Exeter Times, 1905-02-16, Page 3J
ant taste and prompt and permanent
cures have made it a 1ivorite with
people everywhere. It is especially
prised I y mothers of t.mall children.
for co!,I.. croup and tehoopin3 eougb
us it always afford» quick relief, and
as it contains no opium or other
harmful drugs, it may be: given as
confidently to a baby as to ;1n adult.
For Kale in Exeter by W. 8. Howey.
FARM FOR SALE.—On lot 2, con.
1, township of Ila), 100 acres.
with ..goo 1 earn and water. For aur.
particulars apply to 13. S. O'Neil,
FARM FOR SALE. -199 acrd, on
the Th.unee !toad adjoining Exe.
ter. Ploughing is done ; wheat in ;
12 acres of hardwood bush. This is
a good chance to secure a conven-
iently situated and well -improved
farm. 1f interested move quickly.—
W. 11. Ilarvey, Exeter P. 0., prop.
FARM FOR SALE—In the Town-
ship of Usborne, being lot 13, con
2, consisting of the best 100 aores of
land in the township, well fenced and
in good state of cultivation. Good
brick house and frame barn, conven-
ient to school, church and market
being only two miles from Exeter.
For further particulars apply to b.
C. McInnes, Exeter, or Thomas Hig-
gins, executors of the estate of B. I.
Higgins, deceased or to Gladman &
Staubury, solicitors, Exeter.
for sale—Tho undersigned has for
sale a number of up-to-date thor-
ough bred Shout Horn Bulls. They
are of the low set, thick blocky type
and choice breeding. Will be sold
reasonable, inspection invited. Ap-
ply on lit 16. con. 2, HIay, or John
Elder, Ilensall, 1'. O.
FOR SALE.—Residence and 8 lots
with good stable, everything in
good repair. Residence recently re-
painted ; also a first-class well good
orchard. and ornamental trees on
the premises. The property must be
sold as the undersigned is leaving
town. For particulars and terms of
sale apply to It. S. Lang, Exeter.
G. T. R. Time Table
TLc time
of n c e arrivals '
nf Irai s
going north and south aro as rot -
No. 32 ...... .:..,. 8.35 A. M.
No. 34 ....,. 5.05 I'. M.
No. 31 . 9,30 A, M.
No. 33 ..,... ... ..,5,54 I'. M.
J. J. KNIGHT, Agont.
Railway System
Speclal Oue WaU Eacurslons
From Exeter
Billings, Mont... ... .... $34.75
Culnrnda springs. Denser,
Helena, Butte, Mont.. ()opt/a 75
den, Salt Lake City, L'tah, v .
Nelsen, Rossland, B, (:., $40.25
Spokane, !Nash, .
Portland, Ore., Meat 11..,
WASH . Vatican ver, Vic- $4275
toric, B. U..... ..,. •
Sail Frnnsisco, (!al., .... $43.20
Proportionately low rates to other
Tickets on Sale From March
1st to May 15th, 1905.
For ticket+ coli art
Depot ticket ;epee, Ewer.
Throw Yvgr Home"
Burr P$ Intosly—
•• pictorial Perfection"'
(orccdcd to aril deserter tic popular
title "the most beautiful magazine in the
!'top) 4I 1, 71 f fie riclut; j ri -ia mon h.
titans of Vain 10tol.n, anal ,.11 of Ham for
Portraits of Celebrities
Reproductions of Scones
and Incidents
The acs' perfection of fine photographic
ter n,dmctn•n. !!rets•! ar1h Silk •ant to
harmonize with the color Scheme of the
iota r.
The dal, Madaslae et the
glad la Ws World 7a on
S.,!.4r ti•+r. pr;,e, 11 r•. a Year. including
the SPEC! %I. (-nRiSTM.\S Nt'.tflFR.
