Exeter Times, 1905-10-05, Page 8TUE EXETER TIMES, OCTOBER 5th, 1905. STEWART'S Furs Our Strong line. Our assortment is complete and we believe it is the lar- gest. iu the t i unty. We buy direct from the makers and save you the middle men's profits. Just like we are doing with Butt! r and Eggs shipping direct and paying the farmers the extra !)rice, which otherwise would go into the pockets of the middle ln:tn. Here are a few Seasonable Furs $1 35 for }clack !lair Coney Neck Ruff: trimmed end tails, the best cheap Ruff we have seen $2.50 for Mack Full Tiurrecl Coney Neck Ruff', wide full collar, trimmed with six tails. $2.75 for our new Snowflake Fur Neck Ruff, black, with white flakes, a beauty. $4.50 for a Black Fur Neck Ruff, 81 inches long, with cluster tails, a very useful fur. $5.50 for our English Marmot Fur Neck Ruff', trimmed, this fur looks as nice as Mink. $6•0o for our American Sal.'le Neck Ruff full cluster tail trimmings. $8.00 for one of our c::oi.:est American Sable Neck truly this is a beauty. $io.00 and $I2.00 for a swell rangy of German marmot or sable ruffs, stoles and scarfs. Buy your furs from us and get the best and middle profits. with six this has a very glossy trimmed cluster tail soft furred, Ruffs, mink, save all J. A. 3TEWART. WfiTGtI TfILK We can supply you with a watch of any description. GENTS WATCHES, in either olid Gold, Gold Filled, Silver, Nickle Silver or Gun Metal cases, ranging in price from $2 00 up to I00.00. LADIES WATCHES, in Sil- ver, Enamel, Gold Filled or Solid Gold Cases, ranging from $4.00 to $60.0o. We have a fine assortment for you to choose from. Before parting with your money call and see what we can do for you. S. FITTON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. We've Turned e Corner. It's fall now in the store no matter what the weather is outside. Fabrics for the coaling cold have again filled up our shelves and counters, and the demand will turn largely to heavier weights. It's a splendid time to order. And you have the choice the refusal of the most worthy 'ollection of clothing aterials that you will find anywhere around here. Call any time. W. W. Taman Merchant Teallor. FOR OVh'.RSIXTY leARt8 AN OLD AND WNLL-TRIED RIIfRDT.-MTB Whnslow'e 800thing syrup bee been need for Over sixty years by minions of mothers tor teelr children while teething,with perfect eneceee, b.00the. the child. eoftne the gums, allays se remedy cures wind collo. and U theDeet the taste. Sold ryale pleasant to e fared It esa„ p t(Aete In every part of the world. 23 Goatee bottle. Its value to incalculable. Be rare and lo Orrin and silk for noother kind.e Mn w'e 800LhlnQ Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to Oct. 5111. Wheat, Ile. for St' nth* rd Oats, 29 to 30 cents per bushel Barley, 35 to 38 cents pen bus . Pteae, 60 cents a bushel. Shorts, $18 per fon. Bran, $14 pxtr ton. Feed Flour, $1.25 per aw.t. Flour, $2.25 par cwt. Bay, E6 per ton. Butter, 20 ciente a pound. F. ;s. 18e. per dozen. Onions, 60e. per teethe!. Hotel, live wcielit. $5.80 pct cwt. Bots, dreesed, ?8.00 to $8.25. (CJIAIM OA=.41.• &aro N. _ATM Kmd ton Han Alto &KM et TU ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisement.e accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. TRI'RSDAY. OCTOBER 5th, 1905. ••••••N•••••••••••••••••. •i i LOCALS ♦O••••*1 t•••t,t+•• Main street is being tvravoliod. Council meets to-niehl (Thursday) See Mara'e, London tel. on pa;o 4. Tho Kirkt,on fair es on to-dly and t o-mornow. Buy your Move pipes and Elbows at Hoarnan's hardwre. