Exeter Times, 1905-10-19, Page 5THE EXEn1ER TIMES, OCTO1 Eft tat.' taus;. Cedar Posts A large quantity of Cedar Posts for sale of the beet quality. Must be sold sat tince. • We would be pleated to quote you Sty prices on any Building material yoT may require. We con supply you with. Sash and Door Frames Lumber, Lath & Shingles on shortest notice In tact we are in a better position than ever to supply our many custom- ers with all they ,nay require either from shop or yards. Bee keepers supplies ready for delivery. Tanks made to order Wood for Sale Call and see the wood we have for sale. Just the kind you require for summer cooking. The Ros-Tdu1or G0. 11tt1. Notie& To Farmers and the Public in General • Aes As the fall is coming on • now gather up all your old + truck such as Rags, Rubbers, • Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, 'I' Old Rope, Bones, all kinds of old Iron, Brass, Copper, + Lead and Zinc, and take them down to M.JACKSON & SON Main -Stn Exeter. One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. That's where you will get the high- est cashp rice for them. + 4+++4•++++4•+4•+4.4'4'++4•+++++ Grist Mill CREDITON We are prepared to (10 Gristing and Chopping on shortest notice. We are making a splendid grade of Flour which is giv- ingL ((1IfDt i-atiSfa(t1( n rry our Flour. H. Switzer AVece table l'rcparationforAs- simitating Ire FoodandRegula- tiltg the Stam, zits and Bowels of • Prolrotes Ditgestion,Cheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opltlri,Morphitte nor Mln1 rat. NOT NlitCOTIC. A vnr,t/Old1J•SVMZEL 's' 11.,,94%N Jud - ILr.Jmn, • Rat(,:.'. Sits - ib,tie Jr.d /,,serial - hr rcedroN:?J.t3. 11:notJ:•d - a{'s-TA-d 1: 'r . itiszeir*.n Wow: Aperfcct Remedy for Constipe- lion, Sour Stontach,Diarrhoea, Wonns,C n uslon,,F(, erlsh ness and Loss OF SLEEP. FacSinlile Signature of NEW YORE. Atli rr,onths;Id_ j; DoSI.s-35-CLNT•s EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CASTORI For Infaints and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of u For Ov Thirty Yea CASTORI TN[ O.NTAYR CO,t•.NT. Mir T•ww O.T SALE REGISTER. Phursdhy, Oct. 26. 1905. Auction Sole of farm .shock and implements ort Lot 26, (ton. 6, Ueeorne, nt One o'clock 'hire. Thos. Cameron, Auct. Thus. Ginn, 1iropriettor . Wednesday, Oct. 25, 1905. Auction sale •of farm stock and implements en Lot 22, roreli Thames !toad. Us - borne at Ona o'clock elsorp. No re- serve. Thee. Cameron. Auctioneer, Andrew Gibson, Proprietor. Tie Usborne and Hibbert R Ifpon, your friends or relatives suffer with Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to Tat; Listotd: Co., zee King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain for you LEIBIG'SFITCURE Farmer's Mutual Fire Incur MORTGAGE SALE UGC Gompani Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS President: -T. RYAN, DUBLIN. P. 0. Vice -Pres.: J. A. Noaais CROMARTY P. 0. F. MORLEY, WIIALEN P. 0. W. II. YA88)1OIte, FARQUHAR P.O. Wm. ROY, BORNHOLM 1'. 0. I, L. Hesse:Le, RUSHRLDALE P. O. AGENTS. J. CAIt3[ICHAEL, STAFFA. ONT, A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT. I. Wii.soe, FULLARTON, ONT J. S. GiLFIi.t.AN, LUCAN, ONT B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. i GLADMAN & STANRr'RV, Solicitors I nrtHOMAS ('AUERON, CON VEY- MICIuICAL A aneer, will, dtewn, money to loan M. D . '1I. C on real estate, nbo I.Iccn>•dd Auctioneer for JW. BROWNING, the counticr rot Iluron and I'rrth. Charges . P. S„ Graduate Victoria 'Cid- moderate. Orders lett at the Stems eratrny 11ty, elec.)and residenence. Dominion re-idet:ce, Fesquhor w 111 receive ) rompt atter Uoratory, Exetsr. tion. DR. A. F. MALLOY, GRADUATE Toronto University. Former Stowe Surgeon to Toronto 'Western