Exeter Times, 1905-10-19, Page 2THE WORLD'S MARKETS
Prices of Cattle, - Grain, Cheese.
and Other :;airy Product
at 'Ionia and Abroad.
Toronto, (tet. 17. -Wheat -The of-
ferings of Ontario grades are more
littered. No. 2 white is quoted out-
side at 75 to 751c, No. 2 red at
74 to 741e, and 'Mated at 7i1 to
79c. Combo wheat, 67 to (18c out-
side. New No. 1 hard is firmer at.
86;e, Georgian Pay ports; No. 1
Northern nt 831c, and No. 2 Nor-
thern at 82c.
Oats -Sales of No. 2 at 32 to 3:k -+
low freights.
Barley -No. 2 quoted at 47 to •18c;
No. 3 extra at 45 to 4(ic, and No. Physician Applies Heroic Cure to
8 at 42 to •13c at outside pointe. Tortured Boy.
Peas -Sales of No. 2 at 69 to 70c
north and west. A Philadelphia despatch . says: -A
Corn -Tho market for Canadian is treatment apl•lied to u case of core -
dull. Ain...M an corn dull, no sales : bro spinet meningitis by 1)r. Otis L.
being repo ted. Win;;ute, has awakened the ii:terett
(Buckwheat -Tho market is quiet at of local medical circles. lie was call -
about 50c outside. ed in un SWcdeesday to atteu.I !tarry
Rye -1u. 2 quoted at 60 to Ole Schuehel, ton years old. of No. 817
west. Bucknell street. lir. Witig::te could
Flour -Ninety per cent. patents find no trace of tetanus, although the
made of .tow wheat for export. are 'boy's back was bent in tho form of
quoted at 53 to 53.10 in buyers' a bow and a careful ciagnesis re -
sacks at outside points; do. in bbls. waled prouounce(1 symptunis of
53.45 to $3.50. Manitoba flours me. meningitis.
changed; No. 1 patents. 54.00 to 55; Tho disease had reached u stage
No. 2 patents, 54.50 to 54.70, and which demanded the most heroic
strong bakers' at 54.40 to 54.60. treatment, and Dr. Wingate decided
Manitoba flour, trade of new wheat, to resort to the •'Cartaret rod." In- _
int -t+isle, and 1 -in. thick; the back,
quoted as follows: -No. 1 patents, cisiun was made in the boy's Lack
54.50; No. 2, 54.30, and strong and the rod, heated so us to burr top neat front slats are the same
bakers', 44.20 on track, Toronto. the flesh, was inserted along the width, but only 1 -in. thick. Two
Milltetd-At outside points bran spinal column. The e:Tect was vir- inch apaeis between the alms in
is quoted at $12, and shorts at 516 tunny instantaneous. The muscles, front enable the chickens to oat.
to 517. Manitoba bran in sacks, 510 whish had become rigid, relaxed and from the trough. The buttery slats
and shorts at 519.
TButchers', picked
1►0., choice .. 4.00 4.501 t ta.utlru 1 UG
Du., niediusu .. ..... 3.60 3.7 5 .---_
Do., light • 2.75 3.00 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FATTEN -
1)o., bulls ... ... '2.00 2.'251 ING THEM IN CRATES.
Stockers, Attlee ... 3.00 8 '=s
Do., cunuuun .. .... '_.00 -' _' Bulletin No. 7 Deals With Feeding
Do., hulls 2 '25 J, r
Heavy feeders 3.L0 :t 70
Short -keep ... ... 3.75 4.00
Milch cows, choice 41).00 5(1.00
Do., common ...28.00 33.001
Sheep, export, ewes ... 3.85 -1.1ct
1)o., bucks •., 3.00
Lambs, per cwt.
Calves each
Do., per cwt
4.15 4.25- •, •••• -••••- •'•••••-••--'^!and the troughs cleaned and turned
over three tines a day. Give theut
water twice a day and grit twice or
three times a wet•k.
Balance of the t ince:-=1'he chickens
should be gitea twice n eats' us much
food us they wi11 cat. !lull un hour
after feeding. the trough should he
cleant'iI and turned over. Witter and
> , i lir
grit should bu supplied littd ns in the, et
and Preparing Poultry for
Spring chicks usually br ing about
seven cents her potted lite weight,
x.50 when sold without leiceia1 propara-
8.5U tion. A little feeding trill gine theta figures for the (lust centres of menu-
"' an extra market value whether sold another. This habit is caused by an his party entered Imperial carriages K
10.90 novo or dressed, and will Lay well irritation of the roots of the feathers and were driven through the streets, !facturinK:-
00 for the trouble. 'there is tt good resulting (rout overheated blued or lined by thousaids of people. t0 ' tient mein -Value sof manufactured
6 demand this year for a good quuhty, parasites. rho remedy is to remove itlbiya Park, where the Mayor of 1'rut:utts in 1901, 571.099.750, num-
ig,lo is •a 0.00 but deal.•rs do nut want the our the affected chickens and feed the Tokio gave u garden party in honor leo of estnbIi hments, 9:12;; capital
I u ,lights and fats 6.00 0.00 scrub. Farmers will do well to put others more skim tuilk in their mash- of tho distinguished visitors. ; employed, S5. ,148,6(11; number of
their chicks on the market in good es, or add unimpal and veeetablo food The streets were decorated with t•iiiployees, 4.1,633; wages, 517,810.-
coedition: one can mutko it pound of to the ration. 11 the trouble is flags and !lowers to an extent which :356.
