Exeter Times, 1905-02-16, Page 1utcr THIRTY-SECOND YEAR—NO 1641 HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETT L ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••NN•••N••• 1 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY loth, 1905 •� Now is the time to be nn the look out fur ti good range ur cook stove. Wood or coal a+ we have a large number to choose from of the looting makers of Can - ad e. namely PANDORA IMPERIAL OXFORD TREASURE SOUVENIR And either one of them will make your wife's face wreath in a per - penult millennial glow. t HEATERS We also carry a targe stock of base bunters, itir tights, hot Illibhtsta to choose from. 0? ✓ We make a specialty of Nave Troughing, Furnace Work, Double and single acting force pump, bath room, and plumbing of all kinds on the shortest notice. as ir. ur We also carry of a full line of shelf hardware. Cement the two leading brands, National and Star brand. !Cr. ` HAWKINS & SON 2t 1 Hensall Hay Council - (:ounc:l met un `Ionday. I f'wbt'dtet} • (1. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey" 16t h, all present . mfr.Com ottetener, Fire Insurance Agent, and 'f Ire :elite'►auditore' :elite' W iM laid bt•- • Lwurerof Marriage Licensee. Legal denimate fore the council, 1 lu t r:•asurcrs cash • i carefully drawn at re•adooaW) rates. Hone1 to loon on real estate at low rate•ot Interestsbook seas examined, finally :tunnel:tunnellOatesatthePoetUnice Meuse); and ei„ned by tete reeve. -Mr. 11a.ak Celt man departed tells The [oilmen,: otnounts were . • I life 'last Saturday forenoon. Ile was ordered to la paid ; E. Christie, entity trespeeted by all litho knew gravel, *10.56: M. MCTa ;part, goa- 1 hint. The !funeral took place on 1 vel. :3.60; .1. Xurtlrott. .;ravel, Z; 'Tuesday last. ! $7.52; G. Keller/mom. rmann, „raver, 8. 8. -Mr_. W. C. Meir, died in Bunts- $2.64 ; Geo. •ha.irbait•n. gravel, $3.76; Fred Green. ,;ravel. S. 11., $1.20; It vele, east Thursday. She was a dau- eh(er of Mr. James Murray, of this 8. Cudmore, rreveJ, $1.52: E. Zel- 1 town. Tire remains were brought ler, prtintine, $22.540; hese & )t re for interment. Dclohert, pine slabs. $4.88 J. Gall- -Mr. Thomas Berry has sold a man, 'rep. bridge. con, 14; 11.50: J. -,•-plendid tsla11icn to Messrs. Belle J. 'Mernor, auditor's salary; $6.00; & 8phulc, of Bullet t. The horse is Win. Johnsen. auditor's salary, .1It impelled Clydesdale, and woo a 86.00. .rent prize taker in tale ofd land. Council will meet again on Mon- -We are glad to state -t,hat *the day. this 6th day of Marchi, when Rev. 'Dr. James Benders -on, of To- Delhi -wasters. etc.. will be appointed. ro.lto, nsnociato Missionary Score- F. HESS, Sr., Clerk. tory •ww•ill praaoh in the Methodist --.on.--- ♦ t church, on Sunday, Feb. 25th, a t both Babylon Line >ervices. No one should fail to hear Y the sifted Dr. 1kinderson. Service at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m., Offerings in aid of missions avill be taken. 1 1 • ••••••••NN••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N•••••••••• Cromarty -Rev. It. A. Craoeson, who has been ill for tide past six weeks. has sufficiently tecovcre•" 10 resume his work again. -1)r, Geitenill, lois arrived in the villaac, and come hiably recom- mended. Eden -A otei;ch loud of young people �t rat •.t ple-aS01t4 Iince Last Friday ev; n:net ut tile) l:cene of Mr. Fred 11ii gitltis ;n Sar.•eg;le - - ' -Mr. Otey 'Farevon, of Fxetee, event • Centralia Sunday owl Megelay, ulxt y;uectt of The CO Miss( Allic Rook. John Ilepbutit, one day last t -Mr. and Mia. It'•••h.,rd Coates week sold a fine 3 -year-old colt to London, Mr. Fred Ellin„ ton, of Lumley, for visited favor driest. s owns► 2r iood» in .1 linn'Icome fi.rur•c. 