Exeter Times, 1905-02-02, Page 5Keep them i.1 we house. JAycr'sPiII Take one when you feel ell - iotas or dizzy. Tiley act di - reedy on the Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S D Y E , ahavtidtl brews or rick black? Use nowt ars. et aaeeetrao as a Lama. oa arms a ie MEDICAL W. BROWNING, M. D., Y. C!. IL Y. le- Wilco ant re.,deneoce. Dominion story. iGseter. DENTAL Ii. EINl'MAN, L. D, 8. ANL DH. A, R. KINSMAN, L, D- 8. D. D. 8„ Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted raotd witbo nt or had atter efibglte, Office in Fan. son'a block. Wert rids of Mafn htnt.`Exeter . DA. ANDERSON. (o. o• 8. 1.14 D1+INTIBT. Oradatae of tie Toronto Uafveraity Royal College ot Dental Surgeons of o, with honors Also Postgraduate of school of Prosthetic Dentistry IwIth b1� s„•ntioa. tag known u the Dental 1 title office. Dridg• crowns. work, cwns, al. al- um. gold and vulcanite ppecten all dons In nomad. mnnuer poesteis. A pertectls anaesthetist used for painless eztrao- one door south of Carting Brea store . Qat. INSURANCE. MONEY TO LOAN Privet. funds to loan on Farm property at Four sad one \atf per cent. EItNF.ST ELLIOV MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private Lunda for invest oat upon rarm or village property a► lower ales Mutate, est. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter. - riONEY TO LOAN. We have a :: rico amormt of private tnnde to •an tare' aid vil:aro proportiee at lowrste. « OLADMAN & 8TANSURY Barristers auticftors, Main 2t Exeter, DICKSON & CARLING, any business in the interests of the company w.11 bo token up. ol,eltors IColwr;e+. (;aaW 1' Dave cers, 11 ,. BEAVERS, Sec.-Treas. lrssitoner,. Solicitors for themolaons . Eto. Mew tor sten at Iewe-e r,t(ee of Interest. f++++++•M••F•F•1••F•3•${•.1••)••1.+.g.+.p..<-1 + O1710E :-MAL°' BTIthET, EXETER. o. .. ie. oaat.rrto IL A. 1" 13. DIC1eO14 Ma JACKSON f1 SON A. C. RAMSAY, V. S. FAitM FOR 8ALF.-alt lot :, con. 1, town slip of Bay, 100 acres, ++ith good Larn and water, For fur - particulars apply to 11. 8. O'Neil, Exeter. F Alt N1 FOR BALE. -199 0011.., at the 'lhamee Rood adjoining Ex. - t er. 1' lourrhing is done ; ~cheat in 12 acrc:v of hardwood bush. This is a good chance to secure n conven- iently situated and well -improved fail,. If interested move quickly. - N•. 11. Harvey. Exeter 1'. 0., prop. 1 t!XE 1 r R 'P1MES, FEBRUARY _'till tau:). The Exeter Times 1'111"It8IAY, FEB. 2nd. nor. fGeu. Kuropatkin Again, t 1a;tic Statement Thenew 1.'J.urle•r in hit .fury of , Suffers Defeat. , the %tedtlinsa,, 11:•` It111111turc' Americas,, .t rote, -The floral di -play 1 streteltcd '1001 the chancel rail to the doors of the church." The city editor in n mild m.tun+•r. as the cost os, of city canoes with new reporters s.titi "Couldn't you hnvo used n getter word than 'stretched?' say 1ho flor- al di+pisy 'nodded' or t wined." or 'ometh n,t tike tbat_somt uo-d mo.e suggestive of flowers." r' l teed is. all right in this case," ':•plied the new reporter, with h he et ubborl courage of n r.:aliet. "Tho decoraions consisted of tis rW,L•t r plant s ;10d they Iliad to stretch •to cover the •!e t•ince." Communication 6r. Petersbures Jan 31. -general F.Jitor Exeter Time,.- I:urot, ttknee ettctupt to break As Exeter scone to be a little 1a_- 11 loueh the Jap:utesc left Icing and Tine et present, 1 think a little in- out (Volk Field Marshal Oyama's formation scattered through the povtio11 on the S). khe River seems village and surrounding country to hate filed. 1'iWI Marshal Oya• mould have a revivin;r influence. Of ma aPPeare to h.ve answered the con rsctl. •e taxes are nett .