recalled the rejoicings over the .lap- Toronto -Value of products, $5N. -
timer victories in Lite Russian wan•; 415,4118; number of establishments,
the difference to -day being that the' R-17; capital emtployetl, 552,114,042;
British t'nion Jean was everywhere number of employees, 42,515; waged
in evidence. The farting of depression paid, 515,505,466.
of the last few weeks had completely i Hamilton -Value of products, $17,-
disappeurtd, and had 'Hoot ro;,lacat 122,:146; number of establish►nents,
by one of buy.tnt good humor. 230; capital employed, $1:3,4'.1.1,95:3;
The programme included hrcworks. number of employees, 10,106; wages
fencing, Iia iitsu and wrestling. paid, 51,051,'592.
Many bawls played continuously dur- i Quebec -Value of products, 519,-
ing the athletic exercises Prior to 779.5.16; number of establishments
the commencement of the programme ,�., Hai employed, 5s.588,739;
Chickens fattening in crates s01110-
tivas pluck the furthers from one
Scenes of Great Enthusiasm at ,What the Industrial Census of
Tokio. Canada Brought Out.
A Tokio 4h -switch says: Vick -Ad- The census valuta.• dealing with
u'iral Sir Gerard fleury \Lel, cunt- trnanutactures shows that of the
ntauuling the British squadron :. w 344,035 industrial operatives of
at Yokohama. and a numerous suite \ Canada no less than on.• thind lived
arrived here on 'Thursday by special in Montreal and 'Toronto in lt)c►1,
train from: Yokohama. and was re- 1 the census year. The value of foo -
1 at the railroad station by tory products was 5481.053,3715. anti
otlicials. After an exchange of I of that the two chief cities productel
greetings the ltrit:rh Admiral and 129 pt'r cent. Following are the
chicken as cheaply as he can lura' o rt caused by parasites the suites can be
pound t f pork cr beef, and the dif- found among the white powdery mmut-
ference sh.,ws in the pi -ire. 1f you ter at the base at the quill. A sul-
have not customers already, ship phut and lard ointment should Le
only to reliable produce tuerehunts. applied to the affected parts.
If shipping elft° one must allow for .--♦_
considerable shrinkage.
in use at the illustration stations Dirigible Balloon Successfully
aro 6 ft. long, 16 in. V. ido and 20
Tried in France.
in. high, inside nteasureutcnts. Each
crate is Monied by two tight wood- A desp'►:(It from 'tool. France.
en partitions into three comport- says:-Thc liege ',chattily dirigible
meats. and each compartment. holds balloon, con.etructed un er the pat -
four chickens. The frame pieces aro ronngo of the War Office, made its
2 in. wide, nn(1 1 -inch thick. 'Ibis first suctesstul ascent on Thnrs'!ay
frame is covered with slats, placed with some chief engineers and a
lengthwise on threw sides, bottom, party of officers, who made an ex -
back and top, --and up and down on tensive rcconnaisance of the military
front. The Mats for the bottom aro defences front 'tool to Nancy, on the
Gentian frontier. The balloon as -
Apples -Choice stock, 51.50 to $2
per bbl., and cookiug apples, 11 to
11 .25.
Beans -The market is firm; hand-
picked, 51.75; prime, 51.60 to 51.-
Iloney-The market is steady at
61 to 71c for strained, and $1.50 to
52 per dozen combs.
een(Ied about 655 yards, passing over
Fort Vendreville and the defensive
works in Ilaye Forest. On retching
the barracks at. Blandon the balloon
turned hack and went directly to
the limbs were no lower drawn back- aro 11 in. apart, and the slat near- ,Tout, where it descended in the and were everywhere treated with 638,(SNB; number of establishments,
est the hack is 21 in. from the corn- midst of ct crowd of enthusiastic en-
wnrd rbye '.he terrible pain. Tho pa. the greatest friendship. 208; capital employed, 510.358,711;
er piece. 'rho bottom slats aro lac- incus, 3fficers, and soldiers. The
tient regained consciousness and is 1 P KA. dinner attended by one hundred number of eruployees, 6,886; wages
ed on the top of the bottom pieces of distance covered was about 30 miles
apparently on the road to complete British otihers was given at the paid, 52,414,822.
recovery. the frame to prevent the chickens' at the tato of 28 miles an hour. Tho Maple Club nt night. The diuuer, Then follow in the order named
♦ feet being bruised when the crate is officers made inspections of the forts
which was served by Japanese girls, iialifax, St. .lobo, Brantford, Van -
placed on the ground. The top and took photographs of thein, thus daintily env cel, was followed by
A PANIC IN MOSCOW. Mats aro 2 inches apart. and the establishinthe merits of the dirigi_ couver, Guelph and Victoria.
