Exeter Times, 1905-04-13, Page 5. THN, kXE1rJR TIMES, APIt[1, 13th 1905. /yeis• Vegetable, liver pills. That iswh at they . Th coastipheaion�areblliouaneaseycure sick -headache. il:.::.ail'"nr;M:, Mut year moustache or.beara BUCKINGHAM'S DYE • beaatlhl brim or rlct black? u 3e liar. tta a trw.on ea a e reuse ca. asset. a a M*DICAL W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. 11111 . P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni- versity. office and rt'.idenence. Deminlou Laeosatory, Exeter. DSNTAL et• KINCMAN, L. D.8. ANL . DR. A.H. KINSMAN, L. D. 8. D. D. 8., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teethextracted traatA)tI withoutor p in bad alter eQe'�t., office in Van- son's en.eon;s block. West side of Main street.` Exeter• D.A. ANDERSON, (D• D• DEINTIBT. or Oraduato of the Toronto University a1 College of Dental Surgeons of , with honors Also Poet•graduate of iiireo School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with eeytblog known to the Dental Profession mention. Elf In this office. Bridge work, crowns, al. um, gold and vulcanite le plates all I perffeectls ln neatest maannerer ibb I& ramless anaesthetic used for painless extract OIDoe one door south of Carling Brae store Luger. Ont. MONEY TO LOAN We have trn1im1Led private funds for invest! ' eab upon farm or village property a1 lower ase 01 tutereet. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter. HONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to sats on farm and village properties at lowratee M Interest GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Bolicitar.. Main 81. Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Convey uanoere. Comm toner., reollcltors for the Mo1..one WHank. Etc. ean to Lean at leweel rates of tntereat. it OFFICE :-eiAIN STREET. EXETER. t. fit. OARLINS is- A. L 13. DICtnoN 'De Osborne and Ribbon Farmer's Mu ual Fire Insur- an6e Gompanp Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS President: -T. RYAN, DUBLIN. P. 0. Vice -Pres.:- J. A. NOERI8 j FARQUII AR P.O. F. MORLEY, WHALEN P. 0. W.M. PASSMORE, CROMARTY P. 0. Wm. Roy, BORNHOLM P. 0. J. L. RUSSELL, RCSSELDALE P. 0. AGENTS. J. CARMICHAEL, STAFFA. ONT. A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT. J. WII.soN, FI LLARTON. ONT. J. S. GILFII.LAN, LUCAN, ONT B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. .f. + UNotieo To Farmers and the Public in General .p. As thc spring is coming on • now gather up all your old • truck such as Rags, Rubbers, + •1- Wool Pickings, horse Hair, + Old Rope, Bones, all kinds of old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead and Zinc, and take them down to M.JACKSON & SON • Main -St. Exeter. One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. That's + where you will get the high- cst cash price for there.: ++•t+++++++++++++++++++++++ _4 Q HORTIIORN DURHAM I3ULL8 Ile7 for Bale -Tho undersigned has for sale a number of up-to-date thor- ough bred Short Horn Bulls. They are of the low set, thick blocky type and choice breeding. Will be sold reasonable, inspection invited. Ap- ply on lit 18, con. 2, Hay, or John Elder, Hensel?, I'. O. Fill SALE Olt TO RENT.- Tho {.roperty on Dinsley terrace, Clinton, known as the Currie pro- perty, and consisting of 8 acres of land, lith eight •roorned house, is of- fered far sale or to rent. All kinds of be.trincc froot trees. Just rho place for a retired farmer or market gar- tlener:earWill be sold cheap or rent • ed on ef aeonoble terms. Fifteen or twenty minutes walk from Clinton Post offict. Apply to 0. K. Prior, Clinton. FOlt SALE.