�' pretty. high :,l Hu t.u, advance +lith a counter o(- presont, but I trill explain the, re•or:• fensive movement ; but no great die - on end cause pf that, anti show kow position was shown to Carry the this can be remedied, a glimpse at war into the territory held by the the foui►dcrs of incorporation, teeir ltu,.i.ues. At the War Office th• fess• oh other+vitte eirectments. I shall chief blame for ((+e f: ;lure ot the rve give ., novel portrayal of the t fro movement is lilt x I t n n udders tiro � councils of 1903 and 191)4 sumo, 1 trravc of the thermometer to :.0 dct;rr<•s disclosures, with a Jit 110 mixture of below" zero, +t it ti a wigh wind which humorous and amusing incidents in drifted 1110 show, and rendered it connection therewith. My first will hazardous 10 etpo,e th; troops to nppetr next. eek• 'Sty objest ire writ - ea lupin; in the open plain, and ebo, ing is for the benefit of this town, impended 1ronspert:iton. The oper- F AR)1 FOR SALE--Iu tee Totts- in some resit(ets a reformation is atio:I entrusted to the second array. needed, but there are hundreds upon under General Grippenberg, was the ship of .Lteborne, being 1st 1i, son hundreds of good citizens, and 011 capture of Sandepas, which, once f h Hussein hotels v.(mei nerve :'s 2, consisting of the best 100 acres et land in the t ownship, well fenced and in good state of cultivation. Good s b rr ik .n1 house and c fra o barn, m a n conven- ient onv n e - ient to school, church and market being only two miles from Exeter. For further particulars apply to D. C. McInnes. Exeter, or Thomas Mg - gine, executors of the estate of B. I. Higgins, deceased or to Gladman & 8tanbury, solicitors, Exeter. SHOItTIIORN DURHAM BULLS for sale -The undersigned has for sale a number of up-to-date (bor- ough bred Short Born hulls. They are of the low set, thick blocky typo and choice breeding. Will be sold reasonable, inspection invited. Ap- ply on lit 16, con. 2, Ilay, or John Elder, Hensall, P. 0. at is needed is a little waksitaio up 'to conte out on the side of right and justice and in a very few years this town will flourish 1 f o ►hn h is t t 1►o rose. My letters will he open for criticism and 1 am open to acknowledge any errors or mistakes I zloty unwitting- ly stake. But nil critics; must si";n their real nine to their criticism, er it will not be valid. 1t. IILATCI11 It]►. BORN RAU.-In Zurich, on Saturday. Jan 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rau, a ?011. DAVIS -In Exeter, ou Jan. 25111 to Mr. and Firs. Arthur 8. Davis, • de u,r'h t or. MARRIED GRE E NWAY-ELLIOTT - In Tor • pcclall onto, on Jan. 13th, 1905, Mr. John J hard for the Government. The pop - Greenway. ' of Crystal City, Man., ular idea continues to be that the to Mrs. E. Elliott, of Toronto, for- ( advance was undertaken to divert The 20th Annual Meeting of the menti of Exeter, lattention front the events ia F.urop- Usborne and llibbert Farmers' Mu. MURDOCK -ROSS.-On January 25 C1n Russia. tual Fire Insurance Co., will be held by (ho Rev. E. II. Sewers, Mr. Wil- ---+ in the Liam T.• Murdock, to Miss Mae It. 110W TO GET CeINSUMPTION PUBLIC HALL. FARQUIIAR. f daughter of Mr. James Ross, I.on-, N;nety per cont. of the "lum;ero" --on-- MONDAY. FEBRUARY 611 , 1905 aft ono o'clock p, m. Two directors will be elected. and IIAVE YOf' HEARTIII'ltN? 1•'s quite CDHiulon with geoid whose digestion 18 poor. Immedj_tt relief follows the uae of Nervilline. Stomach is strengthened, digestion i+ made perfect. lasting cure results in every ease. Ltse Poison's Nervi- ,tino once end yr,u'I' neves he without pivot for a flanking movement it because every type of Mon -molt dis- against Field Marshall • Oyanta, but fie n lopes proved too hard it nut to crack. and the Japanese, taking ad- vantage of the check of the Rus- sians, hurried up 1 heir reinforce - menti, and assumed the offensive on ord r e 1s conquered uc red b • • q u [e+t• doses. Ono 25c. bottle of Nerviline alwai v convinces. Sold everywhere for 1 he past fifty years. o Hun River, ns 'yell as along the r NOT A "LIGHT" DRINK railway and 1 h great Mandarin An cost enter. riding on a mail - Road. The Russians, however, a0- stage in northern Colorado, was en - pear to have been successful in