'London. Goshen Line, Stephen St. Marys -Mr. William Henderson is home Mout tI o'clock hie( Sunday morn - runt •Ilerlin, where he has spent the in,; fire broke out in the basement get entree moat lis. of ohs Knox Presbyterian Church, -Mr. John Wilhelm Ines purehas• contiguous 4o the furnace, and des - el •l new t r ran from Mr. Jacob pile 11 be efforts of the bri.;ade, who Kellerman. of !Melte-oat]. were 4trc.uptly on the exile, the •� building. was completely destroyed. Hay School Report I nig is the second time this church Iris Leen i<►rlially destroyed since its Tlu volloww•in r rc.y,ort rf S. S. No. I c.ree,O en. Til:.... List fire w;13 about II Ila r Bought with Confidence. 1Vorn with Satisfaction,that's the Record of every suit we sell. Remember we offer you the Suit that lasts, the i% iuit that fits, the Suit that 1 .Ids, the greatest value for ..3ur money, ��. W Taman. MercHasnt Tallor SEWING y, or lb en oath of January 1 tlurt.ecn TC4irs ago The present loss based upon weekly exttfinationa• ineludin;; a row pile crgnn, which 'he status al:penr its order of merit. had only b:e,i int .11:d a [ewe weeks V.-F4tst+ie Caldwell, Laura 113- 1 :110, will trocabl I y reach $20,000. In- eurenc^. (;7.000 o.t buildinw:, and 81,- 600, oil oroan. • Shipka -Mr. Joint .1cI bcuct 1 f 4ty: w•t• k feu Ca4ifor11 • where he it►tend, re. trite t. -Mr. and Aire. W. S}rouldice, of McGillivray, epcint Sunday host visit- itin:z at Mr. J. Pickcrinrzs. -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kcwy.'. spent Sunday wy.sitine. friends in Parkhill. -Mr. �' .ir V m . 13iktc r, a•• o ,a •'� ..cm ra'1 el i• s Edited Lanipent visited .at Mr. �nlak.S1. :,erril1'.' re- even�n, last weV -Quite .a lar_ve slei-b load at you.nR people trout this vicinity spent a very enjoyable evenin; recently eId, Ella letwp(a r. I '1 11.' tome of tir, a•tel biro, Sr. Pt. 1- Myrtle 'r.tylnr. Addia , eon, Eldon Jarrett t. i aloe" Jr. 1't. I - J'(•.rl Consit•(. Mr, F, A. Steam, 11. A.. bas been J. 1V, Hoge rt To.a.),',• I:ag,pia•ntcd an, Jolty Taylor. Sr. 1V.-Ellurl Hill. Jr. IV. - Ma,t;io Wilson. Case Troyer, Watt Wilun, Bessie Coch- rinc. Ella Iteiclu rt, John Jarrott, Olive! Lukc,r. Sr. Ili•-Gladley Groin. Willie (:ram. Robbie Green. Rehm Hagler, `opt.i-t I" trquhnr, Jr. 11 r -Wesley Ckaldwwell. Robin cAllir, ter, Atnn May Love, Ada rain. Arthur 1'orterfiold, Milton Love, Art bur Wilson, 8eamaa r., . ICuc t_. i b u�� . n Coast -one. l Sr.11.-Arthur r. Arthur Rc+ic}ict'l, Orville 4'iylur. Alnaic Wilsey:). 'Maudic Mc- Allister, Gordo.' Love, David Kul)� for. Pt. 11. -Mary Pell Conitt, Jeut nidi. Perev (horn, Jeesi,, Porte fi r the next month we will t:r ipeciai inducements in Sew- lachincs, makes we carry in stock( ► c finest that the market a' and we invite you to et ask for prices They o0.7 eta: attractive.col IC which is cxcit fine, t he interest. end JLr. 8. Il. tic• (Crcidy (remarried). as (bead !tektiteHOPE FOR EVERYBODY I meeler of ;oho London College to hi- re seems to be no ease so bad st,tUtc. that Anti -Pill cannot cure it. i One day la.; wckk ►►Trac engaged• A strong claim t111 well sup , rn •killing pies. .David avid V1';rterei, a well rlcd . us: recently rt physician in Lin- n. Nebraska. has made :► discovery known nn(I I►i;hly ;rczpacted tarruer of Ea=t VVrlliarns. load a vplinter run into hie ,h:entl. It sown»'removed, and eethi nz onore thought of it, but e r over the world. ot the medical profession all UbnloaTt-apccol c ninY n ; t uia n lanhd ro] U;tcto rdieod tthe 1tflOS Dr. Lconhardt began on the throry M1 Jail" Waters, Court iceixtrar, anl thot lho poisons went through the •n'c'' n lair family• dust o system by the