Exeter Times, 1905-02-23, Page 5os
TSH EXL.11 kJR TIMES, FEBRUARY 23r11 1903.
Hair Renewer
Is It trueou want t‘ foot old? Then keep your gray hair. 1f not,
then use Hall's Hair Renewer, and have all the dark, rich color
o1 early life restored to your hair.r" gri.u:'1..0V.=1'3!1—
J• W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C.
P. S (irgdosta Victoria 'Mi.l Lc tsoothing and healing proper -
enmitl. oeice and r.sidenence. DomtecTinion of this n•uudy, its l
to rotatory, Exeter.
11. YIN@MAN, L. D. B. ANL
D. S. D. D.B., Honor Oradaute
N of Toronto University, Denise
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad atter crib.•
to Office in Fen -
tweon's block. West side of Main
ittemite Exeter
D.A. ANDERSON, (0. D. S. 1.04
Ile: r eriteett"' et tits Toronto University 1
end Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
St{�r o, with honors Also Postgraduate of
Otago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with
honorable mention.
everything known to the Dental Protersion
Ions in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al-
um, gold and valcanite pt&tee all done in
neatest manner possible. A perfectly
ess anaesthetic used for painless extra -
Office lane door south of Carling Bro'e store
Rioter. Ont.
Northwest and Manitoba
Lands for Sale
Valuable Lands along different Lines of
In Sections or up to 10.000 acres near.
DAVIDSON, and other important points. For
particulars apply to ERNEST ELLIOT.
Agent for the Saskatchewan Valley and Mao-
itoba Land Company.
We have funfor inves
sot upon term orunlimidv rillag ivate property at !owes
Ghee of interest. & CARLING
Wo have a large amount of private fonds to
eon on farm and village properties at lowrates
` late►
Barristers Solicitors. Main St. Exeter.
BarCoommi&ddoners, Solicitors for the Molsoonns
Hank. Etc.
Money to Loan at Weeds rates of interest.
L 1. CARLIN6 e. A. 1. H. DICKSON
The Usborne and ttibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
!resident:—T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0.
Vice -Pres.:— J. A. Nona's
Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.
To call in and inspect our stock of
Wutters and Buggies. We f e e 1
are that the quality and price of
our stock will appeal to you. We
have all the latest styles, in the
newest colors — Surely we can
please T ou. Conte in and walk
around whether you want to buy
or not.
and General Jobbing
All work executed in a thorough
and workman -like manner,
Two doors south Town Hall
IN t •
To Farmers and
the Public in
As the spring is coming on 1
• now gather up all your old
truck such as Rags, Rubbers,
tillfWool Pickings, horse hair,
Old Rope, Bones, all kinds
old Iron, Brass, Copper,
Lcatl and Zinc, and take
them down to
Mein -Ste Exeter
s +
One door south of the 1
Metropolitan Hotel rhat's .;
where atoll Win get the high-
est cash price for them ;.
not taste and prompt and permanent
cures Lave made it a favorite with
people everywhere-. It is especially
prized by mothers of small children,
for colds, croup .and whooping cough
r y►t always affords quick relief, and
as it contains no opium or other
harmful drugs. it :may be givon as
confidently to a baby as to an adult.
For rile in Exeter by W. 8. Howey.
Kurop)tkin would doubtless natter
tea Totalled at this estate of the game
Obi 'be captured by the .la lis later.
FAItM FOIL SALE. -199 acres, on
the Thames Road adjoining Exe-
ter. Ploughing i. done : wheat in :
12 acres of hardwood bush. This is
a ,;oott chance to secure a conven-
iently situated and well -improved
farm. If interested Iuove quickly.—
W. 11. Harvey, Exeter P. O., prop.
for sale—Tho undersigned bas for
sale a number of up-to-dato thor-
ough bred Short Horn Bulls. They
aro of the low set, thick blocky typo
and choice breeding. Will be sold
reasonable, inspection invited. Ap-
ply on lit 16. con. 2, Hay, or John
Elder. Hensel), P. 0.
