Exeter Times, 1905-10-05, Page 2pripplismintimgow*---
T_ '
E WORLD'S MARKETc slue{:res, choice 300 3 25
1)o., commonU0 2 5 0
— Do., bulls 2 yo Russian Envoy Accorded a Hearty
PORTS TRON TIIE LEADING Export ewes, Per cats . 1 Ou 4 15 AT NORTH RENI"REW AND SIDE- Welcout•, Ho:n'.
TRADE CENTILES, I)o., bucks :3 00 3 50 COE EXHIBITIONS. A St. Petersburg despatch says:
Cull sheep, per cwt. 3 00 3 50 M. de Witte arrited here ut 8.25
Ms of Cattle, Grain. Cheeses 1 -rungs. per cwt. ... 5 0(1 5 75 Provincial Department Is Arrang-
('ttlwes. cwt. 3 50 6 00 'Thursday, and was accurd-
aad Other hairy Produce 2 00 12 00 ing to have a Number of ('(I a very' hearty re. ept ion by a
a.m., on hurs
accord -
Curries, eachEducational Features. large crowd of officials and others.
at•Home and Abroad. hubs, selected, cwt. ti 12i 0 00
n Do lights, cwt. 5 0 00 MI the agricultural societies) in the When he left St. Petersburg in July
orunto, Oct. :3.—Wheat—'Prude i., Do., tat: cwt.
. 5 0 00 province have been written to by Mr. u 50,01£ delegation of officials Ac
ario Trades is quite. No. 11. 13. Cowan, Provincial tiuperintc•11- Cmlti{+unled him to the railroad :aa-
,te is quoted at 74 # to 7tc. and "--'+ (lent of Agricultural Societies sing Burt to hid 111111 farewell. There was
2 red Winter at 7:13 to 7 tc at DYNAMITE SHIP BLOWN UP. urged to appoint, delegates to attend no public dc•ntunstration tthateser.
side points; goose wheat, 67 to either the 13eachburg exhibition, in On '1'hut•sday there were seven or
: outside. New No. 1 httr(1 is tun- Column of Water Shot 2,000 Feet Nett h Renfrew, on October 5 and ti, eight 1 in,.•s as teeny ufflciuls, (le-
nge(' at 87c, Georgian Bay po.t ; in the Air. or the Situcue exhibition ut Norfolk spilt! the +arty hour of the t rain's
. 1 Northern at 855, and No.
A. despatch from 1'urt Said sues:— County, October 18th and 19th. arrival, road an enthusiastic crowd
rthern at s:ic' Thi, British ship Chatham, which was 'These are two of the very hest of 5110 or 600 people.
ats--No. t'' white at 210 al ass. Sept. 6,in purely agrieulturat societies in the 1'ht• 1{ttsso-Japanese Treaty will
•th and west, and at 21c east. srtnk in the Suez Canalhe signed early next week. M. (1e
2 order to prevent an explosion of
Province. 'Hwy loth have s;►lenulid
lades -1o. quoted at •1:, to .rounds and buildings, the ('.lelul of 11'iltu had a long hater%ietw and
No. :3 extra. at 4:3 to -1.1c, and s(•nhe fp tons of dynamite,
which f. , grounds
Laois -
formed art of the cargo, trine the any in the l rosiecc, aur! the 5. lunched with Foreign Minister ].:tn,s-
. 8 at 40c at outside points. P b and buildings a+'(• eruct £culls all paid durf rn! 'Thursday. He will be re -
blown up at 0.53 o'clock on '!'hors_ for. TIie annual report of the North ec'ived at Peterhof 044(1 give the Em -
day and west, and at 70c east. cgtty morning. '1`110 Suez ('until is Renfrew society for 1001 sho\\'ecl perm. a report of th.s conference, but
;ern—American (urn sellsat Gl,c t,locked in consequence. that its buildings aro worth fit:3,000, the treaty itself will he taken to
No. 2, and at Glc for No. :3, lake
:the world's 1c'(c,rd in plltnncd ex- its landa 5:3,000, total 51(3.000, with• Peterhof by Count Latnsdorl, whose
I rail. plosions, ns seen front the Eastern liabilities of only 5100• The report
count er-sigr.aturt' will complete the
lye—Yrirrs at ;,Sc at outside
Exchange, consisted first of a vase, of the Norfolk Union society showed e-xecution of the instrument.
