Exeter Times, 1905-02-02, Page 7tSOLIjTE SECURITY. cenu�ne .Carter't little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signaturo of See PaeSlm:lo Wrarper etiow• stand nazi as este/ te take as sager. TENS FIR NEAOACNE. FOR DIZZINEtt. FOR BiLIOUSNEss. FOR TORPID LUYER. F@if CONSTIPAT1O1+l. FD1 &ALLOW Willi. F03 THE COMPLEXION omavvr-r. MJ.1M•ta•:Y T.(. iscreIy !•.^ctat.t a-���•/>7=��.eG CURL SICK HEADJC1-:E, loolorseL ADY HEAD GARDENERS. SOGIAL SIDE Q� CNRISIINNIIY What the Church Should Do for the Brotherhood of Man. Thu Spirit of the Lord is upon arc, ' lament Christianity. The Christian - heed II 0 he hath anointed me to its of to -day must fulfil Christ's pro- preach the gospel to the pour; he grarnrtto—the whole of it. Individual 1 hath sent me to heal the broken stalation has been the keynote of heurto'l, to preach deliverance to the tht• pulpit lot. centuries. No preach- t capti•.08 and the recovering of sight er Is qualified for his high office who f to the blind, to set at liberty them dos not proclaim it. But that is the 1110 Irufscxl, to preach the ac•- only (0,Nlin If of the programme. 1 Ceptablu year of the Lord—Juke, iv. ('hr•istianity in the tit century was + IS. 19. f.crsonal, but it. was also socia:, and 'these words cons( it tato Christ's that is the rteteon why the poor, programme announced almost at the flocked uroencf Christ. 'l'he unfor- 0 very beginning of His earthly minis lunate, the heavy laden, the hopeless try. He looked for the suffering and! found here a brothoi hood, wherein b sorrowing ones of earth and was ' ecorfthiiig good was freely shared. g touched with tee feeling of their in- I plead tar a return to tho primitive' 41 tirrnitios. ilo mingled with the corn condition, for a return to the pro- l' mon people. In those early days the gramme of .[esus Christ, for a 1e- rc rich, the titled. the important people 8cwee em) basis of the democratic. held aloof. Christianity was built note, fe.r the participation in Cm e, upon the common people. best by all. for the brotherhood of h Is not the condition to -day an ex -.man, Where the strong are concern t act reversal of this New 'l'estanrent ed over the nlirtnities of the weak, condition? Ito We not behold Pro- and in which all men, irrespective of of testant18m maintained by the rich,' rank and condition, aro ono in: W the capitalist class, while the corm.; Christ their Brother and Cod their, P mon people. the tt,.rking people, leather. Tho reply Will be made: I h keep out:iide? We build chtu•clies,' ••A beautife1 sentiment, this dent-' 1„ splendidly equipped, fur the rich, and, ocracy: aft Weal condition and cer th missions for the working class. It 18 tainly to be dodged, but quite im-+ fr the privilege of rho Well-to-do class, practicable owing to the refusal of: to build heat:tiful edifices for Lhent-. the differing social elements to con -I rn they will bate a fresh, new look that they could not have if they eOro ironed. SUBSTITUTES FO RBREADI lsl'CKWHI:A'I` CAKES. THE STAFF OF LIFE GROWS ON No buckwheat cake is perfect that TREES. is not made by the yenta ralsit% pro- Whole Families Lived Upon Bark cos. Dissolve a small cake, or halt a Bread /for Many te}�*�*� large cake of compressed Feast in a hal( pint 01 lukewarm water, and SELECTED RECIPES. stand it in n warm place until ready to mix with the other inbreed - Boiling sausages for tiro minutes kilts Months, In Britain 'good wheaten flour is one of the cheapest necessaries of enders them tar more digestible and ti life, and et en the poorest can afford b i'L one quart of buckwheat flour, to etaf bread which is better and lelicate than the usual method of half a pint of Indian meal, and tau Inure pure than many of the cont- ra ing. At the end of 1140 minutes tnblespuunfille of wheat flour Leto a partitively well-to-do in other I•:uro- iit the sausages gently, being caro- largo bowl or a stone crock. peon countries over ser. til not to break them; drain, break After sifting these flours f..to the In Portugal, for instance, the int -1 he snips in several places with a has t stir theist thoroughly until they portation of foreigh 1luetr is ubsolut- ork in order to keep the sausage in art` well It i'ed, then gradually stir ('le' prohibited by lust, with the re - s1101)0, roll in flour and place In a in enough Idkewarn1 wetter to itifee0 a stilt that the rat -called flour common- reing-pan or to hake in the oven in` rather still batter; add a teaspotrn- 1y sole) in teat counU'y is adulterat- a covered pan until thoroughly done.. fu) of salt, and bent the batter cd in an apltailing fashion. A flour A very good and an unusual sand- loi,kly with a heavy enamelled w• re, eat le• purchased in Portugal prov- ich is made tvitll a tilling of creast rt wooden spoon for ten minutes; then cd on ruut1ysis to contain 53 per bees° and minced ripe olives. Stone ueld the dissolved yeasts and beat the cent of kaolin or china clay. while nd c•hop the olives, which, remelt)- whale for 1lfteen minutes. Cover the the remainder was mostly ground t•r. nee h richer in oil than the bow) with a napkin, set it in a orad-' rice husks and finely powdered suw- reen ones, and mix with the cheese, erately eaten place to rise over dust! sing the bark of a dcssertspoou. night. o i 1 In Italy sheat flour is also tar se white or brown bread and cut In the morning dissolve a half tea-, 10(10 expensive a Iuxt:ry for the poor - tend or diamond shape. • spoonful of baking soda in a couple t r classee, and a side, !hoe is found neer tea frozen to a snntclike of tablespoonfuls of hot water; a11d in ground chestnuts, .,,..,. i, however, ensistency can :onletintc•s be taken it to the batter, and beat the whole make a nourishing fo. 1 It is also y fever pntients to whom the hot briskly; 1t en when ready to bake the in Italy that acorn fit er is used to e0 is disagreeable bc, and endurance. cakes have some of the battle in a• a large extent. The I104,Ins arc att- F'or tomato fritters stew a quart pitcher, a.; it w'iil be easier to turn; lowed to partly fern ant, and aro tomntocs until reduced to a pint. the hatter from the pitcher to the, 11100 cholq,ed LP, boih•11, and (ivied.f seassrosamesammesseesessesseyeepamiNg hen quite cold season with salt, griddle than to dip it out. l'ut the The bread made of ace is is black,! t'pper and celery, salt, and add the• pancake griddle on the stove, let it bitter, ietCnsely nasi' and by no' 'l'IHE UNLUCKY BEGGAR eaten yolk of an egg and sufficient hent to the proper degree, then, nn'ans a safe feud. i •eadr•runlhs to rake a mixture grease it. all over the surface with it , _ct in North A housetcire ha In one of th ick enough to hold together. Drop i, re oI fat larding pork, stuck on • I•:uropethat; the strangestsubstit towns had n habit when makin um a spoon into hot fat. •n fork. '1'heu pour the batter on the lute is to be found for wheat flour. One of the beast sauces for tish is griddle in 1(ma11 cakes. When Clone' This consists of fir tree bark, which ado by chopping a tablespoon of on one side, tura thein quickly with' at tient sounds the most un - A WARNING NOTE FROM THE BACK. People often say, " flow are weto know when the kidney., ale out of order 7" The location of the kidneys, close to the small of the back, renders the deteeti.,n of • kidney trouble a simple matter. The note of wart:info comes from the back, in the shape of Wicket be. Don't ueglect to cure it imme- diately. Serious kidney trouble will follow if you do. A few doses of DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, taken in time, often save years of suffering. Mr. Horatio Till, Geary, N.R., writes :—" I suffered fur about two years with kidney dis- ease. Had pains in my back, hips and legs; could not sleep well, and had no appetite. I took one box of Doan's Kidney Pills, and they cured me. The pains have all left, and I now sleep well. Price 60 cents per box, or 8 for $1.25. All dealers, or Tui DOAN KIDNItY PILI. CO., Toronto, Ont. hter of Lord Wolseley Con- selves' But the question at bottom gregate together." capers very tine and then tubbing n pancake turner; then lift off, tet promising material ducts Training School. is a religious question. is it Chris-; 1 grant that the laboring classes therm through n sieve with a wooden' on hot plates andserve ! b possible duringr tho [fan for the rich to take care of do not come to our churches in many spoon. 