rotting and [errnont- aymp, ation of undigested foods were the Zion The prime cause of nearly every disease. very (n' il: 1?' ,oy weer 1oak 'lace Organs1 Inc �e worka t to discover, to h co r if ,n*f• '1 r tin •l 1 .. home ' 1 gill^ f b ti myO if and rat f . f. 1• .. ('1108. Delide, •n tentedy that would stimU- , Ilio;k, on Thursday evesin.r. Feb. 011. am eft'st ottr country pro- late and heal the mucous membrane nhen a number of their friends and recomtn. linin; of the stomach and bowels, till 1 el:on-ea dc'side(I to honor the anni- sell hec them mini - sufferer! at easy by their nornnl, healthy action, tier - Price easy terms. feet digestion would be restored. All dealt i tis rat ile succeeded null Itis prescription I tri setts of all he celled Anti -Pill. The proof that glee (rreb:. tore try cf their thirteenth weddin.; ilay. Tote boo and Itentess were en- tirely takon by surprise, but every - urs was ,riven a right royal w•e•t- TosoN• his work was well done is found in corns, and the house was throws op• �...1 kept in stock. the long list of remarkable cures on lo Ihn pleasure of their friends, made by Anti -rill, le (la dreamintt of what was is store Ant i -fill is 50e. . bottle., at all ie!- t i.'nt, elle.) they were o,zain led Urugrist8, or Wilson-Fylc Co., Lim- out to the Ina rrin.;roallar and waited tlil. ited, Niagara Falls. Ont. Sole agents in the holy bonds of mot rimony. The h for Canada. THE erchants Bank of Canada HEAD OFF WIC, MONTIt}CAL. 1A1, (all paid up't S6,0oo,ofoo 3,2i,o,000 �1fvE.... PLiS PROFITS—. 18,959 i.:FltsHE N. F. 11P Hnit;N, tadeneral Manager teteerinteneent of llran.1.ee 05 Branches In Canada SAVINGS BANK Wrest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings ccounts and Deposit Receipts. iscial attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle - , whom loans Ore made on anpro�-cd names, fiefs of Credit issued to travelers, payable in all parts of the 3ENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED 1Vedded qt London. - Wendesday afternoon a quiet hut pretty wed- ding was sol::mu•izcd ut the Wellin ;- I•oa Street Methodist parsonage, Lon- don. Rev. J. Livingstone, officiating. The oouplo most closely interested were Mr. Garnet 11. Broderick, of London, formerly of Dashwood. and Miss Atttnie, dougbeef of Mr. Jaynes Reath, of Glencoe. The bride's. at - tiro was a 1;e,utiful suit of brown broadaist, witl. 1sa•�tctutifuldainty teltw of bio n chiffon to nettob. After the cere• moray, Mr. and Mrs. Broderiok were, driven to lees residence of the groom's sister. Mrs. A. Swayze, w)icre a da it:ly wedding 1unc•h was partaken of. after which the happy couple, lett amid. shower:, of rico t end good tei,,h-si oa the• 4.50 train o (.. or Exeter, to , t p_nd :a trhort tones- t moonwith the parents, , rents, Mr, a and Mrs. J. Ilroderiek, :tail other re- latives. On Their ref urn they will h reside in London. We wish them n loa1� and very happy nutrrled life. e It -Henry 8wei.tzer '};as received rt. carload of Manitoba 'wheat and can now durn:•h first-class (lour to the trade. -Mr. W. e. Glutholm, titarul;cr of the -Mcrahauet's Beak. of the village, left Jast week fro take charge o1 the Act ea Brarioh. Hie place is Lein; Laken by Mr. efora, of Belleville. Mr, Chisholm Itis been u,ana•'cr of the Bank Minos it opened •up in •this lago and Inas wworked up good butt nese. We aro very sorry to lose trim and Mrs. C1 tilt l,u as they have made many Ifnicndi in t his village and reiehf0rhood. EXETER SCHOOL, BOARD At ties Board's Inaugural held Jan. 17011. The dollow�isig wore made the permanent officers and committees for Cite current wear ;-Choi;rman, P. Frank ; Treasurer, The corporation of 't ho 