Exeter Times, 1905-02-09, Page 4'BLOOD DISEASED MEN
If you .eercoatracted any blood disease you are never sate unless tite virus or
poison be. been eradicated Irons the system. Have you any of the follooi' symp-
toms/ Soretltroat alcersonthetong ueorinthemouth, pair falling out, acttinj
pains, Itchiness of the skin, sores or blotches on the body eyes red and ■niart, dye -
peptic stomach, sexual weakness -Indications of the secondary stage. Don't ruin
your system with the old fogy treatment-mercary and potash -which only sup-
presses the Symptoms for atone only to break gut again when happy In domestic
life. Don't let quacks ext' anent on you. Otir Nsw Method
Treatment Is guaranteed tL cure you. Oar guarantees are back Ad
by bank bonds, that the disease will never return. Thousands of
patients have been already cured by nur New Method Treatment
for over 20 years. No saes used without written consent.
Mr. E. A. C. writes: "Tour remedies have done me more good
than Hot Springs and all the doctors and ntedicincs [ had pre-
viously tried.
viouslytried. I bare not felt any of triose pains or seen any
ulcers or blotches for over seven years and theoutwardsymptotus
of the loathesonte disease bare entirely disappeared. lily half
has grow In fully again and Ism married and happy."
Drs. Kennedy Ora Kergan,
N31,010.1iiti/i911444011•000 i ii*/ il**Jtit 04110lMN*
�t7D ThT OZTR8
Gives the True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter.
The Largest and Best Li'eanteries and Dairies in the World Use It.
iLL >DIL 1 tlTS .l►.SD ne=a•�31es.
Stmt*Sitsfe*66E*4400t00*Q.*60006F* *0**E* F*e6***t16t1E0400 *0tfaiE0*0t*00600ErsES
fcrru's [rnuIsIoll
01 Pere 600
Uvcr 011
For that caugl�of yours
It is also a reliable remedy
for building up the system
and enriching the blood.
Try a Bottle and
be Convinced
Drug Store
The Exeter Times
'$HI)AY 7
EDNESDAY... , 1 8
It6DAY....... 1' d
12 10 2d
13 20 27
14 21 28
15 22
le 2s
17 24
18 25
iT11CRSI)-1v, FEB. tilt, 1905
LION. lt. L. 1lcl'.Dh!'i AGAIN
The 'ret. Urn orf Mr. ELL Bordet;. t:
ile )louse of Comraaus 0s Loader of
(ate ('onservative Olu,ues'tioo gives un-
hnixrd setiefaction t'. the putty
I t' 1iout Canada, I.-, tie sootion of
"Ilio ranks is there hard a jarring
style ',regarding Itis fitness to lead,but
pstl} expressions of pie:• s;1 rc and gra-
t4tudc ut his oansentins t o forego his
sfersonal intoroats, eo for as to oon-
Lutue in the forefront of the battle
tits Bat urday 31r. 13 slot~ was eleo teu
Cly, aerianultter/ in.. the county oe
(scorpi on, w here Mr. Kidd generously
ave ''.way. The tacc-•'>::v. evoked a
re:tt demonstration In his honor.
Ca Dais address Mr. Borden referred province, but simply as n reward for
to It edcfeat in Nova Scotia and his party cervices.
anti , t•jeztioa at Halifax as resulting
tfttare he over-oonfideccc of his par-
ty, like wholesale diefeancilisement
df Conservatives by Leaving them off
retie lists, and his owe. ctb+;cnee from
Elie Province [i,rhtirtg for the cause
in (other parts of Centel". All was
trio' lo't however. ns Some 50,000 good
(y;, -.•,votive• voles *were polled in the
In the Dominion fart: int, tat, Sir
Wilfrid Laurier has a n►ajuaity of 61
Will positively cure sick headache
azet prevent its leturii. Carter's
Little Liver fills. This is not talk
in the Ilou of "14. \I r. \\"Limey but truth. One p111 a dose. See ad -
will It.teO a qhs jority o[ 11 in 1L(•) verlisenient. Small pill. Small
Le; i.181urc u[ Sit au.mburs. The doss. binall price.
sante ,proportion in it he Dominion The chr•-nes foe a
Parliament would give Bir \Wilfrid a (litidcnd, c:1 the paid
llajcnity of 92. hell l:►i;tee
issued and mailed (La
It is thought that the pt(- lit ses-
sion of the Canediin partiamc•nt will
see touletliiig done towards making
n discount on Yankee silver and pos-
sibly piper money also. Mr. Hobe.
