Exeter Times, 1905-02-02, Page 6000‘..)000000000-00000000•C
When 1 am really sick abed
It i.,n't ever uny fun.
1 feet all achy in my head
Alt' hate to tithe n.y utedisun.
Th' sleets get sticks ish an' hot.
lea 1 ant not allowed to Lis:
'El.. ell, es read. er tel:• a lot
\1 hc•n 1 ant i i.•k.
Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneumonia
or Consumption Often Follow a. SOME 3TEANGE CURES BY If.
Neglected Cold --Avert the Dan- ! A. BARKER.
ger by Keeping the Blood Pure
and Warm.• An English Bone -setter Pertormy
Some Very Remarkable
Ileavy colds strain the limo,
weal.en the ( hest, banish the appe- O1:eratious.
lite cau'e melancholy. Pule weals
pe,o l•. vv heist hands and [••ct are 'There arrived in London. England,
chilled for %taut of rich, red blood, recently. from Lancashire, li. A:
always catch col, 1. 'Their lungs ale Barker, a fatuous "bone setter.
butt -the heart cannot send out bite J The London I:xpcess tells of sotn.:
enough to Make themsound andof the up •r.ttiul:s performed. A well
strung. Then comes the cold and known foot bailer who had been
cough, racking the frame and tear- under treatment for strained ankle
I ing the lungs. The cold may turn first arr}t et1.
I hate fur all the feIks about ! into pnuuu►u„ia. i,•t'uen,a, eonsurnp- •'It is not a sprain at all.'• said
'1'u ( once an' pat the on the face tion or bronci,itis-a liege! ing ill- Mr. Barker, after a brief examiutt-
Au' %. "four child, you'll soon be nese or a swifter death. A11 :veal: true. 'One of the small bones of
out," peo;,le sho•,1c1 use tor. Williams' Pink the ankle is displaced. and ossinca-
An' tiptoe all around th' place. DI;Is. 1}.e rich, red blood they slake tion has already tregion. If von had
They go when 1 1.1•itend to be strengthens t he heart, and it sends waited another eight weeks you
Asl• eI'-1 do it fur a trick; this IA arta, healing blood to the would probably have had a diseased
1 don't like folks to pity ine lungs, and once again the patient is hon(,. You will hear the hone go
When 1 ata sick. a strong-lt:nged. warni-blou(Ied man, back into its place."
ur woman. Mrs. Jane A. Kennedy., Ile ;•tippy( the heel between his gave Isle. At last a friend of tiny
My n tier's .tiff'runt-t don't care Doug!aelown, Que.. bears the knees, and grasped the feet with
husband induced ins to give Uuckl's
Y both bends. A suddc•tt Powerful Kidney fills a trial. I had no faith v'?AIL-WA-11
li she situ by me once or twice strongest testimony to the value of 11R._
G � 1 A System Proposed to Prevent
•• :s -Poor boy.' tin smoothes Itr. Williams' fink fills in cases of
wrench iull(,Wed, and th.•n it loud In them, for I thought I never would t1�t liflffR i • f �'s t City
An u. She says: "lily sister. a • Flooding -Healthiest ray dole, tl.ls( kind, snap, as if a lone had broken. len get better, but after taking three
She ain't j.,st, try in' to be nice. delicate girl. took a severe, sold when t�rncltes later th • footballer walked boxes of then► I was able to du my For the Winter in the World.
7`: e} 1 ring earn, squashy things to about seventeen years old. We tried
• into !tonal scree! with hardly n limp. work. 1 have bad good health ever .GU ;U-
rne wavy medicines for her, hitt she ap-, since I used Dodd's Kidney fills." The London County ('onncil has
For meals, an' snake ane eat. 'ern l peered to be constantly grossing; '1'11it1•:W AWAY ('[!uu'TCIIKS. CALIFORNIA MEXICO CR now in progress a gigantic drainage
worse. and v:o feared she was going' --_ + scheme for 1 on.'.un which, from rust
quick, The next pet it lit was \li,s (.ort ie 0(lt► O0e) and
l'n1 rnis'rul►Ie as I can be into consumption. Often after she T`e'al e t tett_ FLORIDA. to last, will cost I;?.
When I min Hick. had spit any blood. At this stage a '. , :,irl. who had come
PERSONAL POINTERS. Will include 300 miles of main and
coag (1. I would get up to sec if she from Crewe the \.rev duos day. and 7'he "Land of Sunshine, flood Sewer:,, says the London Daily
TEDDY'S ['tR1'S 1'UC(:1�:1'a. had s[ it any brood. At this stage a whose clerk 1`e es shone with the joy Interesting Gossip About Some bruit and 1F'Iowers."
