Exeter Times, 1905-02-16, Page 4p
The (regular meeting of the Ironed
f Trade appointed for Monday
tight last was adjourned, °wine
0 't he Ting• (.Tile r.arelitiun of 41..•
•41(14 I.reseetint are att(nd.lnc(• ui
%peeled drie:ales from K.irkton,e1.1
'1'1L =ET 8 TIMES, FEBRUARY 161h 1803.
The Last Call on Furs
Yon can have all the glory and all the profit. If you
need anything in the fur line you can certainly save good
mo.ey by seeing us. We have about 25 men's and women's
Fur Coats in stock. We want every coat to go out.
Ladies' black Astrachan Fur Coats, ladies' black Boka-
ran Fur Coats,ladies' black Persian Lamb Fur Coats. Men's
Wank Corsicon Lamb Fur Coats, men's black Calf Coats,
lesen 2 Russian Calf Coats, men's Beaverized Wombatt Coats
all at 20 to 30 per cent. below actual value.
Fair warning, this is the last call on Furs.
Ladies' Fur Ruffs, Fur Collars, Fur Mitts, Ful' Mutts,
Fur Caps, all on the bargain list.
Men's Fur Caps, Childs Grey Lamb Caps, and Storni
Collars. All go.
One only Galt Sackatechewan Buffalo, Robe—who
wants it at a bargain? -
Ten only heavy Lined ftorse Blankets, we won't carry
them o••;1..p;very blanket a snap.
Airy- _ Jsing Mooney Biscuits
Nearly everybody is. Have you tried our new line of
fancy sweet Biscuits, Lemon, Vanilla, Ginger, Nut and
'Fruit, 3 lbs. for a quarter. Tho best and biggest Cake snap
we have ever seen.
Bring along all I
your produce ,
INew reading matter sppeare In this space each week.)
Of how ii itch you earu —as how much you save
—that's what counts.
If you spend all you earn — what profit you?
You cannot start to Save too soon. Study
your needs and then adopt a regular habit of
laying aside so much money each week and place
It in our SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT—then Watch and help it grow.
V. offer the very best advantages to SAVERS as we allow interest from
date of deposit and have It added to the principal and compounded FOUR
MHS a year.
Call in at any of our Branches, we shall be glad to take time to talk with
theirs who may wish to know more about the advantages of our methods of
dealing rr1th the public generally.
The Severeiga Bank of Canada
Branches in Huron County at
iEKeter Crediton Dashwood Henewt
Zurich Clinton
Manager. Ezeter,Brsnch
TU ADVERTISERS. I Miss llat:tic I'oliick is laid up the
result of a badly sprained alibi:.
N copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
leslment* acpup to noon
Wednesday of each week.
N••••••• N••••••
Read Popplestone e, Gardiner' ad.
polite i.
1) lI
artle'b •
i mak(s •+ specially of
wateh .repairing.
M151 l)in-t Elstun is .t t(.vldin. tai
millinery needle r.. in Toront o.
See how to mak • 1 ilinei tou.l.t, in
r /x;_,yl,Jbrt i rn Rank id. last
ANTED.—Situation, as house
keeper on farm.—Apply et Time. Of-
Mr. Kecnick is vi:•Jtill.;.with. his
daughter. Mrs. C. Johnston, at \Wild -
Mr. q•'rank Morley. of \While.,
hen been appointed one of (the Coun-
ty Auditors.
WANTED — Married couple to
e firm. Highest wages paid.
Address "A. 11.". Exeter, Times.
Mina Mildred Godwin Iris been en-
,eaged to rr(;ut nt 1ten. Carver+at•
Alma College, St. Thomas, Feb. 17td1
Thirty-four t housatnd and [i[ty-
f'vo s
I f th• eopular majority of the
Whitney Government election held
in Ontario. on Jan. 25.
Mr L.
Dickson. ko
n. Slrn.
Ile w•r
o .n
Miss d.and M y
ie Carling.
r In
attended the funeral of the late Mise
Cora Bowden, nt Clinton, last %seek.