Ilospits1. Successor to ler. J. A. Rollins. Night call at Mete. F-I7.f,i DENTAL Il. KINVMAN. L. D.S. AND OpDR. A. lt. KiNSMAN. L. • D, 8. D. D 8., Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Dentist. Tenth exirac'ed without pain or bad after etfeete. Office in Fan eon's block. Nest side of Main IMO; Eactor' D.A. ANDERSON, (D. DENTIST. Hosier Graduate of the Toronto University aunt Royal college of Dental Surgeons of O,sl�rto, with honors Also lbst•1rsadnate of tAtaKo School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with tlrable mention. rything known to the Dental Profffiee,lon ■ this oce. Bridge work. crowns. al. nen. gold and vulcanite pplates all done instearemanner possible. A perfectis lets' anaeelhctic used for painlew' extras.e one door mouth of carting Bros +tore kisser, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN We have unllmtte3 private fund for Invest - set upon farm or village property at Lowes chs of Interest DI('KCON & ('ARLiNO Exeter fONEY TO LOAN. ESTRAY -Strayed on Lot 9, south boutlelary of Ilay, about July1st, 1905. a yeatrlinr tarn heifer. 'Ile owner can have rsame by proving property and paying costs by ap- ing to Andrew Campbell, Thaince road It 1'. 0. SALE . -Two . O -Tit o '3ood working' horses and ono driving horse. 2 sin;lc horse wagons, two sets heavy ain;lc harness. For further parts:- ulaapply rs a 1l y to hi I , nckaon, linin tat. FOR SALE - Lot S. Con. 3. 1's - borne, 100 acres. all under cul- tivation, 2 wells. On the property i ie a frame house, good bank barn,' one frame barn. For further par- ticulare apply to Jas. Essery, Exeter 1 P. 0. 1 SHORTHORNS FOR SALE - The ; undersigned has for sale oil Let 16, Con. 2, flay, n number of up-to-date thoroughbred Shorthorn bully. They are of the low set • blocky type, dark red in color and of choice breeding. They are ell elig- ible for registration, and will be sold; reasonably. - John Elder, Hensel, Ilse hive n I.) o n • snn ront ..f y. Nate funds to P, O. Dim�eg �farm and vli:Ago iv. l.et Llea at lowest*. M io7t� -t• Ol tlr\1AN A: :'TANRI' Parr! -ter. Notiditnrs. Main St. -of - IIOUSE AND THREE ACRES OF LAND IN CIIEDiTON Under and by vintuc of lets pow- ers contained in a certain Mort- gage, which %vitt be produced at time of sole there will fedi offered for sole by public auction, fly John Gill, auctioneer, on Ilhe premises ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1005. At 2 o'clock in oho 'afternoon the foliowin; property. viz : Part of t he South 11aif of Lot number Eleven in the Fifth COnce siell of the Town- ship of Stephen, in the County of Iluron. described as follows : Com- mencing at n point on the South Boundary of said Let at a distance of ten chains and thiriy-seven Iinke from the South-west corner of said Lot thence Northerly nine closing and (tighty links to the centre line of said Lot thence Eastward!). :don; said centro line three chains and six links, thence Southerly parallel with the Western Boundary of said Lot Nine chains and ni(lely links arriv- ing at side road, t hence Westerly alonz said aide road three chains :uta six links to the place of. (1e;innio3, contairuill; three acres Imre or less. TERMS. -Twenty per cent of lire purchase money on the day of male and the bakuice in thirty days ihere- aftcr wi(hout interest. Further particulates awl conditions of sale %vitt be made known on alio day of sale or may be had oar ;Ipp1,,;mien to the underei;Sed. JOHN GILL. Auctioneer, or GLADMAN & STANRitRY, Exeter Ont. Vendors Solicitors. 