-Ite,idence rind 8 lots with good stable, everything in good reepeir. Residence recently re- painted: also n first-class swell good orchard, and ornamental trees ort the premises. The property must be sold as the undersigned is leaving town. For {.articulare and terms of vale apply t lt. 8. Ll,i:. Fxrt(I. 1f you don't lik" t his %% at 1 turn to 4 he March calendar. get out your winter overcall, and Fore for • ,pritltji t e dell". Application to Parlia ment. NOTICE IS HEREBY t;IVEN that an application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at thepresent session thereof. for an Aot to in- corporate a Company to construct, equip and operate :1n electric ti's of railway to run in and through the City of Stratford in the County of Perth, and from the said City of Stratford in and through the townships . of Downie. Fullerton, llibt•ere mot Illanshard all in the said County of Perth a,id the Town- ships of Usborne and Stephen in the County of Huron and in and through the Village of Exeter in the said County of Huron to the Village of Grand Bend on Lake Huron, and al- so from the said City of Stratford in and through the Townships of North East hope and south Easthope and the Village of Shakespeare in the County of I'ertli, and the Town- ship of Wilmot in t he County of Waterloo to and in and -through the Village of New Hamburg in the said County of Waterloo wit h a branch line in and through the Township of South Easthope to the Village of Tavistock in the said county of Perth, with power; (1) To wake payments in paid up stock or bonds for rights of way, nn•1t •vial plant, rolling stock or service: to the Company, or in furthering the un- dertaking ; (2) to receive assistance from Municipalities or individuals by way of subsidies ,bonuses or oth- erwise : (3) To manufacture, sell or lease electricity or electric power to any person or corporation or cor- poration along the line of the rail- way or :.ny of its branches, and (4) for other proper and necessary in- cidental lowers. Dated at Stratford this 23rd day of March, A. 1). 1905. JAMES STEELE, Solicitor for the Applicants. GRAND TRUNK Railway System . SINGLE FARE For Easter Holidays Going April 20, 21, 22, 23, and 2Ith Returning until April 25th, 1003 Between all stations in Canada, also to Detroit & Port Huron, Mich., Nia- Nara Falls, Susp. Bridge and Buffalo . Y. SPECIAL ONE W AY EXCURSIONS to roints in Montana, Colorado, Utah. British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Cali- fornia. On sale daily until Slay 15t1. For tickets and full information, call on J. J. KNIGHT, Depot ticket agent, Exeter. J. D. McDONALD District passenger agent, Toronto. FARM TO RENT Lot 22 First concession I:shorne, 100 acres, now all in grass, also store with Ilay 1'. 0. in connection to lease when goods are disposred of. I have now on .hand a quantity of clothing,con- sisting of ready-made suits, over - roots rte. which 1 ant now offering at cost. Good American oil 16 cents per gallon. To much work for my age am U • S bound to getout of the business. Apply ,to L. MoTAGGART, lley 1'. O.. JOSEPH \V11iTE Licensed Auctioneer. (4ounties of Perth Middlesex, Ituron, Oxford and Town of St. .'ttirys. Charges moderate. Orders left at his residence, Queen Ht., 8t. Marys, will be promptly attended to. Phone at ,his house. Special attention given ;o live stock sales. Orders left nt The Tinges .will be promptly attended to. ]REi'OItT OF 4. S. No. 2, S'TI•:I'l1EN The following is the repot for April of 8. 8. No. t:. Stephen ;- Sr. 4th, (toy (fill, tl24, Clayton Sims 105, Stewart Mitohell 05, 'toy Sims 90, Herbert Mitchell 80, f;ve,ei t Sims 80, Laura Sims 78: 8r. 3rd Olive King 213. Mary Ch;tntbers Ill, Beryl 11i1) 40 ; Sr. end, Lillian SIahIA 254, Tillie Edwards 237, Eli Sims 201, Syd- ney Smart 140. .1.4111e4 Carroll 132, Ethel Sites 108, I'ercy Lawson 49; Jr. 2nd., Viola Cornish 151, Irving Statile 127, Gordon M.trsh:tll 92, An- drew Flanagan 63. -Marc Robert- son, Teacher. TIIEY MEAN 17' No one should suffer , moment longer with Piles for 1)r. Leon- hard!