re- tenanted by a dialogue which was pulsing all the Japanese attacks• sustained upon th cone side by the General Grippenberg did not press driver and upon the other by an old - the attempt to storm Bondepas. Ow- erly passcnjer, evidently a native no; to the flat trajectory and the of the region. enormous penetration of modern pro• "I understand your temperance," jectiles, the capture of the outer line heaan the driver. of trenches on Thursday detailed "Yea, I'm pretty strong against heavy casualties, some thousands on liquor" returned the other. "I've bout :�•idcs being killed or wounded. been set against it now for thirty - The news of Ibis defeat is five years." "Scared it "Yes, but ()lino." "Perhaps it don't agree with you'" ventured the driver. "Weil, i 1 rc'.alty doii't agree with anybody. But that isn't it eit-tt•r. The thin.; that set me against it is a horrible idea," "A horrible idea I What is it?" "Well thirty-five years ago I teas sitting in a hotel in Denver with a frie.nl of mine, and I says,'Let's or- der a bottle of something,' and he says. 'No sir. I'm saving my mo- ney to buy government land at one dollar and a quarter an acre. I'm ,;tint; to ,,uy to -mom,--, and yn,t'd better let mo take the money ' you would have spent for the liquor and buy a couple of acres along with mine.' I says, 'All fight.' So we didn't drink. and he bought me 1w•o aeries. •'Well, sir, to -day those two acres nye right in the middle of a flour- ishing town; and if I'd taken that drink I'd have swallowed a city block, 41 grocery store. an apatite- eery's, four lawyers' offices, and it's hard to say what else. Thit's the idea. Ain't it horrible?" Annual Meeting Boner Graduate Ontario Veterinery Col- lage ; Honorary Fellow In Ontario veterinsr 1�0C tion. AP rttsea-ce of domestic eternal. treated. 1llttk fever treated by {Aster' oxygen treatment. FFICE : One door south of Town Hail baso; : tecoed house north or Pres sterian church. Tile Usborne and tubber~ Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ancc Gompanv Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS President: -T. RYAN. I)t ul.iN P. 0. Vice -Pres.:- W. H. YASBMORi, FsnounAR P. 0. F. MonLrY. \\' HALED P. 0. J. A. 1Nottli:3, lnom ARTY P. 0. W.. Roy. 1I \IULM I ' O. J. L. RUSSELL, RUBSRLDALE P. 0. • AGENTS. 7, CARMICHAEL, STAFFA. ONT. A. DUNCAN FARQUIIAR, ONT. 3, WILs0N, FUI.LARTON, ONT. J. S. GIr.FILLAN, LUCAN, ONT. B. W. F. BEAVERS. ecy.-Treas. Farquhar. WE WANT You To cell in And inspect our stock of Cutters and Buggies. Ws f • e 1 sure that the quality and price of our stock will appeal to you. We bare all th• latest styles, in the newest colors - Surely we can please you. tome in and walk around whether you want to buy or not. HORSE -SHOEING and General Jobbing All work executed in a thorough and workman -like manner, J.1.RUSSEIL Two doors south Town Hail CREDITON it RolierMillsi apristing and Chopping PiW'nptly Done. We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling (sur mill H. Sweitzer Diet rict VOS( or -'•I've just had a letter from iiiy son Itezrie saying he has won a scholarshiq. 1 can't tell how deli .lit ed i am, t-ltustio Party -"1 can understand your Odious mum. 1 felt just 'he. same when our 14 won a medal at the agriculture show". + ljrass Junk Dealers. Main -St. Exeter. Occupying J. P, Ross' Store, one door south of Metropolitan Hotel. Will pay highest cash price for the following j. goods,such as all kinds of Scrap Iron •` it •1' Copper Zinc Lead Patter 1i3rse 'lair Wool Pickings Rags Old Rubbers Bones and Bottles don Road, near Ilrucefield. BELL-TROYER - At Hills Green. on January 10th, 1905, by Ret.. E. II. Sewers, Mr. James hell, to Miss Annie E. Troyer, second daughter of Mr. Stephen Troyer of the Township of Ifay. DIEL) IiODGINS - in -Biddulph, on Tues- day Jan. 1(1th, Mrs. Ellen Hod- gins. aged 75 years. COURSEY.