Exeter Times, 1905-04-27, Page 11 • 40. niter HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTEL THIRTY-SECOND YEAR -NO 1631 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 27th, 1905 r••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••e•••••• . SEEDS Call and Examine Our Stock of Seeds We have some fancy RED CLOVER Late and Early Lucerne and Alsike TIMOTHY SEEDS WIRE Just arrived 1 Car load of Spring Coil Wire It will be to your adva4pge to examine and get our prices on Spring Coil, Barb, No. 12 and No. 13 Cleveland Wire before purchasing elsewhere T. N A W K I NS & SON 1 1 '.•••••••NNN••••NN••••••••••••••••••••••••H •• WE'RE SUIT SELLERS You are Suit buyers. Wo make the Dallas -you wear them out. We make Iflem as well as we can, so that they will not wear out sooner than the ought. Because. if they do, you'll likely go somewhere else for your tat Suit. And no one could blame you. So much money ought to buy 00 much Suit worth. And Suit worth fashionableness of fabric -style in CUL -fit -finish -looks - dresayness - atad length of service. As good a place as there is within tmilea to get all this and not pay too much Is %V. Johns. Elegant Black and Blue Suitings for $15.00 and $18.00. DISTRICT NEWS HAPPENINGS ROUND ABOUT US TERSELY TOLD John Rogers, of Mitchell, has been appointed civil engineer for Blatt - shard township. Mr. E. V. Donnelly has disposed of the Parkhill Post to Mr. W. E. Clothier, of :\ils;t Craig. The latter will run the Banner as well aq the Post. Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pillet They aro a positive ours tar sink headache and all the ills pro- duced by disordered ilver. Only one All a dose. The outlook for a strong bowline club for St. Marys is good. Already thirty-five members have been secur- South Huron Licenses Horribly Murdered e etISti LAWItY. OF ItODNEY BEAT - A& meeting of the licrnse cow EN TO DEATH AND MILS. CO- ruissiunerx held at the tillage of \'ELL SERIOUSLY INJURED Hensall, on Thursday. April 20th. the following licenses were ern nted for the insuing year;- Rodney, Out., April 19.-Tv,u aged STET itFN-\Vna. Moftttt, Gen ;and feeble women, living a win an trnlea ; August Hill, John Mcisaac, isolated iurm house, one murdered Crediton; II. Cunningham, KLiv:at S. and the other beaten and left half Dietrich, Mount Carmel ; James Mannan, Shipka ; Albert closer, Cor - bet t ; Wm. Zimmer, I):thl►wood ; Wm. Fritz, Grand Bend. I •. When it wax discovered this HAY - •Mrs. W. Hicholeon, lilake ; morning that Miss' Eliza Lawry„ 1. P. Rau, It. R. Jahnhton, Zurich ; aged 7a, and Mrs. Covell. ,i ed 70, liv- STANLEY - Henry Shafer, Kippe't ing in Blrs. Corell's little cottage, Wilson Cook. Varna. had been assaulted. the former murd- Ti'CKERSMITIi -- Charles Wil- cred and the latter attacked and sou, Hrucefield ; (;corge St rove, Red neaten into semi-couye;resnes all Tavern. ed and many wore may be expected. SEAF'OltTll - W. T. Pinkney, Mr. 11. 11. Stevenson, manager of the Christina Stephens, Henderson & Nelsons 'Bank is secretary -treasurer. DeLteey, Jatucx Dick and Woe. Ner- A bowling chola has leen or3aniz- gots. Shops, Edward let wson :aid J. cd in Myth, with the following of- \\cher. ficers ;-President, 1I r. D. 1). .11cliin- iIENSAI.L-.1. F.. Black -ill and T. non ; Vice -President, Reeve, A. W. Uatcson. Sloan ; Secretary-Treasurer,Dr. J. C. FnXhaEm, \TFit - .tames Shnddock, EE. Lindsay : Cluaplain, Rev. J. E1[:a Edmonds \ . 1'. Acheson,. Mre• S. Committee, Messrs. Alex. Elder, Shop, F'. J. Knight. ,Metcalf, Jas. Mcefurchio and Dr.