_ an informal dance. The town at
back slats 11 inch. 'rhe top slats ble balloon for war purpcscs.
Entire Families Are Leavingthe partitionnight was brilliantly illuminated.
aro cut above each and six CATTLE THEFT SCANDAL.
Old Capital. strips two inches wide are nailed til- 4•
The St. Petersburg correspondent der them. rhe three doors so formed HOTTENTOTS RUSH CAMP. A PROFIT-SHARING SCHEME Operations of Raiders Along the
of '1'1to London 'Pintos cables: -The are hinged to the rear corner piece. -- Border Exposed.
Hops -rho market•is steady at 18 expected extension of the strike The crates are }>Incedl on stands 161 German Officers and Soldiers Kill -
to 2Ac per Ile movement in Moscow followin • the in. from the ground. The droppings ed by Assailants. B. C. Electric Railway Company A despatch from Fargo, N. D.,
Hny-Car lots of No. 1 timothy b no rucclvod nn sand or other nl ser Makes Workmen Happy. says: A big sensation Is brewing in
aro quoted at $8 to $8.50 on track thing like a panic. Whole families agency from (ape Town says than a I. the northwest which promises to in -
1t Vnnceuver, B.C., des etch says:
volve runny well-known men in a
here, and No. 2 at 80 to $6..,11. 21 in Inside h+•o bracer t '1't British Columbia 1 1(•rtrc Hall -
Straw -Car lots quoted at $.6 on
the Muyor delivered a speech h of wet- 'o; cap t
conte. Ilo said he was honored ami number of employers, 0,384; wages
delighted to rercive an Admiral of a Pnid, 53,10:1,518.
$8, -
navy with such tt brilliant history Winnipeg -Value of products, and belonging to a country which 616,2-18: number of establishments,
Japan was proud to call her ally in 1-03; capital employed, $4,67'3,214;
guarding the peace of the Orient. Ile nuniber of employees, 3,155; wages
regretted that 'Tokio was unable Paid, 51,810,845.
more adequately to express the sin- London -Value of products. 58,-
cority of Japan's welcome. Admiral 122,185; number of establishments,
Noel replied briefly. Both speeches 120; capital employed, 56,824,574;
were onthusinstically applauded. number of employees, 5,675; wages
During the day about 1,000 Brite paid, $2,249.186.
fsh sailors and marines arrived here Ottawa -Value of products, $7, -
recent disturbance has caused some- 1 _ .\ despatch to a London Wows
bent material. A light. 'V" tough
are deserting the old capital. Trains carriedons telegram from Ossington gives the -The conspiracy to rustle along the North
hero crowded and return al- nailer! to the cods of the crate, is information that the llottentot way Company has Just. distributed
truck, Toronto. Most empty, but the authorities ap- placed in front of each crate. The. ,•blots, Marengo and Morris capture 1 517,000 to She men in its employ in 1lukotu, Montana and Canadian
...Potatoes -Ontario stuck, 55 to 65c patently expect no serious tool>l(•. bottom of the trough is 4in. above the German camp at .lernsulem, he the shape of a co-operative diVido,a,l borders,
oer bag. and New Brunswick, 65 to Strikes were reported to have begun the floor and the upper inside edge is ttvcrn ,.'around and Snndrift, tiouth_ Every man in the service gets 54(1. W. Il. Denney, cashier of the First
70c per bag on track. at St. Petersburg, but the city is re- =' in. from the crate. west Africa, after severe fighting. in' last year's dividend to the employees Notional Bank of Williston, teas ar-
t toe poultry -Fat hens, 6 to 7c; SI'1'Lr \TION OF CRAT'F,S• 1 which a lieutenant, five soldiers an'l netted each mnn 185, and the pret- rested on Tuesday and bound over
marknbly quiet. 'this is prolrnbly , on a charge of receivin
thin, b to Cc; tat chickens, 7 to Sc• cite to the extaordinary tolerance of In waren weather the crates should n farmmer were killed on the (:ernmt)t ions one 525. The dividend is pail 6 K stolen
thin, 6 to 7c; ducks, 7 to 8c; turkeys tho Government toward pi tic meet- be placed outdoors in a sheltered side, and eight tnea were seriously from a f 1 set aside after the pay_ horses, knowing them to have been
18c; all live weight' in s, which are dailyheld in the var- t ment of a four -per -cent. to the share- stolen. A posse, pursuing cattle
K•position. in unsettled weather it is w•oun,lotd. Tho llut.tentots, it s 1
sous academic estaliishmenta 111 advisable to construct a rough stated, suffered no losses, anti cap holders. It consists of este-third of rustlers killed a man who was run-
1'fiF. I):IlI(\' M. UKF:I' which political Views 1141(1 opinions board shelter to shed the rain: or ! Lured all the stock and the stores.: the net remainder after that disti 1- ring 08 a herd of cattle. and on his
nutter -Pound rolls are jobting at of even the most advanced character the crates might be carried into a Several Germans were captured by button of profits. perw)n were found letters which led
20 to 21c; tufts, good to choice, 18 are freely expressed. Father John ' shod or barn. During cold weather the Hottentots, but were allowed to =_T to the banker's arrest.