Itickerdike, ono of t Ir Mont real
members tontcmplaled introducing
sue'i .. bill. If the United States
would accept Canadian money
which heyw:aro slot likely to do,
no mill of this kind will be introduc-
ed. At present it looks ns though a
reasonable discount will iso fixed on
Yankee (money circulating in Can-
Sugar Huts WW1 cit the jump for
some little lime (rant, and last week
granulated went up to ti5.8J. Sotme
dealers think that it will be going at
$7 ;retail •Lefore spring. It is an ex-
traordinary thing to find sugar go-
ing up in this way during what is
the (consumption of sugar. The ex-
planation teems to he that produc-
tion in beet sugar ]los, owing to the
uoolition of bounties. Is it largely
reduced in Europe. while et the same
time, owing to the reduction in the
price of sugar for domestic Wm in
Germany and Franco, the consump-
tion there has very largely increased.
As Ito the live -stock interests, as
the Ontario Government is likely to
be trelicved o[ inuelt of the responsi-
bility hitherto resting props it. 1'1►;.
live -stock eocioties tthioh islet in To-
ronto last week passed resolutions
favoring the nationalization of the
stud, nerd and flock books of the
county. This movement, led by
Commissioner Hodson, of the Do-
minion Government, w:is steadily
opposed nil along by 2,1r.-Dryden.and
oblides, but it has now received the
:i c ion of Al fed me.rly op-
posed Ito it, tt change of Heart which
may hove. come about with the re-
cant befeat.
It is reported that the defeated
Ross Cabinet has made some a(Spoint-
inents since the election, which the
Lieut. -Governor .refuses to sanction.
Ono of these arranged (it is said) the
superannuation of Dr. Clarke of the
Insane Asylum. Toronto, and the ap-
po1ntteenl of Dr. McKay, the de-
c:uriiicnttc in South Oxford, to
the teeentey. The Licu_en.ull-Gov-
ernor will have the approval of t1i.
electors dor refusing ,to sanction ap-
pointntent made by a moribund
,govcrtun0nc. Such. appointment_
oro mot made in the interests of the
little Province by the lee, and the
ecfriy was strong. tctivo and vie -
(tons." In a felicitous speech. Mr.
Ifardtn mbank(•d ".! . Kidd for sur-
ros•tertinr this sees. veil him opl.on-
cnl- Ifor not 1rin' ing nn et oonlcst,
un.l .1•oke with Ori(''c et having been
eller• d n Quebec cr,nstituency, in
e.. hie% a here were int fifty Englieh-
:...eak nu ilopkt like. himself, a fast
t•.a'rallele(l to the .bruteat.ant con-
MitNencl• of South fL-rr.nto, where
Cr. .1. J. Foy. a entr p'(c, ',eats elected
t,y- :1,400 majority I!- ern'ratolat-
1t.1 \1•. Whitney nisi • P,ovincc of
Otit .• o on the err .. tory.
Doctors first prescribed
Ayer's Cherry Pe,:toral over
ee years ago. They use it
today more than ever. They
rely upon it for colds, coughs,
bronchitis, consumption.
They will tell you how it
betas inflamed lungs.
ei 13od a ver 1.d eetareh ter •nese y+err.
�M 1 tr/w1 AyIVIClenr'Toctotst. Mysore
deems were mem heeled sta tar nersb ATM"
111110T.' ras. Pati tRTn.. (ttttlrts C.( arc 1r.
re. . LM. r c. £Tsa On.
ren smut .N. for Lowell. Wase
Old Coughs
G. V. Itnstinits. manager of the
Lake -of -the -Woods Milling Com-
pany, Winnipeg, strates Ithat the de-
cision of t he Attorney -General of
the Uni;od State's with reference to
Idle drawbacks o[ duties on Canadian
wheat �pra:tioally mear:s the free en- The meet important subject.:
try of Canadian gratin io the United which will come up for discussion are
seven per cent.
up stock o[ t h •
issues. it, ..car
Tuesday of last
week. This its the second seven per.
cent. dividerl1 paid tlit• share-hu4d-
1'.iin from indigestion. dyspepsia,
and too }.carte eating is relieved at
once by taking one of Carter's
Little Liver Pills, Immediately after
dinner. Don't forget this.