FOR SALE.—Residence and 8 lots
with good stable, everything in
good repair. Residence recently re-
painted ; Also a first-class well good
orchard, and ornamental trees on
the premies, The property must be
sold as the undersigned is leaving
town. For particulars and terms of
sale apply to It. S. Lan_, Exeter.
Notice to Contractors
TENDERS for taw oreotion of e
Brick Parsons,;o in stun VILLAGE of
KIRKTON, will be received by the
tie demeg ned until
Tender+ for the 'whole oontr act or
separate tenders will be taken. plans
and specifications may be seen at
Slier & Marshalls store in the vil-
lage. The lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Extensive Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and
Implements -
\Ir. Jos. \Vhite, Auctioneer, will
-ell by Public Auction for Mr. Wm.
Fletcher, eel
3-4 of a mild south o'f Farquhar,' on
FRIDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1905.
at Ono o'clock Sharp. the. following
HIORSES-1 Marc 11 ,\•oars old ; 1
!torso Irisin: 5 pears old, sired by
Orcahard Willow; 1 Team risin.I 4
years old ; 1 Mare raising 3 years old
sire/! 0►y Orchard Willow : j Driving
Colt rieine 3 eimrs old sired by
Wilderle. Croke double anti single
1 ICoht ricin; 2 years old sired by Or-
chard Willow : 1 Colt rising 2 years
1Milo: % i colt
old sired by.into • 1. uok n
sired Ly Orobard Willow, 1 Colt sir-
ed by 'hackney horse Buller.
CATTLE -4 Cows supposed 4o be
in oalf to a thonou_ehbrcd bull ; 12
2 -year old Steens,: 2 two-year-old
Ileitera ; 2 one -year-old Steers ; 5 one
yeir-old Heifers : t Spring Calves ;3
Fall Calve.
PiGS-23 Fut Hogs; 7 Store Voges
11 ayoune Pigs; A Brood Sows in pig.
IMPLEMENTS -1 pair of Bob
sleighs; 1 Hay Rack: 1 Water Tro-
ugh; 1. Lona Plots; 2sots of double
Harness, one nearly new; 1 set of
\Vdtif flet reel : 1 Neck Yoke.
All will be mold as 'the proprietor
it 'riving up ono farm.
TERMS—All sums of 65 and under
resit; over that amount 10 months'
credit will be .given on furnishing
approved joint note, or a discount
of •4 t.er cent. tor cash q1► Lieu .of Wee
JOS. WHITE. Auct innecr.
Railway System
Special One Wau Excursions
1(n E)(1f
Billings, .Mont...... • "' $34 75
. —Mi. \Viii. Melon. Our %ilL1/e
chitoct lets taken the cent met to
Luild a handsome fit re.sidence for
Mr. 'Pima±. Key:.
— Mr. Thos. Keyes sold lei \Vedues.
day, one of hie fine horses to Mr.
'flies. LL+ndford for a ►tatehe ne
(Too late for last tweak.)
— Mr. John McL'Iice loft last acek
for California, wit -re I:e intends re-
— Mr. end al re W. 81.ouldicc. of
McGillivray, spent S1u►day Last vis•it-
,itinr nt qtr. J. I'ickerin:!s.
—Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Key.,. spent
Sunday visiting friends in Parkhill.
—air. \\'m. llakter, accompanied by
\ti•s Edith L:unpor•t visited at \1r.
a. t's c 1
e it
; week.
—Quite •a large sleigh load of
youtig people from this vicinity spent
a very enjoyable evening recently
at I he 1 cede of M r. ;cud Mrs.
Babylon Line
(Too late for last week.)
i Wedded nt London, — v. rndcsd •.
'afternoon a quiet but pretty wed-
ding was solemnized tit the \Velliul;-
to► Street Methodil persona .te,Lon-
doa. Rev. J. Livings:ore, offi.iatin,
The couple. most cloy ly interested
were Mr. Garnet II. Broderick. of
London, formerly of 1)aslevood, and
Miss Annie, daughter of Mr. Janes
Reath, of Glencoe. The bride's at-
tire was a beautiful suit of brown
broad cloUb, and n dainty whitcsilk
.ttwziist, witht a Leiutiful gnat of brown
chiffon to match. After the cere-
mony, Mr. and Mrs. Broderick were
driven 1e. t•he residence of the
groom's sister. Mrs. A. Swayze,
I where a dainty wedding lunch w:a4
partaken of. after which the. happy
couple. left amid showers of rice
and hood %visbes, on the 4.50 train
for Exeter, to spend n short honey -
ntoo:-a with the groom's parents, Mr.
rated Mrs. J. (Broderick, and other re-
latives. On their return they will
reside in London. We wish them
u long and very happy married life.