1ul.loge ; Secretary, J. Grigg ; Committee's, evood, P. Frame: nup- tilues, W. J. Carling ; teachis sup- ply, If. Iftus;sa- and vetoer ; repairs, It. N. Rowe and 8. Martin ; insurance, s'•u I1. Iean .and VL', J. Carling ; gro- unds rend sanitary, ff. Wood and 8. Martin ; trepre etntative to tho pub- lte library board 1905.6, Dr. Amos. The tinspectoral visits are to be made oa ithe. call Of the chair, and the (regular monthly tneetingts held on elle 'third Monday of each month. A (resolution of thanks teas unani- mously nesse('•a•nd gives' Oho chair for IL• .t oervicos as a Wood $uppity Co and presiding officer for theIkast eevc•;, tycO 14. The Board ,wish to publ%c•ly acknowledge 'his value to he lBcar t .:red village in..tbn pur- bia% of tolls :which has resulted in ire a R re .rot+'' t a1 d o Blargo baying and g 3 u leo tor him kind and impartial man- ner in which his duties as chairman eve leen fulfilled. A !few words) •aro also offered i•n xp'ernaticn tof titre Board's present 0 -it inn. Witlhin kite hast t ext .or throe years he L'na.rd realizes that .a eha'nge has Dine to the school is their charge ••Isett they 'also bolieve to be •fraught t'li ;important possibilities. That ',Inge is siothing loss than a change f tile, marked by the 'anadual peso- ; nosey of its youth, as :t public hoot •t'f too meant repute, awl its Zurich 11 -Mr. Lan Stcinbacdt has *fold itis c 25 acres of land on the• 14th con., w to *Ir. harry Ilidonr, for $9^0.00 On , w (be land is a ...food dwell t,r and a el barn and it i•, considered well worth o the purchase price. in Mr. Walter Fce, of lice Wee..hart, so N W. T„ ltns hemi visiting his bro- entrance into the thi, her life :and titer, William, for a few weeks` Mr. youthful vigor tot :manhood, its an Fee is an extensive land owner in edueet•rc-;:••iL 'institute Of our land the Territories-, Gamine over 2,000 wit:), strength amply sufficient sores of land, and 11e thinks the fu- to,oapc with •tlx:• !tOtrndatkat work ture ut that country is assured. usually 'relegated trio High. Schools -Mr. .1. Sparrow purabased a and Collegiate IttsfitulCS. Its past handsome. driva•r from 14r. Caspar record for the last tw•o or three 1Valper, of the Monsen lin-, for years dinotiol►es ample; proof of this which the I-•ild the hi eh figure of position and ability. TIM highest $190.00. perca4ntkaae5 ut exons --bon ors and -Mss Jo:r.•plett • Dneletrrte, of Lha •palm for ,flus greatest percentage feirilao Center. :Hist., is visiting at of successful erundidatets aro nil held the Jtonte of Mr. Oliver Corriveau, by it-evokine Ithit repeated encon- S-.ubbe ,line, ,tr present. turns of the 1•nspootor in each sue- -That '.;rim hirvecter, 1)i•atic, vi»• ceed',ng ;repent .and (Ihe increa-sing re• Led the lone! of Mr. and Mrs. Abel spect of !rho public. This worih-y SclulA.o, (11 'l'os's ay evening. and sucCess ..M in part dueeto 'the •tovern- an c nmcd•; 1:^ir infant i 'Follies. Mptt L^ a n , on, rd .1of itUfr^. Board. r n ( tit as Os nm, at the age of 11 law, 'few years. It•s motto Deine mostly- and 16 days. The little one "Trite .Meet" whether in discipline, succumbed to ate attack at that staff, equipment or the. building and dread ill,ta'ti kaow-ri as spinal disease. its .surroundinee. To this has been added an •unyioldine determination the/ Its halls shall be filled with California only 'working student%. The first i -'Ifl►e utri,;hbor's of tides dttt•r1et pledge exacted trout a pupil in rho Jove Mrs. James ;tarns a right roy-'advanced classes i3 (hitt their full al ;welcome Iaet week. Mrs. Barris ;and ex••:t efforts and infhtenco shall Lias stain in the North-West tor ov- be at' -ed 'in a•ciuirin;; and maint:lin• er'twenty