31ix this with an uunr0 of 11 e Pinel the batteris too thin, greapurt fend. food. ort nSthe ening is being extensively tuk• 1henrs,lves handsomely, luxuriously,' instances, because of 001(1 butter and season with salt and stir in a little wheat flour. You can. nein t440 years g thin, e in Northern :5canilht- in a spiritual way, and leave to the pepper, ayak ren Whale families tell by baking the first cakes if more lived upon bark bread for mouths on poor the crumbs that [all from their' DEEPLY itOOTI:D PREJUDICES, If the beaus for baked beans are flour is 'cqui•od, • cud, and bath in Finland and N(1r- tables? ! founded 1 tthtch rd y p by women as a profession, it is predicted that in a few time the employment of lady gardeners on gentlemen's es - will le by 00 means exception - learnt house, t:lynde, Sussex, til, where the [Honorable i'ran- W1iseley, daughter of Lord .1, y, has started n school of •ning, the model gardens are tr a of a holy of considerable i enc c o in horticulture. u t r c. an d the who are the daughters chief• c•l(rgyner4 receive practical in- ion in dower gardening for Wive and also for market pur- he very good work has been nc- Ii,hed, and experts from lOew. 'torr Court Palace, and other its cerdcns have accorded Miss loy's scheme waren praise. riculture is not Meavy work, t is an excellent healthy accu- n. 'flee pupils of Miss IVolso school pay nn annual fee of 81)11 defray their own expenses r•ard and lodging. parboiled in nater in ° n e 1 - arms a on ignorance and social little thorn moi' cera it 1 So couph•te a reverse! of the first caste. Then let the churches soda has been added, before they are USEFUL 111`:'1'S. century condition demands serious through their well trained clergy and hakes, persons who have formerly I STAPLE ARTICLE OP' D11:T. attention. As a fact In sociology it' e h lattee men and women, ) found them hutted can often eat Have the silver drawer in the silo-' g inquiry, t , for i4 d g them with intim: -t Th board flit hi 1 Tho bark is stripped from the trees of course, Oast be soaked lined with velveteen springy this being the season offers a challe,i 'e to 'n epr0Sell e( into con , rLr n oven at l pu: l }•. e • should, Ir - b easily it not. true that the elements of die- g to Inbound, class" y n t 1 compart merits f and n the utJ these prejudices. Let, over mlbht or corduroy when the operation is mot a it content, of rebellion against the (old chicken may be utilized in an artli a neatly. fitted pad for the bot-' erfori u•(1 %thole existing order of things, are men in the prominent pulpits n[ the 1 1h° outer or scaly bark Church take their fine choirs on Sun-' egg salad. Cut hu rd boiled 0/414 in tune that can be nee laid for dusting is first Carel 11 removed i classes? S 4.. CS. K As n '1'1 a' half t.. of r 110•• e and remove a should ct ov t 1 Quit as t r e 1 1 is 1 ui • he t•u 'd • )e laid nt I 1 c r ' tit u l 1 I i L in •1 "ask") i h '1 h t• ht inner r ter or stringy 'V h rk which or in n sit th laboring � u, th • ns a various � b, a hech is a platter of gravest itnportanc affect Ing . J and THE CHURCH Ol' TfiF. FUTURE.' sine the gospel to this neglected class. Phe laboring men of to -day Where is this Church of the future to' are n reading, thinking class. Thr among the w o kin 9 9 r na a n i •.' S without factn organized 1; a u ss u11 ut dht s n rt u order-, e, - fia tial - hr tstinnil4 it fi 19' the whites. 11 b,, c9 Mash y icor e as halls nrolslen there with 111(1(011 butter and kept separate !runt knives and fucks cow° to .the missions peewit 1, breaking1 ' fashion, . c nen won't c yolks . i .e s the only part lit for fund. The fin- er xtr is then cried in the sun and procure its converts? Not from the demand a b y children of the well to do clastics in 1,111 It urn tslttl)otha gospeis ltcco 104.0 our churches, for we are confronted lighted intelligence. In such churches with the pathetic Close our big ch:Irches on Sunlay spectacle of childless eougaegatfonts. llich churches with a very largo membership may be counted by the score that have very small Sunday schools, formerly regarded as the nursery of the Church. The poor, who aro riot in our churches, have the children; the rich, who material- ly supper t our churches, have n0 children, and the question rectors, "�• What of the future of organized Christianity/ Ono answer may. I11, B'(J R r T' S be t t;lden (i)„ that queinnee�y-. retr;rn the tit 1Ilstu(!eon— ofaNcw reart and Nerve Pills. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL LESSON, FEB. 5. chopped chicken, season with a few drops of onion, salt and paprika and a trace of lepton juice or chopp- ed pickles. Foran the mixture into hal let t inn nights? les, for in the maj( -i y of Itr•o instances the congregations are pita tab fully small) and the majority n( as churches that have large comgrefin- tab tions draw their audiences through ,tet sacred concerts more than through pep the preaching of the gospel. The 11 method may lie revolutionary, but nuc it would he hell worth the eth'eri-- thei went. it would give the Church an can opportunity to vindicate Itself to 1„ t! e lain/zing classes, who are 1eallc , aep hungering for tho gospel of ,Jesus Iva) Christ fejt on 1 St whit pith' for convenience as well as to ,re_ ° t k teat scratching. 1 stored against whiter. Jt you are covering an entire fluor When required for use the bark is with matting, sew the brcadtLs to tannin dried over u slow lire ands Is and fill in the whites. Place on gather as you would carpet. only lel ground. Tile metal is moistened with 1100 nee1111i tt ith n teaspoon of the stitch of double threat 1 o much I cold water into a dough, but no leaves se on each boiled egg. looser than for carpet. yeast or baking powder is employed, l ANl'TIIIN(T HE COULD Clip. o make maitre d'hotel sauce for rno 'c stains can be more quickly re-' and the dough is teen thoroughly, suppose," said the u ila! fish or meat, cream four ed from %alto goods by salt if ueadcd into large flat cakes nn thin j (lge, as he vinegar is used with it. Put a fresh eS parchment. 'These cakes, before turned to the burglar, with t► merry lest lis of 0(114 hotter until it is twinkle his eye, "f11 your business light 08 passible, )'lend with n supply on until the staid disappears, i 1'nkhng, are pricked full of holes with gull take anything you can et?" lespo(1of lemon juice, a table- then rinse in clear whirr. 1 an instrument made of ptarmigan g on of unlaced parsley and salt and (rno dors not g the - feathers, and then put into the oven,'"Yes, my lord, replied the pris- gct so tired using • alts,,, they have to be carefully once, noting with satisfaction th per. eft ing machine if only the right toot y teat- t i, .laced entirely on the treadle, al "bed in order that they do not burn, judge's pleasant expression, and bo oaks.—clue cup butter, one and, 1 ginning to feel encouraged. -huff cups brown sugar, two ceps i•,t`rrlg but the toe of the lett to! fhe cookLg Ino ess takes only a "Oh' As I thought, replied the r, there eggs, one teaspoonful touch the front edge. [cry short. time, and when (1000 the A new lamp trick should be soaked, cal es are lifted out and hung on judge, with more twinkles. Weil, I fila, teaspoonful soda, •1Issuh•ed' ire vinegar. It this is done there will, a rail to cool. After this they aro have a leve beginning e fournto i„ puri( 1Ilo pp th cup warm water, one I have t lying bcoi of fto get u11 you chopped dale:, nuc cup 1•:n);lish be blighter rsellr nor smoke, and a 1.1 1`11 use. There isrct conside41 kid r Iron lying about. unused, and if you nuts, chopped, and one teaspoon-( light will he given' would just Dike It away with you, cinnamon. Drop from teaspoon Ino not serape n 1i' ing pa u, as it elle amount of nourishment in this I 1 is liable n(ter4cnrd to burn. Instead • queer bread, but its ,taste is dis ilwuuld� be hitter for all con - is [las. tinea. Litter and unpleasant cerneu.' g rt (erect .—Make an icing of the end 44.11washt%int) n Iini-d r crust of broad palate. rasant to aryl And then everybody tau bed ex - e of one egg, beaten thick With unaccustomed , orize4 s•Ignr and add to it ono Ito not throw old incandescent A better form of pine hark bread cept the burglar, of finely chopped Halts. Flavor0801 mantles away. ')'hay make a splen is made out of oat (lour, ground vanilla. Cover thin cookies; or (11(1 polish for silver. 1'ut n 111 tie from kiln -dried outs mixed half and ilii wafers with iheAcing and 0O n soft chaster, and rue nn the half with ground bark (lour. Before in the oven, article to be cleaned. It will palish eating, the cakes are made crisp by gar Cookies—Otic cup butter, beautifully uithout sercitching, nr• a slight toasting. 