Exeter Times, 1905-12-07, Page 11906..1907 'We have just corrected our label 'Meets. Does your label road 1906 or 19071 If it rrhould 3041 does not (tome in and we will help right it. Attend to the matter now. niter HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETT EI The Au We 'flint live you a f ter columns you pay for y THIRTY-THIIRD YI3AR—N5 1683 EXETER, JNT., CANADA. THURSDAY MORNING DECEMBER 7th, 1905, •NN•.•HN.NN.N...... fat SI ft' T. HAWKINS & SON Hardware and Seed Store is the place for Builders and those intending to build should go to get Cheap Hardware as wo carry a full line of Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c. In Cements we carry the two leading Brands of Canada National and Star L#1V[TROUOHINi We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as we have a machine to nll'he all our own Troughs and can give you firstolass material. Try us and you will be conuinced. T. HAWKINS & SON 1 1 1 1 • EXETER COUNCIL. years. After• considerable discussint cut.' Ills promisee franchise of 11) LlterarySoct ty Concert! a franchise -somewhat similar to the old one was •;ranted hint. The only chat;e i o be made is .t ha 1 a1 r. Snell Th twill ,i,, 21 mitts ';1 ui lht for the arc Befits insteed of 19 cents and the number of ni;bts reduced from 280 On to 260, makin; a difference of about $15 a year in fakltr of •Mr. Snell. Mr. S. was c.1 tit ionctl .t keep his plant rumen; until 12 o'clock each ui;ht .ts pnovided in ll he. cont nate. The Cauncil held a prolonged sae- The Council then adjourned until cion on Friday Rigeht last analowin; Feiday, Dec. 8th. to the lateness of the lulurt and thec---f-- the w' condition of the room most of the Anniversary Services. e business as held over until Monday evhest a meeting' was sche- duled to hear protest on the new -- granolitiic (sidewalk assessment. Services in the Main Street Mr. D. Ross made an appeal to the Council to furnish the Moss & Taylor Church the Most Success - factory .with water. This caused cortsider:tble discussion a; to the ful Ever Held. Collections amount which each establishment Chas. Snell Gets Franchise Factories to Install Water Meters. Nominations Dec. 23. using' water furnished by the town IIshout,! pay. Mr. Ross said he would hay $25 a year for the privilege, or if the Council wcc not satto[ictiw t wanted permission to Jay pities from the factory to the river mo water could he secured direct. The differ- ent Councillors were unanimous in believing that $50 a year each should be paid by Rose & Taylor and the elec- tric Ii;ht plant and $100 a year by the grist mill, 'the cost of operatire the pumping plant bein; about that amount. It was claimed :that it has been customery for these concerns to open up .the valves into their wells, thus makin; an unnecessary waste of water and emptying' tha town tank very shortly after it was filled. The decision was, however, held over until Monday night. Mr. S. Sanders presented a letter from the Municipal World eivin; unl , opinion on the assessment of a busi- ness tax. Mr. Senders is assessed for business done by the telegraph office herr. No relief could bo given as the time for appeal had lulsseJ, the court of revision havii; char;e of matters of this kind. Councillor Wood claimed that the market stove had been removed to the band room and that the climatic conditions of the market were not cenzenial to the ,rood health of those who had to remain there on days when the weather is anything but pleasant. A3 the band boys are in need of warmth in order to produce good music, they will bo .allowed to keep the stove and another ono se- cured for the market. Chief Hie - sett has his eyes peeled for a ;eel stove, one that will heat well, and isn't too expensive. It was decided to hold the Muni- cipal nominations on Dec. 23rd, be- tween the hours of 12 o'clock noon and 1 p. in. The