operated in and about alxe vil- Branlford. Th; ceremony was rper• 1•r' 2.' of Crediton. The sick and the formed by the Rev. Cao. 1). Damm, afflicted, the deco( an the dumb, the it. 1)., in 1, lay presance or :Ibout one Larne, 1110 hall and t1- .blind, all and hi,a:drel of !heir relatives and friends sundry and thou9-Inds of them vis• Ti„, bride was prettily gowned and sled sir• shrine of the Healer, and. carried a shrtuer bouquet of floe ars. as the story stent, all %%ere :bowled. Miss Lilly Strickler, sister of the By bit myslg'i•n►s :airs and fervent zroont stn: bridesmaid. Mr. \:.an. priyrra Sherman secured snug rums Mom on, of !bight, •tbty a- ii se•l :1 • , of rnor.ey. 'an•l secured also roach /room, %ship Miss Agnes ratio r ntorjety led considerable ,;.a ;e in played the wedding march. Alt.•, tiro public press of Western Ontario. the ceremony and con zratulitions A natmiser of our stiff w14 113.4. all sal down to the ,sunhpteons ee 1- pitched to Crediton, the center of dint supper 1) which 1hcy dill full the Wiry rd's opens tions. in order respondents, our reporter ttvailea himself of information afforded him by resident; of the locality. We are now informed that certain•infor- mation furnished our reporter, and which we published in our issue of 7th Ootaober, 1905, is untrue. and did an injustice to Mr. John Young, a respectable and highly esteemed citi- zen, of Crediton. The Star has no wish to llo all injustice, and our at- tention having been culled 10 the matter, we have r.,a'hesitation in reit h-drawin g them. We wailingly retract any statements published by us to which Mr. Young could object, and very much regret their •publica- tion. FE.IMFIL:.l•: Several your; people from this vi- cinity attended the fowl supper held at Woodham on Monday eve- and report a very. enjoyaote time. Just a little more ..Host- is want- ed and the isle' ti ltwould 1 o s gng sou lb first class. Mr. Ghur, the dredge man, tats been makinr rapid headway this week, but expects •to shut down shortly for the winter. The C. 0. C. F. will, liave the an- nual election of officers on Fniday evening, Dec. 15th. Mr. Wm. Sleamon's wailing face is to be seen again around the village aftc rspending thepast summer with Mr. \Vm. Pollen. at Farquhar. The Council :and •tax collector hal a busy day on Saturday last, receiv- ing Taxes and 'paying up account's. Nominations will neem be here buts so far everything is quiet and me- thinks they are all laying dost' dill of course the old 1Council are all TC - elected. cl r1. Miss Mabelle Fair ',pent the past week visiting friends in London. Miss Cornish, of Exeter, has been visiting ather home here. Tho death occured tin 8t. Marys last week of Mr. S. Wilson. The re- mains were interred here last Thurs- day. Mr. Wilson was a former rC4j- dent of these parts for a number of years. There ie no one article in the line of medicine that gives so large a re- turn for the money ae a good por- ous strengthening plaster, such as Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna ZURICH Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schwalm. of lite Blind line. :ire now numbered amort; the .residents of Zurich. having mov- ed into the .house Mr. Sohwwalm re- cently purchased from John Kipfer. Rev. W. J. Facer spent Friday in Uostsall. The \V. C. T. 1'. met' Monday af- ternoon, Dec. 4111 at the home of Mrs. 8. Bonnie. The missionary supt4. Mrs..1. A. Williams and Mrs. P. slender had chart° of the meetinz. DASH W OOD STOVES. -1t you aro in need of a stove or to ance, don't rail to have a look at our st WO were never In a better position to •suppi your wants. 1):. 