-\PPliculions for the village o[ G. E. Long. AIraneements are now Rayfield and township of Vsborne being made for suitable grounds for left over until taus 27th last. a howling green. WM. ILALLANTY NE, Inspector. E1,IMVILLE dead by an unknown 11130, are the features of one of the most horrible murders in the annals of Elgin coun- The secretary of the beard of trade St. Marys, received a letter from J. W. Leonard, of the C. P. R., asking what the town would give for C. P. R. connections. The board of trade held a special tweeting to discuss the application. The committee thought that the board of trade might ask the council to submit a by-law for $25,000, but suggested that Mr. Lenard comp hero and talk it over. - Mr. end Mrs. &unuel Willis, of \V.00dhnm, stent Sunday here t ho guest of Mr. Wm. Coultice. -Mr. and Mrs. 3. V. Millson. of Whalen, visited their daughter, Mrs. .1. Wright, on Sunday. - Mr. Roy Coultice, of Si. Mary's Collegiate Institute, is spendinr his Communications were also received Easter at home. ' from Eacter, Sarnia end 7.0 rich, all -Miss Emma ]'cart, of Zion spent C REDITOI� on railway matters. ]:aster :at her uncle's Ji r, It. Skin - Mrs. Mary Talbot Robinson, of St. 'ac'' Marys, died Thurslay, April 13th, -The Epwcrih League held their annual meeting and elected the fol- lowing officers for the cnsuine term ]'resident, Mr. \Vm. Johns : 1st Vice- Free:View, Mr. J. Wright ; 2nd Vice- IcUIICi Mills Gristing and Chopping Promptly Done. We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flout' since re- modelling our mill. N. Sweitzer at the home of 1'1r daughter, Mrs. John Leslie, aged 80 years, Mrs. Robinson was a daughter of the tat Philip Harding, one of the pioneer settler~ of St. Marys, and widow of the late John Robinson, civil en- gineer. Her husband was connected with the G. T. It. for many years as engineer and had charze of the con- xtruolion of the line let weep 8t. Marys and Montreal. Robert Quick, 1 he Cnradoc farm- er svho slew his brother with his (hands on the afternoon of Saturday March 25111, will not be tried for murder :11 the assizes that com- menced Tuesday. In fact it i.1 1 now regarded es doubtful whether Quick will ever face n jury to answ- er to the charge of murder, for the Attorney -General has forwarded in- struotions to Crown -Attorney Mc- Killop to have the necessary stops taken for elle murderer's immediate At Exeter and Centralicon►nlittal to the Asylum for ..the Centralia insane at London Junction. . JOHNS Storehouses Merchant Tailor Now ready for use, the best Cement and Lime dDUGThat moneyalso can buy This week we show our Coal for Everybody new Biby Carriages and Go- I at lowest prices carts. They ate stylish and .Cheap. In New BICYCLES We are showing the ever popular Cleveland Cushion Frame and Coaster Brake J. GOBBLEDIGK Manitoba & Northwest Lands for Sale At the last meeting of thc Mit- (dell public school hoard it teas unanimously decided to do array with the model school there, and the secretary was instructed to notify the inspector to that effect. The principal in hie report suggested that :,1n extra teacher be not cngaeed from Easter until midsumtner, but that n redistribution of the lower forms be made. There was not as many pupils this year as last, and in this way the work could he ar- ranged :and the classes be no heav- ier than with an extra teacher at in previous yea rm. The report was adopted by t he board. President, Miss Ltrzie Johns; 3rd Vice -Pres., Miss Lena Miners ; lith Vice -President, Miss Mary Ilerdman Secretary, Mr. Victor Snell: Treas. Mr. Charlie Johns ; Representative to the Dletriot Epworth League Con- vention, Mrs. Charlie Johns : Organ- ist, Miss May Hawkins. OOS]IEN LiNE. STEPiIEN -Mr. and Mrs. John Keys were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Henderson, last week. - Mr. Eli Lawson, who has been fuming in the west for a number of years, has disposed of his farm up there, and has bought the residence of Mr. Thomas Lawson, Crediton East, and intends moving in short- ly. -Mrs. S. J. llenderson, has re� turned home again after a pleasant visit with friends in and nround Woodham. -The many friends of Mrs. Le- wis Davy, will regret Ito hear 1 hat she is still confined to her bed. - Mrs. Thomas Yearley and Mrs. Clark, were visiting friends ,In the line 011 Tucaday last. - Mr. David and Miss Alice Ma- whinney were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Keys, on Sunday af- ternoon last. -Quite a number of the farmers around here have finished seeding. -The Goshen Line football team held their annual meeting at Mr. David Mawhinney's on Friday last Mr. D. Murphy, of the .and took on a few new members. Royal hotel Restaurant 81. They are now ready to face anything Marys, pleaded guilty in the that cones along. police court un Tuesday of last week -J1 r. L. John, visited his grand - to the charge of keeping liquor on ruother, Mrs. 1):tvy, of the Goshen The Saskatchewan Valley & 1 grand - she premises w for sale tn;houl a I lilac, on Tuesday last. l 1= nme. and was fined $'20 and coytx. -\ars. George Mawhinney teas the Magistrate fyharyl and Mayor Gra- •uemt of Jlr. and Jlrs. John Keys, Manitoba Land Co. Lt( .t h:un were on the tench and County on Friday ccening last. Largest Land Company on the Crown Al Terse~ G. G. Macpherson 1 -Mims .