1)lied at Exeter this thirst day of October, SEWING MACHINES At Bargain Prices. WO are offering a 5 drawer, drop heats, guaranteed sewing machine for $21.00 Satisfac- tion guaranteed. — In Pians we still keep up Exeter. for sale, being Lot 11; C'oncee- 011i' record. Iii li grade sion 10, t'sbornc. Farm well fenced, 11)1.1108 fit prices other dealers 1 1 I i7Y FARM FOR SALE. --100 icrd' firm DiCKSON & ('ARLiNG, in rood condition. well drained with orchard, his windrnill, lar ge frame I ask y0ll for ill ('rior goods. issrrlaer• S3'Icitor. Notes -lee, Cenvegnee-,• Bank. Etc.M Mosey to Loan at lowest noes of Internet. Oomml,-I flees. ts.;Reston• for the ol'.ot.� OP'PICk:-II AIN STREET, BXKTI•:R. e. U CaftLT110 it A. 1. n. DICRaON house, bank barn with z,lvanixed ('ollie and see us we will roof ; eellar under louse, ono mile from \VLnchelsea, near school, church. interest you sure. and market. ler further partici-' SON I. I• apply to W. ('emery, Winched. se MARTIN & SON r To Cure a Cold in One Day rivecgt,,. Laxative 8romo Quinine T.wea. �� °* ,► Irma() low �T� Palm bases sok, r past 13 tleoslbs. This signature, w. /rrvt. box. ase. EXETER PUBLIC SC11001. 1)O:\111; Four of the six Iucutbcr,: of the ' Bolo! found .their places .t route! tt.•• west essi t : W'e of the comfortable ' lit tie :skiing room of dhe Public Library on bionday night. last. Ales- srs .11, llueston an't 8. Martin were I no: Ihore but the proccedinzs pro - i ceseded. From the Secretary's mote book we 1.; loin the following. bliss; eicLe•tn, of 1)un t tIloon euppLiee for Miss Vesper t o 1 ho end of t ho year. She comes with an excellent recorn- mend. bliss+ Carling keeps I. ho tvork well in trunci still in bliss Irwin', lite deportulent and it is hoped will be able 40.rcnutin until the incoming of bliss Jeckell. Tli aro is ,n ring of honor in connection with 4 h :Islay 1 in filling Ivor enga;cruetrt here which rhaubl not spasm unnoticed. \1'e learn that when Miss Jeekcll's re,i;-I nation tvae tendered in order to ac- cept her appointment to the Exeter) staff, an immediate release was of - forest by her trustees. To her hen- ce-, be it said, this wars refused. and the full term of notice required in hoe agreement iy Ix'inx ri;idly ob• s'rvedl in order t hat her present school may not suffer throu;h haste in selectins a successor. When one remembers that the Make in ques- tion would bo tlw possible Ios3 of her appointment here. one appreci- ates much more this refreshing evi- dence first honor still lives and has its followers. Our board can well afford to wait every possible moment for teacher; of this class. Miss Ir- win and Mise Vospor arc to receive their full rick benefit. The Times account cf 515.60 far reports i'tc. were passed: U. Handford gets 55 for _gravel supplied. The ,grants have been receivod and the finances of our school aro in excellent shape. W. J. Carlin; proved (he adjourn- ment. 1 1RR.TON -Miss Alice Gourley after a visit of four months spent with relatives in else Territories and bfanitooa re- turned hone last week much ucnc- (It led by ,lite trip - A we5I known travelling tnan who visits the drug trade Hays ire has often heard dru_ nits enquire of customers who asked for a cough medicine, whether it was wanted for a child or for tan adult, and if for a childthey almost invariably recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The reason for this is t hat they knots there is no denser: from it and that it always cures. There is not t he least clanger in givin; it, and for coughs, colds and; croup it is untaurpassed. For sale in Exe- ter by W. 8 .Ito vey. AUCTION SALE -ef- FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Mr. Thos. Cameron has leen in- structed to sell by public Auction on LOT 22. NORTII THAMES ROAD Usborne on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 25. 1905 At one o'clock sharp the following valuable property. viz : HORSES t span geldings, 4 years old, agri. cultural. 