-In Hiddulplt. on Tues- day. Jan. 17th, Miss Elizabeth Coursey in her 58th year. GINGERICII - At the Bronson line. Stanley, on Saturday, Jan. 21st. relict of Jacob L. Gingerich, at the age of 70 years. NICHOL - On the Town line. 8. II. Hay, on Jan. 1.6th, Elsie Annie (laughter pf Mr. and Mrs. Nichol, aged 1 year, 5 months and 2S days. ---+-- Russeldale -A number from this vicinity at• tended the funeral of the late Rich- ard sandercock, of Fullartoa, last Thursday. The annual meeting for the trans- action of business for 1905 of Roy's church, was held Monday nfternoon. the 23rd of January. The lot tine o[o th church and other matters I1 were attended to. 11 -.-Owing to the illue_s of the tea - 4•' cher tbo school at Mt 1'Jeosant teas 4 '1' i closed last week. 4 -Mr. A. Iiodeert visited his par- + ents in Exeter, on Sunday. -The new improvements which have been made to the C. O. C. Is. Hall, nettle greatly to its Lenuty and convenience. -Mr. M. McCallum. of Detroit is nt present visiting fri:nas in Ibis vicinity. No qo tootrSlr,ll rhe or + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRAM" MARRS DttstoNs Co tismrs &a. A nymo sendtrrr a sketch and diseriptlea stay anlekl aecartain r opinion *bother ea tlonsetrlct invention ! robpi.bly t emninalea- commies on Patau asst tree, a'+daoosey tot secs ter patents. Patents taken ebroa A hone Co. receive wit bout OING 801"1 II Xn- 3i kbandsomety tltnst(attM wend?. tartest or- GOING NORTH Cd ton et an? srient,do }vernal. Terms. IS a / tone morahs. $L Bold brall neersdsslern.. Na- :11 .. 0 3011irai st, lr Y9rk No. :1:1 foe 176 P Et., Wubl .ton, D. FOlt BALE. -Residence and 8 lots %%ith good slable, everythin:'r ire ! good repair. Residence recently re- painted; ,also a first-class well goad orchard, and ornamental trees on the premises. The property must l.e N0111 :IS the undersigned is leavi K town. For ('nrticulars and term:: ,1 '810 apply to it. 8. Lana. Exeter. contract Consutnpti,, by allowing power of resistance to fall so low that a favorable condition for the developem(nt of the lhaccalli is pro - need. In a healthy system Censump tion can't take root. Itut where there is weakness and debility, there you find tuberculosis. For develop- ing strength and building up the weak 1101 king equals Fe/ rezone. It stakes the blood nutritious and the nerves enduring. The way it ron- verts food into nutriment. tho ap- petite it gives is nurprisin•r. Just what the man verging on consump- tion deeds, -that's Ferrozone. If tired end weak don't put off. Fifty cents buys a box of fifty tehlets- at all dealers. Patents Granted Messrs, Fetherstonbaugh & Co. latent 1ot'citors, Toronto, report, amongst notable recent inventions, for which patents hove been granted Canadian Patents -G. O. K.8. Con- way, 8tonetield. Que., cattle guards: J. II. Knope. Newmarket, Ont.. mail boxes: A. H. Bulloch, Vancouver, swimming 'devices ; 0. Tandif, Flces- Jsville, Que„ planin; mills; J. Walsh. Iluntingdon. Que„ gates; 1f. Slater & J. Carpenter, Lachute, Que., build ing 'i tit nirac lathes ; II. J. IIurd, To- ronto, candy spinning machines; A. E. Losueur, Ottawa, process and apparatus for separatinf fluids rich i nosey;en from air ; W. Marwood, Carrville, Ont. nt tachment for spring tooth cultivator: W. Dich, Dolton, Ont., 'plows; It. Harcourt, Toronto; smoke jacks ; A. Sullivan, Toronto J. Pritchard. Germantown, Pa., R. M. Elliston, liryn Mawr, l'a non -refit - !.able tot 1le .81tachments; C. 11. Ilut- cbinzs. .Toronto, molding mnchinei J. Richmond. Myth, Ont., thrashing machine. : Il. Power, Toronto, Ont., concert ihte cars ; J. Lemire, Ilrum- mondville, Que.. railway si inallin; system ; 1. Deutsch, Montreal, ap. paratus f,•r controllin; the veltago from on electric venerator: T. Dell. tech. Mont rml, means for con• trolling The voltage from an elec- tric generator' A. M.Mo+ley, Guelph process of anti means for applyin; brands or trade marks t• pipes dur- ing 1 heir process of manufacture ; 8. G. T. a\ Q• Time Table