(conic Glanville teas the Wheels conducted the cases for License In- guest m, Mra. \Vat. Yearley, 00e Continent, controlling entire Can- A odor Wtrite. el r. Janne Moir ofevening last. the Office Hotel was charged with Friday t „ Pianos, Organs & Sewing adian Northern Railway land ----`-- "Machines always in stock. rant schist, liquor with ref prohibitedSHARON SC11001, REPORT y g hours and also with refusing nd- Call and see us. Two Million Acres luissiou to the police. The char :gem Si. qui. -Nora liroui,. 76 ; )Villiur :� The cream of the wheat lands of Harrison,of Toronto, I 1 ;- Willie Pieszei'ot ah(eel Tor p:r 11 0 !mains( Mr. Moir were dismissed. Mr. \lorlock, 00; 'della Schwarz, 50; amigos, eros o, ega rept sent alive Of 1110 Licensed Vic tue Western Canada ler's Association, represented 1 • Moir. A Parties purchasing now are Derangement of the liver w th given until 1st of June to select constipation, injures tato complexion Mr. llarcourt tale aspiration to i'('- their land. induce pimples, sallow skin. Re - come leader of the opposition in the For Terms etc. apply to r Lit t to a esu,e ver i'iby n usinga a Ca dose Lt'gislalure, should lion, 0. W. hots try them. resign. from the say the Leeisln- ELLiOT & GARDINER tune now stands, he will likely Faye that honor for some time to conte. examination. Jr. 41h-Gladym Kest le, 04 ; Sybcl- h Morlock, 51, Merner Felber 52 ; Minnie Kest le, 40; ).ucilla Selo%arz, 39. 8r. 3rd to .1r. 4111.- Nellie Amy, 77 ; .Ethel Kee( le, 70. Jr. 3rd to Sr. and- Lorne Mor - lock, 711; Herbert Wein, 711; Edwin Robert u Procter. the negro prisoner Wein, 63 ; )tarry Schwarz, 49. Land Agents Office Main St. Exeter. from the Central Prison at Toronto, Sr. 2nd to .1r. 3rd - Beulah Sti'itlt of London, teas committed by Squire 113 ; Clarence F.ilber, 73 ; Leonard THE Merchants Bank of Canada BEAD OF4 ICE. MONTREAL. ' VITAL fall paid up) . • .. $6,00o,000 RESERVE.... i3,200,000 . .,.. •... $ 18,959 S. F. BREMEN. Superintendent of Branches SURPLiS PROFITS.... t'$Ot3 ;F18H Oene»t Manager g5 Branches to Canada SAVINGS BANK interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings ' Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. ttho Iratened a i( 11 , be rirc115, tes- Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle- rifled .la 11 L..urni" t\ as afraid of men, to whom loans are made on approved names, Proctor, even before the fatal night. st. Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of thc I'rnclor refused to titer ere 1 la t•er (n look -trier Ili. interests, world though a collide of offers were made Smyth on 8.11 afternoon to Sclircr•der, 72 ; Emer.(on Schroeder, stand his tri it at the A55ez05 this 0P ; Alvin Cornish fib ; Area Woken - week for Ole murder of Clinton %hire, 58 ; Mildred Klumpp, 57 ; Wil - Loomis, the ex -employe of the Fore- lie Schwarz, 51 ; Oscar Cornish. 50; paugll & Melly circus, a bo met his .Tr. 2nd to 81. 2nd. - Mabel Cos - death boo lilt the wheels of the worth, 69: Clinton Bross n, 67 Clara circus train near Hyde Park (fur- Wein, 45. ing the Mehl of July IPtb of Ia+l Hr. 1't. '-ud - Otto Woe 11 9 1 ; year, just .after the circus left Lon- l;ordee Cornish, P9. den. The preliminary exemination, fart int. - F:mrrsc%, \Vein, 95 which look (.lace al the court house, Clinton Morlock, 93; Edna Anis. lasted fur just an hour and a filler. 