Exeter Times, 1905-06-22, Page 1• HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTEI THIRTY-SECOND YEAR -No 1659 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ZZ♦• • Z 1 1 t0 ete • T. HAWKINS & SON Hardware and Seed Store 1(lul • is •_h© place for Builders and those intending b to build should go to get Cheap Hardware as we carry a full line of Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass &c. In Cements we carry the two leading Brands of Canada National and Star UIVLTROUGHIN� EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING JUNE 2211(1 1905, County Council (Continued from toe %%eek) COMMITTEE REPORTS The auditors reported haying ex 1I11II ed the treasurer's statement the buildiut. Since our la -I it pert no p le metes have been made to the cont ract or. and %% ill not be unt it the work i.. nearing completion. In all probabil- ity the• huildin; trill be completed - in July. and we e,u r,rest t hat this s. conunittee, \l iiIt the architect and and found them to agree with the books and vouchers in every- partic- ular• that the receipts s w cr e $ 119 - ,61.11: disbursement e. $118,R11.68, leaving a balance of $752.25. That the mortgages held on the einkint fund account a .recd w it It 1,C.ihllrer'" books The receipts from first o J c June Weddings HIIGGINS - lll•:\'I:ltl•:LL On \\'cdncsday last„ June 11; 11. Flora, the eldest daughter of the late William I1. Deverell, formerly solicitor, if asked by commit tee, he of North Twillinbury, w.1s united in empowered to finally settle up with marriage to Rev. Elijah 11ie:gins, of the co►Iractal. Exeter. The ceremony was perform- ed by ltcv. T. E. Fisher, at the resi- D. Cantelon. Chairm:Itt. deuce of the bride's 100111er. Toronto. Road :tin Melees recoutn,ended The bride was given awayh Hct. 1 he printing of the engineer's re- S 11Davis,ss' c city, .10t1 W. Dat.► of t 1, m port in minutes: advised that a e brid _e be built bet ween t he t utt m_ looked very dainty in her weds° g amu:try to February ''1st, 1905, in- Ships of Tuckersnnith and Ilibbcrl, ;own of cream silk eoliunne trimmed JOHN WHITS & SONS 'The Groat Morth-Wcs ludinx balance from 1901, were known as the '1oeris.i, bridge the with lace and chiffon. fete wore ti 72, , $67,131tt.79. That ,the ,everal school about 15 feet, Perth to pay half the her batt and canted :1 shower bo - accounts were correct. That the cost ;tenders to he. asked for and 'lust of cream rosea. The n'ides- treasurer's .ecurctics ,the same s'e opened not later than July 15. in maid, Miss Ethel l:elly, of Toronto. last year, were satisfactory. '1'h.at presence of Warden. chairman t,f lt.• was dressed in cr. :'nt a •'_ 1.ng the county was protected by sails- and n, committee and the engineer, :end her Coquet wae ut p.I... re, OS. factory fire insurance. and the re- in Seafort h, and that our county en_ Di. \V. Edgar Robertson, of Jlilton, port, signed by Messrs. Zeller and ;sneer notify the county clerk of :'cted as groomsman. Mfr I?uphe- Morley, conculdes 3s follows: "We Perth of the action we are taking in "ria Deverell, the bride's mother. • s wish to state that we found the reference to this bridge. wore a stylish costume of black silk - treasurer very courteous, and that With reference to motion of Mc- eolienne over black taffeta, while the • I every facility was o[fere(1 us to make Naughton and Spackman, re Stanley -lliysc5 Deverell had becoming' dresses a 1horeuah examination of all mei- sea of white dotted swiss, with high zirdles, Following the ceremony hearty congratulations were ex- tendetl, after which the iuest1 i'Zr- took of the wedding breakfast. The bridal party and a number of the nearest relatives were scaled at a large table, while small tables were provided for the other guests. which were beautifully decorated with pink and white carnations. The