1 first class driving marc, 7 years old. sired by Dalberg, imported standard bred, supposed to be in foal. 1 two year old gelding, chestnut from above marc, sired by the hackney stallion Connaught's Heir. t foal, sired by Itavola. t good working mare. CATTLE 2 cows, due to call iii November I cow, due to calf in January. 1 cow, with calf at foot. 20 short keep steers, 3 year old. 20 two year old steers, good feeders. 10 one year old steers 3 fat heifers, 3 year old. 7 two year old heifers. 3 one year old heifers. HOGS 4 thoroughbred bcrksl'ire soles, 6 months old. Altos a Ii1:,1 of implements TERMS. -All sums of $10.00 and under c ash. Over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on fur- niehing approved joint notes. A c off .for - •cr cent. discount of five p cash on o:edit amounts. T. CA '1ERON, AN nitE\V G1BSON AuctSone sr 1'roprietor "Reda"Furnace b •.ade in Canada." rs designed by Can- adians, who know Can- adian winters. It is built in Canada, in a Canadian foundry, by Canadian workmen. • ...The patent " Hecla " fused joint—that docs away with bolts and ce- ment—and makes the '•' Hecla" dustproof, and smokeproof—is a Can- adian invention. When you pay for a "Hecla`' Furnace, none of the money goes for duty and eueessive freight charges. Stop in and let's have a furnace talk. letal Agent H. SPACKMAN ININNIMO Just Fruit. There's no "medicine" in "Frnit- a-tives,"-no drugs -no poisons "bruit-a-tives" are the curative principles of fruit juices, comma - sed into tablets. It's the sutxirel process of preparing them, that makes "Fruit -a -fives" so much more effective than the fresh fruit or Fruit Liver Tablet* cure Constipation, Biliousseess,4'or- pid Liver, Bilious Headaches, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, $ladder end Kidney Troubles, just as nature Intee,ppded these to be cured -with fruli. Cure yourself with Nature's cure that never fails. At your druggist's. Sae. a box. FRt)1'TATIV'e-s. Limited. OTTAWA. - The ei4ht1 annual convention of Huron Ca. ll'. (1. T. 11. twos held in Ex el er c•n Oat. 5111 & 601. Tho con- vontio Strom islse opted's; prayer to else fi1.t1 benediction twos a decide,! success, INA h as to number of dole- ;:►ins and interest taken in Cho work Superintmet silts repast a decided improvement iia the working of the different. branches, %Idle the num- ber of lad.a s who attended during session; Showed ;n ;rrowinz interest in Temperance work. One very isle:min; feature twos the platform tncfIir:; ou '1') lsrs,h ' evening. A very cordial welcome was accorded the dole, Iles iry the pastor of James surest church. ltov. Goin,. The meeting tans irresided over by Are. 'Achee.on, Go. Pros., Airs. Pau- lin, retiring fres., made a few vc' y timely rerlr.auk't, :1 b,o z1'.5ei lugs :rens Airs. Von, S eta taffy of T. work of western Onialit). attested to her in- terest in 111.' work. Music ;,y the cheese• and solwa by Ile Misses Mar- tin rind Illist on enlivened rho i•To- 31:1'.tu. The interest r.f 1he cvenin_, however, cul ' :ttcd in the addre-. of I'he Itrovinai'1 President. Airs. bloKee. Her clash and lues:l (txpees- ation of t ire temperance sit tuition woe sears bit erest in;, especially so cora rain , public house trusts, weich seems to be Inerrlcintss 1111 at present. 