1 and one-half cups sugar, two egg marking the silver. , The inner bark of the silver birch 74, one-half cup milk, one tea - ENGLAND --•--- ' also affords a meal which is used for !did baking powder. j(lSt enough ENGLAND SLIPPING INTO SEA. mixing with rye or /parley flour,' to 'nuke n stiff dough. Sprinkle ))rend is so made all ►v Northern ti ng. • e big tr of g eas- y putting it In the the doorway to cool. One day two navvies wore passing by, and saw the rabbit-pio which the woman had made. for the husband's dinner, standing In the us- ual place. 'l'hey stole it. and sat in a field to eat the contents. When they had had n good feed, they saw a beggar coming down the road, looking rath- er hungry. "Hallo!" shouted the navvies, "could yer eat some pie?" "Yes," said the beggar. "Well, here you are, pad when you've done take back the dish to • that house over yonder." The beggar nr 4 id fig as he was bidden. The husband being in, to tho beg- gar's surprise ho got more boot -too than rabbit -pit. _- - --� flat stone which ((wined the well - curb, slight it, e1u4at0(1 & oce the ground. A large circular hole cad through this stone firmed the mouth of the well. "About the sixth hoer- -That is, about noon, 8. "For his disciples"—Not neces- sarily' all of them. "[into the cit •" cul► with 4:ani dry Su Jesus at Jacob's Well.—John 4 —Probably Sychar '•To buy meat " yolke 5-14. Golden Text.—Whosoever 11' "'nee, ''lith the having- of Sri- • spoo nutria unto bite"—ile having- spoken flour will, let Him Take the Water of tarsi• 8)u' might venture to nnswer, with Life Freely.—Rev. 22, 17. "flow is it"—The woman, mewl to quick scorn and contempt from .fewish IN'1'IIODUC'1'ltJN, travellers. is at once astonished n»11 won by the kind voice and the While Jesus tarried( with his dis- courteous •ror)ueal. "No dealings" elides in Judea after the events des- —')'Ire last clause of this verse is n cribra in our last lesson John was parenthetical explanation of the specific for all heart and nerve still baptizing and preaching along evangelist. "Snlnnritan4"_-A mixed s. Here are some of the spill). the Jordan and Its tri',ulnries. At race and for that reason abhorred Any one of them should be a l:non, near Salim, in rt narrow vel- ht• the "pure-blooded" Jews. e for you to attend to it im- ley between Mount Ebal and t1e Jor- 10. "If thou knowesl"-11'e 00, ly. Don't deoxy. Serious break- clan, word 1.1 brought to the Baptist not told whetter .!esus received the f the system may follow, if you that the preaching of Jesus was be- cup of water or not; weightier mat- Trvousness, Sleeplessness, Dlzti- corning Inure popular than his own, tees 1Ilan quenching his thirst even ilpitation of the Heart, Shortness as witnessed by the number of those occupies) his r th, Rush of Blood to the Head sresentin • 1her nseles for baptism. mind. An out barred 1 b 1 of pus• (.11,14 whining n soul or the big and Sinking Si,ells, Faint This bit of information culla forth a ,.t,•t;t olber cuusid!•rution r k Spells, Spasm or Pain through Inst sublimely loyal to 1lsno,i ' from ti5,1, h,. for .hn rt; Cold Clamor Hands and i Jo11n te) the character and mission 100' "'I'le gill of (:o(!"-- . 7 here may be many minorsyrap- of ,le9us. It a, •JM -:10 in thisjr 1'o the 4vurltt in sending his tion lu heart and nerve trouble, but conneetiun ) "Ye your•srlvrs," ho I redeem f lee world. "Anal who it i e. the chief ones. s:ny9, ad1re•.sirtg his dinciplcs, "bear. that 1(1111 to Ute° —1f Ihou 1)4 ire;f. ti's heart and Nerve Pills will nu' witness, that 1 said, I am not Ilial 1 nm he for tthot(' coming Jews 11 these symptoms from the the Christ, but that I ant sent be -1..i. Samaritans alike aro Welting. fore him." ,")'herefore," he cortin-�' l.itiny tenter"—•flint is, life, or cents per box, or 8 for j11.25. acs, "ho must incrensr, bat 1 mumt i flint utak!' sustain!. life. Jesus K SPELLS CURED. 1 decrease." Ife Ilial cometh fro)p!rrdoJl8 the figure from an object tt rl tot's Dorey, Ilenrford, N.S., writes nws : -" I was troubled with weak spells and fluttering of I procured a box of Milburn's Nerve Pills, and they did me goaI that I gat two more boxes, Inishing them I was completely :must RSV that I cannot recom- too highly. a Trifling Cold n late Lu:'ah) Sone of .