Exeter Times, 1905-01-26, Page 8THE EXETER '1'IMit. S. JANUARY 26th )905 sTEwaR-rs 4 • Just to Hand For early spring trade. direct from the makers in the ()hl land, the largest and choic- lt t ul 4 yard wide I,IDOleUllls we have .:t t'1 shown. They come in the new floral, silo; k and scroll patterns. You and your fli13nds are welcome to see them at any time. It's an education to look throlgh such a lot of new goods,and study the styles and effect:••. As usual with us the prices are very much in your favor, and what's more, we will fit and lay all Linoleums and Carpals bought from, us, without any cost to the buyer. Buy your house furnishings from us and save money. A New ;dea Wo have just opened a lot of fairs$ and Maids' new ready-to-wear TWet d Skirts, all Tailor made, very swell and very cheap. J. A. STEWART (New reading ratter appease In this space each week.) Turn Over a New Leaf And start the New Year right, by opening a Sav• inge account with this Bank and make a resolu- tion to ewe so tench each day or week and have it added to your account. It's easy enough after you have tried it awhile. Keeping faith with the resolution becomes a habit, an instinct, a part of ones being -the result -WEALTH and PROSPERITY. NS • urge upon sou to adopt. this plan with us, as we give interest from date of deposit and add it to the principal and compound it FOUR TIMES a year. We place at your service at any of our Branches the very test facilities for doing all kind of Banking business. Exeter The Sovereign Bank of Canada Branches in Huron County at Crediton Dashwood Hensall Zurich Clinton (MADMAN & STANBURY, F. E. KAHN 8ollcitora. ]Manager. Exeter,Br.nch far Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings. Watches. Clocks Rev, E. C. Currie, of Burn's Church Sarnia, was a guest at the Main street Methodist parsonage on Fri- day and Saturday last. Jewelry. DR. OVENS. London. Surgeon, Spectacles tc EYE, EAR, NOSE and TS'ROAT.Fits (;ALL ON Glasses properly. Office. Commcr • R. HICKS tial Hotel, Exeter,. Next visit 8al- Watch Repairing a Specialty. 1 urday, Feb. lite. Exeter Woollen Mill. - \Ve are still in the business and have a num- ber of bed blankets.wool shectine end stockin. yarn. Custom weav- ing done as us'tal.-Jno. Muir. knotIpy for thhTinges must be noon. Casual The friends of Mr. Nelson Hoop - Pt regretormer to learnsthattof he is eryrcriti• adveatiaementr accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. catty ill in the hospital at Winnipeg with very little hopes of recovery. THURSDAY. JAN. 26th, 19905 The marrJage took place at Bran- don, on January 10th of Mr .J. 8. Stark, of the Dominion Express Co.. to Miss Carrie Collinson, of Goderich Mr. and Mra. Stark will reside at Calgary. Dr. Buller. London, will be at 1 L Central Hotel, Exeter, on Thursday February- 9th 1905 alt day for F;xe, Ear, Nose and Throat con- sultation, Eyes tested and glasses supplied. TO ADVERTISERS. N����eeNeeeeN N�eN�Ne 1 LOCALS ♦•••••N ►��N4►�� Read our clubhiu. offer. Read Mrs. Yco's announcement on t his poste. Read Popplest one & Gardinera' ad. page 6. Lh. Hartltib makes n specialty of watch repairing. Mi -s Lillian Robinson IQ visiting t uburn. '4r. \\'m. Bawden lett on Satur- day last for the old country. ♦(any subscribers have already re - nen rd their subscription for 1905. Hiave you? A large number of our citizens at• tended the anniversary tea meetings at Eden and Thames Road. The annual meet in, of i he South Iluron Aericultur it Society will be toldFehr at Rrucefield, un e1 st u. ry 3rd. Mrs, (i1 invill., of London. is visit - int fifer mother. Mrs. John Sweet, Duron street. G ser' pioneer \i r. Salkeld a It'n nccr of 1Gode parsed away on Wednesday last t the size of P1 years. Ste why you shuuld keep your sav- ings arcntinl at the Sovereign hank front plge. WANTED. -Situation, as house• keeper on 1 arm. -Apply at Times Of- fice. Mr. 11. 