•. Item -hold will cure nny case. A guarantee for $1000.00 eoe•s with every package of t he ileus• itoid. No matter what kind you have iilihd Bleeding, Intcrntl External, itching. or Supuratine. Dr. Leon- llardt's item-Roid will cure you. Thin is a strong statentent but it in supported ley a t housand testimon- ials from those %t -ho have been per- manently cured by Item-Roid. If you are not cured you get your stoney hack. $b.Op at Druggists or The Wilson -Pyle Co.. Limited, Nia- gare falls Ont. 8 The Exeter Times T11l'ISDAY. APRIL lath 1905 RHEUMATIC I'AINS Ql'ICKLY RELIEVED The excruciating loins character- istic of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly relieved byv npplyiti. Chain- berl;lin's 1',iin Balm. The great pain relieving power of the liniment Lae been ,the surprise and deli slit of thousands of sufferer .. The quick relief from pain which it affords is allow' worth :many 4 its cost. For sale in Exeter by W. S. Howey. KITCHEN ECUNOM\- %t'it Wit uniform t u i ur r• •ti w L h char c. for heps • the L gas stove is ordin:►rib}• the expensive piece of household machin- ery, and at 1he sau►e time 11 is the one Ileast understoo:l by the average housekeeper. tVriting in the May Delineator under t he 4 opie "Gas Stove and Refrigerator Knowledge," Isabel Gordon Curtis has some sug• gest ions in ibis connection which rob the gas stove of some of its terrors of 'cost. Young housewives par- ticularly will {refit by rcadiu;z the article, which iv in the series " The !Making of :t llou eoifeet Other topics of domestic interest in the seine number are "A Crown of Lamb illustrated for Easter service, "Left- overs," also illustrated, and a lune of kitchen lore and recipes under the 9ieading:v "A Nest of Fres," "Novel ;net hods of preparing Grape- fruit," "New Fillines for Layer Cak- es," and "household flints." THE 11.15 OF THE AGED Mrs. Stacey, of Hamilton. tells they may bo lessened. Mrs. Elizabeth Stacey, of 172 Hunter Street west, Hamilton. says ; "I was very much troubled with Headache, Dizziness and Constipation I am in my eighty-first year acnrt I grew worse and worse till I was co weak. and faint that I could hardly keep from falling. "Since using Dr. Leonhardt':► Anti - Pill I am very rnuch better ;in fact l may say I am very well compared to what I was before using Anti -Pill "1 am so thankful for the improve- ment at my advanced age that 1 think ! 1 I should write and tell you about it I will always recommend Dr. Leon- hardt's Ant i -fill to anyone metering as I was " Anti -Pill '' 1 nt I hl is ► it' ) c ' positively the lest medicine of aged men and women. All druggists sell Anti -('ill. 50c. for a month's treatment. The Wilson -Fyfe Co., Limited Niagara Falls, Ont Sole agents for Canada. how TERRIBLE HACK PAINSThey fairly eg•anize Jour lift. Sotuatfling powerful and ptmetret- ing is needed. Doctors knots of tothiug so shift ;to relieve as NCI' - tilin:•, a sit'ong, pellet oil ins lini• merit -made L.) c tire just such pains as '-ours. Ncrviline is very con- cent re t ed, ebo't fc•ur times more leo ei ful ,plan ordinary liniment t. In t ha worst cases i'oison's Nervi - tine 'i:1 extraordinarily .{:cod. All muscular loin (teen helot it. Nearly fifty yews in u.c-a ,o:x1r'•• ct•l)1ittc'ttdutiou, Surety. I'SltOlt N E COI' NCII. Council met April 1st. pursuant d' e a Durr + 11 tin n .i he c Ic J mmhr were 1tt . tut. 'the nt rugs of the Inst meeting were ,re td end : allies .. ed. A communication 11.15 1( 1)1 from the city of .Toronto council, asking; the ('sbporn) council to join in peti- t inning 1 he Le; islet tire, 4 a extend the privilige .of voting at municipal clectioits, and en Money by-laws etc. t a married women w)lo;e ,names are on the assessment troll. Nte action was taken in else mat ter, JUJU* lithe proposal of the •Elgin Municipal as- woci'ttion ill referring au chanain; Sec. 506, 'ef the Municipal Act. A tyrant rot $25 %•as given to the Stephen & Usborne Agricultural so:iely to assist Irl erect ilii,; new buildings, etc. The following pat /mil rir•rs were appointed for the: current year; Div. 1 -John Webber, Henry Jones, Itichard Cortes, Frank Ca•ttca, C, Wyman. \V. J. Cave, Simon blunter, John blunter, It. Kydd, J. T. Hicks, J. Cooper, 8. (Hunter, G. N. \Villia.tns Richard 3once. Div. 2-J. Welsh, G. F. Case, 11)•. Dougall, \Viii. Rivers, A. Mitoliell, 0. Forgu.eon, F. lllatchford, Chas. Har- ris, It. hell, Paul Madge, Jas. An- dcrsaa, Fled El erington, \Vtu Glenn, Martin elcTag.;arl Div. 3-Georgo Earl. 