Many people suffer for years from
i rbeumatia :pains. and prefer to do so
'rather !than take .the strong meth -
eines .usually given for rheumatism,
not knowing 'that quick relief from
Pain "may bo had simply by tipplyint
Chamberlains fain Balm and with-
out rtokine any medicine internally.
For solo in Exeter by W. 8. Ilowey.
Li- --
(Too Lito for (last %took.)
A very enjoyable event took i.l:r-e
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phos.
Brock. oa Thursday even nr, Feb. 9th
when a number of their friends and
(relatives decided to honor the anni-
versary of their thirteenth wedding
May. The Lost and hostess were en-
tirely token by surprise, but every-
LIlO was given a right royal wel-
come, and the house wits throwa op-
en to the pleasure of their friends,
little dreaming .of what was in store
for them, when they were again led
out 40 the marriage altar and united
in Mao holy bonds of matrimony. The
groom it -liked with a calm and dig-
nified air, _softened with years of
careful training in Cho school of life
and niter hien Como the bride of
thirteen years looking charming
with an cleJaII0e of ease and grace-
fulness only acquired by years of cul-
ture. After the marriage ceremony
was 'performed and congratulations
hod Ibecn given, the newly worried
couple %were presented with n couple
of lovely oak choirs and a hate):=once
dinner net of dishes, evidencing the
high esteem in which they are held
by He eir many friends The ;;room
made a very fitting reply, thanking
them dor l ht it extreme kindness, af-
ter which they • all sat (leen
to a sumptuous oyster supper pro•
vided by tilts visiting ladies. Having
done ample justice to the „aod
Chines. and satisfied the inner man
the guests withdrew to the parlor
and t-pcnt the evt'fl1I till the "Wee
small 4toura" in games and amuse-
ments, after which they dispersed to
their homes, well pleased with the
evenings entertainment ana 1.14h -
in Hfint fir. and Mrs. (Brock casts'
Ion,; 4)0 spared a lila of useful:; •ss
and happines% to each other.
tonde,l !the oyster bulgier lit Mr. Jno.
Itowe', o:► Thursday 1:ist. A good
lime avwrt:eh
—Qa a'•hur.•dey lora Mrs. Lidi:t
Wein fled a "page lk'e" a leol► was
lergcly •uttcutd:d by 4110 popular
young ladies et elle neighborhood.
The young 3erttlotion (of oourse, as
utiuel) were at laver appointed plac-
es in the evening. Gam's %were in-
dulged 11.0. Loth up -'tains ural down
as a ceeteequenct' of the roams 1..--
i.n;t a>mnll. You k itOW ti#' your•^,
folks milt leave fun.
—Mr. P. Martine, t ald. rezently,
far •a lyes sial Lis 11 nd-owe driver
and purchcse:1 another from lar.
t:o,lfrtna O<elrolcher, of L'ashwo'rl.
-Colt 1,roak ng i., oleo order of t he
—Your to rorp.:.nie nt iCIA s th'r:
will he
more "bees" Lcfurs spring. n• so
cheer sup Ley's rind girl;, 1 h:•ree; •t
se set 'tial" Coining.
When you want a physic that is
mild end gentle, easy to take and
oto lata 4O act, always use Chanties -
la' It's S'tereach ..I.I ower
1'or sale in Exeter Ly \V .8. Howey.
Al the I'olyd's inaugural livid Jan.
171.11. The following eel 'made the
perneinent officers end -committees
for 4112 current year ;—Chairman. P.
I'rayno; Treasurer, 'Iius corporal ion
of iia►:+ vo:lcafte ; Secretory. J. Grigg;
Comntit (0(4. wood, P. Fray rte : sup-
p1,t_ri, \V. J. Carlin; ; eacher's sup-
ply, 1i. fius.ota end choir ; repairs, it.