Miss (siert ie Anderson, left on Mon-
day for London, where she will
'p:tad two weeks in the millinery
rooms of Misses i)icki•c•n & Nichol-
The County Council have nppo:u.t- I o
ed Messrs, Ii. Huston. of Ezater,and
W'n. Clegg, of \1'ingham, ne arbitr.e• I t
tore .in 'Mhe Summerhill :school di r• ,•
put('. ,•
Hon. IF. E. A. Eranturel is t+criouse
ly NI cit his home in Alfred, with in-
( flammat:on of the lungs, contracted
during this 'camluien through the
Miss V. Ila.sl„ lw-, a hu has Leen : n -
,raged as Milliner ++kilt White & Mai"
of Parke -11, left this +neck for
Toronto, .on a poreetlsin,; trip foe
else firm.
The thois ion in regard to the 1e-
t-ount of ttho votes coat in West Hu-
ron tit the recent Provincial eleetir►ne
was again postponed, Judge ihyle
being still ill.
Exeter Woollen MM. — We ar
still in the business and have n num
ber of bed hlankets,wool sbeotin
and stocking yarn. Custom weav
ing done an usual,—Jno. Muir.
In order to reduce his stock, It.
Ificks will
Ito erase
until April 1st. his stock of jewicry
w•atc,hes, Clocks. Spectre:les, etc, at
sreatly reduced priers.
e Laxative nromo Quinine Tale: -
lets. 11 druggists refund the mon-
ey if it falls to cure, E. W. Grove's
signature is on each box. 25c.
Gone )�
,e Bahamas—
lion. Geo.
W. Rosa. of Toronto. left Monday,
for film Iklhc►mn:'. His slaughter. who
t c1 vw'
IliiLia r ,
t l Toronto, will e••.•companicd the lion. gontletnan.
Auction Sole of Ferro Stock.— On
lot 11. con. 3, Stephen. on February
22nd, 1905, ?sale at I o'clieck sharp.
Richard Hill, Proprietor ; 11. Drown,
act'olnoler. 1 ,1
Our Dale
nlanufactere.' and sell the best, and
we leve 't fit STAR Flour. Nothing
but )1
I t beet •
t used in
makine � this
Dr. Butler, London, will be at Ilio,
oral Ifotel, Exeter, on Thursday
March Disc. 1905 all day
for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat con-
sultation, Eyee tested and glasses
.14444+444÷H.44.1 -14.H444+14 ,1+++++++••F+♦4i*_•+(M4+++++
Cut Out This Adv.
And send with It 23c, to the Purity Mfg Cu. Exeter, Ont. and
they will tomer,' you one package of their Condensed Medicated
Skin £cod by est ire mail. This prep 'ration hal no equal for chap-
psi or rough skin Ralf Rheum and all skin affection, and for nee
atter shaving it is excellent With evet7 order we will send our
plan showing haw yon can secure Lesley's Monthly_� a year free and
a chance on one of 21 Cash prizes, aggregating Ii ti o0 which we
purpose distributing lit Jan. 190 11. Mend a } and prove if what we
.ay le not correct.
NVe await.
Purity M f'g. Co.
+*+44++++++•++++ ..... t••i•+++:V4.1,.t.,t..tt-•i•4.44++++,f'<++++
Miss Gidiey, of ,)lyase is at prey:mt
tbo guest et Miea Mary Gidley.
Mr. T. I1. McCallum is in Loudon,
this week, on business.
From the Ontario Bureau of !t'•
dustriea. we learn attest Middlesex
array justly, claim lobo banner °osanty
of ttha Ptovrni000t Ontario. West Hu-
ron. second, with of thew hiving an
estimated assessment of over *50,-
It is reported that Byron O. Lott
is spending the winter at Los An.
geles, Col.. Nokias ripe oranges and
raisin's off trees, while men who
never did a wrong thing in their
lives are hone getting their nosed
frozen. 11 doe.sn't seem lair.
Rev, Jas. Livingstone. of London.
will preach Missionary; sermons in
the James-st Methodist chprch
next Sabbath. Subscriptions and
collections will he token on behalf of
the 'feud. Mr. Livingstone is an
eloquent speaker and will doubtless
be greeted wit=h Largo congregations.