'font llroek, Ilcrnian Kyle, Andrew 'Turnbull, T. Nagle, Fred Stephens, Hush Berry, Josia Creery, John Hanna, W. 1. 'Tufts, A. Dawson, W. Hazelwood, W. 11. Mar,lrill, Thom. ICinsela. Div 4. -Philip Madge. James Co' -- Ile, It. Monteith, Fred Stewart. '1'. Ilunkin, It, Alexander, Joseph Vance, t. Gardiner, M. Fletcher, 8. Routly, Jno. Duncan, Sills Shier, John Ruth- erford, Warren McGill. Account.i n,nounting to $121.30 wero passed and orders issued in n n p. � i e 1. ! ) Council then adjourned no meet May 61 It •rt ono o'clock. E. MORLEY, Clerk. Mr. Adam Beck, M. P. 1'. of Lon- don, Minister without ,portfolio, will be .appointed Minister of the Depart - ment of Health and Labor, tvhich portfolio will soon be created by Ilse provincial government. LISTEN TO Ti(E BRONCHIAL WHEEZE" It imeans l hat disease will green at - tack alto lungs. Wheezing is dis- tressing to the sufferer and nnnoy- ing Ito his :friends. Nothing half so certain in bronchitis and throat trouble as "Cetarriozone"; it gives instant relief and cures even the worst cases. Bronchitis fairly flees under ;the magic •influence of Catarr- hozone -which cures so thoroughly 1 e disease hnever t•eturns. Other remedies .may relieve, but "Ca.tarr- hozone"" cures bronchitis, catarrh, and •throat 'trouble for all time to come. Sold everywhere. SOME WEATHER OOSEItVATIONS 1. Double the Lours or days from Os' clearing of n storm 4o the next calm period : the result 1-i11 enable one to foretell very closely titecom- ing ,of rho next storm. The sooner th, .calm, aim sooner the storm. 2. When 'the sun sols between dark Shanks of clouds with a yellow isle .red cast, and appearing (tome like an evil eye, there orifi oe a he,':; southeast storm the following d,y 3. The t4•lmc general appear,nr when the sun rises. but wit h a t • d. dish yellow• cast, is shortly (olio' •'1 1)3' a heavy easterly Storm. 4. Long and narrow clouds in' h • west .late in t he day. having the n - pcarance r f clouds, i8 an almost sit. e si in of 810081 the following day'. 5. When the electric lights of Sty, viewed from an elevation in the uburbs, scintillate wit h n peculiar eineat d -like brilliancy, a elorm lortly follows. There are other indefinable vizns whereby, like a sixth leense, one oen foretell the approach of a stone or the clearing away of n present stoma. CHAMBERLAIN'S REMEDY THE BEST ANI) MOST POPULAR "Mothers bay it for croupy chil- dren, �railro,d men buy i tfor severe coughs and elderly people buy it for la grippe" sly Moore Bras., Eldon. Iowa. "We iac11 more of Chanher- lein'e ('ough Remedy 'thein any other kind. It seems to have taken the lead over several other good brands." There i8 no question but this medicine is ale best that can be 'procured for cough, and cods, whether it be .a child or adult that iA afflicted. 0 tltvays cures and cures quickly. Sold in Exeter by W. S. !foe . y. } • c s d A • FOR A WEAR DIGESTION No swollen scan replace food but Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digest your food. It le not the quantity of food taken that gives strength and vigor Io the system, but the amount di - .tested .