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Roses, wished in Clinton over Sunday. Mies Geo. Anderson lett this work LO visit friends .in London and St. Thomas. For Sale. -A beautiful sideboard, oak. nearly new, cheap, apply rat Times office. Mr. L. L. rollick and slater, of St. Marys. visited their parents here Sunday last. Sexsmith church Anniversary will be held an Oct. 15th and 16th. Re- in :rube r the da:tlo . The warns w'cather of FriIay and Saturday reminded one of t le "Good O!tl Sumner Time." Rev. R. W. Knowles of Fullerton, w ill occupy the Main et root pulpit Sunday, October 1.15, Contractors )lawden & Sweet ex. pect to finish the Main street/ con- crete vitfewalk in about a week . For Sale.-Ilouee and two lots for sato on Victoria est reel, west, for fur- ther particulars apply .10 John hind. Algot Cora rotwe.0 left Saturday nizht for New York and Other, e i t- ern paint S. lo be gone a couple of eveks. Mre. Ifteer.n, sr., is visiting her son, A. 1t. Huston, at Wyoming also her sister, Mrs. MCClymoal, at Pe- t role a. Tho Epworth League of 'the Main street Mentalist church has clean •cd its ntoot,in; Mete from Monday to Tuesday. At the recent nicotine of q Sar- nia Presbytery, Rev. E. C. 'Currie twos duly npprinted to the office of moderator, for the ensuing eix mon t hs. DB. OVENS, London, Bur;eon, EYE. EAR. NOSE and THROAT.Vits Glasses properly. Office. Commer• cial Hotel. Exeter.. Next visit Sat- ueday, October 2Ist. Mr. John Evans, wLo Las !teen in London, the past summer erecting a new re'idence, mored Lis fanci:v IU to that city on Monday. We rent) to lose Mr. Evans and family. Dr. flutter, London, will he at the Central Betel, Exeter. on Thursday (tr. totter 26t 5, 1905, all day for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat con- sultation, Eyes tented and glasses supplied. 1 )} TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY N Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund Ibo mon- ey if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature i■ on each box. 25c. CIDER. -The cider eeiso.i his again nrrived and we cL:,int we have the Best tne*ns in the County for m.ikine it -that ie a first-class ar- ticle. \Ve also claire to have the Best process known for making Sweet Syrup and Apple Butter. We stake it without sugar or I,tecet ay - 'dee. simply from the ordinary sour fruit. We make the finest .felly. Usual prices prevail. - A. Cottle. Exeter. It is expected that when the w'nrk is completed, about November 1, ihe surveyors sent out to t5' Ahi'ihi►die- tract (hie et;teoa, w'i)l have eurvey.rd some 40 now townships. This will, it is hoped, enable the locating of the kind Izrant. of 1,400 of the vet- erans (emit l■'d I ferret o under 1M• land zrants net, who have received their ecntefic.ttcs but who have not 4r,en able to make Iocihi(ras. the surveyed Lend bcin; all taken up. &His Leonard of 1'arkhiil, is the ue (t of Miss Ea ruler. Mr, Ed. Eacrett left Manihiy for Toronto to (study medicine. Mise NOT tie Crevaie of Gtelcrich, visited friends in Exeter last week. Miss Ethel Gordon. of Detroit, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. Jack . ,i. Main st roe t. !ere. J. 8)i t1dock returned un Monthly :.ftcr a tl:cas:u►t visit w it h friends in Parkhill. The first dance given by the Pic - wick club teas elven in t ho club •hall Fr•itl'a). evening hon. Rev. Mr. Fletcher. et Themes (toad i3 attending the opening of Knox Col hese, Toronto. thin week. Eddie Iharrc.aa, who o':,s injuht•d by the premature explueetet of some powder the other day. is .pragtessies fitutivy. Garvey Acheson. while pt!yine, with some lads 'Tuesday evenin; dis- 1 c It+d Lis wrist. lir. 1lyndnc:ua toile,' afe f,:s injuritcs. M r. E. \V. 11 erne. of It he hc,vert•i en Beak tit aft ehc,wed his !!Celt stepper at the ALils•erton fair last week and as usual was successful. Mies Co.a Cann leets accepted a tla- eitiota its salcstctdy with Mr. J. A. Stewart. Mites Venetia lertcyne fills the, vacancy tet Mrs. Yees. Mr. Relit. Flicks will have ::a auc- tion silo: of his household effect.. on Saturday, Oct. 14th. See ad in an• of 1 er column. Brine forth the woolen underwear, The straw hal gently lay atv;ly ; Get down the heavy overcoat. Now comes the chill autumnal day. \1r. Barton Hooper, of Buffalo, Arthur Snell, of Melbourne; Mee. Prod.;ers and eon. A1r. 