1; owning leas returned to Toronto. le resume his studies in Trinity it (tical College. Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Beaman pleas• :intly tnits- tained a few friends at Pedro, on Thursday evening last. Rev .♦1 r. Currie. of Sarnia, was o rtn.st at the Main -sr. `•lethodist parsona re on Friday :end Saturday, of last Rook. Miss Pringle, formerly of the Exe- ter public school staff. bas accepted • very lucrative position in a echoo at Waterloo. • Mr.. J. Bawden and Mrs. Il. Ham uel attended the funeral oL the let Mrs. Joreph Bawden in London. o Friday lost. Mr. E. L. \Vanklyn, vice-president t the Dominion Cot! Company, stat - that owing to a strike of Ger- an coal miners the amount of coil hipped to Canada from England will e greatly decreased. There will be TO CURE A COLD iN ONE DAY Take Laxative ltromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the mon- ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's siginattire is on each box. 25c. Mr. Benjamin Lang, of Winnipeg is visit ins his brother, Mr. it t'. Lints, Mr. Lang was on his nay to the old country, when on reach- ing Lmuton, he heard of t he death of Mrs .11. S. Lana. arriving here just in bolo for the funeral. The l'oront o Daily World, for 50c. c. from now to t h vend of the ap- proachinz session of Parliament, which opens on January lith, and ia C 1 In 11 a t , t least 1 1 hree Burn ha. Great i,arzains in clothins .and underwear cit ear for t he next few weeks. we ,iso have a to int ity of timo!hy and clover hay, and a quantity of oat straw for stir. -I,. McTIrz.,rl, Nott It End Store. The Convenient Service to New York. -Is vi.1 Grand Trunk ares Tee hi eh Valley. Throu!h i'ullman Sleepers. Grand Trunk Azente will Blake reservations and zive full in- formation. a consequent anero,e•e in the price of the Canadian I??odue1. If the strike continues shipments of Canadian coat 1s Europe, 'which have been lame in the past will materially increase, sending the price here up still for- t her. Vito Tonic, t he great tissue build- er and Vito Laxative Fruit Pills are invaluable remedies for debility, weak blood and nervous troubles. The site is increasing rapidly. Sold by C. Lute. Cent ril Drug Store, Exe- ter. \lies Kittle Dearing is visitiu;, its Lumbar'. for a few weeks. Mrs. Jas. Willis visited her tootle (r in Goderich. on Wednesday. Mrs. Colin Campbell. of Goderich visited Mrs. A .Basting$. last week. Miss Anna 8. Marshall, w s the guest of Mrs. J. E. Dignan dating the past week. Mr. Win. ling -ha•'. sue faneey have n:ovel /into (heir new rcadcnce on \Villiaul etrece. • Sirs. J. E. Lig/1:111 gull 51i,a Ann,t S. Mai shall are viMitits: friends in St afort It and Bay field. Misa Nettie Nur'ris, of Staffs, is epcnding a feta e. eks the gut at of 11r. G. '1'. Man:l'. \\'e site II! 1-,.11 to heti that Mrs. Davie black, wet, has been ssriuu.Iy is 1 ecover'irl;'. Miss Sadie .liawkshaw is visiting her father, Mr. John Hawkshaw, and oilier friends in town. Mi-te Oltie McLauzhliti is vi+hill friends in London and Brantford, prior to returning to Winnipeg. Mrs. W 11. .♦1cClor ;Ind d sugliter auo1 the 'Ali-sts 1'-erre•, of Ilensatll, oete the guest of MIs. D. Mack last week. Miss L. Bugg, of London. is visit- ing her friend, Miss Maud Sout hetet .:1:., is the guest of Mrs. Sassh:c,tt 11ucoat street. Mrs. Walter hill, of Horsy and Mrs. Geo. C51111111/4! 11. of St. Joseph. spent last Sabbath with 1bt'ir sister airs. 1). 1Ltck. -lir. J. A. Stewart was in Stratford on friday, at tending a meeting of the Directors of t he. Mooney Biscuit and Candy Co. Mrs. Joseph Bawden attended 1 h funeral of her daughter-in-law. i%trs Jo?. Iiewden, in London, on Friday last. A number took tidyantage of the single fare rates an the, railways ex- tending from Tuc'tlay to \Vednes- dny to visit friends, as well as t hose who travelled to use their franchise. The annual meeting of the Huron List rict It. T. of T. w•as held here on Friday last. There was a good delegation present. and a profitable session was held throughout. Miss Elliott, of Toronto ,ryas the guest of Mrs. 11. 