`.)any a im to their last long Steep. ,ugh r.)'onldl ),e loosened Ile ly as possible, and all irrita- eyrd before it settles in the Ow-- settled there Bryn - el Consumption rnav follow. DR. WOOD'S 'NAY PINE SYRUP to remedy yon require. 11l:e„ of the elerty Pine ill ('herry (lark, with teler.1 le etnral Iler',4 and plc skilfelly combined 100 a reliable, Safe and remedy for all forms of I ('ol.11. h. Macdonald, ll'hvcoco- .5., writes :—" I think it to let people know what od Pr. Wood's Norway rup did for mc. 1 had a 1, which settled in my el 1001111 get nothing to 11 1 tried Dr. 'Wood's Nor- Scrnp. The first bottle e w -t. 1(101ftilly, and the ctlrcel tee. 2., con's per bottle. IIS •ri '' Ott Jacob's e. 11 L re.1(0(1 hr' '. n on. the e'ilra0(0 of the tette., I,eo•.t,.,•,, 1'I.al and Geri/1m, rind ore. of Ihe' : -55 1111 hsps [tel sacred sites of Pales- tine dell to be 4isited by tratelhu•s. 'Cha til 1 v ell st ill etiet ane not A men le .Ver 1. •,., many y4tis ago WAS 11,oroii, ldt of ••:,n'40 'o fn''. f1 ,�f15t;9 above," as did lhie `nn of Juan "ls sugar before rolling. Bake in in Knmschalka. The satire hark is oven. Very good, Every Year. The alarming extent to which the also cooked up with fish roc to form' sea is diminishing the area of tilt! A NUTRITIOUS PASTE. WA:�t111N(l LACES. Ilritirh ]cies is hardly realized. / During the siego of Hamburg in It is no longer safe to build near 1814, alrno•.t every birch tree with - 'There is nothing so destructive Lo the coast line in many places, sm in some utiles of the town was des - laces as careless washing, and it is, persistent is the encroachment of the troyed by the lloshkirs and Cossacks therefore, nth 'sable to do this part waters. of the laundry, work at boort. It 19 Freshwater flay, in the Isle of who stripped them of their bark tot not a tedious nor difficult task, but Wight, is a case in sweet and plan tapped them for their one that requires care and the rise is great danger that oFreshwater aiel Isweet sap. of the ',roper [materials, rotlnnd will be entirely cut off from land moss isIceland naiuv` ykval able a ddl. Ileal lace and very delicate silk the r'e,t of tiro Isle of Wight, nrel tion to the scanty food supplies of lace are or easily cleaned by the use of a cir'cumstanc'e )nuking the matter cite inhabitants. It is picked oil tho brt)hile' ore nil ht Infix is 1)4)111 (thele exceptionally serious is that on the rocks, dried and ground portio,, which 'could he isolated are rout. 4hicil dried, anti make nourish - better t ode the work in 11x11 ► room all thn fortifications of tho westcrm ing bread uud puddings so nice that lightedf pant t f the isle including the. Need 1•:uropeann rind theme palatable. °Pen n lire. Put the lnphlha in n les Fort, with its powerful ordnnnrtl. Oats, rye, and mu is bowl and move the lace about in it.' The extent cf the rava -es of theJ . call practically an work int it tap end down rapidly. if sea may Lo judged by LI'e fate. that • equal amount, rf Lt, soul °e practically the naphtha becomes. dark, o ,t the ti equ't) to sins i and the composition 1 o cont cliff road which for- ,.f the grains i9 very ainnilur, but lace in another vessel and pour fresh nterly trent round this portion of the thee ries a of then: !meet.. r naphtha over it. Dip it gently 111' isle has been cut and now Sells finely and down, keeping the Lice 0n the &freight over the cliff into the sea. I I1'et,'`i' fluke a arced myon) 1n tex- un•'0r side until it. is clean. Stretch A prominent rer.ident, of Fres! )'tee , Orator to that matte with the cloth l0 tlLich the Inco Is haat- anter expressed the opinion that '' 111'mea1 fur rpt •reason that wheat (1 upon a clean tnhle frith the 1 fou has the property of lording tho prounpt protective censures should gas Ince uppermost, and secure it with Le adopted by the War Office, the (11811 produced it et. Boe�!eutatlwt better lacks or pins. This shm( bre lora) authorities and private owners' For 1 nr in a room 44bere no dust will of rand noting together. thnee who choir a novelty in 1 it and ellowed to remain all In the current !eerie of the ),if,.. the tiny mf br('l,, 1amrnn flour 111ny it will he dry in a short time, boat Society's journal nn astounding 1't• 