•Ind assimilated, if .1 rouhled with a tweak digestion, don't fail to give these tablets n trial. Thous- ands have been benefitted by their use. They only- 'cont a quarter. For sale in Exeter by W. 8. Howey. LAItGF,ST ORGAN IN TIIE BODY Is (the liver. Small wonder that liver ,trouble makes you feel so mis- erable. The symptoms are consti- Patie.t, dizziness, indigestion, heed - ache, feeling of depressicn :uttl lack of appetite. There is hut one sure cure. -Dr. Ilamilton'a Pills. In every case they are successful. Ily relying on Dr. Ilarnilton'A I'illt you are suro of strong vitality, nourishing blood, bright cheery spirits. No longer will you stiffer from disordt•rea liver or kidneys. The marvel of this medi- cine ds that jt keeps you welt -pro - vents and u-ards off sickness of every kind. 25c. per box every- where. NO. 13, HAY AND STEPHEN The 1 t' h f lot h O I 'A h t the, Marchreport g of M. S. No. 13, Hay and Stephn- Sr. 41h, Charlie Dunsford 73 per cent.: Jr. 4th Freddie Smith 65; Si- las Ford 63; Barton Ford 58; Gordon blooper 56; Sr. 3rd, Clayton l'routy 72; Clifton Prouty 63; Nancy Smith 50; Jr. 3rd, Nelson Stacey 56; Sr. II, Norman Yard 75; Nellie Stacey 56; Jr. 2nd, Horace i'tiff 78; Grant Hooper 83 Ena (sox 40 ; Pt. 2nd., Annie Green; Sr. Pt. let Ethel Smith. Emilio Smith. Willie blooper ; Jr. 1't. 1st, Lena Stacey. F. 13. GRAHAM, Teacher. ABOUT RIfF,USIATISM 'There are few diseases that in- flict snore torture than rheumatism and 1here is probably no disease for which much a varied and useless lot of rernedice have 'been suggested. To say that it can be cured is, there- fore, a bold statement to make. but Chamberlain's Pain halm, which en- joye .1n extensive wile, has met with groat success in the treatment of this disease. One application of fain 1.) .will relieve Balm nh rl! telt t the pain, and hundreds of sufferers have testified lo Permanent cures by its use. Why suffer when Pain Balm affords such quick .relief and costs but a trifle? For sale in Exeter by W. 8. Howey. Communication To 1118 Edit Or of the Exeter Timm, Dear lair -When I wrote the last paragraph in my Jast letter, I was thinking of t he barren fig tree. 1901 started with a brand new council Now I thought t here was a grand opportunity for this now council to ,gain credit for ileelf, and to do a good work for Ile municipality, for they knew of their predecessors lack of ability in not fulfilling the duties of their office. I made on appeal to the new council, telling them that their predecessors had Jett some un- finished business, ,riving a at:dement of 'what it tvaa, and t (tat i wanted than do see to it. Now I fully ex- pected 4 hey would investigate the whole .affair and make the crooked places straight. Guess my disap- pointment, when 1 waw in the coun- cil %minutes "received and referred to the r,olicitor". I had reckoned on 1 he 'members of the new council as being mien of integrity who would like tel do right and It 1s not taken into account that it waA the anis solicitor who had been so successful in bringing the council of 1903 through. 1 wrote them ngain, ?ave them figures, and entroa1ed them la get It he by-law earl to Irok into the To Cure a Cold in One Day ..°7,svocgty.. Toke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets bon '"` Sown Melon iotas sol Li pest 13 months. 'f bds •% V. /. jf �"�/Tr box. 25e. 1 matter fee themselves, ,tut ell to Ila purprse. and es ler as 1 could earn 4t hey did not ling ; t t les st d re but a•eter everything to the solici- tor. 1 ;must ray I dist not altoiath- er •relish this kind of treat neni, for I had only :,eked for my own, an 1 1 did it as kin.ily ns I could. t:elinz them (that I minted n., favor, a.tid that 'they should not sacrifice their conscience for me or any other inert Luc do whit 1•.1a light, but lb 'y paid Iittle heed to my entreaties. l don't know if they were following. the example of the ttt•a men of 1903 council, who told uta with a swell c.f pride brit they Paid for their '1 !kinking :end figurine. t'p to 1his 'time i lrtd 11 . clot;ht of suint; theu 'I eu net but ; u ,ft •1being • used it n sue • s , ha iLb• a 1 t i .r , m 1 n ,end toy cause beim, :t righteous one, 1 dist not f.!A like giving any Wok 1 e the spoilers and let alum 4r,mp hurl ju 1 ha dust, s.: I consult :,I :t lawyer and Dive hint the facts. Ile said 114 would not give advice until Iva had (made a thorough examination of Ilia whole business. After two or three days I tilled on him to see what be thought. Ile beet he hid I;oked into the vholo thin;; anJ ex- amined the by-law and was quite 5,1 i:fi •d 'I lint 1 10(18 right in putting in my cl;iiun .