1I. Collins, during !he past week ; also spending a few days wide Miss Ret ta Essery, at Eden. Mr. \Vm. Kernick, of the Thames Road, recently purchased from Mr. Roy, of Russeldale, a thoroughbred Shorthorn Durham null, for which he paid a handsome figure. Tho animal will he kept for breeding pur- poses. For Pleasure and Ilealt h.- You oannot do bot ter than spend a few weeks of the winter. at the delight- ful resorts of California. Mexico or Florida. Grand Trunk Agents will sell tickets, make Pullman reserva- tion. and give full information. Miss Addie Jeckell, wbo has been engaged as school teacher in Alberta, N. W. T., has returned to ger home for a short vacation, leaving on Thursday fur a visit with Toronto relatives after which she will re- sume her holidays in Exeter. Among t he candidates wbo is ere successful in passing the December examinations iu music, conducted by the University of Toronto, according to results published was Miss Eva Huston, who passed in Junior Theory Class II. 1)r. .1. W. ilerrison, of Detroit. , spent 'a few days of Last week with his parents here returitirsz horse on Friday. accompanied by Mrs. Ilarri- son, at lin hod been visit in r friends in Exetcr t• and ticinitsince 1heNew Year. M rs. Skelton, who has visited her dau,hter, Mrs. \V. .1. lle:un:an• for' the pass few weeks left for her home of Fargo. N. 1)., on friday last. Mrs Iluana•ut accompanied liar as far as Loddon, .spending a few ,lays e ill, friend, 1 here. ilroke Iia thigh. -M r. T. B. Mar- tyr, who recently removed from Exeter 10 his farm in Stephen Town - c' .Lip (net wit la ;1 very serious acci- dent• on tit1orally last. Whilerun- nin!; his cutter into the barn, he slipped and fell, fracturing his thigh Ile will he L•,itl :aside for a little time in consequence, but his many friends hope for his speedy recovery, N. M. Caitlin, of 81. Joseph Was ar- rested a St. Joseph. on Sat urday on a charge of petty fraud. ile gave his cheque to a druggist, add it was dishonored at the bank. Ca t. n catered Io pay 1I1e amount in cash, hut he eiI Ihavc to stand trial. Ile was admit led 10 hail to *400 for one week. Ile was again remanded for t rill. Herten Now. - This is t he season of t he year for 1.e110w ill! your subscription. have you re- new ed your subscription for 19051 1\-e can save you money on any pa- per in cIubbinz nit the Tint's. stead our clubbing' list in :Mother column All subscribers in renewinz ,is well as any new ones 0111 receive a hind. s t ale free.e o nc c ndar Thea calendars are :a work of eel comprise 1 he fntii seasons, s...:•• eprin f, sum- mer and :autumn. Call and see thein. FOR y U O IfR8t1[TY \IEAltti AN Otn AND WILL-TIIvxn RR1iant.-Mte Wlnslow'eSoothing Syrup hie been s.aed for over slaty slure by millions ot mor hen' for their children while teethlnss,, with perfect wt<••. It soothes the child, softens the gum•, altars ell pale otttrre wind colla and Is the beat remedy for 111R plesaawnt to the trate. Sold bes to a e�s lie_ every part a incalculaor the ble. e, IS lam tab Mrs Wtnslow'e soothing efropas8 ask far a other klad. Mr+. ,Tames Willis held a very suc- eessful auction sale of her household cffucts on Saturday fast. Mr. R. Brown emitted the hammer in his usual happy and jovial manner. The Louse and lots including the lumber yard property were purohased by Mr T. Itandford, who bad soap time pre- vious assured the stable and adjoin- ing !oto. Mr. and Mrs. John Salter and family desire in this way to express their deep gratitude to the indc- enlent Order of Foresters. and the et y many or her kind friends w ho in 'many vasa offered their kind as - Furs Our 614 GIcdrIllU 