Ints. column of grey smoke shooting sky-; that its lands are worth 53,000, its
lour—Ninety per cent. patents ward. Within at second of the press- ibuildings 56,500, total 511,500, with
sde of nett wheat for export. ,are a mortgage of only $600. The On -
P Lug of the button at the tiring; point,
ated at 53 to 53.10 in buyers' which was three ,piles distant [rout i tario Depar•true'nt of Agriculture 15
:kit at outside points: do., bbls.. the Chatham, a column of %water, !arranging for a convention of rept'''' Newspapers a Unit in Welcoming
.50 to 53.60. Stanitoba flours un- 300 feet high. rose. Eight seconds =sentatives from the other agricultur- Alliance With Britain.
pinged; No. 1 patents, 55 to $5.- later it had risers to a height of 1,- . ni societies in the Province o'ince at each
Of these exhibitions. Reduced rates A Tokio despatch says. The Nm. 2 patents, 54.70 to $•1.80 900 feet, and in four sc.e.o 5 more
news -
track, 'Toronto. it was nearly 2,04)0 feet hi;, . 'flea ;are being secured over the railroads, papers are almost a unit in wvelcoru-
lllfeed—At outside points bran 'ivrtekag;e 1050, immense fragment; ;1►artic►dars of which will be mailed ing the alliance, with England,
;quoted at $l1.50 to $12, and of iron soaring aloft hundreds of your society later. It is expe2teil especially as regards its extension of
its at 517 to 517.50. Manitoba feet. 'the total duration of the as- that delegates will Ito able to attend scope and enhancement of power. Grand Trunk Now Operates Mr. Article 1.—ft is agreed whenever in
35:,t halt rates. The Jiji. (xpri it, a , despite
satin- Booth's Railway.
in sacks, 516.50 to 517, and ceet a as seconds. The whole the opinion of either Great Britain
e body of «ater in the canal for a The Department believes that the faction with and, despite its se- A Montreal despatch says:—The Pany
is at $1J to $20. 'tell criticisms of the peace terms or Japan of the rights or inter-
- with of about 200 linear yards time i4 cu,ning, when cher( will Le a !•, I mautlgement of the (rand Trunk
material reduction in the number of ests referred to in the preamble are
• twos apparently lifted and thrown frith Russia, warmly welcomes the Railway announces that the Canada in jeopardyrthe two Govertunents
COUNTRY PRODUCE. II Japanese Cabinet's achievement. Atlantic Railway has been taken
52 twits
the banks and spread over u societies in the Province and that , . ,
los—Choice stuck, 51.50 t° toholding Y The Asahi and Nicht Nicht eonsid- over by them, and that the follow- will communicate with one another
mile of the country, depositing thou -'instead of so plan cxhibifullyand frankly and consider in
bl., and cooking apples, 51 tofish. The vegetation tions, er the conclusion of the alliance the ing board of directors has been elect-
sandy of deadcommon pleasures which should
F. ll. e•'itzhu n
ns—Hand-picked, $1.7.5; prime
in that section teas destroyed. Much : FEWER AND LARGER greatest diplomatic feat of modern ed:—Chas. M. Mayes• g'' cbeo taken the safeguard those general
of the wreckage fell on the railway. jexltibitio»s will he h/ld. This t\ •ill times. F. II. McGuigan, Jos. Hobson, R. rights and interests.
to 51.65.
Subsequent investigation she«eel', make it possible to arrange the ex- In business circles there is remark-
II. Biggar, J. W. Wood, Frank ig
ey—The market is steady at that 601) feet of the cast hank of the hibitions into circuits and for the !!jubilation. The Bourse is remark- Scott. Tho following named were Article IL—It by reason of an
i c for strained, and 51.50 tovarious ednto cnal institutions of i all petite, and there is an alt- elected ofllcers:—( has. M. liaye_9, unprovoked attack or aggressive ac-
� canal was destroyed. The \vest. bank Y
• r -Thep combs. \was not, in ured. The tele ra ,h and ,resident; F. I1. Fitzhugh, vice-presi- tion, wherever arising, on the part
j g 1 the country to prepare special exhi- round advance in prices.
s 'I he market is dull at 15 to ; 'xhibition to 11'ith rcfere•nce to the. alliance, the (lent; Frank Scott, secretary-treasur- of any other power, or powers, e. -
p'— ' telephone lines were leveled. I'hc pita to take £corn one tcontractor be involved in war
per IT►. i greater part o[ the see neer vanished, another. To illustrate what can be leading metropolitan newspapers ex- e►•; 11. W. Walker, general auditor. ther
Car lots of No. 1 timothy !b } —$. in defence of• its territorial rights;
y-1►ut part of her stern renlnina. It. done in this direction the Depart- pr(•s., satisfaction. While ltulclilr5;ttho or special interests mentioned in tho
quoted at $8 to $ft. 0 on track may possibly be necessary to blow •taint is arraug;in5; to have a number lfinistry responsible for the blood- FAVOR ADMISSION OF JEWS the, other contractor shall
and No. 2 at 56 to 4ti.50• this u mers of the peace conference, they do preamble,
p. � f educational features at both of at once tomo to the assis(tnnce of its
w—Car lots quoted at 56 on ----♦— 'these exhibitions. Delegates who at- not withhold the praise due the con- St. Petersburg Professors Object
Toronto,gaintincture of one of the most import- to Restrletions. ally and conduct tear in common and
BASUTO RISING FEARED. 'tend eu- will be able to full itnfur- , make peace in mutual agreement
s—They are quoted at 60 illation as to the cost of introducing ant international agreements of says:
r bag on track. Flying Force of British Despatched features and as to the best A St. Petersburg despatch with it.
