Exeter Times, 1905-10-19, Page 1jam.
The Wedding Season ►
▪ We have the taunt up-to-date wcd-
ila; stationery to be had. When it
Comes to bill heeds, envelopes, etc.,
we can always till orders.
• J
16.••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• FA R(1 WI I A It
I- MT. Filed Ilawde11 visited at Mr.
S. I'assntrcv's cit Suraday last.
-Mr. Joe Bryan :see Mimi Mazsie
=Bryan. of Si rat ford, arts w11tine Mrs.
S. 1't.! le n .
t-Mr. and Mr Jas. Gardiner, Mr.
and Mrs. Itobt .G:trlliner attended
the silver %voddin; of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner, Leedbury, last \Vcd-
- Mr. John Ilunkin hit rented the
:farm of Me Thos. Cann.
_-Mr. W. I[. Passmore host a val-
uable mere last Saturday.
I-\tr. N. McQuade has completed
the Municipal part. of the McDonald
Mr. John Ilunkin sr., and hiss
Net tee Passmore were visilii; Mr.
•11 .Ilunkin, of Burnitr•.'•m. last week.
2 -Me Ctrs. Win. Tow::r., r.,rane L.
tFulton .returned from M: nit,ob:► latt
2 wreck.
\\'a'll, Mt. deet a: . I:tc rythitt
Nc !IA. i; !lw':1( ills 1l,• .c:. Ilia Irl t1
best style to ideas() the eye. Don
for eve the Times when you wit
:Inyt!..nr in print ins.
Hardware and Seed Store
is the place for Builders and those intending to build
should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full
line of
Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c.
In Cements we carry the two leading Brands
of Canada
National and Star
We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as
' we have a machine to make all our own Troughs
and can give youfirstclass material. Try us and
ou will be conuinced.
111••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
At Exeter and Centralia During Recent Months
Now ready for use, the best
Cement and Lime
That money can buy
also '
Coal for Everybody
at lowest prices
a -
You are ouSwear them outs We make
make the
Suite- y
them as well as we can. so that they
Will not wear out sooner than they STRATFORD, ONT.
Ought. Because. if they ll
likely go sotnewherr else for your This small advertisement repre- •
Mit Suit. And no one could b1bu . s senta one of the largest and hest•
Z 2
business colleges in Canada. No
school in the Dominion dce3 mora
for its students than we do. To
knowledge not one
of our
graduates isunemployed. We
get far more applications than we
can meet. You may enter at any
time. 'Write for our handsome
D. A. McLACHLAN,1 l Principals
Bargains in New spapers!
Has received TEN, FIFFEEN, TWEN-
many calls for stenographers,
bookkeepers. etc., as it had stud-
ents graduating during the same
months. Some of the salaries of-
fered were from S80 a month to
$1,200 per annum. THIS CLEARLY
RONIzE. Enter now. Handsome
catalogue free.
AO o inn hworthU. oSuit (�yAntl Suit worth
till fashionableness of fabric -style in
'Olt -fit -finish -looks- dreseyness
,And length of service.
As }food a place as there is within
Mlles to get all this and not pay too
much is W. Johns.
Elegant Black and Blue
Suitillgs for $15.00
and $18.00.
Merchant Tailor
Western rn Real Estate
Exchange, Limited.
.78 Dundas St., London
1l;twe you a farm that you want
to recut Writoor our terms
ve he 0it-
lia; property.
Co3ttplete method of adwerlieing and
selIinz property in Cauade. Do you
want to buy a fam ofr Omar of
property in any part
.Send for our list. We have some
The Tithes will re cove subscrip-
tions at the folhowine rate,:
Times to J
v 1st,
Times and Daily Globe .. 4 5l
Tithes and Daily \tail and Em-
pire ... ... ... 4 5')
Ttmct and Daily World .. :1 10
Tiutcs and Toronto Daily News 1.90
Times and Toronto Daily Star1 85
Times and Daily Advertiser 2 35
'rimes and Toronto Saturday
Ni;ht ... ... 2 35
Times and Weekly (:lobe ... 1 65
Times lad Weekly Mail and
Empire 1 75
Timex end Family herald and
Weekly Star 1 80
Times and Weekly \Witrnss 1 65
A few sections of good
North-west land for sale at
$6.75 an acre. Apply to
OFFIt'E-Main Street, Exeter.