following' deputy re to mina officers were appointed: I'ollinz sub -division No. 1, It. Creech; No. 2, James \Vcckes ; No. 3, A. G. Dyer ; No. 4, II. E. Huston. The bylaw authorising' the levying of a tax rate of 19 mills on the dol- lar was read -the required number of times and passed. The clerk was requested to look 4hrou;h the ar- chives and find •a number for it, same of the lby-laws passr11 in the early part of the year having %,cert sidetracked somewhere. Chas. Snell asked •the Council to grant hint the franchise it had prom- ised him provided he would install new Machinery and repair his lines ;end lamps. ile intimated t hat he tai ;ht innuZurate t he met Tr system. thus ,t all in some of those who burn all their lamps all the time. Ills matter also waw laid on the t a • talc until Monday nig' lit. The following' accounts were pra- settled and passed and orders drawn I • i 1 • ...................•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Now in Stock Bran and Shorts and Wheat Chop At Exeter and Centralia Elevators Prices satisfactory. Bring in your grain and load home 54 with feed. J. GOBB LLD I GK Exeter. Centralia. WE'RE }�SUIIT •�;r�;r LLERS - are Suit buyers. We make the queatn.n a>.i. wear them out. We make De Yee kis well as we eau. so that they dangerous ar :: wear out sootier than they Do you kr: Because, if they do, you'll turn into 1' ..e somewhere else for your dirguitSuit. And no one could blame all, ti..'`- So much money ought to buy Many' lch Suit worth. And Suit worth if, n,t tlau :� bleness of fabric—style in l�li hccu reale. nteh—looks — dressynese — =•h of service: Dr• d a place as there is within 'et all this and not pay too N( V. Johns, rat Black and Blue stings for $15.oO This wont:t contents all and $18.00. which ma' the treatrnfir Combine Bark and Merchant Tailor pact want herbs and ' For Ow Co ugl' „stern Real Estate T1ro i . = Exchange, Limited. Y•Pr' $Uundas St., London n id,. • *bray Clove you a firm that you want also re. sells Write for our terms or set - bore t tg property. We have tiro most th.res...etpla•t0 method of •tdvertinin; and Dr. t• ,n; property in Canada. 1)o you per boti .t to buy a farmt ofr Omar n: ees wrap operty In any part userk. ed for uur list. We have some oc, Nm 'gains. A. We -- • JOHNS ARANO TRUNK Uv. Railway sy.t•■_ The orrice i whict. • SiNGLE FAIRE. eopealts in. (t t .auslrlg ..► zui►1g December 9th. to 1)rc- .ymptens cetntrr loth. Olt WINTER FAIR. GUELPH. the ref v r regime ps renin; until Monty December tutting' the past few months AT:. of the ski( .. 19t11. O'Neil has been associated wit', 14. , rio., and t he Elect 1 is 1.1 rht ('n., Wngac.bal S. Lanz in the produce business led was first taken tip. it w.1f4 .dors led is anted � :'noun winter fait d (xrellcnl cxhibilt of Live I(fl Saturday for Toronto to join that cath oonlp,ny install meters family, t moved to brit city and in Ile meanitime Ross & Taylor �f k etc. ! We have been appointed sell ing agents for the Regina Precis sion Watches. We have a com- plete stock ofhem Anyone them. Y contemplating purchasing a watch will make no mistake by calling on us. We will explain the fine quality of this celebrated watch. RINGS We have reason to be proud of our fine stock of rings. We have the finest display in this county and at prices so low which do not fail to tempt anyone. upon the Treasurer for the same: A. MARCHAND ltd. Gilley, supplying 4 in. tile, 75c; IL Sparkman, ace. to Nov. 30, $6.113 ; Watchmaker, Jeweler. Optician, Connor Bios., ace. to Nov. 25, $15.40; P. S.