to 20e, and inferior, 16 to 17c, f h" t It 1 ' 1should 1 1 1 L ft tl t 1 1 r (lis tem vl For three years an organized band
breantery prints sell of 23 to 24c, of cattle and horse thloves have
and solids at 22 to 23. ♦ tint rs redui►ed nt all tunes. nor of 't ma S t! \f i raided the herds of ranchers and run
Eggs -Sales at 18 to 19c per dozen the stock to various localities, where
In case lots; splits, 16 to 161c. ► d 1 t t r t 1 rk t at tl c ter from► (hof 1ltatkngu statin!; that Must Go to Jatl. it has been shipped to eastern mtar-
Cheese-Phe market is quiet and - uu gt duo r .eblc age they should 1 o tt II tt t t is vc r• tit n posttiun to kets, th.e 'mime's being divided
\ 1 etuboruugh desp11teh says.
among the clique. It is said that a
United Stntes official and several
prominent business men are involved
and exposures are daily expected.
o tons n is prate :mg sern►or.s the crates 1 e placed n
return after they is been • • e • 'j'HREE MONTHS FOR GOW.
against the reform movement. wnrat building. Abundant ventila- bearing to (:en. von Trotha. Gover'- i
- German n , ou t -west Africa, -
A YEAR'S IMMIGRATION. In order to have the chicken plum!, mud conlinunder of the forces, a let-' Man Who Shot Boy in Duntmer
at i. e he market. when. .
take tho offensive and would fight':, Chea. Co+t, found guilty 01 nutn-
Lo the bitter end, !
r shooting
• slaughter in the Uummkr sh u (,
The garrison at Nknas bus been trugkdy, +t•as oft '1'lwraday afternoon
strengthened by 000 men, and a bat- sentenced by his lordship, Mr. .lus-
tery of artillery.
117.271 Arrived at Canadian Ports t
Ilrtn, with prices at 12 to 121c per -611 Were Deported. out in the crates when from three to
lb. tho latter for twins. . foam months old, though s+'itable
An Ottawa despatch says:-Fon• market '•h}ekens of any age will
110(PRODUCTS. frho year ending 11- ,2-
1 d_ chow gains in the oraleti. Select for
: migrants arrived in Canada at Iluli- fattening chickens thnt are tit u:od-
Bacon, long clear, 11;c per lb. In ' fax, St. John, Montreal, \-ancout,•.• 111111 size, of a broad square shape,
ensu lots; :mess pork, 518 to 118.50; and Victoria. Of these 2,4:16 were with short' straight legs set wen
short cut. 522.5(1. detained in hospital bemuse of sick- apart. and above all with a go, d
Cured moats -Hams, light to nn •! Ions, 75 were put down as pan: ei•s, ' constitution.
fun, 131 10 14c; do., heavy, 1::c: and 13 as (limine's. There were 611' EQUIPMENT 1011 FATTENING.
roils, 12c; shoulders, 11c; backs, 15 persons deported, and 215 renained1 1l is ndtisable to use the crates
to 151e; breakfast bacon, 144 to in hospital on ,lune 30. Persons de- described in Bulletin No. 7. It only
15c. barred on account of trachoma or
Lard -'Pierces, 101c; tubs, 101e; a small number are to be fattener.
other disatees of the eye numbered packing boxes of •suitable d}uu•nsfuns
Hs. 11c, 2.291 and i3 were debarred by ren-, can be adapted for the purpose. The
BUSINESS A'1' MONTREAL. s•m of nervous diseases. Itesldes nopen top of the box may ho made the
t.u•se, 86 persons were returned to bottom of the crate and one side.
oitrenl, Oct. 17. -Grain -Oats rho ports whence they came.(- the' should be removed for the front.
• shown an advance and a decid- . total deported 113 were on the Skeet 1 Laths shn dd be naffed up 1111(1 down
y firmer tone is reperted. A sale ' ,':1st.
is reported at 35c for No. 2 white4
afloat, and No. 3 is quoted at 85c ' GOOD YEAR FOR SEALS.
ex store. Peas are firmer also, and ' --
771c afloat was paid for grain for Seventeen Ves=sels Took 10,59
export. Butlers range front 90c to, Skins in Behring Sea.