'Undoubtedly two factors in Rhe success of the conventio. were the beautiful weather, which vas simply perfect. and 1 he ins's. Ins presence of our i'rovincial Presi- dent. Bev. blr. Green's final ad - Humidor' Lo delegales ss ill not soon tie for -4.0:11m. We believe tb•It the influence of !itis most successful con- tention will result in .:n forward movement in Temperance work in Exeter end vicinity. -Airs. i1. lis,+lp- 'r, 1'... r •r.. ^secs. %1 ltUCll .1 .'ui Hey. so, •e.::y d?sposed • d • trey tenni o Air. David Dunne - title. of Seaford:. for 5350.00 and L•'s bnou;ltd aloe her team from ;i tl:tty (asst of ll:'no t'.1. -\1,r. FIer1 IIes;. lxatdway 5511it t • system of s1 ttc'rtworks 1►e is iris A tares. .mount of work ie t . quires" to di: the l.rcnche.v for 1. t.. vitt ; the 1:;3v utizod iron pipes. -Air. and Airs. 1t. S .it:chardson, of Exeter, visited Is .: ivies in the till ge cn Surest -1y . -Aire Broken. - Oa Saturday Oat. 7t1i, \Ir. Jacob Wurnt, met with a serious accident, lie was hateir. • s^:h freest else hi. swamp ao ::'I up '4 r. Wrn. Howie is lithe. ll. 1:,111 just .,ono for another loud -ti:d w11!e turning round the front wheel ruck a stump causing a sudden �u'•t 1hrowin7 him •on the ground, f ::tires on his left it iid and It:. .3 bum bum at the is•rkt. DR. THOS. J. BARNARDO. Dr. Thos. J. Ila rna rdo. Short Sketch of the Lilo oft This Ite- ut irkabl° Philanthropist, the Fat her of Nobody's Children'. Certainly aro other man can claim to have done Store for his country, for the world and for God than this ;rent philanthropist, and no presi-, dent. emperor or kin; has er ever will be more widely mourned than he. north. south, east and west ;.few countries there are who can say "our people have received :t•s help from Barnardo." As I sit and write i r::n recall the faces of boys whore I have come in personal contact with, who have come from almost every country in the world and been helped on and up in life by the institution of wls{eh 1)r. Barnardo was the founder and director. At least one church 171'•,1 America has to thank Dr- Barnard() (humanly speaking) Jor their beloved east or and how many more mission- aries and ministers of tho Co.+fret to- day, Iool: back t:., the time when 1)r. Barnardo stretched forth the loving hand that lifted them out of the dense darkness of poverty and dles- poir and gave then the prospect: of a tri;ht and useful future and fee- t rades etetrades or professions there are that cannot show the result of Dr. liar- n:t.rdo's work-in t ho shape of a prosperous Ilarnarr',o girl or boy. • BORN II1CKS. -Centralia. Oct, Oth, the wife of Andrew Hicks, a daughter. \VEIN -In Stephen, Oct. lith the wife of Gottfred Wein, a daughter. NICHOLS-In Stephen, the wife of Alfred Nichols a son. DIED ISARD-At Kincardine, on ()Sober 10th, 1905, MI'. A. Isard, forth rly of Usborne, in his 70th year. • Farmers' Poultry We want ah your Poultry, alive or dressed, and will pay the HIghest Prices Ior it. Quotations sent promptly ) 1 request. FLAVELLES, LIMITED LONDON - ant -r I1USSEL1)ALE -`,Ir .•ted Airs. '11.:•-. \Vintricot 1 alld .t i11 :liter Barbara leave on Sat - 'ur.! iy for Lethbrid;e, Alberta, 11 their son William, who proceeded t hem 8 years a;o . -Newton. eldest eon of Mr. and Airs. Frank Pt Whom. who has bees] with pneumonia. we are 'rind to hear iv itnvsrovit►; nicely -Jean, oldest dau;htor of Mr. and Aire. Geor;c Balfour, of .\Volselcy, Hike.... is !Ai►ttrl; for a couple of months with her •tran+l-mother, Mrs. James Balfour, and other relatives. -Mrs. Atex Hod rent and Hon Vert 'pent Last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Good. near Motherwell. -Rev. Gots' in, of Exeter, preached) nliseionargf s(rmons in the Fullerton oircuit on Sunday. -Air. and Mrs. Arch. F. liodzert, of Exeter. event Sunday at Floral Hower ; also Mentors Johne and Fos- ter Bray and Thomas 1(od7ert, of Farquhar. --A ness, bsdtoved wife cf Air. \\-m. !tweeds! phased ipencefully nway to the zroot unknown ion Saturday rritilt. Funeral look place on Tues- day at 1 o'clock in Roy's cemetery. -Vert Il:lsket Is, who has been working for