—Our holiday catalogue is now Snell & Ituwe, acc. per cemetery, ready. Anyone wishing one kindly drop us a poet card and we will be pleased to mail you one. iirdesit B, S. O'NEiL NOW A TORONTONIAN Exeter has lost another of its valued citizens by the Tc- nlural to Toronto of Mr. It. S. U'\+ il. M r. O'Neil h is for (he past 28 )'cars been ore of our Most respected residents, always to the front in any'thinz pert-ini.t; to the inteiesis of the town. Ile was an ardent supporter of sports, en- joyin1 •1 (rite behind an cgaa ne of e 1 .i 1 r a ' 'i s r + li 1 style or t ku th'• lu_ I t p p r z y .. )1'11111 111 11[1195. At 11en hoe hoz lie is an expert 11111 the local club W 11 treaty miss hint in their ',mete ;eines on the !even. \Tr. O'Neil it might be said, was horn and raised a hanker. At an early air he entered 1 lir lei takinz office et Lucan, owned by his 1st her, Mr. 11. i1. O'Neil, and 38 years oto they opened a banking' office in Exeter. After Iwo 3e14's pet tnership 11. S. look entire charze and con.lurfed the business until rix tnonths azo, when ie. ditpo-"1 of his interests to the Sterteizn bank. $1.30; Rescue fire Co., per F.d. Mc - McGuire, 12 men rat $5.00, makin; $60.00 and oil saki lamp •glasses, 40c, tnakiuz $G0.4U; Deli:lncc Fire Co., tier Ge -0. Anderson, seely., 17 memtmrs al $5.011 making $85.00; fireman, $10.03); engineer, $Ill; chief's salary, $50.011; Queen City Oil Co., Toronto, ;atm - line, 56.76; Geo. Crawley, livery, $4; C. \Wendland, twrd for w•om:u► and child, $2.00; Thos. Welsh, labor, $1.50 Geo. Cudneerc, $:l.50; \Vm. Parsons, :57.50; Mrs. White, scrubhinr, $1.25; John (ii1Icspic. jr., labor, 25c; David Russell, sr., l.lhor,$1.50; Geo. Atkin- son, labor, $2.25; Walter \Vestcott, braking stone, 52.00; John \litchell lime and 1 ile, 50c: Len. \lcTa;tart, ace. per cemetery, $1.09; Geo. Man-' Ile, brick for cemetery, $1:1.00; John e labor for cc meter $2.50: . Barinet, It Y Ii r n C. 11. Snell, electric lislat for Nov. 502.61 less $1.75 for repair In pump, l"avin; $611.89; W. .1. Bisset', salary to Nov. 22, $31.25; do., truant offi- cer, 1905, $10,00: 410., charity for Mrs. Delve, 511.11(1; John Ford part sllary to Nov. $27.00. The ('rot►ncit met a;nen on Monday 4%l'ninz 10 114•:1 r 'Prot est.; on t lte1 1ran011110c sidewalk ns5(5sment5, tett as no '41" alppeared to .p rotrAt, Mill 4 rs I1gId neer front the p.reV10114 Merl ill.; were 111 ken up. The nue-lion of .ul,plyin1 w tier to 1be (Loss & Taylor company. Harvey hes :1111! �, %% 1n a'•"111- t 1(1111)1s 1 rn 11 is \fr. an.1 ('1185. Smelt are to pay $I 1 week intr. Ila' export ire' et apples lied was ;a110%tcd i0 Imcllre' meter. ens produce. \\'hat is Exeter's Ions is unless t IIey are last tilled by alio Teronto's rain, and our sincere ;or•I tilne their %later Supply v; 11 lir .I.nt wish.'s ro with hint in his new en -1,1 f' a s, stated •thee OW G. T. Harvey Rrr It. «rued hal in a switch Proveded t he I,o« n w (.111,1 !XIV( t he . i :lilt of %% iy. 1L^ irempany to lox ila.%lee Bros., a rental equal to the.ntnount inv.st(••I in !milieux the tracks, etc. 'file tent al is r/tint:etcd at ebou1 Clot) of w hicll Harvey Bret. are %%O- lin! il- linz to put up ons -third lex' town to put rap the balance. No action was token. Chas. 811011 wras on hand :to • 1)o not (.111 to see i1. LA•ircot lines to Guelph via Grind nk front all directions. ere tickets from J. J. KNIGHT. ton rleva Depot ticket agent. Exeter. weaken 1 r J. 1). McDONALD aro by fair 'strict passenger agent, Toronto. all discesc• Peale•e 21 ra �Aalella xA. all cicalas t STM AtN Yoe RA11_Ale�bled pri(eby9a. x'rlrtwta. Oil" r t ► �o • xlcn+;velw and Herveyiin(►s. $-'. Thirtyd.,w4 O Neil s intention t1 C tcrprfsr, burin: n,r tourc.' h ar11 his wife and dauzliler will r,ce 1+" 'l - thy take a trip to Exeter aril re- new the .INIlraillt.enre'hip formed die in 1 the Ion; years+ of revid'rare here. OAa•TOATA. SIM tb. _a1111 Mod We Ns* ?lei 1l Mull Over $270. Tito of the lar;est con-ere!ations t bat ever assembled in t he Main st. Methodist church. attended the an- niversary service,' of the church on Sunday last. At the nlornin; ser- vice the edifice was %tell filled and in the evening all the .eat; were