$err Pub. Co,, a ;esti $u 51., Nl•.•r Tort
The Exeter Times
THURSDAY. 1''EII. 16th, 1905
County Council
The Junuare seesi xi o[ t he . oauty
council of Huron opened uu Tuesay
afternoon en pursuance of adjourn-
ment and 091100d0d 011 11 Way aft.•r
Applications for the 1.:,.itioet 'if
:Tutaluntattepu{{..il. une uc .... 27,L3•J1 2?.6,6:23
co1].113 13KD
(toeof &ri iiateuauce $5642.'..'1 $5,711.1t,es61L'at3
Legislative grant,,, .let a =8btt.tl $842.75
Goderich Collegiate:
Total avoidance.... 31,47730,7.9 33.618
County pupils ewe tine 11.724
(; rote expenditure ..e6. 03.77 £A..36.t'9'I,,ai.oc
Legislative grant -. 1.O2I.b7+1,038.12 $1,033.811
Insp_etor Tow reported three new
brick and une new cement block
settee!. built during the year in his
inspectorate. The cement acbool Tn
U. 8. 8. No. 4. Goderich and nutlet,
cost $1,400, the new school in 8. 8.
INo. 6, Stanley. cost $1,300, one, cost -
in;; about $1,800 was built in 8. 8.
No. 3. Stephen, and one costing about
$1,200 in 8 .8. No. 10, Usborne. About
*3,500 wee :,110111 uu t ho improve-
ments at the Goderi:dt Model. There
were still four school houses which
should Le repaired or replaced. At
present there were 56 brink, 5 stone,
.and 43 frames-chool houses.
In ina.ny of Cho Lchool sections the
c.andition of the grounds Was a dis-
grace, but in many otthers the
grounds were neatly kept,; last year
there were 17 neon and 81 women
Weeders, as against 50 men and 82
women via previous year; the aver -
ago L ilary paid to men ,was *.444
and to women $309, as aunpared
with *406 and $300 rcu pe- tively in
1903: obtn!;cs of teachers during the
year. 54 ; total attendance, 5,778 a-
gainst. 6,0.20 ia 1903; there was a
dcorease in the number of experienc-
ed teachers ; the number of pupils in
eentinuation elate -sem 'had increased
from 501 an 1903 to 530 in1901:
many of t4ba trustee's had pun:hatred
libraries during ties year; mho Exeter
public school was doing full junior
heaving atst commercial work with
remarkable success; tee teachers
throughout the inspectorate were
faithful but the frequent change of
leader:, the cr:Istunt changes in the
course of .studies and the inexpx:r-
i•_nce of rnany teachers made it im-
eoesiblo to (secure satisfactory re-
,ults in all cases; their were many
t acb_rs vibe neither the experience
for the mat unity to perform their
work successfully ; all the schools
were visited .thrice.
D. lto..b. inspector for East HIuron,
retorted 37 mule= and 87 female
es:ache-re ; a decrease of 2 male and
an increase of two female teachers;
44 selseols cheated teachers; aver-
.:p;e salary .ptrid men, *453. an in-
crower of $39 over the precxx:dtug
year ; average salary paid women.
017. ren inn:,r is' of *15 ; the inepec-
••se referred to tee lessening the
a.ruount of corporal punishment in-
flic.:ud and mentioned the case of 8.
B. No. 4. Grey where the discipline,
order, prepeiation of Iesson, cal-
ling and dismissing school, etc., wore
left to the pupils, who attended to
these matters through their electod
eu ,
r st..nta ivcs the pupils d 1
l 10 lxt also
purchase a library andIthe experi-
ment stens completed successfully ;
there 'tveic 14 libraries in the 83 rur•
al cchools, which was considered n
regretoble small number ; in 1890
6,285 'pupile were enrolled in the ru-
ral rebook, in 1904 only 3,766, a &-
release of 40 par cent. to. 14 years.;
i e.urian scleoala the decrease for the
same perio3 %teas 24 per cent.; the
•tverags attc`ndanee was increased
from 63 to 60 per cont.
Wm. Cents' return» for the year
1001 showed tee followi.ne figure';
Total numter of i:rybrumeeits regis-
tered during the year, 4,037 ; total
fees 'therefor. $4.536.05; the instru-
meats registered were ;-1 patent. 1,-
431 dtods, 961 mortgages, 182 wiils,4
leases, 8 nlecl.anics' hens, other in•
struments 351 ; obstrocets furnished
606, :,Buenos 941, fees earned and not
teeeived *520.35, ,;toss fee for year
;5.757.60, groes amount for previous
yoar e5,665, amount paid to deputy
rteeistn,.ir*1,200,other .charges paid by
re,fiistrar$1,245,46; an:otile of surplus
of prose income paid 'to the county
*1,128.80 amount of tet surplus paid
to county $86.67 net amount received
by registrar *2,096.67. Of the mort-
gages registered 18 were for over
*5,000, 274 bet ween *2,000 and
*5,000, 243 bet ween *1,000 and *2,-,
000, 413 under $1,000, 13 amount .nee
Ininal ; aggregate ontountt of all such
mortgages $1,444,589.12.