A .Toali' for tltn Winter -wearied.
—To be among rho fruit and flowers
of the beautiful southorn resorts for
a (low weeks is a sure euro for tihoae
run down in i►ealth or who cannot
Mend eine oold, winter weather.
Full (nformatio,l. and :tickets may bo
obtained at , application do •any
Grand Trunk agent.
1)11. OVENS, London, Surgeon,
Glasses properly. Office. Commer•
tial hotel. Exeter,. Next visit Sat-
urday. March 18t b.
Mr. (and Mrs? John Greenway, elf
Toronto, thrive been visiting driende
in Centralia dor Mho past week. Mr.
Glcenn-ay Fpendinx Saturday and
Sunday with ;friend, there. They
returners to Toronto'1ho (former part
of this week and will remain. •there
for .a ehort !Lime, .of ter which they
will retunn to their home in Crystal
City, MI•an.
On Wetints:lay afternoon during u
heavy gale of wind the smoke stack
nt airs power ,house was blown down
to conseeucuce our village was in
tot o1 tlarkness. The repairs were
attended ,'to next 4k.iy and the lights
went Vet 91 lama]. However on Sun-
day 'seeming relit o ,ervices wore be•
tonducted in 'several churches,
by roma s1'eht mishap -44m lights sud-
denly .+veft t out. Lam(v1 .err re-
sorted in the emer,rency 'until the:
electric service w•n1 xesumed.
WANTED — Mon and Women in
this countryondndjoining territories
to represent and establish an oldes-
tablished house of solid financial
standing. Salary to men $21 wok-
ly to women *12 to $18 weekly with
Expenses advanced each Monday by
check direct from headquarters.
Horse and buggy furnished when
necessary ; position permanent. .Ad-
dress, Dle+v tiros. & Co., Dept. 5, Mo
non llldg., Chicago, 111.
Lent begin.. 'teak( pear on 11te nt
of starch. and rents on the 22nd of
April. Easter will be on the 23rd of
April, Th t tatce•t possible. Late that
Easter -mis occur is April:150h. and
it is only •-tt long periods that Eas-
ter !falls (ie late :,s that. In 1866,
Easter come on April 25th. and it
will not -again fall upon uhnt date
until 1942. Easter has not fallen on
April 23rd c•inco 1818, and sifter this
year will toot tall en ichot date, un-
til 1916.
Mrs. Mi . ti r, and Miss Maguire, of
ilegiala, N.\\'.T., were a few days of
last ,week the ,,rue,`ts of Mr. nerd Mrs.
lie w•kg}rcay. Mr:1. Maguire enis•
ed txi many friend) while here, who
rotnbcted titer as Miens Mat z:r ie
Slow art. oho tulip:' scars ado 114(1 n
positive in tie( 4ailurin,! department
of .los. I'irkard's store. She re-
moved front etre 40 1Virl.tipe..
solieae• she nfterna•rds seas united 4n
marriage mod new .reektee in tiles
city of Regina.
Farmers' Tree it tie! %1Cctinr+.—Far.
triers' ;net ;lute meet hies will be
held in I h^ sou nee a. 10110Wh ; Ilruce-
field, Tnesele, February 21st ; Exe-
ter. Wer ;x
ElimvilIc February 25th:
on, February 27111,: t;r eel Bend,
February 281'h.: Zurich. March let ;
Hensel 1, '2nd : flay field, :3rd : 81.
Columban, ;tit; Grieve's school
1•ouwc t h
. 6 Warlock. k, 7th : fJl eve r
u I
th; Ethel, 99th; Mlolestort1,, 10411.
nd Wm-dwirli. March 11th.
Andrew ('.1rneee• :rnnouneerl on
-aturclay las-' 1It: it he would .ro to
Cleveland 'to to<tify in the Chadwick
caw• which is to beein on March 6111
the woman 11(•i1)! charted Isith ob-
1-linin.f lance :urns of money on al
le ted securities bearin•r Mr. Carle.
ic'.y name. it is all::red that the
si,znature% It 4.1 fereed. Mir. ('rr-
iteet(•'( announcement els mute ;,f•
ter a subpoena orde,0n r him feap-
pear before the fedcr:r1 er,=rtrl jury,
nt Cleveland, cel March 0, hell been
'erred upon biro.
