Exeter Times, 1905-01-26, Page 5'[' b h' I' X h. 17 1 M +! S, JANUA it 1- ' 11111 I1N):).
ALLSHair Renewer
Perhaps you Iltt��I r ga bstr; thea keep It. Perhaps sot;
bes remember -Hall's Har Renewer always restores color to
tray hair. Stops fa111sp hslrj also. sr'aerei-a°ed(!OTtI<'ila'"u
HELICAL F ARM I. Olt SALE. -On lot 2, coo.
I, township of !lay, 100 acrd;,
jit W. I311O\VNINIi. M. D., M. (', pith .good barn and water. For fur -
1'. S.. (.rauuala Vistolis tui i,articul:u.; apply to It, S. O'Neil.
tttrrlltr. ttuae and residcueuc). 1►umtulen Exeter.
tiaboaatui), r atter.
Il. XUWMAN, 111 N8 D.H8. ANL
I)li A. It. AN, 1~
D. 8. D. D. 8., Honor Graduate
ut Toronto University.Dentist.
1'ueth extracted without pain or
had after etb^t.t. Oaoe In Fon.
son'. block. Wert ride of Mato
ksst.• Money
FOIL HALE. -!louse unit lot on east
side of Carling street. Good
fr: ins 'house, hard and soft tvater.
Gaud franc: stable and hen house.
fruit trees, and small fruit on 1110
'itemises, 'lo be sold cheap ns the
prow ietor intends going west. For
fortes'. particular.: Apply to Thos.
O !den, Exeter.
D.A. ANDERSON. (D• D. 11.111.11. F ARM FOR SALE -in 'the Town-
nr~VTTtarr, ship of Ueburne, axing lot 13, cue
2, consisting of the best 100 acres of
Honor CI. , male of lk• Toronto t uIver.lty
lad Royal ('allege of Dental lieous of
�tarlo, with honors Also Po.t•grtaduate •f
o Sheol of Prosthetic Dentistry (with
Illabit mention.retytbti g known to the Dental Profession
In this office. Bridge work. crowns, al.
uns, gold and vulcanite plates alt done in
neatest manner possible. A perfectly
leas anaesthetic used for ts►tnlees extras
7yHoe one door soutb of Cartlr,g
Sister. r Int.
Bro'e store
Private funds to loan on Farre property at Four
, wad one hall per tent.
We have uuitmlted private funds for tevn4/
- sat u .arm or village property at wes
otos ot ll,teru.t.
Y. have A ,arge amount of private f•'er'i to
eon on farm and rlllagc propertlo,. at IoW n,tos
et Interest.
Barri,.: -re Solleltote. Main St. Exeter,
iarrletees t:viicitora Notartea onvc .ncors,
Oolnl.sioner., Solicitors ftor tbeMol.one
Bank. £o
Slcasy to Lean at lowest reits3 of inter, -t.
I1. R. wars° N. a. L U. sicaso1r
Honor (lraduate Ontario \'eterInery (bl•
lege ; Honorary Fellow In Ontario Yew, 'nary
*Maost ion. A1' dit.eases of dotne,.lic nnin)(114
ael.atlflrwlly treated. Miik fever treated by
IHSVert oxygen treatu.ent.
QFPI''F:: Ori door south of Tomb Hall
!RIGS:I 1 :: econd Lot. t nor,h '.t lits-
yterlan church.
Tae Usbornc and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insllr-
anme Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President: - T. ItYAN. DUBLIN P. U.
Vice I'1es.: -%V. 11. l'As85toit1:.
1'Aittp 1I t1: P. 0.
F. kloxi.Ey, %VI11I.h.:r 1'. 0.
J. A. Nuitius, 1'ROYAR'1 V P. 1).
Wm. Rov, HORNHoi.at P. O.
J. L. RII0r4E1.1., RUSSIL.DAl.lt P.O.
J. Wiu'oN, 1' l'l.t.ARTON, ONT.
J. 8. O t F'it.t.AS, Lt CAN, ONT.
Socy.•Treas. Fnrquhar.