'Phomas Snell and Mrs. Graham, of London. at tended the funeral of Mr. John Snell on Monday. Rev. Mr. and iylrs, Perkins were in Toronto this week. Rev. G. M. Kit- ty, of Granton, will take his work in the Trivitt :Avinerial church next Sunday. Rev. Perkins ,+rcachinn harvest thanks-givir.z serutens at Greaten. )rnproved E., Lish stock fcod is the Lest 'a.I(L cheapest in the market, al- so international `and Columbian stock foal. 1Ierbag gum, Cow Cure, \\'inan's and Dows blood purifier. Sold by C. Lutz. Centred Drug Store Exeter. Tlro \Vonr'an's Institute will 'be hetet in the roadine want of the, Town Hall on Friday, Oct. 6, at 3 o'clock. Subjects. Breakfast and Supper cook•int. Mrs. S. Vernon will give :a talk as physical culture, ex- plaining the eystem of teaching. All aro wolco►ne.-Mess halls. Pres, Mrs. Host•in3s, feec'y. The names of ti10 lads who entered the Main street parsonage when Rev. Godwin and family were away, are known, but on account of the re- spectability of their parents we re- frain from publishing their laalnee, however, should we hear of any more of their depredations. we shall do 80. Mrs. Itobt. Barnes, of London, who Inas been visit inr her mother. Mrs. John Evans, for the past month, ani who underwent en operation lost week, is pronressin,z favorably. She is at present etayin; with etre. Win. Bowmul, and expects to re- turn to London the latter part of this week. The Exeter junior base hall team event to Crediton last Friday tt4 try conclusions with a team from that rilleee. The Crediton leant teas loo much for our boys defeating* then) by a score of 13 to 2. Owing to the shingle, which •the base bits and errors were o.l, being last. we arc unable lo publish the full returns. It is understood that the county assessment will he largely increased as the resukt of the labors of the three valuators now at work. in some of the tort,ships the advance will be so marked th;It the taxpayers tv.ill at once realize that they have not boon pnyist a fair share of the county rate these several years past. Thc ti.rlIt a11,1un1 COnV%•t►tion of the W. O. T. U. of Huron c.'.•ultdy tti!l be held in that Alain atre(•1 Methodist church, Thursday and Friday, Oct. 5th and 6111. All sessions are opeit and the public are very cordially in- vited 10 :rtIend. The prinyipaL ape:tker for Thu:reday evcnitrr ses- sion will he \fa s. McKee, Provincial President W. C .T. 1'., w hra is a most eloquent :-pecker 1:11 enthuseestio Temperance worker. The resident iv 111!r 1 1e[a will 'e 11 attendance C KI 1 1 1 .11 111 TIC .11. . Main street choir still have cleaver" of the r11LL•tiC. Misses Marlin and Hu- ston will contribute means. Morning session at 10 a. In.; aflerrw:nn mis•io►t at 2 p. m.: cvern;ne $eracn •i4( 8 p. II . The vowelizatits, Committee, ap- pointed by the County Council, con- sist in a of Messrs. Win. lie wden,Eie- ter, John Leckie, Ilru•se!s ate! John Cox, of Gat:•rich toe whip. %vete in Exeter on Mond.ly mnkigt value - tions on property. The committee Inas been hard of work for :Thom Aix weeks and has succeeded 144 gel - tine throuzh all the lownehips ane are now nn the towns an.lr villages. They do their work without refer- ence to the Municipality assessors, and when they have completed check up with the ass(ssor's books. They report Moline numerous diserepatc- clee . 