Grand Margnevi d .11,1 Nalion:11
Carnival, A .tra:ul tit asquerade
a :�
Ml na ,a11 ^e
t r'r,
nt I w'
111 be -•1 •h 1r in
the pkalin.t rink, Exeter on Mlotulay
'eb. sotdt. 1905. Fr!/ow:41.r or( t be
vent 4 :••
Bc. t 'v
v cfst
UI e
n re•
net • best r
rn'a rest unit , reirrrsrnting any
nation ; beet onnlic ; best boy's cos-
t u4ne lrepresent ane any nation ; telt
earl's costume, retlresent ing .any Til •
Con. Suitable {lrizcl will be nward-
ell. Rand in ntten,Ianrr. Door. op.
en et 7.30; Carnival et R o'clock. Ad-
mission, entice and children, t0c,
lents. I5c. Sesen dkkets not •ee.
rept Nl.
On Sunday 1•,-t, in James sir •1
.11'11°Wet church, ,'r ever saes offer•
e,l 11(,r (:4' students of the \%(rrld
ytal(•nt1 (ll r;•.1ian }•'eder.etiun. in
11: anon n! Bev. I)r. Itantion nd•
dre-.^r1 14:.• ynun! people ur•ane
teem ; o 'Iso true chnot 1141 1110:) rand
weinen, 11 viate reline aim in life.
In ales evenint addrrssca were dcliv•
erect by Mr. L. C. Fhenrirr,r, Princi•
p11 of our public •-elool Ind Mr, 8.
Martin. Th- choir alert rendered
specie! music. John 1t. Melt. gen-
eris Sc-c•retnry of the l'ederation, re-
quested ;,a rl icul:►r intercession for a
set -`s of !missionary Ineetines. which
1e' is to '10ol.41 41 41101 t t he students of
Oxford :and Cutnhrid re. Eng., this
month for •, studeu('s ('onferenre
to Le thrid in (;:rrnany- in Apt 11 and
for 11,' \t'or1J'= ronaention in I14,1•
an M1ay. Ti' Federatiar nue
dee neer 100,0011 stridents and
worst in ait (.eels of the• world.
,t heel at: en r 1•red In st.crinl
y of (rbc+ i,la,'
Big Reductions in Every
Department of the Big Store
Just finished stock taking and find we have several thousand
dollars too much stock. Must be reduced.
500 yards Dress Goods In Hopeacke and Serge.. guaranteed pure wool, 40
in. wide, regular price 50c. Your choice for 35c. yard.
Ladies' Drew Skirts. good heavy cloth. nicely trimmed in latest fashion
In dark, grey, blue sed black, regular price 3.75, 4.25, $4.50.
Your choice for $2.11.5.
Ladies' Cloth Jackets (25 only) all this season's styles in Hopsack. black it
white tweed mixture. nicely trimmed all lined throughout with good quality
eilkette, regular price (1.50, 7.50. and $8.50. Your choice for $1.116,
Black Sateen Waists, well made and nicely trimmed, regular price 81 25
and *1.50. Your choicefor 1►8c.
850 yds fine
quality Wrap-
perettes a 11
choice patterns
and colorings
regular price
12i cents your
choice for
8-• cents.
' About five
doz. children's
Wool Hose
size 4} to K.
regular price
15c, 18c, 22c.
Your choice
for 10 cents
a pair.
Special Discount of
10 Per Cent
on all Clothing
During this Great
Reduction Sale
Black Sateen 1'nderskirte, deep flounce with frills, good quality regular
*1,25, $1.50. Your choice for 95c.
Ladies' Wrappers, made of good quality wrapperettw,assorted colors with
flounce and braid trimmings, regular price 1.50, 21.75. Your choke for $1 23.
1000 yards i4lannelette, 34 in. wide in blue, pink.retty stripes,warranted
fast colors, regular price 15c. Your choice 15 yard for $I.00
Stanfield, Unshrinkable heavy Underwear for men, warranted pure
Nova Scotia wool, will retain its elasticity and softness. guaranteed not to
shrink in the washing. regular price 1.00, 31.25. Your choice for 0$c. each.