thesemodern times. to
council of professors has voted Article III.—.Tapan possessing par -
hens, 7 to 8c; From Pretoria. ;methods of conducting them at their
?c,in favor of the unrestricted ttdn,i5- amount political, military and eco- GREAT I3IlITAI,i,
fat chickens, 0 to IOc; cxhibitiuns. The evening of the first GROWTH OF WINNIPEG. mimic interests in Corea, Great Bri-
te 4e; clucks, 8c, all Tito A despatchlatedfrom London says:— clay a meeting of the delegates will si°n °f Je«s to the university coots- ' !The British Government definitely
It is stated that a [lying force left es, regardless of the regulation re- taitn recognizes the right of Japan
be held, when an opportunity will be fs,3 refuses to remove the embargo ou.
Pretoria on Sept. 211th for the bur -various Building Permits Amount to slriclirtb Hebrew students to per
to take such measures for the quid- Canadian cattle.
der of Basutoland. Since the e1jef. given them to discuss the NearlyTen Million Dollars. >
THF. DAIRY .MARKETS. features of the exhibition and other cent. of th. student body. The ret- ante, control and protection of Co- In its financial Supplement '1'110
• jobbing at °[ Lerothodi, the paramount chief. b A Winnipeg despatch says: 'th1 promised to
ter—I our,d rolls are }(h K e matters rclatin • to the management
• for of the university } ria as it may deem proper and nee -
of [airs. r give his hearty support to the re -
tor essary to safeguard and advance
o 21c; tubs, good to choice, 18 defeat in South-west Africa, the Bas-, , , building record is g�reate r that! ever. ditions generally continuo most sat -
9c, and inferior, 1(3e. Creamery :The special features of these exhi- Compared with the total figures for tontittc'tl(li:tion. these interests, provided always that tactors.
otos have 110.•0 restless, and a war- tenons will include: such measures are not contrasty to
Zs sell at `'2} to 23c, awl solids like tcelin has: bc•c'n ainw ing.. Peet Loos years it shows a marvellous
s W 1. Dennonstr►►tions In the women**A MONSTER NUGGET. the principle of equal opportunities
to 22e. ready to burst out at any nwnu•nt. '••
increase. In last year's record set for the commerce and Industry of all UNITED STATE
department under the direction of 'real millions were represented by the
—.�nles are 18jc psr dozen Young chiefs are traversing the coon- . e (; A. Putnam. . Suixdirec io nt of
Chicago em login printers have
lots; splits, 16 to lei jc. try stirring up a sort of holy war. Ontario Wunu•n's Institutes. new C. P. 11. terminals, the Eaton Hundred and Sixty Pounds of Sil- nations, g P g
12e block thegas works iu1 rot eel, nt s ver in Cobalt Mines. SECURITY OF INDIA. engaged girl typewriters to take the
Friees at 111 to perthat is aimed more at the liners ., ▪ Live stock judging competitions P B places of the aeriking typesetting mu -
for twins. than the British. It is alleged that 011(1 other large structu+•rs. 'There A Cobalt. despatch says: The third Article IV.—Great Britain Navin chine men.
for farmers; soles.
the British resident at Maseru has a A special exhibit preparecl by rue over 1,240 more buildings this monster nugget has been found in special interests in allthat concerns president Roosevelt is expected too
110G PRODL(1'ti, urgently appealed to the high Cunt- Mi, 1; C. Elford, Chief of the foul- year to (tate than last year, but the the '1'innins mini. It tweig;hs 160 the security of the Indian frontier, introduce legislation giving a gee to
11 to 11 c n,issiuner to arm the fanners living try. Division of the I'onninion De'- majority of these are residences. The pounds Mine managers are having Japan recognizes her right to take measure of Government control over
—Long clear, speaks for }tst'if, is us r
in case lots: mess pork, $18; °►► the borders. The Boers there are hartilient of Agriculture, illustrating report, uhich } difficulty in stopping the, stealing, of such measures in proximity to that insurance companies.
cut 522 to $`2^.:,0. pirs;istrntly asking permission 1t'.(lt'siratblo and undesirable tyres o: follows: SALVO*.