51.05 per bushel. Fluor- I1anit obit '
Spring wheat patents, 55 to 15.10; I Am Ottawa despatch says:--Aceord-
stong bakers', 54.70 to 11.84); Win-ing to returns which boon reached
ter wheat patents, 5.1 50 to 54.60; the Fisheries Department. the sealing
straight rollers, $4.2:1 to 84.:35 in schooners this year have had excel -
wood, in hags, SI.90 to 52. Rolled lent success. Thu 17 t'essels which
cats -$2.30 to 52.85 per long. Feed have returned took in Behring Sea
Ontario ;irate in bulk, 515 to 515.- 10,502 skins. on the British Colton -
50; short, 820 to 520.50; MnnitoIa bin const 1,364 skins. or n totnl of
bran in bags. 517 to $18; shorts, 12,1)56, as compared with 11,096
520 to $21. !lay -No. 1, 58.50 to Inst year. The average cutch per
59 per ton on the truck; No. 2, 57.- schooner will be about 600, as com-
fit) to 58; clover, 56 to 56.25: clover •Pared with 475 last season. Only
mixtel, 56.51) to 57. Bemis -Choice one more schooner has to arrive in
primes. 51.50 to $1.55 per lust:el; port,
hand-picked, 51.65 to 51.70. Porn- -
toes --New Potatoes, in longs of 80 BACK TO BRITISH FARMS.
lbs., 50 to 55c; in bags of 1)0 lbs..
65c. Iloney-White clover, in combs. ' Rush to the Colonies Is Viewed
1'2 to 13c per 1 -Ib. section; extract.. With Alarm.
61 to 7c; buckwheat, 51 to 6c. Pro-;
visions-Iletvy Canadian short cut' A London despntch save: -The re- parts ground oats, two palls ground
pork, 522; light short cut, 518 to cent stimulated interest 1n ernigru_ buclewhcnt. one part ground corn).
519; American cot clear fat backs, tion to rho colonies and the large 1. Equal i tots ground oats, ground
520.25 to 520.75; compound lard, 51 schenies afoot are viewed with Oaten barley: and gr 4,1,•.4 buckwheat. 5.
to 61c; Canadian pure lard. 10 to , by many who see (1nutt Britain bj'- Two parts ground barley, two parts
1(t;c; kettle rendered. 14c; fresh kill-! ing drained of her heat blood. Joseph low grade (lour, one part wheat
ed abattoir ares;ed hogs, 49.25 to! Eels, in a letter in the public press, bran.
59.50; alive, 56.50 to 56.871, mixrd� fins made an offer that. with the as- The urea( should be mixed to skim
lots. Eggs -Straight stock, 20c; No. sislnnce of ',Menem others and 180,- thin porridge with thick sour im
1 candled. 181 to ltic• MIS ter- 1 000 from • he Got erument, he will 'I! r u t m t silk )n Ih average
Choicest creamery, 221c; undergrades motet -take to place 1,000 iant)luw o:t
'211 to '221e; dairy, 18 to 20c. British farms.
flee:;e-Ontario 111 to 111c; (Sue -----
the front and lengthwise of the crate
to forret the door. The laths are put
tho sane distance apart. as recotit-
mended in the construction of the
fattening crates. A board should he
loosened in the top to remove the
chickens, ;end ti feed trough arranged
in front. A shaping board and ship-
ping boxes are also re iuired.
',A'I"i'i•::1 ml I1 A'19ON S.
:\ satisfa:tory ration is one that
is palatable end that will produce it
white flesh. (rats, finely ground or
with the coarser hulls sifted out,
should form the basis of n11 the
grain mixtures. (!round corn fed in
excess will result in a yellow flesh
of inferior (totality; ground peas im-
port it Ilnr•dness that is not desir-
able. Grown,' oats, buckwheat, Oar -
ley and low grade hour are the most
writable meals.
Sat isfactory Meal Mixture s:-1.
Ground oats lcoatit• hulls temotede
2. Siftings from rolled oats (no hull-
ing dust. should bejncludc(1). 3. Two
tic° Street, to a term of three
months in the county jail.
Iiia Lordship, in delivering the sen -
CHINESE ARMY MANOEUVRES tense, said the prisoner was found
guilty of firing the shot which killed
!Forty Thousand Will Participate! the boy, but the jury had brought in
in Evolutions.
a strung recommendation for mercy.
! A despatch from Pekin ant's: -An On the other hand, it appears that
imperial edict has been issued eats{t there aro many tirearuxs in the neigh -
fishing n sew board dealing with borhood. it is necessary that some
police ria Axis, which hate hitherto . sttbstaol t.tl punishment should be
been left in the hands of local MB -
in order to mark the Ilan- closed at the capital by the activity
been Ieof the various provinces. '\'hey ger of such careless handling of fire- with which officials of the Chinese
vialswill henceforth be regulated from a it1.1118 legation are endeavoring to collect
central department. - ♦ claims of damage for the deporta-
Much curiosity is felt iconrding the 'THE CONSUMPTIVE CURE tion of Chinese immigrants, for pro-
forthc•oming ('bluets military nuts- -
t • sensation to the State I overtnrr.
oeucres. '!'Erse will be conducted in These claims average over 51,000
• Lancet Deprecates Publicity Given each, and hundreds of theta have
CHINESE RETALIATION. Newton C. Dougherty, Superinten-
Dama a Claims Against United dent of Schools at l'eoria, is ander
g g arrest, rhar•Ked with forgery.