house was decorated throughout with a profusion of palms, ferns and cut flowers. Before preparing' to leave, photographs were taken of the bridal party and guests in several positions. The happy couple left by train to visit portions of the State The first week of New York. t ek of their trip to be spent at the house of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Manley, after which they will visit many places in the United States and Can- ada. The bride's travelling costume consisting of a blue voile dress a long slate -colored shirred silk coat, and a white shirred chiffon hat with a delicate feather spray placed in the. folds. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a broach of two hearts set with pearls, to the bridesmaid a gold crown pin, also set with pearls, while the groomsman received an op- al scarf pin. The wedding march was beautifully rendered by Mime Emma Adams. 9•'9.40 :mud the dicbure.cue its' sante to be a eontrctr arch span n[ flowers and rosettes of ribbon in We also make a specially of Eavetroughing as we have a machine to make all our own Troughs and can give you firstclass material. Try us and you will be conuinced. T. HAWKINS & SON WE'RE suI'r SELLER$ You are Suit buyers. We make the Suits -you wear them out. We make them as well Ai we can, so that they Will not wear out sooner than theyo aught. Because. if they do, you'll likely go somewhere else for your •ext Suit. And no one could blame you. So much money ought to buy so much Suitworth. And Suit worth ie fashionableness of fabric -style in Cut -fit -finish -looks - dressyness - Wed length of service. As good a place as there is within miles to get all this and not, pay too Much ie NV. Johns. Elegant Black and Blue Suitings for $15.oO and $i8.00. HAVE YOU HEARTBURN. It's r,uite common with people whose digestion is poor. Im,nedinte relief follows the use of Nerviline. Stomach is strengthened, digestion 18 made perfect, lasting cure results in every case. tee Poison's Nerviline once and you'll never be without it because every type of stomach disor- der is conquered by a few doses. One 25c bottle of Nerviline always convinces. Sold everywhere for the past fifty years. Sir Charles Tupper, who recently reached London front the south of Europe .Inas been indisposed. The Canadian Gazette, of London. is 'glad to know Chat his doctors now assure .him 'that "everything is going on favorably." Every Canadian will I horsed recommending same assrss- tcish ,the veteran statesman a speedy mens as for 1904. and 'complete restoration 10 health. Education comn►itice hex leave to You hardly realize that i1 is reed -Ire ort as follows: seine when taking Carter's Little Li- 1 ine the latter of ltcv. .t. \V. Hod gin'. resigning the position of trustee of SeafortIt Collegiate insti- tule, on account of removal to Chat- ham. that his resi;nation be accept- ed and 1)I•. Burr appointed in his place. bridge approaches'. would recommend that the same be completed at once. With reference to deputation from fayfie)d, re lis}'field bridge, \could advise that \Virden, eltair,uan tors pertaining to our duties. \Ve found all voucher:+ and documents arranged systematically 'Ind the books correctly kept. County J'roperty Committee re- of R. and 1). committee and Engineer ported that they found the jail and very 1 in good order. Itecom- mended t he purchase of dozen pairs of pants for the use of prison- er's, and that: a coal cook .rove be purchased for the kitchen, and 7111 the old stoves sold Itepported that at the Registry of- fice every thing was found in good order, and that the changes added ;really to the comfort of officials and public, and the appearance of front office. Recommended that no coal be purchased for lase of build- ing until old stock be nearly need up, and that a compclant man he employed to examine 1 h furnace and tiut it in a proper state of repair. and that' a small colt stpve be pur- chased fol' ore of office in fall and winter. That with reference to Councillor McLean's verbal report re repairs to Court Ifouse, would advise that the walls bo papered with paper. not to be les.' than 25 ccents per roll; that a metallic ceiling be put in; !hat the seats and woodwork it,sidc of said roonf be touched up wi' 11 paint. when considered necessary• and all woodwork be virnished. 