1'. Paulin, Hardware. Stov and Tinsmithing. The farmer, on .the town line. west, were busy hauling gravel fo grading the road during the early part of the week. Mr. Diller, of Huron Co., Mich., 1s visit'n•; Mr.Fred Gassman. A cab load of young people went Exeter Friday evening to attend the high t sc I h 0o concert anti not report on enjoyable time. p Mr. ()ratio Reynolds is busy buy in; clover secrt for Mr. John Hall prices ranging around $7.00 per hush. Rev. 1t. S. Knechtef, P. E., con, ducted quarterly services 'here Sat- urday and Sunray. We are pleased .to see Mr. Levi :nay:ocher on the stage route ;again. Tof our •promising young 311011 oin a dance :a t the head one glast week. Judging from np- eanco next morning they could otave been any too wvelb receive:!, ily disfigured but still in the Willie Ruby in learning the ,hake! business with Mr. l'ilkey. Willie is a bright boy and no doubt be apt at learning flat trade. Mark Broken -Aire has moved hilt) hi9 otd quarters in the Hartlrif► block now that Mae fever scare is past. • Friday Ian( beim; Miss Emma Cal fns' birl hday :a number of our your mottle met in a surprise party ut ter home and spent a very pleasant venin;, The question is, How ulrl s Miss Colfax? Just n Ii1 t Ie more of the beautiful nd we would have splendid .;lei;h- n;. Mr. Schrum is preparing to move oto Mr. John Plaff's hone., for• rorty Mrs. Moller's, at the stoat nd of the village. Mr. Saneock, of southern Mani otrt, 1.' pbicw of ,lire. Chas. Schrader, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •NN••••NN••••N•N•N• ••••••••NNN••••••♦•• Where to Do Your Christmas Buying at the London Crockery Company's = DHSISTDIAS CHINA An endless varietyof Berry Sets Salad Bowls. w Plates, Cups and Saucers, Jugs, Cake Plates, Celery Trays, Bon Bons, Ohocolate Pots 5 o'clock rea Sets, Roil Trays. Spoon Trays. Sweet Meets. Pickle ? Trays, Royal Vienna Vases, Orange Bowls, Comb and Brush Trays • • 2 Jewel Boxes and a greas variety of Table Articles. What is more useful and ornamental than �� e have e a splendid P selection of beautiful I Christmas Gifts, useful as well as ornamental. Every piece we offer you is well \�•orth your inspec- tion and our prices are such thatjit enables you to make your purse go rou nd. I �� DINNER SETS nice Dinner Set? What will please a house- s • wife more than a well set dining table? We can suit you, our assnt•t- e++ Z meat is the largest in London, our price is the lowest in London. and we never sacrifice quality for price. Every set is a 1 quality and we can recommend any set that we have, nothing but standard goods sold. 1 1 A box of hgddinz is being preparedI to send to the lumber camps of New u Ontario. Miss Gin;richvisitin; for to few weeks with friefr,7s in Waterloo • ani i Berlin. rt Mr. Fred Witmer was in London c Monday on business. Miss Annie (fess entertained a I number of her 'friends Monday even- is in;. The smoke stack al 1 he Flour mill was blown down list Friday ni during n terrific wind storm. A portion of the atack was undamaged and this was temporarily put in place until the nett/ one. arrives. The contract for a new stack 1114 been given ba. Mr. Murray, of Exeter. Miss Helena Koehler has accepted a position as stenographer at Cen- tralia. Miss Gorlin Graham has been visiU- in; her sister Mrs. Jonathan Mer- ner the past t wo weeks. The Women's Christian Temper- ance Union have engage,' 11r. Hec- tor. "Tine Black hniihl," 10 . lec- ture in the down hall, Friday even- ing. Deo. 15111. A good Treat is in store for those who eeill attend. Mr. O. 11. F. 1511(.11, of the Sovereire Rank, Dashwood, 'pont St'nday at his home here. Mr. Dan Koehler and sister, Mill WARNING Notice is hereby t'.vrn that any person or poofs:ms violatint the underwritten .,coli -aa of the Crit,• incl Code of Cant'la wi'I be vitor - ously prosecuted. "Sea. 492" Every or.e is rushy of in Indictable offence and Iiubl' to two years' imprisonment who fully te•stroy•s, removss or rintn•ttes anything that forms part of or 14 wool or employ,•,1 in or about an electrie or tnagnetic te' ,t�h, •!r�• lrWI light, tolephoro or fire alarm nr in the uorkinz thereof or for the tranc,nti49ion of eleotricaly or other w•fttI purpyses. Kr o 11,1 111 ',trim r corn^ to 11ar Municipal Council that the Electric liths Ramps of Mr. C. 11. Snell 11150 1: en interfered with and some of thein broken, prosecution will fol- low any future interfrren-•' wit11 any tart of the Eleotrie light equipment. W. G. BISMETT, Reeve. visiting nt Mrs. ticbrader e. Ile docs not intend returning west un- til the excursion !seasonnext year. A hi 'le daughter his mane to the home of Al r, and Mrs. Phil Fosse!. \1'e would suggest to Phil ,1hat an electric storage lamp would be very i• 2 II *iiLONDON GROGKbJY G0. =!:.1",::::::: WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of 4 $10.00 or over. •••••• ••••••••••••••••• ♦♦NN♦♦•♦ N♦N♦♦♦N•HINNNN♦N♦♦• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 97 piece Prineed, a I quallcy for $3,00 to $0.50 97 piece Gold Line and Edge, a 1 quality 8.00 up to 10.00 97piece Gold Line and Traced for1 0.00 uto 15.00 t 97 piece Gold Line Enameled.... for 10.00 up to 15.00 97 piece Gold Line China, (very dainty .. 