To Cure a Cold in One Day row
Take Laxative Bromo Quinise Tams. �' �t� box. sorY
Uwe MOO bens said in pat 1 J .oat►s. *nature, /sersetr
To call in and inspect our stork of
Cutters and Buggies. We feel
lure that the quality and price of
our steel( will appeal to you. We
have all the latest ityles, in the
newest colors -- Surely we can
pleas/' you. Conte in and walk
around whether you want to hay
or not..
and General Jobbing
All work. executed in a (hurougll
and w'of•ktnan•like MA 11 Ile!',
Two dtx)rs south Town Hall
Roller Mills
111 and Chopping
Promptly Done.
We ai'(` giving excellent. Ra -
's lisfaction in flour since re-
modelling (.1:1' mill
H. Sweitzer
neat rtrl Visitor -'.I've just had a
totter Irani toy 000 Ite/sie saying
i3O has .1 on a schol.,rrIi q. I can't
tell be Iolizhfel 1 ant, f-Ituvtic
"arty I fan 01)11'r,tand ou r
(echo 4. nntim. 1 (1'11 }nit '' ^ alms
when our piC %%on n 1ne,111 at the
ajricultural +hork•'.
land in the township, well fenced and
in good state of cultivation. Good
brick house and frame barn, conven-
ient to dchool, church and market
being only two miles from Exeter.
For further particulars apply to D.
C. McInnes, Exeter, or Thomas ltig-
Kinv, executors of the estate of 13. 1.
lliggins, deceased or to Gladntun &
Htanbury, solicitors, Exeter.
for sale -Tho undersigned has for
sale a number of up-to-dato thor-
ough Brod Short Horn dulls. They
are of the low sot, thick blocky typo
and choice breeding. \Vill be sold
reasonable, inspection invited. Ap-
ply on lit 16, con. 2. Hay, or John
Elder, Hensel!, P. 0.
Annual Meeting
The 20th Annual Mectins of the
Usbornc and Ilibbert Farmers' Mu-
tual Fire Insurance Co., will be held
in the
;at ono o'clock p, in.
Two directors will be elected. and
any business in the interests of the
company w 11 be taken up.
It .W. 1''. BEAVERS, Sec.-Treas.
Junk Dealers.
Main -St. Exeter.
Occupying J. 1', Ross'
Store, one door south of
Metropolitan 1 iotel .
«'ill pay highest cash
price for the following
guuds,such as all kinds of
Scrap Iron
II:)rsc hair
Wool Pickings
Z• ()Id Rubbers
Bones and Bottles
No quaiitlty too largo
too Small
Anyoa• sending a akMM and desezi tion may
quietly azeartatn our opinion whether Y
Invention le probably pat punkas
ttnnaptrtctly enned.nt(aL on !wow
sent free. 0ldtrt miaow or seta aspalente.
PIpreW is taken nitratesnitratesMann a Co. melee
aotka wit bout lathe
la the
A haed.om.ly nte.trsted weekly. lamest
enlatlon of any sef.ntlee iurnal. Tama. a
iiinr a W lL sold by al�n r
Brain hi F PL. Washington. D.V.
Beautify Your iforrs"
Pictorial ?,rf etion"
1 nrrdn1 to wrll le. -eve its popular
(1 . "the most beautiful magazine in 11:e
Front 4; b. 75 fine pictures (-itch n'an11.
twin) m ) of C,rn ....kr. and all of Then, for
Portraits of Calsbrities
Reproductions of Scone:
and Incidents
The ,ery pet I.ct?on of tint- ph•tb•gtapld:
reproduction Bound 'with .ilk cord 10
harmnnnire with the color scheme of the
t 01.
The Only Na/asla• •f the
Kind in rho World •.a
$uhf. nelioti r'i.e• S!!.••• 3 year. irr:••din,t
t!t^ SI'i-t 1 NI. t :IRIST\I \S .`.I\IB.F.R
W r . - x...+.. r.. 1 .... Ir. 4 ei.,
burr Pub. Co.. 4 West Milt., hi v Yowl
The Exeter Times Grave Crisis in Russian. io1r,1i° e',.'curt d thu ao1'ders'svbile
they let re tted. Fighting meantime
t continued it various places, soldiers
1.0llcyin:; and charging the mob.
Far char A reign of terror in Si. I'sters- The whole city was In a state
y ( bur:] caused by the Cessation of in- I of 1 anic. Women were runninll
through lhr streets seckin•j lost
uaeuttei of t ha family.