• friend strongly urge I me to give her,i�ho felt at Mr. llarket•'s successful Prominent People. Round trip tourist. tickets A relcort on the work. which has
"1 want pockets in niy new petits" Ir. 1\1'liatns' 1'in1� Pills. Within a treatment. on sale daily. been sent to the members of tho
(said '!'eddy. month from rho tints she began to 5h.' S:Id sh'' was 1«••ntV-one. and 'Dr. Anlelitl 11'ilhes Lines. w!►u tee- (r M 1 rt Council, gites c'etai}s of a proposed
"You are tau little, said mama. k the ,ills she had tthnunt re'cov• hid be• a •i cripple practically :111 eptly celebrated her eightieth firth- �011Uu Cl�nl�gs lillllpri�l Bat�3 expenditure of some £3.000,(100.
"1'h BSc, mania!" Teddy pleaded. er 0 1 age; day, is the oldest practising Woln.tll Situated on direct line of Grand
"Poehe►s go with broils. All the seed 1 er usual health. Under a fur- her lite. At the of live she mit , ren:lered necessary by the fact that
tier use of the pills she is novo well with rt:, a'c•ident. ..lace( then sheidoctor in rho world. She has prac- Lon•lon is grossing; at the rate of
bit; tit Ys havo them." !;Used in New York City since 1854• Trunk,
"\loll," mama replied, ''1 suppose and strong, and 1 ��an reconunene! }1:'8 leen treated by n•1n:erauy sur-' St• Ca,thari pea uunseal Sn" 1,000 houses per wmonth.
Yes I willput. the pi'ls with coati .casco to every' I;tont Dur lig, dib• ase, and w8s in I onteng; the Pope's treasures is an IID Yt1110�lit, houses
new works and their .
you must have therm. le weak person." .ltirtni11 ham Spine i[uspital for ma1I. !egg which he received from an Eng- approximate Gust comprise sewers
1•:8�,ter. The shell is Those who aced a rest should
aPt I
Born\ in. !'' Aunt Ent-- I)r. Wil:i:tins' fink Pills are a cer- Itlonths. Sixty. n sear•, int }ler social; ,Dish lady nue spend a fess days or at this from:
.�c:'Clara, exclaimed A t life vvt're spent In la. -LI and on
1 "('latayou don't mean to let lain cure for all blood and nerve made of ivory. it linin_; is of white delightful resort. Rest weeksof hotel ac- West 1.on:'on to I'8rl.ing;,£l.ti14,1,T
i y 4 crutches «illi a six-inch (ark bout. Isatin, and 11..• yolk is a golden case �• 01d Turd to Barking 817,000
troubles, such as anaemia. (lebilit •,
that baby have pockets'. Ile trill. lung complaints, rheumatism, near -1 `-;111, paid her first visit to 11 r.. cornu ttekon.
havo them full of rubbish and in a'Vitus (lanc•c, partial ,tit- ,. , _ , cuntaiuir,g a large rttl,v set in dia-
( 1 ur er tvvo nit,: Its ago. ilr ('.la For ticket{ and full information �Iliiulli�fl�jltarcf��(lnt(ord318.4
dreadful condition all the time. ice's algia. . •t.g nu•nds: th•, n hul•� is svurth up«ards i call at any Grand '1'runl: Ticket U[-
alysis, and the troubles that retake nosed it dislocated hip of sixteen ; of 51t; 0010. New West i?nd drains 195.000
too litho for trousers, to say ninth y \,Tidy stane.,n, •�.-� Brothers •ire seldom - ���- �..�-
In:g; of pockets..• � the lives of so ulna • women miser- standing With no disease et ► . s •1 Dual found in the � flee. Pell •[ sewer from Holloway 30,000
u thepockets in, and; Ile sure you get the„ ^enol►la all. Ile replaced 1 he joint inime It !ranks of Atuhas;a.lurs simultaneous Bat tors 'a pumping station 7,000 .