N. .Rowe and fi. Martin ; insurance.
11. ituston and W. T. Carbine ; gro-
unds and son Bary, 'F. \\'oo.d and S.
Martin; weprceentative to the pub-
liia library board 1905-0. Dr. Amos.
The tinepcctornl visits are to be
made da:t the call of the chair, :and
` the reeulur monthly meetings held
on The third Monday of each month,
I A iresolutuon of thanks was unani-
' mousey passed and given then chair
for hie servicers; as a %Yood Supply Co
cad presiding officer for Ultc last
...sestet eteee. .1,e board wish to
publ,cly ackoot. ieuge los value 40
t)e .ibo:u•d and vu.lage iu 1 he pur-
olrase of fuel, which has resulted ill
the agg rcgatc to a )targe saving and
al for Oho k.cd and impartial man-
ner in which his duties 08 chairman
have Leen fulfilled.
A few wordy aro also offered in
explatxtt.icn of tth,e 'Board's .present
petit fans
V.itthin •1 he last ltee 'or three years
the Ili:rrd reakzts that a change bad
come 4u hills school in their charge
talu'clt they .a1.o ,believe to he fraught
important possibilities. That
i noshing less than a change
of Life. marked by the •e tet dual 'less -
ling away of its youth, as a public
svhool .of no ramal repute, and its
lenteance into tire higher life and
youthful vigor .of manhood, us an
educational institute of our land
with strength amply sufficient
to ,cope with the roundatica work
usually xelogated to lligh 8alrools
and Collegiate Instil utes. past
reoord Tor lire last two or hrco
years •furnisthcs ample proof of this
poeiltien and ability. The highest
percentages in exams—honors and
oho palm for the greatest percentage
of elacccssfel candidates aro nal held
by ir—evoking (he repeated encon-
iums of the Inspector in tench euc-
ceedin, ,report and Elae increasing re-
spect el the public. This worthy
suoces9 is in part due to the govern-
ing policy of the Board for the
lost Tow years. Its motto being
"The .Best" tvhother in discipline.
staff, equ:pmont or the building and
.its surroundings. To this gray been
tl(lcd en unyielding
that its halls s11ai1 be filled with
only .n-orkur„ etudcn(s. The first
pledge :exacted frem a pupil in the
.elvanca.l classes is Chat their full
:end deet efforts and influence shall
Le tu'ed in acquiring and maintain-
ing Tor the reboot the highest stand-
ing for morality, correct de-
partment, k ndnees to .fellow rttld-
ent general good conduct and ad-
vanced clams standing. Whenever a
.a I01113 persistently violates This
pledgee and appeal., io the parent or
guordirn fail, expulsion is to fol-
iate Some ,fr.iaicx► bras resulted as
People the world neer were boy i- a ti-esult of gush decision. but the
lied on kerning of tine burning of n Ilo•ard !feet; that where discipline
Chicago theater in swhiclt nearly six
hundred people lost .their lives, yet
more than 'five lime% that number
or over 3,000 people diad from pneu-
monia in Chicago during the same
year with etarcely n passing notice.
Every one of these crises of pnen-
inortia resulted from n cold and
could Sieve been prevented by taw
timely .u,e of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. A great many atlao had
every .reason to fear pneumonia have
warded it off by the prompt use of
t his 'remedy. The following is an
instance of this raort ; "Too notch
cannot be said in favor of Clamber-
!nI'% Cough Remedy. na1 especial-
vf ria!•ly
for colds rind influenza. I know
that it cured any diu,thter, Lantra,
of .a severe cold, and i believe saved
her life when she was • threatened
Ishii pneumonia." W. D. Wilcox,
touole..4 Iihc building manhood and
%vom.'rul,ou,l, as it does in oho ad-
vancei classes here, t other course
is open either out of regard to the
palm ootncereled or 4),r best Intervale
of 4.113 rehool. The Board (cels also
shat 81 guardians of an educational
institution, whose students leave its
eOmpleted course quel4fied for many
of Dhut higher positions of inf1uonce
.in emit' and national lift., that no
peke is loo high lo pay, t hal results
'O tl,).ornuglily impre siref .on Poch in-
dividual udent that title nobility
nnil Rncec•ss ie life and a ri,tLtful ful-
fillita;r of 111 respon,ibilili•8 of
C:aaveli.an 'manhood and wr.►m: illeexl,
result :rem(licit u'x•dienee to
ting a
the ju't le quire incests of either
1►ome, r+tltdcnl, industrial or profes-
s)on:aL life. Every len years a re-
2lme.nl of 111(1 an,l 4011(91 crit. be-
• Logan, New \•ork. Sold in Exeter in; Horned out from our drool. to
('olored,'syringe. Denver,
Helena, ilutte, alone. (18.$3• 75
den, Salt Lake City, Utah. Cra
Nelson, Hoesland, 11. (%.$40.25
'.' $40 25
Spokane, \V,u h.... .... •
Port lend, Ore , Sea Ie,
\\'ash.. Vancouver, Vic.$42.75
tori,, 13. ('..... ... .