A member of the Emperor's iwu+e-
hold i+ quoted :is saying to -day that
thir conflict will end the war with
Japan, and that Itussia will have a
roust i1UI100 Of I inierui Nicholas
w i11 terse his head.
TUURSDAI . JAN..26t11, 199U5
-Mr. 0. 8. heavers waft Irl Loudon.
last week.
-Mr. John McLean, of Hargrave.
Man., was visiting i11 the village last
-Mr. \Vn1. Westlake. ut Inkster,
North Dakota. is visiting his brother
John, here.
-Mr. W. G. Borland, telegraph
operaor ut (ztosold, Mau, is bltetld•
ilia the winter 3t Lii Moore here.
-'hero is a !rr:•at deal of Nickneay
around this winter. The attltosph_
crio chin:tea seem to be the cause.
-The ball held here taut Friday
evening was a success. A large
crowd gathered and an enjoyable
evening was the ri'8ull.
-The books of tin reborn," and
Ribbert Insurance Co., were audited
lart w eek. During the limit year
there has been an incrcrtso in in-
sUr glee of '80,000,00. This spenits
well for the company.
Such pain and endure the torture
of nervous headache when 25c. buys
a Kure cure like Nerviline. A row
drops in n4eectened water brines un-
failing trolief. You feel better tit
once. 'you're braced up, invigorated
headache goes away after one dove.
The oecuSional use of Nerviline
prevents indiresliou and stomach
disorders -keeps up health and
strenstll. Every M•omen needs Ner•
viline, and should use it too. In 25c
bottles everywhere.
-Mrs. William Edwards in on the
sick list.
-Mr. Charles Wilson, our hotel
keeper is seriously ill.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Routley took
in the supper at Bethel.
-Mr. Alex. St. Clair. of Wallace -
burg. is visiting friends in Ibe vil-
-Mr. Frei! Mills entertained u
number of his friends on Tuesday
-A sleigh load of young people
took in tho tea -meeting on the 'Thant
es Road.
- Mr. John Russel 011d Itobt. Neil
aro kept busy these day's cutting
--Mr. William Wilson has engag-
ed with Mr. harry Rodd for the com
int; summer.
-Mrs. Kirk, Sr., is very low al the
time of writing and little hop^s are
entertained for her recovery.
-Messrs. Copeland. Wynn, Mills,
and Sinclair, and Misses Kirk Swit-
zer. So -allow and Itodd took in the
tea -meeting uu tho Thames Road,
Monday night and report a good
0111 \VOlt\ .01-1' :;'1'OMACII
\V11:1t 44 to elicit is the rt1rengthen-
t influence of I)r. I(a nl int ell's l'illtl
-they work marvels where the atom
ach and digestion are poor. In one
day the appetite increases and the
whole system is rapidly strength-
ened. No stomach specialist could
write a better prescription than 1)r.
llamilt014.r Pilin of 51andrake and
ilut1ernul. At all dealers in a yel-
low box, price 25e., or five 1•oxes for
env dollar.
Goshen Line, Stephen
- Mr, Thomas ,Marlyn happened
wilt an very -painful accident o0
Saturtkay, . Just having rel urned
from Ezeter, and while putting his
cutter in the barn. slipped and fell,
breaking his thigh hone. Mr. Mar-
lyn 44111 he laid up for atone litne.
-Dir. Philip Dastard visited with
friends in Dashwood, on Sunday ev-
-Mr. and M rs. Win. Mawhinney
visited with friends at Sharon ou
-Mr. and Mrs. Rohl. Mawhinney
visited Mrs. Maohinney's fat her
and mother, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs
Thornas Marlyn.
-Miss Enuna and Flossie Kcys
hay e returned to Detroit. aecotn•
parried it it li their [not her as far
as London.
- The oyster supper which wan at
Mr. .iohn Wilhelul'S on 'Tuesdey
night 1135 iargely attended, Ravine:
ing had all Ilan nyder); they could
possibly ml, all lien( home ranch
pleased with the enjoyable evening
which teal spent.
-Mian Olive Turner visited 44ith
Mr.'. James llodgins, of Crediton,
from Friday ev.nin'r until Sunday
- Mrs. William Mao hinnoy visit-
ed with Mrs. Joseph Lawson. one
day last week.