Fur Coats, Fur Cape, Fur Gauntlets, everything in Fur goods must be
sold, coat not taken into consideration.
Mr. A. 1 . I;vIIIY hoe roe uraed I
Mr. d1. Taylor 4. rtren+liu,r ., les
days i(:) 1.403dou.
e 1 Du ,lot puretic:.; pour cc►letel:lrs
!until you (helve seen our soupiest and
get our 'trio:es. Tsetse "samples are
of ono of the hireeesit! mnaufaeturers
c. 1 ea Am,errc.=,
We Lave a full : tock Opaline Sup-
pes:tories. Ithcuru•Ilic Tablets, Com-
) pound Ant heptie Powder for Ladies.
18tnmarh Tablets!. W. O. & K. Tonin
and Vitalizer. etc, at C. Lutz'.. Cent-
ral :Urutt Store. Exiti•r.
Mr. Geer a flrickttaden. ss ell
known there and who for 1 he bast
fifteen wears dos been •travelling fur
a Los.don Wlwlc-tlkt 5lmtlinert' and
• i•':►noy Goods louse ,has lett for Ile
• comatosenl row u pu.roh:win . .trip, Mr.
1lrickeeeket n itO t w -o others have
Mr. Neilson Stucker spent :, fes
day+ neje,' 1'etrolict .friends.
Mins E. Glenville, of London, ie t'14
I4( t of Mt,iss (Charlotte Sweet.
Md. a Tillie Yager leaves this we
to netted the Toronto 'Millinery
The a brio: ut.ion oxumim(( tion• f
Huron will Ix( held sen April lin
a nd 1 tele
Miss Lytle Oke, of Seatoreb, t:
v.'..,i'I Ii ( Ther parents., Mr. ntid Mrs
Hugh Oke.
Why is liarvcy's $tar Flour so
much tin demand[ Itecause it in tried
tented, (trusted.
Mies Mary \Westuw ay-, ss hu Las
spent Idea past taw weeks in Toronto
retuntied borne 4his week. �
ltoy ford, eon of Gro. Ford, ct'Iun
1.:+1 tt:cen seriously ill with trieur.l
pneumonic'. ie 'slowly recovelin,r.
elctses. et. Verity. L. 11. Jones, and
C. McLeod. o[ Toronto, bey.' r:;-
cently Qxen ern nted n lee tent for
ILis honor Jodie 1101a, po+4potled
Crediton iDivision Court this week.
ewene Ito the Stormy weather. and
th' 'blocked ::tale ot the rods.
Mfr. •.vnd Mrs. .Itiolierd Cucltei of
Eden, -pent n few days of lost week
ss til .1r. um' Mrs. Chas. Coete1, of
Ms=s Olive 'I'rc•blc Iw3 returned
lone utter spending a serape• of
weeks vieiting tier sister, Mrs. A. E.
Evens. of London.
Miss Hattie White k,+vew t his
week to attunes !blue Toronto Mi;1in•
cry trlrunin,rs. Malvin:; a: celltcd a 144...i •
tion .at Tilrso»bure.
Mies Armstrone, elm has carried
e:) dressmaking for the post two
years, .in 'the rooms over Snell &
itow'c'1 ;(tore, leaves eh' 1st of March
for ltho North-west.
MW a
r .(nd M rs .1. c3 r, t he (
. am P
i out Ed+ward, attic have been visit -
,in, friends in lawn lett on Tuesday
for a short visit with fricxnts nt
84 r:►( ford.
Jerry Knott let• god rc.has'•d two
14011 ort east side t t Main -ate Exeter
North !from M1 r, G(+ur„o Eacrett, and
will went a brick veneer 1.ause
tbercon in ah. :•print.