'Thai the clerk be instructed to advertise for tenders for said work. The equalization 'commitleere- ver Pills; they are very slnall ; no bad effects; all troubles from tor- pid liver are a•elieved by their use. yv. iJ'O't311?S Manitoba & Northwest Lands for Sale Merchant Tailor The Saskatchewan Valley & Manitoba Land Co. Ltd. 2 Largest Land Company on the Continent, controlling entire Can- adian Northern Railway land 2. lie the claims of iligh Schools and Collegiate Inst itutea itt adjacent counties for the tutilion of pupils belonging 10 Ihim count y we recom- mend .11131' the 1 reasurer pay in each cast t he County of Huron's share for such cost of tuition, the amount to be determined as follows: Find the, share of the county in the total cost of maintenance, having. first de- ducted t he Legislative _ramp Mere - !grant from ; said share to be in the pro - Two Million Acres portion of the total days of attend- ance of all pupils, 65 per cent of this l The crcam of the wheat lands of amount bo paid to the High School Western Canada or Collegiate Institute by the fees 1rom the County of Huron's pupil.:, ZION Parties purchasing now are and tke balance from 11118 county. That tired languid [echeg and Ind .that' each school or In:;titute be dull hatdaehe is very ciisagreaable given until 1st of June to scleCt reuuested to furnish etrli[ie'1 Take two of as Little Liver inspect t he til uat ion : t hat abute- ments be put in this fall, tenders to be opened b y15ih July, in Seaforth. Recommended that the County En- gineer bo granted three weeks leave of absence, and that bis sett take his place in 1 he interim. That our County Engineer deserves an increase in salary, and leaves the matter to the Council. The County Engineer's report con- tained the payments sanctioned by him 'between the January and the June meetings; they amounted to $61.1.61. it informed the Council that agreements had leen executed with contractors for the works let at the January meeting of the coun- cil ; expressed the hope that they would all be completed in due time, and stated that sprint freshet of 1905had done but little damage to the county bridges. It informed the Council that a small bridge should he built on t he boundary net ween Tuckersmith and llibbert, of which the county of Perth should pay hall ; that some other small bridges might require rebuilding' during' the year : that considerable repairs will need tto bo made, and that he thought the cost for bridges and approaches dur- ing 'the year would not exceeil $23,- 000. CUBAN 1)IARRiIOEA U. 8. soldiers who served in Cuba during the Spanish war know what this disease is, and that ordinary remedies have little more effect than so much water. Cuban diar- rhoea is almost as severe ana dangerous as a tnild attack of cholera. There is one remedy, how- ever, that can always be depended upon ns will be seen by the follow- ing certificate front Mr'. Minnie Ja- cobs of llouston, Texas; "I hereby certify that Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured my husband of a severe at - 1 ack of Cuban diarrhoea, which he brought home from Cuba. We had several doctors but t hey did him no good. One bottle of this remedy cured him, as our neighbors will tes- tify. I thank God for so valuable a mdicine." For Fate in Exeter by W. 8. Howey. their land. statement