20,00 up to 50.00 TFA SETS, all kinds, dainty china, at $0.00 up TOILET SETS. new styles, good patterns,..nt $225 up • esnMEMr Phone 1684. 134 Dundas Street and Carling Street, Opposite Market Lane, Former Screaton Premises. LONDON, O1(TARIO LON DONS 1'10ST Progressive Store ALWAYS ON THE ALERT. 54 and 60-ir.. all pure wool Blanket Cloth, half price yd. 50c $1.00 a yard all pure wool Blanket Cloth, 54 inches wide for coats, house jackets, in blue shades, red, garnet, grey, white and black ; half price, yard 50e Gress Ends Novelty Tweed Effects at Half Price. convenient for his mid:ariit 1 ramp. Short lengths in Novelty Tweed Effects, 54 inches wide, for- Mrn. 1Vickens, of ln_ersoll, 1s1141 Ill; '►ren visiting her sister, 51rs. suits, in fawns, greens, blues, browns, beautiful combin- h':x.el, relurngd borer tlalurd,►• ations ; I'egular $1 to $1.50, for, yard GRIP QI'ICKLY KNOCKED 01 T Some weeks aro dui in; the never a inter weather 110111 my wife am myself contracted sevrtc colds ethic! speedily developed into the wors kin! of 1a 'grippe ell!' all ils miser able sytnplrnns," s•ayt M r. 3. S. E ;lc stop. of mink, f. Indio:. Iowa. Knee and joint s arhint, tnnsrles sore, he 11 V'opped up, eyes 11111 nose rutinia with alternate spells of chills an fever. \V1• began using ('hatnhcr aln's cough ltetnedv, aiding the ii on with a dn.t' of ('hamberlain's Stow tall and Liver Tablets, :,not by it liberal use soon round •lrly knock.:, out ties trip." ''hese 1161(.14 1,r s till Pure Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs (men's size) Al beneficial Mien 11,e syst0111 15 crn- rested by a cold or attack of lite trip. For sale in Exeter by W. 4 I l ow ey. WHAT ('APSES AI'PENDiCiTirl 25c Mercerized Vesting. for 121c Yard ,. Mercerized Vestings, ill plain white with black stripes, one, 1 two and throe stripes, 32 in. wide; half price, yd. 124o Infants' Eiderdown Coats at Almost Cost of Materials i Infants' Eiderdown Coats with capes. also fancy trimmed, in I white, red and blue shades; reg. $2 50 and $2, for $1.49 . Extra highly Mercerized Vestings, inpure white, block pat- e tern ; more like brocaded satin, 32 inches wide ; regular 35c a yard. Christmas !)rice, yard .... 1710 ' Christmas Handkerchiefs --Buy Early • mote a healthy action of the bowel liver and kidneys which is alwrav quality; reg. 15c and 18c each, 1,200 to clear, each 100 Ladies' Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs, also hemstitched • The commonest eau 4I. of appenli. ril it is constipation. When you re- quire physic don't use rhroap drasti- pills-,get Dr. Hamilton's !tilts ss Web .1renzlhen the stomach, rr,11111e 1hi. stomach, re Z111th the bowels and prevent .any tendency 'to appendicitis. In one day 'you'll feel the I iemendmas benefit of Dr. Hamilton's pills. Ily purifyietr the blood and cleansing the system they present hmrlaches, li(t deptess:on and drive away wearing -s. No medicine so successful as Or. Ilamilltra's Pills. sold everywhere in 250 Foxe•: with sallow cover; get the genuine. regular 15c quality. To clear, each .....100 Men's Overcoats at Less Than Cost of Material Men's Overcoats, loose fitting, long length, plaid back, (Storey's make), all sizes : regular $9. To clear $5.00 Flannelette GOW119, heavy quality, in white, pink and blue, with yoke, all sizes. All go at one price, each 500 Fancy Linens for Christmas 1. Doilies, Stand Covers, Tray ('overs, Table Covers, Shams, Sideboard Scarfs. See our assortment in Battenburg and Teneriffe Linen Goods at greatly reduced prices. • 0