States for Deportations. IS(ayor George 1t. Dic('1o11an was
A Washington despatch to Tho re -no minaled for Mayor of New Voril
New York Tribune says that a new by the Democratic city convention.
phase of China's policy of retalia- 'I'tte American Civic Association de -
tion against the United States bo- cided to send telegrams to Earl Grey
cause of its exclusion laws is die- and President Roosevelt on the mat-
ter of preserving Niagara Falls.
Jock Watson, the New,#York
steeplejack, who has never had nn
accident aloft, slipped on the nscrb
the other day and broke his ler:.
According to lmrnigration (', nt-
nrissioner Watchorn, of New Vella.
90,772 immigrants landed at I- Ills
Island Inst month, agninst 82,70`3 in
September, 1'904.
Teleerar�hic Briefs Frot•t Cer Cw•a
and Other Countric of !te-
Regina is to bulbul a new city hall.
Tho surplus oil last yea's Domin-
ion accounts is $7,871,320. `
Montreal capitalists cure entleet•or-
ing to effect a combination of all the
starch factories in the Dominion.
Winnipeg building permits for the
current year ag, rugttt . $tt,000,('00,
They are expected to reach $11,000,-
The assessor of Stratford reports
a total assessment of 55,741,315,
an increase of 51,02'2,0:10, and a
population of 12,827.
Sir Frederick Borden has decided
to place an Imperial ell}eon at the
head of the Royal Canadian Artil-
lery at Kingston for two yatrs.
Mr. Justice Maclennan of the On-
tario Court of Appeals has been ap-
peinted to the Supreme Court of
Canada, vice Judge Nesbitt, re.' -
Sir William Mulock has decided to
try the experiment of employing deaf
mutes in the postoffice. Six will be
given positions in Toronto as mail
London dairymen have organized
an association to make war upon
any of their memt4 rs who are found
to be using preservatives in their
The remains of a child were found
in a box in the garret of a vacant
house on the outskirts of Sarnia.
Doctors say the child has been dead
two years.
The Baines Carriage Works, Buf-
falo, will be moved to Hamilton.
Tho company will build a factory
covering an acre and a quarter, and
will employ 400 Wren.
David Walker of Delhi fell as?*
and allowed his horse to wander on
the railway track on 'Thursday night.
A train camp along, killed the horse
and broke Walker's leg.
'I'vvo thousand »tore of the Ross
rifles have been delivered at the
Militia Department within the past
few days, of the 12,000 fat' which
the contract was awarded.
Mr. J. W. Leonard, Superintendent
of Construction on the Toronto -Sud-
bury branch of the C. P. 11., has
been appointed Assistant General
Manager of lines cast of Fort Wil-
Whalen & Bowman of the Great
Lakes Dredging Company, have pur-
chased a site on island No. 2 at
Fort William for building a drydock,
marine railway, foundry and ma-
chine shop,
Lord Inverclyde, Chairman of >tfl0
Cunard Steamship Company, �,JIs
Active business conditions in Great
Britain are reported by The London
Tines in its financial supplement.
An emigration association is being
organized in the old a try to
start a Kentish colony in Canada.
the neighborhood el !'noting -fu, 111141 to Investigation.
will con(lnue from Oct. 23 to Oct. g
28. '\'hey ill he hold on eat iron- A London despatch says: The Lan -
modern 'Inas and upwards of 10,0011 ret say.:: -"Prof. Behring is a pat ho-
ho -
men of all arms will be in line. The Iogist of :world-wide reputation. with
manoeuvres will be the first of the o spleirdiel record of past achieve-
kind over I cad in China. meats, and we lay hope that his con-
Tuan-Shi-K1, the ('orntnnnder-lir tidence in his own work will once
Chief of the Chinese army, has issue.! again be justified. Nevertheless, we
a prot'Itun•ttion urging the troops to cannot but deprecate the great
do their hest and avoid making them- !publicity which has been given to an
sohre o toughing stock in the eyes of investigation which at the present
foreigners. time is very far from complete."
_________+ Lt showing the inadvisability of
premature publicity, the Lancet cm -
CORDONED BY TROOPS. plrri'izes the fact thnt it is vnlculat-
!cd to 111 1,4' hopes that nt best only
Employes of Brest Railway Have are realvable in the distant future.
Joined Moscow Strikers.
A despatch front Moscow says: 'rho
strike of the factory workers con -
Gimes to spread. The workshops of
the tir(sxt Railway aro now involved,
Horse Too Expensive, Cannot Get
been received at the Legation, where
the officials aro now busy {rutting
them in shape. The complete (till,
it is tniclerstuod, will not be present-
ed to the Stnfe Ilt•pnrtmeut until the
amount exceeds 51,000,000. Autl.
cipnting that the united States Gov -
Magic and Mystic Jewellery Now
the Fad.
eminent will not admit the vnli4!ity Talismanic gems are the fad of the
of the claims, it is understood that hour in Landon. Society, which has
China wait) he prepared to appeal to been revelling in occultism, is havin;
The 1Ia!toe Tribunal fora settlement its jewels re -set ealralistically.
of the claims.• The idea routes from Paris, when
the Parisians are wearing tnystirall,.