frontier as she may find necessary The courts of 'Tennessee have been
t Meats—Hams, light to ntcdi- curry rigrs. '1'110 Peados are also re-
to! birds fol• fattening purposes, 1904—Permits, slits, 1,768; hetildings,—♦------- for safeguarding her Indian posses- asked to restrain the Supreme Coin: -
to 11$c. dn., heavy, 13c; ported to he restless and arum° ,slt(►ttielg f n0(101 poultry house, fat- 2,'268; cost, 517,651,7 0. SALE OF SCHOOL LANDS. sionii. cit of the Royal Arcanum from put-
, 12e: shoulders. 1 le; hacks, 15 join the ]Basuton. The story inc1udtaq ' 'Vhigh b ting the new scale of asst ssnn ntS
a statement that Great Britain is telung; elutes, packing casts, methods 1'cost,
2 701; buildings Article ee The hi h contractin
3,539; 2' ' Government Will Dispose of 300 - aeries ngree that neither, without into effect.
dc; breakfast bacon. 1 1, to l:it. of packing, trap nests, itc ., etc. cost $4),G�r.0.,0 f , p g
—'Pierces, 101c; tuns:, jOje; being asked t° send more troops. 4 • .len exhibit of desirable and un- ♦ 000 Acres in Alberta. consulting; the other, will enter into
101e. Nothing official on the subject is desirable types of hogs, with sides THEFTS OF BAGGAGE. A cleapatch from Ottawa says:— separate agre•emrnts with another GF'!vrlt:lL.
given mut. ��r of bacon shutciu 1 injm irs enlisted by-- '
1'110 Government has deckled to sell power to prejudice the objects, dem Th(: American steamer liarracou-
SINf•;.tiS AT NtO`'TIt]:.11,. —' !the treatnnint and methods of handl- C. P. R. on Track of C about :300,iN10 acres of school lands scriheci in the preamble of this ata has been seized by the Japanese.
OIL IN THE ST. LAWRENCE. iing; hugs: when alive. Systematic in atberta. Mr. N. M. Ingram, 8 Eighteen b submarine t"ss:elsr are se-
In- a agreement. —
!real, Oct. 3.—'Phe Hour turtone. 5. :1n exhibit. in the trait depart_ Looting at St. John N. B. ,ector of School Lands,has receiv- Article Vi.—In tine matter of the
dy with an easy undertone.j sling constructed by the French Gov -
crop of beans is being; of-
Remarkable Discovery Made at i utrnt prepared I v Mr. Mex. lle'Neill, I A St. John, N. i1., despatch says: ed instructions frons the Department present war Great Britain will con- ernment.
P Brockville. Chief of the bruit 1►icision. I)lt:tttn. 'The local police have seized a banjo of the Interior to !nuke arrange- tinue to maintain strict neutrality
con -
ore freely on the market, i1luaUating the right and twron6 ,ill It Carleton 1100:;£ and held it as aunts for bolding a number of acnes• unless another power, or powers,
have conte down on spot A despatch from Brockville says: methods of packing fruit, infractions part of the property stolen from The first salt will be that of '1'y'n- join Lir he'stilitirs against Japan, in
0 to $1.•15 per bushel in car- About six weeks ago a man obs••rt'• (,[ the fruit !larks Act, etc. There ; C, 1'. R. passengers' baggage in 41011 and some other sections in the which case Great. Britain will come
ots for choice prime; hand- ed while fishing •in the river nt the will also be a special exhibit of de -neighborhood on Oct.16. '1'110 Town -
the assistance of Japan, conduct
pea beans are quotid about ('ase crud of 13rockvllle that the Sur• transit through h'_r(. During the bwar in common, and make peace in
s;ir:rhle and undesiral,le fruit for the Iye'ar the C. fit. I{. has paid thousands ship of Tyndall is located on a
per bushel higher. Peas are face of the water for a wide stretch district, fruit from ',prayed and un- school section, and this sale will en -
agreement with Japan.
1', and new crop boiling peas was covered with oil, and, following
part , �oI dollars in claims for trans-Atlun-
thu streak up -stream, made an in- sprayed hetes, etc. This of the tic 1►nggnge stolen from passengers. able the people living there to secure Article VII .—The conditions in
ie bougeht. for 95c to F1 per 1e ertshihit twill be in )0 ('ec of Mr. 11'- '1'ln.' lobbrries e•uns;isted chirtly of titles for the lands: the; occupy. twl,irh ntm0(1 r'ssistnnce will be af-
ro carload lots in Montreal. teresting discovery, about :300 yards 1 . Mucuun, of the ('entral 1:x1'0. i 'the '"~----�-,forded by either power to th other,
are unchanged. and 5:01(•5: 011 rt out from the shore. There ler found ! jrtweJry and valuable articles, and the means by .which such as sist-
mental Farm, Ottawa. ARTILLERYMAN'S SUICIDE.