1)r. .1. W. Livingstone, a former
Seafert•h boy, has been appointed
divisional surgeon on the Kansas
City liout,hcrn Railway and has tak-
en 'up 1 `:i re idonee in the rapidly
crowing city of Meal, Arkansas.
Th's piuc-a although only eight years
old, has a population of between five
and Fix thousand.
On lTltursday ever►:n;r, January 26.
Maple Cottage, the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. James Ross, Stanley, was
the ' cent• of a pretty wedding when
their daughter, May 1t., rias united
in marriage to William J. Murdock
of high Diver, Alberta, and eldest
son of Mr. Wm. Munlack, of the 2nd
concession Stanley.
An Alarming Condition Present in
many places in Canada. How
best to correct it
Many people all over the Domin-
ion are being poisoned slowly but
surely, and that by their own care-
The food may be pure, but diges-
tion is not complete, and all that Is
not digested rots and torments, giv-
ing off the most violent poisons.
What was intended to sustain life
really turas into that g-hich de-
stroys life.
The temperature of the body is n
little ovor 08 degrees. Every par-
t/oh/ of undigested food lies in the
Stomach and Bowel., subject to this
temperature, which is 88 high as in
the sun on n hot summer day It is
not necessary to explain how quickly
sboh heat will decompose dead mat-
ter, either animal or vegetable.
The Stomach and Bowels must he
sot right -Anti -fill will do it. Dr.
Leonhardt tnade his Anti -Pill speci-
fically to correct these conditions,
and it has never failed when given n
fair chance .
50 cents. All Druggists, or The
Wilson-Fylo Co., Limited, Niagara
Falls, Ont. Sole agents for Canada.
\tatters virgin• affectin.r the in-
terests of .the Agricultural societies
of the Province will be discussed at
the annual convention of the Fairs
and Exhibitions Association, tthich
will be .held in Toroata, February
1t1b la 16th.
A Vruat majority of the societies
have appointed deleg ilex to this
convention in order that they may
hnve an corniest unity of expressing
their views on the subjects tinder
States. The ruling, still. iu lois opin-
ion (have no effect on the price of
flour. /winch is pow being sold at
much lower figures than across the
line. W. 1.. Parish, grain dealer,
is of the (Tartlet' that the 'decision
crinnot he but favorable. to the Cana-
dian Wheat. He says Ahat the effect
of the drawback will mean much to
Canada in w'hea1. It should result in
a much keener demand for the grain
grown in this country, while letter
prices seeing be ohtained.
Of tulle vtariO1ii Delbert neeits of
Government it is ordinarily said that
the %most difficult t0 fill are those of
Agriculture and Education. The
Icons Cabinet was considered for -
lunate in Mr. Dryden as a fanning
administrator. It +%ta? a saying of
Mr. itoss that Ire could not find his
Tike in all Ontario. and no doubt the
rinks e[ his party would have to be
searched deeply for ;1 letter tuau ill
the hahh of cultivating acquaintance
assisting in organization and in tak•
ing n personal intere'1 in what was
.lcn0 ;ander r.•>ul:1t ions 11114 11 pro-
fessional aids. It is an old adore,
however, about the fish in the sea.
Will! tin much :ener.tl intelligence,
sorb experience gained by the mess
of our farmers by home training and
observation abroad, it should be less
difficult glue thin ever before to
keep Cilie agricultural Department
not only abreast, but in the lead of
every mo(tern requirement.
The re•.t l..t.rsiatage of t lu• Uel h (-
litt church, Hca fort h, is now com-
pleted, :in d dire pastor, Iter.
Nlr. Mirk', has moved into it.
If you are tired taking the large
old fashioned griping pills, try Car-
tc•r'.l Littlt. Liver filly and tak
shills comfort. A 111a11 can't stand
everything. One pill a dose. Try
1I. W. ('r,ssweli. of th't)oy-Ciess.
well 1t1n:11.0 r ('o., 1h nrichzet raueh-
er in lb 0di'11i f, who died in Medi -
rine lint, ne in,r to gangrrn:' setting
in tater t slirhr aeei.icnt to his
�•r at b^(1tIt111A Insure, foot, his eft le: 1,111,. estate le his
pafural astteft oast lnovnlrtyt. Ilralher (n Si lf.,rth, Ont.
