Exeter Times, 1905-10-26, Page 3r,. .
Acute indigent' may result front
Many canscs, but when it follows
inn ttediate{y upon a holiday feast, it
Find Health and Strength in Dr. Plague Affects Many of Best Dis-
Williams Pink Pills. tricts in England. DEADLY CLUTCHES
'•I cen'i•ler I)r. Williams' Pink 'Ilio potato blight, which has cats -
Pills a st Marvellous ,nediciue," ed immense lossex3 to growers in the
says Mre. Louis Turcott, (k5 Pap- fru district of Englund, has now
incau st'ts:t, iluutreul. "'Intey re- made itse'f evident in other parts of
stored me to health and strength,; (ho country.
when f was in a most hopeless con- In addition to the thousands of
ditiun, and almost despaired of ro- . acres whit:h have been affected in Lin-
covury. My troub'o began a few coeishire, 1Iuutiedonr:hire and Cline
years ago, when I passed through a bridgeshire, but chiefly around Rent -
is lusunllyMr. Theodore Youno, of Stnith'n
a.tributablu to avcrdis_ severe dioses, front which 1 diel not trey Hunts, it is tow reported that 's '
-N,,tention of the stomach, aggravated, regain my accustomed health and the disease Is devastating the cro:•a Falls was Beyond the Doctor
perhaps, by the presence of such strength, though 1 had the very best in Berkshire and lluckinhhaiiiab re. t Aid -Now He's Well and Strong.
indigestible things as poetry and of care and treatment. I seemed to ; grower roar Afaic'sto.e, who had a
Plum pudding. it occurs a little grow weaker every day. 1 a•i+s pale most promising crop of about tin Smith's halls, Ont., Oct. 111 -
and elucidated, had no ap;etitc, torts to the ours. has found tho (Special). -Mr. 'Theodore Young, u
could hardly go about, and found my blit ht in every root he bus examined. well -Looter citizen of this place, is
life almost a burden. It. seemed as' Although it is too cutely as yet to ono of the many Canadians who
thuuph my blood had tumid to tt•a- deteriniuo whether the consumer will have been rescued from the clutches
ter, and my nerves seeiuc(1 completely outlet to any considerable extent, ow- of leo neeue dreaded Bright's 1)iscars)
shattered. All the time 1 wits under fug to the immense quantities of by Dodd'" Ki:lncy pills,
medical treatment, but with ►:o ah- foreign potatoes avai►aLle for the "Fur two years," says Mr. Young,
parent benefit. One day a friend ' Eng -Bolt Market, the di.-ttstcr which lin relating his cxperi,nee, "1 was
who called to see roc, brought me the growers have suffered hes over- affected with Rright's Disease. The
sumo hr. Williams' lick }'ills, and
asked the to take them. I did so,
end .after n couple cf weeks 1 found
appet ito improt iitg and took
this as a sign that. the pil.s %v i'e
helping Inc, and I got another sup-
ply. In afore weeks more the change
in ins. appearance and condition was toes stere to I e glee 1 to pegs.
marvellous, turd friends who droppo_i Throughout Berks and Bucks there Dodd'a Kidney Pias led nu! to try
in to sco Inc. hardly thouf-ht I was will bo rush to sell os soon as it there, and after using the first bee
the sumo person. It was not much is learned (lint the disease hes ap_ I found great reli. 1. After using
longer until I was completely cured,' ware(' in the Slough and Windsor four boss I was able to go to
in fact felt letter than I have dune districts. Some of tho best sceding work, which I had been unable to
foe years before. I am, therefore, tubers in the world aro grown in the do for come trine. I recommend
very happy to make known to all two counties. At heading there oro I)odd's Kidney pills to all who oro
piling women (ho fact that they Lan 'teed grounds famous not only afllicletl as I was."
find new heath through the use of throughout Crept Britain, but also Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure
Dr. Williams' }'ink Pills." I in the colonies. I ].'right's Disease, the most advanced
Airs. '1'urcott's experience with thin In North Devon the Potato blight !stage of Kidney Disease. ]low Bruch
medicine is the sante us thousands of is causing considerable loss. On more easily will they cure the ear -
others. Dr. 1Villiums' fink Pills are nonny farms more than half of the
tJia greatest cure for the ailments crop is affected. and in the districts
due to poor blood. All the weak- j where the soil is clayey it will not
ness of anaemia; all the distress of Pay to harvest tho few that are not
indigestion; all the pains and aches ; diseased.