The county property (.outwit tee
recommended tint ei• lit storm win-
dows Lc purchased for the ground
floor of tlw,jaIt, Ibe week to be under
the supervision of Councillor McLean
and Registrar Coats and the cost not
to exceed $50: the committee also
recommended t lie pleaoiu3 of one
storm window in the Crown at-
torney's office, the changing of the
%teahl valv c in the county
.let k'" office the plaeiter of
•1 new window in Judge llolts's of-
fice to provide mere light. two storm
windows for the law library and two
for Jude3a Doyk:'s room ; that the
root of the court house be repaired
the question of repairs to the court
room to t:c left in the Hands of Coun•
ciUor Mohnen to ascertain the prob-
able rod of uit•tellic c_iiint, paper-
tr,r the walls and varnishing the
woodwt•rk. 'i.r. \1 bean to report at
the June Ineeti0 r. The report w is
Lam ; the junior county Judie., at
the inspectors of East and We.
lluroii compose a board of arbitr
tors. i .
Statistic-, of Clintuu C311oiri3
t+ere its follows .
ul I tee were well made -Lied with the
st utanagelalent. The windmill was
:t- out of order and should be :at -
Icnded 'to. A new heater had
It• beau taut in them luundry et a Dost of
6130. The tommit tee recommeelded
the eppointmeot of Mr. French as
= county constable, The report t+:,-
90 adopted,
81 The building commit tee of t hr
house: of refuge reported that the
contractor had dome scarcely any-
thing mance •their lest report, dotted
Dec, 6th., 1904. The builders' risk
of insurance carrying the risk on tlir
old ;building and contents, was re-
newed till March 31st at a cost of
$10 pc • moult h: :1 copy of a le t t e r
toh r
e contractor gnomes from tile- architect
called attention to damage done by
the meatier and requested him to
plac3 the large skylight in position
at once or otherwise properly pro -
teat the opening by covering the
same "with boarding and ear paper.
The contractor would be charged
wtitlt thea cost of the heat t he com-
mittee h -d direoted Mr. French to
turn on.
OTIIEIt ltEl'OT118
T11: executive committee recom-
mended tltat John Knox receive $50
per month so Long as he was actin• in
the capacity of jailer ; that the bn•
tario statutes for 1905 be obtained
far each member of the council. and
the Consolidated Municipal Act for
each of the new members, also The
Municipal World for eacj/ member ;
that r:o action bo taken 011 tho re
quest for a grant to the Women's
Instituto of East Huron; Mat the
following usual grant -4 bo made Chil-
dren's Aid Society, $50; Agricultu-
ral and Horticultural Society. each
$20; •puljl.:c libraries, cash $15; tea-
cher's institutes, each $25; farmers'
19os 190.3 l'Ju
attendance 21,387 11.979 22,24
County pupils . l0.WJ i. 208 10.1
('ort of maintenance $5,L10.Rt $5.6e7e4 $3.466.
Antourl of
1 egieletive grant leen $903.11 .tee,
Heaforth Collegiate:
county auditor wero received from
t•h^ following eentlt•menand left on
Ilse intik : d• Govenlock ; H. W. Er •
win, Il:tyfield; 11. W. Ball ;M.Lock-
hart, Auburn ; N. Robson, Clintuu
W .Mc iercher, Wroxeter ;F': Hur-
ley, Whalen ; W. Black, Ilrussela ;
17. A. Carre•ck, Kintoil ; 1. Britton,
Constance ; P. Cantolon, Clanton ; E.
'!.eller, publitsher Zurich Herald.
Mcssra. W. Moffat, J. 11. Cameron,
and L. C. }Willing applied to Le ap-
pointed on the county l:card cf �x-
aruiners ,
The Prisoners' Aid Association and
the East Huron Women's Institute
asked for grants.
Moved by Messrs .Morr.sen and
Grieve, that It. S. Mays Lc appointed
trustee of Beaforth Colle,•rinte Insti-
Moved by Messrs. Canteloa and
Ferris. that John Itatlsford be ape
pointed 'trustee of Clinton Collee-
i tte Institute.
Moved on amendment by Messrs.