San Francisco. Cal., ... • $43.20
Proportionately low rates to ether
Tickets on Salo From March
1 st to May 1 5th, 1905.
For Iicket: call u•,
.1. J. KNIGHT,
Depot ticket stent. l:oetsa
by ra I art of our n \1, S. Howey. form an ill.
,.t 1 t-
-�— Botta] life :old to cff,•'t its
California coloriI' r for eel ter or for
(Tau 1:He fol• (aw w..~ k ) woes?. Th.• ratelwayer. will
—The mc•i2libor's of I his dist t ict 1 here:coo. understratadl hoot ne-
,rave alio. James Harris a right roy-
al nvelewne last week. Mrs. Barris
lets bona is t 1te North-West for ov-
er 4 minty years. and brine an old
neighbor having lived in t 1►ie set 'Ie.
men in Illi carte dray%, it oils
rosary 1) 11 hat the moulding in-
fluence of our rohoel r•ha11 he mode.
n% 8.0111ly as possible. p"rfest, and
Weil kite Boer(' e,nnot in judice
to d',Is if tare r- 1epnyers :and its
shay.: of the notiol►n) trurit, d.viate
pleasure to entert'•in so worthy t from the rule; %vhieh th' experiences
pe.reountlee. We all wish tier a site of Fears )ons 4"./)" them (0 he in
journey look to aper di't.'Int lame the .hes( eat creat s of t ho .cineol.
and friends at Carnitiff. Assiniboia.
N. W, T. C7At1631!`OR=A .
—airs 1. II. feller i% visit int with &tart ale w. h. 1 You Nate Aisa)s Bougti
1•i+'brother, Mr. John Ibdlrr,et the
old homestead. eignatnre
—Mr. and ;Mrs. John Peltier n. - of
To Cure a Cold in One Day tauiies„ecgPsy.
Trice Laxative Brow Quintile Ta .��. iii b4ox 2erY
Sews Moe betas sold r pot la mobs. Tl s1 nature, -�
Thtii distressing ailment results
(root a disordered Condit fen of the
stomach. All that is sealed to ef-
fect a cute it 0 dose or two of (!haul
bargain's Stomach and Liver Tab-
ktts. In tinea, the attack a1 iy Le
ttu•ded off or greatly icssene1 in
revelity by taking a dose of these
Tablets .is ion :as the first symp-
tom of an chock appear.. For sale
In Exeter by \V. S. Ilowey.
County Council
'I7.• fulloteung is token great
mioutev LC wlc► County Council h •1.1
tet tj.,dt•r 141►.
'11.'• edits «ion touting lee's report,
adopte,l by tir. caunc:l appointed
John Ron -foie' as t rumor for Clinton
('ogle:rate Institut:, R. S. !lays for
Si. ifort )iCulic(riatolnstitute and Rev.