of neuralgia, sciatica and rheums-; The Irish potato crop, however, is
tisln; all tho misery and ill -health , fulfilling all expectations, and pro -
that women suffer from time totutees to yield abundantly, except to
time, come from bad blood. And a few districts where recent rains
fir. }Williams' pink Pills cure these hare injured it. The blight has aha
troubles. because they actually make' made its appearance in several dis-
new, rich, health -giving Wood. They tricts. but in the incjority of places
don't act upon the bowels, they don't . the crop is now so matured as to bo
bother with mere symptoms; they go i well able to resist the disease.
right to the root of the trouble and
cure it thromit the blood. But you 111►Rj"S SLEEP.must get the genuine--snbstitutos anti
irritations never cured nuyo,e. See
that on full name "Ile. 1Villianis' One of the Vrst rigns that seine-
I'ink]'ills for Palo People" is print- tiling is wrong with nn infant is dis- then Baku has been well named. f.:r
ed on the arnpger around the box. turbed sloop. Usually the trouble is it would not be difficult to find in
Sold by medicine deniers everywhere,with the stolutch or bowels. If your this strange city a representative of
or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or little one is cross and restless do nut almost every race of Europe and
six boxes for ;3.50, by writing Thegive it an opiate or "soothing" mea- Asia. Tartars and Persians, united
1Villiums medicine Co., Brock_ wine of any kind. All these things by the bond of a common religion,
oftener in children, but in them it
is rare ly co serious in its conse-
quences an it is in adults, for nau-
sea is more readily induced and more
promptly yielded to, and as soon as
the stomach lets got rid of Its bur-
den, the trouble is tJ an end. An
adult, on the other hand, struggles
against the feeling of oppression,
and often intensifies it while sooting
to relieve it by takhng stitnulatiug
In many cases the first indication
of the disturbance is lora of consci-
ousn.s8 or a violent convulsion re-
sembling an epileptic Fcizure. Sorno-
thnes, Indeed, it is dillicult to dis-
tinguish the attack front one of
!wort failure or an apoplexy, for
both these conditions are favored by
overindulgence. A distinction is
lrnportnet, however, for neglect of
appropriate treatment In either con-
dition may favor a fatal termina-
The old advice to quit a meal be-
fore n feeling of satiety has been ob-
tained is still good; one should cease
at least before a sense of discomfort
has boon produced, aril room should
always be allowed for the secret -ion
of the gastric juice, which in an
adule often amounts to nearly a
quart. When the walls of the stom-
ach have been distended to their ut-
most capacity by food, the addition
apos of so much fluid would scent of itself
enough to induce the attack; or if
the distention prevents the secretion
of the fluid, us it does normal nlus-
cular movements, the process of di-
gestion is delayed, the food is re-
ctrained too long in the stomach, it
undergoes abnormal decoruposil1011,
Inflammation is induced, and this ex-
tending to the small intestine may
bead to more protracted illness.
In tho treatment of acute indiges-
tion, the production of nausea
should bo favored. When vomiting
occurs, it should not be checked un-
til the stomach has been relieved of
(tri burden. If it does not occur
spoutaneonsly, it should generally
bo induced.
If unconsciousness or a convulsion
has supervened, a physician must he
called without delay, for it may be
neves-ary to adininister an emetic
Following this, a laxative is gen-
erally given and the diet for a few
day .1 is limited to easily digestible,
uuirr'itating fond. Milk. of course,
is the Fafest forme of nourishment,
except for those with whorl it does
not agree, and the addition to it of
it little liege -whaler of Vichy will of-
ten rc111ove all objee l ion.
]IOW '1'0 SIT A'1' WORK.
Sit quite back in your chair. the
body loose above the %:alst, then the
bonding a little forward when writ-
ing is not injurious; for reading or
needlework it is not necessary. This
pore will soon he found far lees fa-
tiguing than the "bunching" up and
stooping forward, and the improve-
ment in shape and carriage of the
figure will approximate the dignified
Apenrieg of our great-grandmothers,
who were all trained to sit in this
way. I1. Is not for a moment sug-
reOsted that one should ever
"lounge," simply that a tatting po-
onion for any length of time should
be on the foregoing lines.
If only women could relax they
would rest ruore in ten minutes than
in hours of so-called resting with
tense muscles. Often, after lying
down for an hour, it woolen will get
ftp r=aying t hat she feels more tired
than is fore. No wonder; her
muscles were unrclaxed. Rest with-
out relaxation is impossible. Let
the lust, couch, or chair bear 1 he
whole weight of the body. bungle()
that you have not the power to lift
a limb. Loosen the tension both
of mind and hotly, nod In n Short
Iinw you will feel renewed strength.