92. ter. ('roan Attorney McKillop'x 0. W. LA\VHON, Tv:teler. strongest witnesses neve the 1 e o Hrokenshire, on Sunday last. Lids, dosser (;odea and Ile rry Shanks, e hose stories threw 1 vivid BORN light upon a het is alleged to have ROWCLIFI'F --- 1n Exeter, on April transpired on the circus 1rain that 1.2,h, 190:, to Mt. and Mrm. ItOa- retiht. I;oddll claimed to have seen chile, a daughter. the maw -innate matt thrown frotu MARRIED the traits, while ShInk's story was PEART-CAitTFIt-in 8t. Marys, on that I'rot,er had renfessed .lie story Thursday, April 1:311, by the Rev. to Sian. .games Ilud•te, a detective 'rhos. Harming, Bliss Mary CarterSan- born 'n' CASTOR 1 A bCarter Ind 11 .T Mr. J. Walton Pearl. II11,,1oRN-WF:('r:\\\'A\ I:I Exeter, For Infants and Children. Th m. Go,l:\I 1 it 'nth, 1y the Rev. TMs Killd You Han Always t ItWm.. Godwin. Mt .F:dttin W. Ililhorn, 1 , M It. \Vesetway, youngest fl oe: ee et la File Bears the Rodney and the country lou , ' •'.o :1 were thrown into a frenzy ut ea'itc- mcnt. Mrs. Covell and Miss Law- ry had been living together for the past few weeks because of Covell be- ing away 011 a cement ;ane on the cement gave on the Pere elnrquette, On Tuesday night they had retiree to their bedrooms at halt -past eight As nearly ns can be judged it was 11.30 when a knock came at the door and a man's voice cried; "Open the door, or 1'11 break it in." The old women, dressed only in their night clothes, hurried to t he window to gain a view of the intruder, who kept on hammering for nearly ten minutes. Then the lock gave way and he burst into the house. When the murderer broke in, Mrs. Covell stood nearest the door, and he addressed himself to her, using her name before her marriage to Co- vell. "Mrs. Maker, I knew your husband Anderson Baker. I knew him well when he died." Looking over towards Miss Lawry. who woe behiad thQ stove, 4110 man asked if she was Mary Taylor. Mrs. Cot•cll said site teas not Mary Taylor. and begged him ,nof •to hurt them. "I want your money or your life," he replied. "And I avant more than that too." Thinking to save trouble, the old women got their purses and :.ave lhens up, with $2.50 in all. The in- truder insisted that there was more money in the house than .that and, seizing Mrs. Covell, he pulled her through the dcor and threw her on the ground. Several times he kicked her, demanding more money. When told that he had all the money in the house he kicked and beat her with a heavy stick which lie carried. Seeing this, Miss Lnwry seized n stick, and, running out struck hint on the head. The only result was to draw the assailant's iti teetion to- ward her. She turned and ran, thinking to Sot into the woodshed. In a few moments there was a scream of n,tony. "i am sone." That ryas the last Mrs. Covell maw Miss Lawry. Picking herself up -ith no effort, she etrugzled into the house and fastening t lie door, hid herself behind the bed in her resew. It was an )tour before Mrs. Covell heard the man return. lie tried lite front door a.nd, failing to effect ' 1111 entr.,1ncc there, nem around to the back. Here be broke r seemed t be searching for in and n c l o s hl u Jars. Covell From her hiding place 5110 could hear him lightinf notches. Finally he entered the bedroom, and light iter another match peered under the bed. Seeing his victim it' seizelt her and dragged her out. He attempted n criminal assault, chok- ing her (he while and mut serener that he anent lo kill her that mite might tell no tales. She foneht him off with all the strength that re- mained in her, and finally when she felt that she could Inst no longer t here was :1 sound in t lir next room "Here comes Mr. Covell," Si cried in despera t iolt. The murderer released hes ;:rip Ions WHITE s Sou The Great Morth- ROBEIkT E. PICKARD, Exeter, Ont. General Selling Agent. Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North West Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands aim a number of other improved and unimprovedNorthWest farm lands:. $3.50 per Acre All the above lands aro being offered to purchasers on very easy terms of payment and prices range from $8.60 and upwards. BEAR IN MIND we have farm lands to sell in all parte of Manitoba AssinaboIa, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Now is the Time to PURCHASE . Prices are Bound toMAdvance We give Speculators 6 years in which to" pay for lands. We give Actual Settlers to years in which to pay for lands. $427.00 down secures 320 acres, (half eectionl of choice wheat laud. • This would be a great investment fol' YOU. The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever. $383.0 Secures 320 act•ee (half section) choice wheat land to an actual settler. No other payment required for two years• R. E. PiCKARD, EXETER, ONT. E -7.) HIS IS THE SEASON for planting Garden and Field Seeds and we have a full stock of every variety to choose from. If you are in a hurry this is the place to come. We are making a special run on Mangold Seeds. They are the best quality that money can buy: Fresh Groceries of the Best Quality. Large Assortment of Wall Papers. BEAVERS BROS., Farquhar. Strictly One Price. Highest Price for Proelatce. HERE You want to spend your muuey where it will do the most gond Don'trrYou ? Being a progressive person and a shrewd buyee you are always looking for the best bargains Aren't You ? Therefore you would be willing to ileal with us it you knew we would give you the beet goods for the least money Wouldn't You? Well then have us to deliver to your home some of r.IIr new furniture at prices that will Convince You ARE A FEW OF THEM and dashed out the door. Mee. Co- *Sideboards in Golden Maple, double Parlor Suite, 5 pieces, upholstered cell could hear him 11111 nround the shaped tops, 14 x 21 mirror, as low as in best velours, $18.00. 1101154', .and I hon his f eor st eget died Couches 0 feet 2 in. long, 2:3 inches She was too eels -lusted I 0 1110Ve. away' 1 Bedroom Suites, 3 piece, golden or wide, npholstcred in velonre, fringe mahogany. 36 Inch Dresser, ltlxal I an around. $1 50. Bevel Plate Mirror, $12.00 Everything el and lay thro...1. all the terrible night un1i1 d:sylieht, tt:litint for y so in comparison help to conte. When at last it ass daylight she crawled painfully collie door and 51,ycd t here unlit the lads Furniture dealers and Funeral directors passing heard her faint ('ries for he l p Th.e rdcr tvas first revealed when Ih^ alter11iola of 1110 hey.a (111 their tray 1.1 se11c01 a a, alar •els 1 ••••••N•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••N• to the 1101150 by she Inoue, of :i re. Covell, who was trying so call for assistance. In a very few minutes some (if the villagers h,d reach- ed the s1101, to find Mrs. Covell in Ih0 Iasi St Iges of rthausleon, 1c•1.- ribly beaten and bruised, 111(1 the half -naked hely .1 ili•s Littry Ishii/ in :a corner of the yard by 1 he ac^fished deer. Near her a se :a pool of blood, and her head and 0dy stere bruised :,1111 1:l cern led. in- shide the I►ouse the nt 111051 contu:ion and disorder prevailed, :and tracesTar. .11e pl•rpet rat (. 1' %tele found (11 every hand. yet'eral suspect., have been ar- 1(sled, but all vete released ex(ep. Alexander Willis, who is being quem - ii on011 eI(wely am to 1119 tcll(reabuuts Mt the night of •the murder. Willis' .1 Dill ly 111:11111 :1105 his innocence. 1 here :,1e some tt•he fear that Mrs.' i (,velt is onang 5onl'•t , h•1: (here arecskce.Ielliuns in theSimif:an•ilily' closets ,.f 1L.• Bakers and 1.attly'- e Sieh she does not care to reveal, ROWE & ATKINSON JIM .11111•11M• A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED to him he local colds"'•l. !lintel(' 1'e CREDITON BRANCH asked rot the 1'nitrd St :Oise ('(11151)1 bol COL ('ulvcr a 14 nor present nt the 1rial. II is examination of the Croce Ws three star tt it nesse. was W, 8. CHISHOLM, Manager. one of the fcalnree of a remarkable court incident. Mainuel DIED Signature of TAYLOR - I1 Exeter North. na Sunday, April 23rd. 1905, Eliz (1.111 Etholen Tay1ur, aged 15 yrar•, tl flows frown now until .tall. I"Uai months and 23 (Llys. for 75r. THE PAINT SEASON Is Now sere We have Just received our spring sllilntu'it of HOLLYWOOD PAINT In 15, 25, 45 and 90c. cans. 41 colors to select from HOLLYWOOD FLOOR PAINTS 40c per (Innrc. 8 color's to select from Alabastine and Murallo Cold Water Wall Finishes In t.'sc, 4:I1', and :)O( packagt l HEAMAN'S HARDWARE r