1)r. t•ro for the Goderich Collegiate
1: i 1110.
t t 'htx committee recom-
mended no action in reference to the
reqs r.' frot:, t:: c. Trustees Aosocia-
t.ion to send a delegation to the con-
vention to be hell iii Toronto. In
reference to the request from rale•
payers of Cs S. S. No. 4, Godericit
and Hulls' t tawa'"li 3)8 to dissolve the
section, th_' committee recommended
Ilial all parties not havinz already
(lane so Le requested t•o present its
writ in:r who changes that' desire
to (1:. county clerk in order the
all qui -:ions is disputo may Le fair-
ly (1011 with, and re00nlrnended that
I1. !luster. Exeter ; W. Clegg, \\'ing-
hem : the junior county judge, and
the inspectors of East find \Vest
1!ororl compos; a hoard of arbitra-
Statistics of elution Collegiate
swore as follows:
Aggregate 190J 1903 1901
attendance 21,187 41,9;9 2.1,212
County pupils 10,619 10 208 10.199
Cost of maintenance $5,110.98 $5.601.67 $3.166.81
Amourt of
1 egislative grant $938,23 $963.31 $912,10
Seaforth Collegiate:
Total attendance20.427 27,131 26.643
county pupils 13.4:5 12.se2 17.520
Cont of maintenance fb 6i2 23 es,711.I6 iseote'a
Legislative grant*950..8 $;163.61 $962.73
Goderich Collegiate:
Tn'nl tie eid:.nto3:.i; -'^ 33.613
County pupils 9,7)3 9.380 11.:•21
Orsi. expenditure 46.(62.7; 40.136 )8 $u7,8311.03
Legislative grant $1.021.07 *1,0,2.11 x1,(35.81
Inspector Tom reported three new
brick and one now cement block
school, built (luring the year in Lia
inspectorate. The cement echool in
(1. 8. S. No. 4, tiodorich and liuliet,
cost $1,400, the new school h► S. S.
INo. 0, 8tminley. cost $1,300, one cost-
ing about $1,800 was built in 8. 8.
No. 3. Stephen, and one costing about
$1.200 in el .S. No. 10. Usborne. About
$3,500 was spent oa the improve-
ments at the Goderieh Model. There
Were still four school houses which
should be repaired or replaced. At
present there were 56 brick, 5 stone.
.:and 43 frame echool houses.
In 1110115' of the school seeticns the
condition of I he grounds was a dis-
grace, but in many otthers the
grounds were neatly kept ; last year
there were 44 mon and 84 women
(ctiachers, as against 50 men and 8.2
women the previous year ; the aver-
age salary paid to mc.n .was $144
and to women $309, as compered
with $106 and $300 respectively in
1903; cdrtnges of teachers during the
year, 51 ; total attendance, 5,778 a-
gainst, 6,020 in 1903; there was a
ticarea'c in rite number of experienc-
ed teaachors; the number of pupils in
oenl.inuation classes ,had increased
from 501 in 1903 to 530 in. 1901;
many of 1410 trustees had purchased
libraries during the year ; the Exeter
public wheel w•as doing full junior
leaving and commercial work with
remarkable success; the teachers
throughout the inspectorate were
faithful but the frequent change of
teachers, the. constant changes in the
course of studies and the inexper-
ience of many teachers made it im-
possible to secure satisfactory re-
sults in till cases; their were many
towhees with neither the experience
for Ilea maturity to perform their
work eucoessfully ; all tee schools
were Visited •t'wice.
To prove what Dr. Leoabardt's Aut i-
Pi11 will do—Your name and ad-
dress on a post card will bring
it—Hao cured 'thousands nl-
I)r. Leonhardt's Anti -fill has
ushered In a new ora in thctreat-
ment and euro of diseases. Thous-
ands who have given up hope have
been restored to perfect health, and
every euro acorns to be perfect and
permanent. Isere is a case of dys-
I have been a great sufferer
kom dyspepsia for many years. I
have been treated by local doctors,
and here taken nearly all rho ad-
vertised remedies with only tempor-
ary relief, but since using Dr. Leon-
llardt's Anti -Pill I oan oat any
thingthe name c 1m a9 when a bo bI
rad -time vigor bas returned ,so that
my eapirita are buoyant and temper
normal. I give all credit to Dr.
Lconhardt's Anl i-fill."—M. N. 1)a -
foe, 29 Colborne Street. Toronto.
A mon 's treatment at your
druggist or 50c. A sample free by
addressing the Wilson-Fylo Co., Lim-
ited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Sole agent -
(or Canada.