Mr. AI(. Dow for the summer met with n very Serious ac- cident on Tuesday hut. While in rhe act of rr:potirint the windmill he tot eausht .in Zile zesvrinr and it wily nearly an hour before ho was extri- cated, and as noon ns poesiblie he WAS driven to Dr. Proudfoot and upon examination it was found necessary to amputate three tinzcr, and par: of the first of the left hind. At d resrnt the yawn z ni 1n lailrt nicely. CAA T CIS 1V- 41.. Bears theTri 1( 1 'tau Han Pleat BetelBloater, e( Itis Health %Vas Wrecked, Pe-ru-na Gave New Mfrs, HON. JOHN TIGNE. Assemblyman Tighe's letter should be read by every brain worker leadhra► a strenuous Ills. Hon. John Tighe, No.98 Itemsen Sks Cohoes, N. Y., Member of Assembly from the Fourth district, Albanyconnty, N. Y., writes as follows: "Pernaa has my hearty indorsement as a restorative tonic of superior merit, At times when I have been completed, broken down from excess of work, se that my faculties seemed actuaity at standstill, Peruna has acted a:: a heall restorer, starting the machinery of m and body afresh with new life energy. "I recommend it to a man tired mind and body as a tonic superior anything I know of and well wor serious consideration." -J. 'Tighe. Excuse of work so common in oulr country causes impaired nerves, leading to catarrh and catarrhal nervousness -- a disease that is responsible for half of all nervous troubles. Peruna cures this trouble because it. cures catarrh wherever located. If you do not derive prompt and es factory results from the use of Pe write at once to Dr. Hartman, gt full statement of yon.: case, and h bo pleased to give you his valnab vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President The Hartman Sanitarin m, Columbus, 11 E N -\ r. r. Teo rrDIV( trt:ary cervices of the ilettua•lt Alcthsod?et church will )v :d Sunday Nov. 5t h, Itov. M. \\','Fon, 11. A.. of Tccs.wLitor, - duct il: z the re rrvices. -Mr. I1. i3. Gn.s", 0 .T. 1)snfi•'d, accd'm;.atticd by .Lis fa left Lure 'Monday for Detroit Toronto on .t two weeks' host tens. LONG ago we realize•, that the baking and roast- ing qualities of the ov)•n of a range are of greatest importance to the range user. We brought our knowledge, gained by years of experience, to bear on this one point. The result was the Imperial Oxford Diffusive Oven Flue. With this exclusive feature, the Imperial Oxford stands to -day the m perfect baking and roasting range on the market. After getting this most important feature of a to such a point of perfection we naturally did neglect any other improvement which could a the working of the range. Throe improv were incorporated in the Imperial Oxford Range i, cause they added to the life .,f the range,simplified its operation or economized fuel. Of these improvements the draw.out oven rack is onewhich will instantly appeal to the cook. The handle of this rack is outside the range -always cool enough to hold with the tare hand. Ity pulling this handle forward anything roasting in the oven mat be drascn out onto the oven shelf to be basted, without touching the hot pan or reaching into the oven. Thc same applies to the testing of bread, cake or pie;. We would like you to see the Imperial Oxford Range. If your dealer doesn't handle it. write us for illustrated literature and the address of the nearest dealer who docs. 15 The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOI:VRR Sold by '1'. HAWKINS & t•ON, Exeter. THE ONLY TOOLS YOU'LL NEED • The Easiest to Put On ! The Surest to Stay On i The Best to Wear Well! Eve i;r stamped with the tgcle nark—"The Two Hands "-• Ouaranteld fOP a year and made to stead much longer service. THE DUNLOP TIRE CO., LIMITED /T, JO$X V& COVY>0>R TO11071T0 WfsNIrcu $ION