711'.-s 113ltie White. who 11.1+ burn
tic Itucst of Mir ,and Mrs. 11. Berks
fer lint past rix weeks leaves this
,1)rsday) Morn:tt,r for Toronto.
rri•,r 'to taking position as
!ire: at Tilsonburr-
Great 4xtreeins in clothing an
inderwear for the next few weeks.
ve also have a quantity of timothy
nd clover hay, and n quantity of
at straw for sale.—L. McTa;;art,
rth End Store.
ores q, .teen received ere by
etre. u 41 (teeth of her wisht+v�
W. C. Torn. of 'Medeeine. Hai, N. W.
r•r v r• 1
T. I)etxoe . esos 1 • ,
1 c the n+ !era of
1t Will 11 Tom.c ,( ixrt�•r
t (formerly ( 1 )
and w41* ontty in ire 23fel year.
\ford 'received from Mrs. \Pilins
( � Willis,
end ter eon dIr. 1V'1 11 . who
Well 1 I ,
left fir•rcwl c e+ n for licit
t weeks O O
home hi Speen !side, Assa, stated
their a are arrival and the extreme
cold •weallter there, The thermome•
ter tt](lyl(t; around b0 ielow zero.
Cold 1Weiti,er.—'fhe weather dur-
ine elle past Week has been exct•p-
t'en111y .cold with an icy wind bless -
gore) into rs:rrtaier'lbip in ,the,
a l.e bus�r►e:;s.
Ate Ora A,m wnsa-Truan Rssrznv.—M=e
WlnllowitSootbios g>fio has been need tr.r
over s4zt by ininTas a "caber, far tJseir
ebildrea .hire tesfa. with perfs iusos .
Ire soothes the ohlld, softens obs sons, alar ell
owes wind and le the beet rsmed
it isplsasasI to the taste. Soli
by in every par{ of the world. 20
oeoa Ire value is incalculable, Be
,atete and take mer Winebw'e Soothing
Sarna sad ask for soother kind.
The 1Royn1 Temp -rs nurtial; ns
announced for in a+M.• Main-st Mat ho -
diet rtlrurch ort elonday evening of
this week was not so well attended
owing rt•o the sternly n.ncd excessive
COW wc:utt►:•r. In the absence of the
Iter. G. W. A'ndrears., of Cen1'rrlisr,
who was expected !to deliver a short
addr(•sa, iftcv.\W. sreriwin, ',•save a
sdwnl talk, also :1 ree::tatitrn. 80109
were !re'aldercd hy Mr. Gurney and
/fir. Flenlin r. and :r very enjoyable
f eine Fpect.
The Literary- ;end ficienlific 8oci-
ely of •liter, Exeter Hi„tlt 8c•Ilor►1. i.'
I:olclin,; a contos•t for the purpo.:• of
providing entertninment for its
mcrtines. Sides has been chosen
1 x111(1 Wee Way IH'ogmnlnlel FvLII be
rendered every two weeks. Marks
swill he =heel to it3 contributory ac•
`carding .10 •eho quality and the do -
II Livery of their select line Visitors
arc ;raw zyw w•elcontr. The first
meotine will he held to friday Feb.
17b1 (:.t 2.45 q►. vn.
Market e
k t
the report oExeter markets, following
reef ••d sits 40 Thri rsday. Cele 16th,
The streets of (wheal is still on the
t1(- ,.1:twine ad1•anctel Ile 4)11 bushel.
Burine rl he week. (1:1.11 has ala•(, ad-
v:rneed tic per bushel.
Whet 95c to 01.014 per bus.
Oats ;31c Io 135c per busJu•l.
Barley 35 to 40c per bushel.
Peas 60 to 02 cents per bushel.
Bran $15 to 4(16 per lou.
Shorts $20 per ton.
Enmity Flour $2.85 per cwt.
Feed Flour. $1.25
r cwt.
lite ter !Re r prouf,c
:,_;;.Y 20c per dozen.
Pork live weight, $5.25 Per cwt.
ressed, $7 per cwt,
3 6 to $7 Hay
per r
Women's inst.ilute.— Ou tVedlisa.
day next, 22ed inst., the Women's
Institute will meet in ,telae Opera
Howe, o c
w ••
d1(n \ ,.
a Y :s •
k,o of
Guelph, is expected to srive not in-
teresting It alk to .the ladies, along
instit uta work and of her' u-114 rs of
interest `pertaining to the home.