i3`.t mama put ills with the full name "Dr. Wil -pumping station
Ted Was happy. Ile went round; P I'iUs for Pale l'eoplu•, (clods at►ct the girl throbs a«ay' h"t' iy. yet the Cunrhe►,l ituuily can boast votion to his mother, Lady Ltellow. Bermond-ey ]O,(1(1f1
Hams Pinkcrutch. s and the cork boot. i '
with his hands. Shure enclittsnug-of having vvun this, distit►ction. \1'hile is one of the most driig,•httul traits (ri!e anis) 318 ,417
on the wrapper around each lox. It was her third visit, and Mr. i"' I'at,l Catni,uri represents France
geries, feeling very proud and grown- Sold by all mo:ii: ins dealers •pr snit
Darker told 1101' he di -1 not. want to M. :, in his character. and when she was 'vete outfall sewer up, and trying to whistle; and by i at 50 cents a box �r six at 1h_• ('our\ of ,t. .1nincs, his Fro- married last year she had the some- ; The Works Department of tho
b mail see her :►t;ttit,. Droll Ieg;s are nave flee acts in a r,itt1S1i11' rat+ticity at what unusual experience of }ming' ('ocrncil is et present engaged in
tandhe\ by he began t• put thing~ into' Ye .n. fly e( cal in length. She 1 building a section of a double tun-
• 1 boxes for E`1.:,0 by writing the Dr. �• ,, 1, still \\•Princeton. {
them. cotton I 1 Wiliiama' Medicine Co., llrockvtlle. given art ay by ,her own son. B
"if 1 had the darning c 'flaccid
a l:t.tlr, hitt this is due to the. Prince Charles •►i I1rnu►:Irk is nn i 'That the ••x-t-'i,loniat Secr(•tary cttn - ni•1 [ur a r,('vv `a'vv('r. which will ex-
tcoul I mend the stockings." sold Ont. Qaceid mu�c•lest, and will pass away'. lexpert typist. while Princess Chris- `Ralt.a will be a surprise to most peo-i tend from 01d Ford to harking;.
tun -
grandma, "but it isn't in the bas- 1 '.1IAI) WITH 1)1.L1( 11'1', i t:nn isalso ,a closet munipul[tt •r of DIFFICULT UNDERTAKING.
THE MYS'TERIO1'S PLAYER. plc. as one would fancy dancing is l'
het...•the "k••ys. 'flit' latter s lI)i"ttine : Rn accomplishment altogether loo i Tl:is �eWcr arts\ be carried under
•• .• said 'Tedd •, taking a •' mama called. softly. ~Lill more reulurl:ahlr. was the (rise'. 'has !iceman characters us well as , �I the In:rirl lire if the Great Eastern
I1(t ( it is, a y Dlully, tfrivolous fur , r- C hamb(.rlain to
little pluck ball out of his right ••don't dear! 1'att 's just beginning of \its. \Brown, who carne from UIx-,i•.ng;le-h. and s}.c t,ypcs most of shine in. Some time ago, however. • Itailvcay, 44 Rhin a foot or so of tho
pocket. 'I found it behind the rigor. "to get , t spy,•• bridle, tier feet were r( terrtbler , Prince Christ lab's German were- ; Mr. Chrltllilc'rlain, when st eying wit h it at a point where there are four
grandma. I didn't know it was darn Tho sharp lit.tlo tatter of trills formed. �hc wore booty title's! with 's OIlei,/1re for hint. Another 1:c►ya1 Lord told Lad, f:et►uch8tno, atl('ndei' sees of double lines.
ottun; I thought it was just 1 and scales on the piano kept on, un- Hirsh steel rods that were strapped
typist is the D'rin:•cgs of Wales, who a ball given by the I.0rd Mayor of To accomplish this the lines for
string.'• i diminished. : to each leg as far as the knee. She ' is extremely quick, and types some ' llirnringi►atn Ter. Chamberlain Banc have to be diverted in se. t ions.
•'You didn't happen to find my) "Molly, step playing at once!" had worn the hums for live scuts, of Inc own letters in quite n pro- ed several items on the programme. i tho traffic is �o heavy here -surto
pencil, did este?" as'aed Sister Sue. Mama's rules had the ring; of cote- 811(1 had been to many doctors .•salt, nd tesstonal style_'. including three svaides ancf• a set of 4(10 trains pass over this point every
"1 lost it yesterday, and I can't diad mane in it, telt the patter of notes owns hospitals with no good 1 -file Sultan of 'Turkey. who is just lancers, hitt slid not, attempt the twenty-four hours --that it cannot he
it anywhere " still continued. She did not dare to "I cannot cure this case." said Mr. 1 stxt •-tw(► it t;assionutn ly fond of I probably th.' only oc Checked for a moment.
,. . •ive considerable y polka. Phis is [
"Yes.'' said Teddy. [t seas in ` move. cur labs 's tyles Were hart evv- llar4 . "hut. [can g, manes -riot of "mil,\ ars- bands to ensign }u the peat tvicent v y. u s that llnll4e n,oc'.e rn towns, London is
the wr,stebasl.et. I picked it out and ing; dr'c5ify to little• blue slits, and rel eft '1'f:e:'c arc dislocations of drive away the stillness of tin:
+ know . • • When n each foot, and great . lir. part i crthe has taken .in ac' drain sgenot - o: e,f.trr two houses systems
and of
lint it in my pocket. I didn't n they m' st. nein !lt• of:en :.g,aln. small bones inight." but of the pinnc►forte an`1 tier part in the hcillrourn
it ecus eottrs, Susie, he said, as ho at last the noise stol►ped, thoy Nod -
were growths of osseous mai ter have ce- �tht' Ciel:n, 1)1 i;nth of Which he is a A good story Is tot.! about fir, 04iu'r for streets. 'Thus it conies
Nese(' it to her. shut. and baby had landed on l\ud- menton the dislocations."'c•ailit:cl iudee. M•:sicinns visiting Pierpotlt liorgnn. For three colt- about that, When there is it heavy
1'r. t • soon mama could not find , b p Ili took the [:111 cf rein, floodinns invariably fitl-
y die's Island rafter a Dun • tri on a m:dfurnu•d foot in a Constant inc.t•1. with gcud introdlr(- Secutive days the gestic financier car
1 hands. 1 }' t 1 luso
I f l y I I I 1 tt r( tl third 1 A•
t the d
SL'e Did Not Believe in Them, but
To -day She Is Strong and Well.