01 Furs FURS STOCK TAKIN E ARE NOW BUSY with our stock taking and will it goes on we are offering ('Special" stock taking b' Everything in Fur Goods Must be Sold l gains on all our winter Stock. If not supplied it will pay you to comma now and get all you need. Mete.' Coon Coats choice dark colors ladies' Actr•achau Jackets,30 inches be -t twilled sluing$, regular price $0), long, q`.tilted s{rt11 iinine.wortb $:18001 Sale Pri e $49.755 Sale Price $3_Oo Ladies Fur Coats 1.3 off Ladies Fur Ruffs 1-3 off Sale Pri e $25.50 Sale Price $34.501 Gents Fur Coats 1-3 off Ladies' Astrachan Jacket. smalls glrtit.y curl. hest satin Iinings,30 inehee lung, reg aim price $15.00 Gents' and Boys' Overcoats, Sale Price $38.001 y only Ladies' For Lined-B� derweat and Ladies' U'aderwear qualityy. Brocade cloth. :ill inches long with Tlsibbet Fur toll tr and trim- Waists all at reduced prices. ming, regular price $15.01. Men's black Calf Cost. with Russian Ladies' Astrachan Jacket '4 inchee Lauib collar, lineal Qtta':ty, regular long, large bright curl. best linings price. $33.Ote regular price. $40.110 Men's black Bulgarian Lamb coat smelt glossy curl, regular price 11:30.00 Sale Price $23.50 Men's dye 1 Wombat (;oat. a 'peel. wearer and goad looker, regular pi ice $33.00 Sale Price $23.50 Men's black 8ifwrean Hear Coat wear guaranteed rsgrilar price $22.00, Sale Price $17.5o Men's Persian Lamb Cap, wedge shape very fine bright curl, regular price $7.50 Sale Price $6:25 Men's Beaverized Cap, finest quality good quilted lining regalar price $3 25. Sale Price $2.48 Men's Electric Seal Cap, sporting shale, a great cap for driving, regular price $1.511. Sale Price $3.15 Mews Electric SealC.tp, wedge shape bort quality well Tined, regular price $:1.75. Sale Price $3.00 Gents Fur Caps 1-3 o Sale Price $12.oO 1-.70y tr';‘,t...c 8e t! r•.inerme heat. duality, high storm collar, long front very stylish, regular price $15.00. Sale Price $9.5o 1 only Week O P"«am ('aperine long front., high collar, hest Satin lin- ings regular price $10.00 Sale Price $9.45 2 only grey Limb Caperines. large curl, long front, trimmed with fancy cord and silk tassel' fringe, very swell regular price $15.00. Sale Price $10.85 3 only prs. Ladies'Astrachan Gaunt - tete, beet kid facing, regular price $5. Sale Price 3.5o S NE+`I I 8z ROITTM11 Mr. Llewellyn Andrea, Gorrie, is The Times has the correct sty.le*.in visiting Chas. Miners. wedding invitations and visiting Miss Mabel Miners is visiting her cards. Let us have your next order.' brother, George, in Brantford. Stoto.sel is meeting the usual fate of the hero. A lot of generals who did not have the chance to try Teel that they could have held the fort - resi indefinitely. Last week Hugh Lamont, 8th con - of Grey, sold his fine 100 aore farm to Riohard Armstrong of tho 3rd line, Morris, for the sum of $8,500. Mr. Armstrong owns 100 acres near- 1yopposite his new purchase. Mr La- mont has been on this farm for the past 53 years, as rt was the Lamont homestead. He has bought 200 acr- es running from the 10th to the llth con. lines. from Daniel Ferguson, of Calgary. N. W. T. The Times has a supply of books giving a treatise of the bores and his diseases, which we are giving away to all new and paid up subscriberss. The book contains an index of dis- eases, giving a description of each, with causes, symptoms and treat- nent, also a largo collection of xcellent receipts. which arc very valuable. Tho Times from now to January 1st, 1905 for 25c, to now subsctribers only. Clubbing rates on application. Market Report. -The follow ing is t he report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up Io Thursday. Jan. 26th. Tho week was a quiet one for grain deliveries. With the exception of a raise of 10 cents on live hogs, t here 0314 110 noticabTe change from last week's price list. Mrs. Inksater, of Paris, is t•isiti;rr