1•biater and Currie that John Tor-
rence be appointed trustee of Clin-
; on Collegiate Institute.
Moved by Messrs McLean and Is-
bi;ter that Rev. Dr. Uro be appoint-
ed trustee of Goder%eh Colle lute In-
These dour nlot:ons were sou, Ito
tee eduoat:onal committee.
J. 1tu•tley, reeve cf Aclifield ; W.
Ilunt,er, c'1 uncillor, and ea -Reeve
Dalton waited on mho commit in re-
ference ! o the tvo 01-0 Lit at 1'•art Al.
bert. The meter was referred to
11t3 acted and brit!; c committer.
Moved by Mr. McLean (seconded by
Mr. McQuillan, that the Lew mem-
bers of this council go out Jo Port
Albert and examr'ne. the bfi'ige for
them+solvcs. Carreed.
The afternoon ses::ion fan \Vcxlnes-
day was a short one in order to al-
low the members to drive out to
l'ort Albert.
On (Thursday afternoon a dept:u-
Lon waited on the council in reler-
ence Ino a proposed change ia• the
boundaries of U. 8. S. 8. No. 4. Gode.
ti:h and Mullet Townships. A largo
uumler of gentlemen nddreseed the
council and mho ala Iter was Famed
on no the oducatinnel committee.
TIS_ road and bridge commit toe
recommended the acceptance of the
tenders of tl,7 Sarnia Bridge Com-
p►any 'for the structure of the
Antherley bridge, elan 95 It., at $1-
400 ; ,Lucknow bridge, spun 60 ft.,
*810; Moriie,ank bridge, r.pan 110 ft,
*1,510; IMcC.ann's bridge, even 60 ft.,
$890; notal $4,650. These were t bo
iowosl ;tenders. Tbo committee ad.
'. & ed mho acceptance of the tender of
Frank Guttcridgc, Seifert/b. 'for the
concrete abutments at Amberley
bridge, at $6.25 per cubic yard: of
e& Lubey.
McCanns bridge
at $4.05 per cubic yard ; ut Charles
Barber, Winghatn, for Morrisbank
bridge, at :+I.75, and for Luckuow
bridge, for $4.83. The committee
recommended no action with refer-
ence to abs deputation from Ashfield
in ct.anection with the !'ort Albert
1 e• I It '
1 ►. actio:
8 o t bo talon with
reference r
r ,
t the 0 1 ., co u '
mm uacation of
Mr. Ciinp.eil, cowntissioncr of high-
ways for IL: Proving of Ontario,
with refeeonce to Government grant
that no action Le taken with refer-
ence to tl:c invitation from the
Western Oi.torio Good Roads AsaoS-
ettion lo a meeting in Toronto next
February. The report was ammend-
ed to the effect tLat Charles Barber
ix• given Ile cont race for the abut-
ments cf the emberloy bridge in-
stead of Fronk Gutteridge.
The county contrniseicner reported
the( 2cve.ctl bridges would require
to Le reflloored during the coming
summer and In some ceases new 301515
eyes sy'e'eded 11e recommonoed
Orel, whtlte new joists =cm needed on
old wort bridge's, steel joists should
Le precured if possible in order to
make a rsrmanent improeemont
Mot of the iron and steel bridges
boukl 1-o peiutcd during the coming
umnler, '!'iso Black Creek and Zet-
kind bridges had been sttiafoctorily
otupleted ttile 1112 exception of the
1:tinting cf Zetlutitl bridge, which
vets heing held at until the warm
%calker. Th• Ictal amount of or-
ers issued during 1904 wort $22,203.•
3 ; amount issued sin:e, December
2st!ica, *5,681.30.