At the first. indication of diph-
theria in the throat of a child plane
the room close; Take u lin cup and
pour into an term' quantity of ler
amt turfcntine; then hold the cup
over a fire 8o as to 1i11 the room
with the fwues. The pntieit, in in-
haling the linnet, will cough and
spit up the meml'raneou4 clatter and
the diphtheria will pass off. The
formes of the tar and turpentine 1.s -
ren the trouble in the throat. and
thus afford the relief that has t•nllled
she skill of phvr+e inns to give,
if it (1111(1 ie Injured or stunned by
a fall or n blow, take hint nt once
to the open air. Lay hien rat on his
back. the head slightly higher three
the betty. l'ut cult) renter or ice
about the had and prepare n hot isestet' that perhaps cofTce was 1he
NISIllittistard bosh for the feet. if the cause of my troubles and that I try
ehild n'ninins in n stupor it may Pesten Food Coffee and give up the
he n. eesnry to apply worm water old kind. I not glad 1 look her
to the body. The same real 'tient nil% ice, for my 'eolith has born e -
ehould Is' liven to nn adult, though timely restored. I have no more
11 can be more heruio, neuralgia. nor have 1 hnd one oolt-
tnry headache in all these eight
months. No marc of my days are
Tt1T': CAS1'0lt OIL 1'i.ANT. wasted in solitary confinement in n
dark room. 1 (10 e11 my own work
with case. The flesh thnt I lost
daring the ycnrs of env nervous pros -
Thais. i•:c.11 :t,g"nt v.ili slsite her,"1rrttiun, hn8 come brick to me during
biting oIT n hoot, and n b. rse will these Months. and 1 am once more
sniff nt it and turn up his up; er 1i;) n happy, healthy wonl.tn. 1 melees
a. t hough it lind the most detestable
odor ( n tea fncn of the earth. i.n-
taken severed of the dealers at Cu- dodos told lila 1 could • get no re-
Careen.lief My untie was very dark and I
111 tho Windsor and Slough digin-' hot considerable blood, waking nut
tricts within the last few days farm- sea tvcttk 1 could scuro.•ly slain. I
errs were u:fcring what tvi+po.rcd to also )tsrd nut"
he thorougnly sound potatoes at D1 .8") relief.
a ton. upon condition that tho
pita -1 "Hearing of wonderful cures by
liar singes of Kidney Disease.
Formerly An Old Tartar City -
Sound of Machinery is
Hoard Everywhere.
"Baku has been called rho Jo-
hannesburg of Russia," says a
traveller. "If this 100411h8 a con -
glomera ion of many nationalili.•s
attracted by the riches of the soil.
ville, Ont.
Hie Majesty's Kind Ifelnembranco
of a Circus Veteran.
An acrobat's life is a hard one,
and few live to a great age. Henry
Johnson, of Grantham, England, is
nn exception, for he was born on
Christmas morning in 1805, and in
a few inonths will complete his
ninety-ninth year. (hely last week
this fart was brought to the know-
Ie(It;e of the King by the vicar of
Spittlegate. Grantham, who has se-
cuived the following reply from Buck-
ingham Palace:
Dear Sir, -1 have hnd the honor
of sttbtnitting your letter to the
King. together with the enclosure
which accompanied it. I ant com-
manded by his Majesty to thank you
for having brought the case of
Henry .iohnson to his notI04, and
he will will be gind if you will con-
gratulate him from the King, on
having attained 50 great an ng,',
together with the cxpre*r:lon of his
Majesty's lope that Johnson will
yet live for many years to conte. -
Yours faithfully, KNOLLVS.
After' being eight years with Sang-
er's Circus, .lohnson went into part-
nership with a celebrated Chinese
juggler, Alnll:liba, nn(1 together they
travelled the country. in 1860 they
were summoned to Buckingham Pal-
ace to perform before King William
IV., who was evidently much enter-
tained, for ho gave them each i50
and n royal license to perform LI
any market -piece nr town.
Johnson also appeared before the
Intl. queen Victoria and her mother,
the. Ruch s8 of Kent, and when the
King was Prince of Wales, he gave
a performance at Sandringhnin.
Leaves When You Quit and Use
A lady who unconsciously drifted
into r,Crtous prostration brought on
by coffer., onyx:
"I have ben a coffee drinker nil
my life, and used it regularly, three
times n day.