"Should horticultural moieties be
separate in Ih Aeni:ultural a:1(1
Arts Aci from Agricultural Societ-
ic.'?" Should the number of Agri-
cultural societies be reduced;" How
many fall exhibitions should be al-
lowed in each county?" "The hest
method of rcdu•cin,r the number of
fall exhibitions." "Should 'the dis-
tinction between township and din•
trier societies be abolished and the
r.ocict ice receive 't heir grants i:l pro-
-portions to the ninouuts they ex-
pend for n•rricultural purposes?"
"Should the Government grant be
withheld from societies that per-
mit ,tames of chance at their exhi-
bitions?" "Should the Legislature be
asked to vote a special. uppropriatio(1
to assist in 51:ampia',r out games of
eltince at A•rricultural exhibitions!"
Other subjects of n general nature
which will he considered include
"Ownership of Stork by Agricul-
tural societies." "Spring Stallion
?thews," Supt. 11. 1}. Vott:111 will
preselrt his r. -port of Lairs work in
!tie Province during 4 h year.
Owing to t he inlportaa;e of the•
subjects the convention .this year
will last three d:i1•.i inst:ad of two
as usual. Reduced ratem :rave been
cured over 4111 the r liltcay
I!?litne'iue ' Whitney Now Leader
- Hol Coulees.q*iit Saturday
and Sunday (order the parental roof.
-Ow9ng t0 m► a t•er1 stortul- tri :lit 1 remier Ross Resigns - All
the utthndanci' at church on Sun- heady for the New Cabinet
day teve,ninr was quite small.
-Mr. Gunter, of stat Walter
ere The cio-:n_ scene of the Liberal
I;ate rvtznut.d with \t r. \\':deer Ilei►
10 le iru the nerattilt ilc bWi11CS(.
-The V'iraclieisea Iiut1er & Cream-
ery Co.. hove (tut in a supply of ici+
for she coining,; season, t h: ice being
of firs: -el ks qu:pity :utd ce•ty cic.(r
from 1 .sots.
- The quarterly baled Auld their
re:ulur (rnesMang un :fuesday aft(r-
noun, and dia.cns(;I tc ith alt: USUa1
hus`ncss ia_rrrectcd with the church.
- Mr. and \I r.. Joseph 11•tvkins
%cert• :at Setforth Last week visiting
'1r. Andrew Oke, etre we are sorry
to ray had the misfortune to hate
another 1 "anon of his finger ampu-
tated au slop the dreadful disease of
blood -poisoning. but reports are that
he Is again doing favoraoly.
cies tisaasQe saw.
f ai', impure
water, are amp its causes.
ft is called 't the soil for
enberdes,' and where it. is
allowed to remain tubercu•
lolls or consumption h
pretty sure to take root..
Removes pry_ temps of
scrofula. Get Hood's.
Por t.iiI sonlds of rtttllltarkaNe sow
mod attar look co Scrofula, N0. I.
C. I. Hood G., towel. Melte
Nothing taan cause more pain and
more distress than Piles.
No wonder many file sufferers say
their lives are burdens to them.
Ointments and local treatments
may relieve but cannot cure.
Dr. Leonhardt's Item-Roid is guar-
anteed to euro any case of Piles.
If Hem -Reid doesn't' cure you, you
get your money back.
Hem-Roid is a tablet taken inter-
nally, thus removing the pause.
$1000.00 guarantee tI0l l with every
A month's treatment for $1.00,at
Druggists or The Wilson-Fylo Co.,
Limited Niagara Falls Ont. 11
--Miss Celia Tbompsuu, of Shod -
don. is here o.1 a few weeks visit
%%sett deer cousins, .1 he Misses Doan.
_` y -la
.I rs Horace oand Oscar Klopp
10 a 1,!
are visiting friend and relatives in
Tavistock and otltor eastern points.
- Mr. Henry Geiger, wife and two
children, deft for their hone. near
Cavalier, N. D., on Thursday, after
a pleasant vlait with relatives in this
vicinity tier a few weeks.
- Mr. and Mrs. henry Itirkbeil and
daughter, who have been visiting
relatives in lihis vicinity /or some
weeks, left for tiheir home near Ham-
ilton. N. 1)., on Wednesday.
- Mr. John Roth, and Mr. and Mrs.
Brenner -mon, of New hamburg and
Mr. mid Mrs. It. Giugerioh, of Baden
attended the funeral of the late Airs.