Ever s=ince our (Would ancestors
instituted Th:inkizirin; I)ay. it has
been a day of rejoicin as. and the rood
Olid-faeleoned dinner plays the n11 -
Impotent part therein. A detailed
and an intcrtetine account of a
Xhinkszivinz diener, as it will be
!nerved by 1 Le youn z housew ife who
bat' followed the story of "Tho utak-
inz of a Housewife" in the DOiaea-
tor, in zivcn by lathe! (:orlon Cur•
tie itt ill' November number.
"Thtnks1iviuz Day Novelties" illus-
trate ninny tut,isonah!c dishes, (ruin
the tr1utitiotttl pumpkin pie. to n
choicely err:ni e l harvest centre-
piece. Other articles on "Nut Nov-
yeltiet'' and "Maple Dainties" can •tie
made to advant•tre at thio coition of
the year and will add a novelty to
the ( tinily menu.
411.MITOrt. Zte 141 Rae a
t4isn.t.» tL�� 1141.f
Times and dont real Weekly
Times and London Free Press
'Times and London Advertiser
Tithes lad 'Toronto Weekly
Hun 1 80
'rimes and Presbyterian 3 25
Times and Waris Wide ... 1 8:
Times and Northern Messenger 1 25)
Times' and F:irnters' Advocate 2 35
Times and Vermin; World 1 60
Times and Youth's Companion 2 75 for t.hc past year, has returned home•
--Mr. e1rI,icltlarl and daughter
Hess monthly) Times and yt'sion� (:t bust- 1 e0 visited with friends :11 Parkhill and
When premiums ate elven with Pointe we.e1 of hate.
1 :br Edwards returned to
Irs -Mies lets M Y
any of therabove petrosa !! when
her home in Mitchell niter visiting
will s+ecurc such prentiunts when or- jril•n.ls in th;: villate.
derin; 1hrouth us, Sinn, as if order- -Mo. Roderick 1'ttk, of lk+trt%it,
ed direct from publiacrs.
The r.tlr.( arc as low at we ca:' 11t' ire" vision" 14'iu1ivcS in the
make tient, and mean a ronsidcrahlel villi re ant) vicinity (f lite.
-Mr. '1' M. 11 imi!b it. of Staff,,
Not qc to our leaders. 1i you do ►a I►t•w• 11))witt; int) hit new More.
not Sac .t tl you want in the list,' Mr. Il.unihta•n ital erected a very
lto rite it the office; )a can •zinc .i oommodioua and up-to-date store,
low on any ncwspat)cr or tea;- end which presents a very itaposin;
r ►verencc in tllc villas .
NOTF: ('.\1iF:FI'hLl'.-Aly of the pl
w%('ckly publications in the Whore !Jet
will be Sent In new et y, %907.from CASTQR 1 A
floe In 1st of .l:nnuary, 1907. for the
price (anted -the tetnaiader of this
year is throw.. in free. For Infants and Children.
These rale, are strictly cash eee money TIN Kind You Mara Always 6N�Mt
adnate., tient officeal note. poet c or ex r ny pnat-
-The anuivorsar', , services hell
here on Sunday wcro a ercat success.
Rev. Mr. Goin; •of Exeter prelchel
two bright and inspiring-iicrntons,
and also addressed the Sunday
school in :the .afternoon .
-Miss Delpha Essory, of Creeiton,
was the guest of Miss Vera Essery
on Sunday.
-A number from Crediton attend-
ed the Anniversary services here on
- Itcv. G. \V. Andrews preached
anniversary services at Ecienczer on
-Miss Irene Curtin, who has i:een
attending Convent at Sttratford is
home on a holiday.
- Mr. Albent Parsons, of \Vinnitere
visited Lriends there Last week.
-\1r. Andrew Gihsan, of ThnmuH
)toed. has rented 1.10 acres of his
farm tto Mr. \Vtn. Johns, of Blau -
shard, for a term of five years at
an annual rental of $390. Mr. Johns
is a progressive farmer and cornea
highly recommended. will undoubt-
edly do well as he has secured a
farm Ghat has r►ecn carefully culti-
vated. Mr. Gibson intends having
a sale of his farm stock and im-
plements ort Wednesday, Oct. 25th.
In another column will be found the
1.iet of stock he los for sale
-C. E. lfackney's 811.2. of horses
:rad cattle on Oct. 5th was a very
succeeeful one and was ;ratifying to
both the owner and the auctioneer.