TIr educ itiou committee's report,
s adopted by the council appointed
ohn ltantford as trustee for Clinton
ollegiete institute, R, 8. Ilays for
ea fort hCo!tegiatejnstttute anti Rev,
r, Ure for the Godcri:h Collegiate
nstitut t, The committee recent -
ended no action in reference to the
.quest from the Trustees Associa-
tou to wild a delegotion. tei the con-
ention t o bo held in Toronto. In
eference to the request from rate•
aycrs of U. 8. S. No, 4. Godcric%
nd Mullett taw:14 1 to dissolve the
oction, thea committee recommended
,.it all parties not having already
one so be requested to present in
riling what c1nngca they desire
the oounty clerk in order that
1 questions rl dispute may be fair -
dealt tti'h, ,•.d recommended that
Mu'te's, F.xelrr ; W. Clegg, \\'las•
Many people .suffer for years from
i gain.:, and prefer to do so
rather ,than take 4hc strong mcdi•
cine ,a•ually ,riven for rheutnati+ni,
not knoein,; that quick relief from
pain may bo lead simply Its epplyint
Cl!'lmberlain'• lain and ttith-
t.ut Raking any medicine internally. 8ignaters
For 'nlo in Exeter by \V, 8, Howey. of
Tha house of r^fore committee roe
ported vkitin,t 1hi home, Jan. 31 it
end finding F6 inulatee. Roo many Tor
he petommottalien. The commit -
Ninths _/)Tie Ked You Hare Men liWahl
To cure a Cold in One Day s,.
Take Laxative Brow Quinine Tablets , i Alma. on every
bens se11 ill lett 1s mouth. ThI s us be=e 23c.
THE EXETER T1bdE13, FEBRUARY 16th 180:1.
Ayers PiI1S
gr. .t ruic Lhealth
Ani grcpt medicine
Ayyer's Pills. f•°�::;:
/ant your iToustache or heard BUGKINGHASI'S DYE
a beautifu l brown sr rich black ? Use ass tat, a mese= es a e. moss els. teras a a
J1t 1•ItUN 11lNli, M. D., M. O. '1'11E MOTHER'S FAVORITE
P. 8.. V NlINO, Vi D., O. The Nuum bing and healing proper -
'tits of this remedy. its pleas-
-,'y. unite sod ,entdeuenle. 1Jomiuloo
o Awry. Exeter.
l 1, wi�t'►1nN, I_ I. S. AND
lilt.A.lt. •KINe4MAN. L.
U. r;. 1►, U S.. Honor t,redaate
r r Tenial.. Cnlver,ity. protist.
1. Vila etu,ae.•ad without pain oe
u .d at tai etrer•.U.. Moe hi Fon.
..,u'a block. 1t'.rlt aide of Mata
•,..sl. Vetoer
'.A• A NERSON. (D. 0• s• 1.• 11.
U N.N T1:i'I'.
Honor tir,..luate of tee Turunto 'rant
•no tweet college of Mental Sugleour Of
Cowan, with honors A1.0 ,'n..t•graduate Of
nitw.guileh001 of 1'rt,..thetic Dewiest" teltd
u..uurabie mention.
,ever, thing kno=w to the D anal Profession
tone fa (hie otic,. Bridge work, crowns. AI -
gold and vulcanite pplates all dorm in
no ueat.t,pt manner pu..•pible. A perfectas
n,. meati. enessthetic teed for painless extZeO
Otttce one door eolttb of Carling linos store
Northwest and Manitoba
Lands for Sale
Valuable L•►uds slung different Luper of
In rection or tip to pew acres near.
AV1U3Uy1, and other important points. For
neuters apple to E!tNh T ELLIOT.
gent for the Saskatchewan Valley and Mao -
tot a Land Company.
We have unlimited private bands for invest:
ret upon farm or village property at lower
We heave a targe amount of vto fundsto
oat, on faros and village propertiesat
se interest. •
Barristers Solicitors. Main St. Exeter.
1) i(' KSON & CARLING,
-•..rrl..lers, eel icitors, Notaries conveyancers.
Comtniseteners. Sole item for the etolsons
H +nk. Bic.
lunars to Lean at fewest rates of interest.
Tae Osborne and Hibbert
farmer's Mutual We Mar
suer Gcmpanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Pre,i lent:—T. RYAN, DUnI.IN P. 0.
Vice -Pres.:— J. A. Noisier
F . 0.
ARClUtt.\H 1
F. MUitLBY, \VIteees P. O.
W. 11. PAt001o1u , C1tomARTY P. 0.
SVM. Roe. Bearer ►LM P. 0.
A(1 E NTS.
1. (7ARMiciivet,. STA FFA. ONT.
1. W 1LaoN, F ureeeRT0N, Oerr.
Secy. -Treats. Farquhar.
To call in nn.1 inspect our stock of
Cutters elsd Fnggies. V. f e e 1
Burr that, mho finality ansa price of
our stock will appeal to you. We
have all the I tii.t etyles, its the
newest colors — Surely we can
please you. Conte in and walk
armind whether you want to buy
or not.
and General Jobbing
All work executed in a thorough
and worktuan•like manner,
Two doors south Town Hall
To Farmers and
the Public in .