.%iter 'the addre.ses the institute
Will rcrvc• lunch '10 .1 hose present As
thio Is the the of the Farmers' it1•
brute noel in z, •1 torah/ Invitation
41 1eXletdc41 la all floc ladies to come
and 'vend a profitabl: flour. The
meeting will begin at 2.30 p, tn.
There will be no admission fee but
nil will base a rhinos of :•nrolline.
t heir set Ines is it h the Women's Ins
Mit 111e,
utceini rs'ofl)stllte►South Huron►Fur.
niers' Institut° swill he held in Exc•
ter, on Feb. 221u1. Addresses will be
delivered 4n ,tilt 1'fternoon in the
Town Mil, by lir, 8lxgrpard, of
Q+ser r51vO and Mr. .I, Donaldson, o/
Novi Scotia : nl-'o rbort addresses by
lroaad men. In 142^ afternoon a meet•
ing Twill be also held in the Opera
Hou.Yc a,y 44 W(tteettey Inal.itute,
when M1i',, Maddock, IIf Gnobrrll is ex.
peeled do'uldr^•( Lbw kitties. in the
t errind n rnas.s ,netting will be held
Se hire Opera House when a epe•(ially
pr^parcel prorremn►e of muse- and
addressees +r,14 be ;riven. A small
rtdmi•siun !leo .,t 0L:: cvca►in t inert ine
to elcfriy expenses only. It is o.arn•
e tly requested that there be a full
representation of the, tarmera, to
make 0bc mectinrs interestin;;.
inr "from (le. (tort invest, and 011 who
Lad ocea'.on 4o 41,• out felt the se-
verity of the cold. Tuesday was
excepti-oe►ally cold, 111e mercury tak-
'•n; 'e dive doe :t eh" tuba •:rudually,
ane -1 •11 nirl:l i1 rterister d 22 de-
grees brinw. It elroads were block-
ed eo blest Ills I row service was lim-
ited and in the evening raneelded, co
trains going either north ur south
No (re' tie l:es passed either way
this week on oho L. If. & li, \Wed.
ncsdny 44 cveat her became mote
moderate, dent still r,nlait)1 cold.
Tors junior hockey tram went to
Ails Crtlig, on J'liurlday last, and
were ',rarely beaten by the home
lean, mho swept ('very '.(:true.
Por Infants and Children.
Tip Kish Yue Nave AN light
Boars th.
Signature of
Only a few Fur (,oats left to clear out. Cost not cou•i
sideled. If you Want one, now is your change.
1 only Calf Coat for $21.00 regular $30.00
1 only Galloway Coat for $22.00 regular $30.00
1 only Dog Coat for $15.00 regular $21.00
1 only Ladies Dog Coat $23.00 regular $33 00
1 only Ladies Dog Colt $25.00 rvt_ular $35.00
1 only Ladies Dog ('oat $30 00 regular $40.011
Don't forg( t the last chance this season.
We are receiving and nlarkin•, oft' every day now all Orel
new Spring Goods which we will be pleased to show zyou.
New Prints New Dress Goods
New Ginghams New Shirt Waist Suiting.
New Waistings Trimmings
New Lawns Muslins
In fact eWorything new for the sp. ing trade is now bein
placed on our counters. No trouble to show them to yo1
•<•i-ti••t••1••1•✓<•i••I••i•�J••f••b•t••t••1••II••I• .+.i :.H, i• t i••1 .• :•>< i •.••t -: •D•4••t••1••F•%•1• i••1• t•ti••i••Sel•4••0 •�
Previous to removal to the prem. I
ises of Farmer Bros. we will offer
special sales in Furniture for The 1:
.1: next three weeks.
W. C. USTON,.:.::: .+.:..s..:÷;.++.:..:..:..:..{..:..:..:.4..:_:.+++.:.++.i.4.+4.4..:.4..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..::.:..:..:..i..:..:..:..:.. 1
Itching, 131:ud, Bleeding or pro-
truding, Piles. Druggists refund'
money it '• ntment tails to
any caro, ter of hoe' Jong'
standing in 0' to 11 (lays. First ap- 1
plication gives ease and rest. 50e.
your druggist hasn't it send 50c i
stamps and it will be forwarded pos
paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Loui
Go. Lt.