years, n.nd being an cold •ing for the i .,hoot the hi hest stand- nri;fiber !having* live.' in 4his set tle• inz for u►ornlity, :orrcci de. vent its ulre curly days, it - was a [wartment, kindness to fellow atud- pleasure ic1 enterlai:a tin wort by a 4•nl:, general ;fwd renduct and ad. poser arar, %Vo all hist► Iter n sato vanaetl cla.a nn. rWuea journey t:aok to rite* distant lom.e •a tpup�L persataistcntdily v-iol;slientesverthis and f t e at r clad(, r a: s d cI r tui[ A els [xl e aiboia. I a and appeals to 'alto parent or N. W, T, guard'' -un tail, expulsiou is to fol- --Mr, J, II..I'odter i' visiting with Ioww. Some drOnion Chas'reyulted :ti NV :brot her, .Mr. John Pottier, et the a Iresult of such decision, but rho old •fromeet oad. licird feel; t'luat where (I seipline -Mr, and Mrs, Jdhn Pettier at- louoltcs Idle budding manhood and tended llh►e osster popper at Mr, Jno. wvomostelrood, as et loci in toe ad- Itowe's on Th,urstk•,y last, A good venae;1 classen here, eto other course onto ireported, is epen either out of regard to the --.On a • ff ur^_d tis lant � Ia. t .1rs Lidia pupal concerned or Ohl best interests % e;n t1.ad a "Rae lice" which was of Otte tshoo). The' Board feels oleo largely rut tended by the popular that at 'guardians o[ an educational young ladies of else naiehborbood. instituti*1, whose etudentt );ave iia The young gentlemen (of course, as completed course quol,fwed (or many usual) were at their appointed pia:- of hist Weber positions of influence es fol the evening. Games were in. in . •octal and !national life, that no dittfed en, Loth up-Slairt end down preen .ie too thigh to pay, that results ns a CO ejuence. et the roomy be- in thoroughly impressing ou knelt in- i•n9t ,;mall. You know tiro young dividual t rudent that 'true nobility folks will hive fun. a•nd cuecesa Gra life owl a rightful fut. -Mr. 1'. Martin:, rold, rc'ently, fiLlini et the responsibilities of for a raise sum his Kendaoine driver (kwreed,an manhood and n otuanhcod, and purchased another from Mr. result iron implicit obedience to Gottfried Oestreichter, u2 h).ashwooa, the just requirements of either -Colt •break:na is (the order rat the home, etudeet, industrial or protea- sonal ,life. Every ten Fears a re- giment of men mud women are be. ing t ',tuned out from our school, to form an inle,rral port of our no- lioaal life and to eff:zt coltyrin,; for better nr for wort=^. Thu r•atep.lyerA will 1 ttorelorc nildel deist a1Nt peso r10- cessary it is tth-tt tree nstouj (Inence of our rebool ',boll be mode us n'•a.rls as pcsiihlc•. p•�t•ldinf:•^t, led oh't ttbo Board r'annat tits• juetic:• to 'tech the ratepayers ;nttt it•t '•baro of lin national trust, deviate from else runt% Mbioit the experiences of ;yea r s int ,tau } t thee t 1 groom ow;liked %w it h a calm and dig- J day* • nificd fair, scftr;tad wihh yeer:d of -Your 'correspondent urines there cireful trtininn in 111 echoni of lift• old after him carpo the bride of thirteen «cars looking dltrmi11g with an elegance of ease and grace- fulness; otrly acquired by years of cul. tore. After the marriage ceremony fties 'preformed and eongratulrttions had Art 0 ;Tit': .1. the newly married couple •were preen; td wit i► a couple 1 i n[ tussis oak c!: airs ;ted a handsome ' dinner 'set c[ di-li^e, cvideewin t the I1•Iell ,esteem in which they aro held by edoir misty friends. The groom made a very fit tine reply, thanking Ithem for tlit ir extreme kindness, af. ter which they all sat clown 110 't sumt,tuou4 oyster supper pro-, I vidcd Cy rahe vi+itio:; ladies. Ifavin'r done ample just.iee to bhe Mood I, thints, and «miotics the inner man the eraceta Wit hdrewv to the parlor and 'spent