Gi.ngerich. Stnntcy, last week.
-On Saturday afternoon last, the
property known as the Zeller block,
wi.t.h dwelling and barn, being part
of the 051010 of the late Michael
Zeller, was sold by public auction.
The property was bought by ?Ir. 8.
Rennie for $1900.00. who gets pas-
s;c•:;sion about the first of Marcie.
This distressing ailment results
from a disordered condition of the
stomach. All that is needed to et-
fect a cure 14 a (1011. or two of Cham
berlain's %Stomach and Liver Tab-
lets. In Oct. the attack may be
warded off or greatly lessened in
severity 1)y laking a dose of these
Tablets as soon as the first symp-
tom of an stack appear.=. For sale
in Exctcr by W. S. Dewey.
-Mr. :lad Mrs. .David Dow, Mr.
and Mrs. John McIntyre. and Mrs.
Church, the latter Brom
silent Tuesdny with ;Mr. and Airs.
Alex. Dow, of Exeter.
-Bev. Mr. Cranston, of Cromarty
is still unable Ao attend to this duties
%'trough r.ickness.
-,1t .Pleasant Methodist Church
trill bold their oyster supper on
Monday atialrt the t:Otli particulars
-The Farmers' Institute meet-
ings, which were held in Fullarton
were mot as well attended as would
have been owing to the inclemency
of it he weather, last Thursday being
n veritable winter day.
-3LL*t Katy Elliott. of St. Tito -
Mae is visiting at 111(1 horse here.
- Maas Almeida 'Huxtable left last
week 4o a Id end She millinerty open-
ings in Leaden.
- Miss Laura Elliott, of Exeter,
was ithe guest of Miss Ida Windsor,
'on Sunday.
-Miss Margaret l[and[ord visited
fniends in i)as•hw:owl and Zurich last
tt eek.
-Sir. Albert I'ar'ens, of Wittni-
peg, is visiting his brother, Mr. Wm
-Mr. and Mrs. \V.'l Handford, and
daughter. Edith, of Snowflake,
Manitoba, are visiting at Mr. Rich-
ard •llandford's.
Miss Miry Hepburn, was the guest
pf Misi Merl: GouI'l, c f Exi ter, a few
days last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ft ask Smith, of
London, are visiting friends and re •
I I, ices in this vieitlity.
administration which has existed
ovor 32 years. came to :Ili end 011
Tuesday, Feb. 7111, lion. Guo. \V. Boss
handing in his own resignation. and
that of his cultcaeucs, also piting
over the seal of the Province to His
Honor. Lieut -Governor Clarke .Mr.
\\'h t.ncy has now l,c2n intrusted
with the duty off organizing it ISM
administration. The followvin: have
Leen .skid by Mr. Whitney to join
his administration; -J. J. Foy, South
'Ibrortlt ; Cot. 5t:t theson. South
Lanark, W. .1. Manna, West Lamb•
ton; Nelson Monteith. South Perth;
Diayer 1}cndrie, Hamilton: Adam
Deck. Lortdoa : 1)r. \VillotteIrby, West
Northumberland, and 1)r. 'teatime.
Nertlt Es. -ex.
The Times ... ... ...... ... ... ... ...$1 00
Times end Weekly Witness ..,... 1 85
Times apd Family Herald &
Weekly Star .. ... ... ...L 80
Times and \Veekly Globe 1 65
Tithes and Weekly Mail and
Empire ... .1 75
Tithes and Weekly Advertiser...1 50
Times and Weekly Free l'ress...1 80
Times and Weekly Nun 1 80
Times and Farmers' Advocate 2 30
The 'rimes and Toronto Daily
Stnr 1 N5
The Times and Toronto Daily
News...... 1 85
The Tinley and Toi•ontosuu-
Worl.l 209
The Times IDaily Adver-
t iser 2 35
The Times and Toronto Daily
The Times and Ncientifie
Amer lea n ... ... .. :J '
Th, Times amt Daily Mail and
Empire ... ... .. ... ...... ... 4
The Times and Daily Globe4
We can ;et you any nettap.•iper 0
n1 3 £ 111ne published.
Exeter, Onta
Itching, Blind, Bleeding ur pro-
truding. l'iles. Druggists refund
money if Pazo Ointment fails to
any case, no matter of bow long
standing in 6 to 14 days. First ap-
plication gives case and rest. 50c. If
your druggist hasn't it send 50c in
stamps and it will be forwarded post
paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis.
the Mao With the law Mustache Neve/
Drys moist e. Many Varieties.