her mother Mrs. Welsh. The Misses Dinah and Miriam El- ston, spent Sunday at Centralia. Mrs. !Auntie, of Lucan is visiting her uncle, Mr. John Essery, at Eden. The ice crop just harvested by our local dealers is the finest and clear- est put away for some years past. b[rs. (Ret•.) Godwin spent \\''dues• day in London. t The building formerly occupied by Mr. A. Walters as a shoe shop, is Bois teintt refitted for a butcher shop. Messrs. Jackson & Son have erect- ed n very' attractive sign in front of 1heir place of business. See their ad. in another roluru). Notice - Misrts Ballantyne and Sharp, of London, intend startin c dress making 00 February let, above A. Q. itohier. office, Exeter. Auction Sale of Farm Stuck•. -M Ieornas Cameron wig sell by put lc a ion on Lot 7, South 'Elia ten Real , shortie, on Tuesday, an. 3t, 111115, at one o'clock p. m. 1 he fat 111 atock of Mr. Albert Silencer. Ne_oliatlons are under tray fur 1 sale of twenty feet of Port are ay)'1(1 front a ,e, at \t'innipe r, oppo- site the new' post office, the records Wheat 95c. to .1.00ler bus. prier of 112,1109 per foot. 'fhe put- Oats 30 to 31c. lies bushel. chaser:. are \Vinnipee c;tpit alists. Barley 95 to 40c per bushel. (Wel e:sy.-On Wednesday evening Peas 60 to 82 cents per bushel. last about six o'elo.k, as Mr. A. Q. ftran $15 to $18 per ton. Shorts $20 per ten. Family flour $2.85 per cwt. Low grade flour, $1.25 per cwt. Butter 17 cents per pound. Egg. 18 and 20c per doz. Dried Apples 3 10 3 1-2c. per 10. l'ork live weight, *5.10 pit' cwt. Pork dressed, tlt0.ro per cwt. Dobler etas driver's. down Main .1 rest 1owl rII- itis residence, his spirited team lurk fri•rhI and made a dash for liberty. They lore :don't Main streel :it erect speed, etre nobler, w ho wast still in Ill.'. cutter ura'sntain ins his ere,. 1t was thought by on- lookers 1 hat t here would be serious results, but the herses were ;it last brought 10 a stop when about a quarter of a milt soul It of tt,w n '(here was no serious damage don)'. The act passed someyears n;ro tin- der which the government bore cne• fifth of the cost up to $5011 of es- tablishing cold storage warehouses expires in March. The Ont area Fruit Growers' Association have d'eidcd to nsk he trnvcrnlIitn1 Io extend 1Ie liner` for another five years, alfd also In 'rive the same aid to the eat At- lislimunt of central fruit-slippin at :al ions. 11 Iris also been d'cir,'d 10 take steps to form local fruit 'trail - Yrs as,W-ill ions throughout the pro- vince. The deo) It occurred in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. on .J:rrsu:1ty 11111 t ♦ T W. . tt• c a dao liter [ Tr fa d n n 1 of he late Mrs. J. W. Smyth. Death t 1 was the result of till operation. The husband and the following brothels sand sisters survive ; Messrs. F. 1V., 4 Mrs. Georges Mr C. lT. It. Graham. T Waster Gurd. and Miss Carrie Smyt0. Mrs. Meilen was a fre- quent to v� 1 I ' hunts of .1r. It nt 1 ilii at 11 It In den's parents here and 11'141 111 1ny friends. tt ho will rc.•rr(•t to learn of her dentist.. 'fh)' sympathy of :I }cost of friends is t-xtendue to 1 he 1.e -reeved husband. Stephen and ttst►orue Agricultur. e 1 Society. -The annual meeting of ! the Stephen and t'shorne Agricul-1 rural Society was held in the town hall, on Wednesday, Tanuary 111 h. The minutes and auditors' r; arta were read and adopted. The fol lowing board were sleeted for 1905 ('res., P. McTaggart, Hay: De Vice E. Christie ; 2nd Vice, 3. Senior : See. Alex. dyer : Tress., 1''. F,. Barn: Dir- ectors, J. T. Allison, John Hunter, W. ID. Sender*, Wm, Russell, Wm. Elliot t, Jar. Ballantvnc, John Del- bridge, Hy. Smith, Wm. flaw den,: Auditors, if. Huston, P. Gardiner. s t:ince :1n11 sympathy to them dur- The 'total receipts Lor the year W s 1 •r t he long and severe illness and placed at $1107.88 and the expendi • s bsequent death of their son and lure