--M r. George M.111hinney. of
Parkhill is visiting; with friends on
the line.
-Quite a minder of people Bath
ercd at Ow home of Mr. Lyslan
(1,nv'ille, on Thursday evening Inst
people bc•in'r present from lire Ilaby•
Ion Line, also from Crediton, a very
happy evening ser motif by all.
-Mr. Samuel E's.'ry aryl Mr. Robb
111rch, of SI. Marys, visit cd nt Mr.
Samuel ilendcrar'n's 0n' day lint
-Mr, .)tunes 114n11'4 horse ran
:114 ay ono .1 ,) 11.1 %%e;'k. 'It trot
tri rlit rated a1 ,• big h:•.• li of bole'+
011 I110 Credit op road.
-Mr. lacoh Wildfon,t and Mr.
Alf. Williams have been rut-
ting wood for Mr. Robert Ma-
whinney, 1 he past it eek.
Quite 3 minll.er of y'oun.0 folks
gathered a I Mr. Ed. Diderich's on
Tuesday evening, rind had :, jolly
gond time lipping the light fail
taut is ton till the "Wee small
hour a."
-Miss Lizzie Iolwson has returned
Bonne after visiting 441111 friends in
--Mr+. hr ink Heider, of Lieuryit
siaiting with her parents, Mr. and.
Mrs. George 1.114 400.
110.1ri-tl pur:.uits-Dlililary guard
tie streets. while the people pre-
pare for n great demonslratino, re-
form or death their battle cry -
Hitualiou compared 10 that in Par-
is in 1781.
T!;o::sInds of ,rorknien attcraltt to
make their way to the Imperial pal-
ace to present a petition to the Czar
end are confronted by a solid array
of troops who meet theta with hilts
(bayonet and Sabre.
Awful 11) 4tsaere of II,•Iptess teen.
( e
%% 0111(41 and children bythe s 1, :•
0m n n io 11 1,
in front of the Czar's winter palac+
and a1 01 Har places -Number of
victims can only be guessed at, the
official account differing so tlidely
'from the dories of eye-witnesses-
'I'he Czar and his family take refuge
•11 0 country pnleee. while the news
of the tragedy percolated through -
oat the Empire -Tho future fraught
with grave hossibilitiea.
St. Petersburg Jan. 14. -Thu ex-
pected has happened. The torch has
been set to the Russian magazine,
and the whole struoture of Empire
may bo said to be ablaze.
When the Hl .l'etorsburg ntrikors
and their sympathizers went to the
square of the winter palace yester-
day afternoon to present their pe -
(Ilion '10 the Czar they were: stet by
an immense military force, and men
women and children worn shot down
without mercy.
The number of victirns can only
bo guessed at. The Official Menson•
ger places it at 76 killed and 233
tloundcd, but eye -witnesses deolaro
That hundreds if not thousands must
have fallen before the rifles of the
soldier':. who. obeying the orders of
superiors, killed their brothers and
A riot leas become a revolution.
The Czar and his family are in wif-
ely at n country palace: but how
IMI(' f,hey will he safe, time alone
will show. The people of Russia by
yesterday's tragedy lose their faith
in the Iempire-t heir "Little Fath-
er" -unit are brought face to face
with the factthat if they are to'
attain the domestic reforms they
demand it must he by tits sword and
with Ilan gun.
All seas quiet in St. Petersburg
this morning. The soldiery hold
possession of the ntrcets, and the
strikers' headquarters had been
closed by the government.
St. Petersburg, Jan. 21.- St.
Petersburg thin morning presented
filo appearance of a beleaguered city.
The military are in complete pos-
scssion. The ntreets aro lined with
troops, galloping squadrons of cav-
Itlry are seen everywhere; gendarm
CA are concealed in all the court•
tarda, and tho closed factories and
mills aro surrounded by cordons of
police end Cossacks. On every Bul-
letin hoard is posted a Government
proclamation warning the people
against assembling in the streets.