"A year r two ago i become sub-
ject to r.ervons neuralgia, atteac4S of
nervous headache told general nerv-
ous prostration which sot only in-
Cnpncilnted 1)10 for doing my house-
work, but frequently made it neas-
,nry for ma to remain in a dnl•k kn drops into 1h • 'alley of 14;1)1-1'i- Sex, But Bob Men.
room for two or three days at a the board of health ostfnutte:e rtes "Tommy. why is it that you are
titre, yearly lode from it at £225,000, but but. the most prnlih( oil field in tlh+•
world. The first thine thnt sIr.'.,-s lwne8 f'Khtiug tvUh little wink, A large number (f female foot-
"} employed several gond doctors, how it cunte to England is at pre- lhuel.irk?"
sent n tnyslery. one is the smell of petroleum in the pads, who to thefts sen 1e ,nJ, nnied
one after rho other, hut none of air -a mixture of k.ros n' told tar, f ateee 1i' rent) 1 ren as fast till by t'ir►lent es()1ulta, lke arts rel
The disenen is terribly cont iout,v
them was able to give the penman- guy, 'n' 1 can lick him."
ent relief. and th.' germ is rnrifed in 1l:e air, na a• nd decidedly pleasant. The n.xt recently in the police courts of
well 114 by the elotheo of attendant. thing rine notices is the innumerable Pnri• •• •1'rnnrn, These women du not
"Eight ulonthx ago rt friend seg- 1>v food, water, drains, drugs, nittl d• erricks, like wooden giro/fest. dot -
rel' 1h folks saner taken love contine their 11(1 Iinana to Ihyir mod
veer cats and flier, It differs er•ti feel ell over the %)1Ilev Th" sound story' foe• the:r guide is that it gen- seen. \fen also hate been attacker)
aro deadly pcjson, and the sleep they • form the majority of the population
give is unhealthy, unnatural and in- and supply the greater part of the
jurious. Your bnby will steel) and labor. A sprinkling of Russians
let you sleep if you treat it proper- hold official positions and a few ar.'
ly. In Baby's Own Tablets there is ( found ns clerks in the offices of num-
not an atom of poisonous "81(03)3 !crow; oil connpauics, Inc all 1)00104
stuff," and yet by their ben:efcent, ' have to i e kept, according to law,
healthy tction they give refreshing in the Russian language. The rest
sleep. They remove the cause, ant of the population is franc up of
the result is healthy, refreshing, life -
many nnticnnlitiers. in appearance
giving sleep frons which the little ono Baku, with its Ilan roofed houses, is
awakens bright and well. Mrs. S.
T. Douglas, Petitcodiac, N.11., says:
"My baby was troubled with consti-
pation, was restless and uneasy and
did not slay) well nt nights. 1 gave
him Baby's Own Tablets and the
Asiatic; only hero and there the
ponderous barrack -like buildings,
covered with sloping sheet -iron
painted green, and tho orthodox ca-
thedral, with its gilded) cupola, pro
change they rondo was wonderful. claim the Russian dominion. Viewed
They regulated the bowels and he from the Caspian, Baku is built on
sloping ground in the shape of an
irregular crescent, round an inlet
of the sen, formed by tato junction of
rho Apsheron peninsula with the
"In whet is called Iilacktown are
6itunted the hundred -odd refineries
to which the oil is brought in pips
from Italnkhany, nr in bargee; from
]iibi-Inline, across the bay. lien.,
too, are accumulated the vast stores
.11 nil in covered reservoirs called
authors. Day and night the thud of
the reining machinery never reuses;
any and night benzine, keromene,
ostaki end lubricating oils are pre-
pnrrvl for the Leta of the world.
Iilncktown adjoins Baku proper, the
mudcr•rt portion of which is compos-
ed of huge tenement honeys, standing
in narrow and not too clean street -•L
In the centre is the old walled Tar-
nr city, intersected by winding ul-
iqvs with Curious, flat -roofed, win-
dowless houses.
'}'AR'I'A!{ 5110I'KEl.:P :RS.
"Here the Tartar nterchanl4 spread
their wares on the pavement in front
of their shops, spending the day in
moving a number of colored beads
up and down it siting. or in hag-
gling over the pricy of the articles
they are only loo eager to sal.
now sleeps tree.} at night." If your
dealer (100:3 not kt.cp the Tablets send
25 cents to the 1)r. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, (ant., and a box
will bo sent you by mail postpaid.
Strange Scourge in Midland Dis-
tricts in England.
Pigs nre dying in hundreds in the
Cambridgeshire, England, fens from
a new and myslerinus disease hither-
to unknown in England.
In the parish of l'hutteris between
300 and 400) pigs terve died in three
weeks, and the infected area Is ex-
tending itself lith marvelous rapid-
ity in every direction.