When the man with the red mous-
tache started down the stairs his *115
tan to the door and called him back.
"Donald," she said, "I want you to
go into a hardware store tnd We
a it,saw. Don't forst
need one badly."
Being an accommodating person, the
man with the red moustache said he'd
get It. He chose the luncheon hour as
the most opportune time for making
hie simple purchase. He was In a. good
humor, and he smiled blandly when he
went hustling Into the store and said.
eI want a saw, please "
The clerk who had come forward to
wait on him had a merry twinkle in
his eye, and the twinkle overflowed at
the question, and spread all over his
face in dimples.
"What kind of a saw?" he asked.
The prospective porch' ser began to
petceive what an Intricate business the
buying of a saw really Is.
"Why," said he, "I don't know. Just
a saw. Any kind will lo, I suppose."
The clerk sir ted. "if you only knew
what you want to use it for. perhaps
t could advise you." he suggested.
"What I won't to u,e it for?" echoed
the man with the red moustache.
"Why, I want to s::w•, of course. At
least, my folks do."
"Saw what?" asked the clerk.
"I don't know," admitted the non -
plowed shopper.
The clerk brightened up again, and
led the way to the rear of the store.
"I will show you a few of the different
varieties of saws we have on hand."
be said. "Observation and an eplana
tion of their uses and prices may as -
slat you in making a tlecielon. Here's a
metal saw. It is the hardest saw there
is. It is made ot1 highly tempered
steel, and will saw iron, copper, lead,
and all manner of metals. It Is small
in size, and sells for 52 to 52.50, accord-
ing to the style of handle, whtch comes
in beeehwood and oak, the latter being
more expensive. D that the kind of
saw you want?"
The man with the red moustache was
sorely perplexed. "No," he sold. "(
don't think so. We have no metals at
our house to work on, that I know of."
"Perhaps you would like a meat
saw," suggested the clerk. "Steel In
these Is of hardly so high a grade. and
I could let you have a good one for a
dollar. But you're not a butcher:"
The man who wanted a saw shook
his head mournfully. and the clerk
'There's a regular kitchen saw, for
general utility purposes, which will
t• you only 50 cents. 11ow does that
strike you? No? Theo here's the tab -
last maker's saw. I can give you a very
good one for 53. Then I have over
berg plumber's saws, the tine delicate
SIM used by all manner of artifie'rs,
and the ordinary wood saws, which
)IIt1l coat you anywheros from 50 cents
to =4. In that back roost we have still
other varieties ---the two-man ten -toot
Saws, buzz saws and circular saws. If
you want to pay a big price you'd bet-
ter take one of the latter. I'll give you
a good one for =50. Would you like to
vee them?"
The man with the red moustache
Looked about him wonderingly.
"No, thank you," he said. "I never
dreamed that there were so many 4if-
tteent kinds of saws. I guess I won't
take any till I find out just what kind
5 want"
The clerk bowed affably. "I regret
being unable to make a sale," he said,
"but I really think that the wiser
Stabel-I must say that for absolute
rntruatworthtness there's nothing like
e man.
Kate -Why, whilst makes you say
Mabel -Well. yea remember when f
rejected Mr. Bullfinch about titres
weeks ago?
Kate -Yes.
Mabel -Well, he said he should eels
talnly pine away and die, and I should
be his murderess. Well. I Just met him
in the street walking with another girl,
and actually I believe the fellow has
pined twepj,Y.p st d; nosh'
IIAI' _ In %uri;A,, on Saturday, 11)0.
2I• , Mr. and 51rs..lohn 1'. Rau,
, ,n.
i'A\LO11 -- i,1 Crediton East, on Jan
11th. \1r .,nil Mrs. Fr ink Tay-
lor :a e.n.
I )1'1 . I e 1 i\I r. mndM r s
aoton Febru-
Gcor 10
Ileddcn, 1 sten.
1'1tiTZ. -- In Zurial►, on Thursday,
Fe!•. _ant, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles
1't' 1 z., a d. i ttehtcr.
I1\ L!: \VELI.. -In Exeter, on Feb.
Atli, 1905, to Mr. and Meas. \\'n1.
Bilkwrll, a daughter.