Editor N:xeler 'Times.
Dear Sir.—La" week' 4i el quite
:1 surprise. which diverted nay :Wee.
tion l� had lead out to follow, whet►
i rend in the Council minutes that
$')i titivate letter 1 had written In
the Reeve had been brought into the
Council (hnmlxr, and a was tried end
senten: ed to perpetual gold tide, but
i1 seems Ili^y were not able to hold
Lien there, for he appeared a week
ago, twiuh truth and justice written
on ha forehead, rn.archine on in 'Iri-
iimplel Splendor, and )las made a
1 tete r•.ircuit, and visited hundreds
oho welcomed n admired him 0.1
n champion for truth richt and
1 will soca pror. •••I on the course
'intended aforesaid, i shall devote
thi8 letter to shote tc•ns008 and What
were Ihn indueernente and main fac•
t na k inr bringirl!; me to 0 derision 10
10 per cent. off for Cash
Until March 3lst .05
Tbi' is the day of money making. Big Turn Overs
constitute the great endof -Business Alen. 'mall profits
bring quick returns. Special inducements bring new cus-
tomers. Well Bought. gooks Mean Better Mittel i11i to the.
customer and ('ksel' Pl'ices-
Wc pay Cash for our goods and always buy at the hest discounts.
This LAST YEAR has been most SUCCESSFUL to us.
Waistings:—White Poplins at 25c; White Linens at
25, 30, 35,.; Wbite Organdy at 25, 35, 45e;White Mercerized
12' 15 20,25c; White. Lotus Cloth at 20.'�., W
At it • , t . White
Boleyn at 15, 20. 25e; Fancy White Muslins at 10, 12i, 15,
20, 25c White Pique at 20. 25e.
White COtset Covers at 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 65, 75c;
White Underskirts at 75, 90, 95c, 1.00, 1 20, 1 25, 1.4(', 1.50
1.75. 2.00, 2.50; White Night Gowns at 75c, 1.00, 1 25, 1.50,
White Chemises qt 50, 75, 90e.
All these prices subject to to per cent discount ft r Cash.
Don't forget us. We are it for Spring
SATIN STRIPES •at 50c. LUSTRES at 35, 50e.
SERGES at 25, 85, 40, 50, 75c. VOILES at 50o 75c.
CASHMERES at 25, 60, 75, $1.00. WOOL ORGANDIE, 50, 75, $1.00
GRENADINES at 50. 75, $1,00. I WOOL TAFFINETTE et 50c. 75c.
CANVASS CLOTII at 60, 75. WOOL 41OLIELS at 60, 75. $1.00.
SATIN CLOTHS et 50, 75, $1.00 11IOP8ACKING 50, 75. $1.00.
WOOT. MATTING at r,0, 75c. ' WOOL VENETIANS 50, 75o.
WOOL PANAMA 50. 75o. : BOX CLOTH, 1.00. 1.25, $1.50.
GREY COBOURG, 50, 75, $1.00. HERRINGBONE CLOTH, at 50a.
e handle almost exclusively Motte & Meiilassoux French
Dress Goods.
At 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.75, $3.5o for Men
At 1 6o, 1.95, 2 00, 2.25, $3.0o for Ladies
These are one of the best made goods in Canada, for fine wear.
and so far we have had the best of satisfaction.
Remember the to per cent discount on all Si:<.eo
Poplestone Gardiner
become a citizen of Exeter.
It will be an introduotion to the
main issue. 1 lave known some-
thing about Exeter for a long time
and I have always had a warm feel-
ing and a special regard for 'ler, it
was 52 ;years last fall since I first
walked Main street. it did not look
so very magnificent or grand to mo
at that time, after leaving sono of
the towns and cities of the mother
land ; notwibhstanding this, there
seemed to be eomettin; about it
more than the appearance, even the
name EXETER so familiar to mc,
seem to inoroaso my love and respetit
for the place. But there were a lfow
who had settled in and near what
now Exeter. some 19 or 20 years
before the time I speak of. There was
Mr. James Willis and wife, who set-
tled on lot 20, London Road survey
Usborrc, this w•os in the winter of
1832-1833, and in the later part of
the same winter Wm. McConnell
'built a shanty on the Usborno side
near the river Aux liable. He built
ale first saw -mill in this section of
country in the fall of 1833 on the
river, :and ill 1834 1►e built the first
grist mill near the same place. Then
(here was Mr. Mny and the Balk -
wills also George Snell, who chine in
near oho eeme lime and settled a
little south of Exeter. and 'Mr, T.