containing the date necce- sarry for t he t,reasurcr 10 determine For Tereus etc. apply to the correct amount. TO SEE NOTIIIF(• ELLIOT & GARDINER Re p claim o[ llarristo l 1903. School for pupils for county for 19111, 11 or to see things dimly is certainly a , Land Agents (Mice .Main St. Exeter. we find that 1 his school was open for pupils from the County of Iluren misfortune. It need not be a peruse of _ on 1 he sante terms ns pupils f nent one, however. By the use of .. its own county, and allhouzh. notice euitwble At Exeter and Centralia wt•as no'' ce't'1 to the clerk till .lune EYEGLASSES OR SPECTACLES 1 190.1, el. Ircotnntcnd 1 hat 1 hey be Storehouses Paid in compliancewitht I,e (tile- acCurately fitted by us, the sight can roin section. be improved if not tally restorer► to 4. lir claim of fel. Marys Cullet• normal condition. Now ready for use, the best tate, we rccouuuentlthe game be re - Much attention is given here to the returned, I. it is incomplete in de - tasting of the eyes and the making of . Cement and Lime tail, as required by hist clause in glasses. That money can buy section 2 of this report 5. Ike el Um of Harriet on Ili eh We are successful in all lines ofI also School, for 1,,,,,i!., nom ibis sourly work because we have tier necessary , for 1 he year 1901,werecommend the knowledge and skill and also modern Coal for Everybody saute le paid in connpliancc wit It see. Ilay, 1 to New York, w ler I instruments. 2 of this report. Wheat 90 to 93 cents per bushel. at lowest prices, a ►firer wee %s' lu,neylnro I, The 6. Ire claim of 1 .,khill Ili_h 11triey, 40c. per hu'hrl, bride's toilr away :ote1� It :1.4 of J. GOBBLE Schtwls for Huron County pupils, tt p{,t s, 14 cents per dozen. brown tat tell.a with 1:. Io 111 it ch. W. S. HUWI�:Y► Phm. 13. i rccommcnd the sank fee paid. tn.ets 35 to 36 cents per bushel A number of valuab' � et useful Chemist and Optician, Exeter, Ont. 7. Re claim of \\•alkerton Ilign Turk, live weitht, :i16.•1:, ler cwvt• lifts were in evidence, In"nt+t - School for Ilgron County pupils for Ilu_+ live weight. $6.30 t.cr cwt. which was the tn,om's gill 10 the 1903, we recommend the clerk be in- fork dressed las.5o per cwt. bride of a Mndsome is . Ileints- slructed 10 find it the pupils from stutter 14 cents ter pound. man piano. this county in 1903 were charred Pot atoe• so rents per bac, the same as t hose from !truce Co. before settling the came. $. Ile claim of Listowel Ili 211 Sehool, we reromtn1+nil Ihat the saint, i be ret ►reefed, as it is incomplete CAPITAL (all paid up) $6,000,000 detail, 3s required by 'section 2 nI S3,_00,000 this trpnr•I. •J, Re not ice f rem 1'roud10(A . , . , , , , . , , , , , $ 18,959 ►lays te. Blair, in the mat ler of Churchill y•. 1.rllo'd * rust ees et aI re- - S. F. II IDEN, commend no action . ,� THOSeleYsulctjenersl Msntitrer superintendent of Annabel . 'Woo t Gardiner, Chairman. 05 Branches In Canada ! The j Nile, s report showed 9 p,ris- :mere: :1 far vatrancy, 1 oti remind 2 for ...mull, 1 for theft. 1 Inc street walkin r, 1 for insanity. The Building (' 1 : t• 110" 1 house of Ite(uii'. The archilwct war present, and a 1loam] ill inspection of the huildin r tt.1s m ide. There is still conioderat,1e to be done. The cont racier prnnu"•.l to keep on a good staff of men, Ind if this i• done the huildin r should Ile nearly com- pleted by 1 he end of 1 his month. The architect reported to us that the work \bus far watt+ f:•irly well done, but in a few minor points tee e cun- t riot had not been carried out. •[beer tl:inrtt can be remedied, and ell! not Pills before retiring. and you will find relief. They never fail to do gond. -The Sunday School Anniversary services held in the Met 'millet church here on Sunday last \were a success. Itev. Mr. Andrews, of Cen- iralia, preached inei'uing and evening' and addresse,t a nt,,•s-tnceting of the Sunday Scheer lin the aflcrt*onn. Col- lections ;t l d:antea to al -out +c42.00. Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up ,t o June 22nd. Peas G) to 6:, cants per bushel. Currie -Godwin. -Thio marria ge of Hiss \lildred Godwin, eldest daughter of Rev. Wm. and afrs. Godwin, to [rev. E. C. Currie, patlttor of ►tutu'. Presbyterian church. Sa,rni:1, was solemnized in the Main etreet Meth- odist church, Exeter, on Vi'cd- ne.eday, June. 21st. 'rhe interior of the sacred edifice tv.ts beautifully de- corated with palms, ferns, daisies and other white flowers, -. garland of daisies seperating t 1:" seats re- served for the guests. During I he half hour while t he guests were be- ing seated Miss Soot t. of St. Thomas. rendered very beautifully t l e Foto "Calm as thehi;ht"by Ilohm,ltev.A. A. Laing. of M,arthat•ille aasistine as usher. The strain., of Loltenerin Bridal Chorus, rendered by Mrs. 111atchford, announced t he arrival of the bridal party, t1'• _turret twine sumsorted ted by Rev. J. S. Scot 1, of Sl. Andrews Pre.sby'terian church, Sarni 1, and Rev. A, A. Laing. The bridesmaids were Miss Eva Godwin, sister of t he bride, attired in elate organdy, and Miss Ilo_artIt, of Til- sottburr, prettily gowned in green Voile, each careying bridesmaid .roses. After the bridesmaids carne little Pearl Godwin, youn zest si•-ter of 11:•• bride, daintily ate ired in while, strew'inz flower.' in t1.e pathway of I he bride, who folloo ed lea utin.r on t b" arm of )ger brot L• , ale. Orville Godwin. The fair le ids. her perfect carriage and girlish beauty' uniting wvi1It her es.1tliSit0 rube of white silk t•olienne with a I,ert Its of fine :Ice and ruchints of silk over white t:,ffetta, her veil of handsomely embroidered Iulle being caught with a emote., of orange blossoms and t irryin: a 1,mpttt•l of bride's rases, formed a ;•I. Isinx pict- ure. TI:^ coot -lowly tr..• pirfnruled by itcv, \Vet• Gu'let in. f • •r of 1 Ire bride. After t he e\ i eel •':' the brid- al parry' ret urne'1 i I':u-soi. 1 ;e where a dainty du jeuu• r ee,15 serce'1 (Iran $17 per ton. I'he bride and _rnnu,'s h ,Ith to+• Shorts $20 per t on. proposed by air. Scor1• fol!+ford by Family Flour, $2.73 per cwt. Feed Flour, $1.23 per cwt. other toast+. Mr. and Ctrs. Curl'\' X7.00 per ton. left 00 1 het et•enin 1 t ra.o for a trip t r ' e w ill spend THE Bank of Canada M,rchanfs I;iiAD OF1r If It MONTREAI RESERVE •.•• SURPLiS PROFITS... SAVINGS BANK interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle- men, to whom loans arc madc on approved in all parts of the Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable • world. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED CREDITON BRANCH „rlirttlnr injltlw F. B. HULTBY, Manager. result in any 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • TO CORRESPONDENTS. \Vc w ould ask our corres- pondents to send in their bud- gets each Neck whether they :ire little or big. We are look- ing to the interests of our subscribers in .heir partic- ular locality, (and want the netts whether it is little or much. Sometimes you mar not have much news to send but don't keep t hat little until you have more. When news is scarce time is the tittle your two or three little items, or even one, is specially ap- preciated by the reader in your section. Send a big hen - get every week it you can, it ■ot, the small one will he wtel- corned. Any of our correspon- dents ttho are in need of the .1o1►ns-P3s"marr -- On \\-cdnesda, last, .lune 14t le "Comfort Castle" the residence of .11r, and Mrs. Tho-. Passmore, in 'the township of 1 s - borne. vee the scene of a very plea... - ant and happy event , when their second daughter, Ida 1;. ice, e.1. utieed in inertia le tU wait. William 1elms°, n young farmer of the mels i e anthip. Thr' ceremony was tN'r- fnrmed in the presence of 85 guests by itev. C. W. Beer of London, wwl'o offici.l"t1 :It ,11s m.irriate of h• I135titl'it of t)M' troop► on the ,.1 r11e 4131, 28 years aro. Promptly. ROBERT E. PICKARD, Exeter, Ont. General Selling lgAgent. Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North Wes Cos. Land,, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands al a number of other improved and unimprovedNorthWest farm lands $3.50 per Acre Alt the above lands are being offered to purchase on vet•y easy terns of payment and prices ran from $3.50 and upwards. BEAR IN MIND we have farm lands to sell stn ..11 parts of Manito Assinaboia, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Now is the Time to PURCHASE Prices are Bound to Advanc We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands. give Actual Settlers 10 years in which to pay ft), lands. $427.00 down secures :*) aeres, (half sectioul of choice wI'eat Nan This would he a great investment for Y0). The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever - $38 40 Secures 3'1) acres (half section) choice wheat land to an act 3. settler. No other payment required for two years. R. E. PICKARD, - EXETER, ON Bargains in Crockery We offer for two weeks only the following Crockery reduced prices. One 97 piece Printed Dinner Set, 1 i'gular price $10 now $9.25. One 97 piece Printed Dinner Set, regular price $7.00 now $6.25, One Toilet Set regular price $4.00 now $3.50 One Toilet Set regular price $2.00 now $1.75 We keep a full line of Boots and Shoos, both fine heavy, for Men Women and Children. 0111 shoes satisfaction. BEAVERS BROS., Farquhar. Strictly One Price. highest Price for Produ SOMETHING OF INTEREST T JUNE BRIDES ..•1730'• (d! - Fer the benefit of those abou to go housekeeping we have placed on sale a cargo of Furni- ture of every kind and quality which we purpose selling at special reduced prices during June month. We carry the tatgest steel•: of Furniture in the county and will quote you prices that cannot be beaten in notatin ROWE & ATKINSON Furniture dealers ar..l Funeral dir, ease ceremony twin z over. 1he company repaired (O the spacious dining -room. which was beautifully decorated with flowers and evcr,treens, where dainty repast was 'orved, clfter which Mr. Beer in a con 4ratulat- ory address. propwrd t be leant It of 11e bride and groom. This called forth several happy revolve,. A very cntertaininz pro,ran1 e az af- terwards rendered consisting of umu- sic, reading's :1..1 addrc• • • , '•t r. Joe - hue Johns a';tiur ns Oleo n,an. The large numl,e•r of metol and beauti- ful presents testify to flue high ce- teem in which the yenta; couple are held. The bride's trav,'!•lin r suit wag of navy blue kitties' cloth, lritn- n,ed with v hit•' applique and silk. On the return from tt.rir wedding *rip Mr. and Mrs. fehn4 wilt reside near the village of Elintsilb', FURNAC ES You Want the Best We are the cgents for (gurney's New Itl('a ;ted the Western Fonnnry Co's Red Hot '1'lle Furnaces aro right and the Prices are Hight. Plumbing, etc. in all its Branches. ti clock, while Mendeleeohn's evildoer EAVEMROUGHiNG, ETC march was hetet played by Mi" 1.iz• ,i,' .relent, sister of the 17room. Ow • In1,1cr procee'1ed the bride and took- his ook Iris plaen Under an arch "1 maple esuse nothing but • the Best Ga1Vtu,alis. I iron] Ie.nvrtt and nnott.rall from ttl,ieh i ee as !ttepelllded a Lell. Lill le 11li-1 . ' Gann, twice of 11:e bride..1rresod in 1 white silk, serfornlrd I h • duties of flower tirl and rine bearer. The bride wag ate ireil in silk wo;ienne, required stationery, kindly 1.•t • trimmed with embroidered art n: d us know. applique with wreath and veil, and and Stove Store, tarried 3 bogus,' of flower!. ..........".............vi was given away by I:rr father. The HEAMAN'S HARDWARE