Despite the energetic measures
taken to Insure tho safety of tho city
the inhabitants aro in a state bord-
ering 00 terror. The wildest ru-
mors 1egal(ling (110 intcntion9 (if
lite rnoh aro afloat, and many small
retailers did not open their shops
An edict has gone forth that 119
shop must ht opened to -morrow,
when the great assonoVage on the
Palace square i3 scheduled to take
place. Although the authorities
seemingly are determined to pre-
vent it. preparations for a gigantic
de/n0nstration arc proceeding. the
Hien declaring that they are ready
to din in their tracks.
Father Copor, the strike leader,
who 14'35 reported to have been kid-
napped during the night. is under-
stood to he al lar,te thin umorning,
going from place to place orgnniz-
ing and dircoting everything.
dictum ii that the utentin(t shall
occur on the palace square, no mat-
ter if it results in 3 massacre of rho
men. Ilo says they moat he resolved
to do or die.
It 11 noteworthy' that the lesdor.,
aro going hack to the French He -
volution for their parallels. The
deputation rent to TsarskoeSelo
yesterday wail the march of the mob
to Versailles. The essernblage plann-
ed for to -morrow is likened to tho
march of the mnlitude wearing rod
caps of liberty to the'Tuillericr to
present their demands to Louie XVI
'1'lin situation became so aculo
teal Wight owing to the general ces-
sation of work that the nuthoritien
determined to preserve the peace at
and cost, and augmented the garri•
son of the city with 2,500 cavalry
and 1,000 infantry from T'arskoo
Selo. rind 1ha morning while th^re is
much talk Ma the troops may be
overawed by the slob, the nuthori-
tiev 'to not manifest the slightest
apprehension ori this sears. The
Cossacks and tho Guard regiments
they declare e.:►, be relied upon.
Nevelltil'l(s", tho aulhorities aro
ext retnely nervou!, realizing that
blood once !pilled in the present
temper of rho excited inen spurred
on by Horialist agitators it is int-
poesiblo 10 predict the end.
The strikers are in 3 +lata of open
The first blood !KIN 1e^n shed but
more will follow. It is now the
people against the oppressors and
rho bntlle will to fnught to the bit-
ter end.
The Ito lit:,ry authorities had 1
firm ('ri1 on eve(y :•rleryin the city
Ratted front the bridges and gates.
men. worsen and children crossed the
frozen river and canals on the ice
by t s -ns and thieve, hurrying to
the palace square, where there we10
stair the em1031141i,r present
.Ind he31 1)i'perorni 1)111 the �ttect eP-
proiebes were cl(ve,1 by volleys :Ind
('olaaek rharuea, teen antl %%oaten,
Cures an
Ontario Lady.
After years of failure,, miseries
agonies and despondency, Mrs. !lop-
per of Thornhill. Ont., w:is cured by ,+
Paine's Celery Compound. She say'+_
''Wit It grca1. pleasure and sat i$(ac I cent off of our Crockeryand Gtas"f.slyi'
•r l and
lion I wed' to add my testimony to
what hal already teen said in favor, can give good values at this Big Reduction
of Paine's Celery Compound. For it
very long time I suffered from gen-
eral debility and rundown
sy'ateul. [laving heard (f Twines
Celery Compound 1 determined to
Give it a trial, artdl am happy to say
it 'has done for me more good than I
can express. For ten years I doc-
tored without any :food resulta :
but 'after using Paine's Celery Com-
pound 'I and perfectly restored to
health, can eat well, dlsost 1011 it; good
and my sleep is sweet and sound.
Alt n_et1:c•r '1 int a new woman. 1
ale. ay, recommend Paine's Celery
roily/mitt to my frionds.
10 per cent. off for Cash
Until March 31st '05
011 [vcrthluo X6Cflt 6111(\erles
10 per cent ufi' 011 all 1)ry Goods
10 ler c('nt c)fl' all all Beady -to -Wear Clothing
10 per cent oft' on all New %Vali Papers
10 per cent oil' 1111 all Carpets and ('urtaill:,
10 pr'r cent oft 011 all Roots. and Shoe
10 per cent 011' o11 all Hats and Caps.
Clearing of
Crockery & GIasswae
We have taken from 15 to 33 1=3 per
Try a Bottle of
-Mr. Hob. Bothwell, of )Nickson,
ii at prevent visiting his grand-
parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Rob Clark, of
"Springcrcek Form".