As the spring is corning on
now gather alp all your old
truck such as Rags, Rubbers,
Wool Pickings, 113rsc !lair, t
Old Rope, Bones, all kinds
of old iron, Brass, Copper,
Lead and Zinc, and take
them down to •1
Naiu•St. Exeter.
One door south of the
Metropolitan l iotel. That's
where you will get the high ?:
est cash price for them
►tf'°teff'F'tt44'!'I"I•i'!'_'F'k'lr'F'1f!''h I
10 per cent. off f�r Cath
0(I fl 11 Ooogs E,x6opt oroGorIbs
Wall Papers! Wall Papersl {
Our WALL PAPERS need only to be seen is
order to be thoroughly appreciated by:Rgy
judge of beauty, who desires conventional
style properly proportioned. We have num-
erous lines to select from.
Nobbiest of all
Newest of all
Cheapest of all
Prices from 3c. Single Roll up to 25c.
Crumb's Prints
Ashton's Prints
Grafton's Prints
institutes, each $25; Prisoners' Aides.'Assoaiativn, $to : Birk Children's! Old Prices, New Patterns, Elegant Colorings, 'English
house rounds
g 10 $ , Thus amount to L •
be paid ilio three Collegiate Insti•
tutes were as follows ; Seafort!be $'2,
221.83; Clinton, $2,054.37; Goderich,
$1,900; St. Marys for attondance, of
pupils from Ube county of Huron,
851.17. Tenders for printing lead
been received from Vanatter & Rob-
ertson, Appleford & Duncan, Saun-
ders & Creech and Mitchell & Todd.
The 'acceptance of the tender of
Saunders & Creech, being the low-
est be rt commended. A supple-
mentary •report recommended the,
usual brant of $500 to supplement
bbe pay of tho upon of the 33rd regi-
ment while in camp. the ,grant not in
any cash to exceed 25 cents ger day
► �r
hospital, *20: dor flowers at court Prints at 10c English Prints at 12c
'per mon.
The s p:•. ial committee recommend-
ed tt►it the petition of the village of
Zurioh to be incorporated as a police
village bo granted and that a bylaw
to that effoot be passed at the June
session; bbat the clerk and treasur-
er sn„n t,1o. petition frorn the Mayor
of Toronto in ,regard to the amend-
ment to Lies charter of the telephone
comp:ruics ; treat rw .action be taken
in reference fo the memorials from
county of York regarding powers of
reguktting bhe speed of motor ve-
hicles oa the highways. The report
was adopted.
In regard to Lotter from Proud -
foot, Hays & Blair re Livingstone v
Huron and finance committee re-
orted h
[+ they considered the county
liable for $30.12 and recommended
the same to be paid and that the
county engineer be asked to make
explanation to the council regarding
the same.
Thi jai:er reported Leven vagranie.
enc itb.ene inmate, ?lace persons con -
Moved by Messrs. Carnt.elon and
Lawoat that E. Zeller, of Zur c.b, anti
F. Morley. of •Usbonne, be county
auditors for this year. Carried.
Moved by Messrs. Spackman and
Morrison tlsst a bylaw be prepared
authorizing the Warden and Treas-
urer to borrow $40,000 for currant
expanses. Carried.
Moved by bfeaars. Spackman and
Morrison !het Messrs. Moffatt and
Cameron Le appointed on the board
of county exatninere. Carried.
Moved by Mr. McKeinzfe, scoondcd
by Mr, McQu lla•n Chet this council
now in session desire to express our
sympathy with Mr. Griffin, our pres-
ent jailer. in tho loss of ono of Lis
family by dtatbh and ia his own seri-
ous, illness, and eito hope he will soon
be restored to bis usual health. and
ghat a copy of this resolution hie
sent to Mr, Griffin. Carried.
,Moved by Measre, 11cKenzic aad
Cantelon bl:at the Warden and Mr.
Currie sell bee old material of the
Zot leand bridge eo Che best advau-
t' a for t•he. county. Carried.
Moved by Messrs. McQuillan and
McLean that Mr. Ishiater bo appoint-
ed inspector of the cement work on
t h' Morrisbaank bridge. Carried.
Moron by Messrs. MoL:'an anal Dol.;
that Mr. McQuialaan be appotnlod in•
spcctor of cement work on tho
bridge seut'h of Lucknow•. Carried.