tit^ everrnr tilt the -Wee t small Courts" in •same,, and ^amuse - t meet•, after which they dispensed to 1't• -r homes, well tile teed with the •w•yinto enlert-tinnirnt and w,i•h- n - Itn,t Mr, and Mrs, lirn•k May I !. •. t Ix• ap;►rcd n life of uae(ulne•'a end happ'Ue a to etch other, OA• OT Arae j CREDITON BRANCH a also NCI Tie** Mat ! We 8e GHI$HU Me Manager. will too more "bees" before spring. so obese top boys and ;tale there's n sweet titn coming. Credlton -Samuel Brown 1•s holding o cloar- in.r Filo, Ito will movo into the hueldine dcsrmerly moulded by F. Si.eg-''r ass Boon •,e 4th• weather will perni.t. Darnel 8neitzet, the owner of the etorc, at present oceup'ed by Mr. Brown, ',mends to rewmodol the same awl ,tire it n ma'•' u4. -to -dile n ppear•a nce, -Jlra9 Florence Keys, rteootd (lau- ghter of Mr. John Koss, near here, !wee emoted in marriage to n prom- inent ycxunr utan of Detroit, in the revolt of Thema* Kavnn.luwih. The happy event woe celebrated nt VVktd- s or, on Friday, .tart. 27. Mrs, Kato' anau,th's tunny trvonds join in wia int herself i i l worthy hunalnnd all tb! thapp;naes 1ha4 ,this u-or1ft af- (orde, -We aro pleascd to Iv'sr that Mr. A'taint t wtjtser, who lfna /I'M 41 is rapidly recovering. -Adam Beck. M. 1'. I'.. rot Landon, len Groat several to o►ns tlr.wn,-t legs In Centralia from Shipka. -The tici;hino ie splendid t wear, and largo quantities of wood, tilo and brick um 'An teamed thcsuali 't rLUiace ► teal U ,C 111 11,0 leo! 'snterestn of the *nhool. WATER iN 1'01'11 1160011 Air I n1,lo 1 IN 14.1) „n1 •ty 6100d. 'l'4.y cal plumy but don't ce•et. I:cn ditrr.tion is poor, food i snot converted into noari:.huu•nt- in consequence the body rapidly los'•, !t t'tnirt b. To po,i4ively renew lost t, a'; bin itio la l ttijzone, It 'ache• nl►arp nppetite,-nt,tket the son) telt did;rsl, forms life stI4 aioinr blood. Abundant et rengt 1t i-4 sate to follow. If you reed more vitality, extra onerey, bet ter nerves, then Ilse Fcrrozone the medi-.1 triumph of the nee. Fifty cent% buys a box of fifty chocolate coated Ferro:eon tab• int&. JOHN WIIITB & Solis ••NN••N••••N ••••NN••••NN•••••••••• N••••sN• 1JRNITIJPJE • I WAREROOiyj . I 2 1 2 s :ROWE&ATKINsON i The Leading Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. Exeter Ont. ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••N• •••••••••.• We aius to rnake this store the store to which any person may come with high expectations and from which they will go with the determination to come again. That is why we scour the marketa for the beet furniture to sell at prices that can't be b;ateo in Canada. A growing business tells us that we are in the right track. Modest as our prices you will be surprised at the choice we can give you in the latest designs and finishes. Each piece of furniture was chosen with a view to durability as well as arttistic appearance. A SIMPLE CURE FOR PILES Pile sufferers know that Ointments and other local treatments so)aetire- es relieve hut never s•curo. They don't remove the cause. There is a little tablet that is to on internally mo es re v. the h cause Piles and •cure any naso of any kind no matter bow long standing. A month's treatment costs 81. Ask for Dr. Leonhardt's Item-Ro (a thousand dollar guarantee go with every treatment-) Item-Roid is .t ho discovery of Leondardt of Lincoln. Neb., one o thio, 'most distinguished and stuccos ful physicians in tho Western Stat cm. All Drug;isls, or The Nilson -Fol Co.. Limited, Niagara Fall', Ont, k of I WE'RE SUIT SELLERS 00. Yiott are Suit bu ere, We make the id Suits -yell wear them out, We make es theist as well as we can, so that they will not wear out sooner than they Dr. ought. Because, if