GIGANTIC RUSSIAN STRIKE. - v'ttgrut't•d jewel amulets to ward of
evil influences. Mounted In platinum
Will Rival the One That Occurred
and gold, the jc+cels which do not
in January. become talismanic unlit they have
left iso engrav'er's hands, aro brine
A tleapntch from St. l'etersburt; set in tautrtatic designs as rings, pen•
says: -A gigantic lul,or stake, rival- darts, bracelets, and necklaces. Need-
ing the one that occurred in January less to say, ,he new crave is good foe
is befell (opening! here. The iulin.I1- the jewellers, for the jewe:s mutt b`
tants are alarmed, fenring a 1010'0- new, or, nt least, re -cut, if they
the strikers: having compelled num-1Dog Flesh. tion of the disorders, but the trot- to bring good luck to the wearers.
hers of the employes to Irate work. A despatch from Berlin s6 s: There ernnient is resoled to sternly repress Tho mystic stones with theft equi
i h i railway shops are note cordoned is mach evidence to show that Ger- any attempt to start n labor up_valent sins are: -
rising.• .1nnuar Thu Water Bearer
by troops. 'though 80,000 work- I mans 's meal famine is growing ♦ 1 -
.nun are on strike and the more' nurse. Reports from all parte of plies.
I The first sealers have returned to February -The *Dishes -Amethyst.
anent is spreading, the (By is re- ;tlie country make meet ion of 1(he Victoria, ft. C.. and report the best March -Tho Ram -Blood Jasper.
rnarkably quirt. measures that ars. being Cohen to ,;,•1,5,,11 in many years. l :\pelt -Tho '\'wins-i'nteruld.
The employers nut on Wednesday nbttlo the famine. Siitee horse fl• eh
tat u ► : ► e The Dominion Guter omen. have •lune -The (17.1•1111,1 -Agate.
r nixd determined not to enter into ' has risen to price and dog flesh is
10 Mei. of meal re:luire from 1., to decided 1101 to interfere with the duly -'rhe 1,'-Cornellnn.
negotiations with the st fkrrs. h:,t no longer obtafnnble, several :urnti-
17 lbs. of soar shim milk. A snarl! they promised 1 hnt if the men n•- (.11„,111i,, began the• buying of :•star_ British Columbia tont Me Imposing n August -Thu Vli'gin-Sanfonc.r,
quantity of salt should be added. i 1' 6 tax of Ono on commercial travellers RePlemhcr-Tho Balance
- Chryso
q turned Io work they w,urlit capsid. r loud: of sen 11511 nt the const town's lit 0.
Whoa s,tllicieht. s' lin ,Wilk or butler who mer 1lie Province (run, c• -
c, 11 to c. PRINTING their demur.(1s and nnswet t!u•111 mot colli:•g then» at cost to citizens. ! „4,t•r-Thr Scmpiun- Alcctarine
_ _ milk can •
out be obtained for mixing "11"e' ' ,i,lrrr-The Archer -Too
wit hie n week..
The lutist Government statistics
EXITED S'1.\T'Ei MARKT Ts. +Discovery in St. Petcr,n;:rr Load. the nmaa°.1, nnin but anti raw vr,;eta \'h1' utiles dispersed a crowd u11 The l'. I'. 11. nutnegt'nt•nl i.,,
bio food should added to the rn- 1 1 shote that the price of moats is rail! •»her -''he Goat -Corel.
St. Louis, \Io . Oct, 17.- IS'heat- to Forty Arre';.'o. :the I'rorhitr tvky ilnul'•+nrl, byre rising. some kinds tear during rho
cidc4l to cord lime t he doable
lion. continental p -table or service ,,r : topaz, engraved with n •. eons
('ash, Sinfte Dec. s3;r. Meese 8(l;e, A St. I',t••rohnrn; ,!•�s ...el. s.res- Durittion of the I'nitening:-The otherwise the night pnssr•tl qu1Ml. 'month n tent nnrl a half a pound. At summer time -table until Christine-. I,r. =ewes sympathy for its «sneer,
A1innenpolis, Min'•.. Her. 17.--S1h•'nt Tito police ••:, 17.... • 1 chickens should remain in the crates 'rite strike is affecting factories in n conference 1,1 wenn the burtio- out! the hlona-red coral, with a earn
-!tic.. t3jc; Maty, aS c; No. fi hard. In lhr. Out i ;s I'.;,: , 1101 nuuo than 24 doss. Some will the Government of �iosenW outside to accommodate the unusually heavy
inneters of Berlin rind other imp•rrt- bearing a sword, h reputed to prow
N:B', No. 1 Northern. 83 u': eoe number of it,g estea ' I. fatten t,r•,rr tet.illy than ethers. ;lite city'. Thr nlnnngers of (ho :ant touts it was voted to appeal to irMii. !!akin A. Allan. 0f Montreal. �tect Lho wearer from epidemics.