II. Mallard, Toronto, cloth cutting machines ; .1. Anson, btadoc, Ont.. )!hill Coupiiat;; 1', Itostntes, Toronto The -time of the arrivals of trains to. ekclric cloth cultin; machines; going north and rout' are ns rot- .1. Thornton, Cavhtown, Ont.. drain tows;- tile moulds: E. It. Marahnll, Hamil- ton pool bottles ; II. It. McDonald, Vancouver, 11, C. knife blade struc- ture ; 1'. Reynold., Fnrnha►n. Que, .1. A. Itoul, Bedard, Me., machines A.30 A. M. for presin; wet peat : E. Von Iter • 551 1. if. Oaten, Toronto, bridge construction rr , It. M. Hill, Hamilton, hoists for pianos, safes and other article..'; A. D. Merttle}, Toronto, si:rnllin: ap• paratuv, yelled SI.t((i Patents. - Cain, harry, Ma zclr• Canada, umbrella toe Gibb•, Win. T. Iluckinfrh.•ttn, Canada. Ire -atilt; Alk:,line solutions of ehronale of soca; (lathe. Wm. T. ftuckintJ- ni, Canada• making byd- 'Pullman S'eepers to Ottawa rochloric acid: Finkle, ferry re To- rnnln, Canada, skate; Tctreault, • Amer lcc in 'coo Pic k 8ta tit ar rens , n O 1 'a f«hun • Leaves Toronto daily on Grand Trunk ads, l cencolea t., esti cs.•:., :ta ta•'••::•'r I:1Nterrl Flyer nt 111.;;0 �(.`tt"Inn machine Til ll: ill^,. to: she u+cut beautiful magaeirte rn test y P. lit•• Making t 1 s Ilamilton, Canada , Att • Connections from all points. Return- t kept ie (et -din bottle : \\'•, ri,nr, r.:*. 4( t•, -; fine picture, each mon15, ing leaves Ottawa 8.15 p. m. Heger- James, Hamilton, Canada, a0to►n•ttie 1' .:, ,•i t:.•n. m actor, and all of them for i vntion made at (Iran(1 Trunk Offices, w int cot or door alarm. SeimtlY You► Hoar. •• 8.35 A. M. 5.05 P. M. .1 ,(;. KNIGHT, Agent. GRAND TRUNK Railway System Portraits of Celebrities Do You how 1 i • Is one of the meanest things in eprodnctians of See (That in less than two (lays you (an 15e the world. To prevent billion.nev9 and Incidents , enjoying the fruit and flowers nt The11,e It r. Ifamilton's Pills which keep very perftctien of fine phetotranht Florida Winter Resorts. and in less the :system clean and purr`, re';ulatc the. bowels days reach California. Op , give tone to kidney., and liver. You'll never have a headache you'll never have a lour stomach, but you will have vigorous bracing health by taking Dr. Hamilton'sJ. .1. KNIGHT. Pill.. Your tlruegist Belle Dr. Ifarn- Depot ticket a;ent, Exeter. iffornono ►dol)2re. a box or five Sox,s A 1111,1,101.8l,1UI"8 HEADACHEHEADACHE rr;.ro luctron. 11,181 t:rth silk cord than four 1 ttarmonire with the co!••r scheme of 1 cover. Ask tour n„tent s for full infortna- The Oa1y Msttaztae the r i0•,, or addrestt J. D. McDonald. Dis- head in t1• World so t r lcI passenger Arent, Toronto. the SPE( 1.1i. 1:11RIS. :"',S. Xt'�tt:i';t For tickets enll nn Sahrrril•tinn price, $i , yc!r. i•••-'••.I;ug 4..1,w• .r•..p,,,,, nthew 1.r t.v. *err res. Ce.. 4 :gest 22d St., . •e Teri r To Cure a Cold in One Day Vote Laxative BromQuinite Tablets. easAon every r`• ysra. tr. boxes aoln'..s to a.N. Tbk ntans, K.V/Pare• bor. 2Sce will ruin your health?" that isn't the main SIR JAMES WATSON'S OPINION IIe says that the commonest of all disorders and one from which few es- cape Is Catarrh. Sir James firmly believes tin local treatment. which is best supplied by "Catarrhozone." No case of Catarrh can exist where Catarrhozone is used ; it is a miracle worker relieves almost instantly and ourtcs .after other remedies fail. Other remedies can't reach the dis- eased 'parts like Catarrhozone be- cause it goes to the source of the trouble along with the air you breathe. Catarrhozone is free from cocaine, it leaves no bad after-effects it is simply nature's own cure. Ac- cept no substitute for Catarrhozano which alone can cure Catarrh. PARTY ADVER1 !SING A growing; feature of political cam- paigns is th euse of advertising col- umns in the press by rival parties. In this contest the feature is very marked. In I be Windsor Record (Lib.) have appeared side by side for