Thos. Cameron. Good prices were
reibized, the two year old colts
brought from $174 to $192 and the
three year o!•ds went as high as $194..
All Mie horses were sold except those
Mr. ILickney desires for )lis own
use. Good ;II iccs were received for
the cattle.. tl.r. Hackney is n man
to doala in the best of stock and
iloto was well patronized by
desiring good animals.
r. C. W. Robinson has sets his
1 core farm on the town line of
Blanchard and Fullarton to Messrs.
Adam and Henry ChLttick of Bien -
shard for $6,500 .
ik•at$ of William 11, Spicer. -Mr.
William 11. Spicer passed away Tues-
day n[ternoon at •ins residence. Elini-
ville, at the a;e of 75 years. 'M r.
Spicer had for 1 onus time been trou-
bled twit h a pain in his head caused
by a fall last July. On Saturday
last on operiGion was resorted to
and a oast was xemuved from the
brain. The micro( ion was successful
but his condition was in such a state
that recovery was riouotful. The
deceased was born in the township
of Darlinzlon and with hitt parents
came to C'sborne, when •t chill. Ile
was a agar who worked hard, was
welt respected and Sia Beeth is 3 sad
blow to the community. Itasides a
lowing wife ho leases two tau;blots,
Ilelen and Pearl. two brothers, Da-
vid, of Brantford. and Ira, of Denvo'r,
so o ,
altwo era Mrs. .1. A. Andrews
sl>:1 t
of Elimvillc, and J. A. of H x l
The funeral will be Jield t o-dny
(Thursday,)iuterutent In the Exeter
(Too late for last week.)
-Reports arc circulating that
Wild Cele have been seen or heeud in
the nei+xlil A.rirl; wocl1. .
- Mr. end Mrs. Cranston, of Cele -
don Fist, ere visiting with their .son,
W.V. It. A. Crotteton of the Manse,
1 50 Crom irty.
- Dr. Gemmel! left on Monday for
1 80 tit tot ford. where he intends practis-
ing in ilea future. We are sorry to
1 60
hoe the Dr. from our vt
-Mr. Lowden Crust on, of Clin-
ton, spent a couple of Hays eitlb his
brother at the abase Lis[ week.
.-Mr. Win. \Villitm McLaren lost
'a valuable horse of late.
-Miss Let ilia Norris, who ha :wen
vi.sitinz wvith friend+ itt the , ,rth
It is our pleasure this week to
publish a cut and an account of 1Iic
coerce'. of Mr. Joseph Stell, who
was recently transferred from
I].n t}mood to assuui<' t ha manaee-
ment of the Exeter branch of the
So.erei;n Il:u1k, wit It t he branches
at Crediton, Dashwood and Zurich
under his supervision.
Mr. Snell !s a nttiw'c of Exeter,
bovine been horn here 50 years
At the axe of 10 he with his parents
wvcnl to a settic,u,ent. now called
17t►shsvood. tylere they boeatcd on
a bush farm. At (bat time the
roids ettunine 11011 II :tad south had
not been est:II,I lied. After reach -
in; the age of 17 ha became :t ped-
agogue, teaching school for 16 years.
his first experience being in Stephen
townehide where be guided the
youttheir mild for .one year. Ile
them (took cba.ree of the school ono
and bno qu:•rler miles north 'of
ashwood, where he continued for
15 scars. About ten years .ago he
,save Up the teaching profession and
embarked in the t1 waste biinkine
business. Locating at Iteashwoo.l. itis
upright (dealings with his clients
ea.ined (far )him an excellent repo- STI I IITti
litteion, and as a citizen was ;really
apprecieedie. Two tycars •apo, titu
bis interests to the Thefollowin; is cu correct re-
Sovtieelerti B:ink..,and was installed port of the standing of the pupils
by klsat corporation :is manager of of S. S .No. 3, Stephen for the
the 'Dashwood and Zurich branchcb. months Aunts! and September.
His (services in that capacity gained The names are in order of merit:
for hint 'the• cogf1dence of hies offi- Class I -.-Thos. Penhale, Cecelia
cede; and on the promotion of Mr. Ford. Ralph \Villis, Harry � Tricbner.