•, J,ar an over cher ^. 1 gat him to write a Lotter to the. ceunci1 :riving thein 4 h facts as he sow th on and ask for a settlement, thinkirot a lawyer confirming the facts '1 Ind given Oxon would be all tint lits needed 4o got a rctticment. This letter seemed 4 a open their eyes. 1'erhal:s they thought that it locked like 'thunder in the air, and Clark clouds- g.tt11: ring. They said we must send for the solicit or, the solicitor' came. What he told them :it 1hjs mooting, it's not for me to say, but one dhing is clear that he dict not advise 4.o lova mercy, do justice and give equal rights to all, for I think if he /rid they mould have, done it. From infornatioe that I hive from good authority, 1 understantkr.hcy were fully convinc- ed 'that I woe right and wou1.1 rather have settled it without go- (itrg ,to court, for I have been told That Mr. Traylor figured it out. and found there was quite a sunt charg- ed ;to the frontage btx payers on the expenses more than their just due., ,hut as he was art interested per- son did not Avant to snake the first move. Now, 1 take Mr. Taylor as being quite an intelligent man, and quito capable of doing it, but think that Mr.i T.)for oras a hitt delinquent in the anatter. But tl solicitor s.tid to the council. "No If you pay l legit, how will you fa the (next elcotion? Carling will cha lunge you for doing it." and I liar have been told too, that Mr. Die son offered to argue the case fo nothing if ho slid not win it. I lav been told also that Ile made a chore; and was paid by the council. Tha is ms much as tosay that he wren th case. I ant at a loss to know ho he won it. I charge no mon wit wrong doing, except he is guilty. just place before it he people som of the faots I know and what' I have tbeen told by good authority, and the public can judge for them- selves. Now I say I have appealed to two councils on a legitimate claim, asking for redress and pro- tection, but they hive not regarded my entreaties. They hove neglected, or by some means utterly failed to do so. Now, now the only aJterna- tivo 'left is Belt protection, and lam om elled t A . c o fight in elfdc[c ce I P ►3 n . accuse no person, but whosoever is guilty of holping to keep me out of my just rights, lot them be in the council or out, they are the person or persons I .strike at. That my claim of being overcharged, and I did pay moro than my just share of the expenses, was substantially proven at ttho court by indisputable facts, for the Judge declared it to he so while on the bench. He said, "Yes, Mr. Blatchford Iles paid too much". Then, toa, my lawyer has given proof of the same fact, end all who heard the trial can say the same, and I can prove by gores that aro not easily dispute There r,`�r, V s a mystery somewhere. .t it not Mr. Dickson who wrote out the notice for the laying of elle side- valk, and fixed the proportions of payment 60 per tent. for the tor• oration, and 90 per cent. for the rontago tax payers? 1f you read ho notice you will see. it gives the utnbor of feet of your lot or lots : hat you have to pay 40 per cent. 1 the cost. There can't be ony rnis• eke about that. \Vho drew up tho y -law, was it not Mr. Dickson, and id he not expressly state In tixtt y -law tlbet the corporation would ay Ihe whole of Ilse cost of all treet crossings and Victoria r►treet? ow then, if Mr. Dickson is really he mean who executed the work, let he council say "Why didn't Mr. )ickson make out his account in ccord.nce with the. conditions tail own by himself." Can any one tell e? Right here I ask the council this uestion. "(lid you employ Mr. ickson to go to the court to (le- nd the council against my suit for vercharge, did you piss n resolu- ort in 1 h council to that effect, ere you not oonvinced in your otvn inde that m)' claim was a legiti• ate one, and if you had acted at our own judgment and to 1 he. na- l' of your canaciencc what would ou have done, be einditl and true yourself, and tell tine." I want word with Mr. Dickson. " Mr. ickson, you remember the day of to trial." 