Lana) a mile and a quarter north
of what is now Exeter. IBut there
was not inuoh signs of a village at
that limo 'nor for some years after.
Ilut in 1818 Mr. Isoac Carlin; come
and soon afterwards started a t:nn-
nery, and apse started a store, but
in course of time he gave up the
store and gave nll Iris attention to
oho banning business, and made quite
n suttee of it, In 1852 Mr. James
Pickard built the red brick store on
the conger where the livery stable
i% row and succeeded admirably. Mr.
Carling. Mr. Pickard and Mr. McCon
nett at Il►a fiver mode a most exert-
ine influence to ('he growth of the
tillage. But my rojourn in the vil-
here at hhnt time, was brief, my face
was set towards the northeast, soli
loot but little time before pursuing
my way in that dirootion, some-
thing like rix miles into the heart
of the forest among bears •,nd
I went '0111) a heart tri: and free :
My motive wait one of the hest.
I traveled round, the land to see,
And soon in heel I did invest.
The forest took my admiration :
'free` waverin,1 its the breeze so
A,nd I was of the peren:oh n.
Where large trees grew must be
good land.
50 years ago, those were the days
of pioneer life, bears and wolves
were often our nearest neighbors,
and I s''ty that they were true to
their own inetin•ots, of course they
were net very sante things to play
with, you had to be on your guard
or el -e very likely if they were,
hungry it would not be a very safe
venture to meet them in the dark.
Novt1 vti11 tell you what we did
to keep them in ohcck twhen they i
o:ame near at night. We [andel
n bright light, as soon as they saw !
the light, they would make oft a!
piece into the darkness of the bush.
so the light was a terror to those
wild animals. as it also is to wrong
doers. 'for they will not come to the -
light lest' their deeds should be re-
proved. So I intend to throw =onto
light on and around the two said—
counoils which have been kept prett3
well shrouded. I may have to apply,
t.ho a -Rays put I hope not. Truth
and light aro tho agents I shall emr
ploy and they two agree as ate. P'
think My next will bring me into
town and perhaps have time to vie -
it the station.
Health Thus Lost Ls Restored by Lydia.
E. Plnkhatm's Vegetable Compound.
How many women do you know who -
are perfectly well and strong? We
hear every day the same story over and
over again. "I do not feel well ; I am
so tired all the time!"
More than likely you speak the same
words oarselt and n pe
o doubt you feel
far from well. The cause may be easily
traced to some derangement of the fe•
male organs which manifests itself in
depression of spirits, reluctance to go
anywhere or do anything, backache,
bearing -down pains, flatulency, nerv-
ousness, sleeplessness, leucorrhoea.
These symptoms are but warnings
that there is danger ahead, and unless
heeded a life of suffering or a serious
operation is the inevitable result.
The never -failing remedy for all these
symptoms is Lydia E. Pinkhatu's Veg-
etable ('ompound.
Miss Clara Beaubien, of Beauport,
Quebec, writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
" For several years h have mfteral with
ce female weakness which proved a ,,erlons
drain on my vitality, mapping my strength
an41 causing severe heerlachee, bearing -down
paths and a general worn out feeling until I
real) had no dein, to lire. 1 tried many
melii tnee, but did not get permunept relief
until I tock Lvdta E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. lit two months 1 was much bet-
ter and stronger, and in frier 'months I wY
well ; 00 nose dissgrresble dtarharge, no
mere pain. do 1 have every reason to praise
they Vegetable ('ompound, and I consider It
without equal for the ills of women."
If you are i11, don't hesitate to get •
bottle of Lydia E. I'inkliam's Vegeta-
ble Compound at once, and write to
Mrs. i'inkham, Lynn, Mass., for special
advice—it is free and always helpful.