market are being made at J34# oil bubbling; up in several mints and Ii. A special exhibit by the Seesrobberies twere conunitted by persons
C being,* curried with the current. down' who had access to the baggage be- ante Is to be made available, will
for No. 2 white, and 88 to l►it i�iop of the. Dominion Depart_ EHalifax Gunner Found on Sam• be arranged by the naval and mill-
the river. The phenotnenn has been g g ,• fore it was put on the steamers go- parts With Throat Cut. tat;v authorit.trs of the contracting
r No. a. '1'tter provision mat- meal of A riculi arc showing tar- 1
sated several times stmt' then by the , in toEurope or after l,rin • token
wing to n somewhat inadec{u-' imus weeds designated in the Seen g,1 b A despatch from liuliirax, N.b., says: parties, who, froom time to time. Will
market, the `►147)14' man. and tee later than Ned- (•uutrnl Act passed at the ..cent. sem- froi't stesunirt; curving; to (�Iltlilda. Ig;. of the R°ya:
pply on the n a nesduy he found the same conditions (,dance as• hitt consult 0710 anMhrr fully an(1 freely
' demand for hogs this: mural -',ion of Parliament. This exhibit i —}—on all questions 01 mutual interest.
pl evading; as; on the first day of his
will include what is know are "'1'n(• ('rnriaon Artillery. illery , was found diad
the effect of stiffening prices.,CANADA AT on the ramparts of the Citadel Hill Article VI IT.—The present ngree-
discovery. The odor from the oil re.Noxious Weeds of lhttario.'• PITTSBURG.•
nt 56.75 to 57 per 14)0 Waft , l,(.s.- i .. , , , , . at an early hour on Thursday morn- rural shall, subject to the provisions
sertt11,1cs that of pe trolport 41)1(1 , . I .".bur Sating, Devices This r gash in his throat,
✓ good mixed lots; a ceerre- wades the eats! ern portion °[ the 111 r with a big, 6a of article VII., come into effect. lin-
g increase in the price of town alien the wind is browing; in trill include n gasoline' engine operett_ Great Interest Being Taken in Ser Ili d by his tilde was found a coat., mediately after th.• (late of its sig na-
Exhibits at the Fair. ,
ing a create separator, ping gr stood, ping; twos: ,l.' ears of and and un torr, and remain in force for ten
un -
hogs is looked for. and prie • the right direct ion. Several p(trt ies cutting; ensilage, pumping ttltie,•.
week have ft 71(8Iintun of
have visited the spot. An (7ttftstt despatch says: Air. Wil- n1(uric(1, and had fifteen years' ser- years from that date. In case nei-
hnma, bacon nnrl lard shute ,'etc., line. A. liurna, «110 has charge (►f rice to his credit. No reason iy ther of the high contracting parties
ane.•, and a good trade is —' I aLI, A'1' '1'131•: SAME 'I'lltl. then Canadian exhibit at Pittsburg. bitch fur h;, act. should be notified 12 months before
ng es pedally with the country JURISDICTION IN LABRADOR. ; 8. A complete systene, 01 farm sew- as is in the city fur rt day or two ♦-�'— the expiration of the .said ten years
1 et age, r:ttc•h as can be int ru.Iiiced to arrange for the transference of GRADING THE G. T. PACIFIC. (►[ the intention of trrrninnt ing; the
Quebec Will Ask Courts to Deter- into n1►y f;trn:tr'r, )101.50 at slight 5011)(' 1►lin+'ral displays at Liege, Bel- of agreement it shall rems:tin I►incling
[nine Boundary Line. cc(!, I;Lour, to the• ('anudi,ut section ut the Work West of Portage la Prairie until the expiration of one year
A despatch from Ottawa s;a.•s: t►. .l special exhibit in the Dairy imperial Institute in London, Eng- Being Vigorously Pushed. iron( the day on which either of the
• ( (: nerniticnt trill the l►e'1►acrtr,10)11 pr.•i'ttl•ed by t he cheese land. Mr. Burns brings 1 he best of A rlesl►ntch from Winnipeg, s:n}'ea conte(:sting; pstrtirs shall have de-
file Quebec ( uthuri
expel tees: of Moi►treal, and Mr. N. ne«rs iron, the Pittsburg Exposition. About 130 utiles of T. 1'. read
nouncrd it. Mit it when the date
co-oprrntiun of the Federal it G. Somerville, Superittendellt of In the lite weeks during ahieh the west of I ortn a In Prairie is
tire, will take steps shortly before g fixed for its expiration arrives either
the Government Cool Curing Room ;fair has. h.'en running he says the under sub -tont and the workisally is actually engaged in war, the
the `upre,nr Court to have accurate-
. •( width of Ile• sari , at Brockville. This will include pro- people hate 41811(•(1 the Canadian being pushed forward with all p(s i alliance, ipso facto, shell continue
1y (he 1,tine t the 1 ,rely argil improperly construct d h,til'ling 17) greet numbers. The t- blo sliced. :111 these rrnlUvuts twill
of the l.nhrn(1er Peninsula the own- 1 until pence shall have been con -
f which is vest ed in New_ cheese buy ationg h,xts. broken tendnnce nt tin• fair is about 11,T10 bo completed early next spring. and cluele•(1
ershrl °( has for some tinto he en loxes ase rceeivr(1 at �tnntreul. Illi- (laity. ".nd interest centres( in the the grade will easily reach 1'(,ueh-
lssuin an 1 1 t ('unadi.sn Dods; fen -
which constitute wood hills 1ev midsummer.