1!011 is, in -otnc int:n►ccs the property is vale .1 too low and in other cases to ihi•zh. anti their work consists i1: get tine it on 111 equalized basis. The Epworth Lea zoo service in the Alain street Methodist church 'prov- ed to be one of unusual interest. Iter. W 11 \far•t,in. 11. A. of Given church Tuve n rely .inlereetinz ad- d rest on "The duty tee owe .ter the foreigner+ that are cumin; into Can - ads." Mr. Marti, furnished the audience with important statfietics reeardent the size and wealth of our Northwest possetsitwis.• !lie rapid growl h of the population, the num- erous lenzuazes spoken and the nc- cessify of sendinz them the Gospel He showed that we should hotline, foreigner from reasons both patriotic and chrtistian. A vote of thanke watt tendered Mr. Martin. moved by T. 11. \&C Ilium, seennde(1 by E. A. rol- lick and uneninl(ntsly supported. Miss Gidley run: ribntcd I solo which was .zroatly enjoyed. Mrs. Godwin. the president, rccupied the their in her usual able tnenner. Well Tailored Goods andiMEN 6c BOY'S READY.TO.WEAR CLOTHING C1othin'� Good C:14:.. Fittin Big Stock of Boys' and Men's Suits, Over- coats and Raincoats at very interesting Prices Bc,ys' 3 piece Tweed Suit, special Boys' 3 piece Tweed Suit, special Boys' 3 piece Worsted Suit, special Boys' 2 piece Tweed Suit, special .... I3oys' 2 piece Tweed Suit special Boys' 2 piece Tweed Suit, special • Boys' Navy Nap Reefer coat, all sizes, special Boys' Navy Tweed Coat, special Boys' Frieze Overcoats, all sizes, special Boys' Tweed Overcoats, special Mens' Tweed Suits, special • • • • Mens' Tweed Suits, special ........ Mens' Tweed Suits, special ...... .... .... Men's Tweed Suits, special Men's Cravenette Coats, lined, special Men's Cravenette Coats, unlined, special Men's ‘k aterproof Coats. unlined. special.... Men's Waterproof Coats, unlined, special .... Men's heavy Tweed Pants, special ....... Men's Tweed Pants, special •••• $3.75 4.50 Men's Tweed Pants, special . • • • Boys' Knickers, special Boys' Knickers, special ........ 2.75 3.25 3.75 2.25 2.5o 3.75 5.00 5.00 10.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 5 75 4.75 1.00 1,50 2,00 50c 7 5c BITE=.aL 8z ROWE LAWN IlO\YLiNG A ;awe of the senitos was prayed Friday afternoon bet ween rinks skipped by Rev. Perkins anis F. W. Gladrnan resulting in favor of the former by 'e score of 20 tie 9. W. C. Ruston Dr. Sweet. II. E. Huston L. II. Dickson N. Dyer Burden W. J. Ileaman Itev. Perkins F. W. Mailman Skip 20 Skip 9 IIICIcs' FORECASTS Saturday. Sunday and Monday. the 7th, 8th and. 9th, am reactionary storm dales. Oa ithesc days there vi11 be a dect'Ted not urn hid' etorrn conditions. Let it 4:e clearly under- stood tvhat is meant by storm' con- ditions. Anti -storm conditions are a rising and h1411 barometer, west- erly to northerly winds, cleating an:4 colder weather. Storm conditions are, fatting and low barometer, east- erly to southerly witels, rising tem- pe.rature rand growing cloudiness. The reactionary cst.orn► conditions on the 71h, 8111, and 9th wilit .reeul1 in more rain and storminess, moving in storm -canters like vast trains from west •t o east over the country. This reactionary period i9 in' the on -com- ing Mercury dist urbane+', and is apl to be •,Brined end fuldowod by thick cloudiness, twist and drizzle, caa►sine sleet :led passible spurts of snow toward the north. Ch:rnee to much cooler will follow these distur- bances. DEATH OF MR. JOHN SNELL. Death cn 1 t itlay