One of the greatest suffers is n
young farmer mused Beading, who
has on Peveret uccesions hail to bury
fat swine a score at a 1itne. A great
pit is made, and the pigs are thrown
in and covered ttilh ',meld dug from
a {;rave in readiness for the next
Dozens of eottagers have lost their
only pig. and altogether the parish
is in a ptotic. i(o terribly shift is
the disease that the veterir:clry sur-
geons are heII)tc's. The swine be -
('onto drow'hy, in it tthurt time they
nre n toss of purple spots, and
death %usually occurs the following
The inspector of the honed of agri-
culture on ono %loll found nineteen
large pigs, worth £5 5s each, It, if 1, h t
is better than other Scars
but is best when used in
the Sunli;;ht way, %(,::�w
FIRST. -Die the a• gels
to le wuhr.t r11 a 11111 of
lukewarm water, draw• tt
out .11 a wasl.t..,ard and rob
4'.' s ap Iy,•htly cser it.
I%e panlcv,.r out to miss
sopor; all o.er. '3I1f.N
1.11 It in a $•c!.t roll, lay
1 . the tab under the w: ter,
and fro ten il.e .a-ue way
vita 1.3 the ;icres have the
.4a:) i'..'J'ue (1), and ate
re:!•1 up.
Then Vo away for
thnriy reieutea to one
hoer God let the "Skn•
Kehl"' beefs do its wtdU.
1!te r.:,1 cmc rut. the clothes
hihtly c',1 ona v.a•h board,
and the Girt wall dray
Out; tarn the xau,.ent in-
s .te ut to get at 1 lie scads.
but don't use any room
soap: don't scaMorbe1a
s n.;le piece. and don't
task throat b two Cads. 1f
the v.at.r ,i=ti ivo dirty,
pour a little out • e I add
fresh. of a streak Is hard
to wash, rub soave mese
ecu? on it, and throw
1 piece hack into the
fa fora tew mieures.
%TIN COMES }left:
whish as to be
done to lukewarm water,
taking spacial care to set
all the dety suds away,
then wring out tend Lang
lip Pith's..
roe Woolens and Elan-
nele pro(eeJ as follows :--
Shake the articles free from
Awe. Cut a tablet of
shssine•,ro-.r into a ealka
efbolisg water and *h: -k
tato a latitir. 'then fust
lu1ew*n, work articles in
the lati:..r tsithout rub -
bin;. Si""ecut dirty
water without twistias
and rirse th .roughly in tw•o
relays of lukewarm water.
Squeeye cut water without
twisting and hang in 11.0
Ftr-The most delicate
colors rnoy be safely
s�csit•'d in the Sun-
k lt1Ft" w.ty.
too "ere;
$5,00A REWARD will be paid
f to any person who
proves that temlieht beep C011.
tains any iniurluny chemicals
or any Lorin of adulteration.
Your Money Refunded by the
dealer from whorn you buy
Sunlight Soap if you find any
causo for complaint.
!You Don't Know Good Tea
Un'il you've tried
tioadsonistec Mir+t
It's FRESH, SI1, NATU'R:11. 1�RAGRAN(•I'. pleases the most critical, and
will be a R1:VELaT10N TO YOU.
Sl':'1i'l.lat5 LOW BATES 11'{x'1',
The Chicago and Nurtlt Western
Ity. will sell low 0110 tray seroed-
class settlers tickets daily fro...,
Sept. I5th to Oct. 31st, 1005, to
ipoints in Utah, Illontttna, Nevada,
Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Califor-
nia and British Columbia. trate from
'1'oroito to Vancouver, Victoria,
hew Westminster, 1t. C., Seattle,
Wash., or Portland, (ire., $42.25; to
San 1•'r•alieisco or Los Angeles, Cal.,
$14.00. Correspondingly low rates
from all points in Canada. Choice
of routes. )!est of service. her ;u!1
particulars and folders write to it.
11. Bennett, General Ai'vat, 2 East
King St., 'Toronto, Ont.
"Your father is certainly the po-
litest man i know'." "What makes
you say that?" "Iie's pretending
that he's cured of his dyspepsia in
order that he shall not hurt his
doctor's feelings."
Palos Curod In 3 to 6 nlahts. - ono
application gives relief. Or. Agnew 'x
Ointment Is a boon for Itching files,
or Mind, Bleeding I'ilos. It relieves
quick;y and permanently. In skin crap -
tions it stands without a rival. Thou-
sands of tcstin °wilds if you want evi-
dence. 38 cents. -23
A man naturally shrinks from a
ceremonious wedding. No ratan
relished finding out how [Here he is,
and still less does hu relish hating
it publishc'J to tho world
Where can I get some of Ilollowny's
Corn Cure? I was entirely cured of
my corns by this remedy and 1 wish
some more of it for my friends. So
writs Lir. J. W. Brown, Chicago.