-Our telephone system it now
-Mr. V. Stock, M. 1'. P. for South
Perth called on his many _friends
in this vicinity last week.
-Miss Lila 0. Cole. has returned
home to spend a few weeks with
her pnrenls here.
-Mr. Andrew }tart, of \\roolscley
Assa., was the guest oY Mr. and Mrs.
A. Ilodgert on Friday Inst.
-Mr. and Mrs. Con. Sohellenber-
ger and son, Alvin. visited friends
in :1itrhell, on Sunday.
- Ira. W. ii. \Venlzel, visited fri-
ends in Zurich last week.
-Mr. Herbert K. Either has been
appointed nssislant organist of the
Evangelical church here.
-The streets of our village were
the scene of great activity on Wed-
nesday, polling day. All who lead
use of the frrnchise, using it.
-Tho Literary Society mot al the
home of Miss Lewin on January 23rd
The topic seas "Africa" and three
very interesting papers were given
as follows: -"A general description"
by Miss Brown: "Explorers" by Miss
V. Heaver ; "floor War" by Mr, 1'.
Hanes. Munio seas furnished by
Miss Clarke, the Misses Beaver and
Mr. Morrow. The next meeting
will be held nt the horse of Miss E.
llrown, on Wednesday, February
Isl. There t4 ill ho a debate. -•'lac•
solved that tho broom is more IOW -
than the dish cloth."
Local Option Results
The (2ulydiln say 4. -The (ullottinir
table indicates. No far as we hare
been able to secure the figures, the
result's in Local Option contests
throughout the province of Ontario
on January 2nd. Though there were
some diasappointinenl.r, the result on
the whole, are very encouraging (o
temperance workers.
Municipality For Against Majorily
Campden.. (11
Cardinal... ... .. 11
Cavan... ... .,.256 71 I$5
Clarke... .. ...641 1811 152
Garnfax a W... Repeal defon11,1 05
...357 7411 8
Hunt11... .. .•.12:1 271 158
'Thanlclvill'... 5
Whitechurch .351191 160
Windham ... .401 220 182
1'nrtnoUih... .661 508 155
Ila jority
l'Iirtrole... ... ...':11) :t.'17 117
Culbornes. . ..'231 12
0w'illimbury N'..... 17
Ito 1uoii... 1'21 5
Oxford 7:1!)
Port Carlin.]22
4,lltflref... 17
1 will be Holed 111:1:.112.12;1621 nl3jnrit-
ice that earri(•d 10011 prohibition art•,
av a rule. very much larger than
those that defeated it. And in all
hilt 1 he one instance defeat was by
urL n narrnw majority that the
temperance electors will not hesitate
to join issn on the matter arain at
the earliest opportunity,
)chart tete 1M Ittrd Yis 11111 Rine' 110411t'iaata»
of 1
25 per cent. off all Furs
We have Ladies' Fur Coats to sell at
We have Men's Fur Coats to sell at
Caperines German Dye to at
Ifo We have Fur Stoles to sell at
We have Fur Collars to sell at
F We have Fur Caps to sc:: at
$12.50 Men's Overcoats for $10
With our 10 per cent off for
Cash makes them $9.00
We have over 150 of tilt -se Overcoats to of?s.1• tr '' Pslblie
and a look at tho cloth, style and linings will convince you
they are the Biggest of Bargains.
Poplestone & Gardiner
Coupons on Silverwear Redeemable until
March 31st, 1905.
F.etlnsle Aclpplere`fectl rernedyrotor)1)Izzlnrstt. Nausea, 1)rn welncedi'Rrul
'Paste in the mouth, Coated Tongue, I'aln In the We.TOD1'fD LIVED.
By Cleansing All Wsorders from the System.
Positively Cure all •Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, kid-
neys, Sick Headache, Constipation and Nervousness.
Two Sizes, IOc. and 28c. a Box
lzz.i.a• SUSSTITUTES FOR f1ss',Ir-o-• it
Calendars for'05
To all our subscribers whose label
Reads 1906
We will present a handsome Art Calendar
free. We have gone to considerable expense
in preparing a very handsome Calendar and
all subscribers whose subscriptions are paid
in advance will receive one of tnese calendars
A Happy New Year to all our readers