If l
n i Successor to Ross & 1 al'lol'
5;i tVe thank our numerous customers
for their patronage during the ruler;
23 yenrs, and wish to announce that
we are still on the saute premises, wit It 1
s; a larger and better stock shim ever,
4i and consequently in a better position
si than ever to quote prices that w ill in-
terest intending parchneers of every
s- kind ot building nlateri,tls.
Tho Times has a supply of hook
giring a treatise of the horse and hi
di :oases. Which we aro giving nava
to all new and paid up subscribers
The book contains an index of di
cases, giving a description of each
with causes, symptoms and treat-
ment, also a large collection of
°Astiexcellent receipts. which are vervaluable.
-)ivi k:.t Coil et.—Jud,!e Isola pre
ser ed over ,a court there ten Tuesday
which Meted the iorcrroon and par
of kb' !afterno n. In the ewe: 0
else Bun Oil Relining Co., of Handl
hon v W
m1 e
,1 r.
k Mr.filo I
n fur•
Soiic'itor dor• Mr. Walker. objected I
tile' powers of the mart to try the
el's, and after ecune evidence• wa
taken, tithe, .1ud,rc terheld the conten
lion on ^ r �
► 1 dismissed r x. r
nt c f lite cdnim. A r
Bicknell, of Hamilton. was 8olicilol
fer the Iu'' atiff, Gill vs. Cott l(
:and Breen, was an int sr-p:cadcr ov-
er •.i (leek w,hi•cdt •the bailiff had seiz-
ed. Th, rd'1im +tas Nu+fabled. Dick-
son & C.ucling for dells. Gladlua4
& Simsbury, for gaff. Ogden v..
Carroll .1
o was ndjounrcd, and in Cod -
win ve• Ilud,;itnv, judgment was cen-
tered dor pill. Gladden & Bta&Airy
appeared for p1ff, in botducoscs and
dcfts. were net represented.
PAlo 1
.-fon__ l
Of eycry description
Buildings contracted for and satis•
' faction guaranteed.
W. C. T. U. Notes. — Our polo'.
ew,cort held !at the hone of Mr.. A.
Docs, on 1l he 151h, was a derided sur..
ease. A polo ens rendered by Mrs.
Wicks% ire, end pinna 4 t Iections by -
Mies Jessie Munson. After rete n pro -
„ suss '1 ,.
, dainty
recd +v w
byIl ca r
1c hostess, The W. C. T. L. is
niaken4r erect pregr(,ss, and twl:.lt
surpri.e•t your correllpentlettt is that
vm . o
r hi Exeter
c not •,
member n r
of 1
4t. -r. 1 '
o it'
► ,aro if
every wornan 441 Cat►ad, WCL(' inter-
ested in this :treat work l byre
would 4,e no clan z(•r of our 'ons be-
coming drunkards, or our data -rioters
marrying drunken tlu'blndQ. ilrink-
inz intoxicating liquor is. like 'turn •
chin; dhiret with 4. he salt water of
Llx sea, dtttat makes st'r51 1hirsti::r.
When a man i( (under t•h:: influence
ot Equor he may do serious .acts or
commit crime alto;ether con-
brary Ito tail nutur(• when sober, and
as Ira r as i can see, 11he person t hat
sells Jane ahe poison 114 41 drive •s hire
to commis. tt>tosr crimes is :massy
guilty.—i'reQ, Cor.
Cedar Posts
A consignment of No. t peeled
Cedar Posts just to hand.
The Ross -Taylor
Company Ltd.
The Inrgeet and most suet( ate
fol Commercial and Shorthand
school In Western Ontario. Otlr
courses are up to•date and pract-
ical. Leading colleges in ('anadn
and the VnieedMtates employ our
graduates as teachers, 1l rte for
free catalogue. You may enter
at any time.
W. J. ELLI01 T, I Principals
0011441.0•••••••N••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••
nn IN .
All Druggists and Dealer's. TAKS NO OTHens.