NCI !heti). )r')jr. flour --First tont eets m.•nts «1.i • •t n ed rn i 'I'Itesr• .hnrdd he ,inked wit n week newspapers hate de- Ided to concede ' Prince Vim Moline, the imperial !
Beryl engraved with n frog and set
g K 1 confirms the report that his tutor -
51 X41 t„ X1.111 sceond potent `'1. suis r. t 1oclamatic•n i,.r., i' is tee. end during• thio lost the c!,:mantis of lho cnmpositats. :Chnneellor, to take neensuros to nl- •!n platinum rand gold in the form
f0 le SI 70- first cleat,. $11.711 t„ k pone has called for specifications for (11 at pendant, is the favorite toys
As a t,.. : tree 4u it is teen In feed a little beef! Iociatr the ronlittottt. two turbine steanm�hitis consider -
43.90: secor,,l do.. 52.40 to G2. S0 t•ctr,ts lr;tt'0 1 rocs SLav�1 into the lou hal„r,*' ♦ -- -♦ talisman, white the nl(rtorinc, whlrin
►+ ) ally longer than Ole \'irl;inian and is one of the stones of the season
!tern -in hulk, 511.50. oto=h, about 1 lb. talioty. DIAMONDS NEAR "' 00 " ••2.n 0,000,
OUSTED THE RUSSIANS. Victorian, to cast oyer 0 when enRneted with a hamar hand,
U ilafh, �ilnn., cert. 1 ; -SSh ant - I t.r ;0 or CO (hickeys. __ -•-- sustains ai..slion between huat:nnd.
S:'11- Na, N• r h- S I R UCK A I'LOA1 IIYG 1�1(lrki The Dominion (:oyernment have ,
No. 1 Northern. 1' -�- KIL•f•ING •OUSTED
1,1(1'•• Tartars Control a Region Cover- Expit
loring Tattles Being Scut Out decided not to interfere with tho ant! ulna. 'rite eornellnn, bearing a
ern, Rlr; Dcs., St a rant, r ,, L fere the chickens are placed in 2 in Search o/,::e:ns. British Columbia statute imposing
Idey. 851c• British Steamer i^ toyed and 1 ing 00 Square iiles. man with a sceptre, favors fortune
Men Are Missing. the crates they 5hepdd Le• w'eII dusted! A despatch from 5nult Ste. Merle, n tax of 550 on cooraic•rclel travel- and so does the sardonyx wi,en en.
i,R'i: STOCK Vii.\1{iv l'. I S. i ^ with tulph'ir to kill the lice. They .. A 'i"41'1:,rh 10 til . I , t •rs,rarg tr.,'" ono. sots: -It Is claimed by pros- lore who eater the provineo from grated with an eagle.
A '''..u:,, `^�""'^tt a.,,•�•._,v "' abound he sult,hured at nim three days 1'i(:i•', thy• capital of Russian Iran ,ectnrs that rlinunmdv andhaving Not every ,tone, howetcr, brio
berme Nein killed. lcnucasia. rtntes I:nt the 'Tartar 1 earnets,places outside, been advised k
K hate burn found a. /rte miles north of hy tht• Minister of •lustice that the good luck, for the onyx, which, like
'lite 1•'irst Week -Feed them tightly :have taken pommel -snot of mans til -Pt city. ('o4,sldernhle excitement statute was constitutionally ane the Jade, is being extensively used foe
the Test «e•!:. \ sna4'l 1n.mntRy of luwe. hni'ted '10-1ar !legs '31.•1' prevails as n result. Explering per ;which it was competent for the Pro- studs, rings and charms, when tic
rood ••heel! he 1.• 1 1. bung the them, and expel to • the ::ur.'ireet. 1l.•s oro being organir.•.1 to search vincinl Government to enact. The graved with the herd of a enniel pool
fro• r: s: es this is cnlrne x.111 mare., The nntharity of rho 1nIIer s.••ms to ,\1)•etne 4i••rri•t for crus The v01)11, t;nrl,ee Act, imposing a license of (lucre fright fol rtrentitl.
Ful not res mach ti!: the chic!trns have dir•nppcnrcclfrola n region cot'' {lent 4'e;roatr,.,•n,t will also ta, to •, $:us, has not s,1 leen considered, Those are same of the prinet;.les of
would consume. Then should be fed ering over 200 square miles. the invest igatiuu.
'1'oror,tn. (let. 17.-'11•h0 1,1' •« ing i;
the mingo of (11101 fltj(fllS
Export rat t le, choice..51.2''
1)o., medium ............ 8.0,' 4.25
1)o., bulls 3.00 8.2:r
light 2.75 8.00
..I)0.. cows . •--- 9 76
rietitod tit Moj} staies that the Bri-
tish steamer I esu struck a floating
mine ninety tuih't cast of the 'hetn-
tong Lighthouse on Sept. Of the
crew and passengers lift, en no, re•
ported missing, among them too
8.25 foreign engineers,
but the principle is the salts. 1We exponents of the new tulle