00(0(1 113' (4. Iw process, nett• Ilrly'9 nirleg 1111 he needed to statement is made. It is said thagre,undl hl)o a Pour l44N h,cc,m, and 1 ut the shell of na ,hthn. ifs pails s of the 1l..lderness conA, inmakes a phlha that line been used 19 Yorkshire, bet emit lh•idlington 141)11 bread" ur c1)e, w•ltlfh is telt' nwtri- itle n few hours, the dirt n 111 Spurn, are Nein swallowfleas and also pL•a9ant In taste f to the bottom, rind the clean ti ed up by the sea in exceptional years by as n sea n can be punrc'il oIT rind 11 ,a much re8 ("001,3 feel 11 yen r. to *511')) silk, lid (lyses ur At 1'nkchpld au1'ol',, in 188:; the 1 i t au ng that cannot I e washed 1n institution had tw„ I f. I�„0l houses or nmhroia•ro4 hnn4k0rchfef74, on the seafront with t'e if , r Limeys nul'u,n dried Il for launching the 1.. ts. Net only ) and other laces are nicely has every 4'estil'' r 1 the hoi:ses liar), tither! lh•ne in atcr noun rnsti:f by the following )1lrtho.I: slip55ny8 (17501')”. t ,!, ! ut 1110»)' Hoe( nnite11 lhe1n with venter into n 1(074, mvd9 of soft wftd•r tinct iy0ry the bulldiaFs S+n :io ;_ ren` Qistnnr)1/ugh rind baL,11 then► 11)10 cakes. Yellow, embolus soup should further 1111011(1 (ut41' L• en wash° I This locust bread ens found to have ue Is0(1 for• this purpose. ns away,. mane. t the same taste as oatmeal ilkely to gi4r them a yellow There urn other °nr19 of the a•slat, cakes, and the A.nbs liked it ever90 il))nnttherot nllr•th08fab91 nn4 mot► nccor(ing to this journal, where to �� .�) t' at th• y hale eaten 1L 1 1 I eice1 my 1hlrg of n character in- r 1('l''8 in N0 941(19 to soak for ti need to be 10rnemmrent wnnld be \. uty o, tee ner•rotfern, or net- h,.I'rM. Then wash with as simply throe ing move;: into the sea. wilif;c•rl IflieC19, are used for food, tho ebhine ns pnsslI1•.• 1111•n th0y The dllllcuil of dealing with tate I•'tue'il of 'memo these being the ter - Hie m ander ciIrel,hl1ktI' ' ntllenw encroachments 1e 111110 0 e sen Is in- tinit. nts elt),rr%%hite ants. I'he Mitten- 0xolable, and if its nd%anee is stop- broil them or roast them til not a trite(' of snail 1'p- p01 in me. pita•° O. 45111 force its and grind theta into flour. There ted In 1 hr last one lel 11 Very in an .cher. i els() n Ire, t le known as the Iain); if lhdy urn In hn4e a "(bust s" *5hfch is prepared in a bile. ito not wring 111100. 1(irnilnr en} fur Lund by certain hem in n fbin, clear star. 1'111 I'ItOI'lilt �f:\'I'latl.\1,, Nolh African natives.---Penrson's en taken from this 1l:ew a r.• ••I •.�i.) t'se tley'11 make a success- Weekly. ra1,)bul te.'ion74, Nay i9 to coo- f.1 . I. i lir in Ilene.'' rpr,►', 7-, ,n corp., with a I : ' 11 e. more likely to make one ,-. i_.,,_-__ 11 e. /-14. 14 ;,r out f ti tip.' rd s,mmnlhly' by •.. t of Ifmc." ' to Ihe flee'•. -)\,(...t; 1 e,: ':in.e fl s, you know." 1.•• . , eine i(, pelting r . i ' ; !.inr.inq 0:u h point ' Ant cello Curr, mf Padrella, Portae gal, Fns not slept for thin. month.; p•t .• ''penin 4111(1) hemi No (:o4tors can cure hire, anti tho e•.r• t0 erese them It 18 dt')lc.1Tt to c'ecl.'e which 1m , inns[ powerful opiates have no of-' ':••" ,, •'i'71'ot pane o.. the wilts', III.. :unn 55110 ran sine: rect. Ire (1111 c mules in the clay-' ,Lee. In „war te5e it win . n11(1 won 1, or the man who can't time ar.d acts as a nalchman at; necessary to iron thea), and 1 anti will. nigltte over or ►ern Twenty Feet is the Encroachment 111•"1'e, 111 runny °tarts 01 Russia and t hnHd' 90 It red ul ub(11'0 all. The 1'uthet loyelh tho I I Bet th•• tr. flits 10 r Son, and tenth given all things into uwler- n fee 0)1(1 lr.'alr"in vet his ms her of speech lanced his lined. ile that helievelh om the g convinces her that he fall m son hath eternal life; but he that 1Con l,(' no or,iinurt. 11411 11. obeteth not the For, shall not ace 12' "Art thou gren(0r"—'rhe spirit. but n life." 'Thus 11(14:8 the Raptlot testify of the question is hard to determine. get Eh le the divinity of 1'In•ist, and there Probably there tinny have. been an ,- ter uncertain stein.I in his testi belienteer1 of hath ewe the um limey. '1'n hint .10-11s 1, the Christ, in (be wmunn'm one. Our nod athe,. set as the Son of Owl and I(ec eater of the' Jn'oh"--.Inco'' %4'n.ti a 0otn1)1011 taut,- n settle th leather. The I opelur 1'y mf .108.19 0estor• of hath .Lew and Samaritan. again soon nrraytel ntreins.t hint the Phar- am! was revered by both. "Anel nnythi i9cew its n party, and he the •«fore dh'nn!