chinned one of Exeter's most tespccted citizens and one of Huron's earliest pioneers, Mr. .!olid Snell, at the adt•auccd ago (if 85 years reel 7 menthe. Mr. Snell was horn in Devonshire, En:elend. and tvilh his parents emigrated to Canada in 1834, The fzrnily first set - 11'•d in London. Then a hautlel,whcre they lived for about two veers. In- ducements were 'given to Thos who settled in the upper part or. Lower Canada, cf which the County of 11u - reit now forms part, and Cho Hneil fancily decided to try their fortune lyre, Mi. Geo. Sne1J, the tallier. traded a lot in London for a calf, the lot bcin; situated near tho pre- sent ni trket, and moved his family to . a farm now situated :a mile and a quarter south of Exeter and familiarly know it as Vosper's corners. There nand )(oust) was erected, a nl,ansion in thane days, where it stool) defien4 of 11:1 sl onus for ye:u•s, and was 1)01 recently torn down to ,.lake room for a more modern dwelling. The large poplar tree., old landmarks, the dostrttclien or whirh caused caused many tear bcdipuned (•yt•s iD the family. wore also cud down. Their nearest neighbors to the south sere seven milt's away ani the McConnell and Willis I:malice were the neatest to the North. After bis Mania 4e Mr. ,iohn Snell took up (:arming on i he 2041 Conce4- eke% of Stephen, where he romaine:i about 45 years, after tLich he retired to Exeter, to enjoy his de- clinin; years. Ile was the eldest of his family. Mrs. Geo. Semw•c11 and Chas. Snell ht int the only ones'1eft. Of his children six are living, Mrs. A. g v1►a%', \r� Jamescs rd A r.. A. Ford Eli, Chines and Getiere, his wife having' predeceased hire about 30 years. ago. Mr. Snell always (eok zt'e'at plcos- tire in narratiti.r about his early (Llys. ()Win z to disability he never enjoyed a ride on a railroad 4rain and the Gist one lie ever saw• was when the i.. 11. & B. division oT the Grand Trunk was opened up throu>;h Exeter from London to \Vinxhern. Rev. McDonouzh, of Stratford, formerly pastor of the Main street Methodist church, visited Rev. (Jo- int Tuesday last and called on sev- eral acqu:tint.tncre. SCHOOL NOTES ALiss McLean, of Dun:annon, has been engaged lo teach in Miss Vos- per's room for !the batance of 'the torn!. Miss McLean comes highly recommended as a teacher. She commenced duties last Monday inornitte. Mr. Antos, who has bent in charge' of Hiss Vesper's room during the past month has left for Toronto. where he will attend the Dental Col- lege during Mlle fall term. Mise Jcckeli has been enfa;ed to leach the room now being taught; by Miss Carlini. She will cotutaence her new duties Monday noxt The Literary Society was organ- ized last Friday evenin;. The fol- lowing officers were elected: Pres. Tom Carlene; Vice -Pres., Mary Mur- ray ; Sec., D. Itondl,e; Treas., Geo. Dick: Piaaist, Etta Davis; Glee club leader. Principal L. c. Fleming; Journalist. Dyer lturdon : Critic, Miss Chidley : Question Drawer, Miss Merritt elan ; Proer:un Commit tee, W. Iluston, fl. Martin and Roy Far- mer, It is the intention of the socie- ty to have the Irinitest cLass, of en- tertainments this season, the fac- ulty and students being united in nt'akin3 it a Brent success. A num- ber of the students are c' cellent de- baters and a good showing by them is anticipated. FLOUR, FEED AND GROCERIES Men's nice overcoats of large plaid Tweeds in double- breasted and Belted. One of the new `(Swagger" coats, for only 1$10.00. Young Men's Great Big "Swagger" coat, the vecy� new- est thing for this season, made of Scotch Tweed, plaid effect, extra long, doublebreasted and belted back, it has the full padded shoulders, only 8$15.00. Men and Boys' cheaper coats