Moved by Messrs. bfkNaughton and
Spackman that Mr. Morrison he ape
pointed inspector of cement work on
the McCann bridge. Carriod.
Moved by Messrs. Cantolon and
Ferris that Mr. McKenzie be ap-
pointed to inspect the concrete work
at the Amborley bridge. Carried.
Bykaw No. 1 was paesod appointing
W. )$lane and D. Cantelon tied -Hereof
criminal justice accounts, and Frank
Morley and E. .'!.eller to audit and
report on alt other accounts affect•
ins t'he corporation. the auditors of
criminal justice accounts to receive
$3 per day and 10o a milo, one way
only, and the other auditor.. to r'•
0rivc $90 each.
By;ew No, 2 %sae passed nuthoriz"
in,t 111^ Warden and Treasurer to
borrow IIlO1Cy for county purpo'es
until I,h:r (1 515 store received, tie.
total amount ► borrowed not to
exceed 5:0,000.
Bylaw No. 3 was passed appointing
Judge Holt ; 11. Huston, Exeter ; and
Wm. C:c,rg, \Vintllsanl, arbitrators
in reference to the dissolution of U.
8. S. No. 4, Goderich and lfutlett
Iowrnsleps. A numier of tnteplyers
of mho section had petitioned the
councils of the two town.ahipt con•
corne(t to take m ho necessary steps.
Mullett lrui .fronted the ((petition. but
Goderi h I oe a liip lanced to do so.
Len: t le petition to the r.ninty
(00010. TL:• petitions to the towu-
'•hfp cotsncils asked 1h.lt lot 29. co.1-
r,•''on 5. Ilulletl, 1,; added to i'. Y.
H.. No. 2, Flullett, and thlat lots 35
and 36, concca.eion 8, nutlet t, 1 c net-
dcd to 8. 8. NO. 5, Hallett.
English and Canadian Flannelettes -
at b, 6. 6i, 7, 8, 8;, 9, 10, 121c. All fast colors; very wide
new goods.
CJoppley, Noyes 8c ltan(lalls' make. -
Visit our show rooIns for
Boys' Suits from 1.25 to $3.50
Youths' Suits from 3.00 to 55
Men's Suits from 5.00 to$12.50
Men's Tweed Pants from 1.15 to $2.60
Men's Tweed Vests from 1.00 to $1,25
10 Per cent. off for cash on all these Prices
until March 31st, 1905
Coupons on Silverwear Redeemable ull
March 31st; 1905.
Poplestone & Gardiner
Of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, the
Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills.
No other female medicine in the world hoe, received such widespread sod
unqualified endorsement.
No other medicine has retch a record of cures of female trouble. or 9eeh
hosts of grateful friends as Lies
Lydia G. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
It will entirely cure the worst forms of "'entitle Complalnte, all Ovaries
Trnitblett, inflammation and Ulreratlon. i'alling end Dtaplacement of ttbt
Womb, and consequent Spinal Weakness. and is peculiarly adapted to the
Change of Life.
It has cured snore cases of Bareaehtr and Leueorrhaa than any other rem-
edy the world has ever known. 1t is almost infallible in ttlseb tits... It
dissolves and expels tumors from the Uterus in an early state of de-
Irregular. Suppretsc.l or Painful Menstruation. Weakness of the 8t6otiseb,
lndigcstion, Bloating, Fln.nling, Nervous Proetrstinn, Headache. graham Debil-
ity quickly yield to it. 1Vomb troubles, causing pain, welg>tt tladbsells.he, is
stantly relieved and permanently cured by Ranee. l ndera11e4rettmago♦eca It
invigorates the female system, and is as Larmleas ea water.
It quickly removes that hearing down Feeling, extreme lattaltede, "dal'L
Bare " and " wanteto-hc-left-alon. ' feeling, exeitability. ltrltalyttll�, tser ale-
ness, Dizziness, Faintneee steeple .nese, flatulency, melanebolyor the "blw."
and headache. These nre sure iodicatioti. of Female Weaken'. oT OM=
rangement of the t'teres. tvl,irh this medicine always enrea. [ldbey Comp
and itackance, rteithrr •cs. the Vegetable Compound always
Those wolaen who refuse to seeept an
thousand times, for they �tet what they was
everywhere. Refuseoie W iubsti
cam man=