In [With whereof the undersigned,
issuing; timber licenses in the il►teriee►. }►rnperly {�.lcked hoxr:: s tmwi11 ; the ), '
duly authnriird by th. it respect ice
0( lwtl,rttdmr. Premier (louin's in cheese much too large or too small the most attrnctivr exhibition fen- Glass -minor. lance signed this active
tention is to hest' settle of this titan f(10 the• 110x05 they were shipped in, turn ose the ground RUSSIA AND GERMANY.
1s unit improperly crated posit and affixed their -••.�1':. Done
tx•r ivriTe•ef, after twhich the courts propel i +— Probable Effect of the Anglo- in dut►lic•nte at T.ond•►n. Aug. 12.
will be asked to say whether the Is -
. defective cheese, etc. (Signed)LANSDOWNE.
land Colony had any right to is:•+s(' •\t the ':intcoc exhihit3en in neleli SECURES MASTERY OF ASIA Japanese Treaty.
tion to the above, there Will also he A despatch front l.on'lon snys:—.l 1! lti':15111.
1110 license under tt soot 1 he Ions. or
Men operate. The case may ultimate- .14
gymkhana or crnupetitiol► (►n Britain Victorious i7) a War She St. Petersburg despatch to 1110 Ex- -__._D _—
ly go to the •i oak -at ('ommitt('e, of horse hack in front of the gi and i Did Not Wage. change Telegraph Company says that
the Privy Council. stand. cmntpet.4 ions; by s:choul child-' A \ i nun des; ►etch wtcre:—'Thal the •
Anglo-.lapnnese treaty of all£- FREESPEECII IN RUSSIA.
♦ ren for the beset drillsd s+ooty'sz, end I 1 ante has produced n had impression
demonstration plots illustsat iugr 1110- England has come victorious out (►t Massie. Hope i rprc•'�'s tl in di -
TO WINTER IN MANCHURIA. I thodss of growing farm cross and C
,inntatic circles that Russia troll ar
Anglo -Japanese Co. Will Have a
Capital of 525,000,000.
The London Standard's Liverpool
correspondent reports the formation
of a b;g; Anglo -Japanese ship- owing
and carrying combination, with a
capital of £5.000,000. It will take
over about 40 steamships, varying
from 2,000 to :3,000 taus each, which
J apan acquired for transport work
during the war, and will use them
chiefly for centrali.ing the Japanese
coasting trade. Some of them will
be used for currying shipments to
and from India and China. Port Ar-
thur will be the I-'ur !:astern head-
quarters and distributing centre.
The Japanese Government has grant-
ed cuncessiens there for warehouses
and docks. The combination, furth-
ermore, proposes to acquire several
large cargo steamers of from 10,0(4)
to 20.000 tons, to carry freight
direct. betneen Japan, China, Liver-
pool. London, Antwerp, and some
French port. It is believed that
Japan's export trade will receive
en(►rmous development. and that it
will be linked with China's, while a
brisk business will be done with Eur-
opean manufacturers. Sir Alfred
.tones, senior partner in the firm of
Elder Dempster and Co., R. D. Holt,
and several China merchants aro
mentioned in connection with the
Integrity of Chinese Empire,
Open Door, and Maintenance
of Territorial Rights.
A despatch froru London say,+' The
text of the Anglo -Japanese agree-
ment, which was signed on Aug. 12,
and a despatch to the British Am-
bassador at St. Petersburg forward-
ing a copy of it, with instructions
to communicate it to the Russian
Government at the earliest 01►pur-
tuuity, have been issued.
The preamble declares that the
Governments of Great Britain and
Japan, being desirous of replacing
the agreement concluded Jan. 3.
1902. by fresh stipulations, have
agreed upon the following articl.•s,
having for their object the consolid-
ation and maintenance of general
peace in the regions of Fasten' Asia
and India, the preservation of the
common interests of all the powers
in China by ensuring the independ-
ence and integrity of the Chinese
Empire and the principle of equal
opportunities for the commerce and
industry of all nations in China, and
the maintenance of they territorial
rights of the high contracting par-
ties in the regions of Eastern Asia
and India, and the defence of their
special interest therein. The agree-
ment continues:—
The Very L4 test Items Front All
Parts of the UIctl..e.
Thanksgiving Day has been fn
for October 26.
An unknown 11hun committed sui-
cide at Niagara Fulls.
Amos /dark) Was muardereed in an
Italian stabbing atiray ut \Uretic),
011 Friday.
It is ofliciaHy stated that I'rit'c'
Louis of ilat ter berg's squadron %% 01
visit the United States.
The ]lilitia Department are m.l•.ing
arrangements to take over Halifax
fortress about Octofler 10.