"I menage to keep my boarders
longer than you (lo," said the first
landlady. "Oh, I cion't know," re-
joined the other. "You keep them
so thin that they look lolige'. than
they really are "
SCALD 11ItAD is a disgusting and obstinate'
disca_so, frequent in children. Treatment : Per-
fect cleanlina i4 and n gonernui application of
lfoaser' Cerato. Mothers will be glad to learn
i {fife -"Was that ishan ever a farm-
er?" husband -"No." Wife -"lint
M3nklanL Hord Yorkshiros
Good breeding stock (all ages) for
sale at reasonable prices.
}Fergus, Ont.
bad t This e a 'arcane , ., e
Y„nd VAT: ry:.re t, po'i eta se art lute to Id,
Mims gen till. Montreal,
Practical Every day lessons on
for 750: past It*IJ.
Boa i5, e:,la.t,tm. Oat
77 I( n.; East, Toronto,
l.tdi•'.' and \tixsei Fur ,end •
Fortino I Coate sup Jacket..
E+ary thing in Furs. Sen.}
Ms buy 8 m• Furs ani Oene:nj
Send for I'tku List.
IF' PiI p�
T1 11744
t.0. tear. .
Af11i�Pir rte �•u
HAMM:11 M:11 Qfii 1.
Wife (reading) -"Thiel magazine
says that handsome men are prover-
biully disagreeable " 1Iusband-
"llut, my dear, 1'01 sure I try my
best to be pleasant at ull .titles." --
It Will Prolong Life. -De Soto,
Spaniard, lust his life ht she wildq
Florida, %thither ho went for the
pose of discovering the Iegun
'Fountain of perpetual youth." bei
exist in shut then unknown roup
While Itr. Thomas' Aclectric OiI
not perpetuate youth, it will remove
bodily pains which make the young
before their time and harass the ng
into untimely paves.
Mrs. Prune -"I ain't seen your
he's always t•ilkiug'alrout the delights,hired girl of lute." Mrs. Pebbles--
living in the country." No the poor girl is gone Sint
Husband he tried to boil one of Iliram's ce11u-
never Willi
furnics what simile he load collars and it exploded, and we
never las a farmer."
• ain't seen her since.
1 For the Ocerworkcd.-What are the
'. causes of des) teary and melancholy?
A disordered liver is one cause and a
1111110 one. A disordered liver means n
disordered stomach, unit a disordered
etuuiucli means disturbance of the nerv-
ous system. This brings the whole body
Into subjection and the victim : •:Is rick
:i0 i'1' IS. all over. l'arniclee'n \'e,'etn'.le 1.11,.
we a recognised remedy .n this state
It is the girl who marries a rough anti rebel will follow their use.
diamond 11110 often gets the most
real diamonds to wear. A father going into his stable one
day found his little son, with a
1 l:CLAIt(that"Th 1) ,")lentholPlaster slate and pencil in his hand. astride
will cues lannhyto, R.ukuc , Sch..(104 ur Nounil- one6of the horses. "Why, Harry,"
refs Pauls quicker than any ether plaster. He-
comahuondod by eseryb.uiy. he exclnirned, "what are you do-
ing?" "Writing n cou)p081(10n,"
wns the reply. "Well, why don't
you write it in the house?" asked
1he father. "Because," answered
the little fellow, "the master told
rite to write a composition on a
Smm' people! seem to think happi-
ness is iohtrited, and they sit
around waitin' for suntethin' they
can only get by worlin'.
Parents buy llother flrn%es' Worm
Exterminator 111'14110.0 they I.nuw it is a
safe u/edicine for their children rind an
eacctual expeller of worms.
Most 01 our time is spent in get-
ting used to the things Ivo didn't
South Afroefeen Pkney Care k th.
only kidney treatment that ling tauten
equal to cores( all (hc et 11'. that nre
likely to 1..•(1.11 these phyricul regula-
tors. Ilum'•r, ds of tide Is In
prove the ,unitive merits of this liquid
apecifi'. if, c+e.' •• of nright's dis-
en 50, 411ubytes. irritation of the blad-
der. Intliaminnlion. dropsical lei, e:eney.
Don't dcluy.-22
To Starve le • Fallacy. -The
tuet to stop eating because you have
indigestion hits long since been explod-
ed. Lr. Von Mtnn's Pineapple fair
lets Introduced a new era in the trent.
silent of stomach troubles. It has
proved that one may cat his fill o1
anything and everything he relishes,
and enc 1ubt't token after the meal
will old the stomach In doing its work.