they do, you'll t • likely go somewhere else forour »- I next Suit. And no one could blame - i you. So much money ought to buy , so much Suit worth. And Suit worth i' feslie tebleneee of fabric -style in cut -fit -finish -looks - dressyness - and length of service. i As good a place as there is within miles to get alt this and not pay tool, y much is W. Johns. ad Elegant Black and Blue t Suitings for $15.00 and $18.00. Brucefield The •a•nnual meetingrf the meinbore cf the South Muton Eleetora District Agricultural Society, sow•, held at Wilrcin's hotel, Bru•e:lie! eaFriday Inst. There woo a fair at tendanco cf members present. The treasurers' and auditors' report showed she. soaioty to be atilt in good position nn tci l Jy and of or wise. A lunicn fall show was held last year at Exeter, in conjunotion with t.ho Stephen end 1,'sbcrne branch, and the suns of $999 was paid 'cut in prize; awarded. After providin-r for t•ltc payment of a111,rizc.s .tel l -h^ running ex- penses for the year, there is t still left r a Lal•lac.. el � • , tD,470 .I the it ees- ttry. Mr. Joseph Senior, rf Exe• ter, 'woe appointed chairman, and the fallowing ow w a cog officers and dirzot- ors were appointed (or the current year. Pree.idcnt, John Murdock, Stanley ; first vice-president, E. Christie, Exeter.; second vice, Thos. Fraser, Stanley; directors, Peter McGregor, dirucefield; John Ket- ncsn, Stanley ; 11. McMortlie, lfay; A. G. 8rnillie, Tuckers -mitt' ; W. D. 8anders, Stephen; 'iVm. Dixon, Exe- ter ; Thee Russell, (Osborne ; Jas. Patterson. 'Tuckorensilit : Il. Smith, flay, Mcs3rs. A. T. Scott and John .McIntos•h, Brucefield, were re -ap- o: ted p n auditors and Mesons. John Murdock and T. Russell were re• ippo'nted 10 represent. tat^ )carry 011 the :board o[ the Western Fair, Lon- don. A •resolution was also passed, recotuu,end;nz nth: directors to give a torant of $100 from the funds of the cosie4y to the Stephon and I's- borne Branch Society, 1) assist them 11 4110 r-reet iu';t 01 extensive ► nets building.. which t hey have in contemplation during the coming summer, the grant not to be paid until she buildings are-otnpiated, and reales Lha said soei sty expends nt lease one thousand dollars in their slew anal improved buildings, After !sassing a vote• of thanks to the chairman the meeting cto_itd, M. Y. Matzen ares re -appointed r ear tary•tr.'aaurer. The hoard rip - proved of the recommendation of the ,grant 4o the Stephen and Usborne Brew)! Ind authorise; the Traaurer • W. JOflNS Merchant Tailor CREDITON Roller Mills Gristing and Chopping Promptly tone. We aro giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flout' since re- modelling our mill K. Sweitzer to pay the tum when the coudition:. .aro complied with. It ww•ae decided to hold the Spring Show for entire rtack dot Brucefield, na usual send t•he meeting to anningo for the :how tis to bo held 'it lleosn11, early in 'Match. C7AtdMI' OAZIL. glean the _A ilte Kind You Hale AlvaIs 8oc i Bigsatan FEBRUARY NEEDS Food and Mcat Choppers from.. . . . Raisin Seeders from ...... ........ ...... . . HIousehold Scales from.... Bascburncrs from .......... Axe Ifandles (Indian made from Xcut Saws from Axes from ...... . International Stock Food International Poultry Food International !leave Curc international Worm Powders .... $ 1,4o up to-$ 2 75 65 up to f 25 .•• 3ooupto 675 •••. .. 3000ttpto 3200 interinational Gall Curc .... Ifcrbagcurn Stock Food............ 1Icrhagcurn Poultry Food . • .......... .. . 1lorsc Clippers from 25 up to 30 2 50 up to 4 5o 75 up to 125 ....25c, 50C, $1.00 . . , .. .... 25c, Soc . .. ....SOC 2 SC ......• 50C .............25C .. • • ..$1 oo up. HERMAN'S HARDWA