F. 'London. Kern to title 'London office, Fret[- Denver; Hilda 1 reszcator;
Mr. Snell was appointed to that [turn- harry Parsons. Sr, III. -Earl Par
estainent of the Exeter branch. sons. Gladys Matinee Edwin Treib-
Mr. Snell nod family recently mot•- ncr, May Sanders. Jr. IIi.-Florence
ed (trout Dashwood to Exeter, so Huainan, George flicks, Freil i resz-
t.htt he could be in closer touch with cater; Preston Dearin;; Johnny
ole bink here. Ills family consists Willis, Earle Stamen!. Sr. II.-Flor-
of his wife, a son, O. W., in Media. tl. encs '1':riebner, Ada Willis, Gordon
Mass., and n dau;htewr, who is now Sanders, Aline!. \Villis, Ena Box.
attending )the Conservatory of mu- Chester Parsons. Jr. 11. - Wilfred
sic in Toronto. Stool on, Olive Preszcat:or, Martha
lit zshawt•, Gordon I'enhale. fart II.
DASH WOOD G trfiohl 'St:inlake. Sr. l't. I.-�Mierle
Willis. Ile -tie Persons. Charlie rrien-
TOYF.S.-1f you ere in need of a ate%e or fur, [ter. .1 r. 1't. i. -Lela Sanders. John -
mace, don't fail M haven look at our stock ny Ile ;she iv, Gordon Ileaman, Verna
we were never in a better )ot.ition to einele 1'reszcel.or, Vcrd.1 Box. Total No.
your wants. E. P. Paulin, Hardware. Stoves on roll, 37; mera;e .1 I cndsnce 32.
and Tiatlmltlitng. 1y;1yDY fi. BANES. Teaohcr.
The follow•itt; is the report of the
Sr and Jr. department of 5. S. No.
1, Stephen, for the month at Sep-
tember based on goal conduct and
sener,1 'pioficiency:-Sr• department
Sr. V. -Samuel McCoy, 100(1 ; Enos.
Windsor, 617. Jr. V. -Harold Du-
Sr. t\'. \lingers Itep-
burn, 1`246.06; Czar \\'- Lls.on, 1138; Ar-
chie ltobinson, 1104 ; Lily Robinson,
1083; Gladys Esscry, 1040; Murray
Elliott, 925 ; Gordon Wilson. 844;
Fn,nk Mitchell, 760; Joseph White
63.2; Gifford Iloeartlt, 619. Jr. IV. -
Hazel hicks. 1143: Austin Duplin,
963; Eddie Sims, 795;-Merv:ut Elston
757. Sr. IIL-Itass Wallis, 3001:
John 11041rt)t. 940 ; Iva Essery. 682;
Maxwell Bal•nliam, 4b3: \lalvan C:•11
fres, 540; John White, 425; Norman
.Jr. Denertment.-Jr. 111.-E'vine^
Bessie Anderson ; Elia Bak-
er, troy CrO.Ifas, Earl Callas, Elite
Dat-ey, Flossie Davey, Hubert White
1Ltrry :Windsor. Sr. 11. - Elva
i1rooks, Anthony White. Freddie
Essery, Fred Fairlatl, Lloyd Ene-
htnd. J.r. Mu❑lfaEt'-
erett Oailfati11..- Stellrva NeilnCal. Lower Jr.
11. -Vera Metz. Otihclla Motz, M•al-
eLcine B:1ist. Mittel!' England, \Vcl-
lie Braker, Ethel Colbert, Wilson Col-
l/tart. Pt. 11.-Iluhert Neil. \pa'nc,t
Elliott, Victor Hogarth, llaa�llq
Beaman, Ethel Bowden. Ralph Wal-
lis. Pt. 1. -Arthur Itobinson, El-
mer Wilson, Ge.or;o hackney, Dora
Hackney. Atharl hackney.
Rabies cry betouse they are sick.
It may be a pain in the stomach.
co'•ic or cramps, -but M. any naso a
few drops of Nerviline soothes away
the dist.ress and allows the baby to
sleep peacefully. Where there are
young children there should also be
Nerviline. It cures all the minor ail-
ments just as prompt le' as tie: doctor
-and not so expensive. For nearly
fifty years Pto!son's Ner'ili.'te .bat
been the t rcet lsouselolil remedy of
Cnnad.i. Sold everywhere an large
25e. )lot t los.
Tho Times is highly pleased with
the Jorge and interostine budgets
tient in by our correspondents each
week :and we desire to express to
them our appreciation ;ins th.tnk'
-Mr. John Hall, of L'atdon, W15 in
the vilbiee Monday.