Sunlight Soap will rot
burn the nap off woolen
nor the surface off linens.
CIPPlonAl 41 lea 474W
om.;,�wce, ,asa6a,G.lak:�ca.nuw
('oil:ngwood, Ont., Jan. 30- Vit foe tae Octagon Bat. ----
tRe can hand!• your poultry •lthnt
ttipecial).---]lest Tilos. Adams, who _ _------------ ails• or dt•sat•d to beat •dvanL�i.
frontrel Meru about Mu yours ago CHENILLE CURTAINS
Also your butter, eggs, honey and
Buei:'s !'ails. is one of the soca Y1i�ofbo..+eHarts.wq,slog other produce.
autos Canadi,tn:s who once hail ' �O� ���• 11(1 DYto t• C�[ANID
Bright's Disease tied are now strung, j1
and well. Like ad the others 51,c watt w v..t,oue sours Cor, West NI tricot an Oalborne lite.. TORONTO.
,Was (mired by I)udd's Kidney I'illsi. ; pITItIM atrsatuut it Ott. sae us. toontrle.;
"1 was eight months an invalid.'' i e-
says Mrs. Adam?, "and no one can; 11E!•:I' SOIL t;ItAIN ANI) (;1{:1Ss MILLIONS F0 DRAINAGE
till what 1 suifeeed. My doctor said farms for sale; near \'orkton.
1 had 1 1 t' Disease and Sciatica , Assinibola• on crop payuleet8. James
)N ( ,rig, l 9 . l'
but 1 got no relief from anything he Armstrong, 4 Richmond street east,
her tl iruble, "I had it this morn- •cl'n ► , " sen. povvtrfni grip of knees and 1:u►( s• !lions :tc e easily acln,itt('(1 to Pay ltd an empty birdcage in 11.1 in•
{ng;." Sit, 81114, "and all at one's Atully ti ,toed into the room. •'[t„ not lord: your es;. he said, ; + tiultan, who pays t Btu on 1 !. office. )n the tic last heavydownpour 2,00
1 1 be'ore t•• to and from h • huusetr were floode,t with s(wvug;e, nn
mi. ped it. I am sorry, for it was. •'\Doily," titin": 1 sui•1, gravely. "or i shall .1 slucute the rankle•.' tiultan also r, • , Yreat a uantitics of
the er roe 'ave mo, i':ntily." 1.71 la• i.'( s; til.,. f h. • day one of his junior niana.i.c r s sen- ! tradesmen "Ilse"
we had l
[� didn't you hear me tell you to ; There was u s:nfden tremendousinterest in natural his- •d that g'
I 1 akes a rest .t into t • timed to ask why Iv' cur ri'. ,D, gradsdamaged. a
to Nis I c I v ae g, an mals.
see replied I
i Cll. tout or >1
"I(tre• it is," said Teddy.
step drununi: g� on the piano?" strain and n couple of dull clicks. • • t u ►,
and it duan in the pansy bed. I .. '" , wrong, said lir. Barker, 'tory. f•i: e all Turks. he is fond of �npparentt}• carless tittle r. When all these woe..." are coral let-
t: • u tnanul . \:lisps re 1 .. . ' • • t Pier punt. llc+r; an, "if i the Years s hcn� e, fl.'cs:.s
trlearlt to gives it to , t, but I for- i ;liollc,• surpl ised. "I haven't
been in nl,r�ci,• 8' Anntrniio. the famous .
gut... . the tnt'sic-room a tall!" 'his I,ro«, "i c•nn cure this casae.,. Bacons would have the imi:udl•nc•e tn' wll hen thing; of the bast. and in
"It must have fallen off the win-; "1'hcn it must have been I'ctith, Italian poet and novelist, Mus a ask 1110 Why 1 did so." '1 leg the meantime work Will have been
nv-s•ill said mama. "I remeniher After. ten 41:in(ttes manipulation stoic' for ido! In his Villa at Set-
your pardon," I,eg;::n the inquirer. 1 tonne fur thousa•.ds of urea.
i1. i [nit it • rdn't snood li*;t' her. She the f(•(t hail leen reduce! to some- 1in ;