'YeR, I remember it too. STOP! WOMEN, AND CONSIDER THE ALL -(IMPORTANT FACT That In addressing Mrs. Pinkht:m you are confiding your private ills to a woman - a woman whose experience with wo- man's diseases rovers a great many years. You can talk freely to a woman when it is revolting to relate your private to eibles to a man -besides a gnarl docs not under- stand -simply because he is a man. Many tvotuen suffer in silence and drift along • from bad to worse, knowing full well that they ought to have immediate assistance. buts natural modesty impels them to shrink from exposing them- selves to the questions and probably examinations of even their family physician. It is unnecessary. Without money or price you can consult a woman whose knowledge from actual experience is great. Mrs. Piukltaul's Standing Invitation: Women suffering from any forth of female weak- ness are invited torpromptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman; thus has been established the eterual confidence between Mrs. Pinkhan and the women of America which has never been broken. Ott of the vast volume of experience which she has to draw from, it is more than possible that she has gained the very knowledge that will help your case. She asks noth- ingin return except yonrgooti-will,and her advice has relieved thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor. is very foolish if she floes not take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. - Lydia E. I'iukharu Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Followlug we pubbisL tWO bet- tors front n Wonsan tubo acc•e'p-� +isauknow avtal,wrote Ierattouthatmydoctot ted this invitation. Note the ; said I mast have an operation or I could not ail - result. live. I then wrote you telling you my ail t I ' mems. follnw,•,I your advice and am en - First letter. tirely well. I can walk utiles without an "Dear Mrs. Pinkhant:- ache or a p. alis and I owe my life to you and .,to Lydia '' r e stab Foreigbt years Iilhav tr le Co ).. I in.cham s t a mpound. o su ere -1 something : I wise. every suffering woman would read 1 terrible every month with my periods The this testiononial and realize the value of writ - le pains are excruciating and I can hardly stand i ing to you and your reflexly "-Airs 111 re them Aly d to says I have ovarian d w, cc 1- k k- r c e e h 1 e t 1 1 n 0 b ci h P A N n d m I) fe 0 (1 w m m y in y to i) 11 !rte doctor 'an an womb trouble, and I trust go through an op- eration if I want to get well. I do not want to submit to it if I can possibly help it. Please tell me what to do. 1 hope you can relieve me. "-Mrs. Mary Dimnilck, 59th and E. Capitol Ste, Benning P.O., Washington, D.C. Second letter. ' Dear Mrs. Pinkham:- " After following carefully your advice, and taking Lydia. t'inkhain','Vegetable Compound, I amt'ery anxious to send you my testimonial, that others may know their valueand what you have dole for me. Dinulntc •, 5911 and E. Capitol Streets, Ben - fling P. 1>., Washington, L. 4'. When a medicine has been successful to restoring to health so many women whose testimony is so unquestionable, you cannot well say, without trying it, • I do not believe it will help me." If you are ill. don't hesitate to get a bot, Ile of Lydia E. I'inkbam's Vegetabl Compound at once, and write Mrs. Pin ham, Lynn. Mass., for special advice -- it is free and always helpful. I rememeer rho first question you put to me, it was this, "Didn't you have a big funs with the council about some old plank," I said "no" Now sir, I think you must have been pretty hard up for material to argue against indisputable faots, with im- aginary old plank coupled with. " "\ou should have applied to the court of revision and the like. would Lc nice little stories to amuse child- ren with but tos nett them for argu- ment rnent before a Judge surely port- rays ;the weakness of your case. You will romomhcr too, when you, Mr. Gladmnn and the Judge figured it up, and the Judge saying, "Yes, Mr. Blatchford, has paid too much" and you will also remember that I made this statement to the judge, that (bo contractor had been paid $1712.