nt $1021.02 kaving :a ealenc- • talker, Mr. Cokntlo Salter. of 01014.86 on hand. A GUARANTEPEDILES CUiIE FOR hooey, wino, Bleeding or pro- f reeling, Piles. Druggists refund money if I'azo Ointment fails to any case, no mat ler of how long st nutting in 6 t o 14 days. First ap- plication gives case and rest. 50r. if your druggist hasn't it send 50o in stamps and it will be torn arded post paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. BORN \10111 -In I'sborne, 0n Friday. Jan. 20th, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir, a son. TAYLOR - in il:ay, on Fr Slay, .fan. 9olh, 1005, to Mr. and Mrs. henry '1't%tor. a sun. DIED IIA\VI)F:. -- At $t. .Joseph's Ilncpi- t ll, London, nn .January 1St h, 19(15 Louisa, Slily 11a, wife of .1. W. Bawden. McINTYRE--In Virden, Mart., on Iter. 31st J:totes McIntyre, former- ly of ll:alel0(1 Line, `tans('}, and brother of Miss S. McIntyre, of Ilenaall. A FAMOUS SCI -100L1 STRATFORD CNT. 1011112 M 10, l01111r 1\'0111:111, 1 here is rtbun(1ao: 100111 for y'.t1 in t he hither and more respon- sible I.osit ions of life. 1 ot ARP' NF:'I }'I). Get a twain a: or el:or, hind t raining and 111:1 rc it 11111t :l ills. F:111 el 01/ se1101411 1 his mons it if poasibte. W. J. ELLIOTT. iPrints D. A. McLA('HLAN. j t 11,:i Write for free eatalo;ae. N••NNNNNNN••NNN Suits, Un Skirts an Remnants In a few days we will have our big remnant sak Dress Goods, Trimmings, Linings, Cottonades, Shirti Prints, &c. A big counter full. CABLING BRO Furniture for the New Yea Sideboards, Easy Chairs, Rockers Bed=room Setts, Extension Tables Centre Tables, Couches, Mattresses Springs, Parlor Suits. fill going at rained primas. Ba GonuinGed bll Galllnij C. HUSTON Funeral Director and Practicable Embalmer. Opera House Blocs Announcement Big Clearing Sale We wish to announce to the public that during the next weeks we will make big reductions in Ladies Fancy Collars Ladies Belts Ladies Gloves Ladies Whitewear Winter Dress Goods and Underwear 10 PER CENT OFF ON ALL STAPLE DRY GOO) Also a few Tweeds Men's Overcoats Men's Odd Suits Men's Hats & Caps All at greatly reduced prices Call early and have first choice as these goods must be clear(. out to make room for new spring goods. Thanking you for p - favors and soliciting a share of your patronage for the coming ye. Choice Groceries always on hand. MRS- W. M. "Y -M0 The Ros-TdvIOrflItGb Your Wago • G0. Ltd.�� oasTfl Successor to Ross & Taylor We thank our numerous customers for their patronage during the past ZS years, and wish to announce that we are still on the same prentisee,with a larger and better stock than ever, and consequently:in a better position than ever to quote prices that will in- terest intending purchasers of every - r All exert cooks dem rd kind ot building materials. p 11 says Emerson s Farmers and dealers' are go ting very near Emerson's advil they hitch their team to a wagc loaded with STAR flour. CASH PAID --for-- LOGS Of every description We do Custom Sawing Buildings contracted for and satis- faction guaranteed. The Ross•Taylor Company Ltd. The Government of t he Orange River Colony has sent a young Boer farther, Mr, Neethling, over to the Ontario Agricultural College to study Canadian methods. Mr. Neclitlin,f 5;ys that Mr. Paltrier rind his On• t iri0 associates arc loins an steel• Icnt .work in improving :argiculturn! methods in South Africa, .end .are rr- rrivin;e :he•arfy support from t he Hoer f'rrncra in boll; tnloni(s HARVEY'S STAR FLOUR They know a good thi makes wholesome, nutri palatable bread which gives faction in eating. HARVEY BRO: A little girl named Lydia M Regina, sustained injuries by ing from v,bich shn died. T accompaniers by t sister, had . to her room. and there began ing 11 it It a cellnloirl comb a lamp. In some way she ellen comb to oateh fire from t •. and the Hemel quickly o• her hair, with fatal results