-Poet Office Inspector was here
Monday when Mr. 3. Kellerman was
appointed poet -master. We under-
stand that the office wit' rein ' in
its present quarters„ which are very
-Manuel Fhlers has secured a
entitle/1 in Mr .3. Kellerman's store.
-Mr. Gel. Conk is having the
house now occupied by Fred Well::
r:ti.sed end a foundation piace.l un -
dor sone
-Mr. Jot: Edit belt just -shipped
two carshistof flour. One (ley
wrek your correspondent watt in
conversation with a pollard Lim
fernier. In seeakin; of the quality
of the flour in be °belated et the
Dashwood Beeler ,dill he i::id that
his wife had been using Exeter flour
Int what eihn itt r.ow urine from 1It
nasi►wood mill is n much superior
quality. And why eliould't i1 be?
M.r. Edit his just as smart a mill as
you will find in the country.
-The Ledi^s' Aid and Missionary
society met in lite basement of the
Bvan;elinal church Tuesd: y after-
reon, M.rs. (Rev.) C •gymens in the
chair. and oe ins to the unpopularity)
of elle ieooioty in the church •zeneril
ally. it iris t•bousht belt to di'sh:tnd
Relic)' was (hone •and a W. C. T.;l:.
was tr z:trazed.
Mgt/ order, a.(dre.aint-
'I \I 1:-; (11-1'11'I
k' i:' F''. uNT.
Bears the
1'aniou4 been i s t•+ly p:iculttr at-
tention Io the {,u:ity of 'ter blood
knowint (het nutritious 1 cod means
soft tL 1le lie skin. bri.zlt eyes :Ind
enduring nerves. Those, %.hese look•
Ira •a. 11%" zh;fat. we Perrezoete ire• tory dauot 0,8 tutnnter loon: Its ha%
cat: it's t)te 4 X tet food needed 1 o returtwd home .
lee,. eel stitweet^ 1be hi ,,,,A, Fer- -Mar. Wheevr, of ales village paid
1 ,,1•t e • inti_ >t it''-. le Area. feeds, -•t :t visit bu friends in Settforl It and
nttk : 11euV1t 11:1iniy. vivacion 4 women 51.14clteII on t;n1urday Ia ( •1(1ur;lin ;
pl. .sant •lo meet. You'll Iitve t11e a;:Nin All Qiu:r(y nicht.
rosy bloom
`lt tfacIiott and ,4 joy and
'~� ' swirk t on, rook )sbt •at d nrltine
tbe O1 '
htoleli after teen Fcrrozon. You church last Nunley.
should ret Fe.rrozone Cooley. Sold-Mr..1. 0..1o114•sis itt London t his
everywhere in 50r. foxes. work on husin..ss .
----4,--- The first m:itin; of the Literary
FULLARTON Sociiey of S. S. No. 6. t'shortm, w.ts
A r.r•rnd center•• under t},e ans- l,et.l c:t friday lief. A sp:•Ili se
',ices: of ft bo Methodist church win nt•itell by Ili. .1 r. roost was the first
be ziven in 1.11e Town Hall on Mon- item of alto pro;rntn. Some of the
illy. Oct. 30th, 1903. \li•ss Estelle pupil,. went clown eaiily, outer,' held
Li via !stone, London's 1opular and tlr:•.;r •eis••utel era vele. Pearl
vereetilr eloc'utLanett, the, imperial re 'veined let-: on the floor.
Male Quartette, of Stnfoith and was sery much elinusr.l'• to See Ent -
Miss Lulu filer y, c.f Crediton, will tea "deceived." Next c•ttne •t.1tc ole
take port. bate by the Sr. ntnnt. itcsolve That
�- late home is of mote value thin the
CAJ11hTemv. flonsL,terinz 11131 LI Rat' Ills
�!tT . plfpilee first attempt it .r!t'Neinz
DOM 60 1Nli!n4Yea HIIim e t l.ltey did fairly writ. The, 1•e nts on
8igttenr. tintIt ai.lest Altars. Rc!1 brouzht out.
of 4/ , ie..' .
Sick headache is oaused by a disor-
dered condition of the stomach and
is quickly cured by Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. For male
in Exeter by W. S. Howey .
Thc Great Noah Wast
General Selling Agent.
Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North West
Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands alse
a number of other improved and urdmprovedNorthWest farm lands,
We havo made a number of splen did investments for our clients, who
placed orders with us for selection of Canadian Pacific and other
North \Vest lands. In a number of instances values have increased so
rapidly that our patrons could rea dily realize double the amount of the
money they have invested, and in view of the splendid prospects for
a bumper yield and an enormous crop, and the unprecedented nurnier
•of settlers coming into the west, pr ices of lands of good quality and
situated convenient to a railway are bound to make a still further
largo advance.
One Hundred Million Bushels of Wheat is the
Crop Estimate for the Present Season.
Now is the Time to PURCHASE
Prices are Bound to Advan
We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands.
give Actual Settlers to years in which to pay for lands.
$427•00 down secures 3' acres, (half section) of choice wile
G This would be a great investment for YOU.
The above investment is without any settlement duties whatev
$383.40 Secures 3.20 acres (half section) coice heat lana to an act
settler. No other payment required
hfor wtwo years.
R. E. Pickard left again last week on a three. months' t
through the West. During his stay there he will locate a num
of desirable properties in the wheat belt, along the various
railroads. Any person who desires to make an investment in
ern tands should communicate with him when full informati
be given. Isis address up to the I5th October next will be
General Selling Agent for C.P.K. Lands. Frobisher,
Having our Immense Show Rooms lacked full o
and up-to-date furniture in every line, and in order to
room for some large sllipnlents of goods now on order.
have decided to open the fall trade with a suprisingly
Cut Rate Sale to which, we invite all intending purcha
to come and examine our goods and compare our prices
fore placing their orders, as we intend cutting the pri
every article in our store lower than we liave ever atte
of this
fail to .oke advantage1
o don ts
do before.S
to buy furniture at prices never before knon in E
The Leading House Furnishers and Funeral direct
it be in; proved beyond', sonar that
t he !puree is no lou ger needed. The
Sr. room also bad a spelling match.
-Mos. \Vit .\i•twhinl' at (1 hiss \lost of tt)1e pupils spelled splendidly.
Ante Te ttrly hate ret lied me Newton slipped down on the ••%lee
after :t short visit with fr t anila." Several could not trotr•nLast
Forest. the "mior." Helene hon; Vera,
- Mr. Frank Gleawille was t he lender of one vide, was floored. A
guest of 51r. Lytnor tinville on "beetle ,cared Hubert, and Poon elle
Thursd•ty last
*orbs .held [the floor. \tars •n
-The many friends of Mies Jen- Ion./ pause at she "semicolon" and
hie Glanville will be pleased to hear' went down. Laura miss's "petal r-
t flat she is ra',MI)• recovering from Mese" Alntena stood up last, "im-
her recent illness. permeable" havini sent Olive to her
- M ism Josephine Fla nazan, who seat. The next meet inr cf .Ills So -
has been dress-ntakine for Mrs, S. ciety %sill be Swill, it week Cron' Fri -
Ct. Ilondorson'i the past two w•ct'ks day. The pnoeram will ront'ist ..of unequalled. For sale in
Ills ret urned to her house nn the son zs. weaddnzs and recit a t ions.
litbykei 11.nc. Tiles anticipate a pleas<trtt lime. S. Melees.
-Mrs, John Schroeder was the
.1uecst of Mr. and. Mrs. \Vnt. Yearly
-Mr. John )lent of London,
is visit in; .his brother
M. `t. I' ! S A M P S O N
Henderson this week.
First, soak the cern or Bunt
war Ill trader lo soften it ; 11
it down as closely as possible(
out drawing blood and apply
berlain's fain halm twl ice o
bin; ti
usIY for
w m
ca. )t applicxtlion. A corn
should be worn a few (I e.
reel it from the shoe. As a
Liniment for sprains, brut
ness and nceuittiisnl. P1in
- Miss Bessie Steele, of Cltica zo,
spent t he past week here renewin
- \ti's Alice Geturley, of Kirk ton,
spent a few days of this week with
Sister, Mrs. Win. Crecry.
-Sit. Frank Doodle wird thus liven
employed itt St:rat1►roy butter far-
This week or any of
time we will be pleased
show the inel'its of our 1.
lines of Stoves and Ranges.,
Our stock comprises S
venirs, Garlands, Hurons a
Happy Thoughts.
in this line we are showing the
up-to-date in town, Art (}arta
Art Souvenirs. F.mpi re Garlands
Jewels, it will pay to examine
A New Idea Coad or Wood Furnace will he set
111) on floor. Its many advantages and goo()
'Ants are easily seen.
And Stove Store.