A\'cgclablc PreparationforAs-
siinitating the Food at%d Reguta
hog the S turmoils and Bowels of
Promotes Digestion •C teerful-
ncss and Rest.Contains neither
Opium.Morpttine nor !'lhtcral.
NOT ;''AltC OTf: .
,31ofOldBrSNIXLPl1"t ER
IirePAw 3a1
.Itx..."-nor •
14,4 • S.la -
.fire J1.e1 •
I�Jetts •
;gnu fa d -
C('hwthed Jug,'" •
Itisiorys .:
Aperfect Remedy forConslipa-
tion, Sour Stontactt,Diarrhoea.
tless and Loss OF SLEEP.
FacSimile Signature of
For Infants and Childr
The Kind You H
Always Bough
Bears the
For Ov
Thirty Year,
••...�6�6�6NN�NNN6Nr 6��N6�66NN6�t►�66t/6666�i1-
I(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 18:)5)
CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • S3.000.000.00
RESERVE FUND •••• •••• •-•• $3.000.00000
14 Branches in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, Britt=h Columbia and Manitoba.
Open every Lawful Day from a A. M. to Si'. M. except Saturday 10 ♦. u. to 1 r. st.
Farters' Sole Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied
On application. DRAFTS 013 all points In the Dominion, great Britain and Un
ited states, bought and sold at lowest rates of exchange,
DepOmits of 01.00 and upwards received. Interest cotu-
pounded liatf yearley, and added to principal June 30th and December 3131. De-
posits ltecelpt:t also Ls,+ued and higlie,t current rates of interestI
Advances made to farmers stock dealers and business tun at
lowest rates and on most fncorabla terms. Agents at Exeter for Dom. Government, A
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager.
••••.•.4•t••••N•••N•••••• N•••N•••N••••N•••.••(le
K K Kot K K K K& K K K(.K
K, K K 150 K K r s K K& K K 5. i-( K. K
i1ENEDiCr - CONIIAD -Iii Toledo.
Ohio., on December 210 11, b1• Bev.
E. A. Ntroulw^r, Mi s Ma( Conrad
of Toledo, to Mr. Fred I)enedic4,
formerly of Zuri:1,
5\VEET - N4110„0..11E - In Galericb,
nn \Veda^`l'ebruary 1st., by
11,i, itev. G. N. Wizen, Mr. itobi.
Sneer, ref Clinto;l. fnrm'rly of Exe-
ter. so Miss( 'Wank Moore, of elite
ELLIOTT, fn Ei(1Ct, on I't•brnnrc
5th, 1995, John Elliott, :tall 87
TIIOMi'SON - At Elimville, on Sun-
day, Feb. 5th, 1905, Mi ruin Thom('
son, a;oil 7.) h•eary and 3 (toys.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Signature of
Make hens keep you An increase of two
eggs froin,each hen every month will pay for
tilt feeding of Hercules Poultry I'ooei. It will
do this, and make them lay many more eggs
besides keeping these in prince, healthy cost
clition. Hercules Louse Killer keeps the fowl
free from Vermin, and Clydesdale Carboiine
Antiseptic keeps the hen house in a clean,
healthy state. If the above preparations do,not
give satisfaction, your money will be cheerfully
returned by our dealer. They are sold in your
district by the following : -
l-'rayne. Exeter.
J. Wilson, Grienw i .
7'',Ii r, Vali irh,
Jwtt:y & Chit k, Winchelsea.
F. U. Hutchiusou, Staffs.
Alf. Heinlein, Hens:Ill.
i1ENEDiCr - CONIIAD -Iii Toledo.
Ohio., on December 210 11, b1• Bev.
E. A. Ntroulw^r, Mi s Ma( Conrad
of Toledo, to Mr. Fred I)enedic4,
formerly of Zuri:1,
5\VEET - N4110„0..11E - In Galericb,
nn \Veda^`l'ebruary 1st., by
11,i, itev. G. N. Wizen, Mr. itobi.
Sneer, ref Clinto;l. fnrm'rly of Exe-
ter. so Miss( 'Wank Moore, of elite
ELLIOTT, fn Ei(1Ct, on I't•brnnrc
5th, 1995, John Elliott, :tall 87
TIIOMi'SON - At Elimville, on Sun-
day, Feb. 5th, 1905, Mi ruin Thom('
son, a;oil 7.) h•eary and 3 (toys.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Signature of