taken Ion; before t he hour Chairs had to be placed in the aisles and around the chancel in or- der to accorntno late the ov('rffoe 8111 a number hid .to remain at the church entrance. The Rev. A. I,. Russell, of Fingal, and formerly pas- tor of the James street Methodist church, conducted the services, de- liverine two very 4.hle sermons from texts suitable for the occasion. In his remarks itcv. Mussell stated tll•.1 he had preached to the \let hodiste of Exeter 40 years ergo, and several times outside his pastorate here and felt quite et home in addressine :an Exeter audience. A feature of the services and %which is deserve(); of special mention w•ai tits sin;in; of Mr. C. J. fink, tenor soloist of the Askin street church, London. Mr. Pink is a singer of the hi;her class, being possessed of a very sweet clear and silvery toned tenor voice of excellent rill ;e. His enunciation was perfect and 90 clear that every word uttered was distinctly heard and under -atom' in 011 Parti of the church, and had *the service b:en other than divine worship there is 00 doubt he would •have been vocifer- ously Applauded. Should Mr. Pink ever visit Exeter in concert or church work wo can bespeak for hint a bumper house. In the afternoon a mass meeting of Sunday School children and friends was held in the church and was largely attended. Mev. Russell delivered a Puitable address, Mr. Pink 'rendered severe' solos. Mrs. Rhea Scott Vernon, a graduate of Alma College, gave u very interesting reading in her usual I pleasing manner. Mrs. Vernon has by her :affability endeared herself to the people of Exeter and vicinity, who are pleased to hear her on all occasions. The choir of ,the church is also to be hithly con_rettilated for a' tookinthe services tee the part i1 , music rendered hell); above the aver- a;e heard in large churches 111:1 the members of the con;re;ation feel plensed, proud and thankful for the excellent manner in %which the mus- ical part of 4he services watt :arrang- ed and carried out. The collections for the day amounted In about. $270, which was near 11ie amount deairel by the '1.rustee hoe rd. R. S. LANG ALSO GOES TO TORONTO over Exeter for in x 1 Aller resldu z twenty years, Mr. It .8. Lanz left Tuesday fora trip to En;land, where he will spend 41 few went♦ of enjoy- ment prior to takin1 up his residenc0 in Toronto, where he will zo more extensively into the produce husinees which he carried on successfully (lute Ole his sojourn here. 1tr. Lan; is a product of this county. Navin; been born near Itod.erwillc. Ile first bra ulrheti out as a farmer, taking., try land in Manitoba, ed,or1ly after that province: wee opened up 10 settlers. liclicvint (here was .1 wide field here of the road, MwcIye carloads of prom - for the purchase of ftopte3 and Poul- int tit people front different. point s. try, he retureed Ind entered .retire- alone the litre attended :1 banquet ly into that business and worked up g'r'it :.1 London. by the officials .1 :111 4aol'1114)115 trade 110111 he beeline '1N• ram p•1 ray. ,3 to"111 1)1)40 w' 110' 1:1V01.3 111V k11)01% 11 as Ile• 11r;est (ip- %%cry piIsent front Exeter tvoae: Isaac l':lrlinz, .7. W. )tro.Mrick, .1. Crwntic;ln, .1. slier,, \V. Mee, •1•. Fitton, T. Coates. W. (:sitz. U. Johns, .Toa. Bell, G. Griffin, A. Lewes, A. `locks, G. Aim, .1 .1'. Melnlyte, .l. e High School Students Distinguish Themselves as Entertainers. Receipts over $80. The Scleoul concert last Friday ti;ht under the auspices of the Ili ;h School Literary Society was the most successful one ever held by the society, the sutra of $64 holo; re- alized over and above expenses, and ;real credit is due the society for the able Manner in which the pro- gram was gotten up. Mr. Samuel Martin, chairman of the evening. made several plea sin; rein:irks awl was followed by a chorus from the Glee club; \list Mary Murray ;ave a