Nine new churches are in course of
erection in Winnipeg this year, 1411 l
se e'en are being enlarged.
Mr. D'Arcy Tato of Hamilton has
been appointed assistant solicitur of
the (:rand 'Jj'u11k Pacific.
A dredge of the Lake Erie Dredg-
ing Company foundered in a gale oft
Dunkirk. on Saturday.
Lion. Nelson Monteith said in an -
interview that the Government farm
at Dryden would probably be sold.
As a result of the pitch -in on tlt•►
C.P.R. short line near Hammond re-
cently, the eng-isaeeer, conductor and
Menial) on the Imperial Limited have
been reduced to freight trains for 18
The lost -Office Department has is-
sued a circular announcing that the
season of restricted mails for the
Yukon commences Oct. 1st. After -
that date only fetters and cards are.
guaranteed delivery.
Miss Carrie E. Shoed, 403 Fast
King street, Hamilton, has in her
yard a fig tree loaded with fruit. it
has produced two crops a year for
the past six years. Miss Sheed has
also an orange tree in the open the'.
has borne fruit.
Tho effect of the surtax on Ger-
man business with Canada is shown
by the fact that the importations
from Germany, which between 1001
and 1903 increased from 57.821,405•
to 512,282,637, fell in the last fiscal
year to 56,642,130.
The Ottawa Government has de-
cided to send the Arctic, with Cap-
tain Bernier in command, up north
to watch the movement of the tidel-
and currents in Hudson's Straits.
She will start as soon as the ncces •
sary repairs have been made to
her machinery.
UNITED STA'I'1•:S MAl{I:1-:]'y.
- 8t. I m►is, (act . :I.—\%-hent—Closed
September, 821e; 1)t'tctnl'rr, 821c;
ay. 8(i f c.
-Milwaukee, Oct. 3.—Wheat—No. 1
orthern, t+.; 11► 881c; No. 2 North-
, 84 to 87e; 11 'c., 8(tc hid. Rye—
s). 1, 138 to (ine, liarhy—No. 2.
C; snerei+le. '17 to 5:1c. Corn—May,
j to -11:c hid.
Duluth, Oct. 2.—Meat closed:—
o. 1 Northern, ti 1;c; No. 2
For thern. 8110; Sept., old, 8le; do.,
sew, 811c; Pec., 791c; May, 821c.
Minneapolis, Oct. 3.—Wheat cl(14.111:
►.Kept.. 8'_1c; Dec., 88j to 83tc;
j[ay, 8die; No. 1 hard. 861c; No. 1
Northern, 851c; No 2 Northern.
921!0. Flory—First patents, 5S to
15.10; 50(ond patents, 54.80 t1) 51.-
10; first elvers, 53.8tt to 53.90; sec -
end cleats. $2 50 to 52.65. Bran—
in bulk. 511.50.
Tot on e'. Oct. 8.—The Western
Market Was characterized to -day by
good all-round trade in ail offer-
tts exc, pt ing those of pronounced
sport cattle, t hum ..51 225
1►(i , mt•clium
Po.. hulls ... 3 50
1)0c..tw :i 25
tchers'. picked 4 00
Do., cheeiee 8 75
Do., m(tllum 3 00
common 1 :+0
cows., choice
common 2 ,!l1
short -keep :t ,',o)
bulls 1
Medium 3 25
1igt►t 3 00
51 75
4 2:.
3 75
;3 t: n
4 25
4 00
8 25
2 750
2 25
:l %0
' v. sh did not a•scge is the con,- ir► usa a. 0 ►e s e . ensorship of Press Is Now Prstc-
n1rn11v expressed opinion of the 1 to tically Abolished.
.der of Lineviteh to His Army As already stated dele•}(at' s+ will he 1115310-Jnpnnrslr Treaty. The news- range an l l�flttr'cr11(e ihnt itlb tw(c't�nyhnt('
The lfoseotw corresspondent of The
Leads to This Conclusion. ,able to obtain full information as ImPers here rryn►d it ns rt diplotttn land nnel .In{ an, twhich is+ g;em r811v London Times sus-R.—The expectation
(:odrsadani, Iran- to the cost of each of these fenturt•s, tic triiimeh, laying the foundation
A despatch from they desire to introduce thrn>R for an Anglo -Japanese nutstery of considered to be directed against that the Government would cancel
churia, say's::—a recent order of Gen. 'should t , Russia and Germany. befrxtltirnls restrictions on the reports
Lines itch to the mass leads to the; nt. their exhi�on, and pointers in Alin. Some fears rare a xpressed lest .of them re'tg;s of the on
$ht' r orfs
regard to the le'•( methods of matt- it provoke n il.issi(-(:ertnan alliance, MOUNTAIN SPLIT IN TWO.