made up of different kind*" of material and very fashionably made $4, $5, $7 and $9. RAIN COATS. We have just received one dozen of a new $10,00 rain coat in plain and fancy cloth, side pockets, and lined through- out. This is the new fall coat and while they last we will sell them f$7.ti0. s 5, 7, RLen'sor new suit8 and S10. Boy's new suits 1, 2, 3 and $5 In addition to a full stock of Flour, Feed and Groceries, we have on !land some first class Timothy Seed, the best to bo had. We have also a supply of the cheapest and best Stock Food. Produce taken In Exchange. S. HARDY & SON ' 4 GR AHD TRUNK Railway System FOR i111NTERS 8150LI: FAiRE TO Points in Tetna.;anli on T. & N. 0. Ry., to points Matt:awe to Port Ar- thur and Sault Ste Marie inclusive, vi.a North !lay or via. N. N. Co. GOOD GOING OCTOBER 10th TO NOVEMBER 715 Muskoka Lakes Midland Lake of flays I'enet'arez ,Maene•tewan River L:Ikcfiel.1. All Stations Arzyle to Coboconk, Lindsay1Q 1{al 1 n ton Severn to North Ray i'oints on Northern Nay. Co., (Georgian Bay and Mackinaw Divi- sion.) 0001) (7015(7 OCTOiIEit 26th TO NOVEMiIER 7th. All tickets valid returning until li•• 9t), For tickets, illustrated literature and full information, call on J. J. KNIGHT. Depot ticket agent, Exeter. J. D. McDONALD District passenger agent. Toronto. LES VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer is It true you want to look old P Theo keep your gray hair. if not, then use Hall's Hair Renewer, and have all the dark, rich color of early life restored to our hair. DRESS GOODS. Don't overlook our dress goods. We show you the best range of the popular plaids. We have all the new tweeds, plain and fancy cloths, and will be pleased to show you our best. "Highost price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. CABLING BROS. ♦•••••N••NN4NN•••NN• 1.••••..•NN♦..........., DESIRABLE FURNITURE At Tempting Prices. This month we offer r few Attractive Specials in Furniture. Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dress and Stand, with large British Bevel Plate Mirror, Regular price $35•oo ; salts price, complete, 532.00 Solid Quarter Cut Oak Sideboard, with British Bevel Plate Mirror, two small and one large drawers, large size cupboard, regular price $32 ; sale price $3o.00. Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Table, full extension, regular price, $22.00 sale price $20.00. Solid Quarter Cut Oak Dining Chairs, leather seats, one arta and five small chairs. Regular price 519.00 ; sale price $16.5o. W. C. HUSTON, Funeral Director, ••••••••••••••••••••••••i•••••••••••••••••••••••••• dt►t►N•ifaN•••N••••••Nt,•••t,•••N THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA CAPITAL RESERVED AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS, WIER $2,000,000 Total Assets - - - Over $12,000,000 Accepts sums of $1.00 and upwards on deposit in Savings Department. Buys and Sells Exchange on all parts of the world Collects Drafts, Coupons, Dividends, etc , on the most favorable terms. Does a General Banking Business. EXETER RETIRINFC FROM BUSINESS. BI4 DI6OEQIIt oll RCdUU4OWCdr 610th1110. 116 New Overcoats to select from. 84 New Suits for men. 83 New Suits for boys. 56 New Pairs of Men's Pants. 47 New Pairs of Boy's Pants. We were quite unprepared for this RETIRIA SALE therefore the REASON of our hav- ing such a Stock of New Clothing These goods must go at a great sacrifice. We have cut the prices from 25 tO 40 per colt. We welcome every person and hope to see you all. Get some of our Big Reductions. TERMS:=•Produce or Cash. 10 GOODS GIVEN ON APPROBATION. NO 00003 TAKEN BACK AFTER PURCNASEI. Popiestone & Gardiner. ()ne ()nr►r moth h, ..f Peat Off iota .