recitation and -the solo lolle►win; by Miss Alice Howard was well re- ceived. The debate "Reserved that natl_,.rllat has been more beneficial to tbo world than railway traffic" tested the debating' abilities of Alvin Brittle!! and Dyer 1Iurdon for the affirmative and Harvey Gardiner and LeRoy Coultice for ,the ne;.ttive. Iters. Martin, Godwin anal Perkins acted as referee, and decided in fa- vor of the 'affirmative, although the boys on the '110;wive had dist.in- tin;uislied themselves almost equal- ly as well ae the winners. The 'in- strumental duet by Elmore Senior, Exeter, and Miss Etta Davis, Hen - salt, w•ai vociferously •tppltuded as was the solo by Mr. Fleming. ells% Ena McPherson ;ave a recitation and the Glee club another chorus af- ter which several pupil; of the school ;ave an exhibition of fancy movements and proved themselves an appreciative part of the pro- gram. .Miss floosie 1'os:4, of 11011- sa11, gave an instrumental selection on the piano and received well mer- ited applause. Tho recitation. al Beatrice Howley was appreciated, and when Tont Carlin; .appeared to giv° a solo it was several minutes before quietness could be .restored so that he could render his part of the pro - :rant. As Dec. 1, was the natal! day of England's beloved Queen, "God Have the Queen" was ;ivcn at- the close instead of .the National anthem. HAPPENINGS OF THII(TY YEARS AGO In lookin.,r over ;some of our old files of 1875 we find soma very in- terestin; rcadin;, and from .tete arnonnt of news and advertising pet - roan Te in the Times at .that brae Exeter evidently was no small shucks as a business place and for erebusieem. One item states that Will ;hall, has only one brick :place of business. while Exeter rejoices in over •lw0iaty. It Was during' -t net year thatthe old It►ckup IVIS orected and opened for the, rlub1ic. It stood across the street from the James sl %ret church and did service as a lock up .end fire hall, until the p►escnt To%tn Hall was erected. The first lotl.01 %w a9 a 11180 mined Lee of Grand (lend, whom Chief Gill hard a hard time so arrest, but the (1011;11%3 (0,Mitatlte succeeded in (111111; his 111411_ sub - Tee public school v. -;i 4 completed in 1875 and looks as eteist rntial lo - day as it dill when first: ba; It. Mr. Thomas Gregory, who guided the youthful mind for a number of years will possibly. recelt when he received the appointment as heal) plaster of the school and how• This 1+apils at Fairlirld, where he 11.111 1/1.91 t(aob- 1at, ,ts'enabled at his home on .tan. :t1 t' 1170, ,till presented hien 'with a centre 1:11)14. and piano stool accom- panied with an address of retiree - tion for his success and happiness. T h•' buildinz %v tech 'hod been used as a sch001 prior 'to, that time is '1 i11 standing' but in a eel elate o[ ire• (lairs. It %vas during' 1.375 11141 thn i.. 11. & 11. clivi -inn o[ the Great; Western was completed throueh this section. A Mr. Iiayden was aplpuineei stet len Hasler here and 1111011 the completion plc and tumefy buyer in L111111'1. .dost of his raaipllurtrts were road.: direct to the• I?nsllslt markets. 1)ur- inz the past -even ,ear, ho 11.14 11.1id 001 ower half a million of dollars to 1 rckai rl J 'Sck I Ache . on, .1. / 1 n 11 fanners and 01 111'1'4 in ( )rat 11 , are:Ills about $1011,1101) 1 year dishih- Hanlon. S,ainwell & Pickard. C. teed by him. \\'bile Mr. Lanz wi11 Soulheel1, tee llynd,n:In, G. Handers, leek 'rfter his extell41va trade a3 S. Saddens. tit nFile y & de r11411, 1.4. Toronto, his terseness here wit! cost- 'fait, It. Merles, M. M. M05ebrdtb, W, thine under live ntanazenl('nt .vf I1. Vel a!\, W. ('a`.1', ll. V. Elliott. G. Thoutas Kcruiek, tvluo ,recently par- \\ aldrelt. V. Trott, .1. Treble, W. rlrtse.) his Louse at. tie north 1 ins0n, I. Thorn, C. Eter-ett, G. end of the t4wwn. Mr. fans wilt roe F:a'crett. N1. 