Con -
win on that. the uric. s Drills
sp(nd 'gi the cua of tt h1eh Aust ria ntil;81t hav(s
thu tt £eller in Manchuria. 1►rinse and aging them.
target ,enc .
practice twill continue. atoll h - lk - -
the Balkans
crops suitable for the di"t • in .
l a u of the best exhibitions in t
As, these lore boon for sows sears ( 0 pay 11►
Earthquake Responsible for Phe -
nonaet;rt 111 Italy.
1 l'rc►vince andthe:.r special features LOAD OF W1-11:AT FIRED.
games will be organized to keep the
£have been lidded far the eurpese of
(•'1 e,e.-.,m
.,,, A despatch from I3eo111e' 50,48:—A
r illustrating in fair malingers+ and Horses Ran Int o Straw:tack and mountain near Aiello. cctll.•d Piefra
nOt1I{iiOF,OPe F.1JT..RPF.ISE. i ('nlondia. 7;104 metres high, split in
dit•e•e•tery ihnt they can 1 r put on it Were Smothered.
• � 4
— 1
is earnrt;tly hoped that every' sso.'iety two on Wean.- • d:nY, arcing, to shocks
Community ty L'nons ofes: One of +that can do s1) ttilf nrrltns;e• to send A 1 nihilstn, liar.., de�pntch gays+:— of eatthcjtutl.ex. Peal 1h1141,unw to burr•
Heaviest Sections G. T. P.i delegates' to either ('tt0 of these ee-thrashingi t th t ill t! inhabitant•s have
A el(spntelt from 1%innipe sage---ihihitions.
'['he Doukhobor community has con- .......Sm.*-----
tracted for ene of the hensiest Por-
tions Norway and Sweden hn•. •• readied
of the (1. T. 1'. construction,
and will put a thousand no n and a an amicable agreement tip 'n the
huudr(dl teats on rho job. terms of separation.
gress Was realieed .t1 Wednesday. The
censorship ft( now practically nl►oli'h-
ed 10 far as the proeeec1i1,gs of the
congress Are concerned. It is diffi-
cult to exaggerate the importance; of
this step, because for the first time
the Hessian preen is able freely, to re-
cord the debates of political meet-
ings. '£'hi8 will in its;elf greatly con.
tribute to promote confidence nisd
A 'park from n engine !ce a ottn. . ►e r1l,erul the necessary comprcrns'fon
fire to a load '►f ehent sheaves t;rctr• 11(•(1. There. 4508 a terrible cyclone at (►f political c uristions to flee mussels.
here on lt-e'Inc'.(!u : The 81"1!'"'s 1►c'- , Spa0nni80, in the Provine a (af ('aee•r- 1
It is said that F'ran. e and Ger-
many halo reached nn r►grc"tu••nt on
on the Moroccan greet ion.
came frightened and ran nutty. 1)0.1 ta. All the trees and telegraph poles
canning tangled in n stray stack, acre uprooted. houses were damaged,
tthich caught tiro and smothered the and seserul }:e0ple were killed and
animals. • injured.
German Army Throws Away
Heavy Calfskin for Canvas.
The German War Office has come to
the conclusion that the knapsack at
present carried by the Gerrrinm 801(1-
ier is too heavy. Tine heavy calfskin
knnpsack in use up to the present is
being replaced by another of light
waterproof canvas, and other re•
dnctions in weight are being made.
The German infantry r(xrllit may
be said to carry his house en hit;
beck. 'rhe following is a list of his
baggage items:
Cooking utensils.
Various parts of a tent.
An overcoat.
Thirty rounds of aiunlunition.
A linen suit.
A (1►1ahtity of underwear.
Two pnir of boots.
Boothrushe.s and blacking.
Numerous metal tools.
A hymn hook.
A box for trifles.
Not long since, when several phy-
sicians had met, a conversation com-
menced about th extraordinary
thit:gss which n hutnan being might
swallow and still lite.
'1'l.e familiar stories about swal-
lowing silver coinx, sets of false
teeth, and so forth had been relat-
ed when l►r. Longbow began to
•'Two years ago," he said. "I
was called in great haste to attend
n carpenter in my town, thnugh the
message /raid that the 111811 wnss tre-
y'end doubt already dead, for he had
while holding a large gimlet in his
mouth nt his work. snd.lenl4 Leen
t alien t\ it h a fit of her, eighs rind
stwaliewed the gimlet. Ilut eten T
arrit a (1 tat the man's house 1 'eee,ad
hies tett' coinfortreble. The gimlet,
gentlemen, gave hap no trosihl•s at
all to digest."
'There was silence for a moment.
l'r,•'-.•nt ly ane of the docto• 1s re-
•'111111 ',11 for his phvs.ician.
Longbow, the man was lucky that
it was only a gimlet that he un-
dertook to---"
"What do you mean?"
"1Whs. if he had tried to 'mellow
011. of •dories it would have
choked 10171."
There pre ns tunny days ns ever,
but net so many knlghta.
'i'he worst of rr 'me people i,''. that
they are always tryingg to best you.