- 89, and of your saying "that's right to five cents. Then you said, "Do know Mr. Blatchford, (hat there's $200 yet to be paid the contractor? I said "No, I slid not." You said there .was, and referred the matter to (the clerk. You ncknowled;ed that $1712.89 was right to five cents Let us add $200 to $1712.89 it will make $1912.89. Now the expenses were $193.40. What per centaee will it- take on $1912.89 to make $143.401 Men per cent, and a frac- tion will do it. Now my cash pay• ment besides t he expenses were $25.33 Ten iper cent. on $25.33 will make $2.51, add 40 for the fraction. It will be $2.58. Now then, I am charged ►$538. Deduct $2.58 from $5.32 there will remain $2.74, which is the amount of the overcharge. 1 Figure it out for youraelvice. Why should I pay 21 per cent. and the corporation very little over 10 per cent. Now then, if it is true what' I have been told that Mr. D. offer- ed to argue for nothing, if he did not win, this shows that rho council did not want to go to court, bpi. would have rather settled it twit• out. Why was Mr. 1) .so keen to do. work 'gratis? There must be some reason. That is whit prompted Inc to write. t to show tho public what the facts are. Ho wants to estab- lish a case without any proof. Now. what sense would there be in the council refusing to refund what I had over paid, spending the people's money in law. Now as regards the cry that I should have appealed to the court of revision. Any person can see that nothing could be more absurd, when the court of revision was held on the 8th of June, and I did not got my account until the 141h October, four months and sir days after. When Mr. D . 1•(155 fairly .(Staten and the Judge pro- nounced it so he opened up a book. I have learned since that it treated on ttechnicnls, that is, when you aro fairly .beaten this technical key will open n side -door. That's all know about ecohnicalt. Now if I have made nny Rtate,nents that are not facts, by producing reliable proof, 1 will frankly acknowledge the mis- take, (or what I have said I believe to he facts. Now I will relax , n while to give opportunity to make 1 hings right as I 4 hink I Neve made it clear to convince any honest mind. 11. BLATCHFORD THE n LS • N•••N N•N•NN•••••••• ONS BANK (incorporated by Art of Parliament 1855) CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • 33,000,000.00 RESERVE FUND • - • • • • $3.000.000 00 44 ];ranchos in Ontario, Quebec, A1t.crtn. liriti.'h Cellrmbla and Manitoba EXETER BRANCH Open every p e c y Lawful Day from 10 A. \t. 1031'. ?1. except Saturday It) A. M. to 1 I•, at. Partner& S.sl• Notes% cashed or collected. Forms supplied On application. DRAFTS en all point.' In the Dominion, Great Britain and l'n- it4d State., bought and told at lowest rates of exchange, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Depossltta of 1.1.00 ani upwards rereived. Interest/com- pounded half )earlcy, and added to principal June 30th and December Met. I)e- pottte Receipt, a1, o betted and highe•.t current rate, of interest allowed. Advnncete made to farriers ,.tock dealers and business Hier] at lowest rates and on molt favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Isom. Out crnrnent. Dickson & Carling, :Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager. Z •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• A AINE'S CELERY COMPOUND PURIFIES THE BLOOD. B RACES THE NERVES. B UILDS UP THE BODY. MAKES SICK PEOPLE WELL IN SPRING TIME. Fox' "PAINE'S" Jkam ]ic For eir The Kind That Has Made Such Wonderful Curee.lq