Gu in n box, .1:5 cents. -24
A colored philosopher say's there
is less luck in a rabbit's font than
there is in a chicken's foot -provid-
ing the rest of the fowl is attached.
ON THE SAI'!•: SIDE. firnliobt Beep is better than eller soaps,
...The hotel is s!) e•ro„.(h.d, sir, but is best robes seed in tie Ethaligt. woy.
that the best we call (In is to put lin>• huukgkt "AY 41:.d follow (i:ncLora.
you in the same roots with the {)•u-.
prietee." N•illi.•--"Alt, 11111 people leave
"'('hat will lie all right: just put ports of thentgelve4 in difit•reet plac-
('losc' up against the Fouthenn sail my v(tlunblc4 in the Suis, • Willie -"Well. Mr. .liggn staid hit WAN
e8?" Mn -"Ni,; don't hi' ridiculous."
a park ha8 been in id out. IL con -
twine the 0:)ly vegetation for miles oerething ll 2.,1,111;11' i t theTyrol / h
at n farmhouse. old three days later, arounr and it nen he greatest and toniulnined ,oder the greatest
nt the same place, there were fifteen
more carciuses. diftkultice, for the soil is barren and
'1711. Jiee Isy 'x variously k unsuitable. here each evening, in
BY BRIBING THE 1`i'ItVFS with optam
to ty stop a cough but the inflammation goo+ ft
bad 1•. wore. Alien's Lung ltateam, c.,ntand
n'. opium, goes to the root of tho tomb'. a
cure; weep -'sated afectloua of throat and lu
Nell -"]tut are you sure her com-
plexion's genuine?" ]lel le'-"I'oci-
fite. I saw the box; on the lid
it. said, 'None genuine without our
signature,' and there was the sig-
nature right enough."
DBStl or Lunacy seemed the only
tcrnatite for n well-known and
respected Indy of Wingham. On
had travelled over two contine
talo search jar a cure for ne
bility and dyspepsia. A file
mended Scuta American No
bottle helped, six bottles cur
own written l*icnony cl
these words: "It hat saved m
"Father," said anoinriuiring yo
"schen a h •n sits on an egg
Ihrec tveeks and it don't hatch.
the egg spoiled?" "As •nn ort isle
diet, my son, it is henceforth
failure; but for political purpos
has its uses."
Cholera morbus, tromps and kin
eon:pin0.ts annually make their
penience nt the same ti1h0 ns the
weat.,er. green fruit. cucentious, wet
etc., ar.d many persons nre dcha
Palm eating these tempting things,
they nerd not abstain it they have
.1. P. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
take 11 few drops in waler. It
the Estops and eholrrn 111 11 reinter
manner and is sure to check every
tutbaoc0 of the bowel.,
Poing Mother -"Now, 11
whom do you love most, pap
the?" Little linrold-"P
cru a urRntise.-- going o t►u or Is lung4. Young Mother -"Rut yesterday
To puree is Ilse ertcct of many said you loved ,113 Inose." I.
``lits now on .the runrket Parmelee'*
vegot*I'le !'ills nre More than a purge- wEAI(WATEIty nIAH)Dnanr4snn:ch tenable.. 1Ineol(1-"\•es; but I've thought
live. They strengthen the stomach. TAaf fired Jal.ng and fanny in .re aym inns over• sjnce and deeidel +hut w' • ludi
whet•) (tl.e• 1111• eenke" it. They full.. in is. wale. fry 1'e.nniu,.' it Is the
ekense the 11lnuJ by regulating Il,o 1i v- beet Ionic to tail• you etrung and well. All trust stick together."
druggl.t sell it. e
-----.�----• Faith
t nriwn nq er and kidre�s, and they rumuluto
entip.lfS-although it has nothing peaceful (1014.5, 1114' qunlit,v of Baku 1 u r {,u 0nny ound•. depress Au -
w' ler(: o .e , ,
in common with !lumen cryt•i!lelns, gntlier t4) discnsv acnndnl ar,d to eye thin(; of un tnlunous nature. testi for
except the reddening of the skin-- t• he latest V ogariees of Armenian wo t 01413eircomposition
l . Posters, coatis foto
swine typhus, and SI . Anthanees fire. men's (•3)8tume4. __
1t is common in Germany, where „Not far nwnv the road from ile UNAVOIDABLE.
Do Not Limit Attentions to Own
No bird, beast, 0r creeping thing
will touch it castor oil plant. It
seems to be rent: poison to all eni-
n 11St of rames o1 friends who can
vouch Inc the truth of the slate -
rusts w111 pass it try, thnu{;h they trent." Name given by I osiunl Co.,
may cat etery other green thin; in Battle ('reek, arch.