weeks t wo opposing party bulletins in double column width. chnnged daily. in which arguments are advanced and combatted vigorously on each side 'In the columns of the Ottawa Jour- nal (Ind.) is a similar spectacle. Various of the Toronto dailies are carrying political advertising. often present Ing views opposed I o the views of the paper itserf ; in the Mail add Empire. for instance, one Liberal candidate, Mr. ))lain, is vigorously asserting his claim to election in paid advertising. in cacti of the Iwo o Stratford dailies likewise appears ad- rertising matter cf the two parties in the Provincial contest, end the same is noticed in other newspapers elsewhere. Sonne readers tinny be surprised at I his development, but on retleccl ion will see in it not biter inconsistent or improper. A newspoper's editor- ial column must of course represent the view•4 of those who cont rel it but the n(tvcrlisimr columns cannot be similarly cxrlusive, otherwise the newspaper would not be in the pro- per senyu a public journal. There must bo cont oavenuc by which op- posing views if desired, can be ven- tilated. Asthe botelkceper roust not refuse accommodation (o, any respect- able person who npplics for it, the ncw•'paper's advertising column mss. be open to all. There have even been instances, and they me not infre- quent, where newspapers and ma;a- tines have advertised themselves in the columns 01 bOSIOOS., rivals. A glance at almost any current maga- zine ''.'iii demonstrate this fact. We see, no reason why t he practice of political advertising should not grow. A IR' w•ap-lye r ought to have convictions rind to champion them vigorously in its editorial columns. but strictly speaking, aside from that, its business is to attend to I he rlioseilrina1ion of news. and what- ever s teen. of political "booming" should ;o in the advertising rotn..-8t r at(ord Herald. Off. R0'XI OR=Jl. Ban tee _,,11i lt.ad You kit Ain s B0u414 Nutters of 10 per cent. off for Cash Until March 31st '05 On EvcrijtHJn xcept 6ro6orIcs 10 per cent oft' on all Dry Goods 10 per cent , Oft• (l t Illi Clothing 10 per cent oft' on all New Wall Papers 10 per cent oft' on all Carpets and Curtains 10 per cent off on all Boots and Silucs 10 per cent oft' on alt hats and Caps. Clearing of Crockery & Glassware We have taken from 15 to 33 1=3 per cent off of our Crockery and C ass«are and can give good values at this Big Reduction 25 per cent. off all Furs We have Ladies' Fur Coats to sell at ,� We have Men's Fur Coats to sell at Ix Caperines German sell at _bio We have Fur Stoles to sell at We have Fur Collars to sell ' at 1We have Fur Caps to sell at $12.50 Men's Overcoats t'o"r $1Q• With our 10 per cent off for Cash makes them $9.00 We have over 150 of these Overcoats to oiler to the Public" and a look at the cloth, style and linings will convince you• they are the Biggest of Bargains. Poplestoiie & Gardiner. Coupons on Silverwear Redeemable until March 31st, 1905. iousness CURED QUICKLY and PERMANENTLY By Using 311191P6C-194114tif AND GIVE VIM, VICOR AND VITALITY They galso relieve Distress rom Dyspepsia, indigestion and Too lfeart Taste in the Mouth, remedy e l 7 ongue, 1 a fn in he Sid , TO!(PID LIFER THEY CLARIFY THE SKIN, P'JRIFY THE BLOOD AND RECULATE THE BOWELS By Cleansing All Disorders from the System. Positively Cure all Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kid- neys, Sick Headache, Constipation and Nervousness. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUCCISTS, Two Sizes, IOc. and 25c. a Boy ACCEPT NO lZLLs. SUBSTITUTES FOR p=Nara dor S Calendars for'05 To all our subscribers whose label Reads 1906 We will present a handsome Art Calendar free. We have gone to considerable expense in preparing a very handsome Calendar and all subscribers whose subscriptions are paid in advance will receive one of tnese calendars CALL AND DET ONE A Happy New Year to all our readers The "EXETER TIMES" • •