1:ael(tt, G. Willie 1'. on Phi' 111h insd. ('4.111 Ilaliftx. for Lively. R. Manning, S. Hogarth, W. Liverpool 3w' w111 is, .lrrolnp111i4.1 Ilattkslaw, J. (Ike, A. 'Skinner and by 'Its. hang, passage 11(111, teen W. J. While.secured on the str. ..\•il zooms,.As It is just .shirty years• 110 thio 1 Cis I t ip will be '0111(011at of a con14se Jentits/ 1i, w hen vetoes were 111,11 ytaia.on, 11 N1111 be necessary for filet 1"iwi1ezed le exerrl-4' their Mr. let nz 10 pt (wide hints(')( with an franchiser by 1151111 tis' ballot. et elec- ahuntl Once of stn ill choir,. far the tisais. At Ilial time thtrve %ten ho+.tlrtock s, barbers. cls.. %%Ln are I tried. Hdr,si'iast aniles IL .1olr : for eml►1- Here Kt8 rV 1ere431l1(5 o11 'l 11(.11 1'e- %nettcd steamer. The Times joins eillura. W. I!iwdett, M. itis -cel, E. Mr. and Mrs. l.anxes moo- friends in Mew, A. le. I)ys'r, 1t. Gidley, L. liar- '-iehinz them bon voyage .end cote-,dy• P. McPhillips, .1. I'irkerd, .1. limed h.lp,lrin(ss in (leer new ale- Sand':►,, G. Sllli'Cll, 11. 11. Vct'ity 1.•1stire. They will reside et 657111111 .1. \W11111;).rk. Hawlz'on was eti,tr(rcct, Toiuonte, after their re.' elvcltd reeve feel \lessrs. Verily, tort0 from nbrand. Hardy.ilrc%' and I'i•1rd weer --,__,..�_. elected coancillors_ __ck From the waay Mes,re. Muir, \Vcod and Arnistrone talk, they will re - lose \itnicipal ho -tors a•;.dn the/year. When you %•.'ant a 1114a9.1Ill 13xa- 1ive take Chi mire 1rin's Stmmneh and Liver Tablets. For stale in Flir- ter by W. A. Ilmvey. CASTORIA Por Infante and Children. Ten KW Yu Have Always Boobt Beare the Signature of JOHN a The Golden Tae an of GOIdGlloNn ROBERT E. PICKARD, Exet( General Selling Agent. for C. P. We have a number of Beautiful Sections of C. P. R. 1 offering at C. P. R. prices, These lands are situated on tl the Canadian Pacific Railway and are bound to advance i. time to make your selection. 5437.00 down secures you We are also offering 25 Improved and Unimproved ently situated to Railway Stations, prices range front $110 you contemplate removing to the West, see ue, wo have Li WONTED A man and his wife to take char the West, good wages to the right Also good farmer to work a lar would require to have about $3000 a grand opportunity for a good man. It is estimated that one hundred and fifty thousand A grate to the Canadian North West during the coming a cane know a good thing when they see it. Are You Going to Have of the best wheat land in cteation ? If so, move quick. 1 higher in the spring. Information regarding the various lands we are ofet'il given. Write, or see us personally. R. E. PICKARD, General Selling Agent for C. P. R. Lam Office at Residence, CUT - R AT FURNITURE Having our Immense Show Rooms pao and up-to-date furniture in every line, and i room for some large shipments of goods now: have decided to open the fall trade with a Cut Rate Sale to which, we invite all inten to come and examine our goods and compare fore placing their orders. as we intend cuttini every article in our store lower than we have to do before. So don't fail to take advant to buy furniture at prices never before kno ROWE & ATKI The Leading House Furnishers and Pune Drcssc Poultru We will buy your Dressed Pbultry for cash or trade. High- est price. We want your ed dried apples pound. You cannot do better than give us your Christmas Order for groceries. Ours arc the best that money can buy and bought for spot cash, you get the advantage. New Dates, Figs, Raisins, Cur- rents and peels. Beavers Bros. A Can Strictly One Price. FARQUHAR W. JOII bright quarter - at 5$ cts a LIK THE IS THE GET TH THE Accident MEAD OFF Ial Accident a ance 1 tt1M11.. It1 PLfi6 TO Garland Stoves and1 WHY; are good sellers. HY, Because they have large roomill very easy on fuel, our price for iS only $35.09 Don't buysee it. Get a 1 Do ttill you The Place to IIEAMANS H And Stove Just Received a Large Shipm