Asight. and there is no surer any to Th.re's a reason.
(!rive moles (way frorn n lawn than Tet, drier:' trial lent ing ofT cntT,'.•
to plant a Icer castor brans here and wing Postum is sufficient. All
and there. grocers.
un" orally end,/ jest before the lriethl.• and rubbed.
tially front the old swine fever, of machinery i4 heard everywhere as I)4.41111*
the work of boring HOW walls and
bailing the• completed ones pro-
cet•(18. "
('OI,Citrn 11(n 1►)•
A considerable industry has recent-
ly "wen developed in Sweden on the! "Now, let's see shout this pur-
batia sof nn invention mode l.,v Jos- trait w, let's
to mabe of Ivy wife,"
cph 1 hlster, an Austrian, wherehy
coloring matter ie forced into fresh• said Nuritrh. "Water -colors rub alit
cut wood. 1t takes the place of easy. don't they?""Oh, vee." re -
1 he
e.the snit, and gives to 11111 mood a plied 1)'Anber; "it must Ise in (111-"
brilliant color, which dors not fade "}fait n min•rte. .hist ton!.,. the
niter the wood 11)18 become xeasonorle heal end reek in oil an'I the (rets
Birch, bench, alder, ornate, elm. and
water-eolor. Then it'll be easy
lrneaanoa nre the varieties must sec- to Lrir,R 11 up to (tate every tints
eresfnlly tr.rend. The dye ran La the style changes."
forced through lengt hs of wood WS
great ns 'aft. When reasoned and
polished, the t010red wood presents
n beautiful nppenrance. and is large-
ly used for tanking furniture, and al-
to for the fittings of ships and tram-
If the Keiser is prudent he will
wait till his troops win n game from
the 11ottcnIota lo.fnre seriously at-
tempting to change the map of
Tan audacious robberies were com-
tnitted In the Boulevard Ilinenu the
other night. One of the vitt 11118 was
'n lady's maid named •1e.irute Peltier,
aged 221. Two young weinen etop-
prd her end ordered her to turn nut
her pocktt8.
One of there dealt her a violent
blow on the month. and then she
Wan L•eld down on the ground by
both. Iter watch 81.11 parse wsre
!alie, and she woe left in n duor-
tent' after beteg l.lrl.ed and other-
wise renl{:hly hnn,ii.s1.
In the other two Juliette Ben -
chard, a milliner. was also attacked
by two women. tier cries for help,
however. brought a tritet(r of po-
lice to the scene, and the girl'* n8-
sainlet s, two Women named Itupare
and !mortise, both ngcd 20, were are
You range! k.. esp1eted is have (.inti
Centimeter -4 Cur the Lung Tome, a, a cure 4e
0-A16, Cought ao l all dwa.es of the au rawasoN
if rot have not tied it. We live lath in 0, ad
to mnrixe you that it will cafe wr 80.11 tart
it. I1 it d,wn't cure you it cosh 1 ou .rouse,/ ■
it dew 0 cola rot tic. T►.a+ s
has cured n.l,y IhkuuAle ri the meet eletTreee
ceect,.nd wr & nat Leetate Ione that ,l widows,
for Celt. Cowell. 1}uoat r,r Loos noble. U .e
ted rat Worse Ina we would 1.4 esalsriloe 4.
abr,lutrlf as teed.. hie 1'x1 so uslxeAra
rev -,1 rI orae.. (1x thirty 71411. 11 F. waei
ee"y ro.•t'k lest wei.,utlsilt re. Isn't Out yc.f
(f , i c.ratt.4 amastia -r. l iotiu
it !mind in the mess t•sn+1.uls of these w',-, hew*
turd stele, sed tore cared. Mo. /sees. 1 s)ts.
/latah, fee , %titre : -
•' 1 leete.4 a 1,0:10 e1 nhilol1'1 C.wr.ra.-1ine. Cr*
eel l.,un'1 i1 very 6 -reheat'. 1 here t-,-, c u4 c,
sal tt ey lad a terrible rc.>tt.. 1 cave d»
ever 31 ins I •,>•.t1 (14,11 al, kw ih. y r.. no Isomesti cru ...mita my bahaad bouiht r. I ,sLr
Sh.1Ji. W- t..e it to the et:lh.-,
t.e,.4 13 1.1.6,1.1 (lei slept all erne: 11 ver
ears rotn5!rle!7. I nail always kc.5 et in lea
fouls.' Iwo
sW'rhaarelaee wl re.er emelt
ISSUE )IO, l::; -{);;Ps