< thereof ---That is, great .15 wafer. leaven ,i11den, the stronghold , f tins .laeolt, he 10111111 11 noves'4ar;y 1„ , Lace 1'hfrisaisn), and rt•tru•n9 to 0101,1,• •. drink of water such n9 this to sols- . collar The shortest roil.. tnkes hilt th -,,,i, h .,,in !1 tia15mrua, past the tillage of S4 eh:m• f • • eleane 1 1n the year 174:1 there teas ( tam;vie in Northern Arabia and n c, tae. which 0.as caur:,:! 1) • unprecedented Invasion of locusts. 'l'i�e Arabs caught the 11)011819 by the cried them, enc then pul- Hent which WW1 .Incnh's Well. It,•re .,0 • llhusoeter 'trinketlr"—les rm Make a our )irodayMerl) lesion nI,'s takes tiP di, not nneaar the 14.01114515'74 (foe._ scop. 1:0 narrative,. Qirer.l13'. hat coat in•oe74 speak- never 1 ine oeurnliveh', time aro doubt :a,. ,t1,"'',1. 1 is I,r•:SsON 11E,I'S. tensityin.; her Htoresl nod longing Lingo ,i. "Thee (alien .le•tie hal deport -+1n 11',1'',1,1,,4v n•hn h•• a 814 ed again from .1uden to return' into IIsi), r floe:1 .-l.il..rn the oft the 4' t:nlile•e) t•oniel 1 hp ton lily of Sam- ly-• 'will c• rt.. 1101 thirst !or several 111is"-8,uwaria lay 1 .•• [teen J11(1e,t O4'.'— 'll'e d,. II'tle r• an') (:nlil.y', n'ent of .lordfn, ";4y_ rnntlnun)l4• i,. " ill '' vri,, e4 nnr tr rhnr"—Sitee not poen it.•I� i110ntilied 01) Into ey.• a , "`;0ringiea}('thrnn•1 lnnnewll- Ibut see introduclien). "'Street of ntely. 11,• tl• ,• , , , . tette nn ground that .1tr.ob ave to hie son fain •'r 4t, i; , , 1„ 1 fuim)- Hifi, 9 , F' lef within him-! Hifi,. dear 1, .la►v,el•!"-1lhrahum first bought the self bee ere:•rtnl life Alt 0ridy• "Hee (tt• piece of proem' 0114 s;'read him tent , 1lin1 liye(h nod lee levet )> or. 111,' ; place t !hare t(dr n :1:1, 1,r), Jnc'o(' gate it shall er'r'or Ilia " Iaernn) lire hp. " In .Imseph .(len. 48, _21, and Joseph i obis le e.' nn earth tit the mnmeid of really t ea.: bin l..l there (,los', 01, :'2). r n r ti A go. er the Rhe'4 t h. In' in: 57:,'.4,•1 the in 11,. clalnccl u:l- More recently a ch.. „4 (:i ; irf to rh.. fakes Anoth r- etained ' h nth), ts0n4- 811,0011)1 Ihas been built 1)4(1' it. "Salt. thus;err: el '14, (1717 • are'• flint h•• I•'F 11 ft marble on the Well"—Probably on the great 811 his nron;V at hum°. not bo 'J'W1•:\'r\'-F(trlt-HOIiit MAN. • ALL GOOD THINGS must win upon their merits. The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in the English language. A. II. Sayet•e. LL.D., n.i►„ of Oxford University, Englund, has recently wad of 1t: 1t 13 indeed a marvelous work; 1t Is dttfleult to conceive of a dictionary more exhae:etlto and complete. Everything is in it --not only went wo might cxee't to find in such a work, but also what few of us would ever have thought t f luoking for. A supplement to the new edi tun has brought it fully up to date. 1 barn been looking through the latter with a farting of astuutehment at its cornpletenesv, and the amount of labor that has beta put into 1t. LET US SEND YOU FREE "A Tat in Pronunciation" which nfords a lemmata and fitatructtte etenInrs enter- tainment. Illurtratcd pamphlet also free. d. O C. MERRIAM CO., Pubs.. 44 +Springfield, Masa. ae..••••• 4111110S)41•1.31111,11131111114Hlt Suffered ForANumber of Years From Dyspepsia. 41 That is what Mrs. Mary Parks, Cooper, Ont., says, and Cure ate thousands of others whc tem any 1'•e_arm. thing. M BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS cured her,ere and will c are - ! one and everyone treelike! with Dyspepsia. Mrs, Parks "rites as *11 follows:— s1 " 1 antfor(nt fora member of spar, rrrjjjj111i from Dyspepsia, and tried many term • duo, bat without any nest paid, on the settee of a friend, f started I43r41rn•k Blood Fetters, After u,,1,, - one battle 1 wee plear•.d to fn.! that 1 was relieved of the dreadful rale 1 eatfirrd. 1 five ail pra's. to It 1t 11. Inc the benefit f have rnrrltvd, and 1 hope �all cdrerera fr•nn h,n•pe la v til ler j this wor.detful trntri•1y. if a., (1) I m aeuro the' they %ill have the arsine experience tent 1 have had." Tna T. MI1,ACSN CO., LIMITED, Toronto, Ont. ;111i4fiiiFFSFFF16,11FFFFFFi 1 • • w • w w